Стани Богат 5 Епизод 30 (2024)

  • last month


00:00BEGIN VIDEO Thursday, April 6th 2021
00:24Hello to everyone waiting for the show of mind and fun.
00:28Have fun.
00:30I want to tell you right away that you, the Bulgarian viewers, have the biggest connections in the whole world.
00:36Why? Because only here Stani Bogat is on air five days a week.
00:41We are really very jealous.
00:43This is who we are discovering the game with today.
00:46She is a university teacher at the Faculty of Pedagogy at the University of Sofia.
00:51She works with children at risk and is a specialist in prevention of risky behavior.
00:56Otherwise, she has a lot of puzzles, is addicted to flirting and does not like romantic romance novels.
01:01Follow the matches in the Vise Liga, and now it's time to go out on our field.
01:05She is Jonka Parvanova.
01:20Good evening.
01:21Good evening.
01:22Jonka Parvanova, we are very glad to have you as our guest.
01:25A university teacher at the Faculty of Pedagogy.
01:28What are the expectations of the game?
01:31What do you expect?
01:33To have fun.
01:34To have fun.
01:36Well, let's have fun with faithful answers.
01:40Who is in your group tonight, in your gang?
01:43I see that you are not alone.
01:45No, my spouse is with me.
01:48Ljubomir Parvanov.
01:49Ljubo, hello, welcome.
01:50How are you?
01:51I am very good.
01:52This coat is very familiar to me.
01:54Ilena is my favorite team.
01:58Two words before we start, of course, more seriously.
02:01What does our society think about working with children at risk?
02:07Unfortunately, when society thinks about these children,
02:10it most often thinks through the prism of empathy during big holidays
02:16or during some unpleasant events that the media shows.
02:20In fact, these children need more than mentorship, friendship,
02:23and this is constant, daily.
02:25So I would encourage everyone who can,
02:28in some way, not so much generosity, clothes, money or something else,
02:33as much attention and personal time.
02:35Because these children need it.
02:37I share the same opinion.
02:38I wish you success.
02:40The rules are 15 questions for 100,000 levs.
02:42Two safe sums.
02:43The first is for 500 levs, the second is determined personally by you.
02:46Three jokers.
02:48Help your spouse.
02:50Call a friend.
02:51I suggest we start.
02:53Let's start.
02:54Jonka Parvanova starts her show.
02:56Stay rich.
03:03Let's see and smile with the first questions.
03:06Let's not regret it.
03:09Here it is, the first one.
03:11Which name is not among the chosen ones for a newborn girl?
03:23Or Borovinka.
03:27And the correct answer is D, Borovinka.
03:30Correct answer.
03:36What is the strangest name you have met?
03:42But I can't say.
03:44But it's true.
03:47I have met Ocean Morski.
03:51The second question.
03:55What is used for sharpening pencils?
03:59We use trion.
04:07Or drilling machine.
04:10I would try with machete, but I think the correct answer is C, sharpener.
04:15For machete you need a big pencil.
04:18Let's see and make sure that this is the correct answer.
04:28One more question.
04:29One more question.
04:33What is the name of the person who is most likely to clap his hands or make public statements?
04:49Or stuntman.
04:52The correct answer is Claqueur.
04:56That's it.
04:57There is such a profession.
05:05The fourth question.
05:09What is the certificate for system management?
05:15There are three, but one does not exist.
05:19Environmental environment.
05:21Food safety.
05:23Or family budget.
05:26Unfortunately, there is no certificate for family budget management.
05:31If there was, I would be a professor.
05:34Yes, that's right.
05:35Poor Lyubov.
05:36Berend Oudvoer.
05:45The fifth question.
05:46The fifth question.
05:50Which foreigner in 2019 got his Bulgarian deputy named...
05:56Let's see.
05:58Attention, Lovka.
06:09Or Photoshop.
06:12Who caught your attention?
06:14Let's see.
06:16Berend Oudvoer.
