• 3 months ago
A young victim of a traffic accident is reincarnated into a fantasy world and his adoptive guardian teaches him everything he needs to know to become a powerful magician and fighter -- but the boy knows very little about anything else.


00:17Who could have ever imagined we would get a chance to fly
00:20Well, Jin was the one who cast floating magic on us. So I guess we have him to thank for all of this fun, huh?
00:27Right, all we have to do is keep controlling our wind magic to make sure we're traveling in the right direction
00:34Wow, you're really starting to improve
01:01Okay, it's time to come back down
01:10We need to switch people out that magic gear looks like it's pretty useful
01:16It'd be handy for lots of things. Maybe your investiture ceremony. Oh, yeah, that's coming up pretty soon, huh? Yes
03:03I see
03:05So the final town has fallen at last
03:08Yes, which means that every town and village within the Empire's territory has been wiped out
03:13The demonoid squad led by zest launched attacks on caravans traveling on the roads stopping the food supply
03:21Has the nobility continued their lives of luxury?
03:25Resentment grew among the commoners causing them to demonize and
03:29So as the commoners gradually transform into demonoids, they began to slaughter the feudal lords in an effort to settle the score
03:37laying waste to village after village
03:41Master strong despises the Imperial nobility, but this strategy is victimizing the innocent townspeople as well
03:50My lord, why go to such extremes?
03:55Thanks to all of your efforts
03:57We have successfully driven this Empire to absolute ruin this day marks an auspicious occasion
04:08Since that's done. I wonder what I'd like to tackle next
04:14Crushing the Empire was my one goal. There's nothing left for me to accomplish
04:18I've achieved everything I wanted. What the hell are you talking about? That's crazy
04:24We need to keep taking over the neighboring lands until we gain control of the whole world
04:28Why pray tell should we trouble ourselves with something so tiresome?
04:32Well with this many demonoids we could form a nation of our own
04:36All of you are more than welcome to pursue any ambitions you may possess. I only ask that you don't impose them on me
04:42I'm not interested. Is that right in?
04:46That case I'm gonna make my own decisions go ahead. In fact, you could have done that from the very beginning
04:56I imagine there are more of you here who share his feelings. If so, you're free to go. Please don't hesitate
05:03Pardon me master, but are you sure it's all right to let them do this it makes no difference
05:09As I've said I've already accomplished my goal of overthrowing the Empire. We might as well let them do as they please
05:15Sir, if I may be so bold. Why do you have such hate for the Empire?
05:21I heard you were formerly a Duke and that you were once in line for the throne
05:26Why do you have such hate for the Empire I
05:29Heard you were formerly a Duke and that you were once in line to become the Emperor. Oh, that's right
05:35I suppose I never told you the story
05:38Well, then why don't I tell you right now two years ago when I was still known as Olivera
05:48Lord Olivera, please don't concern yourself with our labor, sir
05:52No, it's quite all right I can see the soils maintaining its richness and the crops continue to flourish
05:59Judging by that I'd say we can look forward to a successful harvest this year. Yes. There's a bumper crop in every field
06:08The population appears to be growing swiftly thanks to your agricultural reforms. We've been able to increase our crop acreage
06:15There wasn't enough manpower. So we started welcoming workers from other territories. Oh
06:20And will that trend continue
06:23Well, there are other industries in town that are also struggling with the labor shortages
06:28Right. It seems like everywhere we go. We're shorthanded
06:31By the way, I've been meaning to ask you this question for a long time Lord Olivera
06:36But why do you always treat the commoners so favorably?
06:40Back when I was a little boy, I never questioned the idea of nobility receiving special treatment
06:46But during a trip to another country I received quite the unexpected shock
06:52Unlike the Empire this society had no system of slavery and even average people were able to enjoy a vibrant lifestyle
07:01Seeing how different it was for the commoners exploited here. I
07:05Decided to change our future and that's just what I did
07:09What country was it?
07:11the proud kingdom of Earlside
07:23Why don't you come to bed now? Well, I would but this district's yield is lower than all the others
07:29I'm trying to find a solution to that
07:31It's kind of you to work so hard to help your people
07:35But I'm starting to worry about your health Oh
07:38Aria, I'd much rather you concern yourself with your own health
07:42Our treasures on the way, so let's take good care of it. I
07:48Have a favor to ask of you
07:50Please summon Olivera to the imperial capital as soon as possible. Wait, are you referring to Strattey us the Duke?
