No More Hiding - Touré Roberts

  • il y a 6 mois
00:00:00 [Music]
00:00:17 Lord, we thank you for this moment.
00:00:20 It's a blessed moment, God.
00:00:21 We're blessed to be here.
00:00:22 We're blessed to be in our right mind.
00:00:24 We're blessed to be seated at your table
00:00:27 to receive nourishment that will do for the soul
00:00:30 that which nothing else can do.
00:00:33 We know that we don't live by bread alone,
00:00:35 by food alone, but we live and we thrive
00:00:38 by the words that come out of your mouth.
00:00:40 So may the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart
00:00:43 be acceptable in your sight,
00:00:46 to the intent, Lord God, that these words would
00:00:49 take root in the hearts and the minds of those
00:00:51 who are under the sound of it and bear great fruit.
00:00:55 I thank you, Lord, for the spirit of wisdom
00:00:58 and revelation and insight and knowledge
00:01:00 and prophecy and full access to heaven's resources.
00:01:05 Give me everything I need to be a blessing
00:01:08 to your children that you love so much.
00:01:11 I pray, God, that your love would be felt
00:01:13 through the words that come forth,
00:01:15 the love that's so powerful that it drives out fear,
00:01:18 that it cures literally ailments and illness
00:01:25 and anxiety, hallelujah.
00:01:28 I pray that some of that literally would be swallowed,
00:01:30 not some of it, all of it, would literally be swallowed
00:01:33 in the power of your presence,
00:01:35 and that there would be a revival of mind, heart, and spirit,
00:01:38 a revival literally of our divine self, our God self,
00:01:42 who we are in Christ.
00:01:44 May there be a revival of that,
00:01:46 and that revival would give us new eyes, new vision,
00:01:49 new perspective, new power, new elevation,
00:01:52 a restoration of dreams, hopes, vision, and clarity,
00:01:56 and callings.
00:01:57 I pray that we would leave here on fire,
00:01:59 not a temporary fire that any old wind can blow out,
00:02:04 but a fire that will burn and never be put out
00:02:07 until we see your face.
00:02:09 In Jesus' name, amen, amen, amen, amen.
00:02:12 Do me a favor.
00:02:13 Greet somebody before you take your seat.
00:02:20 I love this church, man.
00:02:23 I love this church.
00:02:26 I love y'all.
00:02:30 I'm going to read--God gave me a word for you,
00:02:37 a right now word,
00:02:40 a word that's going to change everything, I believe.
00:02:44 It's going to confirm some things,
00:02:46 it's going to edify you, it's going to build you up,
00:02:48 it's going to change your eyes.
00:02:51 It's almost like a time of jubilee,
00:02:54 but we'll get to that.
00:02:56 Ecclesiastes 3, verses 1 through 8, it says--
00:02:59 love this passage--
00:03:02 "To everything there is a season,
00:03:05 a time for every purpose under heaven,
00:03:08 a time to be born and a time to die,
00:03:11 a time to plant and a time to pluck up what is planted,
00:03:15 a time to kill and a time to heal,
00:03:18 a time to break down and a time to build up,
00:03:22 a time to weep and a time to laugh,
00:03:25 a time to mourn and a time to dance,
00:03:28 a time to cast away stones and a time to gather stones,
00:03:33 a time to embrace and a time to refrain from embracing,
00:03:38 a time to gain and a time to lose,
00:03:41 a time to keep and a time to throw away,
00:03:44 a time to tear and a time to sew,
00:03:47 a time to keep silence and a time to speak,
00:03:52 a time to love and a time to hate,
00:03:55 a time of war and a time of peace."
00:03:59 That's powerful.
00:04:02 This passage of scripture, that entire book of Ecclesiastes,
00:04:06 was written by a guy by the name of King Solomon.
00:04:11 And if you study King Solomon's history,
00:04:13 one of the most notable things about him was his prayer.
00:04:16 God appeared to him in a dream and said,
00:04:18 "Ask whatever you want from me,
00:04:21 and I would give it to you."
00:04:23 What a question.
00:04:24 If God asks you that,
00:04:26 "Let me see, Jesus.
00:04:29 Give me a boo.
00:04:31 A good one. A good boo.
00:04:34 A Bentley and a Beverly Hills house."
00:04:38 Not you. Some people you know.
00:04:40 But for real, like if God asked you,
00:04:43 like, you know, genie in a bottle type of scenario,
00:04:45 if God said, "Ask of me and I'll give you anything."
00:04:48 I bet that there would be some interesting requests.
00:04:50 You don't have to tell him.
00:04:52 You don't have to put your business out there.
00:04:55 He could have asked for anything,
00:04:57 but he's noted for asking
00:04:59 when he could have asked for anything.
00:05:01 He says, "God, give me."
00:05:03 You can find this in 1 Kings 3, I believe.
00:05:05 Read your whole Bible. You'll find it.
00:05:08 He says, "God, give me
00:05:10 a wise and understanding heart
00:05:15 so that I can lead these so great your people."
00:05:17 In other words, he recognized that he had a calling
00:05:22 and he had a responsibility to his calling
00:05:25 and he knew that the greatest thing that God could give him
00:05:28 was not things, but wisdom.
00:05:34 And so God says, "Oh, I like the way you think, boy.
00:05:39 Love your heart posture."
00:05:41 God loves a pure heart.
00:05:43 He says, "So since you asked right,
00:05:44 since you didn't ask for riches
00:05:47 or the heads of your enemies,"
00:05:48 when some of you was like, "Yeah, kill him, Jesus.
00:05:50 Just one. I'll just waste one on killing him, Jesus.
00:05:53 I still got two."
00:05:55 I'm kidding, I'm kidding.
00:05:56 I think, I think.
00:05:59 He said, "Because you didn't ask for riches
00:06:01 nor the head of your enemies,"
00:06:03 he says, "your request is granted.
00:06:06 I'm going to make you the wisest person ever.
00:06:10 There will be no one wiser than you
00:06:13 from before you or after you.
00:06:14 And not only that, since you didn't ask for riches,
00:06:18 I'm going to make you the richest man ever."
00:06:23 That was the Old Testament version
00:06:24 of seek first the kingdom and his righteousness
00:06:28 and all other things will be added unto you.
00:06:30 So the person who wrote this is wise.
00:06:34 And one of the things that I love about Ecclesiastes,
00:06:36 which is different from Proverbs,
00:06:38 and he wrote the majority of the Proverbs,
00:06:40 but the difference between Proverbs and Ecclesiastes,
00:06:42 although Proverbs is rich,
00:06:43 I read a chapter of Proverbs every day
00:06:44 that correlates to the day of the month.
00:06:46 So today is the 21st, I read Proverbs 21.
00:06:48 You should do it, it will bless you.
00:06:51 But the distinction between Ecclesiastes and Proverbs
00:06:54 is that Ecclesiastes talks about life.
00:06:58 And he talks about it in a very poetic and powerful way.
00:07:01 And I love what he's saying here.
00:07:05 Because he's talking about how things function
00:07:08 and operate in the earth.
00:07:10 And this is important because stuff will happen
00:07:12 and it will throw us off.
00:07:14 And ultimately what he's saying is,
00:07:17 there is a time and a season for everything.
00:07:22 He is ultimately saying, this is important,
00:07:24 he is ultimately saying that life is comprised
00:07:27 of times and seasons.
00:07:29 Now why is that important?
00:07:31 It's important because if you don't know that life is seasonal,
00:07:34 you will give up in winter
00:07:37 because you didn't recognize that summer was coming.
00:07:40 Are you hearing me?
