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#acharyaprashant #kolkatarapecase #rape

Video Information: 18.08.2024, Vedant: Basics to Classics

~ Kolkata Rape Case
~ Sexual Crimes against Women
~ Why crime against women are on a rise?
~ How to bring real justice?
~ How to stop rape?

Music Credits: Milind Date


00:00Namaste Sir. Sir, in India, we recently witnessed a heinous crime that has been widely discussed
00:12in the media. The Supreme Court is set to hear the appeal on the Kolkata case on August
00:1920. Sir, as a teenager and as a political science student in grade 12, I have noticed
00:27that my classmates and my teachers are discussing the matter. And what I find surprising is
00:35that most people seem to focus more on the heinous act of gang rape than of the brutal
00:42murder of the girl. On social media and even at school, I have heard people say things
00:49like, if the criminals wanted to kill the girl, why didn't they do it in another way?
00:58Why commit such a heinous crime like gang rape? Sir, it made me wonder why in cases
01:06like these, the rape often gets more attention than the tragic loss of the victim's life.
01:12I need your thoughts on this. What did you say? What gets more attention?
01:18Yeah, the rape gets more attention than the tragic loss of the victim's life.
01:25That's a pattern we are seeing. Unfortunately, over the years, there have been several cases
01:43and we are unlucky enough to witness all that one after the other. One can always detect a
02:00pattern that gets more prominence and publicity compared to the conclusion is obvious. In fact,
02:16you don't even need to conclude. You can just see. We don't really look at the woman as a
02:30human being. We look at her as physical identity. We have lenses of sex and gender. It is the
02:59woman-ness that matters more to us and matters not in any innocuous sense. It matters in a rather
03:15disturbing sense. We fail to see the human being. The sexual lenses are always
03:45on and it is quite pathetic what that tells about the seer, the looker. It is the female
04:03body. It is the female body that catches our attention, not the loss of a precious human
04:10life. And because the gaze is so sexual, it no more remains a surprise. Gruesome acts
04:27of are so frequent in our country. No crime happens in isolation. The very social gaze
04:40is sexual. It's not that one particular wild individual just dropped in from somewhere
04:56and committed the crime. No. The general society is the breeding ground. What you call as the
05:10common man, the normal social person, provides the ecology, the environment in which wider,
05:28deeper and very violent sexual crimes then manifest. It has to be remembered that the
05:41perpetrator of the crime is a part of the larger society. Though when there are protests,
05:50we want to believe that the larger society is blameless and all the blame has to fall
06:06on one single individual or a few of them. That's not how the thing really is. When these
06:23violent explosions occur, they point at something much more deeper and much more general and
06:36widespread. We want to exonerate ourselves. We want to say we are all good civilized social
06:51people and we condemn these acts. I'm afraid that's an alibi that's run out of its defense.
07:09How long will we keep saying that we are all decent people? From where is all the indecency
07:22coming then? And if you look at the culprits, they come from all strata of the society. It's
07:38not always some landless laborer or truck driver. It could be a rich man. It could be a leader. It
07:49could be a government employee. It could be a businessman. It could be a teenager. Remember the
07:57Hyderabadi case? Or it could be a really old godman. They come from all places and in all kinds
08:13of clothing. It's a wider social phenomena which we are not ready to acknowledge because
08:27if we acknowledge that would be tantamount to accepting our own culpability. I'll come
08:38to who we are and how we are and from that it should be possible to see why culprits
08:52spring up from the social soil, the social springboard every now and then. You see who
09:03are we? You are a teenager. You said you are a political science student, right? Yes.
09:13What does your batch in general want? Don't give me specifics. What do people want from
09:19their future? Sir, they want a UPSC job and then a big villa and then want to get married.
09:34You see that's the social philosophy. That's a social philosophy. I want a life in which
09:43I'll be able to enjoy all the goodies and given the way we have evolved the human body,
09:51both the sexes principally the male counts the female body amongst the foremost goodies of life.
