2014 The Virgins HOT TEEN MOVIE

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2014 The Virgins HOT TEEN MOVIE
00:00:00Hey, bro.
00:00:14Go to sleep, bro.
00:00:19How old do you think you'll be when you get married?
00:00:28Isn't that kinda young?
00:00:29Well, you have to be married to have sex, so...
00:00:32I'm getting married as soon as possible.
00:00:36What do you think sex is like?
00:00:39The awesomest thing ever.
00:00:42How do you know?
00:00:43I just know, bro.
00:00:47I heard it feels like
00:00:48climbing the rope in gym.
00:00:51Who said that?
00:00:53Ryan Jensen.
00:00:54He doesn't know what he's talking about. He's never climbed the rope in gym.
00:01:00On my wedding night,
00:01:02I want to do it ten times.
00:01:05I don't think that's possible.
00:01:08Bro, with God, all things are possible.
00:01:24I don't think that's possible.
00:01:54I don't think that's possible.
00:02:24I don't think that's possible.
00:02:54I don't think that's possible.
00:03:16One more.
00:03:17Back over here, please. Not done.
00:03:25Over here, please.
00:03:36I have something to tell you.
00:03:37It's time to cut the cake, kids. Follow me.
00:03:40Can I just have a minute with my wife, please?
00:03:42You'll have plenty of time for that later. No, we won't.
00:03:45Why? Are you leaving her? Yes.
00:03:47For Afghanistan.
00:03:56Sir, just heard the new orders.
00:03:57Are we really deploying May 19th?
00:03:59Yes. Why are you questioning the orders?
00:04:01I'm not questioning them, sir.
00:04:02I'm just, um...
00:04:04I'm asking questions about them.
00:04:05I'm getting married on the 18th. If we leave on the 19th, I don't miss my honeymoon.
00:04:08Well, those are the orders.
00:04:10Is there anything we can do?
00:04:13Sure. We'll swallow the mission. I'll tell the insurgents not to attack yet.
00:04:16Now, are you done questioning the orders? Because I'm busy following them.
00:04:19Yes, sir. Didn't mean to waste your time, sir.
00:04:25Nick, the next nine months are going to be hell.
00:04:27Make it a night to remember.
00:04:32Look, we only have an hour, and if you want cake and all that, we have to stay on schedule.
00:04:40Lead the way.
00:04:51I just wanted to say that you look more beautiful today than anything I've ever seen.
00:04:58That's all.
00:05:06Hi, Daddy.
00:05:08I saw you leave. Just wanted to make sure everything's okay.
00:05:11Everything's fine.
00:05:13Oh. Okay.
00:05:15Well, they need you to cut the cake.
00:05:18Can't cut the cake out here.
00:05:22Of course.
00:05:26Thanks for letting us know.
00:05:32He's a man who serves his country.
00:05:35A man who loves his family.
00:05:38And most importantly, a man who honors Jesus Christ in his life.
00:05:43And I am certain that he is going to love Mary just as Christ loved the church and gave himself for her.
00:05:51Here's to Nick and Mary.
00:05:55Thanks, Pastor. That was beautiful.
00:05:57All right, all right. That's enough of that.
00:06:01We got to lighten the mood.
00:06:03One time at Fall Harvest, our church is not celebrating Halloween.
00:06:08Celebration Nick is in the dunk tank.
00:06:12Pastor Frank hits the target. Nick hits the water.
00:06:17And he gets up, and everybody starts laughing, right?
00:06:21Nick's like, oh, they think it's funny because I'm all wet.
00:06:24So he starts hammering it up like, oh, look at me. Look at me.
00:06:28And he notices everybody's staring at his crotch.
00:06:33Those new white trunks.
00:06:36Holy see-through!
00:06:40He's not going to show pictures, is he?
00:06:42Nick, my little brother, probably be showing us.
00:07:03Nicholas, now that you're married, we can talk about something that wouldn't have been appropriate before.