00:07:42 You see, some of you right now, you might be in winter
00:07:44 where things aren't, it's cold, it's chilly
00:07:47 and you ain't got no blanket.
00:07:50 Things are rough, the sun doesn't seem to be shining.
00:07:53 And if you don't recognize that that is temporary,
00:07:56 it is just a season,
00:07:58 then you will break down before the breakthrough comes.
00:08:02 Are you hearing me?
00:08:03 So the great wise Solomon is breaking down life
00:08:06 and he is saying that life has everything in it.
00:08:10 There is a time for this and a time for that
00:08:12 and all those, they actually are conflicting
00:08:15 in different seasons, different things happen.
00:08:17 In other words, if you are mourning now, just keep living
00:08:20 because you will be dancing soon.
00:08:23 Come on somebody.
00:08:24 If you are having to refrain from embracing,
00:08:27 if you are moving into a season temporarily
00:08:31 of things being cut off or some degree of isolation,
00:08:33 don't you worry,
00:08:34 because you are going to be able to embrace in a moment.
00:08:37 He is breaking down life.
00:08:40 God is going to do something today, can't you feel it?
00:08:43 He is breaking down life
00:08:46 because life is full of ebbs and flows
00:08:49 and there is, this is God,
00:08:51 there is a purpose for everything.
00:08:56 God doesn't waste anything
00:08:59 and he will never waste a good trial.
00:09:03 Feel that thing right there.
00:09:05 And I might run this alongside and I talk about this in my book Balance,
00:09:08 I think, shameless plug.
00:09:11 Never waste a good failure.
00:09:16 Because if you see failure right, first of all,
00:09:20 it is possible for you to lose and not be a loser.
00:09:24 It is possible for you to fail and not be a failure.
00:09:28 So there is always something to extract
00:09:33 from things that did not go the way you wanted to go.
00:09:37 Right?
00:09:38 Either I am winning or I am learning.
00:09:41 Which means I am always winning.
00:09:42 Come on somebody, track with me, track with me.
00:09:45 It is one or the other.
00:09:47 That is important.
00:09:49 But I do want to zero in on something that he says
00:09:53 in these ebbs and flows of life,
00:09:57 times and seasons.
00:10:00 He says in verse 7, the second part,
00:10:03 he says, "There is a time to keep silence
00:10:09 and a time to speak."
00:10:15 Where do I want to go?
00:10:17 There is a time, watch this, this is important.
00:10:20 There is a time for things to be covert
00:10:26 and there is a time for things to be overt.
00:10:31 And then the question becomes,
00:10:32 how do I know what to do when?
00:10:37 How do I know what season I am in?
00:10:40 And it is important, if there is a time to embrace
00:10:43 and a time to refrain from embracing,
00:10:45 if there is a time to plant and a time to pluck up,
00:10:47 that means that if I am in a planting season
00:10:50 and I am plucking up, I am out of season.
00:10:54 Come on.
00:10:56 If I am in an embracing season
00:10:58 but I am pushing everybody away, I am out of season.
00:11:01 So it is possible for me to be doing the wrong thing
00:11:04 in the wrong season, which means that I have to find a way
00:11:08 to know what to do when.
00:11:12 So how do I know it?
00:11:14 There is a tribe in the scripture,
00:11:17 one of the 12 tribes of Israel,
00:11:19 and it is the tribe Issachar.
00:11:21 And what do we know about the tribe of Issachar?
00:11:23 We know that they had understanding of...
00:11:26 Come on, you spiritual people, I love it.
00:11:28 They had understanding of...
00:11:30 times and seasons.
00:11:32 So you might say, "Well, yo, man, that was the son...
00:11:35 those were the sons of Issachar,
00:11:36 those were the children of Issachar,
00:11:37 maybe they were just special."
00:11:39 No, you got to understand that every God quality,
00:11:41 each of those tribes had a divine quality.
00:11:45 And because we now are partakers of the divine nature
00:11:49 and now we have the Holy Spirit,
00:11:50 every good quality in those tribes now belong to us.
00:11:55 Which means that that Issachar anointing,
00:11:57 the ability to perceive times and seasons,
00:12:01 is ours as prophetic people of God,
00:12:04 people who have the Holy Spirit.
00:12:06 I feel that right there.
00:12:09 I'm writing my next book right now and it's called "Knowing."
00:12:12 And it's all...
00:12:13 Yeah, it's going to be good, you're going to love this one.
00:12:16 And it's going...
00:12:17 And it's about the reality of the fact that we can tap
00:12:22 into the divine resource of certainty.
00:12:27 Based on Corinthians,
00:12:30 when it talks about how we have the Holy Spirit,
00:12:32 "His eyes have not seen or the ear heard,
00:12:33 neither has it entered into the heart of man those things that God has prepared,
00:12:36 but God has revealed those things to us by His Spirit."
00:12:38 And if you keep reading us 1 Corinthians 2, verse 9 and 10, but...
00:12:43 There you go.
00:12:45 It talks about how by the Spirit we can freely know things.
00:12:50 So, if you cultivate a genuine relationship with the Holy Spirit,
00:12:57 you'll be tapped into times and seasons.
00:13:00 You'll know what to do when.
00:13:03 You may not have all the details, but what you will have will be sensitivities.
00:13:09 And so, if you are in an embrace season,
00:13:12 and you're letting go,
00:13:14 the Holy Spirit will say, "Uh-uh, don't do that."
00:13:17 No, it's real. Come on somebody, this is real.
00:13:19 I don't just do random.
00:13:22 I'm prayerful.
00:13:23 I'm submitted.
00:13:24 I'm surrendered so that I will know what to do when.
00:13:28 But it necessitates discipline.
00:13:30 You can't be running so hard that you don't stop to be still.
00:13:35 The model prayer I talked about in Dallas last Sunday,
00:13:37 the model prayer is a prayer that you can pray in 29 seconds.
00:13:42 Which means that it is a short prayer, a prayer of few words.
00:13:45 Why is it a prayer of few words?
00:13:46 Because you're supposed to be listening more than you are speaking.
00:13:51 And as you listen, you posture yourself.
00:13:53 Is this too much?
00:13:54 As you listen, you posture yourself in order to hear.
00:13:58 Are we tracking?
00:13:59 So, He says, "There's a time to keep silent, and there's a time to speak."
00:14:08 And God started speaking to me about the reality of seasons
00:14:11 where there's a time for being covert, and there's a time for being overt.
00:14:21 Sometimes, we want to be overt in a season where God has us covert.
00:14:32 Let me take my time.
00:14:33 It's about to get good.
00:14:34 I'm going to drive down your street right now.
00:14:35 I'm going to drive down your street.
00:14:37 Here's what it looks like.
00:14:39 God, put me on.
00:14:42 I'm ready.
00:14:45 I'm gifted.
00:14:47 I'm talented.
00:14:49 I'm ready.
00:14:51 And yet, God doesn't put you on.
00:14:52 You're still--watch this--you're still covert.
00:14:56 And you're mad at God, the one who holds times and seasons with divine intelligence.
00:15:03 He knows everything about everything there is to know.
00:15:08 And we're like, "God, there's some people in this room right now."
00:15:10 And you think--watch this--you think that people are sleeping on you.
00:15:15 Oh, this is going to be fun.
00:15:18 They ain't sleeping on me.
00:15:20 And then you size yourself up to people that are overt in your craft, in your space.
00:15:26 And you're like, "I'm better than them.
00:15:29 Look better, write better, produce better."
00:15:33 And yet, they're overt, and you're covert.
00:15:36 And sometimes you're frustrated because you believe that God has forgotten about you.
