
  • last month


00:00Okay, class, take a seat.
00:01We're gonna be starting with our lesson.
00:03So, bro, this room is so cold.
00:05I know, right?
00:05Why is the temperature so low?
00:07Bro, I'm just gonna wear my hoodie.
00:08I'm not dealing with this.
00:09Wait a minute, what if she yells at you?
00:10Bro, it's a hoodie.
00:11What's the worst that could happen?
00:12So can anybody, Simon!
00:16Take that hoodie off right now.
00:18It's so cold in here.
00:19I don't care about that.
00:20You can't wear hoodies in my classroom.
00:22And you can't have the temperature down to below zero.
00:24Simon, it's not even that cold.
00:25Besides, the freezing cold temperature
00:27is supposed to keep you awake.
00:29Do you not see how you just contradicted yourself?
00:31Simon, if you don't stop complaining about the temperature,
00:33I'm gonna send you to the principal.
00:34I'm not gonna stop complaining about the temperature
00:36until you.
00:40I don't know.
00:41Normally, it cuts to the principal's office
00:42whenever I'm yelling mid-sentence.
00:43That's because I'm already here.
00:44Oh, wow.
00:45What seems to be the problem?
00:46Simon is wearing a hoodie in my class, principal.
00:49Only because the temperature's so low,
00:50it feels like I'm in a tundra.
00:52Okay, let me just check the thermostat.
00:53Principal, I see nothing wrong with my.
00:55Negative 12 degrees, are you crazy?
00:57Oh, please.
00:58You're overreacting.
00:59You're teaching class in an igloo.
01:01You're fine.
01:02Why is fire?
01:03Okay, class, take a seat.
01:03I'm gonna put you in pairs for your next assignment.
01:05Dude, I'm not looking forward to seeing my partner.
01:07True, but it's also fun to see
01:08who other people have to work with.
01:10Oh, yeah?
01:10Like who?
01:11Greg, you're gonna be working with Doug.
01:13Thank you, T.
01:14Yes, ma'am.
01:15Okay, Doug, listen.
01:16I'm the smart person in the group,
01:17so just let me do all the thinking, okay?
01:19Who's Doug?
01:20You are.
01:21Just let me think.
01:22Oh, I can help.
01:23I have so many ideas, like.
01:25Stop it, Doug.
01:25I don't need help from someone
01:27who has the same IQ as Toilet Block.
01:29Yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo.
01:31Hey, Greg, Doug, I've been looking around the classroom,
01:33and I kind of noticed you guys haven't started yet.
01:35Well, that's because you put me
01:36with the dumbest kid in the classroom.
01:38Greg, that's not nice.
01:39At least give him a chance, okay?
01:40How can I have faith in someone
01:41who doesn't even know their own name?
01:43Yeah, he sounds pretty stupid.
01:44Yeah, because it's you, you ignoramus.
01:47No, he's called ignoramus.
01:48That's wild.
01:49Greg, I'm not gonna tolerate bullying in my classroom.
01:50Stop it right now,
01:51or I'm gonna send you to the principal.
01:52I won't stand for it.
01:54A few minutes later.
01:55I'm just happy it's not Simon in my office for once.
01:57What did you do, Greg?
01:58The teacher tried to sabotage me by pairing me with Doug.
02:01What's the problem with that?
02:02Because Doug is the dumbest kid in the whole school.
02:04And if you were as smart as you say you are,
02:06you'd figure out how to make it work.
02:09Okay, class, take out your homework.
02:10We're going to go over it.
02:11So when we take a look at question one,
02:14we can see that the answer is clearly three.
02:17I didn't get that.
02:18Hey, teacher?
02:19Yeah, Simon?
02:20I'm looking at the homework, and I got 14 as my answer.
02:23Well, did you check your work?
02:24Let's take care of one minus two.
02:26Yeah, it's still 14.
02:27Well, then clearly you weren't paying attention to my class.
02:30What about you, Greg?
02:31I also got 14, teacher.
02:33See, Simon, it worked.
02:34Yes, I think Simon was correct.
02:36Let me see that.
02:39It's 14.
02:40Yeah, I told you.
02:41Simon, can I just see you in the hallway for a little bit?
02:43Oh, he's in trouble.
02:45I'm not in trouble.
