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00:00Trick-or-treat! Today's Halloween? Um, yeah, today's Halloween. Do you not see my outfit
00:11and my bunnies? Oh, I'm sorry, kids. I don't have any candy. Well, I'm not leaving until
00:16I get my candies. I have no candies. Oh, actually, let me go find you something right now. Don't
00:22be sad, kids. Don't be sad. Okay, it better be something good. I found something great
00:27for you. I found some noodles. Ew, noodles! That is so nasty! You don't like these noodles?
00:34It's shrimp flavor. Ew, and shrimp flavor? I would never. Take these noodles. The poor
00:45What a disgrace! And don't come back here!
00:59Okay, darling, go and hide!
01:01Go and hide! Is she here? No! Is she here? No! Found you!
01:15Okay, go and hide! Okay!
01:22Oh, yeah, come out!
01:23Look at this dude!
01:26Mom, can I have some? Oh, honey, no, this is gross. Mom, can I have one? Oh, honey,
01:35these are gross. Mom, can I have a bite? Oh, honey, no, this is gross.
01:45Ooh, honey, what you got there? Dad got me treats. Can I have one? Ew, no, mom, these are gross.
01:56Hey, lady, can I see your phone, please? How do I say this politely, sweetheart? Um,
02:03hell no, never again. Ugh, why not? I got to call CPS because you're neglecting me.
02:10How? You haven't fed me real food in a week. Sweetheart, I don't know what you're on about,
02:17but I've cooked dinner and lunch at home for the past week. How much real food do you need?
02:22The only three people I accept to make my food from now on is Ronald McDonald, the Burger
02:26King, and Wendy. Sweetheart, you know that Ronald McDonald, Wendy, and the Burger King
02:31don't actually make the food, right? My whole life is a lie. I mean, the sooner you get
02:38that notion through your head, I think it'll make life a little bit easier, but honey,
02:41I'll get you a snack. You hungry? What do you want? Get out of the way, I'll find something
02:44myself. Oh, fine, it was an accident, sweetheart, don't worry about it. You were an accident.
02:51Ditto. What?
02:56Thank you for calling Starbucks, how can I help you?
02:58Right now I want an iced coffee. Can you please make it for me?
03:11Yes, ma'am, we do make coffee. What size would you like?
03:14I'd like it grande in size.
03:19Okay, do you know around when you'll be here to get it?
03:23I'm picking it up, picking it up, in 21 minutes I'm picking it up.
03:28Okay, anything else with that?
03:31Please put two pumps of hazelnut syrup, that's how I like it, I like it, I like it.
03:41Ma'am, you know this is Starbucks, right?
03:49Things that scared me?
03:51To the max!
03:53When you're enjoying being home alone, and remember your mom say,
03:57When I get back, this house better be clean or else.
04:02But you're still like, eh, I'll do it in a little bit, I got time.
04:07And before you know it...
04:15You're here.
04:20So you try to get everything done before she comes in like...
04:24You're here.
04:30You're here.
04:38You're here.
04:48Can I have a Frappuccino, Cappuccino, Mocha, Espresso, Iced Tea, Latte, and a Fizzo,
04:53A flatbread sandwich with a panini, some kind of salad, not too many calories,
04:57Cake pop brownie, and a cookie, donut muffin, and a Rice Krispie,
05:00Sweet tea, lemonade, and a smoothie, white chocolate mocha, and a croissant?
05:04Will that be all for today?
05:06Yes! Totally.
05:08Okay, are you for sure?
05:10Okay, your total is...
05:12The register just deleted everything you ordered.
05:15Should I say my order again?
05:17Um, does Starbucks have coffee?
05:18Does that mean yes?
05:19Frappuccino, Cappuccino, Mocha, Espresso, Iced Tea, Latte, and a Fizzo,
05:22A flatbread sandwich with a panini, some kind of salad, not too many calories,
05:26Cake pop brownie, and a cookie, donut muffin, and a Rice Krispie,
05:30Sweet tea, lemonade, and a smoothie, white chocolate mocha, and a croissant?
05:34Okay, your total is $167.59.
05:38Okay, great! That's cheaper than yesterday! Ha ha!
05:42Mommy, can I please use the bathroom?
05:46Not yet, sweetie. You have to finish the alphabet first.
05:51A, B, C, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, and Z.
06:10Wait, wait, wait. Where's the P?
06:14It's halfway down my butt, Mommy.
06:22Mom, can I have Roblox?
06:24Do I look like a bank to you?
06:26No, but...
06:27But what?
06:28I, I...
06:30You, you think money grows on trees?
06:32No, I...
06:33I, I, what you better do is wash the dishes.
06:37But Roblox...
06:38Okay, hold on. Hello, may I speak to the manager of Roblox?
06:43I'll just do the dishes.
06:45Okay, you listen here, you little Roblox manager. My daughter really...
06:48You ever wish you didn't tell your friends who your crush was?
06:52Because, like, you'd be having a good time just chilling with your friend.
06:57But as soon as your crush gets anywhere near you, your friends will start teasing you, like...
07:06Mommy, why do you have so much hair?
07:09Well, because I'm not stressed.
07:12Oh, really, Mommy? But what do you do to Daddy?
07:16What do you mean by that?
07:18Well, Daddy only has a little bit of hairs on his head.
07:24Yes, Shem?
07:25If you can guess what is written on my hand, I will give you $100.
07:34Try again.
07:36Try again.
07:38Try again.
