Unexpected Season 6 Episode 12

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Unexpected Season 6 Episode 12
00:00Previously on Unexpected...
00:02Yeah, I want to do this in front of everybody so y'all can like...
00:04You know what I'm saying? It's serious.
00:06For real?
00:08Is that an engagement ring? Nah, it's a little promise ring.
00:10I've had promise rings.
00:12And the promises were not kept.
00:14What are your plans for the future?
00:16Um, I'm going into the military.
00:18Alright. What branch? Air Force.
00:20Air Force? Yeah. That's a good choice.
00:22I don't really care for him going into the military.
00:24It will cause us to be separated.
00:26Look at that face.
00:28You can leave that face.
00:30It's worth it.
00:32If you're not there for a long period of time,
00:34that just becomes, like, the normal.
00:36And I don't want him not being there
00:38becoming a nice, just normal.
00:40Not before your wedding you're having a bridal party?
00:42We should do something wild, Lily.
00:44We need drinks,
00:46strippers, weed.
00:48You really should.
00:50If you go to a strip club, we're not getting married.
00:52You got your helmet?
00:54Yeah. Okay, let's do this.
00:56Nate's dad is here today,
00:58but he grew up with his dad
01:00in and out of his life, and mostly out of it.
01:02Which is a crazy coincidence
01:04because Emily grew up with
01:06the same thing but without her mom.
01:08How do you feel about her
01:10wanting to come stay with us after baby's born?
01:12I think it's a horrible idea.
01:14That's my honest opinion.
01:16I think it'll be beneficial
01:18to have Taryn's support,
01:20but it's like, what do I do with her
01:22because I'm not used to a mom figure around?
01:24This is why I didn't want to come because it's always
01:26something. It's always stress,
01:28always something. Y'all always gotta start arguing me about something.
01:30I feel like I get forced to go to
01:32Kaylee's house. If it was up to Kaylee,
01:34she'd probably want me to move in with her.
01:38Easton's actually too big
01:40to fit through her pelvis, so
01:42she has to go in for an emergency C-section.
01:44You ready?
01:46I was scared for Easton because apparently
01:48it could make him die.
01:54Days feel short
01:56and time retracts.
02:00Constant hunt
02:02for my constant to bring
02:04me back.
02:06He said she's still in there.
02:14Just in limbo,
02:16not knowing what's going on.
02:18It's tough.
02:20You never know.
02:22When you go under
02:24anesthesia, you never know what can happen.
02:26I've known people that went in
02:28for a simple gallbladder surgery
02:30and never came out.
02:52There he is.
02:54Move out of my way, please.
03:04When they took me back
03:06for the C-section, I felt the
03:08test cut and I started vomiting.
03:10So they knocked me out fast
03:12and Easton came out like five minutes later.
03:14That's what they said.
03:16Oh my goodness. What is he?
03:20What is he?
03:22Eight pounds to three ounces.
03:24That's a big old head right there.
03:26That is a big old head.
03:28Look, oh my god.
03:30And then
03:32after I had the C-section, they were like,
03:34it's okay, you're never going to get him out anyways.
03:36She gave it her all, that's for sure.
03:38And he just wasn't
03:40coming underneath that pelvis of hers.
03:42Just think about it. I went fully
03:44through a vaginal and then I did
03:46every position you could and then
03:48I got a C-section.
03:50So I just did all the labor
03:52that you could ever do.
03:54I did it.
03:56You can hear him.
04:08Sounds like KG.
04:10When Graham sent me
04:12the video of Easton crying, I was like,
04:14man, he's already here. That was quick.
04:16It seemed like everybody
04:18just kind of mellowed out.
04:20You know, Jeff was kind of like
04:22a sigh of relief.
04:28Mama said he's a big boy.
04:30No wonder
04:32Kaylee couldn't have him naturally.
04:34He's quite bigger than she is.
04:36We were all just waiting
04:38just to go back and see Kaylee
04:40and Easton.
04:42All right, daddy.
04:44We're going to let you
04:46cut the cord, okay?
04:48The first time I seen Easton was
04:50when he went into the ICU
04:52and I got to cut
04:54Easton's umbilical cord.
04:56He's such a cutie.
05:00It is kind of crazy
05:02how they got him out because they had to cut through
05:04like seven layers of skin.
05:06I didn't get to see Kaylee's face.
05:08All I seen was just like
05:10a big old cloth around her
05:12and just her stomach open.
05:14And they had like some of her guts out on the table.
05:16Do I look pretty?
05:20God, that was
05:22traumatic, man.
05:24I'm like, you forget all about it
05:26once you have him.
05:28I forget a little.
05:30It's like I could feel him
05:32but I knew that he couldn't make his way out.
05:34It's that mom's tape.
