Mushoku Tensei Jobless Reincarnation- Season 1 - Episode 4 - English Dubbed

  • last month
An outcast gets reincarnated as Rudeus Greyrat in another world while retaining the knowledge of his past life. He vows to achieve success and enjoy fun-filled adventures in his new beginning.


00:00That's great. Congratulations, Mother. You're such a sweetheart, and I just know you're
00:12going to be an excellent big brother when this little one comes along.
00:16We did it, Zenith!
00:18I'm so glad.
00:20I can't believe our little family's finally growing.
00:23Zenith has been worried that she couldn't have a second child, so naturally she and
00:28Paul were overjoyed at the news.
00:30Well, yes.
00:34My humble apologies. I'm afraid I'm pregnant.
00:41Time froze. No one bothered to ask who the father was, nor did anyone have to.
00:49Forgive me, Zenith! That child's... it's probably mine.
00:54Pathetic. But good on him for coming clean so fast.
00:59I suppose if he's always going to lecture me about being a real man, that's the least he can do.
01:04So, you know, that's gotta count for something.
01:10But this is a nightmare scenario.
01:24No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no
01:54溢れ出すリズムが癒したって Afuredasu rizumu ga iyashita tte Overflowing rhythm heals me
02:06想像の上誰も立てぬ場所 Souzou no ue dare mo tatenu basho On top of imagination, a place where no one can stand
02:15慈しみひとつ恋しさを持てば Itsukushimi hitotsu koishisa wo moteba If you have one beautiful love
02:23手にするよ Te ni suru yo Hold me
02:31手にするよ Te ni suru yo Hold me
02:37手にするよ Te ni suru yo Hold me
02:44So, what will you do?
02:47After I have assisted you with childbirth, my lady, I plan to take my leave of you.
02:52And your child?
02:54I hope to raise it back in my hometown.
02:58That's a month's ride south, isn't it?
03:02You'll have to have your baby here first. You'll be in no condition to travel.
03:10Well, be that as it may, I have nowhere else I can turn.
03:15Zenith, surely she—
03:17You stay out of this!
03:20A month of unaccompanied travel is a tall order for a woman with a newborn.
03:25This is supposed to be a safe country, but I still doubt they would make it in one piece.
03:31And Zenith is right.
03:33Even if Lilia has the stamina to make it all the way there, the odds of an infant surviving the trip are pretty slim.
03:40And if Lilia collapses, they're both dead for sure.
03:45It's not hard to imagine.
03:47Lilia lying in the snow, baby cradled in her arms.
03:56Of course Zenith is conflicted.
03:58Lilia has been faithful to this house for years, and this drama aside, they're friends.
04:04I don't want to lose her, either.
04:06She brings me towels when I train outside and draws baths when I get caught in the rain.
04:12She lays out blankets when it's cold and tidies up if I leave books out.
04:18And most importantly, she knows about the Holy Relic and has kept it secret.
04:30It's time I return the favor.
04:34Mother, I thought it would be a good thing that I'm going to get two new siblings instead of just one.
04:39So why is everyone so upset?
04:41It means your father and Lilia did something very bad.
04:44I guess I get it.
04:46But to me, it didn't sound like Lilia was allowed to say no to him.
04:50What do you mean?
04:52It kind of sounded like father was threatening her before.
04:57A while ago, I got up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom.
05:01And when I passed Lilia's room, I thought I heard father say something like,
05:04spread your legs if you don't want people to find out.
05:07Rudy, what the hell are you-
05:08I said keep your mouth shut!
05:10But, hang on.
05:12Lilia, dear, tell me, is that true?
05:14The young master must be mistaken.
05:17No, forgive me.
05:19I see you're trying to protect yourself.
05:21Now, hold on just a second.
05:23I never said that.
05:24I appreciate your help with Sylphie, but I'll have to pay you back for that some other time.
05:29You kind of dug your own grave on this one.
05:31Sorry, Paul.
05:33I really don't believe that Lilia did anything wrong, mother.
05:36It's all father's fault.
05:39I suppose.
05:41So it wouldn't be fair for her to get in so much trouble for something she didn't do, right?
05:46Well, no.
05:48And you know I have a lot of fun playing with Sylphie every day.