07:58That's the one do you not all find him to be a nuisance? Why? Yes, of course we do
08:03He's causing problems more and more of our commoners are moving into his territory
08:08We are positively furious over the effect
08:10This is having and if he continues to contribute money to the Empire and thus becomes its greatest underwriter
08:16Then as I'm sure you're all aware, he will eventually ascend to the Emperor's throne. We can't allow him to be the Emperor
08:22He's going to implement policies that favor commoners
08:26True, which is why I urge you gentlemen to call Strattey us to the capital while he's there
08:31I plan to do everything in my power to make sure he won't bother us again. Are you serious? That'd be wonderful
08:37Yes, and it doesn't matter to me what imaginary reason you give him for the visit
08:40You just have to make sure he stays there
08:43We will say it's a reception make him think we want to have a talk about the treatment of commoners and we can keep adding
08:49sessions indefinitely
08:52Your days are officially numbered now only Vera
09:01Excellent news the other nobles. They sent me this letter. It says they want to go along with my ideas
09:09Congratulations, dear, but why now of all times?
09:12Lately tax revenues haven't increased as much as they'd like which means it's harder to contribute funds to the Empire
09:19If they're late with that, they risk losing their titles. They're concerned about protecting their privilege
09:25So they're doing whatever they have to
09:27It says here. I'll be holding a meeting in the capital soon
09:31They're inviting me to go and teach them some things about territorial management the capital. I don't know. Are you sure that'd be safe?
09:40After all, I know some noble men see you as having the upper hand. What if they're planning on doing something terrible to you?
09:47It's fine. You know how handy I am at using magic. That's true
09:52You are very strong people say you're one of the most prominent magicians in the Empire
09:57See, there's no need to worry. There was a time in my youth when I worked as a demon hunter
10:02Remember, so it'd be hard for someone to assassinate me you say that darling
10:07But it's not much consolation since you only did it for a month
10:11Well, that's rather harsh of you
10:23You please bring him back safely don't let anything happen to him
10:33Gone missing that's three all women and children
10:37This is terrible and rumor has it the same thing's been happening in other places, too
10:42Please excuse me
10:44Yes, sir. How can we help you? Well, madam, I work for the capital's military police force
10:50We've heard there's been a rash of kidnappings
10:55Keep your voice down. We've also received information saying that people they've abducted have been sold into slavery
11:03Yes, it's awful do you know anything
11:08The feudal lords responsible, but there's no way that can be true. He's always been so kind to all of us commoners
11:16Not according to what my wife heard turns out the whole reason he gathers people like us into his territory
11:21So he can turn around and sell them off as slaves Lord. Olivera really does this
11:26Think about it. Why else would an imperial feudal lord be so interested in giving commoners special treatment good point
11:35Looks like it's all going as planned
11:38Hmm they're so busy eating up this fake story. They haven't figured out. We're not really the police
11:44Well, we are dealing with stupid commoners after all
11:49Olivera's going home. You say we tried keeping him busy with everything from receptions to management training, but he wouldn't have it
11:57He says his wife will be delivering soon, huh?
12:00It's been nearly two months since we convinced him to come visit the capital
12:05Huh, perhaps it's time we brought down the curtain
12:10At long last we've been able to pick up the trail of the serial kidnapper
12:15But we're going to need your cooperation to get our hands on him
12:20You stop there
12:27We'll have to inspect your cargo, but this vehicle belongs to the Duke I can't allow you to
12:33Actually, I'm holding a writ of examination from the Emperor himself enough of your backtalk
12:45Yes, that means the feudal lord was the kidnapper hard to believe can't the police do anything about all this
12:51He's a nobleman. They can't arrest him without solid evidence
12:55We can't wait around for the police to deal with this. We'll just have to bring down Olivera ourselves
13:03Goodness why is there a commotion outside?
13:16Aria I'm sorry for leaving you alone during such a critical time
13:22I'll be with you soon. What's wrong sir? You're home
13:43As soon as I noticed that flames were rising out of the roof I hurried toward the mansion
13:48But the angry masses had already laid waste to everything
13:52By the time I got to the room my wife was in it was too late
14:06my wife
14:07She's gone. Why would you do this? Don't play dumb? We know all about what you did
14:13You're the one who abducted those innocent commoner women and sold them into slavery
14:19How could you possibly believe I would do something so horrible don't lie to us
14:24We saw it with our own eyes the wagon with your crest on it the military police
14:30The military police would never let civilians accompany them
14:36Besides carrying kidnapped people inside a wagon that prominently displays my crest
14:41You think I would transport illegal slaves in such a foolhardy manner?