06:31This is official information from the Institute for Bulgarian Language and Literature.
06:36They are announcing a competition for the most original Bulgarian deputy.
06:41Of some foreigner.
06:43What does Hybrid do here?
06:44Well, I guess because of his thick, full cheeks.
06:48Who is the author?
06:50We watched him the other day.
06:51Ivan Bogorov.
06:53Bogorov, yes.
06:54One of our reborn eyes.
06:58Now, we already have 500 levs, we breathe more calmly.
07:04Are we going to finish this sum?
07:07Let's play for 1000 levs.
07:091000 levs.
07:13Which novel was written by Zahari Karabashliev?
07:19Time Warfare.
07:22The English Neighbour.
07:28Or Mission London.
07:34Now, I was ordering the questions myself.
07:36I mean, the topics.
07:37Yes, what happened?
07:38Bulgarian literature was in the orders, but it was in the old times.
07:42Because since the student years, that's how I order the questions.
07:47Now, Time Warfare is not by Zahari Karabashliev.
07:49I am reading a novel, a great one, by Georgi Gospodinov.
07:53The Winners of the Booker Prize.
07:54Yes, The Winners of the Booker Prize.
07:55Translated by Angela Rodel.
07:57I am reading Mission London.
07:58They made a great movie about it, if I'm not mistaken.
08:01Dmitar Mitovsky.
08:02That's right.
08:03English Neighbour.
08:04One of the creators of The Rich Man.
08:06Oh, I don't know.
08:07He is the author of the phrase, Become Rich.
08:09I didn't know.
08:11He brought something new.
08:12Now, I admit that I didn't know anything about English Neighbour.
08:17I've heard of Havre.
08:23And I think that this is the correct answer.
08:25And I will put an answer.
08:26Let's play.
08:27Let's play the answer.
08:28Let's see.
08:30We would like to add that the author of Mission London is Alec Popov,
08:34the English Neighbour of Misha Veshin.
08:36So, you are giving the correct answer.
08:38A thousand kopecks.
08:39The evening is yours.
08:47All the great writers.
08:49I have read them.
08:50My friends.
08:52Zaharina Pitsa has just published Rana, a new novel.
08:58These guys are holding the Bible of the Bulgarian literature high.
09:03You are in the middle.
09:04But there are more at the top.
09:06Will we conclude the sum of 1500 kopecks?
09:09Let's play.
09:10Let's play.
09:13Which musical celebrity was not born in Canada?
09:19Bryan Adams.
09:21Justin Bieber.
09:24Celine Dion.
09:25Celine Dion.
09:27Or Beyoncé.
09:31I have an idea.
09:34I am sure that Bryan Adams and Celine Dion are Canadians.
09:37I am almost sure about Justin Bieber.
09:39But Beyoncé is not a Canadian.
09:42She is a classic in American music.
09:44So, the answer is Beyoncé.
09:46Let's see.
09:48By the way, we cannot say that they are classics.
09:51What do you mean?
09:52No, I mean that all Canadians are very popular in the States.
09:56Justin Bieber, if he is a Canadian, is one of the most famous American singers in the last 10-15 years.
10:01He started as a boy.
10:03But Beyoncé is from Houston, Texas.
10:05Correct answer.
10:16Bieber is actually from London.
10:18Only that Canada is London.
10:20Ontario province.
10:23Bryan Adams is from Kingston.
10:25Alberta province.
10:32I have a question for you.
10:34Should we wrap up?
10:37So that we don't break a leg?
10:40It is important to have fun.
10:45Let's see.
10:46As they say, everyone has to go.
10:49We have several goals.
10:51All of them are fulfilled.
10:52And they are?
10:53Let's hear the goals.
10:54Coffee in the Southern Neighborhood.
10:56Coffee in Liverpool.
10:58Or coffee on the Chinese Wall.
11:00It depends.
11:03Coffee somewhere.
11:04Here is the next question.
11:08How do the participants of the Indian festival Holi compare to each other?