00:15:44 And consequently, you go to plan B, C, D, E, and F because you're frustrated
00:15:49 because you think that now is the time for you to be overt
00:15:54 when the reality of it is God knows that if He made you overt, you would be over.
00:16:00 Come on, come on, go with me.
00:16:02 Don't do it.
00:16:03 Don't do it. Go with me.
00:16:06 If you are still covert, that means you are covert.
00:16:13 And God will covert you in the covert while you are being developed
00:16:19 because you have no idea what you're asking for when you're asking for the stage,
00:16:24 when you're asking for--come on, come on, come on, come on--
00:16:27 when you're asking to be overt, and God knows what you can handle and what you can't.
00:16:33 So there are times--are we still together? Are we tracking? Are we still friends?
00:16:37 So there are times--watch this--when God hides you
00:16:42 and you may falsely perceive it as Him denying you.
00:16:50 Come on. We got some ground to cover.
00:16:54 And God is saying, "No, no, no, no, no, no. I'm covering you."
00:17:02 Because I understand times and seasons. Watch this.
00:17:05 Here's what I love about the Holy Spirit.
00:17:07 Sometimes the Holy Spirit will give you a check about a person
00:17:11 that looks wonderfully good on paper.
00:17:15 You ever had that happen?
00:17:16 I mean, you're going to do business and you got a partnership
00:17:20 and the track record is great, the partner that you're considering doing business with,
00:17:23 the track record is great, but you got a check in your spirit.
00:17:27 And you're like, "Why do I have a check in my spirit?"
00:17:30 The references check out.
00:17:33 The history checks out.
00:17:36 But my spirit don't check out.
00:17:39 And it could be because your spirit--watch this--
00:17:43 not only knows who the person is, but who the person will be.
00:17:50 Come on. Don't play with me. Come on.
00:17:52 We're going somewhere. Stay with me. You're going to get it today.
00:17:55 And God knows--watch this--who you might be
00:17:59 when you get what overt would get you
00:18:04 and so God might be covering you from you.
00:18:09 Oh, we're still friends. Come on. We're still friends.
00:18:11 Y'all still love me. Y'all loved me about 10 minutes ago.
00:18:15 Yeah.
00:18:16 You don't know the you that--
00:18:20 if God warp speed you from this covert place that he has you in,
00:18:25 boom, into overt, which you're praying for every day.
00:18:27 "It's my time. It's my time. My time."
00:18:30 If he warp speed you into it--so watch this--
00:18:33 so this version of you shows up there,
00:18:36 that could be catastrophic.
00:18:40 Because sometimes there is a maturation
00:18:45 that is not about your skill set or your intellect.
00:18:48 It is about your character.
00:18:51 Not character good or bad.
00:18:53 It is about the integrity.
00:18:55 The integrity has to do with the inside, the structure.
00:19:00 So God wants to deal--
00:19:02 See, we're looking at the outside. God's looking at the inside.
00:19:06 All right.
00:19:08 Quiet.
00:19:10 How do you say quiet in Spanish?
00:19:11 ¿Cómo se dice quiet en español?
00:19:14 Silencio. Sí, silencio.
00:19:16 Mucho silencio en aquí.
00:19:19 Sí. Sí.
00:19:22 ¿Por qué?
00:19:24 Yo no comprende.
00:19:31 So, so, so, I digress.
00:19:34 So there are seasons, family. That's for free.
00:19:37 There are seasons where God will hide you.
00:19:43 And then there are other seasons where you have to hide you.
00:19:48 Covert seasons.
00:19:50 What are you talking about, PT?
00:19:52 I'm talking about there are some seasons
00:19:54 where the Holy Spirit will tell you to be quiet
00:19:59 about who you are.
00:20:01 Oh, come on, come on, come on.
00:20:03 Yeah, yeah, yeah.
00:20:05 There are some seasons where God will say, "Shh."
00:20:11 Don't be overt.
00:20:13 I need you to be covert
00:20:17 while I get you into position.
00:20:21 Oh, don't make me, don't make me.
00:20:23 Get in this thing. I'm going to get into it.
00:20:25 Yeah, yeah, yeah.
00:20:26 I need you--
00:20:28 Watch this.
00:20:29 I need you to actually be in the kingdom closet.
00:20:36 Not--watch this--
00:20:38 not failing to be who you are,
00:20:42 but I'm sending you into some environments
00:20:45 where I need you to be crafty like a serpent.
00:20:49 The Bible says, "Wise as a serpent, yet harmless as a dove."
00:20:53 In other words, you don't go in there in those covert seasons
00:20:57 and put your Christian badge on your chest.
00:20:59 How are you doing?
00:21:00 Oh, blessed in Jesus today.
00:21:03 Yeah, but what does that have to do with the report
00:21:05 I asked you to put on my desk?
00:21:09 Blessed and highly favored in the Lord Jesus Christ,
00:21:12 my Savior, we praise Him and we give Him glory today.
00:21:16 And all they said to you was, "Good morning."
00:21:19 And now you're the weird Christian at the office
00:21:22 that nobody wants to talk to because you're not--you know.
00:21:28 Stay with me.
00:21:29 I'm going somewhere that religious people are like,
00:21:31 "I do that every time I show up."
00:21:33 That's okay. There's grace.
00:21:36 But there is a season--
00:21:38 there is a season where God will literally call you to be quiet,
00:21:43 to move into position, to learn, to grow, to observe.
00:21:49 Even Jesus, right?
00:21:50 Even Jesus, if you study Him, He would say things like,
00:21:52 "Tell no one."
00:21:54 "For my time"--times and seasons--
00:21:57 "for my time has not come."
00:22:01 Even Jesus was hidden for a season.
00:22:08 There are covert seasons and there are overt seasons.
00:22:10 The covert season is when the Holy Spirit leads you
00:22:14 to learn, to grow, and to get into place.
00:22:20 It's interesting.
00:22:21 It says--the Scripture tells us--Jesus says,
00:22:22 "I need you to be wise as a servant, yet harmless as a dove."
00:22:27 And you think like a servant--a serpent--yet harmless as a dove.
00:22:29 You think about a serpent.
00:22:30 A serpent don't tell you that he's about to bite your butt.
00:22:36 He just rolls up on you.
00:22:37 Next thing you know, you recognize that he bit you
00:22:39 because his fangs are in your butt.
00:22:41 Okay, too far. That's all right.
00:22:43 Second service.
00:22:44 A lot of energy is going out today.
00:22:46 Bear with me.
00:22:47 A little grace. Thank you.
00:22:52 A serpent--watch this--is crafty.
00:22:56 A serpent doesn't announce itself.
00:22:59 It just moves.
00:23:01 And you look up and it's up on you.
00:23:04 And it's too late.
00:23:06 See, there is a reality of a covert season.
00:23:10 But a covert season is never meant to be temporary.
00:23:15 It's never meant to be temporary.
00:23:18 It is meant to get you to learn, get you to grow,
00:23:23 get you to observe, and most importantly,
00:23:26 to get you into position.
00:23:30 We are not called to be covert, for those of us who are, forever.
00:23:37 We're called to be covert until the right time.
00:23:42 It's kind of like Jericho. Remember the story of Jericho?
00:23:45 And he told them--and you've got to study this--
00:23:47 it's in Judges chapter 6 through Revelation 20.
00:23:55 But he tells them as they're getting ready to take the city,
00:24:00 he tells them to circle it.
00:24:02 Get in there. Get in position.
00:24:04 And say nothing for six days and six laps.
00:24:08 Don't say nothing.
00:24:11 Can you imagine that?
