Peter Five Eight (2024)

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يتبين أن وكيل عقارات يبدو جذابًا في مجتمع جبلي صغير هو في الواقع مدمن كحول غير متزن يحمل سرًا مظلمًا عندما يظهر رجل جذاب يرتدي ملابس سوداء في أحد الأيام بناءً على طلب رئيسه الغامض.
00:01:38And here we are. Back where we started.
00:01:42Your future mountain abode.
00:01:46Fit for a king. Or a pair of queens, as I should say in your case.
00:01:50We could be kings if it's more apropos.
00:01:54The world of ourselves is modern folk.
00:01:56Well, in that case, my queens.
00:02:00What were you thinking?
00:02:02Do not give this place to anyone else.
00:02:04No more showings post-haste.
00:02:06Our representative is going to call you within 48 hours to make an offer.
00:02:10I'll hold it for you.
00:02:12No more showings.
00:02:32I was secretive.
00:02:38I didn't like to talk a lot about myself.
00:02:44I'm a rotten woman with a checkered past.
00:02:47A woman on the run.
00:02:52Once I chose what I wanted to do in life,
00:02:55I was going to be the very best in the world at it.
00:02:59That's how I took on my career as a huckster of homes.
00:03:03That's how I took on my marriage.
00:03:06And that's how I took on rectifying a life that had gone to the docks
00:03:10just a few short years before.
00:03:29Those people, that couple you showed the place to...
00:03:37We can't have that materialistic sort around here
00:03:41muddying the waters.
00:03:45Who are you?
00:03:47I'm Marlene. I live over there.
00:03:52Well, Marlene, chances are they're going to be materialistic
00:03:58if they have the kind of money that can afford them a place like this.
00:04:02There. Now you know.
00:04:04I strongly advise you not to sell it to that couple.
00:04:07I didn't ask for your advice.
00:05:19How you doing today, brother?
00:05:21Ain't seen you before in these parts.
00:05:23Well, truth be told, I haven't been in these parts before.
00:05:26What you doing here, mister?
00:05:29A little hunting.
00:05:31Tell me.
00:05:33You seen this guy and this girl before?
00:05:40I know who she is.
00:05:42Well, that'd be great if you did. You'd make my day.
00:05:45You know what would make it even better?
00:05:48You could tell me where she works.
00:05:51Well, you see, that's going to cost you.
00:05:54Cost me? What, to identify someone in a photo?
00:05:59Made your day, stranger?
00:06:02Now listen here, you local yokel.
00:06:05Local what?
00:06:10What's that supposed to mean?
00:06:12Well, it's like, uh...
00:06:15you're a townie or a...
00:06:22That ain't nothing too nice there, mister.
00:06:24You know what would be nicer?
00:06:26You want to know who that girl is?
00:06:29What's your price?
00:06:32I want a hundred bucks.
00:06:34And bitcoin.
00:06:41Bitcoin, huh?
00:06:43Who's the hillbilly now?
00:06:46I'll tell you what.
00:06:49How about 50...
00:06:51in cash?
00:06:56That'll do.
00:06:58Nah, just watch what you call me.
00:07:01I didn't mean anything bad by calling you a yokel.
00:07:03Oh, I see.
00:07:05Which way did you mean it?
00:07:07Well, it's like a term of endearment.
00:07:09It means you're part of the local color.
00:07:11You're a...
00:07:13a real character, that's all.
00:07:16I guess that ain't too bad.
00:07:22First things first.
00:07:25First name first.
00:07:28Her name's...
00:07:34It sure is.
00:07:42No, I got a few more questions for you.
00:07:55Come on.
00:08:26Look for work today?
00:08:39Any new leads?
00:08:48you know.
00:08:50In other words, you didn't look for an appendix.
00:08:54So in other words, how about you stop riding my ass
00:08:57first thing after getting home, sweetheart?
00:09:07What are you doing? Give that back.
00:09:12Get a job, Travis.
00:09:14I'm tired of supporting your sorry ass.
00:09:18Every day, you just sit on that damn couch,
00:09:21getting more and more depressed.
00:09:24Meanwhile, I'm the only one holding this place down.
00:09:30All right.
00:09:32All right what?
00:09:34I'll get a job.
00:09:36You say that every month.
00:09:38Meanwhile, we're not paying our bills.
00:09:40If you ever opened a goddamn piece of mail,
00:09:42you might notice that.
00:09:44Christ, the minute you walk in the door...
00:09:47Do you even know what a job is?
00:09:49Do you even get the concept of work?
00:09:51Yeah, at least my dick still work.
00:09:53Yeah, barely.
00:09:55Give me that bottle, baby. Come on.
00:09:57How can you even drink this fucking swill?
00:09:59Boy, I really landed a class act.
00:10:01You don't gotta insult me.
00:10:05You backwoods, lazy, shit-eating...
00:10:09Got something to say?
00:10:14Say it.
00:10:16Been, uh, drinking about yourself, have you?
00:10:20Insult me about getting a goddamn job.
00:10:25I got a question for you, Sam.
00:10:27You sold any real estate lately?
00:10:30You know, just cause you work...
00:10:33Don't mean you get any money in this broke-dick economy.
00:10:37You're pathetic.
00:10:40What the fuck is wrong with you?
00:10:47Oh, oh, what you gonna do, big man, huh?
00:10:51Fuck you.
00:11:01What the fuck is wrong with you?
00:11:03What the fuck are you laughing about?
00:11:06You know, Travis, you're really starting to piss me off.
00:11:09Will you please stop laughing?
00:11:12Will you stop laughing?
00:11:21Thatta girl.
00:11:24Think you're so tough now.
00:11:27Huh, Sam?
00:11:34I'm glad you think this is all so funny.
00:11:37Meanwhile, you still don't have a fucking job.
00:11:40Fuck my damn bottle.
00:11:42Not so funny anymore, is it?
