Mushoku Tensei Jobless Reincarnation- Season 1 - Episode 2 - English Dubbed

  • last month
An outcast gets reincarnated as Rudeus Greyrat in another world while retaining the knowledge of his past life. He vows to achieve success and enjoy fun-filled adventures in his new beginning.


00:37Keep it down!
00:57Get out, you degenerate!
01:17What the hell did I do to deserve this?
01:36Watch out!
01:43I'd been making figures to practice Earth magic.
01:46Guess I ran out of MP and passed out.
01:48My mana has grown a lot,
01:50but I should learn to be more aware of my limits.
01:53That's enough.
01:56And speaking of enough...
01:58They're really going at it.
02:00Let's hope for a little sister.
02:02Little brothers are the worst.
02:04It might be fun to head down the hall to mess with them.
02:09What are you doing naked?
02:11I'd love to hear their excuses.
02:25Roxy's in the throes of adolescence.
02:28As long as she didn't see me,
02:30I'm classy enough to pretend I didn't see her.
02:32But I did enjoy that.
02:37It's been six months since Roxy got here.
02:40She's a good teacher.
02:42Her lessons are always fun and engaging.
02:44At this point, I can use magic at the intermediate level
02:47without breaking a sweat.
02:49So we've started doing classroom-style lessons
02:51in the evenings as well.
02:53But don't worry, there's no sexy time involved.
02:55I've been a perfect gentleman.
02:57Magic manifested thousands of years ago.
03:00To defend themselves from threats,
03:02the tribes to the north entreated the forest spirits
03:04to grant them control over wind and earth.
03:06Modern magic began when humans mimicked
03:09and reworked the spells they saw in battle
03:11during the war with demon kind.
03:13So there's a whole history to this and everything?
03:15Of course.
03:17Honestly, I'd prefer sexy time.
03:19Mystery was never my thing.
03:21That's really exciting, though.
03:23I had no idea this world had things like spirits
03:25and demons and stuff.
03:27Of course it does.
03:28And I'm a demon myself, actually.
03:30Oh, that's awesome! Are you really?
03:32Yes, indeed.
03:34Surely you remember how surprised your parents were
03:36to see me when we first met.
03:38Yeah, that was because you're so tiny, right?
03:40I am not tiny.
03:42But no, they were taken aback by the color of my hair.
03:45How come?
03:46You didn't know about demons,
03:48so I take it you've never heard of a race called the Superred?
03:51I haven't. Are they scary or something?
03:56They're a green-haired race from the Bobonos region.
03:58Four hundred years ago,
04:00they led a killing spree during the Laplace War.
04:03After destroying their enemies in battle,
04:06they'd immediately turn on their allies,
04:08then slaughter the women and children
04:10left defenseless back at camp.
04:12They became as despised as they were violent.
04:15After the war ended,
04:17they were driven from the Demon Continent entirely,
04:19considered too dangerous to coexist with.
04:22Growing up, I heard about them all the time.
04:25Mostly things like,
04:26don't stay up too late or the Superred will find you and gobble you up.
04:32I guess every world needs a good boogeyman.
04:34Anyway, pay attention.
04:36They're fairly easy to recognize.
04:38They all have emerald green hair and red gems in their foreheads.
04:41So don't you dare go anywhere near them.
04:43If I do get too close, will they kill me?
04:46They might follow you home and kill your whole family.
04:50I'll be careful then.
04:54All that to say, my hair can look green in the wrong light
04:56and people tend to think the worst.
04:58Well, I think your hair is real pretty, miss.
05:02That's sweet of you.
05:04Someday you'll grow up and find a girl you like,
05:06so you should save lines like that for her.
05:08Maybe, but I like you right now, miss.
05:12I see.
05:14Well, if you still feel that way ten years from now,
05:17feel free to say that again.
05:19Look at that.
05:21I knew all those hours I sunk into dating sims wouldn't go to waste.
05:24Better dust off those crappy pickup lines from my old life.
05:27They could be the keys to the kingdom
05:29in unlocking some passionate relations.
05:32But I'm getting ahead of myself.
05:36The Superb will gobble you up.
05:43Roxy's been with us for about a year now.
05:54My steady practice has paid off.
05:57Now, I never run out of mana.
05:59I can use advanced magic,
06:01and my lessons are as smooth as new.
06:04Lessons are as smooth as butter.
06:07On the other hand, it's a whoosh and a slash.
06:11That's basically it. Give it a shot.
06:14So, step in with a whoosh and then...
06:18Did I do it right?
06:20No, that's stepping in with a hop and wham.
06:22Stay light on your feet.
06:24Remember, it's whoosh and slash.
06:26I'm still only four.
06:28My body's not conditioned yet.
06:30I have a long way to go, but I got this.
06:44Ha ha ha!
06:46Hey, get in here!
06:48Ha ha ha!
07:00Ha ha ha!