02:46Yeah, we'll see about that.
02:48A few minutes later.
02:49So what's this about?
02:50Don't you ever embarrass me in that classroom again.
02:53What the, what do you mean?
02:54What makes you think you have the right
02:55to correct me in my own classroom like that?
02:58Oh, I don't know.
02:59Maybe because you were wrong.
03:00I will tolerate this disrespect.
03:02Go to the principal right now.
03:03No need, I'm already here.
03:05Ooh, a twist.
03:06So what seems to be the problem this time?
03:07Simon had the audacity to tell me my work was wrong.
03:12What's seven plus seven?
03:13How did we hire you?
03:14I can't read.
03:15Hi, mom.
03:16It's been a while.
03:17You need to clean this room right now.
03:19Mom, I just got home.
03:21Can I just wait for a little bit?
03:22It's the lazy sun for me.
03:23Oh no.
03:24Oh my God.
03:25Where did you learn that?
03:26I'm learning new slang so I can stay woke.
03:29Why are you trying to fit in?
03:30Well, in order to keep up with the young people,
03:31I had to yossify my language.
03:34You are too old to be sounding that illiterate.
03:36Simon, I'm not that old.
03:37You're ancient.
03:38You're just mad because I'm becoming a girl boss.
03:40I should have just cleaned my room.
03:41So you see how cool I sound now, right?
03:43No, you don't.
03:44It's cringe.
03:45Stop it.
03:46Excuse me?
03:46You're low key and up.
03:47Oh, you did not just call me that, dad.
03:50Five seconds of quiet is all I ask.
03:52Are you guys fighting again?
03:53I wish.
03:54So why are you guys calling me in here?
03:56He's just being an op because my new slang is goals.
03:59All right, I'm calling the pastor
04:00because she's clearly possessed.
04:02Hello there.
04:03Wait, what?
04:05I asked for so little.
04:06What do you want?
04:07I told you to do the dishes an hour ago.
04:09Why aren't they done?
04:10I was busy with homework.
04:11I was going to do-
04:12So you're just making up excuses now.
04:14How is that an excuse to-
04:15No, I don't want to hear it.
04:16I've obviously failed as a mother.
04:19Nah, come back.
04:20Excuse me?
04:21How does me not doing the dishes
04:22mean that you failed as a mother?
04:23Well, maybe if you washed the dishes,
04:25I wouldn't have to feel like this.
04:27I already do a bunch of other chores.
04:28You can't say that.
04:30So not only are you not going to do the dishes,
04:32but you're yelling at your mother as well.
04:35Oh my God.
04:36You know crying's not going to work with me, right?
04:37Son of a nutcracker.
04:38Stop trying to guilt trip me
04:39by saying you failed as a mother.
04:40Well, I wouldn't have to say that
04:42if you didn't fail as a son.
04:44That's really messed up.
04:46I'm getting your father.
04:48I'm in Spain without the S.
04:49What do you want?
04:50Our son is being a failure.
04:51Apparently all because I didn't do the dishes.
04:55Okay, our son gets straight A's,
04:56stays away from drugs,
04:57and just got into graduate school.
04:58How is he a failure?
05:00Because he, well, you're a-
05:01So I'm going to just do the dishes tonight,
05:03and you're good.
05:04Yes, sir.
05:04Okay, class, that's the end of our lesson.
05:06Pack up your things and have a good weekend.
05:07Yo, he's supposed to sign his homework, right?
05:09Maybe he forgot, but don't tell him, okay?
05:11Wait, teacher, you forgot to give us homework
05:13over the weekend.
05:14I can't with this kid, bro.
05:14Oh my God, there's no way he-
05:16I hate you so much.
05:17Oh yeah, that's right.
05:18Everyone get your notebooks out
05:19so you can write down the assignment, okay?
05:20Thank you, teacher.
05:21Greg, you bumbling idiot.
05:23What's the problem, Simon?
05:24Don't you like doing homework on the weekend?
05:26No, nobody does.
05:28It's like the worst way to spend a weekend.
05:29Wait, you mean to tell me your parents
05:31don't lock you in a room
05:32and force you to do fractions all day?
05:34I need to call CPS or something.
05:35Either way, anytime doing homework is time well spent.
05:38You're not a PSA.
