Build for the Flood - Touré Roberts

  • le mois dernier


00:00:00Revival is breaking out on the continent of Africa and I think it has the potential to
00:00:28break out here. We have some challenges. Sometimes the enemy to revival in a nation
00:00:37is comfort. I remember I heard a preacher from the continent of Africa say once, and
00:00:45I didn't catch it at first, but when I caught it, it wrecked me. He said, you guys in the
00:00:51west, he said, you guys believe in God. And I was like, yeah, that's right. He said, here
00:01:02in Africa, we depend on God. And it wrecked me. It wrecked me. And perhaps it's that dependency
00:01:16that postured them to see the great miracles that they often see, like the dead being raised.
00:01:25But that song resonated. You must be up to something. I didn't know that they were going
00:01:31to sing it here today because it aligns very much with the word that's in my spirit for
00:01:35today. And God is up to something in our world and in particular in this country, in this
00:01:42nation. This nation matters to God. This nation means something to God. And if you're sensitive,
00:01:51you can sense that something's happening. I want to talk today from this idea. It is
00:02:02really a command. Build for the flood. Build for the flood. And I want to share my heart
00:02:12before I share this message. I am obsessed with making sure that you know what's going
00:02:22on. I'm obsessed with making certain that you are equipped and that you are prepared
00:02:32for the age and the stage that we're in, because these are very, very serious times.
00:02:39Very serious times. And how you posture yourself now and how you build now is everything. And
00:02:49there is a lot of noise. And the noise that you can resonate with, there's noise that
00:02:56you can't resonate with. There's just a lot of noise. And it has never been more important
00:03:02for you to one, hear the voice of the Lord. The voice of the Lord. So that you can hear
00:03:13the voice of instruction about what you are supposed to be building right now. Because
00:03:19you're not building just to be building. God didn't create you to build whatever you want
00:03:25to build. You are his blueprint. And you have blueprints. There's something that you
00:03:37are supposed to build in your generation that no one can build but you. No one has the materials.
00:03:44No one has the unique perspective. No one has the unique grace. No one has the unique
00:03:48favor but you. And my approach to preaching, whether it's here or in Dallas or wherever
00:03:55I go, my approach to preaching is not, let me find something to preach. That's easy.
00:04:04No. Let me find what God is saying. If this was my last time with you, then give me the
00:04:12word for them in this season. So much so that it would sustain them forever. And I'll
00:04:19give you another insight. When I'm preaching, I am pursuing with the same intentionality
00:04:26and intensity, revelation that will build you the same way I would seek revelation to
00:04:33build my kids. Two of them are sitting right there. I love you on that level. Because you're
00:04:40my father's kids. And we got the same daddy. And I have a call. I have a charge. I have
00:04:47an assignment. God brought me out of the dust and gave me a great responsibility. So I say
00:04:55all that to say that it may lack some of the sermonic structure that you're used to. It
00:04:59may not have three points and a poem. I may not start with a really fun story at the beginning
00:05:05that captures their attention. And then a big bang at the end. It may not have that.
00:05:10But it will be the voice of the Lord. And it will be what God is saying to you today.
00:05:16And if you listen and you take heed, you'll be better. You'll be stronger. You'll leave
00:05:20out of here wiser. You'll leave out of here with more power. You'll leave out of here
00:05:24with clarity. And you'll leave out of here equipped for things that are coming your way
00:05:27that you didn't even know were coming. And so I want to, I want to pray. And then we're
00:05:34going to get into this message. We're going to see what God does. And I figure about five
00:05:37or six o'clock tonight, we'll wrap up. And then we can go across the street to Bledsoe's
00:05:42and have dinner. Father, not my will, but your will be done. Father, I thank you for
00:05:49your rich and radical love. These are your sons and daughters here in your house today.
00:05:53God, I feel the weight of this responsibility. I feel it every time I open my mouth to speak
00:05:59to your people. God, I'm not playing with your people because you're not playing with
00:06:03your people and you ain't playing with me. So let the words in my mouth and the meditation
00:06:07in my heart be acceptable in your sight. God, I thank you for the spirit of wisdom and revelation
00:06:13and insight and knowledge and prophecy and full access to the hidden mysteries of heaven
00:06:18that I might be a dispensary of truth. And that I might literally, that the words that
00:06:25proceed out of my mouth will be your words and that they would take root and bear fruit
00:06:29that we would never be the same again. I pray this in the master's name of the Christ
00:06:37who makes it all possible, who has defeated every foe and every weapon that's formed against
00:06:41us has been demolished and destroyed in him. In Jesus name, I pray. Amen. Amen. Amen. Genesis
00:06:49chapter six. If I can just keep you standing just for a minute, just for, I know you're
00:06:52ready. I know, but just do this. Sometimes that works for me. If I just, you know, just,
00:06:57I don't know if you have enough space to do that, but just give me a second. Uh, Genesis,
00:07:02Genesis chapter six, um, verse eight through 22 built for the flood is the topic. And it
00:07:09was, I almost, I mean, I'll literally show you the subtitle without me even knowing they
00:07:15were going to be, can you see that? Well, something is coming. It's a sub subtitle.
00:07:20You see it right there. I'm not lying. There's something that's got to put it there that
00:07:22I didn't know. And they said, you must be up to something. Something is coming. Just
00:07:26turn to your neighbor and say, something is coming. And here, and here is the thing.
00:07:33I don't, I don't, I don't say that to scare you. I really don't. Um, because if you're
00:07:39in covenant, you should never be afraid because God will not allow anything to happen on the
00:07:44earth to those who are in covenant that will not some way somehow cause it to work together
00:07:50for good. Are you hearing me now? It is important for you to walk in covenant and is important
00:07:56for you to walk with God. And we'll talk about that in a minute, but something is coming
00:08:00and I'm not saying that it's going to be what we all wished for, but it is coming and it
00:08:07is a part of ultimately God's plan to bring about what life has always meant to be about.
00:08:16So I want to, I want to draw your attention to a passage scripture that kind of speaks
00:08:20of that type of moment and how God dealt with one of his servants. And it was a servant
00:08:24by the name of Noah. And so I want to read in Genesis chapter six and we'll read verses
00:08:29eight through 22. I'll read it really quickly. I'll touch on a couple of things as we move
00:08:34down this and then we'll, we'll, we've already prayed and then we'll move on. Um, verse eight,
00:08:39it starts with, but Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord. Uh, the reason why it says,
00:08:47but Noah, but Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord, obviously, but means that something
00:08:50happened before that. And essentially what happened before that is that the earth was
00:08:54like book. Wow. It was like crazy. And we're going to look at how it was crazy. Thank you
00:08:59so much. I'll go without the piano for now. Um, we're going to look at God's, I'll put
00:09:07it to you this way. God oftentimes is more concerned with certain things. Sometimes there's
00:09:16a difference between what, what humans get all riled up about, what God gets all riled
00:09:20up about. Does that make sense? Sometimes we attribute human, um, preference to, to
00:09:31God's sensitivity. And so we take our preference and we blame it on God. And we say things
00:09:37like I'm taking a stand for God. Let me just tell you something right now. You're not big
00:09:41enough to take a stand for God. God doesn't need anybody to take a stand for him. You
00:09:45can take a stand for you and you can take a stand for your values and all that kind
00:09:49of stuff. Kind of where if you want the world to be in, but trust me, you are not standing
00:09:52up for God. God is not on the playground upset in a corner because nobody will take up for
00:09:58him. That's just not the truth. But in the text you're going to show, we're going to
00:10:04understand why God allowed what took place in the days of Noah to take place. There's
00:10:12a word in there that gives flavor and context. But anyway, the verses that lead up to verse
00:10:17eight describe a world that you wouldn't want to live in. And then in verse eight it says,
00:10:25but Noah, but Noah in the midst of that, but Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord.
00:10:31I'll let you sit down. I'll let you sit down because I feel like teaching this thing. We
00:10:34just respect the word in our hearts. We respect the word in our hearts. Some of y'all sitting
00:10:37down already. Anyway, that's good. Disobedient selves. That's all right. A little rebel you.
00:10:45I'm a rebel sometime myself, so I don't, I don't judge you. But Noah found grace in the
00:10:50eyes of the Lord. First of all, when you look up that word in the Hebrew, that word that
00:10:53was translated grace, cause I'm, I'm really curious about it. Noah found grace in the
00:10:58eyes of the Lord. What does that mean? And that Hebrew word literally means to bend or
00:11:01to stoop in kindness to an inferior in an effort to bestow favor. Isn't that something?