00:07:09Oh, thanks, Grandpa. I'd rather not.
00:07:11Your grandmother and I have been having relations for 45 years and counting.
00:07:16It's a wonderful gift from the Lord, if you use it right.
00:07:20Foreplay, Nicholas.
00:07:23I want to tell you about a special thing called foreplay.
00:07:26I know what it is.
00:07:29How do you know about foreplay?
00:07:31I read about it.
00:07:34Don't tell me you looked it up on the Internet.
00:07:36No, I read a book. No pictures.
00:07:40I know what goes on on the Internet, and it's not right.
00:07:44But let me tell you what it is.
00:07:46Now, foreplay means...
00:07:47Honestly, Grandpa, I'd rather not talk about this.
00:07:49Just listen. Thank me for it later.
00:07:53Now, what it means is, everything you couldn't touch before, you touch.
00:07:57And not just with your hands.
00:08:00Do you know what I mean, Nicholas, when I say not just with your hands?
00:08:04Grandpa, please don't describe it to me.
00:08:06Well, anyway, you want to keep at it for a good long time.
00:08:10Keep her waiting for the grand finale.
00:08:13The longer you wait, the better it'll be.
00:08:20Bye, Daddy.
00:08:23Are you sure you want to do this?
00:08:25Very sure, Daddy.
00:08:27I don't understand why you have to go so far away.
00:08:29If anything happens to you...
00:08:30I'll be fine.
00:08:31Well, if anything happens, you call me, okay?
00:08:34We're not bringing our phones, Daddy. I already told you that.
00:08:37Listen. Remember what we talked about.
00:08:40Thanks for your concern, Daddy.
00:08:52You ready?
00:09:00Bye, baby girl.
00:09:15Not to spoil the mood, but you two will see each other tomorrow.
00:09:30Daddy's crying.
00:09:32He'll be all right.
00:09:35I have to give him a hug.
00:09:37Mary, Mary, please.
00:09:39But he's all alone.
00:09:41Just for the night.
00:09:43And then he'll have you back for nine months while I don't...
00:09:49Cheer up. You just won the son-in-law jackpot.
00:09:52I hope it works out.
00:09:55What's that supposed to mean?
00:09:58I don't know.
00:10:00It's just...
00:10:02It's just...
00:10:04It's just...
00:10:06It's just...
00:10:08It's just...
00:10:10It's just...
00:10:12It's just...
00:10:14It's just...
00:10:17What's that supposed to mean?
00:10:29You know, now that we're married, we don't have to wait anymore.
00:10:34You want to now?
00:10:37Yeah, the drive's gonna take an hour.
00:10:40Here in the limo?
00:10:43Why not?
00:10:45I thought we'd wait until the cottage.
00:10:49We can do it there, too.
00:10:59I want it to be special.
00:11:01We've waited all this time.
00:11:04We can wait an hour more.
00:11:06Okay, yeah.
00:11:15Okay, yeah.
00:11:45Okay, yeah.
00:11:59Look at all this.
00:12:15Take it easy. We have all night.
00:12:18Take it easy.
00:12:44I like this place.
00:12:46Feels like a real home.
00:12:50It is.
00:12:52Farmer is his family.
00:12:56Farmer Jack.
00:13:00That was his name?
00:13:03He decided to be a farmer because his name was Farmer.
00:13:10His grandson rents it out now, and he leaves his pictures out here so people can remember his grandpa.
00:13:15How do you know all this?
00:13:17I asked.
00:13:18Because I thought you don't want to know.
00:13:25He doesn't look happy.
00:13:27That's not even his wedding night.
00:13:32Do you think we'll ever live on a farm?
00:13:35I think we don't need to decide tonight.
00:13:40I bet you'd make a good farmer.
00:13:43You have strong hands.
00:13:46What else can I do with my hands?
00:13:48If you were a farmer, what would you grow?