05:39Stop trying to be a hero, okay?
05:41Simon, why are you yelling at Greg again?
05:43Why are you assigning us homework over the weekend?
05:45Why can't you have amnesia?
05:46Simon, relax.
05:47The homework isn't even that bad.
05:48Oh really?
05:49What is it?
05:50Oh, you know, just a 20-page essay
05:51on how you would achieve world peace.
05:54Yeah, it's nothing much really.
05:55You could totally do it.
05:58A few minutes later.
05:59Simon, why did you yell at Greg in class?
06:01Greg reminded the teacher
06:02to give homework over the weekend.
06:04You called him a cotton-headed mini-muggins.
06:06What does that even mean?
06:07I don't know, but it made him cry, so.
06:09Get out!
06:10We were doing so well.
06:11What do you want?
06:12Why are there dirty dishes in the kitchen?
06:14I don't know, I wasn't in the-
06:15Well, you need to go clean them.
06:17But I didn't even-
06:18No buts.
06:19In this house, we always clean up after ourselves.
06:22But I didn't cause that mess in the kitchen.
06:24My little brother did.
06:25Oh really?
06:26I'll get him now.
06:26Little Jimmy?
06:27Yes, mother?
06:28Did you cause that mess in the kitchen?
06:32Yeah, sorry, mom.
06:34You see?
06:35Well, that's okay.
06:37Simon will clean it up.
06:38See now, you-
06:40Oh, I'm sorry, is there a problem?
06:41Uh, yeah, actually.
06:42Why do I have to clean it up?
06:43Simon, sometimes you have to pick up the slack
06:45for other people.
06:46You can't make me do that.
06:47This is favoritism.
06:48Simon, don't be ridiculous.
06:50I don't have a favorite child.
06:51Oh yeah?
06:52When Jimmy got a C on his test the other day,
06:53you said, good job.
06:55Okay, so?
06:55But when I got an A minus on mine the other day,
06:57you called me a failure.
06:58I won't tolerate these possibly true accusations.
07:01I'm getting your father.
07:03I've run out of one-liners.
07:04What do you want?
07:05Simon thinks I like Jimmy more than him.
07:07Yeah, because you do.
07:09For Christmas, you gave Simon a singular sock,
07:11but for Jimmy, you got him a new iPhone.
07:12He needs it!
07:13He's nine!
07:14For what?
07:16What have I done?
07:17I want you to go do the dishes right now.
07:19Mom, I'll do them later.
07:20Can I just?
07:21Are you giving me disrespect?
07:22What the, no!
07:23How is that?
07:24I don't even want to argue.
07:25You're gonna get the belt right now.
07:27Whoa, whoa, whoa, chill.
07:27I'm sorry, okay?
07:28Trust me, Simon.
07:29This hurts me more than it hurts you.
07:31No, seriously!
07:33Wait, what?
07:34You heard me.
07:34I said this is gonna hurt.
07:35Oh, I heard you.
07:36Um, how does that work?
07:38Excuse me?
07:39How is this gonna hurt you
07:40if you're the one with the belt?
07:41Because if I hit you,
07:42I'm gonna feel pain on the inside.
07:44And if you hit me,
07:45I'm gonna feel pain on the outside.
07:46Believe me, Simon, this is for your own good.
07:49No, it's not.
07:49You think I want to hit my son?
07:51I'm gonna say yes,
07:52because you want to hit me over the dishes.
07:54You know what?
07:55I'm getting your father, honey.
07:56I gotta start listening to the voices in my head.
07:58What do you want?
07:59Our son is being disrespectful.
08:01She's saying that hitting me with the belt
08:02is gonna hurt her more than me?
08:04Yeah, that's definitely not true.
08:06Yeah, I mean, you're literally choosing to hit him.
08:07I don't understand how this is gonna hurt you.
08:09You know what?
08:10You do it.
08:12I'm not dealing with this anymore.
08:15What did you even do?
08:17It's way too early for this.
08:18What do you want?
08:19School starts in 30 minutes.
08:20Why aren't you ready?
08:21Mom, I'm tired.
08:22Can't you just drive me?
08:23Oh, so you're too lazy to walk to school now, huh?
08:26No, but it's so far away,
08:27and I don't feel like walking then.
08:28Oh, please.