00:24:13 All those people marching around, saying, "I can't say nothing."
00:24:17 God a promise?
00:24:20 It's in front of them. They say nothing.
00:24:22 Until the seventh day. Boom. Then they said something.
00:24:24 So there will be seasons. Stay with me.
00:24:26 There will be seasons where God will cause you to be covert,
00:24:30 but it's temporary.
00:24:32 I have a prophetic word for you.
00:24:34 No more hiding.
00:24:37 God spoke something to me, and I'm going to unpack it.
00:24:40 Hear me. Hear me.
00:24:43 Not as a man of my own words, in this moment, in this instant right now.
00:24:47 I'm telling you.
00:24:49 Now is a time to switch.
00:24:52 If you were called to be covert,
00:24:54 because you were trying to get to where you needed to go,
00:24:56 and to get into position.
00:24:57 See, there's some people right now, and you're in position.
00:25:00 And you haven't come fully out of the kingdom closet.
00:25:04 And I'll be honest with you, you weren't supposed to.
00:25:06 But I'm telling you right now.
00:25:09 It is just like the seventh day around Jericho.
00:25:13 Where God is commanding you to go from covert to overt.
00:25:18 And to get loud and bold and unapologetic.
00:25:23 Now is the time.
00:25:24 And let me tell you something.
00:25:26 Things are going to begin to break.
00:25:30 I've got to take my time and teach this thing.
00:25:32 I've got to take my time and teach it.
00:25:34 I'm telling you. It's getting ready to work.
00:25:36 It's going to work.
00:25:37 See, there was a fear.
00:25:39 If I am who I truly am, and if I show who I truly am,
00:25:43 I'm going to lose the job.
00:25:45 I'm going to lose the favor.
00:25:46 I'm going to lose the position.
00:25:47 But I'm here to tell you that something has shifted in the spirit.
00:25:51 And God is saying it's time for you to move from covert to overt.
00:25:54 And it is going to work.
00:25:57 Why? Why? Why is it going to work now?
00:26:00 Because remember, it's about times and seasons.
00:26:08 There is a time to zip it.
00:26:12 And there's a time to speak up.
00:26:15 Feel the Lord.
00:26:17 Now, this speaking up that I'm talking about
00:26:20 is not just you being loud and boisterous and religious and irrelevant.
00:26:29 And I might add ignorant and irresponsible.
00:26:33 That is not what I'm talking about.
00:26:35 That's the lazy approach to the command to be overt.
00:26:42 I'm talking about getting into your prayer closet,
00:26:47 getting into the secret place with Jesus and the Holy Spirit,
00:26:54 having spent so much time with Jesus,
00:26:58 that when you show up, you're going to look like Moses
00:27:01 when he came down off the mountain, having been in the presence of God for 40 days,
00:27:06 and his face just shone.
00:27:08 Beams of light came off his face.
00:27:10 And he's trying to talk to them, and they're looking at him like,
00:27:12 "What just happened to you?"
00:27:14 And watch this, he could not be hidden.
00:27:21 He couldn't be hidden.
00:27:24 Because of his relationship, because of his intimacy,
00:27:28 because of his access to the Lord.
00:27:30 I'm not talking about you being religious,
00:27:32 running up on everybody, telling them about Jesus.
00:27:34 I'm saying you being so transfigured by the presence of Jesus
00:27:39 that people are staring at you,
00:27:41 and they want to know what is that, who is that,
00:27:44 what do you have, and give me some of that.
00:27:51 Feel the Holy Spirit in here.
00:27:53 I wish I had about 15 people that would catch what I'm saying
00:27:56 and just begin to praise God with me,
00:27:58 because I feel war getting ready to break out in here.
00:28:01 I feel it. I feel it.
00:28:04 You are in the right place, baby.
00:28:06 You are in the right room.
00:28:08 Come on, somebody.
00:28:09 I feel it. I feel it.
00:28:12 I feel it. I feel the enemy getting nervous.
00:28:15 Oh, God! I feel the enemy getting nervous.
00:28:18 I feel like they were inside the walls of Jericho,
00:28:21 and they were shut up,
00:28:23 because they were getting ready to be shut down.
00:28:25 And I feel the Holy Spirit,
00:28:27 if you would embrace this word,
00:28:29 and say, "You know what? I'm coming out of the kingdom."
00:28:32 Come on, I say.
00:28:36 Uh-huh! Something's going to break!
00:28:45 Something's going to break.
00:28:49 I got to teach this thing.
00:28:51 I got to teach this thing. Overt. Overt.
00:28:53 God's calling you out. I see it.
00:28:55 He's calling you out, and it's going to work.
00:28:58 And it's going to work.
00:28:59 The people that used to laugh at Christians,
00:29:02 oh my God, are going to be looking for somebody with some power.
00:29:05 Looking for somebody with some glory.
00:29:07 Looking for somebody with some wisdom.
00:29:09 Looking for somebody with some integrity.
00:29:11 Looking for somebody with some faith.
00:29:13 If that's you, give God a roar!
00:29:16 [Applause]
00:29:25 Thank you, Jesus.
00:29:29 Something's happening.
00:29:31 Something's happening. I feel it.
00:29:33 I feel it. The enemy's getting ready to let you go.
00:29:35 Rabbishah! The enemy's getting ready to let you go.
00:29:37 He's got to let you go. He's got to let you go!
00:29:41 He's getting ready to let you go.
00:29:44 Uh-huh. We're going to do business here today.
00:29:47 We're going to do business here today.
00:29:49 So there's two things.
00:29:51 I think I was three. But there are two things.
00:29:53 There are two things.
00:29:56 Second service.
00:29:59 There are two things that you're going to need to be delivered from
00:30:03 in order to do this.
00:30:05 Two things.
00:30:07 The fear of man
00:30:10 and the fear of rejection.
00:30:12 You ready? You ready?
00:30:15 The fear of man and the fear of rejection.
00:30:18 Let's deal with it.
00:30:19 First of all, here's what the Bible says about the fear of man.
00:30:22 It says in Proverbs 25 and 29,
00:30:25 it says, "The fear of man brings a snare,
00:30:29 but he who trusts in the Lord is safe."
00:30:32 That's a very interesting Hebrew word that was translated snare.
00:30:36 It's the Hebrew word "mokesh"
00:30:38 and it literally means a noose.
00:30:41 So when it says, it better read this way,
00:30:44 "The fear of man brings a noose."
00:30:50 And watch this, and not any old type of noose,
00:30:53 but this noose in particular is a noose designed for animals.
00:30:59 Slavery.
00:31:01 Fear of man.
00:31:06 That's why you're scared to say something.
00:31:09 That's why you're scared to be you.
00:31:12 You got spiritual asthma.
00:31:14 Can't even breathe.
00:31:16 And release the breath that God has given to you.
00:31:19 The breath of life.
00:31:20 That'll make demons tremble.
00:31:22 That'll make your dead be raised.
00:31:26 God's gonna break it.
00:31:29 I gotta teach this thing,
00:31:31 'cause I wanna preach this thing, but I gotta teach this thing.
00:31:34 And I cannot wait to pray for you
00:31:37 before I get on this plane.
00:31:41 The fear of man brings a snare,
00:31:49 but he who trusts in the Lord is safe.
00:31:53 To overcome the fear of man,
00:31:56 you've got to understand two things.
00:31:59 You've got to understand first and foremost,
00:32:02 the futility of man.
00:32:05 Man is futile.
00:32:06 I know he or she,
00:32:08 I know they look big and bad and powerful,
00:32:12 like they can just destroy.
00:32:13 And you've heard somebody say, "I'll ruin your career."