07:40Try again.
07:42Try again.
07:44Yes, Shem?
07:45If you can guess what is written on my hand, I will give you $100.
07:52Try again.
07:54Try again.
07:56Try again.
07:58Try again.
07:59So what did you write on your hand?
08:00What is written on my hand is, try again.
08:29I can't sleep.
08:30What's wrong?
08:31I'm scared.
08:32From what?
08:33From the movies we watched.
08:34You watched Disney movies?
08:35I know, but I feel like Mike Wazowski's in my closet.
08:38You feel like Mike Wazowski's in the closet?
08:40Yeah, and the candle from Beauty and the Beast, and it keeps singing like,
08:43Be our guest, be our guest, put our magic to the test.
08:48Go to bed.
08:51You know, hey.
08:53Go to the bathroom first.
08:54I don't want you to pee in the bed.
08:56I already peed.
08:57You already peed?
08:59In the bed?
09:00It's everywhere.
09:03Hey, honey, you got to put the table up before we take off.
09:05Um, then how am I going to play on my phone?
09:07You can hold it.
09:08Also, you're not supposed to play on your phone while we take off.
09:10You got to put it in airplane mode.
09:12Airplane mode.
09:14Bye, have a great time.
09:15Excuse me.
09:16I just throw it.
09:17You said airplane mode.
09:18Airplane mode.
09:19Now it can't fly.
09:20Dear God, this is why we've never flown before.
09:22No, honey, just sit down and be quiet for like five minutes while we take off.
09:26Lady, you got to chill out.
09:27Every time we travel, you get all high-strung and stressed out.
09:30I think traveling is the best.
09:32Shut up.
09:33I'm sorry.
09:35You can't say that word on an airplane, honey.
09:39Well, I'll tell you about that some other time.
09:42Where are my complimentary snacks?
09:43They used to, but I don't think we're going to get snacks anymore.
09:46But those people in the front got snacks.
09:48Well, sweetie, they're in first class.
09:50We're sitting coach.
09:51This is why I hate being poor.
09:53We're not poor.
09:54Sweetie, we're about to take off.
09:56I'll count down.
09:59Mommy, mommy, I hurt my toe.
10:02Can you make it better?
10:04I want to know.
10:05How about band-aid?
10:07Oh, no, I hate those things.
10:09Disinfectant spray.
10:10Oh, no, it always stings.
10:12If you want to know what you think, shoot my big toe.
10:15Shoot my big toe.
10:16It's mommy's kiss.
10:17That's what it is.
10:18Oh, yeah.
10:19Or how about some ice?
10:20Oh, no, it makes me freeze when it would be nice.
10:23Oh, no, it feels like grease.
10:25If you want to know what you think, shoot my big toe.
10:28Shoot my big toe.
10:29It's mommy's kiss.
10:30That's what it is.
10:31Oh, yeah.
10:32It's mommy's kiss.
10:33That's what it is.
10:34Oh, kiss it.
10:36It's mommy's kiss.
10:37Feels so nice.
10:39And I will fix my big toe.
10:42It's the love.
10:44That's what it is.
10:46Inside mommy's kiss.
10:48Or how about band-aid?
10:50Oh, no, that's not the way.
10:52And you're not listening to what I say.
10:55If you want to know what you think, shoot my big toe.
10:58Shoot my big toe.
10:59It's mommy's kiss.
11:00That's what it is.
11:01Oh, yeah.
11:02It's mommy's kiss.
11:03That's what it is.
11:06Dude, I have the best idea.
11:07What is your idea?
11:08So we're going to convince mom to buy all this candy because we're going to tell her
11:11there's going to be a ton of trick-or-treaters, but there's really not going to be any trick-or-treaters.
11:14And then all this candy is going to be ours.
11:16That is a really good idea.
11:17I swear it's going to work.
11:18Trust me.
11:19You know what?
11:20We should get this one and these.
11:22I love Butterfingers.
11:23And this big bag.
11:24Like, come on.
11:25Let's go tell mom right now.
11:26We need all of this candy.
11:28Um, no.
11:29What is this?
11:30You just can't set stuff in my car.
11:31I'm not paying for that.
11:32Dang it, mom.
11:33Why not?
11:34She's right.
11:35We have to have a lot of candy because this year there's going to be a ton of trick-or-treaters
11:38in the neighborhood.
11:39I don't think there's going to be that many trick-or-treaters this year.
11:41Mom, are you serious?
11:42Do you really want to be that one house that has no candy?
11:45That's going to be super embarrassing.
11:47I guess.
11:48You're right.
11:49I don't want to be that house.
11:50Go ahead.
11:51That's fine.
11:52We do need a lot of candy.
11:53See, mom?
11:54We also need these two.
11:55There's going to be so many trick-or-treaters.
11:56We have to come prepared.
11:57We need all the candy that we can get.
12:02Mom, I got the best parents in the world.
12:05Thank you, son.
12:06I really appreciate that.
12:08And you cook the best food, too.
12:10That's just mind-blowing.
12:12Thank you so much, son.
12:13Mom, you even cleaned the house in a second.
12:17Mom, let's be honest.
12:18You are the most beautiful woman in this world, right?
12:22Son, you're making me blush.
12:24And you and dad, you guys are the best couple, man.
12:27There is not any couple like this.
12:30And mom, whenever I ask you to buy something for me, you buy it, right?
12:38And can you buy me the newest iPhone 13?
12:41I said no!