08:29When I was your age,
08:30I had to walk halfway across the country to get to school.
08:33What the, how did you?
08:34And when it was winter,
08:35I had to walk without a coat, barefoot.
08:37You would die.
08:38And sometimes I had to fight a dragon as well.
08:40Dragons aren't even real.
08:42So if I went through all that,
08:43I don't wanna hear your yammering.
08:45Okay, you made that up.
08:47Excuse me?
08:47You really expect me to believe
08:48you went through all that just to get to school?
08:50Simon, times were a lot different back then.
08:53Which times, Narnia?
08:54Are you Harry Potter or something?
08:55Simon, I'm trying to prove a point.
08:57If I can fight a giant to get to school,
08:59you should have no problem.
09:00I thought it was a dragon.
09:01Yeah, a giant dragon.
09:03You know, if you didn't spend all this time lying,
09:05you could have driven me to school by now.
09:06I'm not gonna argue with you anymore.
09:08I'm getting your father.
09:10I haven't even had my coffee yet.
09:11What do you want?
09:12Our son doesn't wanna walk to school.
09:13Apparently, mom had to fight a dragon
09:15on the way to school.
09:16You sound unstable.
09:18Simon, get in the car.
09:19I'll drop you off on my way to work.
09:21Okay, class, let's continue with our lesson.
09:23When we talked about-
09:24Bro, I have to pee so bad.
09:25Bro, just ask if you can go.
09:26What the?
09:27No, I'm an adult.
09:28I'll go whenever I want.
09:29So when this was-
09:31Literally almost peed myself.
09:32What do you want?
09:33Where do you think you're going?
09:34I'm going to the bathroom.
09:35I have to pee.
09:36No, you don't.
09:37Get back in your seat.
09:38But why?
09:39You can't just get up and leave
09:40for the bathroom like that.
09:41But I have to go.
09:42It's an emergency.
09:43It doesn't seem like an emergency to me.
09:45So you want me to pee on the floor
09:47is what you're saying?
09:47Simon, if you wanna go to the bathroom
09:49during my class,
09:50you have to ask me first.
09:52I'm a grown man.
09:53Using the bathroom is a basic human right.
09:55Well, human rights don't exist in my classroom.
09:57Did you just admit to being a dictator?
09:59I'm not gonna say it again.
10:00If you wanna go to the bathroom,
10:01raise your hand and ask.
10:03Just do it, bro.
10:06Yes, Simon?
10:07Can I go to the bathroom?
10:08I don't know.
10:09Can you?
10:10You little sh...
10:11A few minutes later.
10:13Simon, I am this close to entering a monastery.
10:15What did you do this time?
10:16Teacher was being annoying
10:17because she wouldn't let me go to the bathroom.
10:19Did you at least find a bathroom on your way here?
10:21Oh, so about that.
10:23Why is there pee on the floor?
10:26If I didn't have neighbors,
10:26I'd scream right now.
10:27What do you want?
10:28I need you to do the dishes right now.
10:30I already did them.
10:32Well, I need you to take out the trash.
10:34I did that too.
10:36Well, you need to...
10:37To do what?
10:38I finished all my chores in case you're wondering.
10:40That's not true.
10:41I have some more chores for you.
10:42Like what?
10:43What else could you have me do?
10:44Well, I need you to...
10:47Mow the homework again.
10:49You gotta be kidding me.
10:50And I need you to fold the lawn.
10:53That's not...
10:53And I need you to walk the fish.
10:54We don't even have a fish.
10:55And if you don't get this done in an hour,
10:57you're grounded.
10:58So let me get this straight.
10:59You're making up chores now
11:00because you're upset that I actually did my job?
11:02Simon, I don't see the problem.
11:04All these chores are perfectly reasonable.
11:06You're asking me to bend the laws of reality.
11:08How is that reasonable?
11:09So you won't bend the laws of reality,
11:10but you'll bend your body to relax on that bed, huh?
11:13Something about that sounds wrong.
11:14You know what?
11:15I'm getting your father.
11:17Where's a hammer when you need it?
11:18What do you want?
11:19Our son won't do his chores.
11:21I just saw him doing his chores an hour ago.
11:22What do you mean?
11:24He still has to walk the homework,
11:25mow the fish,
11:26and fold the lawn.