00:32:16 No, no, no.
00:32:17 You've heard him say worse, "I'll ruin you."
00:32:20 The devil, Rashiba, is a liar.
00:32:24 If they didn't make you, they can't break you.
00:32:28 If they didn't form you, they didn't ruin you.
00:32:31 If they didn't raise you up, they are a liar.
00:32:38 You do that and I'll ruin you.
00:32:41 I wish the devil would.
00:32:45 It's a lie.
00:32:47 All throughout scriptures,
00:32:48 the enemy of God's people always made threats
00:32:52 before they got their butts whooped.
00:32:55 They always made threats.
00:32:58 When Nehemiah was building the wall,
00:33:00 study it, Nehemiah chapter 4.
00:33:05 Sambalot and Tobias came up to them,
00:33:08 watch this, while they were building.
00:33:10 See, the enemy never says anything to you
00:33:12 while you're doing nothing.
00:33:14 But when you begin to set your foot into the work
00:33:19 or put your hand into the plow,
00:33:22 the enemy starts talking.
00:33:24 And he says stuff like, "Oh, you old feeble people.
00:33:28 Y'all ain't really doing nothing.
00:33:29 Ain't nothing gonna happen.
00:33:30 Even if a little small animal came up,
00:33:32 they will knock this thing down.
00:33:34 But you have to get a revelation
00:33:35 and you gotta learn how to tell the devil,
00:33:37 'Hell no, shut your mouth, be quiet,
00:33:40 don't say anything to me
00:33:42 because you are a liar.'
00:33:44 Which means that anything you say,
00:33:45 the opposite is true.
00:33:47 That means I'm being fruitful.
00:33:48 That means that I'm on my way forward.
00:33:50 That means that I'm building something.
00:33:52 That means that I'm being effective.
00:33:54 That means that I'm on my way.
00:34:01 So you have to understand the futility of man.
00:34:05 Romans 8, 31 puts it this way.
00:34:08 What shall we say then to these things?
00:34:12 If God is for me, come on.
00:34:17 Who, what can be against me?
00:34:27 If God be for me, who can be against me?
00:34:32 I wish I never was.
00:34:40 You gotta believe it.
00:34:43 So you gotta understand the futility of man.
00:34:48 And you also have to understand
00:34:49 the futility of man's system.
00:34:53 Because man, that would attempt to...
00:34:57 (cough)
00:34:58 you, is operating according to a particular system.
00:35:01 It's a system of the world.
00:35:05 Scripture puts it this way in 1 John 2,
00:35:09 verse 15 through 17.
00:35:12 It says, "Do not love the world
00:35:15 or the things that are in the world.
00:35:18 If anyone loves the world,
00:35:19 the love of the Father is not in him."
00:35:22 That's kind of heavy.
00:35:23 I want to just unpack that just a little bit.
00:35:25 He's basically saying that
00:35:28 if you have an encounter
00:35:30 with the love of the Father
00:35:31 that cast out all fear,
00:35:34 then you are by default going to fall in love with the world
00:35:37 and begin to worship the world system.
00:35:40 Because you don't think that there's anything better.
00:35:44 And then he goes on to say,
00:35:45 "All that is in the world,
00:35:47 three things, the lust of the flesh,
00:35:51 the lust of the eyes,
00:35:53 and pay close attention to the last one,
00:35:55 and the pride of life."
00:35:58 A man that wants to...
00:35:59 walks around with this pride of life.
00:36:02 Can't touch me. I'm larger than life.
00:36:04 I do what I want,
00:36:06 and I want what I do.
00:36:08 Hello, somebody.
00:36:10 And can't nobody touch me.
00:36:12 And I'm on top of the world.
00:36:15 Sound like Nebuchadnezzar in the scripture
00:36:17 or sounds like Pharaoh in the scripture.
00:36:20 And see, Pharaoh was raised up for a season.
00:36:24 I feel something prophetic about to hit me.
00:36:26 There's some people that will raise up
00:36:29 to gather things that belong to you.
00:36:31 I feel the Holy Ghost.
00:36:33 Oh, I feel God.
00:36:35 Because the Bible says,
00:36:36 "You're going to reap where you did not sow."
00:36:40 God's going to use your enemy
00:36:43 to build houses that you didn't build.
00:36:46 I feel God.
00:36:48 If you hear me talking, give Him praise.
00:36:51 [Speaking in Hebrew]
00:36:54 I feel the Holy Ghost in here like crazy.
00:36:58 Listen, let me make it plain.
00:37:02 The Bible says that when the children of Israel
00:37:06 came out of captivity,
00:37:09 came out of Egypt,
00:37:11 it says they came out with great substance.
00:37:14 Where did they get that substance from?
00:37:17 They were slaves.
00:37:19 Pharaoh had the substance.
00:37:21 I feel God.
00:37:22 Pharaoh had the substance.
00:37:24 But he didn't realize that he was gathering it
00:37:28 for people that were in covenant with God.
00:37:31 See, sometimes you need your enemy
00:37:33 to be temporarily in position
00:37:36 to gather your stuff.
00:37:38 I dare you to shout out into the universe
00:37:41 and say, "Give me my stuff!"
00:37:44 [Applause]
00:37:47 Somebody's going to catch this word.
00:37:54 Somebody's going to catch this word,
00:37:56 and you're going to be a new man.
00:37:58 You're going to be a new woman.
00:38:00 You're going to be a new person.
00:38:02 You're going to be on fire.
00:38:04 You're going to start laying hold of things.
00:38:06 I feel it.
00:38:08 But in order to do it,
00:38:11 you got to be on team overt.
00:38:15 So,
00:38:17 all that is in the world,
00:38:21 lust of the flesh,
00:38:23 lust of the eyes,
00:38:25 and the pride of life,
00:38:27 it says, all that is in the world,
00:38:30 put that back up there.
00:38:31 Lust of the flesh, lust of the fly,
00:38:34 lust of the eyes, and the pride of life
00:38:36 is not of the Father, but of the world.
00:38:38 Watch this.
00:38:39 It says, "And the world is what?"
00:38:44 "Hey, hey, is passing away."
00:38:48 Watch this.
00:38:50 "And the lust of it."
00:38:52 In other words, that drive,
00:38:54 that energy, that force,
00:38:56 and that flow is getting weaker and weaker,
00:38:59 because you're getting stronger and stronger.
00:39:01 And God has given you an anointing
00:39:03 to break some things, to break chains,
00:39:06 to break the yoke.
00:39:07 No wonder there's been warfare over your life.
00:39:10 No wonder you thought about giving up.
00:39:12 No wonder you thought you was going to lose your mind.
00:39:15 Greater is He who is in you
00:39:19 than he who is in the world.
00:39:21 Come on, somebody, right now.
00:39:22 Just take a few minutes.
00:39:23 Let that sink in.
00:39:25 Give God worship.
00:39:26 Give Him glory.
00:39:27 Give Him praise.
00:39:29 It's passing.
00:39:34 It's passing.
00:39:36 It's passing.
00:39:37 It's passing.
00:39:38 I'm going to give you a practical thing too.
00:39:39 It's passing.
00:39:40 And when you're tempted to do something to yourself,
00:39:44 that urge, that lust to do it,
00:39:47 that lust to do something to yourself,
00:39:50 or something that you know is outside the will of God,
00:39:53 I need you to know that it's passing.
00:39:56 And if you can stand on a firm foundation
00:39:59 and speak to that mountain
00:40:01 and speak to that situation,
00:40:03 if you can weather that storm,
00:40:04 build your life on a firm foundation,
00:40:07 it will pass.