14:48Naturally I figured it out
14:51While they use the nobleman to make me stay in the capital they were spreading harmful rumors about me
14:58Who was capable of pulling off such a large-scale endeavor and who had the most to gain by putting me in this kind of situation
15:14Lord Olivera, are you what a fool I've been up until now
15:23Do have worked so hard for the good of these cretins only to receive evil in return and for the Empire
15:29Which has always favored the comfort of the nobility above the well-being of its common people
15:35Also, I could be stabbed in the back
15:37Please forgive us my lord. We were mistaken
15:41Forgive you after you so rashly destroyed my entire life
15:46Do you hear the nonsensical drivel spewing out of your disgusting mouth?
15:51How could I ever forgive what you've done?
15:59All of you
16:01that mob
16:03The nobleman who puts you up to it
16:06And the foul Empire that allows such atrocities to occur you pay yes
16:11Everyone I swear you will pay
17:13Mark my words Blasphemy Empire. I'm going to obliterate everything
17:19The Emperor and every last member of the nobility not to mention the lowly commoners I once drove to protect
17:34So Lawrence, what are your thoughts after hearing master strong story?
17:39What are my thoughts?
17:41After everything that he went through I kind of understand it
17:44I mean the whole Empire turned their backs on him even the commoners. He'd befriended. Yes, but at this point
17:50He's already accomplished the thing he set out to do
17:54It's probably for the best if master strong has a new objective going forward you agree with me
17:59Don't you I guess so sure better than not right?
18:04Yes, Lawrence
18:05Which is why I'd like you to mix in with those
18:08Demonoids who parted ways with our cause earlier and convinced them to launch an attack on the kingdom of Swede
18:13Not only is swede a smaller and less powerful nation
18:16But it also happens to share a border with the kingdom of Earl's hide
18:19So it's safe to assume if a band of demonoids were to show up there
18:22He would come running as fast as he possibly could wait. Who is he the famous Jen Wolford?
18:29The person who drove master strong away really indeed
18:33Which is precisely what makes him the perfect target for our leader to set his sights on crushing
18:38Understood when the day arrives you want to know exactly what kind of power you're up against my you learned quickly
18:46I'm entrusting this important task to you Lauren. So be certain you do not disappoint me
18:59Ogg really looks like a prince
19:08I asked you noble August von Earl's hide
19:12Do you swear to become the crown prince and to endeavor with all of your strength and honor to serve this magnificent kingdom?
19:19Upon my very life sir. I promise to protect this nation and its people
19:25Eloquently spoken in that case. I now recognize you as crown prince
19:30I expect you to devote everything you have in service to our people. Yes, your majesty
19:38A large group of demonoids has just appeared in the kingdom of Swede and they're already attacking
19:44You fool. How dare you barge in and report something like that during this important event?
19:49No, leave him alone
19:51But sir, thank you for the news if
19:55Demonoids attack then that takes priority. Wait a minute. Did that guy just say there was a demonoid attack?
20:04Please let's not panic. It's true
20:08According to the report there are demonoids in the kingdom of Swede
20:12But do not be alarmed
20:14We have a group to fight them. We will resist the demonoids
20:20You ready
20:24This is Shin Wolford
20:27grandson of the renowned wise man Merlin Wolford
20:30he's also the one who defeated the demonoid that appeared recently and
20:36Know we have been continually improving ourselves under Shin's leadership. We've gained the strength. We need to stop this
20:43we'll go to Sweden once and
20:46eradicate those demonoids
20:56They took them off
20:58Shin, it's your turn to speak now. Wait my turn. Yes
21:02This is basically a performance to help put the people's minds at ease so make it good
21:08Another thing think up a cool name for our team calling us a study group makes us sound like we're a bunch of nerds
21:14What like right now?
21:20Ladies and gentlemen, there's nothing to fear everyone here has more than enough courage and ability to combat the enemy
21:29Come on, think fast
21:32We're the ultimate magic study group. So the ultimate
21:41We promise we're gonna take care of those demonoids we're the ultimate magician
21:57Like that name actually
21:59Well, I say we go out with a bang. We need to make sure they have plenty of hope. Yeah, you're right
22:06And I know just what to do. Here goes nothing
22:18Ultimate magicians move out