00:14:15Can we pray first?
00:14:18Of course.
00:14:23Lord, we know that in all things you work for the good of all those who love you.
00:14:28Thank you for the blessings you have given us,
00:14:31and for the blessings we're about to receive.
00:14:41And for the blessings we're about to receive.
00:14:44In your name we pray. Amen.
00:14:46Oh God, we love you so much.
00:14:48Thank you for such a wonderful day.
00:14:50Thank you for all our friends and family.
00:14:53Thank you, Lord.
00:14:55Guide us as we start this journey together.
00:14:57Give us wisdom.
00:14:59And protect Nick while he's in Afghanistan.
00:15:01Bring him back to me safely.
00:15:04May your will be done in our lives, Lord.
00:15:42Excuse me!
00:15:45Excuse me!
00:15:48Excuse me!
00:15:54What are you...
00:15:56Do you realise what you've interrupted?
00:15:59I'm interrupting?
00:16:00Yes. Scotland's most sacred song.
00:16:03Why are you playing Scotland's most sacred song here?
00:16:06To bring her honour and prosperity, of course.
00:16:08How would you like it if I interrupted your national anthem?
00:16:11What if I run onto the field and punch the singer
00:16:14at one of your so-called football games?
00:16:17That's not the same thing.
00:16:18Damn right it isn't.
00:16:20How often in that sport does a ball actually touch your feet?
00:16:23Doesn't it make more sense to call a sport football
00:16:25when it touches your feet all the freaking time?
00:16:28And what's soccer mean?
00:16:30That's nae a sport.
00:16:31That's what you do when granny won't shut a trap.
00:16:34Look, you're more than welcome to play your song somewhere else.
00:16:37No, it has to be here.
00:16:39It's what I'm being paid to do.
00:16:41No, no, no, that can't be right.
00:16:42Oh, wait a minute.
00:16:43If he doesn't pay me, I'll beat the shite out of him.
00:16:46No, I mean, you must be at the wrong place.
00:16:48No, this is the right place.
00:16:51Well, you can ask him to send us back there.
00:17:05You should see your face, bro.
00:17:08What are you doing?
00:17:10I can't hear you over all the laughter on YouTube.
00:17:13This is my wedding night.
00:17:14I know, I know, I'm sorry.
00:17:16We're going to go.
00:17:17As soon as he finishes his song,
00:17:19which, as you can see, he's quite passionate about.
00:17:23Oh, bro.
00:17:25Don't be like that.
00:17:27Come on, man.
00:17:28You gotta admit, this is funny.
00:17:42Alright, you can go now.
00:17:43This marriage is hereby blessed by His Grace,
00:17:47the Duke of Argyle, Earl of Campbell.
00:17:50As administered by his officer, Liam MacTavish.
00:17:54May this union bring peace and happiness to these two people
00:17:58and the great nation of Scotland.
00:18:01And her allies.
00:18:03I added that last part for you.
00:18:06What God has joined together, let no man separate.
00:18:14Have a pleasant evening.
00:18:16Enjoy your wedding present, bro.
00:18:29Sorry about that.
00:18:31Does he think that's okay?
00:18:33Well, you see, he's my brother.
00:18:46I'm sorry.
00:19:04Did you try a window?
00:19:09No, these windows do not open.
00:19:13What do we do?
00:19:16We could stay the night out here on the patio.
00:19:18What if someone sees us?
00:19:20We're in the middle of nowhere.
00:19:21Your brother found us easy enough.
00:19:23Okay, okay.
00:19:26Let's go into the woods.
00:19:29Or we could go back to town and get a nice hotel.
00:19:32How are we gonna get there?
00:19:38That'll take another hour.
00:19:40Wouldn't that be better than spending the night in the cold?
00:19:42Look, there's gotta be a barn or something around here, right?
00:19:46God will provide.
00:19:48Maybe he already did.