00:40:09 And you'll have a season to reprieve.
00:40:13 God's going to break some things off of you today.
00:40:15 I feel the Holy Ghost so strong.
00:40:17 We're going to pray in just a minute.
00:40:18 We're almost there.
00:40:19 We're going to pray.
00:40:20 And God's going to break some things.
00:40:21 I cannot wait to pray for you.
00:40:23 I will pray with every ounce of energy I got.
00:40:26 I'm going to leave it.
00:40:27 I'm going to leave it all in this place today.
00:40:30 I'm going to get on this plane empty.
00:40:32 But I ain't empty yet.
00:40:34 I got something to give.
00:40:36 Two things you got to overcome.
00:40:40 The fear of man we talked about.
00:40:43 The other thing is the fear of rejection.
00:40:46 This is important.
00:40:48 How do you overcome the fear of rejection?
00:40:52 You overcome the fear of rejection with a certain revelation.
00:40:55 And here is it.
00:40:56 Here's the revelation.
00:40:57 Always remember
00:41:00 that rejection is God's servant.
00:41:04 Rejection is God's servant.
00:41:12 Rejection is employed by God.
00:41:16 It's God's employee.
00:41:18 If you're in God,
00:41:21 rejection will either direct or redirect you
00:41:26 into your divine predestined
00:41:31 and predetermined places and spaces of destiny.
00:41:35 I need to shorten that sentence.
00:41:38 If you are in God,
00:41:41 rejection guides you
00:41:44 into the pre-prepared places of your destiny.
00:41:52 So it's a guide.
00:41:55 And you have to see it as God's servant.
00:41:59 Look at what Jesus said when he was sending the disciples out two by two.
00:42:02 He says, "Hey, tell you what I want you to do."
00:42:04 He says, "I want you to keep moving and I want you to go into a city."
00:42:08 He said, "I want you to find a house that's worthy."
00:42:13 He said, "And if you go into a house
00:42:16 and they don't receive you, they reject you,
00:42:20 the first thing he says is, 'Let your peace come back to you.'"
00:42:29 Because that rejection, if you see it right,
00:42:33 actually should produce peace.
00:42:38 Why?
00:42:40 Because the Bible says that God opens doors that no man can shut,
00:42:46 but he also closes doors that no man can open.
00:42:50 And when you are chosen, and when God's got a call on your life,
00:42:54 and he's got a plan on your life,
00:42:56 he will close doors to get you to the open doors,
00:43:00 because even rejection is God's servant.
00:43:04 Are you hearing the words that are coming out of my mouth?
00:43:10 You've got to rethink rejection,
00:43:12 because what God has for you is for you.
00:43:15 Watch it. He opens doors that no man can shut.
00:43:19 He shuts doors that no man can open.
00:43:22 No need in vain on a door that God has shut,
00:43:26 trying to get back in, "Let me back in the club.
00:43:29 Let me back in the relationship. Let me back in the..."
00:43:31 No, baby! Hit the road, Jack!
00:43:39 Rejection is God's servant.
00:43:43 I'm going to let you in on something. Come close. Listen.
00:43:46 There wouldn't be no one church if I hadn't been rejected.
00:43:54 Y'all not ready for that.
00:43:57 Because I would have been content to stay in normal,
00:44:04 I got pushed into my purpose.
00:44:07 I got pushed into my future.
00:44:09 I got pushed into my destiny.
00:44:11 I got pushed into my calling.
00:44:14 And rejection was the agent that God used.
00:44:21 Make it biblical, PT. I did a few times,
00:44:23 but let me make it biblical one more time.
00:44:25 The stone that the builders rejected
00:44:28 has become the chief cornerstone.
00:44:32 That's the prophecy of Jesus.
00:44:36 I ain't mad at Judas. I thank God for Judas.
00:44:40 Come on, somebody. Judas was here. I give him a love offering.
00:44:43 Glory to God. Thank you, Judas. I appreciate you, Judas.
00:44:49 Glory.
00:44:51 If you overcome the fear of man
00:44:55 and the fear of rejection,
00:44:57 and you walk in your boldness,
00:44:59 and you walk in your authority,
00:45:02 everything is going to shift.
00:45:03 God... Watch this.
00:45:05 There are even signs in the world system right now.
00:45:10 Even as it relates to social media algorithms.
00:45:14 Right now, the media, the content
00:45:17 that is over-performing
00:45:19 is not content that is watered down
00:45:23 or middle ground content.
00:45:25 That doesn't go anywhere.
00:45:27 The content that moves
00:45:29 is the content that is extreme.
00:45:33 Watch this.
00:45:35 Lukewarm content doesn't go anywhere.
00:45:38 Middle ground, central content doesn't go anywhere.
00:45:42 But sold out content on one thing or another.
00:45:46 Extreme content goes viral.
00:45:50 And the world is hungry for the extreme.
00:45:52 God did that.
00:45:54 God did that.
00:46:00 It's hungry for the extreme.
00:46:02 The problem is, it's so hungry for the extreme,
00:46:05 it will take the extreme in any form and fashion.
00:46:09 Even the extreme that causes a snare.
00:46:13 That's why you got to be you.
00:46:15 And you got to be all the way you.
00:46:19 Here is your mantra.
00:46:21 I got a mantra for you.
00:46:25 Be all of you,
00:46:29 all the time,
00:46:31 to manifest all the things
00:46:34 that are assigned to your name.
00:46:37 Let's make it personal.
00:46:39 Say, "I will be, all of me,
00:46:43 all the time,
00:46:45 to manifest all the things
00:46:49 that are assigned to me.
00:46:51 I will be, all of me,
00:46:55 all the time,
00:46:57 to manifest all the things
00:47:00 that are assigned to me.
00:47:02 One more time.
00:47:03 I will be, all of me,
00:47:06 all the time,
00:47:08 to manifest all the things
00:47:11 that are assigned to me.
00:47:13 If you're going to do it, give God praise.
00:47:22 Now let's do business.
00:47:26 I want to pray for you.
00:47:28 I want to pray for you.
00:47:30 If you're here, you feel like, man,
00:47:33 the Holy Spirit was talking to you.
00:47:36 And maybe you struggle with the fear of man.
00:47:39 I get it. I understand it.
00:47:42 Or you struggle with the fear of rejection.
00:47:44 You think that if I am who God has created me to be,
00:47:49 my sonship in the kingdom,
00:47:51 my daughtership in the kingdom.
00:47:52 I feel like if I let people know
00:47:54 how close me and God are,
00:47:57 man, they're going to reject me or I'm afraid.
00:47:59 If you struggle with that at any point,
00:48:01 I want you to come meet me here at this altar.
00:48:03 If you're also saying, you know what, PT, man,
00:48:05 I just, I feel you.
00:48:07 I get that's resonating.
00:48:09 And I've been covert, but I feel convicted
00:48:12 by the Holy Spirit to be over.
00:48:15 I want you to come. I want to pray for you.
00:48:17 Because you are the one that God's looking for.
00:48:19 You're the one that God's looking for.
00:48:21 You're the one.
00:48:22 And it's going to shock you how many doors open
00:48:27 because you said I'm going to be overt.
00:48:31 The season of covert, the season of hiding is over.
00:48:34 No more hiding.
00:48:36 You don't have to come out, come out wherever you are.
00:48:39 No more hiding. Come out, come out wherever you are.
00:48:42 No more hiding. God's looking for you.
00:48:44 No more hiding. No more. You don't have to.
00:48:46 No more hiding. That covert season is over.
00:48:49 It is over. It is over.
00:48:51 That's over. That's gone.
00:48:52 It was for a time.