05:52So don't you think it would be nice for the new baby to have a friend too?
05:57Perhaps, yes.
06:02And no matter what, I'm going to be a big brother to both of them.
06:10So please, mother, don't make her leave.
06:14I don't want to say goodbye to Lilia.
06:22Alright, Rudy, I get it.
06:24You win.
06:26You didn't make it easy, madam.
06:28Lilia, please stay.
06:31You're part of the family now.
06:33It would be foolish to ask you to leave.
06:37Great, glad that's settled.
06:39Any further damage control is up to you, Paul.
06:42Sure hope you can handle it.
06:44This is your last chance, senor.
06:47As for you, I hope you're prepared to have a nice long talk about all this later.
07:10That's way too hard!
07:12Please stop taking this out on me!
07:16I shouldn't have been spared.
07:19This pregnancy is my fault.
07:22I was the one who seduced Paul.
07:27After years of hearing them carry on like that night after night,
07:32I finally reached a breaking point.
07:36I'm honestly amazed I held out this long.
07:57I deserve to be punished.
07:59For giving in.
08:01For betraying Zenith.
08:03But I was forgiven.
08:05Rudeus made that happen.
08:07He even guided us to an elegant compromise.
08:10He understood the situation I was in.
08:13And was willing to let me go.
08:16I'm sorry, Paul.
08:18I didn't mean to hurt you.
08:20I didn't mean to hurt you.
08:22He understood the situation I was in.
08:25And was willing to lie to protect me.
08:28I've always been frightened of that child.
08:31So I've made a point of avoiding him as much as possible.
08:35As a baby, he used to stare at my chest with that repulsive grin.
08:39It was unnerving.
08:41I thought he might be possessed.
08:44But it's time I let go of that nonsense.
08:47He saved my life.
08:49And for that, he deserves my respect.
08:53If this child grows up healthy and strong,
08:56I will see to it that they make their way into Lord Rudeus' service.
09:00It's the least I can do.
09:06Hey there, girls.
09:07Is it daddy?
09:08Or a monster?
09:12Where'd daddy go?
09:13There he is!
09:14Every day with this.
09:16Don't you have anything better to do, Paul?
09:23Oh dear.
09:27You sure are a handful.
09:28On the contrary, this is what child-rearing should feel like.
09:31Things with young Master Rudeus were much too easy.
09:34You're all right.
09:35Darling, would you go draw some water?
09:39Oh, and would you mind picking up some more candles as long as you're out?
09:47I think I have to be the cool male role model for those girls.
09:54Ever since the incident,
09:56Lily has actually been talking to me.
09:58Mostly old stories about Paul.
10:01Turns out they studied swordsmanship at the same training hall.
10:05She told me he was very talented but preferred to goof off.
10:08Also true to form, how he'd snuck in her room to assault and deflower her as she slept.
10:13And then he just bailed.
10:15Like a dirtbag.
10:18It's time for practice, let's get to work!
10:25Do you want to loosen up or do you want to stay elementary rank forever?
10:29Paul may be childish, irresponsible trash,
10:32but I don't think he's rotten to the core.
10:34And despite all his faults, I respect his strength.
10:39There are three sword styles.
10:41Sword God, Water God, and North God.
10:44Paul is advanced in all three.
10:52Hey, watch it boy, that's cheating!
10:56You might have a little talent for magic, but your swordplay is already stagnated.
11:00What a shame.
11:03Wipe that look off your face and stand up.
11:05Don't you want to grow up to be a cool guy like your old man here?
11:09I didn't think it was very cool to cheat on your wife and almost rip your family apart.
11:14If it bothers you to hear that, would you please keep your hands off anyone who isn't Mother?
11:19Uh, other than Lillia, right?
11:22I don't know, if it happens again, Mother might move back in with her family.
11:27Come on, you're a guy, you get it?
11:29What exactly do you think a seven-year-old boy is supposed to get?
11:32Well, I know you're into little Sylphie,
11:34and you gotta admit, that girl is gonna be a total knockout when she grows up.
11:38Yeah, of course she is.
11:40But I happen to think that she's super beautiful already.
11:43So you do understand.
11:45Yeah, yeah.