00:19:50Maybe we're not supposed to stay here tonight.
00:20:06Go back, laddie!
00:20:08Don't be afraid!
00:20:10It's supposed to feel that way!
00:20:17Well, that was pretty dumb of you guys to lock yourselves out.
00:20:21Oh, good thing I was here.
00:20:25What is that?
00:20:26You touch that, and I'll kick you in the shape pipe.
00:20:30I don't need extra motivation not to touch it.
00:20:47So, you two are brothers?
00:20:52I always wish I had a brother.
00:20:54You know, someone to fight alongside with, or even with.
00:20:58It's much better than being on your own.
00:21:01Or worse, with girls.
00:21:03Unless it's to, you know...
00:21:09Are you mad?
00:21:13Are you mad?
00:21:17Then why aren't you talking?
00:21:20What do you want me to talk about?
00:21:24It's lame if you're mad, bro.
00:21:26I just want to get to a hotel.
00:21:33Did you two ever have a really good fight when you were lads?
00:21:37You'll really punch each other ugly.
00:21:43Not even once.
00:21:45We weren't allowed to fight.
00:21:47Nobody's allowed to, but you do it anyway.
00:21:50You beat each other till it's out of your system,
00:21:53then you share a pint and it's all better.
00:21:56I had to fight my mates.
00:21:58I can't imagine the joy of sharing something like that
00:22:01with my own flesh and blood.
00:22:04Well, anyway, that's how it's supposed to go.
00:22:07A few times he got a bit bad, so we had to make ground rules.
00:22:10No weapons of any kind,
00:22:12no scratching of the eyes,
00:22:15and no poking a finger up the arse!
00:22:19Will you please stop?
00:22:22We clearly don't want to talk about this.
00:22:24It's a long ride.
00:22:26I thought we'd get to know each other.
00:22:28Let's talk about something else.
00:22:30In other words, let's not get to know each other, eh?
00:22:34You've caught us off guard.
00:22:36Getting to know someone new is not what we expected for our wedding night.
00:22:39It's an unexpected benefit.
00:22:42You are clearly unaware of the value of the Duke's blessing.
00:22:46You got that right.
00:22:50Well, to pay us conversing with these two is a waste of time.
00:22:54How about you, lassie?
00:22:56How did you come to meet this untalkative gentleman?
00:23:06Could be his textbook.
00:23:07It's definitely a Bible.
00:23:09Which could be his textbook.
00:23:11He's not taking notes.
00:23:13I read textbooks without taking notes all the time.
00:23:15He seems interested.
00:23:16If it was for class, he'd be bored.
00:23:18I think you're only saying that because you're interested.
00:23:22I'm gonna go talk to him.
00:23:25Pray for me.
00:23:26Do not awaken love until love so desires!
00:23:32What are you reading?
00:23:37The Bible.
00:23:38Is that for class?
00:23:41If it's not for class, then why read it?
00:23:43Because I want to learn.
00:23:46Because I think it's important.
00:23:48So you can know what all the crazy Christians believe and attack them?
00:23:51No, why would you think that?
00:23:53Well, you're just sitting here reading, not talking to anybody.
00:23:55How am I supposed to know what you're thinking?
00:24:00What about you?
00:24:01You read the Bible?
00:24:06You do or you don't?
00:24:07Maybe I don't want to tell you.
00:24:09Because I don't know your intentions.
00:24:12Who are you?
00:24:15I'm someone who wants to know why you read the Bible every morning.
00:24:20Because I want to know the Word of God so I can live my life for Him.
00:24:31Is that what you were waiting for?
00:24:38I don't believe I've ever heard that one before.
00:24:42Nick has a lot of unique qualities.
00:24:44Yeah, like being a total butt face.
00:24:46Shut up, Doug.
00:24:47Hey, dude, check it.
00:24:49I'm getting mad hits on YouTube.
00:24:53Bro, you are the only one who does not think this is funny.