00:11:08Because you would think that God would not bend and stoop to anybody. But Noah found
00:11:17favor or found grace to bend and to stoop to an inferior. In other words, Noah got God's
00:11:22attention. Noah, his worship, his life got God's respect. I don't know about you, but
00:11:28I want God to respect my worship. Not like I'm bigger than him or better than him, but
00:11:33I want my worship to be so integrates and I want my, my devotion to God to be so solid
00:11:41that God says, receive this grace. You know why God would kind of bow and stoop to that
00:11:50level because it is a God quality. It's a God quality to have integrity for real. It's
00:11:56a God quality to be solid, to not be tossed to and fro. It's a God quality to be loyal
00:12:01and faithful and good and to not be swayed or tossed to and fro. And I believe that when
00:12:06God sees God. And so it says, but Noah in the midst of all this cray cray, it says,
00:12:18but Noah found grace, favor in some translations in the eyes of the Lord. Now this is the genealogy
00:12:26of Noah. This is verse nine. Noah was a just man, perfect in his generation. Let me start
00:12:29right there. When it says that Noah was a just man, that means Noah was a righteous
00:12:34man. When it says he was a perfect man, doesn't mean that he did everything right, that he
00:12:37was perfect in the sense of no fault or flaw. That word perfect literally means whole. He
00:12:45was whole. And sometimes one of the reasons why we do what we don't want to do, or we
00:12:51do things that diminish our integrity is because we're broken. You understand what I'm saying?
00:12:57There's a difference between broken and being bad. You track what I'm saying? Some people,
00:13:04some situations, some people are just, I just gotta, some people do things sometimes and
00:13:09I'm like, I get why there's a hell. And I am a very compassionate person. Like I will
00:13:14rock with you. I will make up excuses. I will justify you. But, but there's just sometimes
00:13:19where just, you know, that whatever spirit made that person do what that person did,
00:13:27then hell starts making a whole lot of sense. Don't judge me. It's true. I read some things.
00:13:32I'm like, you did what? You know, I mean, God is merciful and kind, but I'm like, God,
00:13:38that's up. You got to figure that one out because that one doesn't make any sense. But
00:13:41anyway, I digress. So sometimes you do see stuff that is truly wicked, but sometimes
00:13:45people do unprofitable things because they're broken. And it's interesting that that word
00:13:52that describes, no, it says he was just. So he was righteous. He had integrity, but that
00:13:56perfect was not that he was perfect in all his ways. It just means he was whole. He was
00:14:00complete. And sometimes the issue is not that you are, you know, a terrible person. It's
00:14:09just that you haven't paid the price to be whole. You're broken. And as a result of your
00:14:12brokenness, you are susceptible to living beneath your standard. It's not even necessarily
00:14:18God's standard. It's your standard. God's standard is your standard. And that's why
00:14:23it's important. I feel this with somebody and I just wanted to sprinkle this and I'm
00:14:26going to move. It's important to pursue wholeness. I wrote a book about it. I, this is not about
00:14:30selling books that book I wrote a long time ago, but I wrote a book called wholeness because
00:14:33I realized that being broken oftentimes keeps us from the full expression of who we are
00:14:38and the full expression of our potential. Because when you are broken here, there's
00:14:42a proverb that says to a hungry soul, even a bitter thing is sweet. So when you're broken,
00:14:47you open yourself up to things that you shouldn't, but you can't help it because when you are
00:14:53broken, you become desperate. I want to pray for some broken people in God's house right
00:14:57now. When you're broken, it creates openings, right? There's some people and I'm going to
00:15:03speak this out. And if it's yours, grab it. If not, just let it pass by to your neighbor.
00:15:06But there's some people and you have them in your life that would not be in your life
00:15:10if you were not broken. People holding significant places in your life and the moment that you
00:15:17got hold, they would be completely irrelevant. Not because they are worthless. That's not
00:15:20what I'm talking about, but I'm saying the connection only works because you're broken.
00:15:26So when you get whole, it clears your eyes and you're able to really perceive what you're
00:15:29working with and what you're dealing with. Because to a hungry soul, even a bitter thing
00:15:33is sweet. I used to tell people when they go through a breakup, now be careful. You
00:15:38know what I mean? You've been in a relationship for a long time. You're out there, you're
00:15:42hungry. And when you're hungry, you make bad choices. Even at night, let's keep it 100.
00:15:46I like to eat. I like to have little snacks with me throughout the day, especially when
00:15:50I'm traveling. I like peanuts and raisins, little various little things. I like to have
00:15:53that because if I get hungry, I start my standards start dropping.
00:15:57Just turn to somebody and say, stay fed, stay fed, stay fed, stay fed. So Noah, I'm sorry.
00:16:11That's a word. It's true. It's true. I was single once. I know what I'm talking about.
00:16:15I know. Shabodo. Cool. Let's move on here. And so it says in verse nine, it says, this
00:16:23is the genealogy of Noah. Noah was a just man, perfect, complete. He was whole in his
00:16:28generations. Noah, ooh, let me slow down. I'm writing too fast. It says, Noah walked
00:16:33with God. Noah walked with God. I'm going to come back to that. Noah walked with God.
00:16:38And Noah begot three sons, Shem, Ham, and Japheth. The earth also was corrupt before
00:16:43God and the earth was filled. Now here's a word you need to pay attention to. It says
00:16:46the earth was filled with what? Violence. So God looked upon the earth and indeed it
00:16:53was corrupt for all flesh that corrupted their way on the earth. And God said to Noah, the
00:16:59end of all flesh has come before me for the earth is filled with what? Violence through
00:17:04them and behold, I will destroy them with the earth. Let me stop right there really
00:17:08quick. There's a lot in there. I want to teach it and I'll say a few things and we'll be
00:17:11out. You notice he's talking about the corruption of the earth and he's not talking about necessarily
00:17:21moral issues. He's not, he's not destroying the word, the earth, not destroying. I'm not
00:17:30saying that he's not pleased when he sees things that aren't moral, right? But what
00:17:35gets him to the place where he's like, I got to tear this up is about violence. Why?
00:17:41Because violence is the byproduct of hate. Come on, stay with me. It's the byproduct
00:17:47of hate and violence against another human is the worst thing that you can ever do because
00:17:53the human was created in the image and the likeness of God. There's nothing that perplexes
00:17:58God more than violence against another person that he loves. Are you hearing me? So I know
00:18:06we have a lot of things that we'll take a stand for God about. Now that's wonderful.
00:18:10Do you walk out your conviction? But I'm telling you what moves God more than anything, that
00:18:19what really, really gets under his skin more than whatever you might be taking a stand
00:18:25for God on is violence, is hatred. That's why there's a passage of scripture and it's
00:18:34kind of hard to understand and sometimes it will convict you real good, but it's when
00:18:38Jesus talks about how if you call somebody a fool or worthless, raka, you've ever seen
00:18:44that in scripture, you're, you're, watch this, it says you're in danger of hellfire. And
00:18:48I was like, dang, you got to study that when you get a chance, somebody look it up while
00:18:51I'm talking and I'll point it out to you. Wait, wait, wait, Jesus, Jesus. If you call
00:18:57somebody worthless, a fool, raka, worthless, then you raise your hand. Have you ever seen
00:19:03that in the scripture before? And the more you need to read a little more, it's kind
00:19:07of like right there in the gospels. But anyway, I don't want to judge you. Um, but you read
00:19:12that you're like, why is God like in danger of hellfire when you call somebody worthless?
00:19:18Because when you, when you devalue a person and you don't attribute the worth to them
00:19:26that they have because they were created in the image of God, that's what gets under God's
00:19:30skin. And here we are in the only account in scripture where God wiped, he starts afresh
00:19:37and is characterized by violence. Can I take my time right there real quick for a second?
00:19:42You will look up and you will be violent and not even know it because you don't know how
00:19:45to manage your anger. Oh, let me take my time right there. You know, I imagine anger
00:19:53and you have to be careful right now because there is the, the, the promotion of anger
00:20:02and hate right now. Yes. And you got to watch out for it because you'll look up and sweet
00:20:09little you will get angry. And most people don't know how to manage anger. That's why
00:20:17we have anger management classes because anger has to be managed. There's nothing wrong with
00:20:21being angry. Bible says be angry, but what? But sin not. So there's nothing wrong with
00:20:27being angry, but I have to learn how to manage my anger in such a way that it does not, that
00:20:32it doesn't push me over into sin territory and sin literally that word is a Greek word.