00:11:44All right, stay here, Sam.
00:11:47I'm trying to tell you I got a job.
00:11:49Or a lead in a job.
00:11:52Shit, you gotta kick my goddamn ass from here to motherfucking Valhalla...
00:11:55Before I can get the goddamn words out of my mouth.
00:12:01Are you being serious right now, or are you just making shit up...
00:12:03So I don't kick your ass some more?
00:12:05I'm not being serious.
00:12:08Well, what is it, then?
00:12:11You got a lead on this job that'd pay for weeks.
00:12:16What is it?
00:12:18Repairing a dock on a lake.
00:12:20Not too down the road.
00:12:26Well, goddamn.
00:12:29I'm sorry I hit you.
00:12:33I was fucked up, baby.
00:12:35I'm so sorry.
00:12:37Well, the job here is for this rich fella.
00:12:39He's got a remote house on this lake.
00:12:41It's a big house, baby. It's so big.
00:12:44I'm going down to take a look on Saturday.
00:12:47I got an appointment every day. You'd be so proud.
00:12:50Oh. Oh.
00:12:53So sweet.
00:12:57Babe, I'm inches from selling that big house I've been telling you about.
00:13:01Oh, yeah?
00:13:02And now you got this.
00:13:05We're gonna be all right.
00:13:07You and me. Okay?
00:13:26I'd say it deserves a drink.
00:14:22I think we're looking good on Terrence View.
00:14:24We'll see where they land on it.
00:14:25You are a machine, beautiful.
00:14:28Every agent in this office knows that we'd be lost without you.
00:14:31Oh, stop it.
00:14:33You know it's true, Brenda.
00:14:37Oh, honey, one more thing.
00:14:39Oh, honey, I just want to say...
00:14:43How are things with you and Travis?
00:14:45Things going better?
00:14:46You're so sweet.
00:14:48We're doing great.
00:14:51Well, you know I'm always there for both of you.
00:14:54Just a couple blocks down, if you need a couch.
00:15:02Talk to you later.
00:15:13Sam's great, isn't she?
00:15:16Love her to death.
00:15:20I just worry sometimes, is all.
00:15:25I mean, she's the best.
00:15:29But the drinking...
00:15:31I worry.
00:15:33I'm not saying this.
00:15:35I hear it around.
00:15:38Not just for her,
00:15:40but how it reflects on this office.
00:15:43Willoughby, I know you're an agent,
00:15:45and I'm just a lowly assistant.
00:15:47Finally knock it the fuck off.
00:15:52I just finished a showing.
00:15:54I was talking to Brenda.
00:15:56Coming home now.
00:16:02I know last night was rough, hon,
00:16:05but I love you.
00:16:10I just want to meet your mama on a Sunday
00:16:14and make love to you all day on a Monday.
00:16:18I'm hanging up now.
00:16:33There were clandestine airstrikes somewhere.
00:16:36Environmental manipulation somewhere else.
00:16:40A world gone mad with ignorance.
00:16:43Possible harbingers of a coming apocalypse.
00:16:47But that was all background haze,
00:16:49like the blue smoke I often wheezed
00:16:52over long summer evenings.
00:16:57As I scratched out the troubles of passing days,
00:17:00all of which amounted to many colorful,
00:17:03lingering swirls hanging in the air,
00:17:06as inconsequential and disparate as the struggles
00:17:09that permeated this garish life dream.
00:17:13If I was grieving, it was because I hadn't let go of the past,
00:17:18the ill winds of fortune that led me to this desolate town.
00:17:22If I was anxious, it was because somewhere in the depths
00:17:25I sensed a forlorn end to punctuate this existence
00:17:29after the coming violence that will have led me to it.
00:17:33With little regard for idle pleasures,
00:17:36I was doomed to play the villain's part.
00:17:40Here I am, a rail town amongst the vulgar and profane,
00:17:45in the depths of hell.
00:18:33Can I help you?
00:18:35Oh, ma'am, I'm afraid there's no hope for that. I'm a fallen soul.
00:18:39Oh. Well, what may I do for you?
00:18:45Well, what can you tell me about Sam, Liz, over there?
00:18:48Ah, well, she works a lot,
00:18:51but she's always down for a good time.
00:18:53Good time Sammy, that's her.
00:18:56Also, she has a deadbeat husband.
00:18:59Well, they're both drunks and they fight a lot.
00:19:05Do you mean physical?
00:19:08Well, sometimes. I don't know.
00:19:12I hear a lot of banging going on in there.
00:19:15And I ain't just talking about the usual kind of banging.
00:19:22You know what banging is, don't you, mister?
00:19:24Well, I think I remember that.
00:19:30I meant, uh, more like physical violence.
00:19:37Well, no, I ain't never seen no bruises.
00:19:40I mean, no siree, not a one.
00:19:45What did you say a deadbeat does?
00:19:49I didn't. And he doesn't.
00:19:55Do anything.
00:19:59You know, he's probably drunk in there right now if you want to go see him.
00:20:04Oh, no, I don't want to go see him.
00:20:07But I'm actually in the market for a house of my own in the region here.
00:20:13What you've done with your place. I mean, these flowerbeds are lovely.
00:20:20Um, you know what? I have to go back inside and fix dinner for Herb.
00:20:25I'm really sorry about that, sir.
00:20:28It was nice to meet you.
00:20:31I hope I was of some help.
00:20:33Well, as I told you, there's no hope for me.
00:20:39Bye, mister.
00:20:43For now.
00:20:55Yeah, not gonna be a problem finding a house here at all.
00:21:25Oh, can we be friends? After the sale, like the three of us.
00:21:48Oh, that would be sweet.
00:21:50I would love that.
00:21:51Well, you both have my personal cell and email, so by all means.
00:21:56For now.
00:21:58Uh, Marlene, was it?