00:48:53 Just like Jericho was for a time.
00:48:55 They had to walk around six times.
00:48:57 Yeah, they walked around six times, six times.
00:48:59 Did you know that the number six is another number for completion?
00:49:02 People think no, seven is the only number for completion.
00:49:05 No, it's a number for completion.
00:49:07 There are other numbers that are completion.
00:49:08 Three days, he rose on the third day.
00:49:10 That's a number of completion.
00:49:11 Three is a number of completion.
00:49:12 Forty, forty days in the wilderness.
00:49:14 It's a secret. That's a number of completion.
00:49:16 Twenty-one is a number of completion.
00:49:17 And so is six. Why? How do you know?
00:49:19 Because how many days did it take for God to create the heavens and the earth?
00:49:24 Six days.
00:49:26 The heavens and the earth were completed in six days.
00:49:28 Six is the number of completion.
00:49:31 Seven is the number of perfection which brings manifestation.
00:49:36 It's time.
00:49:38 You've done good.
00:49:41 You've done good.
00:49:43 God's not mad at you. You've done good.
00:49:45 He's proud of you.
00:49:47 You hung in there.
00:49:49 You didn't get weary in your well-doing.
00:49:52 You did it right.
00:49:53 You were wise as a serpent.
00:49:57 But it says, "But be holy as a dove."
00:50:00 Holy Spirit.
00:50:02 And the Holy Spirit says, "Now, come out of hiding and watch it work."
00:50:08 You thought it was going to work against you.
00:50:10 It's actually going to work for you.
00:50:13 But don't do it in a religious way.
00:50:16 And say, "Sanctify the field of the Holy Ghost."
00:50:18 That's great.
00:50:20 But what does that mean?
00:50:22 No, be it.
00:50:24 Saturate yourself in God.
00:50:26 Saturate yourself in the presence of God.
00:50:30 People can't argue with glory.
00:50:34 They can argue with theology all day long.
00:50:36 They cannot argue with glory.
00:50:38 They wasn't arguing with Moses when he came back down off that mountain
00:50:41 and that glory was coming off him like beams.
00:50:44 When you walk into a room and all of a sudden they say, "Who was that?"
00:50:49 When someone just brushes up against you literally and gets healed.
00:50:52 "Come on. Don't play with me."
00:50:54 "Who touched me? What was that?"
00:50:59 You know what I'm talking about, Chi Chi.
00:51:02 Uh-huh.
00:51:04 They won't be able to argue that.
00:51:07 They won't be able to argue your conviction.
00:51:10 Uh-huh.
00:51:13 But you got to be free of the fear, man.
00:51:16 Fear of rejection.
00:51:17 That's what I want to pray.
00:51:18 If you're here and you got to--and it's time to rededicate.
00:51:20 It's time to come home.
00:51:22 I feel it so strongly, man.
00:51:24 We can't play like tomorrow's promise.
00:51:26 I'm not trying to spook you.
00:51:27 I'm just keeping it 100.
00:51:29 We can't play like we got all day.
00:51:32 I'll get it together tomorrow.
00:51:34 Everybody in the scripture that said that we'll get it together tomorrow got left.
00:51:40 All the parables of the people that said--that is not positive procrastination.
00:51:46 That which you know to do, do.
00:51:49 When God gives you a word, it is an opportunity, it is an invitation.
00:51:54 This is really important.
00:51:56 When God gives you a word, you can't harden your heart.
00:52:01 That's what the scripture says.
00:52:02 Harden not your heart.
00:52:03 It's in Hebrews.
00:52:05 You hear a word, don't harden your heart.
00:52:08 Fear makes you harden your heart.
00:52:10 Pride makes you harden your heart.
00:52:13 Because if the word comes and you harden your heart,
00:52:16 and now you become callous to the sensitivities of God, you're in trouble.
00:52:20 Because I can't convict you.
00:52:21 And if I can't convict you, I might have to crush you.
00:52:26 Not because I don't love you, actually because I love you.
00:52:30 I'll crush you to deliver you from your insisting on having it your way.
00:52:40 Okay, make that biblical.
00:52:41 Just talk to this cat named Jacob.
00:52:44 He was wrestling with God.
00:52:45 Study this, Genesis chapter 24.
00:52:47 I'm sorry, Genesis chapter 32.
00:52:51 He's wrestling with God.
00:52:53 Wrestling with God.
00:52:55 That's a wrestling match you don't want to win.
00:52:58 Because if God just says, "Okay, have it your way," you're in trouble.
00:53:02 You don't want to win that.
00:53:04 He's wrestling with God, and he starts winning.
00:53:06 God says, "I love you too much, and Jacob is going to be Israel,
00:53:09 and I've got a covenant coming through you.
00:53:11 I can't let you win this one."
00:53:12 Boom, he touches his hip, breaks his hip.
00:53:15 Oh my God, now the wrestling match changes.
00:53:18 And now he's not wrestling to remain the same.
00:53:22 He's wrestling for a touch from God.
00:53:25 He said, "Oh my God."
00:53:27 He wanted God to get away from him.
00:53:28 Now he's holding on to God, saying, "I won't let you go until you bless me."
00:53:35 Harden not your heart if you're here.
00:53:38 God is calling you to say yes to him.
00:53:41 He's giving you an opportunity.
00:53:42 I want you to come meet me at this altar.
00:53:43 If you're online and that's you, just say, "That's me, PT."
00:53:45 Put it right there in the chat, "That's me, PT."
00:53:47 But if that's you and you're here in this room, please come.
00:53:49 Please come. Please come. Please come. Please come.
00:53:51 I don't care who's looking.
00:53:52 That's the fear of man when you're worried about who's looking.
00:53:55 Come on, if that's you, just come. Come. Come.
00:53:57 Come. I'm going to pray. Something's going to happen.
00:53:59 Something's going to happen.
00:54:01 And you're like, "Well, PT, why do I have to come?"
00:54:04 Because it's an act of obedience.
00:54:07 "Can't I just hang out in my chair?"
00:54:10 No.
00:54:12 Why wouldn't you come?
00:54:14 See, this is part of the surrender.
00:54:16 You want to get your whole life used to saying yes to God.
00:54:20 "Here I am."
00:54:22 "Whatever you want, whatever you need, I'm yours."
00:54:26 That's where the power is. That's where the glory is.
00:54:29 You surrender your way into power.
00:54:32 You surrender your way into favor.
00:54:34 You surrender your way into breakthrough.
00:54:36 You surrender your way into glory.
00:54:38 I promise you.
00:54:41 I promise you. I'm telling you.
00:54:44 That's what's up under the hood.
00:54:46 I'm not gifting. Anybody can be gifted.
00:54:49 What's up under the hood?
00:54:51 There's a boy that will give God anything.
00:54:55 Anything. Anything.
00:54:58 And God says, "Because, Toray, you will give me anything, I'll give you anything."
00:55:04 Anything.
00:55:05 Here's it in the Bible.
00:55:07 "No good thing will he withhold from those who walk uprightly."
00:55:12 Are you hearing me?
00:55:14 He won't hold back.
00:55:15 So, if God is one who won't hold back, and you're his child,
00:55:19 then the highest version of you is that you are one who won't hold back.
00:55:23 Man, there's somebody that needs to put something on the altar right now.
00:55:27 Need to put something on the altar right now.
00:55:29 Something that you know God don't rock with.
00:55:32 And it's been like a thorn in your flesh.
00:55:35 And I just want you to move quickly.
00:55:37 We're done. I'm out of time.
00:55:38 But I want you to, if you've got something you need to give,
00:55:40 and you ain't got to tell nobody about it.