00:20:37Anger means to miss the mark. I talk about this all the time. So, so you can be angry,
00:20:41but you have to manage it in such a way that it doesn't take your sights off. And now the
00:20:47mark that your life was supposed to hit, you miss because you didn't manage your anger
00:20:52well. And the, the worst case of that is you don't manage your anger to the point to now
00:20:58you become violent and now you're over in a territory that you don't want to be in.
00:21:04And I talked to you, I'm moving on, but I want to say that because there is ample opportunity
00:21:08out there right now to be anger and angry. And I can tell you right now, there are powers
00:21:13that be that are banking on you. Watch this being blurred by your anger so that you can
00:21:18be manipulated and controlled. If you're visiting for the first time, this is real church. This,
00:21:29this is the most, we are the, this is one of the most vulnerable seasons we've ever
00:21:34been in our lives. And there's a lot of desperation out there and there's a lot of propaganda
00:21:41out there and there's a lot of tricks. And, and I'm telling you, you have to really, truly
00:21:48be tapped in and tuned in. Are we tracking together? All right, let me, let me, let me
00:21:51finish this and I'm going to come and we're going to talk for a minute. Okay. Cause then
00:21:54we just, we just warming up here. Okay. And God said to Noah verse 13, the end of all
00:22:01flesh has come before me for the earth. It's filled with violence through them and behold,
00:22:04I will destroy them with the earth. Make yourself talking to Noah, an arc of gopher wood, make
00:22:10rooms in the arc and cover it inside and outside with pitch. And this is how you shall make
00:22:15it. The length of the arc shall be 300 cubits. It's with 50 cubits and it's height, 30 cubits
00:22:22and it's height. The length of it shall, the length of the arc shall be 300 cubits with
00:22:2550 cubits and it's height, 30 cubits. You shall make a window for the arc. Look at the
00:22:29specificity and you shall finish it to a cubit from above and set the door of the arc on
00:22:36its side, in its side. You shall make it with lower, second and third decks, three decks.
00:22:43And behold, I myself am bringing floodwaters on the earth to destroy from under heaven
00:22:48all flesh in which it is, in which is the breath of life. Everything that is on the
00:22:53earth shall die. Ooh, that's charming. But I will establish my covenant with you and
00:23:01you shall go into the arc, you, your sons and your wife and your sons, wives with you
00:23:07and of every living thing of all flesh, you shall bring two of every sort into the arc
00:23:12to keep them alive with you. And they shall be male and female of the birds after their
00:23:16kinds, of animals after their kind and of every creeping thing on the earth after its
00:23:20kind, two of every kind, this is interesting, will come to you, will come to you. And let
00:23:28me, let me stop right there. That's worthy of explaining a little bit. So Noah is walking
00:23:34with God. He finds faith. We don't know a lot about him. We don't know what his background
00:23:39is. We don't know what his passions and pursuits were before God encounters him. We don't know
00:23:43any of that. The only thing we know about Noah at this point in time is that he walked
00:23:46with God. And as a result of walking with God, the way he walked with God, and we'll
00:23:50come back to what that looks like, as the way, the way that he walked with God, he finds
00:23:54favor in God's sight and God begins to tell him what he's getting ready to do. And not
00:23:58only does he tell him what he's getting ready to do, but he tells him what he should do
00:24:04with great specificity that he might be preserved. So Noah, we know Noah obeys. Noah gets into
00:24:10alignment. When he gets into alignment, everything that he needs begins to come to him. That's
00:24:17a word. Can I take a minute and just, just make that a little bit relevant. When you
00:24:21get into alignment with God, when you are surrendered to God, when you have postured
00:24:27yourself to hear, to be a good hearer, not just a hearer of the word, but a good doer
00:24:32of the word as well, and you posture yourself properly, creation will begin to be attracted
00:24:38to you. I need to say that better because if you understood that you would just, you
00:24:42would lose your mind in here right now. The Bible says in Romans chapter 8 and 19, it
00:24:46says for the earnest expectation of the creation eagerly waits for the revealing of the children
00:24:51of God. The creation is the universe, is everything that God has created. And so when you begin
00:24:58to reveal, when you begin to come out of the Holy Ghost closet and begin to reveal yourself
00:25:03as a true son and God of daughter, not by lip service, but because you align yourself
00:25:08right in the will of God. When you become proficient at walking with God so that there's
00:25:13no more being tossed to and fro, that there's no more distinction between you and God. When
00:25:17people see you, they see God. Then you are going to activate an attraction in the universe
00:25:22and things that are assigned to you are going to come to you. You're not going to have to
00:25:26come to them. They're going to come to you. You are going to be like a magnet for everything
00:25:31that you need to build what God is calling you to build. If you're tracking with me,
00:25:35just say, I'm tracking with you, PT. I'm tracking. I'm tracking. I'm tracking. See, there's some
00:25:40of you watch this. And we had to say, I don't know if they're still saying it. I'm after
00:25:43it dog. I'm after it. I'm out to get what we used to say back in the day. I'm trying
00:25:46to get it. What is it? I'm after it. I'm getting, what was, what do you say? Don't y'all so
00:25:50holy. What we used to say, like I'm after it. I'm trying to get it. What did we say?
00:25:56Let's get it. We'll figure it out. We have something like, like I'm after it or whatever,
00:26:00but here's the thing. When you walk with God, you ain't got to be after it. It'll get
00:26:03after you goodness and mercy. We get, don't play with me. We'll begin to follow you all
00:26:08the days of your life. See, when you get into alignment with God, things are going to search
00:26:12you out. People are going to search you out. Opportunities are going to search you out.
00:26:15Your name is going to be in rooms that you have. I feel God in this house and rooms that
00:26:22you have never even been in because there's going to be a release of the sound of you
00:26:27that goes out throughout the airway because you're being revealed. I thought I, you know,
00:26:38maybe it's because I watched Evan Almighty. I thought that he had to go out and get the
00:26:45stuff. No, no, no, no, no. See, see when you posture yourself right in God, the stuff will
00:26:51come to you. Your biggest issue will not be, where is the stuff? Your biggest challenge
00:27:03will be deciphering and discerning between which of the stuff that is coming your way
00:27:09is God ordained, is a God thing and not a good thing. That's coming to you. I feel that
00:27:16right there. That's coming to you. That's coming. You're going to go watch this from
00:27:20not having nothing to trying to figure out which thing of the abundant things is the
00:27:26thing that you're supposed to keep. It's coming. Mark my words. Tweet me when it happens. X
00:27:31me. I guess is it X me? I don't know what it is now. I don't know if we still tweet,
00:27:34but X me when it happens. DM me when it happens. Okay. Okay. I'm going to finish this and then
00:27:43we'll say a few things. Okay. So, so, so in verse 17, he says, behold, I'm myself and
00:27:49bring flood while I was on the second, third decks. And we all went to that. He says, but
00:27:53I would have said verse 18, but I will establish my covenant with you. Verse 19, it says in
00:27:56every living thing of all flesh show, you shall bring two of every sort into the ark
00:28:00to keep them alive with you. They should be male and female. The birds have their kind
00:28:04of animals of their kind of every creeping thing on the earth. If it can, two of every
00:28:06kind will come to you and you'll keep them alive and you shall take for yourself of all
00:28:12the food that is taken as provision and you shall gather it to yourself and it shall be
00:28:16food for you and for them. In other words, if you get into alignment with me, I'm going
00:28:19to take care of you and everything connected to you. And lastly, verse 22 says, thus Noah
00:28:25did according to all that God commanded him. So he did. Now I've got to be honest with
00:28:29you when I used to read, I used to kind of avoid that, that passage. And I kind of avoided
00:28:36that passage because I don't know, man, it's just not, it's not a sexy passage when the
00:28:41whole earth dies. That's not very charming. It doesn't feel like good. And so I just like,
00:28:47you know, and then people want you to explain it. If God is such a good God, if your God
00:28:53is such a good God, then why did he, why did he destroy the world? Let me tell you something
00:28:57right now. There are three very, very powerful words, very, very spiritual, very, very powerful
00:29:03words that I don't think the believers use enough because believers feel like they have
00:29:07to have an answer for everything. If God is so good, and you get offended again because
00:29:17you have to stand up for God, because God is weak, has no ability. He's the kid on the
00:29:23playground that doesn't have any friends. And so you have to take a stand for, I don't
00:29:27talk about my God like that. And you feel like you have to come up with something. Three
00:29:35most powerful words a believer can have when you're in one of those difficult situations.
00:29:39I don't know. And let me just take a minute and just deal with that for a second. We,
00:29:48we feel like we're betraying the Lord when we don't have an answer for a hard thing.