11:16With sugar.
11:19With fruit juice.
11:22With small coins.
11:25Or with colorful dust.
11:34I have a favorite for the answer.
11:36The problem is that there are many festivals in India.
11:41What is your top answer?
11:42Top answer?
11:43Without marking yet.
11:44The answer is D.
11:46This is the most popular one.
11:48I have seen it many times.
11:50It is shown in movies and other things.
11:53Now, is this the festival Holi?
11:57We are almost 90% sure that it is there.
12:03The question is whether to take a risk and try to save the jokers
12:07or to leave with three jokers at home.
12:11I will play.
12:12My husband won't get mad if we leave with 500.
12:14The left answer is colorful dust.
12:16Let's see.
12:19I really want Jonka to measure me with a correct answer,
12:22but I would not refuse a coin.
12:24The answer will come immediately after the commercials on BTV.
12:27Welcome to BTV.
12:42Here we are again with Tami Bogat,
12:44where together with Mrs. Jonka Parvanova
12:46we went into deep Indian thoughts.
12:49India is not dark.
12:50On the contrary, it darkens everything.
12:52In my opinion, we asked her
12:54what would you measure another participant with
12:56in an Indian festival.
12:57Holi, if it was somewhere in a more exotic place,
13:00sugar would sound good.
13:02Boxes of fruit and juices would also sound good.
13:06For 90% of Bulgarians,
13:09if we measured with two coins,
13:11I would join the money gathering.
13:16Indian philosophy, symbolism in general,
13:19no matter how insatiable these people are,
13:23they respect every coin, every coin,
13:25that's what I think.
13:27I went to India, but colorful dust is the right answer.
13:30You continue up.
13:40Now, Mrs. Parvanova,
13:43the middle of the game,
13:44we will bet the sum of 3000 levs.
13:47A wise decision.
13:49This becomes the second safe sum.
13:51Let's take it with the next question.
13:57Which famous historical figure
13:59was born with the name Armand Jean du Plessis?
14:05Choose between
14:06answer A. Louis XVI,
14:09answer B. Richelieu,
14:12answer C. Mitterrand,
14:15or answer D. Napoleon.
14:21Now, I have no idea.
14:25So, I will play directly with
14:27the joker. Wake up, my friend.
14:31Let's use
14:32Yonka's first chance to help her.
14:34Wake up, my friend.
14:35Let's see which three friends you have prepared.
14:39And where will your choice fall?
14:41Do you know
14:43or are you a quick person?
14:45This is also important.
14:46I am Milen Parvanov,
14:47I look like your son.
14:49Tevka Stefanova Georgieva from Sofia.
14:51Two words for Stefie.
14:53She is a former student.
14:56And Mr. Boris Kirov,
14:57also from Sofia.
15:00Who will we look for?
15:01We will look for Boris Kirov.
15:03Boris Kirov?
15:05And not the black one?
15:06Because the black one was at the exam today
15:08and I think he is no longer in condition.
15:10Mr. Boris Kirov, okay.
15:22Yes, please.
15:24Good evening, Mr. Kirov.
15:26Yes, I'm listening.
15:27Hello, Kanchev from the show
15:29Stay Rich.
15:30I understood that...
15:31Yes, I hear you.
15:32Yes, I also understood that
15:33all your life you have dreamed
15:34to join as a joker
15:36and to steal a participant in our show.
15:39Now you have a great opportunity
15:41to do it with Yonka.
15:43Seriously, Boris,
15:4430 seconds according to our rules.
15:45The question is good.
15:47Yonka, start.
15:49Which famous historical figure
15:51was born with the name
15:58Louis XVI, Richelieu, Mitterrand, Napoleon.
16:11Are you sure?
16:12I'm sure.
16:13Thank you very much.
16:14Read it.
16:15Good luck.
16:23Veren, the answer is B.
16:24Let's see.
16:26A wonderfully used joker.
16:28Get ready.