05:38This kid had a huge head.
05:40What did you call him? Megamon.
05:44But it was great
05:46just knowing that everything
05:48was going to be okay.
05:56After going
05:58through three hours of
06:00pushing and so much pain with the
06:02contractions and then having to get a C-section,
06:04it's so much worth
06:06it having Easton here because
06:08he's just the sunshine
06:10in the darkness.
06:19He's going to give me a kiss.
06:21He's going to kiss you first?
06:29So who is this?
06:34This is
06:36Mr. Spit-a-lot.
06:38Easton Maverick Grissom.
06:40He likes spitting up a lot.
06:44And he likes looking up in the sky.
06:58I love Easton a lot.
07:00It's like so much that I can't explain.
07:02Like if you tell me like one through ten
07:04it'd have to be a thousand or a million
07:06or a number that doesn't even exist.
07:19The Lord
07:21have mercy.
07:23The door trying to beat me up today.
07:25Who that?
07:27It's me.
07:29So is this your nephew or your cousin?
07:31I really don't know which one.
07:33But whatever it is, you're going to have to watch him
07:35for a quick second.
07:37He's already asleep.
07:39I have to get dressed. I have to take a shower.
07:41What you got to do anyway?
07:43I promoted a party. We having a party.
07:45What party?
07:48With Day Day deciding that he wants to join the military
07:50I've been kind of thinking about some ways
07:52that I can make some money and
07:54I feel like with the skills that I have
07:56I'm kind of set on like you know
07:58the social media life
08:00you know the party promoting
08:02so I've been getting into that
08:04because I really need to be thinking
08:06about how I'm going to support
08:08me and Anais on my own if it comes down to that.
08:10So what is this?
08:12Like what is it? Like a party for mothers?
08:14You trying to be funny?
08:16Are you really trying to be funny?
08:18When I go out, I'm not a mother anymore.
08:20When I go out, I'm not a mother anymore.
08:22I'm myself.
08:24You got me started. You a mother 24-7.
08:26I'm myself.
08:28I'm an 18-year-old girl.
08:30And I got to make money.
08:32I'm just a promoter.
08:34I don't do the planning.
08:36I'm in a group. We're a team.
08:38We all have different sets of skills
08:40so we all just put them together
08:42and then my skill is just the promoting.
08:44I'm a people person.
08:46I can get people to do stuff.
08:48So I just have people come out.
08:50What happened to being like
08:52an influencer?
08:54That's what the promoting does.
08:56People are coming out to see me.
08:58They're paying to come see you?
09:02$10 for girls, $15 for boys.
09:04What the world?
09:06I started my Instagram when I was around 13.
09:08And it's just skyrocketed ever since.
09:10I have around 47,000 followers.
09:12So because of all the followers I have,
09:14people will come and pay
09:16to see me and hang out with me
09:18for a little bit
09:20and that's basically how
09:22I even got into the party promoting.
09:24And Day Day fine with this?
09:28Man, I got to hear from Day Day.
09:30Social media, social media,
09:32social media, social media,
09:34social media, social media,
09:36social media, social media,
09:38social media influencer.
09:40I mean, I don't have a clear understanding
09:42that I'm not in that field,
09:44so I don't know what's going on with it.
09:46But I wish she would cover up a little more.
09:48She's trying to show off like...
09:50If I want to be famous,
09:52I need to look good
09:54because a freaking rapper
09:56I don't even know could see me
09:58and be like, oh yeah, I want you to be in my music video.
10:02Look cute.
10:04A lot of rappers are trying to look cute in music videos.
10:06Yes, they do, actually.
10:08They be whores in videos.
10:10No, they don't.
10:12Not every single music video has naked girls
10:14doing all that extra stuff.
10:16Like, what?
10:22Being famous, it will.
10:24It's possible to be a famous bum.
10:26It's very possible.
10:28Well, I wouldn't be a famous bum, so...
10:30Take this...
10:32Why are you not taking the handle?
10:34What did they say? Slide to the right?
10:36Why are you not taking the handle?
10:38Take it back now, y'all.
10:40Can you please take the handle?
10:42No, sir.
10:44He's so cute.
10:46The boys sleep.
10:48Yeah, so you can watch them.
10:50No, I don't watch kids.
10:54You're taking them with me.
10:56Okay, you're going to sit tight right here.
11:00Close them eyes, boo.
11:04Since Anais lives with me and not Dede,
11:06most of the responsibilities do
11:08end up falling on me,
11:10but if I'm going to make it to this party
11:12on time, then I need to start getting ready
11:14now, but I can't do that if
11:16Anais is awake, so Dede is definitely
11:18going to have to come get his son
11:20like he doesn't have a choice, because I'm busy.
11:26What's good?