00:29:57Like God is mad at us, you know what I mean? No, I will say in a second, I don't know.
00:30:02And I don't feel bad about it. I don't feel less Tore, less tabo. I don't feel, I am completely
00:30:11fine with not knowing. I don't mind praying and seeking it out. But if he doesn't give
00:30:15it to me, I'm fine with that. Listen, I am trying to manage what I do know. There's enough
00:30:20in that to keep me busy. But I'll be honest with you. I didn't cause I just felt like
00:30:27God that, you know, you destroy the whole thing, but I'm seeing it differently now.
00:30:32I'm seeing the story of Noah's Ark more about a testimony, an example of the grace of God
00:30:43and the mercy of God and the faithfulness of God towards those who are faithful to him
00:30:49than anything else. I've seen it here. We have
00:30:56an imminent danger that's coming to. It has to be. If violence just continues to perpetuate,
00:31:02perpetuate itself, we don't have an earth. We don't kill each other, right? That's not,
00:31:06that's not God's vision. So to keep that going, which show God's goodness,
00:31:12that there were violence covered the earth and we were just violent. Our existence was
00:31:17hostile and violent. I'm kind of glad that he let it do what it was going to do. I'm kind of
00:31:23glad this now I'm glad he's not going to do it again. Cause as you know, if you keep reading,
00:31:28he said, look, I'm not going to do that again. There's a one-time deal. And I'm in my covenant
00:31:33for you is going to be the rainbow in the sky. Every time I see the rainbow, I say,
00:31:36oh, thank you, Jesus, for the reminder. You're not going to do it like that again.
00:31:42But just because I don't do that doesn't mean I won't do something.
00:31:48So when I look at it, stay with me, we'll go on somewhere. So when I look at that,
00:31:53when I look at it, I see God's grace and I see God's mercy. And I see God's promise to me
00:32:00that no matter what happens in the earth, he is going to a tell me,
00:32:07show me B he's going to show me what to build so that I can be safe.
00:32:13Hello, somebody. And three, he's going to protect me and he's going to prosper me through it.
00:32:20So I saw that I saw it differently, but my conviction right now, my, my greatest conviction
00:32:28is I want you to be building for the flood. I don't want you to be building for fair weather.
00:32:35I don't know what's on your heart right now. I don't know what's occupying your mind,
00:32:39your creativity, your relationships, your resources, your conversations. I don't know
00:32:43what it is, but I can tell you right now, if it hasn't pivoted according to the recognition of
00:32:49the coming flood, then I'm afraid that you might be building something that will not withstand.
00:32:54What's coming say a lot. I, I I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm concerned about whether or not
00:33:10you can handle the flood. I'm concerned about it. If you are still building
00:33:18what you were building three years ago, I'm concerned about it.
00:33:21I'm not saying that you have to abandon building that, but you may have to retrofit your plans
00:33:27to make certain that what you're building will weather the flood.
00:33:31Okay. What do you mean by flood? Because you just celebrated the fact that he's not going to send
00:33:35that flood like that. I'm talking about God releasing something, allowing something to
00:33:44be released in the earth that if you are in covenant and you have built well, you'll be fine.
00:33:50But if you haven't, you won't be okay. This isn't the unsexy part.
00:33:57Let me, uh, let, let me say something real quick. So as I was, this is two mornings ago,
00:34:03I was laying in bed since Saturday morning. So yeah, not this morning, but yesterday morning,
00:34:07I was laying in bed and I saw a word, one word, and I couldn't see it clearly, but you know how
00:34:15like you can see a word and you can kind of maybe like a stop sign or whatever,
00:34:19or a street sign, you can see a word and you can kind of make it out a little bit.
00:34:23And you can kind of tell by the shape of the words, what the word is, you know what I mean?
00:34:27And most of the time you're right. Every once in a while you're wrong. So I see these words,
00:34:31it's five letters and I see a V and an A and an L and what looks like a U and an E. I'm like,
00:34:38God, why are you showing me value? And I think that I, I went to value,
00:34:45although I couldn't see it clearly because I'm a businessman. I use that term a lot,
00:34:48value. I'm always trying to figure out the value of something. I'm negotiating the value and all
00:34:51this kind of stuff, you know, but when I, so I thought value, oh, that's a really good word,
00:34:55value. Let's talk about what are you trying to show me? Got value. Hallelujah. You know what
00:34:58I mean? Especially after I lost my tenfold. I said, what value, what are you? And then he said,
00:35:07no, look closely. And it wasn't value. I was transposing the, the U or I put a U in there,
00:35:15but it was actually a V, which is a completely different word. So if you have value, but the U
00:35:21is actually a V, what do you have? You have valve. And I was like, God, why are you showing me
00:35:29the word valve? You know, and of course I know what a valve is like, you know,
00:35:34think a sink and a valve or whatever, but God said, no, you need to look a lot closer.
00:35:38So I had the word tell my people to build for a flood, but God began to give a little bit more
00:35:44color and texture. I wasn't even looking for it. And that rarely happens. That's probably
00:35:48happened to me maybe 10 times in my entire life where God just kind of steps in and begins to
00:35:53either say something audibly or show me something. And he shows me the word valve. And so I'm like,
00:36:00okay, I need to dig into this a little bit more. I want to understand more. I know my, my, my,
00:36:05my current level of understanding about a valve, but take me deeper because I know this is really,
00:36:10really important. So he starts talking to me about, about valves and what valves are. And he
00:36:16kind of took me into three different applications for a valve. And I'm just going to give you some,
00:36:21some definition. One, that the mechanical valve, the mechanical application of a valve is any
00:36:27device that shuts off, starts, regulates, or controls the flow of a fluid. So it is a regulatory
00:36:38device. It regulates as any, any device that, that, that, that manages the flow of something,
00:36:44it regulates it, it determines it, it, and it's the flow of something. So it's a valve from a
00:36:50mechanical perspective. That's what a valve is. And then we know the heart has valves as well,
00:36:55and other organs have valves. And so, so the heart has a valve and this heart valve basically
00:37:01controls the one way passage of fluid in the heart. So the heart has valves too. And that also
00:37:07regulates it. And then this one I didn't know, in music, in the space of music, there are certain
00:37:14wind instruments that have a valve as well. And this valve is something that when it is pressed
00:37:22or it is turned, it emits air into different parts and different sections of the tubes of
00:37:28that particular instrument. And so it extends the range of the available notes or sounds.
00:37:35And so I'm like, wow, God, this is kind of, kind of heavy. You know, and I'm like, okay,
00:37:40so talk to me more about it. And, and there are a few things. Oh, look at that. Look at that. Hey.
00:37:47So three, three areas of information about valves. One deals with the heart.
00:37:56One deals with an instrument that this valve, when it is pressed, depressed, squeezed,
00:38:06or turns, it allows for this air to flow into different places to create a whole, to extend
00:38:14the range of available notes, which means that you have more sounds. This valve regulates when
00:38:20something happens to that valve, it regulates your ability to produce sound and a multitude of
00:38:28sounds. I said, okay, God, you're trying to show me something. So what's going on? And one of the
00:38:34things that when we start talking about valves and when we start talking about God, at the end
00:38:40of the day, what a valve represents is restraint, regulation, and release. Can I teach a little bit
00:38:49today? Like if we're going to get this, we're going to be, we're going to be fine at this.
00:38:54It represents restraint. It represents release and it represents regulation, right? So right now,
00:39:05there's a valve up over us and God is the one who is managing that valve. And when you look at the
00:39:13story of Noah and the ark, you can tell God is holding the valve because he could have just let
00:39:20the flood, he could have just let the water flow, but he restrains it. He holds it back until he can
00:39:27get everything in place and then he will ultimately release it and he regulates it because he only
00:39:34allows it to happen for 40 days and 40 nights. And the ark was a temporary, it was a temporary
00:39:39structure. It wasn't meant to last forever, right? And so, so, so he had, this is just a wonderful
00:39:46account of God talking to his servant and he is preparing him. He's giving him meticulous
00:39:51instruction, meticulous detail to prepare him to create something temporary because God is getting
00:39:58ready to do something temporary, but there had to be alignment so that Noah and his family and
00:40:03everything that God wanted to preserve could be preserved. But how does it happen? And I'm going
00:40:10to come back to that. How does it happen? I don't want you to miss one lick of this.
00:40:14It happens first and foremost because Noah was good and proficient at walking with God.
00:40:20Now, let me stop right there because how does this apply to me? What do I need to do? We need to get
00:40:27proficient and excellent at walking with God. The average prayer is, God, please walk with me.