16:29Veren, the answer continues up there.
16:38The answer is C.
16:44All the other three possible answers
16:46were with the real names.
16:48Here we are.
16:49We're breathing easy.
16:503,000 levs already.
16:51The medium-term goal is fulfilled.
16:53The match is already on Liverpool.
16:55Now we're playing for the Chinese side.
16:57Two jokers.
16:58There may be a little courage here.
17:00I don't know what awaits you.
17:02Let's see the question.
17:08In which city was the ancient cultural center
17:12Museum, which gives the name
17:15of the modern museums?
17:29Filippopolis, somehow...
17:32I'm excluding Filippopolis, of course.
17:35I would have heard something.
17:37At this level, it may be there, but...
17:39What do you mean, of course?
17:42If I'm not mistaken, it was in Filippopolis.
17:46That this is Plovdiv, or am I wrong
17:48about the voltage of the projectors?
17:50I would have heard that there is something like that there.
17:58It's also a possible answer.
18:00It's also a possible answer.
18:03But it's closer to Fatina or Alexandria.
18:07I would be playing almost blind here.
18:09Two jokers are not needed to burn.
18:11That's why it's 50-50.
18:13Let the computer enter Yonca's show now.
18:21Filippopolis versus Alexandria.
18:30Let the computer enter Yonca's show now.
18:38Let the other half come in.
18:42Let your friend come in.
18:44Your husband, Lyubomir.
18:56You're not playing blind.
18:58He wants help.
18:59Alexandria, you are not playing blind.
19:01I wasn't sure about that corner.
19:04He's playing.
19:06Okay, where's the answer?
19:08Let's see.
19:12He's already in the joker.
19:14And with Lyubomir's help,
19:16the answer is definitely Alexandria!
19:23He's standing there and waiting for me to let him in.
19:29Thank you, Lyubomir, thank you.
19:31Good luck.
19:38This complex is known for...
19:42Also, part of it is the famous Alexandria Library,
19:46which has been preserved and restored
19:48by Skorupak, founded by Ptolemy I,
19:51who was the governor of Macedonia.
19:54The third century BC.
19:57You've done a great job with the family,
19:59and you've secured yourself.
20:01The fear is gone.
20:03Yes, we're not going to play jokers at home.
20:06We're playing for 10,000 leva.
20:09Just look here, Yonca,
20:11that you're not sure.
20:12Yes, but...
20:13How much do you deserve for me?
20:16Let's see.
20:20Which is the most losing movie
20:22in the history of the Oscars
20:24that hasn't won a single award
20:27for 11 nominations?
20:30The most losing one.
20:33Is it The Purple Flower?
20:36Is it Gandhi?
20:39Is it Shakespeare in Love?
20:42Or is it The Alien?
20:47This is one of those areas
20:49where I have no idea what's going on.
20:51But that doesn't prevent us
20:53from seeing what we can come up with
20:56if we decide to go for it.
20:58If not, I'll leave.
21:01Now, Shakespeare in Love,
21:03I have a memory of it being nominated,
21:06and something tells me
21:08that there's at least one Oscar.
21:10I don't know what it was for.
21:12Was it for the set design,
21:14the costumes, or something else?
21:16Was it for the supporting role?
21:18I'm not sure.
21:20Now, The Alien,
21:22a wonderful movie,
21:24by Cullen.
21:27It's from my childhood,
21:29if I'm not mistaken.
21:31Maybe even before that,
21:33but it's a great movie.
21:35I have no idea
21:37if it was nominated
21:39or if it won an Oscar.
21:42Purple Flower and Gandhi,
21:44I admit,
21:45they don't tell me anything.
21:47Absolutely nothing.
21:51Now, the question is
21:53whether to jump,
21:55because I have a preferred answer here,
21:59and lose 2,000 leva,
22:01or leave with 5,000 leva.
22:03Think about it.
22:05Let's jump and play.
22:07I mean,
22:08what do you have in mind?