00:25:01Okay, we are going to get to Everett soon.
00:25:04You can have your precious wedding night.
00:25:07We're going to Ferndale.
00:25:08These guys gotta get to Everett.
00:25:10You told me we were going to Ferndale.
00:25:12Okay, well, it's getting late.
00:25:13That's why we have to get to Ferndale.
00:25:15Yeah, before he goes to sleep.
00:25:17How long will that take?
00:25:18Another hour.
00:25:19You can go to Ferndale tomorrow.
00:25:21I'll buy your bus ticket.
00:25:23We're going now.
00:25:25It's the only reason I took this job.
00:25:27Plans change.
00:25:29I'll play my bagpipes until you surrender.
00:25:34Alright, hey, hey, hey.
00:25:38Liam, let's talk about this.
00:25:40Alright, alright.
00:25:42We're going to Ferndale.
00:25:45We're going to Ferndale.
00:25:46Bro, no.
00:25:47It's just an hour.
00:25:48An additional hour?
00:25:50What do you want me to do?
00:25:51He's gonna play his stupid bagpipes if we don't.
00:25:54I will play my beautiful bagpipes.
00:25:57If you didn't like them, then the fault is with your ears.
00:26:01We'll just get a hotel in Ferndale.
00:26:04We can't.
00:26:06I don't have my wallet.
00:26:09I thought you always kept it in your back pocket.
00:26:12I left it in my bag.
00:26:14So I wouldn't look like Uncle Turdpants in the pictures.
00:26:17Then how would we get a hotel in Everett?
00:26:20Your dad has my bag.
00:26:22I can get it from him.
00:26:28He should be awake still, right?
00:26:31I don't know.
00:26:32I'd hate to bother him.
00:26:34Toad, if you dropped us off in Ferndale, could we borrow some money for a hotel?
00:26:39Somebody else lends it to you.
00:26:40I spent all my cash on your wedding blessing.
00:26:45Liam, could you loan us some money?
00:26:48Oh, I'm sorry, Lassie.
00:26:50But it's already been deposited.
00:26:52I carry neither cash nor card in case I am robbed by bandits.
00:26:57We'll just have to wait till Everett.
00:26:59You know, after we drop him off, it'll only be another 45 minutes.
00:27:03He's not dropping me off.
00:27:06I need a ride back after my work in Ferndale is through.
00:27:09How long will that take?
00:27:10Not long.
00:27:11About half an hour.
00:27:13But this is our wedding night.
00:27:15Whatever you have to do, can't it just wait till tomorrow?
00:27:19What could possibly be so important?
00:27:21Fulfilling my father's dying wish.
00:27:26I would have told you about it if you'd tried to get to know me.
00:27:31What's the wish?
00:27:32That I bring a gift to his old friend Hamish, who moved here 50 years ago.
00:27:39Dad wanted to see Hamish more than anything.
00:27:44Due to his health, he couldn't travel.
00:27:47So, on his deathbed, he charged me with bringing Hamish a gift.
00:27:54What is it?
00:27:56Something to remember him by.
00:27:59My father has been telling me stories about Hamish my entire life.
00:28:04He always said that I should meet him someday.
00:28:09And now, today is someday.
00:28:33Wait, wait.
00:28:35We have to stop.
00:28:37We have to make sure we don't go too far.
00:28:39We won't.
00:28:40A lot of people say that, but then they do.
00:28:43We're just kissing.
00:28:44I know, but we're alone.
00:28:46So, it makes me feel like doing things that we shouldn't do before we're married.
00:28:52Like what?
00:28:54I can't say it, because if I say it, it'll make me want to do it even more.
00:28:58I should go.
00:29:02What did you mean by before we're married?
00:29:05You know.
00:29:07We're not married.
00:29:08I know, that's not what you said.
00:29:09You said before we're married.
00:29:11Does that mean you want to marry me?
00:29:14I didn't mean that.