11:28I need you to come and help me.
11:32Because I need to get dressed,
11:34but I can't get dressed with a baby
11:36hanging on to me.
11:38Where are you going?
11:40That party that I've been posting on my story
11:42that I've been promoting, I'm going to that.
11:44No, you're not.
11:46What do you mean no, I'm not? Yes, I am.
11:48No, you're not.
11:50Because? Because what?
11:52I don't trust you. You don't trust me.
11:54Boy, please.
11:56I don't like the idea of
11:58Anais partying and people
12:00panning to get in and see her.
12:02It seems kind of sketchy to me.
12:04I just get nervous that
12:06people get a different vibe
12:08by the way she dresses. I mean, it's appealing, but
12:10they're kind of getting the wrong idea.
12:12They're getting their hopes up.
12:14I got plans. Also, real stuff, when's the last...
12:16Oh, so you can put your plans before you're a kid.
12:18That's what we doing?
12:20Okay, bye. You're not about to irritate me.
12:22I don't need no help. I can do this by myself.
12:24Yeah, I don't need...
12:26We don't need no help.
12:28The way that Dedé's been acting,
12:30it kind of feels like that he already
12:32has one foot out the door. He's kind of
12:34stepping back from his commitment
12:36to me or to our little family.
12:38I guess if he doesn't
12:40show up tonight, then I'll really
12:42know for sure.
12:44I chose
12:46to move back to my dad's because
12:48living at Taren's was really hard.
12:50Be straight.
12:52Act like I wasn't breathing the same air.
12:54You could just cut the tension in the house.
12:56I can't live a life like that.
13:00I got locked on a bus with a stripper.
13:02This is awful.
13:04This is what me and Lawrence
13:06specifically said we would not do.
13:08I just know that Lawrence is going
13:10to lose his
13:12Get me out of here!
13:32Hey, handsome boy.
13:36You woke him up.
13:38I'm sorry.
13:40I'm sorry.
13:42But I think my mom's
13:44just going to bring me over there really quick.
13:46That's fine with you.
13:50Nate and I are still together,
13:52but I chose to move
13:54back to my dad's because
13:56living at Taren's was really hard.
13:58I thought
14:00Taren would be similar
14:02to how my dad
14:04raised me by Taren just letting Nate
14:06and I kind of make our own decisions.
14:08But she wasn't like that.
14:10Taren is more of
14:12this is how it is.
14:14This is going to be how it is.
14:16And there's no really
14:18like you don't get a say.
14:20Is there anything that
14:22you need me to bring for him?
14:24Or anything you need?
14:30I'm just going to finish getting ready
14:32and I'll head over there.
14:34I didn't see this coming.
14:36I thought it would have been
14:38not butterflies and rainbows because
14:40life is never that, but
14:42I didn't think it would end up this way
14:44with Emily moving out of my mom's house.
14:46It feels wrong and it kind of messes
14:48with me. I don't feel like a good dad
14:50because I'm not there.
14:52That's my job.
14:54I need to be there, but I also know
14:56my mom won't let me move out until
14:58I finish high school next year.
15:02With all this happening,
15:04it has brought me down a lot.
15:06It's two of the
15:08most important people in my life that are
15:10butting heads and like
15:12I'm just stuck in the middle of it and I don't know
15:14what to do.
15:16So what's the plan for today?
15:18You got to get ready to go?
15:20Yeah. Emily's having barbecue at her
15:22house and then I think
15:24graduation's at like 7. Okay.
15:26Are you staying over there? Are you coming home?
15:28What's the plan? I'm not sure.
15:30I haven't seen Emily and Wesley
15:32in a month and a half.
15:34And that sucks. It hurts.
15:36But it was
15:38to a point where it was
15:40you could just like cut the tension
15:42in the house. She'd walk right past
15:44us and not make eye contact, not look
15:46up. Not even a blink.
15:48And it's like I can't
15:50live a life like that.
15:52I mean when she was
15:54staying here, all I asked was please just come down
15:56and talk to me. I would go up there at night
15:58and she straight acted
16:00like I wasn't breathing the same air as her.
16:02So I can't force
16:04and I won't force her to have a
16:06conversation with me until she
16:08wants to.
16:10I think I did try to go out of my way
16:12to talk to her.
16:14But at the same time
16:16I will admit that I didn't always follow
16:18through with that because
16:20she's intimidating.
16:22But I think one of my biggest issues
16:24with her is once Wesley was
16:26here and born,
16:28Wesley and I took up more of
16:30Nate's attention than
16:32she thought it would. I think she
16:34just struggled trying to
16:36let go of him a little bit.
16:38She's like that's still my baby
16:40he's still 17.
16:42He needs to listen
16:44to his mommy.
16:48And I'm like okay, 17,
16:50but he still has a kid.