10:06Yes. From a very young age you are indoctrinated into believing that life exists so that it can
10:17be relished. What is the purpose of life? Have as many opportunities of pleasure as possible and to
10:34a young man, when I say young I don't mean 15 only, even 45 is young. As long as you have
10:46sufficient testosterone in some way you are young. To a young man it's about having pleasure and the
11:00female body by dint of evolution is a very important source of pleasure. Very important.
11:11Now if you can have that pleasure in a legal way, in a safe and clean way, wonderful,
11:15that safe and clean way is by way of marriage. By way of marriage. But if you cannot have it
11:25that way then there would always be a lot of people will be prepared to act the victim in
11:35their own eyes and attack women. They say you see having pleasure is my birthright and I'm
11:45not able to get a sufficient quantity of pleasure. Everybody is having fun. Why should I be deprived?
11:56Look at that one. Look at that one. All are making merry. Why should I be a loser? And if
12:08he stays with this thought for long, it will most probably turn into some kind of criminal
12:15aggression. Have you heard of the term incel? It's an involuntary celibate. So the man says
12:33I'm a victim. I'm an involuntary celibate. I want to have sex but women are not giving me
12:39enough opportunities. So without my willingness I have been turned into a celibate. So it's called
12:46incel, involuntary celibate and women are blamed. You see the whole world owes me pleasure and when
12:58it comes to sexual pleasure, it's the women who owe me a lot and if the women won't offer me
13:07pleasure, I'll grab it, snatch it, loot it, plunder it, kill for it because we all exist just to have
13:18pleasure. That's what we have been indoctrinated in. Study so that you can get some kind of a
13:26plum job and if you have a plum job, you'll probably get a plum girl as well. Loads of money
13:38and sex coming your way. Right? What else is there? Ram Krishna Paramhans, that great saint,
13:50used to say that for the common man, there are only two objectives,
13:55Kanchan and Kamini and even these two are intertwined. Money and sex. Kanchan is gold,
14:07Kamini is a lucrative girl. You getting it? So when the entire philosophy, the entire social
14:22philosophy is that life exists for the sake of pleasure, then those who find themselves
14:29deprived of pleasure will go to any extent based on the same philosophy. Right? If you can buy
14:40great food, buy it but if you are unable to buy great food, snatch it and that's the reason why
14:51you require a powerful law and order system and enforcement machinery because the very
15:02philosophy necessitates it. Philosophy says you must have pleasure but not everybody will get
15:10equal chances at pleasure. So what will the deprived ones do? They'll try to break the
15:21law. They'll say, you know, we too must have it but we are not getting a fair chance. We are
15:29victims. We are incels. So we'll do something extraordinary. The underlying philosophy is the
15:38same. The honest man, the so-called honest man earns honestly so that he can consume. The robber,
15:53the thief, plunders so that he can consume. The center of the so-called honest man and the
16:03plunderer. I want to leave you with this question. Is it any different? We are supposed to believe
16:12that the honest man and the dishonest man are poles apart. I'm asking are they? Because in
16:24the Gita, Shri Krishna verse that we want to know the center of a person. Just try to see
16:38what all his actions are for. If you want to see the center a person is operating from, see the
16:51desire that his actions are supposed to fulfill. So I'm an honest man. I'm supposedly an honest
17:02man and I'm working so that I'll get a fat salary and then I'll consume. So what is the end of my
17:09honesty? Consumption. And I'm a thief or robber. I'm a thief. I'm a robber. And I commit robbery
17:18so that I can. What is the end of all my lawlessness? Consumption. Now according to Krishna,
17:29if both of them are working towards the end of consumption, they both are much the same at their
17:34center. Everybody is the same. I'm not going to the absurd extent of saying that everybody is a
17:44rapist or a murderer. But please try to understand what I am trying to say. Most people if they are
18:01not lawbreakers, it is only because of fear. Otherwise our general life philosophy is such
18:11that each one of us is being compelled to consume at whatever cost possible. Just that
18:23when you are threatened with punishment then you try to desist somehow or find your way around the
18:28law. Right now there are no laws on raping the earth. Right now there is no severe punishment
18:38being meted out. If you rape the earth, see everybody is raping the earth. The most respectable
18:46people are at the vanguard of the rape of earth. The day there is some law that starts punishing
18:57such rape, a lot of honorable people would withdraw. But they are withdrawing only because
19:05of fear of punishment. If there is no fear, they will rape the earth. You know of the whole climate
19:11change phenomena. You know it comes from the rape of the planet. You know how all the species are
19:17getting extinct. You know of biodiversity loss. You know of the various ecological disasters.