00:22:01Marlene, I'm incredibly busy with clients at the moment, but I'd be more than happy to talk with you after.
00:22:06Are you the neighbor?
00:22:07There's a special energy here that needs preserving.
00:22:12Some say we have a special energy, don't they, Janet?
00:22:15This area's changing, and not for the better.
00:22:18I know what type you two are.
00:22:22I'm going inside.
00:22:24Marlene, can we discuss this after?
00:22:27It's a slippery slope, you know, the way a place changes.
00:22:31The energy gets destroyed one materialist couple from the city at a time.
00:22:39Jerry, can I see you for a moment?
00:22:41Yeah, sure thing.
00:22:42For the record, I have nothing against the fact that you are both women.
00:22:47It's just that-
00:22:48Marlene, I've been incredibly patient with you up until this point.
00:22:51Let's not escalate here.
00:22:53Patient? This is not your home.
00:22:56It is I who is patient with you.
00:23:00Oh, well, there you have it.
00:23:02It's a lovely home, but she comes with it.
00:23:05You and Darla will just have to factor that into your decision-making process.
00:23:09I appreciate your honesty, Sam.
00:23:11Oh, no one's ever said that to me in all my life.
00:23:15I smell gas inside the house.
00:23:18The house smells like gas.
00:23:22This oven is leaking gas heavily.
00:23:26I'm sure it's not.
00:23:27No, it is.
00:23:30I smell it when you-
00:23:31This room is filled with gas.
00:23:36Your husband is looking for you.
00:23:40My husband's perfectly fine at home.
00:23:44Are you sure about that?
00:23:49Who are you?
00:23:51I'm interested in the house. How much?
00:23:53Jenny wants our house.
00:23:55Yeah, how much?
00:23:58I'm afraid these women have already entered negotiations on a deal.
00:24:02Which means the deal isn't done yet, right? And I got cash.
00:24:06Anyone mind if I smoke?
00:24:12No, you know what? I've been trying to quit.
00:24:15Cigarettes are killers that travel in packs.
00:24:22Remember, your husband is looking for you.
00:24:26Have a nice day, y'all.
00:24:32I'll be damned. The audacity.
00:24:35Now I really, really want you both to have the house.
00:24:39Putting that out there in the universe.
00:24:43That man was evil.
00:24:55Does Travis know about your husband?
00:25:09Travis is my husband.
00:25:17Ma'am, this line needs to move.
00:25:20Hey, lady.
00:25:26I'm so sorry.
00:25:30Does Travis know about Madeline?
00:25:41Keep the change.
00:25:43Do not follow me.
00:26:13I'm sorry.
00:26:45Hear my words when I'm speaking. Move the crypto down.
00:26:49Let our surrogates in the press frame it. Move it down.
00:26:53No, that is another topic.
00:26:56Again, I repeat, that is another topic.
00:26:59As you know, I do not discuss biotech on this line.
00:27:07I think I'm not aware of that. There are degrees of security.
00:27:10The replication tech in particular I do not discuss. You know this.
00:27:16I gotta go.
00:27:27I found her. She's here.
00:27:38The past won't let me go.
00:27:40All those hateful things haunt me.
00:27:45Rotten to the core.
00:27:48A fallen woman.
00:27:50And living inside of a lie.
00:27:53If I died, the world would just go on.
00:27:59All my greatest fears already come true.
00:28:04So be it.
00:28:10Oh, there she is.
00:28:13You okay, sunshine?
00:28:16Just some bad dreams.
00:28:18Not again, huh?
00:28:24Careful there.
00:28:25As always.
00:28:28Hey, uh, I'm gonna go hop in the shower. I left your breakfast on the table.
00:28:51You're standing in my neighbor's house.
00:29:06I bought it.
00:29:08The house?
00:29:09The whole thing.
00:29:12Without my knowing about it.
00:29:14Right across the street from where I live.
00:29:16Details. I want details.
00:29:18Details. Come on, now. Give them up.
00:29:20Details, details. Why fish for the devil?
00:29:24Now, what about it?
00:29:27What of what?
00:29:28Your husband.
00:29:30My husband, Travis, is having a nice, relaxing hot shower in that house that you just watched me walk out of.
00:29:38There. Satisfied?
00:29:41Um, no.
00:29:47Call the police.
00:29:49Oh, I think we both know that involving the police isn't in your best interest, is it?
00:29:57Who are you?
00:30:00Shall we discuss Madeline, Sam?
00:30:05I don't know what you mean.
00:30:08It's all coming back, isn't it?
00:30:14What's your relation to what you're alluding to?
00:30:20Well, let's just say that you have a very powerful adversary out there somewhere.
00:30:26Very powerful adversary, indeed.
00:30:52You know the question I must have answered, Peter.
00:30:57Before I give the command.
00:30:59Before the blitz.
00:31:01That's right, Peter.
00:31:02I do know the question that haunts you, Mr. Locke.
00:31:05I have a lead on that.
00:31:07Her friend, local woman named Brenda.
00:31:10The closest thing she has to a confidant in this whistle-stop.
00:31:15I await your next dispatch.
00:31:30Yes, sir.
00:31:33I await the head.
00:32:02I used to think that life could be so predictable.
00:32:18I kept my heart in a cage and was so unreachable.
00:32:27But then you came along and turned dark into light.
00:32:34The world is cruel to those whose secrets are exposed.
00:32:36Into a riot.
00:32:38You set my heart on fire and off in flight.
00:32:43I used to think that love could be so damn ridiculous.
00:32:52I kept my stiff upper lip and was so meticulous.
00:33:00But then you came along and you showed me the way.
00:33:07You turned a long cold night into a brand new bright shiny day.
00:33:15There'll be no grey skies.
00:33:20Only blue skies.
00:33:23And deep in your eyes.
00:33:28I'll see the sun shine brightly on a brand new day.
00:33:34Now life is so adventurous.