16:52So I think you're stuck in a tough position where
16:54He is and that's the unfortunate part.
16:56And maybe this is an opportunity where Nate, you can tell your mom
16:58how you feel and what's bothering you.
17:00So then we can air this out so we can get to that next step.
17:02I would rather just not.
17:04Because it just keeps going on and on and on.
17:06No one listens to anyone. So why keep
17:08explaining how everyone feels if no one's going to listen.
17:10We're listening right now.
17:12But everyone's been listening the whole time.
17:14Well I haven't been here, you know.
17:16I don't like what's going on.
17:18Because it does hurt Nate a lot.
17:20And he's stuck in a very tough position that
17:22I wouldn't want to be in myself.
17:24You know it's tough. It's real tough.
17:26It's hard.
17:28What do you think you need to do
17:30to make sure that you're happy and that you get to see Wesley
17:32but then your mom's happy
17:34and Emily as well?
17:36I don't think there's anything that I can do to fix the situation.
17:38Because honestly it's not me.
17:40Like I'm just
17:42It's my mom and my
17:44son's mom.
17:46Like it's between them
17:48and I'm just, I'm the one that hears it
17:50because I'm there for both sides of it.
17:52So like, what can I do?
17:54I don't think I can do anything.
17:56Because I'm not the problem.
17:58I think my mom
18:00and Emily, if they were to switch
18:02skin, they would be the exact same
18:04person. Very like
18:06mom, alpha female
18:08to the max.
18:10And so I definitely think with
18:12having two of those in the same house
18:16going to be some sort of problem at some point.
18:18And now they both
18:20want me to pick a side
18:22but like I know that I can't really
18:24pick a side because it's not fair to
18:26me, it's not fair to Wesley, it's not fair to
18:28Emily, it's not fair to my mom.
18:30It just sucks.
18:32And I'm going to do my best to
18:34not let all this
18:36stupid drama get in the way of
18:38celebrating her graduating today.
18:40Now that I've found you
18:42the feeling surrounds you
18:44I gave you all my
18:48Hey Lily, I love you
18:50and I will definitely be here for you.
18:52Love you!
18:56we need to take you downstairs now
18:58to start your spa treatments.
19:00This is my first time at a spa.
19:02This is the best
19:04bachelorette party I could have ever
19:06imagined. Being pampered and
19:08having a kid-free day where
19:10no one's asking me for anything
19:12I don't have to get up every two minutes
19:14it's the best gift anyone
19:16could ever give me.
19:18Getting a facial is definitely something I could get used to.
19:20Like if I was a
19:22billionaire I would hire someone to like
19:24live in my house and give me
19:26a daily facial.
19:28How was it? Good.
19:30So, so good.
19:32Well you deserve this Lily, you poor
19:34thing, you've had a hell week.
19:36Apparently he's knocked
19:38out cold, not feeling well
19:40really hungover.
19:42And I guess it was good, no
19:44no strippers. After the dinner
19:46with Glenn and Brett, my boys took me to the club.
19:56It was beautiful. I'm still
19:58hungover right now.
20:00I feel like I just need to throw the s*** up to feel better real quick.
20:02So maybe you should just pull the trigger.
20:04I'm not gonna help you dad, I'm sorry.
20:06I'm so
20:08happy that my bachelorette
20:10party is a lot tamer than Lawrence's
20:12was last night. Because the
20:14wedding is a week away and
20:16it's just been one stressful thing
20:18after the next so I'm trying
20:20to relax. How did
20:22you enjoy your day? I loved it,
20:24this was amazing. The surprises
20:26are not done yet.
20:30Jules has some surprises
20:32in store that Lily doesn't know about.
20:34Some that I don't even know about.
20:40Thank you so much.
20:48What's up? I'm Apollo, nice to meet you all.
20:50Hi, nice to meet you.
20:52How you doing? Nice to meet you. Congratulations.
20:54Wow. I haven't been on a party
20:56bus in years and I'm excited to do it
20:58as like a grown adult
21:00who can drink. Cheers bitches!
21:06So I know it's gonna be a really fun ride home.
21:08Alright ladies, so it turns out
21:10I am not the limo driver.
21:12I'm actually a stripper for the bus.
21:20I almost shit my pants.
21:22Let me off the bus!
21:24Get me off the bus!
21:28Will somebody else
21:30do it tomorrow?
21:34I was trying to get off the bus
21:36or get in the bathroom, I was
21:38contemplating jumping out of the window.
21:42I just wanted nothing to do with it.
21:48Get me out of here!
21:50I just know that Lawrence will
21:52freak out and also
21:54this man isn't even my type.
22:00Oh my God!