07:02Ha ha ha!
07:06Ha ha ha!
07:12What are you doing over there? You feeling okay?
07:14Yeah. Everything's fine.
07:23So back in my village,
07:25the climate was so harsh that not even grass would grow.
07:28It's hard to describe how this scenery makes me feel.
07:37You know, I hope you get to stay with us forever.
07:40I'm really lucky to have a teacher as cool as you.
07:46Look over there.
07:48You see that mountain range in the distance?
07:50Are those the Red Dragon Mountains?
07:52That's right. You've been studying hard.
07:56This is the Fetoa region.
07:58But beyond the mountains to the north is a country called Rinoa.
08:02Oh. What's it like up there?
08:04It's always beautiful, and it gets very cold in the winter.
08:08The snow can pile up even taller than me.
08:10That sounds amazing. I'd love to see it sometime.
08:14It's also home to the University of Magic,
08:17the most prestigious magic school there is.
08:19They offer more advanced modern courses than anywhere else.
08:23School. Not my favorite word.
08:26Not to mention they happily accept students from all different backgrounds.
08:30There's no misplaced sense of pride,
08:32no discrimination based on race or status.
08:37Look, if you're interested in furthering your magical education,
08:41I think you should go to Rinoa.
08:44I would have to leave the house before I could do that.
08:50Who cares about school? You're the only master I'll ever need, Miss Roxy.
08:55You really shouldn't call me that anymore.
08:59At this rate, your skill will easily surpass mine.
09:02It's weird to call someone inferior to you your master.
09:05I don't think it's that weird at all.
09:08Trust me, you'll understand sooner or later.
09:34Roxy's been living with us for a year and a half,
09:37and it turns out birthdays aren't an annual celebration in this world.
09:41Rather, we celebrate larger milestones,
09:44with one big party every fifth birthday.
09:48So you have food and gifts to look forward to at five, ten, and fifteen,
09:52when you're considered an adult.
09:57Well, Rudy, from us to you, happy fifth birthday!
10:01Thank you all so much!
10:05How long has it been since anyone cared about my birthday?
10:08Since I became a recluse, it's been less special than a fry in your onion rings.
10:14I'd forgotten this feeling. I kind of missed it.
10:23Happy birthday, little man. This is for you.
10:32This is great, Father. Thanks a lot.
10:35Now then, it's a little much for you right now, but let it be a symbol.
10:39For a man must carry a sword in his heart as well as on his hip.
10:43It takes more than brute force to defend the people who are dearest to you.
10:47You'll have a wife and kids of your own someday,
10:49and you'll need the courage to protect them.
10:51Think about that as you grow into this weapon.
10:54And don't think you can always rely on magic to get the job done.
10:57It's flashy but terrible in close combat,
11:00and you'll never keep up in fast-paced battles.
11:02However, learn the sword god style, and you—
11:09I've been excited about this one.
11:11Look! I know how much you like books.
11:17This is perfect, Mother! Thank you! It's exactly what I wanted!
11:23You're such a good boy!
11:29And from me.
11:36Your very own wand. I crafted it yesterday.
11:39That magic stone will amplify your mana.
11:41It's so beautiful!
11:44It's a typical gift for mastering elementary magic,
11:47so I should have given you this a lot sooner.
11:49But you could already use it, so it completely slipped my mind.
11:52My apologies.
11:54That's all right. Thank you very much.
11:56I'll take good care of it, Master.
12:04You learned four types of advanced attack magic before you turned five.
12:08You've earned the right to be a little arrogant, you know.
12:12No way. I only got here because you taught me so well.
12:17Be that as it may, I'm afraid there's almost nothing left I can offer that will be of any use to you.
12:24And so, tomorrow is your graduation exam.
12:34Every time I think about leaving the house, it comes flooding back.
12:41Regret? Despair?
12:43I remember it like it was yesterday.
12:45When I was depressed or angry, I'd think about you.
12:48Despair? I remember it like it was yesterday.
12:51When I was depressed or angry, I had a few go-to fantasies.
12:55I thought if suddenly I gained amazing powers or some hot girl showed up in need of help,
13:00surely I would rise to the occasion.
13:05And one of those dreams actually came true.
13:09But what if it ends when I step outside?
13:13Keep your chin up. Be brave.
13:18I know this is all real now, and I promised myself I'd get serious.
13:24But my body won't cooperate. I want to cry.
13:28Who's a good horse?
13:30How far are we going?
13:31The other side of the village.
13:33We can't just do it here in the garden.
13:36We cannot.
13:37Are you sure?
13:39Rudy's never been too keen on venturing out. Maybe he's scared of monsters.
13:44As long as we stay away from the forest, we'll be fine.
13:47It's unusual to run into monsters around these parts, and even if you do, they're all pretty weak.
13:51Come here, kiddo. I promise, Caravaggio's gentle.