00:33:38I know true love is meant for us.
00:33:42I'm so darn glad.
00:33:44Hey, what'd I miss?
00:33:47Some idiot just jumped on the pool table.
00:33:49You turned a dark cold night.
00:33:53You turned a dark cold night.
00:33:57You turned a dark cold night into a brand new bright shiny day.
00:34:05Bright shiny day.
00:34:09Bright shiny day.
00:34:28My friends and I are heading to a table in the back.
00:34:31If you want to come.
00:34:33Oh, maybe some other time, perhaps.
00:34:37Uh, that was quite a performance.
00:34:41What can I do you for?
00:34:43Scotch mist on the rocks, you play.
00:34:46Coming right up.
00:34:54Here you go.
00:34:55Thank you.
00:34:56You're welcome.
00:34:57Thank you.
00:35:01Well, you are just the lamb this lion was hoping to meet.
00:35:10I never saw someone command a room like that.
00:35:14I was just blowing off a little steam.
00:35:18You want something?
00:35:20Just you.
00:35:23Oh, you don't mince your words.
00:35:27I don't mince actions either.
00:35:31If you prefer to retire to more private quarters.
00:35:43Well, since we are talking so directly, how about this?
00:35:53So, you and I have a couple of drinks.
00:35:56And if you give me a whopper nudge.
00:36:03I'd be happy to retire with you.
00:36:05Hell, I'd retire to Florida with you.
00:36:09How's that sound?
00:36:11I'm all for it, Mr...
00:36:23Oh, baby.
00:36:25I still can't believe you bought this house.
00:36:27Furnished, no less.
00:36:29Oh, and how it's furnished.
00:36:31Have you met my nephew?
00:36:33You see, I happen to believe in taking things to the logical extreme.
00:36:41And so a vacation rental would just not so fine.
00:36:45Oh, believe me.
00:36:46This will be the talk of the real estate world out here.
00:36:49You fascinate me.
00:36:51Man, you.
00:36:53My girlfriend Sam lives right across the street.
00:36:56Oh, does she?
00:36:57My new neighbor, huh?
00:36:58You want a shot?
00:36:59Mmm, do tell me about her.
00:37:02How do we work together?
00:37:03Oh, in real estate, right?
00:37:06That's right.
00:37:07Now, can we just spend a little time together?
00:37:12That's right.
00:37:13Now, can we dispense with the small talk?
00:37:15I work in real estate, enjoy pina coladas and long walks on the beach.
00:37:19There, we're all caught on.
00:37:24What makes you a eutic?
00:37:27Well, I run on controlled substances and inappropriate thoughts.
00:37:37So tell me how you want it.
00:37:42You treat me like a queen and I'll treat you like a king.
00:37:50Treat me like some game and I will show you how it's played.
00:37:56Would you stop talking like an idiot?
00:37:59Of course I talk like an idiot.
00:38:00How else could you understand me?
00:38:02Oh, go to hell, woman.
00:38:04Well, honey, where do you think I came from?
00:38:07Oh, I see you only leave me with two options.
00:38:09Is that it?
00:38:10Well, what are those?
00:38:11Well, I either stop and, you know, wait for the storm to pass
00:38:14or I grab an umbrella and I dance in the rain.
00:38:17Well, I think you better grab yourself an umbrella.
00:38:21There's always a wild side behind an innocent face.
00:38:24You know how I explain that?
00:38:26In the beginning, God created man.
00:38:29But then, God had a better idea.
00:38:32So you want God's good girls or do you have naughty thoughts?
00:38:36No, please.
00:38:37A good girl with naughty thoughts is still just a good girl.
00:38:41A woman with naughty thoughts knows just what to do with them.
00:38:45Oh, then tell me some of your naughty thoughts.
00:38:48My scratch, my bite.
00:38:50I'll make you crawl and beg.
00:38:52You make me need you.
00:38:55The bite of your teeth.
00:38:59My, my, the things you say to this man.
00:39:02Well, my motto's always been
00:39:05be just as picky with your man as you are with your selfies.
00:39:09God, do you ever stop?
00:39:12I should have been born with a warning label.
00:39:15I guess you don't.
00:39:18Now, see, I should be getting fucked to sleep right now
00:39:22but instead I'm lying here with you on top of me talking.
00:39:26How old are you, by the way?
00:39:28Fifty-eight going on sixteen.
00:39:30That's what I thought.
00:39:36This is the moment.
00:39:41You hold my hands over my head.
00:39:45Pin them down.
00:39:48Look me in the eye.
00:39:51And then slowly, slowly slide and sigh.
00:40:01What you doing there, Sam?
00:40:06Just sorting out some HOI docs.
00:40:09Why do you ask?
00:40:11I'm just making sure you're doing okay.
00:40:18I'm doing great, Willoughby.
00:40:20How are you doing?
00:40:22I'm good.
00:40:27Glad we had this discussion.
00:40:29Now, back to work.
00:40:31Good call.
00:40:33Good call.
00:40:37You know, I can always smell it on you.
00:40:43No matter the time of day.
00:40:48Excuse me?
00:40:51I'm talking about your drinking, Sam.
00:40:54Everybody knows you really ought to get that under control.
00:41:00You're an alcoholic.
00:41:02I'm saying this as a friend and co-worker.
00:41:09I'm an...
00:41:12I'm an alcoholic.
00:41:18Well, that's a strong accusation, Willoughby.
00:41:21Not your professional thing to say to a co-worker.
00:41:24This isn't a personal attack.
00:41:26I'm just saying I can smell it on you is all.
00:41:28And there's concern.
00:41:30More than just me.
00:41:32Will, Willoughby. Fat boy.
00:41:35I'm a bit concerned about your relationship with Twinkies.
00:41:38Diabetes is no laughing matter.
00:41:40I say this from a place of concern.
00:41:43My relationship with Twinkies?
00:41:46Nice diversion, Sam. You're drunk.