00:40:37God, I want you near. God, I need you near. Can I talk to you like this today? I promise it's
00:40:43going to make sense. I can't wait to talk about it together. The average prayer is not, God,
00:40:48I want to walk with you. Lord Jesus, please, please, please let me walk with you. It's not that.
00:40:54It's, God, this is where I'm at. This is what I'm doing. Can you please come over here and walk with
00:41:01me? It is never, God, where are you? Because I recognize that my whole purpose in life is to find
00:41:10you and walk with you. Come on. I'm getting there real good today. We're going to get this. It's
00:41:17important. Noah finds grace with God. He finds favor with God because Noah walked with God.
00:41:27What does it mean to walk with God? How do I walk with God? Raise your hand if you feel like you're
00:41:35real good at walking with God. Just for you. I just want to watch your hands. Raise your hand
00:41:39if you, you, you, you. I was going to say if you want to walk with God, but some of you may not
00:41:44necessarily, but, but raise your hand if you just believe there's a distance between where you are,
00:41:49that, that the concept of walking with God seems so foreign. Just raise your, just, I just want to
00:41:53see who's in the room. This is good. Raise your hand if you, you believe in the value of walking
00:41:57with God, but you just aren't really doing it and you, you want to do it. Let me see your hands.
00:42:01Yeah, okay. And I guess everyone else who didn't raise their hand,
00:42:04I can just say other, if the other, just the box D, if that's you just.
00:42:09I, I am learning. The New Testament term for walking with God is walking in the spirit. I am
00:42:20absolutely determined to teach, to compel first and to teach people how to walk with God. This
00:42:31was the difference between Noah's life and everybody else's life. And it wasn't that Noah
00:42:36was special per se. It was just, he had a commitment to walking with God. There's one
00:42:45other person in scripture that talks about that they walk with God and they walk with God
00:42:49proficiently. And it was this guy named Enoch. And when you study Enoch, it's going to be amazing.
00:42:54The scripture says about Enoch, this is all we know about Enoch, is this Enoch walked with God
00:43:00walked with God. And then he was not for the Lord took him. So he walked with God. He walked
00:43:08with God. He walked with God. He walked succinctly with God. He walked. God did not walk with him.
00:43:17He learned to mirror his steps with God's steps. This means he did not move
00:43:28unless God moved. This is the by-product of a real relationship with God, meaning that if you do not
00:43:41have a real relationship with God, you will not be able to walk with God. And if you don't walk
00:43:50with God, it's going to be very difficult for you to please God. Can I talk to you like this?
00:43:58Just I promise we'll get to the fun stuff in a minute, but let me just talk to you for a second.
00:44:04The ability to walk with God and watch this and not just to walk with God, but to get better
00:44:11at walking with God. Because when we first start walking with God, oftentimes there's a little bit
00:44:15of a lag. You start walking with him and you're not quite sure. And so you take and then you,
00:44:22you know, it's almost like a dance. You know, when you, when you like you, I know that you guys don't
00:44:26go out and dance, but have you, have you ever had a new dance partner and it takes kind of a minute
00:44:32for you to find your rhythm? It's very, very quiet. I see little smirks and smiles and different
00:44:38things because you're like, yeah, I went to that last night. I just, I had to finally just trade
00:44:43him in because we just couldn't find the rhythm. Okay. Okay. Okay. When you first, when you first
00:44:49get, it takes a minute for you to find your rhythm. And then once you find a rhythm,
00:44:53then she gonna, she'd do a little something and you're like, oh, I thought, I thought I figured you out,
00:44:57but that little dip kind of caught me. But don't, don't play with me.
00:45:04It's not there. And then you got to try to find it again. Right. But after a while,
00:45:09when y'all start dancing, you start becoming somewhat predictable. You know what I mean?
00:45:13And then you, you find this groove and this flow, and now you're actually, you're doing it together.
00:45:17You're moving as one, right? It's kind of like that with God. But the only thing is once you think
00:45:24that you figured God out, he changes it up on you, which keeps you in the place of seeking,
00:45:32pursuing and surrender. Because what happens when you feel like you got, got figured out,
00:45:37you get out ahead of him. Oh, I know what you're getting ready to do. And you go,
00:45:40and you try to bust a move and God is like, Hey, so, so walking with God and getting proficient
00:45:49at walking with God necessitates an attentiveness, a surrender, a submitted vessel.
00:45:59And so what you're doing is you're watching him move. Jesus put it like this. He says,
00:46:05when they were accusing him about his actions, he said, I only do what I see my father do.
00:46:11So he was less concerned with his feet and he was more concerned with God's feet.
00:46:19So if I might draw maybe more of a visual representation of what it means to walk
00:46:24with God, it's not to walk with God like this is to walk with God like this.
00:46:28Are you tracking with me? Because there is a version of you in the heavenly realm
00:46:42that is aligned with God in such a way he or she, that version of you behaves
00:46:48succinctly with the divine version of you. I wish I could say that better.
00:46:53There are two yous before I formed you in the womb, I knew you. So there is a perfected
00:47:05and completed divine version of you that has already walked out the life that you're trying
00:47:10to figure out. You're tracking with me. So, so, so, so when I stare at God, when I worship,
00:47:18when I'm in relationship with God and I'm truly trying to seek God,
00:47:22see when you see God properly, it should be a mirror of who you are in divinity.
00:47:32You got to let me do it to you today. Come on. Okay. You got to let me,
00:47:35are you tracking with me? Before I formed you in the belly, I knew you, I ordained you before
00:47:40you got here, you existed there. So there's a version of you there that's complete.
00:47:45Yeah. And that's what worship is really about. When you worship, you're not really trying to
00:47:52see God. You're trying to see you. I'm not ready yet. No, I am trying to see God. I understand
00:48:00that. But why, why are you trying to see God? What is seeing God have to do with you and who
00:48:07you need to be in this earth? I am trying to see myself in the face of God. I'm trying to see my
00:48:14reflection in God's face so that I'll know who to be. Are you tracking with me? When I worship,
00:48:22I'm looking for me. I know God exists, but as it relates to me living my life out now,
00:48:29it necessitates me seeing me so that Trey will know what to raise do.
00:48:37You understand what I'm saying? Yeah. Let me do it to you.
00:48:41So, so it looks like this. Okay. Maybe that's what it means when it says we walk by faith,
00:48:54not by sight, because sight is limited. I need to keep looking at God so that I can be in step
00:49:02with God. Enoch walked with God so succinctly. Watch this. It says that God just took him. He
00:49:08didn't have to die. He walked, watch this, out of his humanity and right into his divinity,
00:49:16and he didn't even have to die. So what does that look like practically? Get that spiritual,
00:49:25what does it look like practically? It means when you get up in the morning before you start your
00:49:29day, don't just start and ask God to go with you. God, give me this day, my daily bread.
00:49:35Bread. See, when you're desperate, I got to fix this. When you're desperate, you take anything.
00:49:45There is a calm, there's a calmness when you know God's got you.
00:49:52Like I'm not moved, people be moved when they meet billionaires, all that kind of stuff. That's
00:49:57I don't, soul? Because if you're not connected to my purpose, you and what you have are irrelevant
00:50:05to me. I love you, I'll minister to you, I'll bless you, but I'm not all giddy because I met
00:50:11a multi-billionaire. It doesn't mean anything to me because I know who I am and I know that
00:50:16everything that I need is already connected to me and my purpose. And you could be a billionaire,
00:50:21but you can take me away from my purpose. And if you take me away from my purpose,
00:50:24it's not worth your billions because everything that I need is already out there for me.
00:50:31And so, and so, and so, so there's a calmness that I move in when I'm negotiating. There's a
00:50:38calmness. I'm not desperate because what God has for me is already for me. Why am I bringing that
00:50:45up? Because that posture keeps you in the place to walk with God. Your heart is not easily moved
00:50:52and turned and tossed. Are you tracking with me? So one of the things that I'm going to pray into,
00:50:56and I'm going to finish up by talking about these valves, one of the things that I'm going to pray
00:50:59into is in our ability to truly walk with God in this season. You're going to have to turn off the
00:51:04noise. I feel, oh, that prayer time is going to be good. You have to turn off the noise.
00:51:12You know, turn off the voices. I can't walk with God if I can't hear from God.
00:51:16And I can't hear from God if I have strong spirits in my mind and heart and in my eyeballs every
00:51:21single day. Look at this. Looks like a phone. Oh, mine ain't up here. You got your phone? Let me see
00:51:27your phone real quick. Am I going to see anything I don't need to see? Okay, thank you. No, I'm kidding.