00:55:41 It ain't nobody's business. It's you and the Lord.
00:55:43 But there's something that you need to put down.
00:55:45 I want you to come meet me at the altar.
00:55:46 We're going to give it to them.
00:55:47 We're going to leave it here, and God's going to give you the strength not to pick it back up.
00:55:51 I'm not playing.
00:55:53 I don't say nothing I don't feel an unction on.
00:55:57 Don't miss it.
00:55:59 Don't miss it.
00:56:00 Don't miss it.
00:56:01 Don't miss it.
00:56:03 It costs what it costs, baby.
00:56:04 I wish I could pretend and tell you all you got to do is click your heels three times,
00:56:07 and the glory will fall on you.
00:56:10 Let's jive.
00:56:12 It costs what it costs, man.
00:56:14 It's worth it, though.
00:56:16 It's worth it.
00:56:17 It costs what it costs.
00:56:21 It costs.
00:56:22 It is expensive.
00:56:25 But what you get is a bargain.
00:56:28 It's a bargain.
00:56:29 It costs you everything.
00:56:30 Yeah, it's expensive.
00:56:31 I ain't going to lie.
00:56:32 It's expensive.
00:56:33 It costs what it costs.
00:56:35 But what you get is priceless.
00:56:40 God, Lord, I did what you told me to do.
00:56:46 Thank you for your love for your sons and daughters.
00:56:50 It's rich and powerful.
00:56:52 God, I trust you with them.
00:56:56 I know you who have begun a good work in them are going to complete it.
00:57:02 You're going to perfect it until the day of Jesus Christ.
00:57:06 Thank you, Jesus.
00:57:08 You're not an orphan.
00:57:10 You're not alone.
00:57:11 You're not insignificant.
00:57:13 You are my beloved in whom I am well pleased.
00:57:18 Thank you, Jesus.
00:57:20 And so, God, I thank you, God, that you're going to seal this word in their hearts,
00:57:27 in their minds, in their spirits, in their souls, in their lives,
00:57:34 and they'll never be the same again.
00:57:38 Thank you, Jesus.
00:57:39 Blessings.
00:57:40 Touch each one.
00:57:42 Put your hand upon them, God.
00:57:44 Your hand is greater than mine.
00:57:47 Touch each one.
00:57:48 Touch their hearts.
00:57:49 Touch their minds.
00:57:51 Touch their souls.
00:57:53 Touch their bodies.
00:57:55 Touch everything that concerns them.
00:57:57 Come here, Saul.
00:58:00 Thank you, Jesus.
00:58:02 Touch each one.
00:58:04 You know their uprisings, and you know their down sittings.
00:58:08 Thank you, Jesus.
00:58:10 You know every strand of hair on their head.
00:58:14 You know their thoughts from afar off.
00:58:17 Thank you, Jesus.
00:58:18 Bless them.
00:58:20 If there are any sick among us, I pray the prayer of faith right now in Jesus' name
00:58:27 that you would touch them and heal them supernaturally as a sign,
00:58:33 as a sign that you are at work.
00:58:34 Hallelujah.
00:58:36 That you are at work.
00:58:38 That you are at work.
00:58:40 Hallelujah.
00:58:42 That greater are you who are in them than he that is in the world.
00:58:52 [Praying in Tongues]
00:58:59 Do it, Jesus.
00:59:00 Touch each one.
00:59:02 Each one, that they would never be the same again.
00:59:05 Bless them.
00:59:06 Bless them.
00:59:07 Thank you, Lord.
00:59:09 Father, in the name of Jesus, we renounce the fear of man.
00:59:16 Even Tupac got it right.
00:59:19 We fear no man but God.
00:59:23 I pray right now in the name of Jesus, she would break the fear of man
00:59:29 and that the noose would literally be loosened off of the necks of your children
00:59:37 that they might get their voice back,
00:59:40 that they might get their breath back,
00:59:42 that they might get their fullness back.
00:59:46 Father, I pray in Jesus' name that you would break the fear of rejection
00:59:53 as they have a consciousness of your love,
00:59:56 that they have been grafted in,
00:59:58 that they are, as the scriptures say, accepted in the beloved.
01:00:02 Hallelujah.
01:00:04 In the scripture, particularly in the epistles of John,
01:00:09 everybody has the same name,
01:00:12 and that name is beloved.
01:00:16 Not only an identity but a command.
01:00:20 An identity is that we are God's beloved,
01:00:24 and therefore there is an appropriate command, beloved.
01:00:28 So, Father, I pray in the name of Jesus,
01:00:31 I command every heart in this room, every mind in this room, to be loved.
01:00:37 That they would experience the rich presence of agape love,
01:00:41 the rich presence of the Father's love,
01:00:44 that cast out all fear.
01:00:46 I thank you, Lord God,
01:00:48 where mother and father may have fallen short in demonstrating the love of God,
01:00:53 not a problem,
01:00:54 because Abba, Abba Father, Daddy God,
01:00:58 who is rich in love and rich in mercy,
01:01:03 has encountered them right now.
01:01:06 Sealed this word, sealed this work,
01:01:10 and their hearts and their minds,
01:01:12 and I pray that as this prayer concludes,
01:01:16 we would never be the same,
01:01:18 but that this word would go with them,
01:01:21 and continue to speak to them,
01:01:23 and continue to work on them,
01:01:25 that they would see it come to fruition.
01:01:28 I want you to repeat after me,
01:01:30 Heavenly Father,
01:01:32 I thank you for your love.
01:01:35 I feel it.
01:01:37 I thank you for this word.
01:01:41 I receive it.
01:01:43 I'm going from covert,
01:01:46 to overt,
01:01:48 by your spirit,
01:01:51 and for your glory.
01:01:53 I thank you for Jesus.
01:01:56 Thank you for making him,
01:01:59 who had no sin,
01:02:01 all of mine,
01:02:03 all of my weakness,
01:02:05 all of my limitation,
01:02:08 all of my shortcomings,
01:02:11 all of my brokenness,
01:02:13 every negative thing,
01:02:16 that has ever happened to me,
01:02:19 or through me,
01:02:21 was placed in his body,
01:02:24 nailed to the cross,
01:02:26 and put to death,
01:02:29 and as he was raised up,
01:02:32 I am free and victorious,
01:02:34 because I'm in him.
01:02:36 I am free and victorious too.
01:02:40 My past is behind me,
01:02:43 and my future is bright.
01:02:46 And I renounce today,
01:02:49 the fear of man.
01:02:51 I will fear no one,
01:02:53 but God Almighty.
01:02:56 And I will kiss his son.
01:02:58 I will love his son.
01:03:01 I will adore his son,
01:03:03 because greater is he,
01:03:06 who is in me,
01:03:08 than he that is in the whole world.
01:03:12 Now Holy Spirit,
01:03:14 fill me up,
01:03:16 to the overflow,
01:03:18 that I might be,
01:03:20 everything,
01:03:22 that you've created me to be.
01:03:24 I will be,
01:03:26 all of me,
01:03:28 all the time,
01:03:30 until I manifest,
01:03:33 all that you've created me to be.
01:03:37 In Jesus name, amen.
01:03:39 Amen, amen.
01:03:41 May the Lord bless and keep you.
01:03:43 May he make his face to shine upon you,
01:03:45 and be gracious toward you.
01:03:47 May he lift up his countenance over you,
01:03:49 and grant you shalom, shalom,
01:03:51 in Jesus name.
01:03:52 God bless you.
01:03:53 I love you.
01:03:54 I'll see you in a couple weeks.
01:03:55 God bless you.