22:02When I heard about
22:04the bachelorette party, I wanted to get
22:06Lily a stripper, but I changed my
22:08mind because her and Lawrence talked about it
22:10and they agreed not to do that.
22:18I don't know what would possess
22:20Juliana to get a stripper
22:22but I was just in full on
22:24panic mode, like I was really actually
22:26severely uncomfortable to the point
22:28where I was shaking.
22:30I feel terrible. I had no idea
22:32it was going to happen. If I would have known,
22:34I could have discouraged it.
22:36Alright guys, see you. Thank you. Bye-bye.
22:40I'm ready to go home now.
22:42You're okay.
22:44You all have to f***ing bounce for me.
22:46I almost f***ing
22:48puked when he went,
22:50I'm actually not your limo driver.
22:52I just love Lawrence and he's
22:54very sensitive and he's very
22:58It's not like you're going to sleep with him.
23:02I don't think Jules really understands
23:04why this is such a big deal
23:06but this is what me and Lawrence
23:08specifically said we would not do
23:10and I know he's going to be mad
23:12so I wanted to come clean.
23:16I texted Lawrence
23:18and I just said I got locked on a bus
23:20with a stripper. All I got
23:22back were those three dots which
23:24was like the worst thing I could get.
23:26I think everyone's traumatized
23:28and we need a little more food
23:30and alcohol. And music.
23:32I really just hope he takes it
23:34in the spirit that it was meant to be
23:36and doesn't get too upset.
23:38But knowing him, that's not going to happen.
23:44You don't need a support anywhere, are you guys?
23:46Just a second.
23:48Life is definitely different than I expected
23:50it right now because I guess
23:52I was expecting Grandma would just step up
23:54and help more.
23:56I need to try to eat a little longer.
23:58It's not fair for me to have to do all
24:00of the mom duty while he just
24:02gets to hang out and play video games
24:04or something.
24:16We're going to carry the baby.
24:18My baby's carrying a baby.
24:20That's crazy.
24:22After six days
24:24in the hospital, I'm very excited
24:26to finally be able to get home
24:28and relax and
24:30get out of this hospital because I haven't seen
24:32the breath of day.
24:34But my incision
24:36is like so very sore.
24:38It's like this hurts like a butt cheek on a stick.
24:40Just slide your
24:42butt in first.
24:48All right,
24:50you good, Kaylee?
24:56Do one of y'all have a
25:00I don't know what's wrong with the mirror.
25:02My mom has been the most help
25:04since Easton was born.
25:06Yeah. So in the hospital,
25:08the majority of the time, Graham
25:10was sleeping
25:12or watching something on his phone.
25:14I hope that Graham does put
25:16more effort in helping with Easton
25:18once we do get home.
25:20Easton's first car ride.
25:24You can take it off
25:26while he's in here.
25:30The plan is Graham's
25:32going back to my house with me to help for the first week.
25:34Graham was wanting to go home
25:36and I told him no
25:38because it's not fair
25:40me have to do all of the
25:42mom duty. And I feel like he should have
25:44the same responsibilities as I do.
25:46Well at first I wanted to go home because
25:48I had to go to school Monday.
25:50And who's a big help to Kaylee
25:52is Mandy because she knows what she's doing
25:54and I don't have a clue.
25:56We're going to have to figure it out because my parents
25:58have to go back to work and I cannot
26:00do it by myself.
26:06Oh my god.
26:14Now you really feel it
26:16when you have incisions
26:18and surgeries and stuff.
26:20The drive was terrible.
26:22Oh my god.
26:24Like every bump that she hit
26:26I felt it and it was like
26:30She'd look back to see
26:32Easton like in her mirror
26:34and then she'd hit like the
26:36road line and it's like
26:38Just look out the road
26:40I can look at him.
26:44I'm sorry. Just close your eyes and lay back.
26:46He doesn't want to be
26:48fed again soon.
26:51Kaylee's waking him up.
26:53There he goes.
26:57There he goes.
27:01Oh my god.
27:03Come on. He's hungry.
27:05Go ahead and take him out.
27:17Well dang this thing's tight.
27:21How the frick?
27:23If this car ride wasn't miserable enough
27:25Easton also started crying to get fed
27:27at the gas station.
27:39I can't even freaking strip down.
27:43Feeding Easton in the car is very hard
27:45especially for someone that's trying to learn
27:47how to breastfeed.
27:51It's like how am I supposed to
27:53cover myself, feed him
27:55and prop him up at the same time
27:57while he's kicking
27:59and everything and it's like
28:01please stop.
28:05It's kind of surreal seeing my
28:0716 year old daughter breastfeeding
28:09when this is a time in her life that
28:11I should be taking her to cheerleading practice
28:13or going and buying dresses for homecoming
28:15or prom even.