11:46Paul's a scumbag alright, but we speak the same language.
11:50What am I now, forty-something?
11:52I was hot garbage in my day too, I can't judge.
11:56By the way, Rudy, I want to talk to you about...
12:00You know what, never mind.
12:02We should probably get back to training.
12:05What is it?
12:06Hm? Nothing.
12:08Just that you're at an age where kids normally start attending school.
12:12Yeah, I know.
12:13You don't need it, though.
12:15You can already read, write, and do math.
12:17Well, yeah.
12:21Still, I might wanna...
12:23Are you being serious right now?
12:26Well, don't think too hard about it.
12:28Joints like that are all full of bratty nobles.
12:30A nerdy little kid from the sticks would get bullied for sure.
12:36And I'll tell you something else,
12:37the girls in those places never exercised a single day in their lives.
12:41Sure, they look good on the surface.
12:43Then you get them into bed with their corsets off and they're a total mess.
12:46Honestly, I've been tricked more times than I care to admit.
12:49That's unfortunate.
12:51I was kinda looking forward to building a harem like my dear old dad.
12:54Hey, would you look at that, you're my son after all.
12:58But, uh, you're better off chasing just one lady at a time.
13:06You're right.
13:15Smart and talented.
13:17She's going to surpass me before too long.
13:23Rudy, what do you wanna do today?
13:28Oh, sorry. Say what?
13:30You've been acting weird again lately.
13:32According to my parents, I've been weird since I was born.
13:35That's not what I mean. You look sad about something.
13:38I've been kinda stuck lately.
13:41I haven't made any progress with swords or magic.
13:44But you're already amazing, Rudy.
13:46For my age, but I still have a long way to go.
13:50Are you gonna leave?
13:52I might. I don't think this village has much to offer me anymore.
14:03Hey, you okay, Sylphie?
14:05No. No.
14:08Please don't leave me. I don't want you to go anywhere.
14:15Whoa, hey.
14:16It's okay. I understand. I'll stay right here with you.
14:21Yeah, why would I ever want to leave a girl like her behind just to improve my magic?
14:27What would be so great about that?
14:29I'd much rather live out my days peacefully right here beside her.
14:34So that's exactly what I'll do.
14:36And as we grow up together, I'll have plenty of time to make her my ideal woman.
14:44Hey, Rudy!
14:47Didn't anyone ever tell you it's polite to knock first? Go away!
14:50Whoa, calm down. You've got a letter.
14:52A letter?
14:54Dear Rudeus, I hope you and your family are well.
14:58I can't believe it's already been two whole years since we parted.
15:03I'm currently working in the royal capital of Sharone Kingdom.
15:06I've been hired as a tutor to the Seventh Prince.
15:10His Highness reminds me a bit of you.
15:12He's not quite as talented, but he's clever.
15:15A budding magician in his own right.
15:17And also like you, he's prone to stealing my underwear and spying on me while I change.
15:21They do say great men have great lusts.
15:25I gotcha!
15:26Oh, that's the stuff.
15:31Oh, and I'm pleased to say I finally mastered king-class water magic.
15:36I thought I'd reached my limit, but good old-fashioned effort goes a long way.
15:41I wouldn't be surprised if you're already casting emperor cards.
15:44I wouldn't be surprised if you're already casting emperor class magic.
15:48I'm excited and a little nervous to see what you can do someday,
15:52and I promise to work hard to keep up with you.
15:55I doubt I need to worry, but if you do hit a dead end in your studies,
15:59I would urge you again to seek admission to the Rinoa University of Magic.
16:04Good luck. I'll write again soon. Roxy.
16:09Master Roxy...
16:10So, that sweet little girl is ranked all the way up to a water king. Good for her.
16:15Is that hard to do?
16:16Indescribably hard.
16:18As a matter of fact, I'd be willing to bet that you could count all the active king-class mages in the world on one hand.
16:24Oh, wow.
16:25But, uh, kiddo, did you really steal her panties?
16:32Talk about a wake-up call.
16:35Now what?
16:36Damn it.
16:37I don't want to disappoint my master.
16:41Rinoa University of Magic.
16:51Listen, father, may I make kind of an unreasonable request?
16:55You may not.