00:41:49And by the way, large man.
00:41:51Stop talking to Brenda about me.
00:41:53Yes, I know all about that.
00:41:57I'm the fucking alcoholic!
00:41:59What the fuck are you talking about, Willoughby?
00:42:01You have a goddamn clue.
00:42:03Just out of nowhere you start prying into my personal doings.
00:42:06You fucking hear what I'm saying to you,
00:42:08you low-level, Twinkie-breathing dipstick?
00:42:10Okay, you're getting unhinged here.
00:42:12I wasn't accusing you of anything.
00:42:14Well, what the fuck were you doing then, Willoughby?
00:42:16Giving me compliments, you limp-dick butterball?
00:42:20I'm sorry.
00:42:23I didn't mean it.
00:42:25Next time you come at me with that fucking attitude,
00:42:27you best get yourself in shape first, you understand?
00:42:30Because I'm liable to kick your flabby ass over some shit like this.
00:42:33Got it?
00:44:27I'm sorry.
00:44:55Dear sir,
00:44:57Your wife can be found at the following coordinates.
00:44:59Surely you've been curious where she went.
00:45:02Your presence is expected at said coordinates
00:45:04in precisely two days, arriving no later than 2 p.m.
00:45:10Failure to arrive in time will result in her termination.
00:45:16Failure to acknowledge this letter,
00:45:18or an attempt to involve authorities,
00:45:20will result in termination of your current wife and child.
00:45:24We look forward to seeing you soon.
00:45:26Sincerely, friends.
00:45:31Everything okay, hon?
00:45:33Yes, absolutely.
00:45:40You look concerned.
00:45:44Just some from the tax guys.
00:45:54Is it bad, the tax thing?
00:45:57Nothing to worry about, babe. I'll handle it.
00:46:00I'm gonna go take care of some emails while you finish.
00:47:11What the hell happened?
00:47:13Where did you go?
00:47:17I used to live across from you.
00:47:19I mean, you used to live across from me.
00:47:21A man lives there. Drives a black sedan.
00:47:24Yeah, I did sell it.
00:47:26Man gotta live.
00:47:28And it was a generous offer. Twice what it's worth.
00:47:32Catch was I had to move immediately,
00:47:34and so I'm stuck at this hotel until I can find a place.
00:47:41Where's this fucking guy?
00:47:43I can't shake him.
00:47:46Oh, Sherry.
00:47:48Hi. Nothing of concern.
00:47:50Give my best to Chuck.
00:47:52Chuck died last year.
00:47:54Darling, you were too good for him anyway.
00:48:10Move along now.
00:48:12Move along now.
00:48:14Move along.
00:48:27Are you fucking crazy or what?
00:48:38Your husband just received these.
00:48:43I have a husband, and he's here.
00:48:47Au contraire.
00:48:49You left your husband just after it happened, didn't you, Sam?
00:48:55Although Sam is just a name you made up when you got to this little town, isn't it?
00:49:01Back then, you were called something else.
00:49:18We'll meet again
00:49:21Don't know where
00:49:23Don't know when
00:49:26But I know we'll meet again
00:49:30Some sunny day
00:49:35Keep smiling through
00:49:38Just like you
00:49:41Always do
00:49:44Tell the blue skies
00:49:46Drive the dark clouds
00:49:49Far away
00:49:53Keep smiling through
00:49:56Just like you
00:49:59Always do
00:50:03Tell the blue skies
00:50:05Drive the dark clouds
00:50:08Far away
00:50:20Thank you.
00:50:22Thank you.
00:50:35You told me it was over, Grant!
00:50:37This isn't what you think.
00:50:38Not what I think? I saw you making out with her.
00:50:40We're old friends. I missed her.
00:50:42Old friends? That's how you treat old friends?
00:50:44What the fuck makes you think that this is any of your business anyway, you dumb fucking bitch?
00:50:58You're despicable, Grant. It's over.
00:51:00Of course it's over, bitch!
00:51:07It's over.
00:51:37It's over.
00:52:07It's over.
00:52:37It's over.
00:52:55Dear Grant,
00:52:57What we shared was often sweet.
00:52:59I'm leaving you.
00:53:01I'll never be back.
00:53:03Don't look for me.
00:53:05Your former wife, Lydia.
00:53:19Anything you want to say
00:53:22or convey to me?
00:53:28Got anything?
00:53:31Because I'm all ears.
00:53:34And this is your last chance.
00:53:43Got anything?
00:53:46Her name...
00:53:48was Madeline.
00:53:54That was her name.
00:54:01Why are you here?
00:54:05You can think of me as the spirit of justice.
00:54:09You're going to pay for what you've done.
00:54:11And I'm here to provide that service.
00:54:16So this adversary you mentioned...
00:54:18Well, you just think of him as a concerned party.
00:54:21And we'll leave it at that.
00:54:28Maybe I can make amends in another way.
00:54:31A more...
00:54:33positive way.
00:54:36A conversation.
00:54:39Anything at all that might change the dynamics of the situation.
00:54:44Misintended payback.
00:54:57I bet you would do anything.
00:55:04But no.
00:55:09Tell me about that night.
00:55:14Tell me about that night.
00:55:33It was...
00:55:36It was an accident.
00:55:41It was raining.
00:55:44I was confused.
00:55:47It was all so confusing.
00:55:56I see.
00:55:59Were you high, Sam?
00:56:02Were you drunk?
00:56:08You were drunk.
00:56:12Let me ask that question again.
00:56:16Were you drunk, Lydia?
00:56:21No, I...
00:56:25I don't know.
00:56:26You don't know?
00:56:27You're not sure?
00:56:28You can't remember?
00:56:29It was so confusing?
00:56:31You know what?
00:56:32You know what, Sam?
00:56:33I don't know why you're putting such significance on this.
00:56:36But we all exist in this sort of, you know, absurd chaos.