00:51:35This looks like a phone, but strong spirits come off this phone. There's no regulation on it,
00:51:43right? If you're scrolling, strong spirits, strong persuasion. This phone is loud.
00:51:51It's loud, and we wake up in the morning, and we grab it.
00:51:56It's loud. If I'm going to hear from God, I got to kind of like put this somewhere.
00:52:02You're like, take it.
00:52:10You track what I'm saying. We've got to get to this place. Thank you so much. Oh, that's a nice,
00:52:14that's you. That's a nice picture. That's beautiful. I'm passionate. I'm passionate
00:52:22about this. I'm passionate. So now let's get back to the valves. Let's get back to the valves.
00:52:27Before we get back to the valves, I told you he's going to like that structure, but I promise I'm
00:52:32going to tie it all in together. We're going to be gone. I'm talking about a daily posture to
00:52:37tune into God, like a daily, like this daily. Resist that anger, anger. Resist idol worship.
00:52:44We talked about that. Resist distraction. Then you got to believe what he speaks.
00:52:50You got to believe what he speaks. You know what's really interesting?
00:52:54You got to believe what he speaks. You know what's really interesting?
00:52:57Is you know how he was giving him all those unique and detailed instructions, building the ark?
00:53:06This was before God did the same thing with Moses about building the tabernacle.
00:53:11This is well before that, but there's striking similarities. Even like the three levels,
00:53:18you know, there were three levels in the temple and all that kind of stuff.
00:53:21It's really, even that they say the height of the decks were the same, it was the same
00:53:26height of the temple. So God is really, really good at giving us specific instructions on what
00:53:35to build and how to build. And remember it said that he built it out of gopher wood?
00:53:41That word that was translated gopher wood is only in the Bible one time.
00:53:46One time there. It doesn't exist anywhere else. And the word is very,
00:53:49they're theological debate over that word right now. They don't understand it.
00:53:52Where did this word come from? And I was thinking about it and I thought to myself,
00:53:58it probably was just for him.
00:54:03What God is calling you to build is what God is calling you to build. He's not calling you
00:54:07to build the same thing he's calling me to build. And for some of you, God's going to give you some
00:54:12very outrageous things to build. And they're going to be, some of it's going to be flat out
00:54:16outlandish. That's why you got to kind of keep it to yourself for a minute because you will be called.
00:54:24That's how they're going to feel. You know what I mean? You don't think that they felt that way
00:54:27about Noah? Noah was building an ark. Check this out. He's building an ark with some wood that
00:54:31nobody knew anything about. And it had never rained upon the earth. Do you know how ridiculous
00:54:37he looked? I mean, let's keep it 100. You know that there were memes about Noah. You know,
00:54:43there were memes about Noah. You know, I mean, just, I won't do it, but,
00:54:53but there were crazy memes about Noah. You know, there was.
00:54:57Cray-Cray. What does Cray-Cray look like? It's Noah.
00:55:03That crazy uncle you wish wasn't in your family is a picture of Noah.
00:55:08Can you imagine what he had to endure? Because God gave him these, I feel this so strongly,
00:55:15you're going to get it. These specific instructions. See, this is why you got to silence the noise.
00:55:22How are you going to, if God's going to give you specific and detailed instructions that you're
00:55:26going to have to hang your future on, it's got to be quiet.
00:55:32Give me this day, my daily bread. When you roll out of the bed in the morning,
00:55:37don't grab your phone first. Get on your knees. Give God thanks for that new day.
00:55:42You have never seen that day before. It is God. I've never been here before. I,
00:55:49this world is changing. I can't, I can't assume that today's going to be like yesterday. Get on
00:55:54your knees. Thanks. And give him space to tell you what to build. And then when, when, when,
00:56:00when he, when he shows you what he's building, when he shows you what he wants you to build,
00:56:04believe him. Move in it. Last idea. Then we're going to pray these back to these valves.
00:56:15So we know that God is the one, there's a valve. Just imagine right now, an imaginary valve
00:56:22over our lives right now, over our world right now, and God is holding it.
00:56:27And a good God who loves us is regulating that valve. But the very purpose for a valve
00:56:33is for regulated releases. The valve is there not to simply restrain, but to release life times.
00:56:41This world needs releases at a certain time. Sometimes the earth needs a certain release
00:56:46to bring it into alignment. And the wise God manages all of that. What we're going to see
00:56:53in the not too distant future are controlled releases. And it's not going to be fun. I'm
00:57:01going to be honest with you. It's not going to be fun. It's going to be hurtful. I am,
00:57:05I'm not at liberty to share too much, but some people in our staff were in Washington recently
00:57:13for a very high level briefings. And there's some things to be concerned about.
00:57:21I mean, there really is not to be worried about, but to certainly heighten you to a place
00:57:28to where you are paying attention. And I don't mean paying attention like, you know, you're
00:57:33getting strapped up and all that kind of stuff. You know, that's not, you know, necessarily what
00:57:37I'm talking about, necessarily. But I am saying paying attention to the point that you begin to
00:57:43seek God's face so that you know what to do. The children of Issachar understood times and seasons
00:57:49and what Israel ought to do. In other words, now is not a time to be playing with your faith.
00:57:54Now is a time to where your faith has the greatest benefit because you have access to the mind and
00:58:00the thoughts and the direction of God. That's one of the greatest parts of being a believer. One of
00:58:06the greatest value adds of being a believer is access to the voice of the Lord. Salvation is
00:58:12wonderful. Yeah, when this life ends, we got a place. But while I am here, what is most important
00:58:16to me is being able to access the voice of the Lord so that I can walk in step with God so that
00:58:22when the flood comes and the trouble comes and the valve is released, it's okay because I have
00:58:26built my house upon a rock because I have built for the flood. Everything's all good. I'm a ride
00:58:32the wave like a surfer. The flood for some people was devastation, but for Noah and his tribe,
00:58:38it was just right. It was just a ride. It was a cruise. It was a cruise while people who weren't
00:58:45ready were going through something else. Noah was on a cruise ship with his family. Hello.
00:58:54But he was only in that position. He was only in that place because he postured himself to hear
00:58:59because he walked with God. I cannot wait to pray for you. And so there's a valve
00:59:08that God is controlling. He's regulating the valve. He's restraining the valve and he's going
00:59:16to release the valve. He's talking to his people. He's telling his people how to build specifically,
00:59:23specifically so that when that valve is released, the flood will not overtake them, but the flood
00:59:31will carry them to their next place of purpose and assignment. Okay, this is what's happening,
00:59:36right? We are posturing ourselves to walk with him. It's interesting that the heart has a valve
00:59:42too. This valve is not under the control of God. This valve is under your control.
00:59:47It's interesting that the heart is one of the other valve valves and the same way it's our job
00:59:53to eat right and to do different things so that our arteries, our valves are not clogged so that
00:59:59the flow of blood can do what it can do. We have to be spiritually clean and spiritually, we have
01:00:07to make sure that there aren't contaminants and things that clog and block our heart. I had to
01:00:11forgive the person who stole the 10-4 from me. Obviously, I forget. I keep bringing it up. Maybe
01:00:18that's helping me with my forgiveness.
01:00:23But truth be told, no, I'm landing. Truth be told, you have to protect your heart at all costs
01:00:31because the Bible says, blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God. If my heart is not
01:00:35pure, I won't be able to see God. If I can't see God, I can't hear God. If I can't hear God, I can't
01:00:38walk with God. So sometimes flowing in forgiveness and the art and the gift of forgiveness has
01:00:45nothing to do with the person that you're forgiving, but everything to do with your ability to walk
01:00:51but everything to do with your ability to maintain clear channels, clear valves in your heart so that
01:00:56you can perceive the instructions for God, which by the way, might be a still small voice which
01:01:01necessitate a deeper level of sensitivity and listening. I cannot afford to be mad at you.
01:01:10It's too expensive to be mad at you. It cost me too much. Be angry. Okay, it hit me. I didn't like
01:01:20what you did. That's crazy, but I'm about to go ahead and get in the Holy Spirit because I need
01:01:24to forgive you because I'm not going to let your folly and your foolishness rob me of the flow
01:01:31that I need because of the flow that's coming. Are you tracking? And then that last valve was
01:01:38interesting and I didn't even know that this existed, but this last, it's a cylinder-shaped
01:01:47valve inside of a wind instrument and when that particular valve is squeezed,
01:01:57when it's pressed, when it's crushed, or when it's turned,
01:02:01it produces, it allows the wind to go to places and access other tubes so that the full range
01:02:09of that instrument's sound can be realized. And I said, what does that mean? And God told me,
01:02:16He said, there's some people who have been crushed and there's some people who have been
01:02:21turned, right? You feel like sometimes life can happen and it just dizzies you and you've been
01:02:27crushed and you have been turned and you feel like it's working against you, but it's actually
01:02:35working for you because it is producing a unique sound for unique times. I feel the Holy Spirit.