19:22You know how they can be very literally called as the rape of the planet. And the most respectable
19:33people are at the forefront committing such rape. Are they not? Because this rape is enmeshed in
19:43our general philosophy, in our general thought. Remove all fear of punishment and then look at
19:56the lawlessness that will rage on the streets. There are those who are so afraid that they won't
20:05take the law in their hands. And there are those who are so smart that they break the law and yet
20:13don't get caught. And then there is the third category that commits a crime and also gets
20:21caught. These are the ones we denounce as rapists. Some estimates say that the number
20:36of unreported cases in India is probably up to 40 times more than what is reported. And probably a
20:48majority of the unreported cases are taking place within the household. Some 89%. And majority of
20:59the cases taking place within the household are taking place on the conjugal bed. It is married
21:06to the husband raping the wife. And the husband is a very respectable fellow I tell you. Is he not?
21:17He could be a college professor. He could be a white-collared worker. He could be a member of
21:27the parliament. He could be a police officer. He might be the recipient of some national award
21:39even. Rape is all prevalent. Obviously those who inflict that kind of suffering on a human being,
21:57on a fellow human being must be caught and punished as harshly as possible. But let that
22:05not, let that not, you know, comfort us into believing that *** are isolated incidences.
22:24As long as there is the philosophy of pleasure at whatever cost, rape in all its forms will
22:33keep happening. And if you do not find *** happening somewhere, chances are either the
22:44law is very strict or the chaps are too smart. Law does not need to be just the social law.
23:02It could even be the religious law. If you do all those bad things, then you will rot
23:09in hell. And that makes the man so terrified. He starts calling all the women as his sisters
23:25and starts relying on *** either. All women are my sisters except the ***. We know of
23:41the extent of internet data that is just ***. What does that tell you of? That the need to
23:54consume the female body. To some extent that need is biological. But to a much greater extent,
24:07that need is artificially bloated by the general philosophy of the day. You exist to consume.
24:24There is a beautiful couplet by Saint Kabir comes to my mind. He says, you know, it's a
24:34comparison between the biological urge to have *** versus the social thought, the social construct
24:46of ***. He says, kami kutta teen din anatar rahe udas. He says, and kutta here stands for the
25:01biological kingdom, the animal kingdom. All the living beings except man. He says, the dog becomes
25:12sexually active only in its period of heat. And that period does not last long. Apart from that
25:20period, the dog remains indifferent to the matter of sex. Kami nar kutta sada chheritu baara maas.
25:29Kami kutta teen din anatar rahe udas. Kami nar kutta sada chheritu baara maas. Man is a dog
25:40throughout the year, wagging his tongue, sniffing the rear sides of possible victims. It's not
26:05biological. It's not biological. Biological is three days, euphemistically three days. Remaining
26:13362 days is social. It's about what you are being taught. It's not really your bodily urge. It's a
26:21mental thing. This *** that we want so much in abundance is not so much a need of the body. It's
26:30a need of the mind. Because we are being constantly told *** is important. You must
26:38have pleasure and the female body is a great source of pleasure. Look at how we are symbolizing the
26:46female body constantly. Go to media, social media, especially social media. Even if you go in a
26:55normal way, in an asexual way, spend 10 minutes on Instagram and your thoughts would turn in a
27:03sexual direction. You are being forcibly sexually energized, activated, triggered. It's a thought.
27:25Unless we change that thought, I'm afraid we'll have to live through the pain of seeing more such
27:32incidents. Anything more on that?
