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00:00I mean your report card came in. Okay before we start
00:03I just want to let you know that I got an A plus in every class. Really? I don't believe you
00:07Oh, really? Here's my report card. Let me see that
00:11See I told you I was gonna get good grades on all my- so is this the best that you can do?
00:15What? These grades are not good enough Simon. You need to be better. How? I literally can't be better
00:21You should always be getting higher grades than this. What grade is higher than an A plus? Tell me. How about an A plus plus?
00:27That would be nice. That's not possible. I'm gonna get your father. Honey, what do you want from me?
00:32Look at our son's report card and tell me what you think
00:36He got A pluses in all his classes, what's the problem? He should be getting an A plus plus
00:40Okay, tell me have you ever gotten an A plus plus in school? What?
00:45Exactly son great job. I'm proud of you. Thanks, Dad
00:49Class take your seats before I begin. How was everyone's weekend? Oh, my weekend was pretty. I had the worst weekend ever
00:55Oh my lord, why not again?
00:57All the time, all the time
00:59No, you don't understand. My life is literally the worst. Well, I'm sure everyone wants to hear this
01:04No, we don't. You want to explain why Jalissa? For starters, my dad got me a Porsche instead of a Bugatti
01:09Then my mom said we were going to Cancun for the summer when I wanted to go to Italy
01:13Then they lowered my allowance to 500 instead of a thousand. Girl, your allowance is 500 a week. What's wrong with you?
01:19Um, I'm basically a poor person. Duh. You live in a mansion and you have a Porsche. How are you poor?
01:24Don't even talk to me. I shouldn't have to speak to a poor person like you
01:28So I guess that makes two of us, right? Yo, what the?
01:31I've been getting so many complaints about this. It's honestly so exhausting. Listen, I just want to say oh, I wasn't talking to you
01:37I was talking to Jalissa. What? Yeah for bullying people for not being as rich as you
01:40I'm suspending you for a week. But you can't do that. My dad will sue you. Guess what? What? I don't care
01:47Hey Simon. Yeah, dude. I want to turn on the video game. What the? No, I'm busy right now
01:52You know, if you don't share I'm just gonna tell mom and dad that you hit me
01:56You know, they're not gonna believe you right? Mom! Simon! Why? Just why? What's all the commotion in here?
02:02Mommy, I was playing video games, but Simon didn't like that and he hit me
02:09Okay, look what really happened was. You hit little Jimmy? Wait, let me explain. You're grounded. What?
02:15Yes, you shouldn't be hitting little Jimmy at all. You didn't even hear me out
02:18Why are you taking a side all of a sudden? Because he's only a baby. He's eight. He can do no wrong
02:24He literally stole your credit card info the other day. What are you talking about? You know what?
02:28I'm getting your father. Honey. Is a quiet house too much to ask for these days? Simon hit our little Jimmy
02:33Do you really think dad's gonna believe? You hit my favorite son?
02:37Well, that hurt. Not as much as this belt. Come here. No, what?
02:42Simon! We need to talk about your report card. What? Why? It's fine. I got almost all A's
02:48Not here. It says you've got a B+. What's wrong with the B+, that's normal. In Spanish.
02:56Oh, I'm dead, aren't I? How do you get a B+, in Spanish? It's the language of our people
03:01You're just gonna ignore the fact that I got an A in everything else
03:04I have come to the decision that you're a failure. You don't even speak it at home
03:09School is literally the only place where I actually learn it. You should be knowing Spanish before you can even walk
03:15That's just not humanly possible, but I know Spanish. Okay, do it. What? Speak it right now
03:27Congratulations on your report card, sweetie. Gee, thanks
03:32Okay, mom's dad's welcome to parent-teacher night
03:34So I'm just gonna step out of the room for a few minutes while I'm gone. Just talk amongst yourselves. Okay? Oh, hi
03:39Hi, I'm Simon's mom. Who are you? Oh, hi. I'm Greg's mom. It's so nice to meet you
03:44I know it's so great to meet another parent in this class. Yes, Greg loves biology. He's actually the smartest one in the class
03:52Really? Come to think of it. My son scores the highest out of all of his classes actually
03:57Wow, yeah, and he's also part of many different clubs like debate club, math club, chess club, science club, history club
04:04He's also captain of the school fencing team and got full rights to Harvard, Princeton and Yale. My son's going to college too
04:11Oh, congrats, where's he going to? Um, music school. Oh, that's adorable
04:20Two hours later
04:23No, you're not ready for this. Get ready for me. Put down the controller now. Whoa, chill. What's going on?
04:28I don't want to hear it starting tomorrow. You're joining all these clubs
04:32Fencing club? Greg's the captain. He's gonna kill me
04:36I mean, I can't wait to move out. What do you want? You haven't helped out around the house at all today. Why?
04:41Because I have homework. I have a big project that's due at- I don't care about that. You need to slay them chores
04:46No, no, no, no, we can't be doing this again. Excuse me. Do you have a problem with me sounding bougie?