00:56:40You know, the most important thing to do,
00:56:42it's just really important that you just try to keep a positive attitude
00:56:46as you continue to walk on this planet.
00:56:54And have accountability for the things that we've done.
00:58:11I was hoping day would never come.
00:58:15In the throes of a passion.
00:58:24I taste, Sam, and realize
00:58:27I've been starving.
00:58:43want to know more...
00:59:00Your neighbor?
00:59:05Oh, is that her name?
00:59:08Sam is married.
00:59:11And about 20 years too young.
00:59:14Not to mention...
00:59:17you're mine.
00:59:21I'm gonna ask that you give me a little more credit than that.
00:59:24Yeah? So what is it, then?
00:59:30I want to know about your life.
00:59:34About your friendships, your relationships.
00:59:37I mean, who do you confide in?
00:59:39Does she confide in you?
00:59:41Oh, you're so inquisitive.
00:59:46Well, Sam's a dynamo.
00:59:49I love her.
00:59:51And sure.
00:59:53We talk.
00:59:56This is just one of those things.
00:59:59Because if I stayed and tried to explain,
01:00:02I knew I never would have left.
01:00:04Everything is just fine between us.
01:00:06I need you to understand me on this one here, darling.
01:00:10This is just one of those things.
01:00:20I'm sorry.
01:00:23I'm sorry.
01:00:29I'll just have a sip of yours.
01:00:34So, then, do you and...
01:00:37Sam, like, have a...
01:00:40I don't know, like, deep-rooted...
01:00:44conversations, you know, about...
01:00:47I don't know, past...
01:00:50regrets or...
01:00:52heartbreaks or that kind of thing?
01:00:55You are so persistent on this topic,
01:00:57and I really don't know why.
01:01:11I think it's because...
01:01:14you've started to touch my heart.
01:01:26I'm honored.
01:01:39Oh, no. Sit with me for a bit longer.
01:01:43Good girls sit. Bad bitches ride.
01:01:47I should really go.
01:01:55while you're on your way,
01:01:57just give some thought to us getting married
01:01:59the next time we see each other.
01:02:07Speechless, for once?
01:02:12Are you... serious?
01:02:26Well, since you're so curious...
01:02:31Sam talks to me about her husband,
01:02:37They fight,
01:02:40and they fight a lot.
01:02:43That's terrible.
01:02:48I wonder if the, uh...
01:02:51drinking and the, uh...
01:02:54fighting is...
01:02:56concealing some...
01:02:58what's the phrase?
01:03:00Yeah, like some deep-seated guilt
01:03:03for some past action?
01:03:08Sure. I really don't know.
01:03:11She doesn't ever talk to you about things like this?
01:03:14About what? Her past?
01:03:17Before moving?
01:03:21I'm afraid not.
01:03:24Are you sure?
01:03:35Now, what is this really all about?
01:03:44To be continued, lover man.
01:04:45You have something juicy for me, Peter.
01:04:49The first husband got the geocords, as per your request.
01:04:52I suspect he'll arrive in the fun zone
01:04:55sometime in the next 24 or 48 hours.
01:04:59Well, that ought to work out nicely.
01:05:01As you know, she's remarried some small-town gomer
01:05:05named Travis.
01:05:08She apparently loves him.
01:05:11I was surprised of all but the last.
01:05:15I'm happy so far, Peter.
01:05:18Thank you, sir.
01:05:20And the questions you've had?
01:05:23The burning question.
01:05:26The question of guilt.
01:05:33Is it tearing her up?
01:05:37Or is she living a life of wild hedonism
01:05:44with no care for what she did?
01:05:49Makes all the difference to me, Peter.
01:05:53The friend is a dead end, I'm afraid.
01:05:57I've exhausted that lead, and that lead exhausted me.
01:06:00Sam revealed nothing to her.
01:06:03Can you get it from her, from Sam?
01:06:07That name strains credulity.
01:06:14It is the name of Madeline's killer.
01:06:17Can you get it from Lydia?
01:06:22I can certainly try.
01:06:24That's neither here nor there.
01:06:27The husbands are your target.
01:06:30Yes, sir.
01:06:32She will be made vulnerable.
01:06:37People will know what she did.
01:06:41She will experience loss.
01:06:45As I did
01:06:48when she took my dear, sweet Madeline.
01:06:52I got you, sir.
01:06:55I feel you right here.
01:06:59Just remember one thing.
01:07:02What's that, sir?
01:07:05Make it messy, Peter.
01:07:11You turn that fucking shit heap
01:07:15they call a town
01:07:18upside down.
01:07:21You got me, Peter?
01:07:24I got you, sir.
01:07:26Thanks, Peter.
01:07:28Great work, as always.
01:07:30There's just one more thing for you, sir.
01:07:35What's that, Peter?
01:07:37You're doing the right thing.
01:07:40Know that?
01:07:43You're doing the right thing, sir.
01:07:46And I'm happy to be a part of it.
01:07:49I'm adding a bonus of 8 million
01:07:52to your standard rate of 50, Peter.
01:07:56The drop will happen in the usual manner.
01:08:02That's very kind.
01:08:07What are your plans after?
01:08:09One of my homes.
01:08:11Costa Rica, perhaps.
01:08:13The island.
01:08:14I'll take some months.
01:08:16You should.
01:08:18I'm signing off now, Peter.
01:08:21Thank you, sir.
01:08:25Over and out, Peter.
01:08:31Is it tearing her up,
01:08:33or is she living a life
01:08:36of wild hedonism
01:08:38with no care for what she did?
01:08:41Time will tell
01:08:44Is this an unbreakable spell?
01:08:48Fetched with romance
01:08:51Isn't a dream or a trend
01:08:55It's the realest thing
01:08:57That I can say
01:08:59I've ever known
01:09:01True love
01:09:03That's our romance
01:09:07See, baby?