22:10Let's check your intuition.
22:13I'll play.
22:14Where's the answer?
22:16Where is it?
22:24The Alien.
22:25I've loved your movie since I was a child.
22:29And I quote it very often.
22:34The child driving
22:36and you in the car
22:38against the moon.
22:40And it's still
22:42my favorite movie quote.
22:46Obviously, there should be
22:48a lot of anticipation,
22:50as you said.
22:52And the movie should disappoint.
22:55Or the movie should be
22:57on another plane.
23:01Undisputed figure.
23:03But at some point,
23:05it can be controversial.
23:07The stories have been re-read.
23:09Novels are re-written.
23:11Paintings are re-written.
23:13And so on.
23:14Everything changes.
23:16And now.
23:17All of them have...
23:19Now that I look at it,
23:21as far as I know the movie,
23:23at least 8 and up.
23:258, 9, 10, 11.
23:29Gandhi has 11 nominations.
23:32He gets 8.
23:34Thank God.
23:35You're in the game.
23:38Shakespeare in Love
23:40has 13 nominations.
23:42He gets 7.
23:44And the purple color
23:46against the alien.
23:50The purple color is
23:52one of the first strong movies,
23:54but not understood by Afro-Americans.
23:56U.P. Goldberg and Oprah Winfrey
23:58are in it.
24:00He's the big loser.
24:02Purple color.
24:04And your whole show
24:06goes with
24:08the Indian color,
24:10with the pink novels.
24:12You're all in the green.
24:14Well, good luck.
24:18Good luck.
24:20It's good that you played and tried.
24:223,000 leva is your
24:24final result.
24:303,000 leva.
24:32Look at the rating
24:34from the Faculty of Becoming Rich.
24:38All good?
24:40All good.
24:50He was born in Gorna Orehovitsa,
24:52lived in Kazanlak, Sofia,
24:54Kharkov, Ljaskovets,
24:56and now in Sandanski.
24:58He works as a production manager
25:00in a company that produces
25:02diamond instruments.
25:04He listens to Bulgarian flutes
25:06We are pacifists here,
25:08that's why the leader is not Bojan,
25:10I'm starting with a gun,
25:12and here is Dmitar Dimitrov.
25:26Mr. Dimitrov,
25:28this business card says
25:30you're in the arms business.
25:32Kazanlak, Kharkov...
25:34I've been in Ljaskovets for only 10 years.
25:36Ah, Ljaskovets.
25:38What did you produce?
25:40More precisely,
25:42the famous
25:44ARKOS pistol,
25:46which was handed over to the Bulgarian army.
25:52after I left ARKOS,
25:54I moved to another area,
25:56and since then I've been in the arms business.
25:58It's easy to imagine
26:00a gun, a Kalashnikov,
26:02that we know already.
26:06good knowledge,
26:08preliminary knowledge
26:10of ballistics,
26:16the instruments they use,
26:18I think it's not so difficult.
26:20It sounds very difficult to me.
26:22The pinnacle of the engineering thought
26:24is to produce high quality
26:26in large numbers.
26:28Yes, this follows later.
26:30With whom are you in the show?
26:32With an ex-colleague.
26:36We have known each other for 9 years.
26:40And we worked in the same place in the company in Sofia.
26:46Super. This is Kremena. Hello, ma'am.
26:48Hello. And to me.
26:50This game was expected from Dimitar. You have known him for 9 years.
26:52You are together, friends.
26:54Very good and inventive.
26:56Oh, inventive players.
26:58I want you to see what we have done.
27:02Why do we ask this question at this height?
27:05What did the author of the question want to say?
27:08Where did he meet this fact?
27:10This was a great question for the cinema.
27:12We all know the greatest winners.
27:14Gladiator, Titanic.
27:16But the biggest one was him. And why?
27:20It is very important to answer these questions.
27:22I wish you success, Mr. Dimitrov.