13:58It's the horse you're afraid of, isn't it?
14:02I'm really not that scared of horses.
14:06Wow. You always act your age when I least expect it.
14:15Once we get moving, you'll see there's nothing to worry about.
14:26Master, no, I can't!
14:27Time to be brave, Rudy. Everything's gonna be fine. I'm right here.
14:35Good luck, Rudy! We love you!
14:49You see now? We're both okay.
14:54Don't look at me like that.
15:00Why are you staring? Cut it out!
15:04Thanks again for the other day.
15:06Sure thing!
15:08They're not staring at me.
15:12Morning, Roxy! How are ya?
15:13Good morning!
15:15They're all looking at Roxy.
15:18Caravaggio's in a good mood. I think he's happy that you're riding him, Rudy.
15:22You really think so?
15:26How do you feel now? Are you still nervous?
15:30No, I actually feel pretty good.
15:32And just like that, I had nothing to fear.
15:36Why did I think anyone would mock me in a peaceful village like this?
15:40How do you do?
15:41How do you do, ma'am?
15:43Roxy's amazing. I'm sure she faced prejudice at first, but now she's a beloved member of our community.
15:50It's a nice village, huh, Master?
15:52Yes, I've become quite fond of it.
16:01This looks like a good spot.
16:06It feels great out here!
16:10I'm going to use the Saint Class Water spell, Kimelon Nimbus.
16:15I can only cast it once, so watch closely, then attempt it on your own.
16:21That is your final exam.
16:23Are we doing this away from town because it's a secret spell?
16:27No. We're here to make sure we don't hurt anyone or damage crops.
16:35Kimelon Nimbus
16:45O Spirits of the Magnificent Waters, and Imperial Prince of Lightning who rules the heavens,
16:50I beseech thee to grant my wish, and bless me thy savagery.
16:54Reveal thy might to this insignificant servant.
16:58Strike awe with the blow of thy divine hammer on the anvil, and cover the land in water.
17:03Now come, O Rain. Sweep all else away in thy flood of destruction.
17:10Kimelon Nimbus
17:24No! What should I do now?
17:29Cast a healing spell, Master! Hurry!
17:31Yes! Yes, of course!
17:36That was a close one. May I ask that you keep this a secret from your parents?
17:41You don't need to worry. I promise I won't say a thing.
17:44I appreciate that.
17:50Now, your turn, Rudy. I'll be sure to keep Caravaggio safe.
18:02Earth Fortress
18:07My final exam, which I suppose marks the end of my home tutoring.
18:13O Spirits of the Magnificent Waters, and Imperial Prince of Lightning who rules the heavens,
18:18I beseech thee to grant my wish, and bless me thy savagery.
18:20If I know Roxy, she'll say something like,
18:22I can't impose on you when I have nothing left to teach.
18:26She may insist on leaving tomorrow, making this our last day together.
18:33Look at that!
18:34Now! Come, O Rain! Wash everything away!
18:37I wish I'd gotten to know her better.
18:41Kimelon Nimbus!
18:56Earth Fortress
19:04I don't remember telling you to make it bigger than my own demonstration.
19:08Sorry if I overdid it.
19:10It's kind of bittersweet.
19:13In two years, you learned what took me a lifetime to perfect, so I have nothing left to teach.
19:27I'm proud of you, Rudy.
19:29Congratulations. You're a Saint Class Water Mage.
19:47Roxy! You're more than welcome to stay here!
19:50I still have plenty of recipes to teach you!
19:52Yeah, don't go. The villagers would love to have you around.
19:55It's very kind of you to offer,
19:57but I'd like to travel the world for a little while and continue to hone my magical abilities.
20:02I see. Well, in that case, my apologies.
20:06I hate that our son made you lose confidence in yourself.
20:09That's a real garbage way of putting that, Paul.
20:12Rudy, I hope you know I did the very best I could,
20:15but I lack the ability to guide someone of your caliber.
20:19That's not true at all!
20:20You gave me more than I ever could have asked for, Master!
20:30Hang on.
20:36What is this?
20:38It's an amulet for my village.
20:40I wanted to give you something to commemorate your graduation.
20:43I hope this is enough.
20:47I'll treasure it forever!
20:49I was hoping you'd say something like that.
20:51I better get going.
20:57Till next time!
21:25Thank you for everything!
21:29I'm grateful.
21:30She really did give me so much.
21:32Knowledge, experience, technique.
21:35But most importantly, she brought me outside.
21:39Such a simple thing, but powerful.
21:43She did something no one had been able to do in over 20 years.
21:47She helped heal me.
21:48I know she'll never understand what that means to me.
21:53Still, as long as I live, I'm gonna respect that girl.
22:03Oh, wait.
22:04I still have a pair of her panties that I stole a few months ago.
22:08My bad, Roxy!
22:18To be continued...
22:48Thank you for watching!
23:18Please subscribe to my channel!