01:09:09Time will tell
01:09:11Is this an unbreakable spell?
01:09:15Fetched with romance
01:09:18Isn't a dream or a trend
01:09:22It's the realest thing
01:09:24That I can say
01:09:26I've ever known
01:09:28True love
01:09:30That's our romance
01:09:35True love
01:09:37That's our romance
01:10:09I see you found the side door.
01:10:11How are you?
01:10:12I've never been better.
01:10:14I am amazed,
01:10:15just stunned at my luck.
01:10:17It's like my whole life
01:10:20was spent just waiting
01:10:21for these perfect moments.
01:10:25All my mistakes led me here,
01:10:29and I realized
01:10:30they weren't even mistakes at all.
01:10:34That's sweet.
01:10:36Tell me about it.
01:10:38There's just, I don't know,
01:10:40there's, there are no words.
01:10:42There's a kind of perfection in the air.
01:10:48It's like the whole world
01:10:50just snaps into this dream state,
01:10:53and you just know
01:10:56it was perfect all along.
01:11:21Your services are no longer required.
01:11:28I'm serious.
01:11:30It's been nice knowing you, local lady.
01:11:36Is this supposed to be funny, Peter?
01:11:38No, it's supposed to be direct.
01:11:43You mean...
01:11:44I do.
01:11:46May you live out your remaining days in peace.
01:11:51I, I don't believe it.
01:11:53Believe it.
01:11:59That my paradise
01:12:03has just turned into hell?
01:12:07Is this true, Peter?
01:12:11I don't believe it.
01:12:13Believe it.
01:12:16Oh, God, no, it isn't.
01:12:18You're just joshing with me again.
01:12:21I get it now.
01:12:22Get the fuck out of here, Brenda.
01:12:24Scram, you whore,
01:12:26before this bark turns into a bite.
01:12:33You talked about getting married
01:12:35the first time we saw each other.
01:12:37Words have no meaning, Brenda.
01:12:40Let this be a lesson to you in false hope.
01:12:43How dare you call me a whore?
01:12:46And what about how you're obviously attracted to me?
01:12:49Attracted to you?
01:12:51You are a trite and inconsequential person,
01:12:55vile and profane.
01:12:57Now get lost, will you?
01:13:00I have things to do.
01:13:02I'm not kidding.
01:13:04I never want to see you again.
01:13:08How could you do this, Peter?
01:13:10Seriously, how could you do this?
01:13:12How could you do this?
01:13:27My God.
01:13:29My God.
01:13:35Goddamn, I'm so drunk.
01:13:39Tomorrow's the big day.
01:13:41I went out in the lake with the rest of the guys.
01:14:33Tomorrow's the big day.
01:14:35Going out in the lake to repair the dock.
01:15:24Oh, fuck.
01:15:26There you are.
01:15:28I've been so upset.
01:15:30What the fuck are you doing here?
01:15:32Stop it right there. I don't owe you anything.
01:15:34Now I want you to turn around and walk away from here
01:15:37before it's too fucking late.
01:16:33In 3.6 miles, take exit 73 onto Dunsmuir Avenue.
01:16:38In 1.4 miles, turn left onto Pine Street.
01:17:16Turn left onto Pine Street, then arrive at your destination.
01:17:32Thank you.
01:18:02Thank you.
01:18:33Goddamn it.
01:18:35Had him in my sight six times and I've missed.
01:18:38You still up to this old man?
01:20:28What can I do to make this all go away?
01:20:32Tell me what you want.
01:20:34I want you to hurt.
01:20:36Give me an option.
01:20:44I'm here to carry out the will of the injured party.
01:20:54Who's my adversary?
01:20:57Madeline's lost one.
01:20:59Who's behind this?
01:21:01You only knew.
01:21:52Who's my adversary?
01:22:14Hi there. Can I help you with something?
01:22:20My... My husband, Travis.
01:22:23Oh, you're Travis' girl. Yeah. Nice to meet you.
01:22:26You just missed him.
01:22:28He was here.
01:22:30He's eager to get started on the dock. I'm sure he'll do great.
01:24:14I'm not here to kill you.
01:24:17If I was, you'd be dead already.
01:24:23But that Travis, boy, he's a whole different story.
01:24:30He's gonna be dead as a doornail by the close of business today.
01:24:49And there's another one I have on my radar...
01:24:53to take care of by sunset.
01:25:27Tell me about the past, Sam.
01:25:33Tell me everything.
01:25:38The past won't let me go.
01:25:42All those hateful things, they haunt me.
01:25:50Run to the core.
01:25:53A fallen woman.
01:25:57I'm unblessed.
01:26:00A lost soul.
01:26:05Living inside of a lie.
01:26:10If I die, the world will just go on without me.
01:26:15All my greatest fears have already come true.
01:26:25And do you feel remorse for what you did?
01:26:34Your adversary wants to know this more than anything else.
01:26:44Let me explain something to you, all right?
01:26:46Let me make it clear.
01:26:48I'm not supposed to kill you, but if it happens, I can easily explain it to my boss.
01:27:13How's that for a trite and inconsequential person, bitch?
01:27:50How do you know him?
01:27:52He's been following me.
01:27:55He wouldn't stop.
01:27:57He was using me to get you.
01:28:05He charmed me.
01:28:10Talked to me in marriage.
01:28:12Then he turned on me like a fucking cobra!
01:28:23And who's this guy?
01:28:25He's an old flame of mine.
01:28:30All right, well, we're gonna talk about this more later.
01:28:36I'll tell you everything.
01:28:39All right.
01:28:42Well, I gotta get out of here, because I am gonna throw up.
01:28:48Now roll him out of here.
01:28:51You got this?
01:29:04I got it.
01:29:52I'm sorry.
01:29:56I'm sorry about our marriage.
01:30:01All the things I did wrong.
01:30:05I never had a chance to tell you that.