16:57You can ask us for anything, dear.
16:59I'm sure your father will manage somehow.
17:01What a golden opportunity to actually demonstrate some paternal dignity.
17:05He wants something so crazy that he asked permission just to bring it up, so I'm sure it's impossible-
17:10I'm starting to worry that I won't improve much more on my own.
17:13So I decided that I would like to attend the Rinoa University of Magic.
17:17Oh, yeah?
17:18But when I brought that up to Sylphie, she started to cry and begged me not to leave her.
17:23Attaboy. I wonder where you learned to be such a lady killer.
17:26The ideal solution would be for the two of us to enroll together, but her family isn't as well off as we are.
17:33I was hoping you could pay tuition for both of us, so please think about it.
17:39Oh, all the way to Rinoa?
17:43Not a chance.
17:47But to make sure you understand why, first, you're still learning the sword.
17:52As your teacher, I refuse to let you quit now.
17:55Second, you're smart, but you're young.
17:58It would be irresponsible of us to send you away at your age.
18:01Then, there's the money.
18:03Paying for you is fine, but we can't pay for Sylphie, too.
18:07Got it? We're comfortable, but we aren't nobles.
18:10Of course not.
18:12In that case, may I ask for something else instead?
18:17I would like to find a job, as well-paid as possible.
18:21Huh? A job? What for?
18:24By the time you decide that I'm ready to leave home, I hope to earn Sylphie's tuition all by myself.
18:30That might not be in Sylphie's best interests.
18:33Maybe not, but I think it will be in mine.
18:43Very well, then. If your mind's made up, I'll see what I can do for you.
18:49Thank you so much!
18:54Good to see you, Ghislaine. Feels like it's been forever.
19:30Madam Titty Kitty!
19:32Ghislaine! Hi! I've missed you! Have you been well?
19:37Yeah. That your kid?
19:40Yes. This is Norn.
19:42Let's hope she doesn't take after Paul.
19:45That's enough chit-chat. I assume if you're here, that means everything is ready to go.
19:51Please take care of our little Rudeus.
19:53Can do.
19:56Young Master Rudeus, we'll miss you very much.
20:01Take care, sweetheart. We'll see you when you get back, okay?
20:06Get back from what? I'm not going anywhere-
20:08Listen, Rudy.
20:10Yeah? What's wrong?
20:12Tell me something. What if I said you had to stay away from Sylphie for a little while?
20:17Huh? Well, obviously I wouldn't want to.
20:20I figured.
20:22Hi. What's going on?
20:24Nope. Don't even ask.
20:26I know if I try to explain, you'll just talk your way out of it.
21:10That's Water God style.
21:14At least it's a wooden sword.
21:33That hurt, Paul. What the hell?
21:41What happened?
21:43I'm Rudeus Greirat, and I hope you'll forgive my confusion.
21:47You sure you're Paul's kid? You seem way too polite.
21:53My name is Galaine. Starting tomorrow, we will be working together.
21:58It'll be my pleasure. It's very nice to meet you.
22:21I'm sorry.
22:23I'm sorry.
22:25I'm sorry.
22:27I'm sorry.
22:29I'm sorry.
22:31I'm sorry.
22:33I'm sorry.
22:35I'm sorry.
22:37I'm sorry.
22:39I'm sorry.
22:41I'm sorry.
22:43I'm sorry.
22:45I'm sorry.
22:47I'm sorry.
22:49I'm sorry.
22:51I'm sorry.
22:53I'm sorry.
22:55I'm sorry.
22:57I'm sorry.
22:59I'm sorry.
23:01I'm sorry.
23:03I'm sorry.
23:05I'm sorry.
23:07I'm sorry.
23:09I'm sorry.
23:11I'm sorry.
23:13I'm sorry.
23:15I'm sorry.
23:17I'm sorry.
23:19I'm sorry.
23:21I'm sorry.
23:23I'm sorry.
23:25I'm sorry.
23:27I'm sorry.
23:29I'm sorry.
23:31I'm sorry.
23:33I'm sorry.
23:35I'm sorry.
23:37I'm sorry.
23:39I'm sorry.
23:41I'm sorry.
23:43I'm sorry.
23:45I'm sorry.