11:27That wasn't even the correct order.
11:28Yeah, are you drunk?
11:30Okay, class.
11:31So let's continue with our lesson.
11:32When we talked about...
11:33This class is so long.
11:34I know, right?
11:35I just wanted to...
11:36After we learned about this...
11:36Ring, ring, ring, ring, ring.
11:38Class is over.
11:39Get out.
11:40Anyway, when we...
11:42What is it, teacher?
11:43Where do you think you're going?
11:44I'm going home.
11:46Class is over.
11:46I don't think so.
11:47Get back into your seat.
11:48But the bell rang.
11:49It's time to leave.
11:50The bell doesn't dismiss you.
11:52I do.
11:53Okay, so that's stupid.
11:55Excuse me?
11:56No, let me explain.
11:57If the bell doesn't dismiss us,
11:58then why is it there?
11:59Simon, the bell doesn't apply to me,
12:01and you know it.
12:02Oh, so you think you're important now.
12:03Yes, I can keep you as long as I want.
12:06I have tenure.
12:07What kind of logic is that?
12:08I don't care how long it takes.
12:09This lesson is over
12:10when I finish covering the material.
12:12Why are you doing this anyway?
12:13None of us even wanna be here.
12:14I do.
12:15Greg, shut up.
12:16Simon, I'm gonna get the principal
12:17if you don't stop causing a ruckus.
12:19Yeah, right.
12:20Like he'd actually show up.
12:21Excuse me, I'm hearing a lot of yelling.
12:22What's going on?
12:23Oh, you showed up.
12:24This student won't let me teach my class.
12:26That makes no sense.
12:28So maybe you should...
12:28No, it makes no sense
12:29because the bell already rang.
12:32Class is over.
12:32Let them go home.
12:33What is...
12:34Okay, class, take a seat.
12:35I'm just grading your test.
12:36So I'm gonna hand them back now.
12:37Yo, who do you think got the highest score?
12:38Obviously it was Greg, bro.
12:39Greg, you got a 99.
12:41Thank you, teacher.
12:41Oh, before I forget,
12:42I just wanna congratulate the student
12:44who got the highest score in the class.
12:45Obviously it was Greg, bro.
12:46Who else could it be?
12:47I know, I'm a genius.
12:48And that student is Doug.
12:51Oh, word?
12:51Yeah, Doug, you got a 100.
12:52Oh, I won?
12:53I got a 100?
12:55Wait a minute, this isn't right.
12:57Yeah, Greg, what's up?
12:57How did Doug get a higher score than me?
12:59That's impossible.
13:00Greg, relax.
13:01It's only one point.
13:02You both got an A plus.
13:03Well, clearly you made a mistake.
13:04I'd like a recount of the points, please.
13:06Greg, I didn't make a mistake.
13:07Maybe Doug just studied more.
13:09But that doesn't make sense.
13:10Doug shouldn't have passed at all.
13:11Oh yeah?
13:12And why is that?
13:13Because Doug is the dumb kid.
13:14No way.
13:15Okay, so if Doug is the dumb kid
13:17and he got a higher score than you,
13:19doesn't that make you dumber?
13:21Oh my God!
13:24I'm leaving.
13:25This is great.
13:26Oh wait, how did you get a 100 anyway?
13:27Oh, I put C for every answer.
13:30This has to be a war crime.
13:31What do you want?
13:31I need you to clean the bathroom right now.
13:34But I cleaned it last week.
13:35Why do I have to do-
13:36Because in this house, we only stand clean people.
13:39No, not again.
13:40Not again.
13:41Yeah, you like that, huh?
13:42I'm in my cool mom era.
13:44And I'm in my,
13:45I'm not cleaning the bathroom till you stop era, okay?
13:47Excuse me?
13:48Don't be mad because you've got L bathroom Riz, okay?
13:51You didn't even use that right.
13:53What does that mean?
13:56What are you doing?
13:57I'm giving you a side eye
13:58because you're not listening to your mother.
14:01Dad, if I have to call the church again,
14:03I'm gonna scream.
14:04Um, excuse me?
14:05Not both of you trying to gatekeep my purr.
14:09So you're gonna call somebody?
14:10Yeah, the travel agency.
14:12I'm moving to Europe.
14:12I can't do this anymore.