28:17But instead I'm watching
28:19her struggle to get my grandson
28:21to latch.
28:23You want me to support anywhere
28:25or you got him?
28:29It's very stressful. I cannot get him to latch
28:31at all.
28:33He needs to try to eat a little longer.
28:35I was feeling
28:37kind of useless because I mean I couldn't
28:39really do nothing because
28:41if I tried to do something Kaylee would just tell me
28:43to just go sit back down and let her mom
28:45do it or something like that.
28:47I just sat there and
28:49was on my phone waiting for her
28:51and Easton to stop chapping about something.
28:53Me and Easton to stop chapping?
28:55Yeah, Easton chapping about a
28:57titty then you chapping about them bumps.
28:59You could just say
29:01get fed. He wanted to get
29:03fed but you're always like he wanted a tip.
29:05He wanted your utters.
29:11Once mommy gets her clothes
29:13back down
29:15I'll have her set you up in the seat.
29:21He's all right. He's okay.
29:29Need me to help you?
29:31You think you got it.
29:35Life is definitely different
29:37than I expected it right now because
29:39I guess I was expecting like sunshine and rainbows
29:41but it's actually like
29:43not that.
29:45And it would be a lot better
29:47if grandma would step up and help out more.
29:51We'll see.
29:53This road
29:55freaking sucks.
29:57You need to get his diaper bag ready.
29:59Okay. I really was hoping
30:01Emily moving out of my mom's house would chill
30:03her out but it really hasn't changed.
30:05Wesley needs to be in his car
30:07seat right now.
30:09I'm afraid if I push
30:11back that Emily won't let me see Wesley
30:13as often. I don't see the point of parties.
30:15You dance and you eat.
30:17So you'll be dancing? Yes.
30:19On who? He's worried about how
30:21I'm acting and what I'm doing but I'm
30:23only doing this because I
30:25can't trust him when he goes to the Air
30:27Force to like you know
30:29know for a fact that he's still going to be there for me
30:31and Anais.
30:49I'm trying to get
30:51ready for this party that I've been promoting
30:53through my social media
30:55since you know I'm trying to make some money
30:57but nobody wants to
30:59watch Anais. Not even his dad.
31:07Anais hung up on me I was just hanging out
31:09with my friends and like I didn't
31:11know if I was going to show up.
31:13But even though I don't like what Anais is doing
31:15and I feel like promoting
31:17is whack. I won't let any
31:19disagreements that we have come in between me
31:21and my son.
31:23What you sitting there for?
31:25Come get your baby. He's not eating.
31:29Come get your baby. Hey John.
31:31How you doing? Get dressed.
31:33What you think I'm trying to do?
31:35I'm already running behind
31:37and it definitely takes time to go from
31:39mom to fabulous.
31:41People are showing up to see me look good
31:43like they want to see me in person
31:45how I look on my social media. So I can't
31:47disappoint them. Especially when people are
31:49paying money to hang out with me.
31:51What time
31:53are you coming home?
31:55Well it ends
31:57at one o'clock
31:59but there's also an after party. Oh my gosh.
32:01Here you go.
32:03It's food. I don't see the point
32:05of parties. You just stand around
32:07and hold your phone up and be like yeah.
32:09Just listen to music. No.
32:11It's a lot more than that. What is it?
32:13You dance and eat.
32:15So you be dancing? Yes.
32:17On who?
32:19What do you mean? I don't dance on nobody.
32:21I'm a jealous sometimes.
32:25in some ways I can
32:27be jealous. Like I wonder about
32:31intentions. It's just a point.
32:33Why are you going out? Just chill.
32:35We got
32:37all this perfume. Because I'm
32:39going to put all of it on. Why?
32:41You don't try to smell that good for me.
32:43Why is you trying to play?
32:45Why are you trying to play? I realize what you're doing now.
32:47How about you just come?
32:49That's crazy bro. How about you come and make sure
32:51nothing's going on?
32:53That's crazy. Everything that goes on
32:55at the parties gets posted
32:57and we do recaps.
32:59Anything that he needs to see
33:01he'll see.
33:03He's all over my social media anyway.
33:05Basically stalks me. I wouldn't call it stalking.
33:07That's weird.
33:09You're like the first person to watch
33:11my story. Why are you lying?
33:13You should be trying to carry me. I'm not trying to
33:15carry you. I'm just being very serious.
33:17You can deny
33:19all you want to but you know you get mad
33:21when boys be commenting on my posts.
33:23They want to play stepdad so bad.
33:25It's crazy. Can you stop? You're a drama.
33:27You're being nasty. That's a new post.
33:29That's a new post on her page.
33:31You're being messy. They want to play stepdad.
33:33They do.
33:35I can't even lie.
33:37It's crazy, right? You would never think somebody
33:39wants to do that.