27:24Dimitar Dimitrov from Gorna Orehovitsa,
27:26now from Sandansk,
27:28wherever he starts his show, stay rich.
27:36By the way, I would like to ask you
27:38and the whole of Bulgaria.
27:422-3 big,
27:44non-circular cities
27:46that are above
27:4870-80-100 thousand,
27:50that have potential.
27:54Correct answer, Kazanlak.
27:58It is hard for me to answer the second one.
28:00Oh, at least 5-6.
28:02I would add Sandansk.
28:04Gorna, no?
28:06Gorna Orehovitsa, no.
28:08How many?
28:10In the best years,
28:1240 thousand.
28:14Now Sapot.
28:16We have to think.
28:18We will add more at the end of the show.
28:22Here is the first question.
28:26Which of the medicines
28:28in folk medicine
28:30is the most preferred for the treatment
28:32of dizziness?
28:34Tea with honey?
28:36Compress with rakia?
28:38Shkembe soup?
28:42gas, fat and vinegar?
28:44In my opinion,
28:46the answer is Shkembe soup.
28:48Let's see.
28:50You got it.
28:56And gas, fat and vinegar,
28:58what is it for?
29:02High temperature.
29:04Oh, absolutely right.
29:06Second question.
29:10Which means of transportation
29:12is taxed by the TOL system?
29:14Water wheel?
29:16Fishing boat?
29:20Or helicopter?
29:22The answer is
29:26Let's see.
29:28Yes, that's right.
29:34Third question.
29:40What is the purpose of the hero
29:42who makes Kalinka sing
29:44the national anthem?
29:46The hero wants
29:48to make the village happy,
29:50to defeat the enemies,
29:54to make the women cry,
29:56or to make the women laugh.
30:00The answer is
30:02to defeat
30:04the enemies.
30:06Let's mark it.
30:08Of course.
30:10Very good answer.
30:16Fish Kalinka,
30:18let's go.
30:20Let my enemies
30:22and yours break.
30:24The addicts.
30:28Here is the fourth question.
30:32What is the name
30:34of the Bulgarian cocktail
30:36made of mastic and mint?
30:38Blue Lagoon?
30:44The Horseman Without a Head?
30:48Yes, I've known that since I was a kid.
30:52I was passing by Krasmita
30:54and I heard the word cloud.
30:56Then I understood
30:58that it's the cocktail made of mastic and mint.
31:00Did you hear that?
31:02I didn't get it.
31:04Let's mark it.
31:08Very good answer.
31:12One more question.
31:14From the questions of Kanchev.
31:18At the door of which
31:20the big European team
31:22you can see this cocktail.
31:24Yes, watch out.
31:26It's a door.
31:28It's a cloud.
31:30It's a name.
31:32Nobody knows it as a cloud.
31:34It's a cocktail.
31:36The fifth question.
31:38Which of the dogs
31:40is the biggest?
31:50Yorkshire Terrier?
31:52De Cane Corso?
31:56Mops is small.
32:00Dackel is also small.
32:04Yorkshire Terrier
32:06is known to me.
32:08I think it's also small.
32:12De Cane Corso
32:16known to us
32:18as a breed.
32:22By the method of excluding
32:24the three, it remains
32:26De Cane Corso.
32:28Are we going to play?
32:36We marked it.
32:38Did you hear?
32:40Dackel is a big man.
32:42Very big.
32:44It's a hard answer.
32:58De Cane Corso
33:00is a breed of dogs.
33:02It's believed that it's the beginning
33:04of the breed of Dremerim.
33:06Tell us more.
33:08As a professional,
33:10we talked about the family.
33:12About your children,
33:16I'm married.
33:20As you said,
33:22I live in Kharkov.
33:24My wife
33:26is from Ukraine.
33:28We have two children.
33:30My son
33:32is older.
33:34He's a doctor
33:36in Germany.
33:38He finished there
33:40and stayed there to work.
33:42My daughter
33:44finished technical university
33:46in Sofia.