01:02:43I wish I could say that the way I sing. There are sounds in you, there are notes in you that you
01:02:49don't even know exist and sound is everything. I sound like my new age brothers and sisters about
01:02:55vibrations and sounds, whatever, cool. God bless everybody. I love everybody. But there is a sound
01:02:59that does certain things. You know, on the day of Pentecost, it wasn't a wind that came in the room.
01:03:03Did you know that? Some people think that a wind came in the room. It does. That's you got to read
01:03:07your Bible more closely. A wind did not come into the room. It says a sound from heaven filled the
01:03:12room as a rushing and mighty wind. And then the miraculous took place. And so some of you are
01:03:19being squeezed because God is getting ready to get another sound out of you. He's getting ready
01:03:23to get another sound that creation will respond. I feel the spirit of God. That's why you cannot
01:03:29give up before you grow up. What you got to learn to do is praise God in the middle of the crushing
01:03:35because God is producing a sound and this particular sound is going to make the walls
01:03:40fall flat on your behalf. If that's your word, just practice right now by giving him a sound.
01:03:45Yeah, yeah, yeah. You're not being squeezed beyond ability. You're being squeezed into capability.
01:03:55I feel that for you. Now here's what I want to do. I want to pray for some people.
01:04:01Some things are taught. Other things are caught. But I know what I heard.
01:04:07Something is coming and I need you to build for it. I love you too much to play with you.
01:04:14Love you too much to hype you up. No, I can't do that. We got to be edified. We got to see family.
01:04:21I'm gonna keep it 100. I'm not trying to scare you but I'm gonna tell you right now these are
01:04:25dangerous times. Your heart has to be pure. You cannot afford to be angry. You cannot afford to
01:04:32worship idols. Church is driving me crazy worshiping idols and getting in this whole political thing.
01:04:40I'm telling you the right ain't gonna do it nor is the left. Not the thing that needs to be done.
01:04:46I have my preference but that's on the human level. There is a spiritual thing taking place
01:04:51I'm talking kingdom things. You got to get this. You got to get this. If politics is all you think
01:05:03about you are missing it. You are distracted. Do your civil service but by golly do your kingdom
01:05:10service. Seek God's face. Walk with him. Talk with him. Build what he's calling you to build.
01:05:22You got to build something and if you're not listening and if you're overwhelmed with propaganda
01:05:34because it's all propaganda. All of it has at least some degree of propaganda in it and I'm
01:05:42gonna use this word manipulation. Manipulation. Everybody stand with me real quick. We're about
01:05:49to go. Manipulation. It can be good intended manipulation but it's still manipulation.
01:05:57I'll say whatever needs to be said. Watch this and I'm studying what moves you
01:06:05so that I can use what moves you to fulfill my agenda and
01:06:11dangerous times. I want you to be a voter. Absolutely be a voter but at the end of the day
01:06:20God's gonna do what God's gonna do. You just want to make sure you did your part
01:06:25but understand that it's not about your part. That's civic. It's about what God wants.
01:06:34That's civic. It's about what God wants. Are you tracking with me? And sometimes God wants what
01:06:41you don't want because his ways are above your ways but hear me. You can't be lost.
01:06:49You can't be. You gotta get this and you can't be sleep. You gotta be wide awake
01:06:56because you gotta build something and I'm gonna fight. I'm gonna pray. I'm gonna intercede. I'm
01:07:03gonna keep on preaching. Probably get in trouble and all that kind of stuff. I don't really care
01:07:06like that though. You feel me? You know me. I don't care because man didn't call me.
01:07:15God called me. God sent me. God protected me when man shot bullets at me when I was 16 years old.
01:07:22God was there. I'm not afraid. I love you too much. I don't want you to believe the hype
01:07:31because it's all hype.
01:07:37It's all hype. The only thing that and you can't build on none of it. The only thing that you can
01:07:46build on that will withstand the flood is what God shows you. Some of you
01:07:55there is geography connected to what you build.
01:07:59That's why you got to be open man. I feel you in my heart real strong right now.
01:08:05Some of you you got to be what God needs you to be to build. What God needs you to build.
01:08:10You can't just build. Sometimes it's like it's not just that you build something. It's where
01:08:14you build it, how you build it, when you build it, who you build it with. Look at the level of detail
01:08:20look at the level of detail that you have to have access to. That's a full-time job family
01:08:28and what I want you to walk away from this with
01:08:34is an encouragement that there is a revelation out there for you that will keep you safe.
01:08:43But I want you to have a real sense of urgency about finding that revelation.
01:08:47I want that what you know to do. I want you to stop procrastinating and I want you to do it quickly.
01:08:57The things that God has made clear about your associations and relationships and activities
01:09:01the things that God has made clear and you kind of like pretend like you didn't hear him or you
01:09:05need more confirmation. You don't need more confirmation. This is that last confirmation
01:09:08This is that last confirmation you needed.
01:09:13Because we can't let anything stand in the way of this. I'm concerned. You know I don't really
01:09:21preach like this. I'm like I'm deeply deeply concerned by what I'm seeing in the spirit.
01:09:30I'm not afraid. I'm concerned and I'm concerned about us kind of playing. Not you. You got it.
01:09:42But like really playing around with this thing because it's going to get real real quick.
01:09:47It's going to get real real quick. So what are you going to stand on when it gets real real quick?
01:09:52How are you going to know what to do? What's your plan? What's your escape plan?
01:10:00What's your building plan? God got with Noah and God laid it out. He said come here dude.
01:10:07He said build it like this and do this and do that and do this and do that.
01:10:12Look at the level of relationship that those instructions required and every detail
01:10:20was important. That's why it had to be a certain amount of cubits. That's 18 inches.
01:10:27It had to be this. Detailed instructions. I'm excited because God is getting ready to
01:10:32to allow you to build a perfect ark. It's going to be perfect. It's going to be great
01:10:41and you're going to do it. And when you say yes and you get in line and you get in alignment
01:10:47just like all the animals and stuff came to know. I don't know where you got the gopher wood.
01:10:51I guess it just appeared. But when you say yes, it's going to start coming to you.
01:10:58So I want to pray for some people. You hear and you say PT. I want you to pray for me because I want to have
01:11:10a deep sensitivity for your voice. I really I want to build for the flood. I don't want to be.
01:11:16See the reason why I have peace is people are freaking out. They're freaking out about the
01:11:20economy. They're freaking out about the potential civil war. I sleep good at night.
01:11:25Crazy stuff happening. There's a threat. I have to be responsible with the information that I have.
01:11:33But there are some cyber concerns surrounding the election. All that kind of stuff.
01:11:40There are plans, terrorist attacks, all that kind of stuff. We got the intel. It's happening.
01:11:47But when I tell you I ain't worried, you know why? I'm building my ark
01:11:51every single day. I'm in the presence of God. What do you want me to be? I have no allegiance to
01:11:55anything but the will of God. Are you hearing what I'm saying? I'm going to be where you want me to be.
01:12:05I'm going to build what you want me to build because there is a reformation coming.
01:12:11There's a reformation coming. And don't you think for a second that God who holds the valve
01:12:20would allow something to be released without a plan to cause what was was released to work
01:12:26out for the good of the kingdom. Don't you think for a second that the kingdom is second rate or
01:12:31that the kingdom is second thought. This is all at the end of the day for the glory of God and
01:12:37the purifying of the church and his people for the advancement of the kingdom agenda of God.
01:12:45And I want to give a real invitation here. And if you say, P.T., I want to really, I want to be a
01:12:52part of what God is doing. I don't want to be lost in the sauce because I haven't tapped in or maybe
01:12:59I don't know. I want to learn more about how to tap in. Let me tell you something. Just say yes.
01:13:04He said, behold, I stand at the door and knock if anyone opens it. Here's my voice. It opens the
01:13:08door. He said, I will come in and I will suck with he. And in other words, I'll have a deep
01:13:14extra. I'll sit. It'll be like me and you sitting at dinner. And from level to level, I will unpack
01:13:21everything. That's what you get when you get Jesus for real. You don't get religion. You don't get
01:13:27in church. No, no, no, no, no, no, no. You get a friend that sticks closer than a brother.