33:41If you know a girl, she got a kid,
33:43you're going to purposely
33:45try to be in her life
33:47and play stepdad
33:49while she's in a relationship?
33:51That's whack.
33:55I'm about to go ahead and get dressed
33:57and when I'm done, I'm going to leave.
33:59You can go ahead and take him to your house.
34:05Okay, keep ignoring me.
34:09Day Day is giving me the cold shoulder
34:11because he's worried about how I'm
34:13acting and what I'm doing but I'm only
34:15doing this because when he talks about
34:17the Air Force, he's not talking about family.
34:19He just talks about him making money
34:21and him exploring the world.
34:23I have to do what I have to do.
34:25If I choose party promoting
34:27is the way that I want to do it, then
34:29that's the way I'm going to do it.
34:31We're leaving.
34:33Wait, wait, wait.
34:35Is he sleeping?
34:39I'll see you later.
34:43Drive safely.
34:45Day Day did give me a promise ring
34:47but I don't really know
34:49if we're together.
34:51We're together but I don't know if we're together.
34:53We're seeing eye to eye.
34:55I don't know.
34:57It just kind of makes me have doubts
34:59because even though I have the ring,
35:01that doesn't really solidify anything.
35:05I mean,
35:07I'm going to do what's best for Anais
35:09so if waiting for Day Day
35:11is what's best for Anais, then
35:13I can do that but if me and
35:15Day Day aren't seeing eye to eye
35:17while he's gone, then no.
35:19I'm not going to wait for you because what am I waiting for?
35:21Our argument?
35:23I'm not waiting for that.
35:31I'm panicking.
35:33What's wrong?
35:35I'm late.
35:37It's okay. It's going to be okay.
35:39Nate? Yes?
35:41Don't say that.
35:43Today is graduation day.
35:45I have 14 minutes to be at the school
35:47and the idea of missing the ceremony
35:49and everything I've done to get here
35:51is freaking me out.
35:53Can you bring me the cap and gown?
35:57I'll just stick my arm through.
36:01I'm just going to stick my arm through.
36:05What are you doing?
36:07Do you want me to come in?
36:09Do I wear this there?
36:11I don't know.
36:13Why don't you know?
36:15I don't know.
36:17I don't know. I've never done it before.
36:19Neither have I.
36:21Graduating is a huge accomplishment to me
36:23because I got through
36:25my whole entire senior year pregnant
36:27and gave birth
36:29while not only dealing with the newborn
36:31but all the extra drama that came with it.
36:33Where's Wesley?
36:35He's out in the bouncer still.
36:37Who's watching him?
36:41Well, what if he's hungry?
36:43You need to get his diaper bag ready.
36:45Sounds good.
36:49I really was hoping Emily moving out of my mom's house
36:51would chill her out
36:53but it really hasn't changed.
37:01Do you want me to help you?
37:03I don't know.
37:05When Emily bosses me around
37:07it's frustrating.
37:09I have his diaper bag packed.
37:15Yeah, I can do that.
37:17But I'm really trying to keep peace between us
37:19because I'm afraid if I push back
37:21that Emily won't let me see Wesley as often.
37:23Hey, Nate?
37:25Open the door.
37:27It's broken.
37:29It's broken?
37:31Turn that off. That's all.
37:35Unplug it.
37:37Do you need to come back in here?
37:41Okay, I'm going to go to the bathroom
37:43and blow my nose.
37:45Do you have to go to the bathroom?
37:47Oh, man.
37:49I'm just extremely overwhelmed.
37:51On top of raising Wesley
37:53it feels like I have to
37:55take on the role of being a mother
37:57to Nate as well.
37:59If Nate can't pull up his big boy panties
38:01and then mature a little bit faster
38:03that would be the reason we broke up.
38:05And I told him that.
38:13Do you think he can?
38:21I don't know.
38:27Wesley needs to be in his person right now.
38:37You've been a trooper.
38:39I love my daughter very much
38:41but you do a very good job of putting up
38:43with her...
38:49And you're laughing and smiling
38:51because you don't talk a lot.
38:53Watching Nate step up
38:55and be a
38:57significant role and a support
38:59to Emily and the baby
39:03met every
39:07to this point.
39:09Here comes Wes and Nate.
39:11Can we shut this?
39:15See you in a little bit, Nate.
39:17Bye, Wes.
39:21Just because we have a kid together
39:23doesn't mean we're permanent.
39:25But I know what I missed with
39:27my dad, not being around.
39:29And I just don't want Wesley
39:31to go through the pain that I went through.
39:33Can we leave now?
39:35I'm stressed.
39:39And if that means letting Emily's freakouts
39:41roll off, I will
39:43do that as long as I can stand it.