04:52No, I have a problem with you sounding dumb. You need to watch how you talk to me. It's giving lazy son
04:58That was actually horrible. So you'll do your chores now that I'm speaking like you, right? No, you sound uneducated
05:03Stop it. Simon, if you talk to me like that again, I'm taking away your phone on my mama. On grandma? Period.
05:10This is unacceptable. Dad, do I need to call the pastor again? Possibly. Our son is being salty and clapping back at his mom.
05:16Damn. Yeah, we're gonna need the Pope for this one. The what?
05:26Simon, we need to talk about your grades. Why are we having this conversation? What did you get in chemistry this semester?
05:33Uh, chemistry, I got an A. I don't believe that. Tell me what you really got. Oh, so you think I'm lying?
05:38Here's my report card. Let me see that. Now, what does it say? It says chemistry. You got an A. There you go
05:44So now you have to admit. But you could have easily faked this. How am I gonna fake an entire report card?
05:50I'm gonna call your teacher and ask what you got.
05:53Ring ring ring ring ring. Hello. Hello. This is Simon's mom. Yeah, I can tell.
05:59I just want to know what my son got in your chemistry class. Simon, I believe got an A. See, I told you. What?
06:06Yeah, he's one of the best students in my class.
06:11I'm gonna call you back. Please do not. So, how'd that go?
06:16Congrats on getting an A in chemistry, sweetie. Oh, well, thanks, mom.
06:21Simon, do you want to explain your recent test grade? I don't know. Did I do bad or something? Uh, no.
06:28So why are you yelling? What'd I get anyway? You got a 99 on your last math test.
06:34A 99? That's amazing. I can't. No, it's not. You could have gotten a 100. In math, have you met me?
06:41You were one point away from perfection. That's basically failing. It's still an A+. It doesn't even make a difference at this point.
06:48You could always do better.
06:50Especially since you were just one point away. Didn't I get like a 92 the other day and you didn't even say a word?
06:56I'm getting your father. Honey. I just want to take a nap. What do you want?
07:01Guess what our son got on his last test. I don't know, a 2? No, he got a 99. You got a 99?
07:08Yeah, in calculus. Wow, good job. That's really hard.
07:11But he could have gotten a 100. And he also could have gotten an F, so maybe let's be grateful. Thanks, dad.
07:20Simon! I guess peace was never an option. What do you want?
07:23Can you explain why the dishes aren't done? Because I was busy doing all my other chores. Um, that sounds like an excuse to me.
07:29I'm literally doing my job. Well, clearly you're not doing it well enough. Okay, but you don't have to yell at me for it.
07:35Simon, I'm your mother. I can yell at you as much as I want and nobody can stop me. Are you sure about that?
07:40What are you doing? I think I know one person who could stop you from yelling at me.
07:45No! Grandma! Simon, you piece of- Why are you yelling at my grandson?
07:50Mom? Hi, grandma. Are you yelling at my grandson?
07:53Yes, but he didn't do the dishes like I asked him. But he did all of his other chores. If you ask me,
07:58I think he deserves a break. What? Yay. Simon, do you want me to get the belt?
08:03Do you want me to get the belt? What the- Now apologize. Huh? Do it!
08:08Sorry, son. Oh, it's okay, mom.
08:11Okay, class. Let's continue with our lesson. When we talked about- I have to pee so bad. Bro, just ask if you can go.
08:17No, I'm an adult. I'll go whenever I want. So when this was- Simon! Literally almost peed myself. What do you want?
08:23Where do you think you're going? I'm going to the bathroom. I have to pee. No, you don't! Get back in your seat!
08:28But why? You can't just get up and leave for the bathroom like that. But I have to go. It's an emergency.
08:33It doesn't seem like an emergency to me.
08:35So you want me to pee on the floor is what you're saying. If you want to go to the bathroom,
08:39raise your hand and ask. Just do it, bro.
08:44Yes, Simon. Can I go to the bathroom? I don't know. Can you?
08:48Can you?
09:00Hey class, please have a seat. I'm going to be giving your test back, okay? Oh my god.
09:05I know I failed this test, dude. Greg, you got a 100. Thank you, teacher. Simon,
09:09there seems to be an issue with your test. Why? What's the problem? Well, it says here you also got a 100.
09:14No way! Let's go!
09:17But you clearly cheated off of Greg, so I'm gonna have to give you a zero.
09:20Yo, that's preposterous. What? Simon, you know the rules. If you cheat, you get an F.
09:24But I didn't cheat! What makes you think that? Because no one's ever gotten a higher test score than Greg.
09:29Oh, so other people can't be smart now? Is that it? Simon, you clearly cheated off of Greg.
09:33How else would you have gotten a 100? Because I studied! Enough with these lies. We're going to the principal right now.
09:39Why did you bring Simon into my office? Why? Simon cheated off Greg during a test. No, I didn't!
09:44Oh, please! Because you're too smart? No, because I sit on the other side of the room!
09:50Get out of my office.