01:13:32You get one who will not leave you in the dark. Jesus told his disciples, he said, you're no
01:13:38longer servants, your friends, because servants do not know what the master is doing. Abraham
01:13:43walked with God and God ultimately said, Abraham, you are a friend of mine. God wants friends.
01:13:51And so if you're here and you say, I want to take my relationship with God to the next level,
01:13:56I want you to meet me at this altar. If you're here and you say, I want to walk in such a way
01:14:01where I really have a newfound sensitivity for what to build. If you say I've been kind of on
01:14:08the fence and I need to like lean in, let me tell you something. Now ain't the time to harden your
01:14:14heart. If I was preaching this two years ago, maybe you'd have a little bit more time. I'm not
01:14:19convinced that you have a whole lot of time to get it together. I'm not trying to scare you,
01:14:23but I am trying to alert you. And I want you to come look, you thought you by yourself.
01:14:27I want everybody to get as close to this altar as possible. You're here and you say,
01:14:31I want to walk with God. I want to have that type of relationship like Enoch had, where I just,
01:14:36I walk with God so, so succinctly that I can't even tell the distinction between my feet and
01:14:42his feet. I want you to come and meet me here today. Something's getting ready to happen.
01:14:46There's some, and you need wisdom because God wants you to build. He needs you to build something.
01:14:52Hmm. There's some in this room right now and in order to build for God, you're going to have to
01:15:00let go of something. And what's holding you back right now is that you're not ready to let go of,
01:15:05and I appreciate your integrity. I get that, but you're not coming because you don't want to play
01:15:10with God and you don't want to let go of what you know you need to let go of in order to walk with
01:15:15God. And the enemy is using it to, to judge you and to condemn you. And there's an opportunity
01:15:24here in this moment right now to break off the condemnation and to, and to receive strength,
01:15:31to walk in a way that you really truly want to walk. I see literally the Lord's sword and his
01:15:38sword not to cut you, but his sword to sever that, that thing that's keeping you from you.
01:15:47Scripture says the word of God is like a two-edged sword. And I feel that sword and all you have to
01:15:51do is say yes to God and that sword's going to come down. It's going to deliver you
01:15:55instantaneously from that thing, that individual, that thing that's holding you so that you can
01:16:01freely give yourself to God. And if you say yes, I just see that sword coming down right now.
01:16:07And I almost want to yield it. I almost want to, I just, I just got to be obedient
01:16:12because I told you I got to preach to you like I may never see you again.
01:16:17And if you will worship, if that's you and you're here and I describe where you are,
01:16:25I'm going to do a gesture in just a moment with this microphone.
01:16:29And this microphone is going to represent the sword of the Lord.
01:16:32And that thing that won't let you go, it won't let you go. And it's, it's even like the very
01:16:39thing that will keep you. There's a part of you, your heart is pounding right now. You want to be
01:16:42down here, but you're conflicted because you don't believe you have what it takes to give up
01:16:47what God has called you to give up in order to walk this thing out. And God says, I'm going to
01:16:53help you because there's an expiration date on the grace concern, that thing, because I've
01:16:59confirmed it. I've showed it to you. I've confirmed it. Others have confirmed it.
01:17:03Prophets have confirmed, sermons have confirmed it. You weren't even looking for it.
01:17:07Everywhere is confirming it and it needs to break today. And so God's going to give you a little bit
01:17:14of help. And if that's you and that's where you are, all you have to do is lift up your heart
01:17:20and surrender. And if you are so inclined to lift up your hands and surrender, and I'm going to
01:17:26bring this, I'm going to bring this sword down. And when I bring this sword down,
01:17:33when I bring it down, it's going to be a sword of the spirit, but here's the thing, God won't cut you.
01:17:40So you're going to have to extend that thing and you're going to have to give God, you have to
01:17:44extend that thing because I'll bring it down and because God, and if you're still holding it, you're
01:17:49still committed to that thing, the sword is not going to hit you because this sword will destroy
01:17:54what it hits and God loves you too much to destroy you. He wants to destroy that thing.
01:18:00So I'm going to pull it down in just a second. And when I pull it down, if you're ready, if you're
01:18:07ready to release that thing, when this sword comes down, it's going to break that thing off of you
01:18:13because the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but they're mighty through God. They're not natural.
01:18:18These are spiritual weapons. That's why I can use this as an instrument, as a spiritual instrument
01:18:23to cut you loose and to set you free. God loves you and you haven't even seen you yet until you're
01:18:29free. So at the count of seven, the number of completion, I'm going to bring the sword of God
01:18:38down over that thing, over that thing that's trying to keep you from God
01:18:47because it's time for you to be free and it's time for the enemies that you've been seeing for years
01:18:55for you to never see them again and God loves you and he is your deliverer and he is your savior
01:19:02and he is your king and he is your prince of peace and he is your way maker. So at the count of seven,
01:19:07I'm going to bring the sword of God down.
01:19:14One, two, three,
01:19:23four, five,
01:19:29six, seven.
01:19:38It's broken, it's broken, it's broken. It's broken, it's broken, it's broken.
01:19:42It's broken, it's broken, it's broken. It's broken, it's broken, it's broken.
01:19:46It's broken, it's broken, it's broken. It's broken, it's broken, it's broken.
01:19:56Now give God a big shout of victory in this house. It's broken, it's broken.
01:20:13If you feel with the Holy Ghost, high five somebody and say it's broken, it's broken,
01:20:20it's broken. No more, no more, no more, no more, no more. You hear me? I got you.
01:20:37I got you says the Lord. I got you. You're mine. You belong to me. No weapon that is formed against
01:20:46you can prosper. When you said yes to me, I said yes to you and the very gates of hell
01:20:54themselves cannot prevail against you. Receive it now. Freedom, freedom.
01:21:17So I wanted us to take communion, but and I just sprung it up on my staff
01:21:33and we don't have a body in the bread, but the truth of the matter is
01:21:41this is kind of just symbolism. I'm not taking away the value of the power of the symbolism,
01:21:51but I just know that my God would not disallow us from the breakthrough experience of communion
01:22:03simply because the store ain't open.
01:22:06Amen. So I've never done this before. I've never done this before,
01:22:14but somehow in the spirit, we'll get the wafers and we'll do it the traditional way,
01:22:21but I want to pray a prayer that it would have the same effect
01:22:27in you and on you and for you as if we had the wafer because the blood is eternal
01:22:38and his body was eternally broken. So God, I pray that as it was in our heart
01:22:49to commune and many of us will go home and and we will break a wafer and we will drink
01:22:54juice, we will drink juice, we will drink juice
01:23:02or a little bit of wine, a little bit,
01:23:06but God, I know that you would not rob us, you would not hinder us
01:23:14of the blessing of the of communion that edifies, that renews, that restores, that allows us to fill
01:23:22the power of the work of the cross afresh. You would not allow
01:23:29it to be the case that we would miss that gift simply because there's no wafer. You are the bread
01:23:40of life. You are the shedder of your everlasting blood. So I want you to repeat after me.
01:23:52Heavenly Father, I thank you for your love. I feel it. I thank you for your word.
01:24:03I receive it. I thank you for Jesus
01:24:11whose body was broken
01:24:15that I might be whole. All of my weakness, all of my shortcomings,
01:24:24all of my pain, everything that has ever happened to me.
01:24:32You placed in his body
01:24:36all of my disease, all of my bondage, all of my brokenness.
01:24:47You put it in his body, nailed it to the cross.
01:24:52He shed his blood for my freedom. I receive the power of that blood
01:25:05and the freedom therein right now. Let it heal me. Let it cleanse me. Let it renew me.
01:25:16May it mark me as a sign that the enemy must pass over me. I'm washed in the blood.
01:25:28I'm covered by the blood. I'm made whole by his broken body.
01:25:37So I claim my wholeness. I claim my deliverance. I claim my freedom.
01:25:47I claim my inheritance. I claim my covenant. I claim my promises. I claim my victory.
01:25:59That thing that once had me no longer has me. Who the Son sets free is free indeed.
01:26:10I am free. I am free. I am free. I am free to be me. Now Holy Spirit, fill me up to the overflow
01:26:27that I might walk with you, that I might talk with you, that I might be with you,
01:26:34and that I might build with you. In Jesus' name, I'll never be the same. Amen, amen, and amen.
01:26:45May the Lord bless and keep you. May he make his face to shine upon you and be
01:26:50gracious towards you. May he lift up his countenance over you and grant you shalom,
01:26:55shalom. Come on, let's just worship. Let's just worship. Let's just worship.