01:30:12I'm sorry, too.
01:30:16I did something terrible, Kurt.
01:30:19Something much worse than you ever did against us.
01:30:23Something I haven't confronted all those years.
01:30:28Until now.
01:30:30That's what this was all about today.
01:30:35You don't need to apologize.
01:30:38I never meant to drag you into any of this.
01:30:42All this running around and lying.
01:30:45I got it with me.
01:30:48I got it with both of us.
01:30:57I need to make some changes.
01:31:00I'm not doing it for this life thing.
01:31:05You're alive, Lydia.
01:31:08That's all that matters.
01:31:11I just wanted you to know the truth.
01:31:41I'm sorry.
01:32:11I'm sorry.
01:32:25I am so happy to see the two of you.
01:32:29I am.
01:32:35Let me get you both a drink.
01:32:37No, thanks. I'm good.
01:32:39Give up the sauce.
01:32:42Is that right?
01:32:45Okay, we did.
01:32:47Well, I'll drink to that.
01:32:56Thank you for setting this up.
01:32:58Hey, anytime, kid.
01:33:00Jesus, I'm so nervous.
01:33:02I don't even know if I can go through with it.
01:33:04It's been so long.
01:33:09You're gonna be great.
01:33:12I love you, Brenda.
01:33:14Thanks, hon.
01:33:15I'm not going back.
01:33:30We'll meet again
01:33:33Don't know where
01:33:36Don't know when
01:33:39But I know we'll meet again
01:33:44Some sunny day
01:33:51As the days turned to weeks,
01:33:54and the weeks turned to months,
01:33:56since that fateful day he arrived in town,
01:34:00I find myself asking,
01:34:02have I atoned at all
01:34:06for what I've done?
01:34:09Humble yourselves,
01:34:12therefore, under the mighty hand of God,
01:34:16so that at the proper time
01:34:20he may exalt you,
01:34:23casting all your anxieties on him,
01:34:27because he cares for you.
01:34:32Be sober.
01:34:35Be vigilant.
01:34:38Because your adversary, the devil,
01:34:40walks about like a roaring lion,
01:34:44seeking whom he may devour.
01:34:49And after you have suffered for a little while,
01:34:54the God of all grace,
01:34:57who has called you in his eternal glory in Christ,
01:35:02he himself will restore,
01:35:07confirm, strengthen,
01:35:11and establish you.
01:35:14Greet one another with a kiss of love.
01:35:26Authorities still have no leads
01:35:29on the triple homicide and mysterious explosion
01:35:32at the Rock the Truck Stop, Hamlet, in May.
01:35:36The victims seemed to be random targets
01:35:39of a sniper whose motivation remains unaccounted for.
01:35:43Bill Gravens and Cindy Cavendish
01:35:49were both shot dead in the parking lot
01:35:51of Kitch's General Store.
01:35:53Rick Waskins, a wealthy landowner,
01:35:58was later found dead shot in front of his lakeside manor.
01:36:03An autopsy showed he was shot the same day.
01:36:07Authorities still have not ruled out terrorism.
01:36:09Jesus, honey.
01:36:11I can't believe Rick was shot the same day I was there.
01:36:18Honey, I was really looking forward to that job.
01:36:22Oh, hon.
01:36:24There'll be plenty of other jobs.
01:36:30Darla, hi.
01:36:32Hi, Sam.
01:36:33I wanted you to hear it from me first.
01:36:36We were a bit spooked by the gas leak,
01:36:38but as time goes on,
01:36:40we can't stop thinking about the home.
01:36:43We'd like to buy it.
01:36:45Well, hallelujah, that's fantastic.
01:36:47It took some deliberation, but we're terribly excited
01:36:50and can't wait to be your new neighbors in the county.
01:36:53Darla, I'm going to have to call you right back.
01:36:55Sam, is everything all right?
01:37:21I used to think that life could be so predictable
01:37:29I kept my heart in a cage and was so unreachable
01:37:37But then you came along and turned all into light
01:37:45Turned each wrong into a right
01:37:49You set my heart on fire and off in flight
01:37:54I used to think that love could be so damn ridiculous
01:38:03I kept my step up a lip and was so meticulous
01:38:11But then you came along and you showed me the way
01:38:18You turned the long cold night into a brand new bright shiny day
01:38:25There will be no gray skies
01:38:30Only blue skies
01:38:34And deep in your eyes
01:38:39I'll see the sun shine brightly on a brand new day
01:38:45Now life is so adventurous
01:38:49I know true love is meant for us
01:38:53I'm so darn glad you showed me the way
01:39:00You turned the dark cold night into a brand new bright shiny day
01:39:15You keep me young at heart
01:39:21And you had me right from the start
01:39:25Oh, you got me singing, skipping and jumping and dancing
01:39:33I feel like I can fly with you
01:39:38We're shooting across the sky from cloud to cloud
01:39:43We're miles from the ground
01:39:49The roses and the daffodils smell sweeter than ever before
01:39:57Late night sips, passion lives, lead me wanting more
01:40:06You keep me young at heart
01:40:10And you knock me off the charts
01:40:14Yes, you are the only one for me
01:40:22Cause you keep me young at heart
01:40:29You keep me young at heart
01:40:33And you had me right from the start
01:40:37Oh, you got me singing, skipping and jumping and dancing
01:40:45I feel like I can fly with you
01:40:50We're shooting across the sky from cloud to cloud
01:40:56We're shooting across the sky from cloud to cloud
01:41:01We're miles from the ground
01:41:06The roses and the daffodils smell sweeter than ever before
01:41:14Late night sips, passion lives, lead me wanting more
01:41:23You keep me young at heart
01:41:27And you knock me right off the charts
01:41:31Yes, you are the only one for me
01:41:39Cause you keep me young at heart
01:41:46Young at heart
01:41:49You keep me young at heart
01:41:54Young at heart