33:48She's a specialist
33:50in engineering chemistry.
33:52She currently lives in Sofia
33:54and works in a hospital.
33:58Let's play
34:00more serious questions.
34:02The leader's task
34:04is to ask the player
34:06if he'll finish this sum.
34:08No, not for now.
34:10No, you'll have feelings for him.
34:12We'll see.
34:14We'll see.
34:16We'll see.
34:20What's the name
34:22of the way to
34:24the last horizontal
34:26of the chessboard
34:28with another figure?
34:30Let's name him.
34:50Do you play chess?
34:54I did it
34:58how do you call
35:00this achievement?
35:06What's your favorite method?
35:08Give me an exception.
35:10Is there anything that's categorically wrong?
35:14Roccat and Gambit.
35:18Why Roccat is wrong?
35:22Roccat thinks
35:24we did it with
35:28the ace
35:30and the king.
35:36Gambit, why not?
35:42I think it's a different term.
35:46Debut. Production.
35:50Do you have a military style?
35:56You're a free bird.
36:00And you stick to it.
36:04Let me ask
36:06the joker
36:08from the audience.
36:10Okay, let's call
36:14This is your decision.
36:16Gambit, make your move.
36:22Good evening.
36:24Good evening.
36:28I don't play chess.
36:32But if we start
36:36Of course, this is necessary.
36:38What does it mean
36:40for the pawn to move forward
36:42and to be replaced
36:44with another
36:48What is, in principle,
36:52Isn't Roccat a replacement?
36:54A replacement of one with another.
36:56Roccat is, as far as I know,
36:58a movement.
37:02Let me imagine.
37:10The Roccat itself.
37:12Debut. Production.
37:14In my opinion, this is a term
37:16from another region.
37:18Gambit is from chess.
37:20I haven't heard of debut.
37:22I say I'm not very good at chess.
37:24What is debut?
37:26He didn't say anything about this word.
37:28Debut in chess.
37:30I haven't heard of it.
37:32Debut is the first appearance on stage.
37:34The first appearance.
37:36Yes, that's debut.
37:38In my opinion,
37:40I'm confused with debut and production
37:42as chess terms
37:44which are not.
37:46I guarantee you one thing.
37:48All possible terms here
37:50are from chess.
37:52We can't put anything
37:54that is not production.
37:56Is it often that
37:58we look for this as a condition
38:00in a game?
38:04For the pawn
38:06to reach the end
38:08of the chess board.
38:10This is difficult.
38:12It's difficult to reach the end.
38:14One more pawn.
38:16The situation is difficult.
38:24We'll use 50-50.
38:26Thank you for your attention.
38:34And a big applause
38:36to the computer
38:38which is very good at chess.
38:40The computer chess is one of the most common
38:42chess games.
38:44The chess masters often play
38:46against machines,
38:48against computers.
38:50Let's eliminate
38:52two of the wrong terms now.
39:02against debut.
39:10Let's play.
39:12Let's see.
39:16I hope Dimitar will give
39:18a reliable answer.
39:20Otherwise we'll have to
39:22make a mess with the next player.
39:24The break is coming very soon
39:26right after the commercials on BTV.
39:40This is Stani Bogat.
39:42I'm here with the Grossmeister Dimitar Dimitrov
39:44from Zandansk.
39:46A while ago we answered the question
39:48about 1000 levs, which sounded like
39:50reaching the end of the chess board
39:52horizontally and replacing it
39:54with another piece.
39:56Now we only have production
39:58against debut.
40:00I asked you if you have a military uniform
40:02because one of the most anticipated events
40:04in the life of a soldier is production.
40:06When is your production?
40:08You're a lieutenant colonel.
40:10Production is sacred
40:12for the Bulgarian army.
40:14It's the same here.
40:16A small foot reaches the end
40:18and something else happens.
40:20Something else is produced.
40:24Your answer wasn't reliable.
40:26A reliable answer is production.
40:34And I'll tell you that thanks to you
40:36I learned something new.