39:51I didn't do anything, though. I was set up.
39:53I feel like I've gotten
39:55slapped in the face, then spit on,
39:57then stomped and kicked.
40:17I'm heading back home
40:19from the bachelorette party, and I'm getting
40:21kind of nervous because I haven't heard back
40:23from Lauren since I texted him about
40:25Hi, baby!
40:27There she is!
40:29Hey, Dad, do you know where Lala is?
40:31Lala's downstairs.
40:35I know something is definitely
40:37wrong since Lawrence hasn't
40:39texted or called me. We never
40:41go along without talking to each other,
40:47him not, like, coming to the door
40:49and saying hi to me when I got home.
40:51So I really need to figure out
40:53what's up.
41:01Hi, baby.
41:03Please talk to me. I didn't do anything.
41:05I promise you.
41:07But I didn't do anything, though.
41:09I was set up.
41:11I don't care who got it. Your mom, sister, my mom.
41:13I don't care. All I know
41:15is y'all got some weird
41:17dancing in the thong.
41:19Like, come on, now.
41:21Y'all got some
41:23**** or something.
41:25Honestly, I wouldn't have been
41:27mad at you if you had a stripper
41:29because I'm grown enough to not have gotten
41:31upset when I knew something was out of your
41:33control and not your fault.
41:35That's pretty much what you're telling me, because I felt some type of way
41:37that I'm about to be embarrassed.
41:39No, but I'm not going to be mad at you when I know it isn't your fault.
41:41I don't.
41:43It's out of your control. It would be different if the friends
41:45got you the stripper and you were, like, touching all up
41:47on the stripper and, like, enjoying the show.
41:49Were you?
41:51That's different. No. Were you?
41:53You think I wanted that?
41:55She aggravated me.
41:57You can ask your mother, my mother,
41:59my sister. I was mortified.
42:01I screamed. I said, no, no, no, no, no.
42:03Let me off the bus. Absolutely not.
42:05Absolutely not.
42:07And he went on everyone else, and I literally
42:09stood in the corner, and I couldn't even **** look.
42:11It was disgusting.
42:13Play the **** tapes.
42:15Roll the **** footage.
42:17What if this man would happen?
42:19There's nothing anybody can say to me
42:21that's gonna change the way
42:23I'm feeling right now.
42:25We're dead-ass done. We're not getting married.
42:27We're not together. Like, I'm through with this.
42:29What? I didn't do anything.
42:31Please don't act crazy
42:33in front of the kids, Lala.
42:37Don't do that, honey.
42:39I think Lawrence is overreacting.
42:41I'm not.
42:43I was on the bus. She didn't participate
42:45in nothing. She ran into a corner
42:47like a little child, and Lawrence
42:49needs to check himself.
42:51Lawrence ain't checking himself. I am not wrong.
42:53I feel like I had gotten
42:55slapped in the face, then spit on,
42:57then stomped and kicked. Like,
42:59**** outta here. No wedding.
43:03Honestly, everybody can go
43:05the **** home, but not having
43:07a wedding, there's nothing happening.
43:09Don't do that, because your wife loves you,
43:11and she totally
43:13wouldn't even look at anything.
43:15I think the reaction
43:17was really extreme.
43:19He's got a young man's temper, I think.
43:21Young guys, you know, like
43:23when her dad was young, same sort of thing.
43:25It's definitely like
43:27an impulse that, you know,
43:29it's not good.
43:31Are you worried?
43:33Not really, right? I mean,
43:35he's gonna be fine. I've never
43:37seen Lawrence like this before, and I'm really
43:39**** worried that he's actually serious
43:41about calling this wedding off.
43:45Next time
43:47on Unexpected...
43:49Love you. Love you.
43:51Seeing how eager Graham
43:53was to go ahead and pack up and leave
43:55his newborn son after just
43:57less than 24 hours of being
43:59home with him, I don't think he wants to
44:01take it as a serious
44:03role as he should.
44:05Let's go.
44:07I'm wondering, is this ever gonna change?
44:09I haven't
44:11got my period, and
44:13I don't know if I'm pregnant.
44:15This just really isn't
44:17very good. If I have to
44:19move back to Pennsylvania because of my
44:21custody with Luca, I honestly
44:23don't think JJ would move back to
44:25Pennsylvania. And the idea
44:27of raising a child
44:29without their father
44:31again, yeah, that's
44:35Lawrence finally apologized,
44:37and the wedding is still happening.
44:39How many minutes do I have?
44:43Five minutes.
44:45I'm gonna ****.
44:47I might've been wearing pants, but
44:49I'm starting to feel, like, nauseous
44:51and, like, clammy and, like,
44:53generally, honestly, like, really
44:55I feel sick to my stomach.
44:57I don't know if I want to get married.