40:38We lacomites who play chess
40:40always want a queen.
40:42Now the truth is
40:44that you can take an officer,
40:46a horse, a ball
40:48with the same color.
40:50So your hand is the hand.
40:52And for the other
40:54you have to fight a lot.
40:58And it rarely happens,
41:00as you say.
41:02In your game this is the most important thing.
41:04Mr. Dimitrov,
41:06let's sum up this sum.
41:08Let's do it.
41:10Mr. Dimitrov,
41:12let's see the question.
41:16Which Italian city
41:18has a type of aluminum curtains?
41:32Do you have curtains in you
41:34and what are they like?
41:36Like a color.
41:38For me the color is white.
41:44Kharkov is clear.
41:46They are produced there.
41:54there are four different possibilities.
41:56Do you connect
41:58some of these cities
42:00with facades, curtains,
42:10Connect them.
42:12For example, Milan curtains,
42:14Neapol curtains,
42:16Venetian curtains,
42:18Torino curtains.
42:20They are internal and external.
42:22Yes, internal and external.
42:30I ordered them,
42:34the names
42:38I didn't pay attention to.
42:44You can't always know everything.
42:50Let's call a friend.
42:52Let's call a friend.
42:56The three people you prepared for us,
42:58Mr. Dimitrov,
43:00let's see them.
43:02Some of the family is here?
43:06These are Kirill Dzhagalov from Kazanlug,
43:08Gabriela Gancheva, Gabi and her daughters from Sofia,
43:10and Georgi Ganchev from Germany.
43:12Dr. Ganchev.
43:16What is his specialty?
43:18He is an orthopedic surgeon.
43:24Let's call Kirill.
43:28Why Kirill, not the children?
43:34The children
43:36in this area
43:38I don't see them as jokers
43:40to help me.
43:44And Mr. Dzhagalov?
43:46Mr. Dzhagalov is
43:48an IT specialist
43:50and at the same time
43:52he is
43:54a very strange person.
43:58We are expecting such people.
44:00I will call him.
44:02Let him participate.
44:08Mr. Dzhagalov.
44:14Yes, please.
44:16Mr. Dzhagalov is looking for you?
44:18Yes, on the phone.
44:20Kirill, hello, Niki Kanchev, stay rich.
44:22Hello, Mr. Kanchev.
44:24I am very glad, Mr. Dzhagalov.
44:26The whole of Bulgaria is listening to you at the moment.
44:28Do you live in a house, Kirill,
44:30or in an apartment, or a house, a yard?
44:32At home.
44:34At home.
44:36Do you have windows?
44:38Yes, I do.
44:40This is a wonderful beginning of our friendship.
44:42If you give the correct answer,
44:44you will participate here.
44:4630 seconds,
44:48fast tempo, start.
44:50Alumini e Vistori,
44:52are the names of the Italian cities.
44:56Turin, Neapol,
45:00Which cities are called Alumini e Vistori?
45:06I am not sure.
45:12I am not sure.
45:14How do they sound to you?
45:16Say something.
45:18They sound to me...
45:28just as the weapon has a nose
45:30and its name is Kalashnikov,
45:32the gun,
45:34this name
45:38is the style of the city.
45:42Interesting cities
45:44are all Italian, beautiful,
45:46but one or two are different.
45:48We mark Venice.
45:50Let's play.
45:52Let's see
45:54the Venetian
45:58What do you think?
46:00Shall we clap?
46:04Veren is correct!
46:18Internal, horizontal,
46:20alumini e Vistori
46:22were created
46:24in 17th century.
46:2617th century!
46:28A long time ago.
46:32You breathe
46:34an idea more calmly,
46:36because you have 1,500 leva.
46:38But we have a new meeting with you,
46:40Mr. Mitko.
46:42Now we stop until tomorrow,
46:44so that our colleagues
46:46from BTV can say
46:48that they are our first journalists.
46:50Until tomorrow!