00:29:17So, you don't want to marry me?
00:29:18No, I didn't mean that either.
00:29:20Well, what did you mean?
00:29:21I didn't mean anything.
00:29:22I just...
00:29:24I mean...
00:29:26I have been thinking about it.
00:29:28Well, what have you been thinking about it?
00:29:31What do you mean?
00:29:32I mean, when you think about it, do you think you would want to marry me or you wouldn't want to marry me?
00:29:37What does it matter?
00:29:38You don't think it matters whether or not you want to marry me?
00:29:40No, I meant...
00:29:42Why are you asking me all this?
00:29:43Because I want to marry you.
00:29:57Because I want to marry you too.
00:29:58I just...
00:29:59I didn't know if you wanted to marry me.
00:30:07So, are we engaged?
00:30:08No, no, not yet.
00:30:10I have to talk to your dad.
00:30:13If we know we want to get married, then what does it matter?
00:30:15Until we're right.
00:30:16There's nothing in the Bible that says...
00:30:18Let's just be engaged.
00:30:21Won't he be upset?
00:30:24You can talk to him later.
00:30:26The important thing is that you have my permission.
00:30:31Alright then.
00:30:34We're engaged.
00:30:36I should go.
00:30:39All that stuff I wanted to do earlier?
00:30:41Being engaged just makes me want to do it a whole lot more.
00:30:43Well, now we know we can someday.
00:30:50Yeah, someday.
00:31:04I'm here, Father.
00:31:06I'm here.
00:31:08I'm here.
00:31:10I'm here.
00:31:11I'm here.
00:31:26Whatever happens, follow my lead.
00:31:32Hello, laddie.
00:31:33Is this the residence of Hamish Sinclair?
00:31:37Might I see him?
00:31:39What's this about?
00:31:40He and my father were friends in Scotland.
00:31:42When they were your age, I would very much like to see him.
00:31:48Come in.
00:31:56We've got visitors.
00:32:08Have a seat.
00:32:17Get out of me room!
00:32:19I'm not in your room.
00:32:20I'm in the doorway.
00:32:21Get out of me doorway!
00:32:24Somebody's here to see you.
00:32:25I ain't not told him to get out!
00:32:28Not me.
00:32:29Somebody from Scotland.
00:32:33He's even got one of those dresses.
00:32:41Fetch me a whisky!
00:32:44You doltish numpty!
00:32:47I have no clue what that means, Grandpa.
00:32:56What part are you from, then?
00:32:59Fort William, sir.
00:33:01Oh, aye.
00:33:03Same as myself.
00:33:05What's your name?
00:33:12Do they still have the habit of giving surnames in Fort William?
00:33:17Aye, they do, sir.
00:33:18You recognise my surname, as it is my father's.
00:33:21I know your father?
00:33:23You knew him, sir.
00:33:25He passed a year ago.
00:33:26Sorry to hear that.
00:33:29Who was he?
00:33:30A carpenter.
00:33:31The best in town!
00:33:33Glad to hear it.
00:33:35Be gladder to hear his name.
00:33:38Well, before I tell you that, sir, can I ask you if you remember another name?
00:33:44Moira Garvey?
00:33:46Of course.
00:33:48The maiden name of me dear wife.
00:33:51Gone me thirteen years, you know.
00:33:55What kind of a question is that?
00:33:59Can you tell me the story of how you two met?
00:34:02I thought I was going to talk to a hearender, not a heckler.
00:34:09My father's name was Ian MacTavish,
00:34:15who was your best friend when you were lads.
00:34:19And Moira Garvey was to be his own dear wife,
00:34:23before you took her and ran away to America.
00:34:27He was drunk a year straight after that.
00:34:30No one thought he would recover.
00:34:33But do you know what he did?
00:34:36He found himself a better wife,
00:34:40and with her he made a better life.
00:34:44And he raised a son
00:34:47who he taught the value of loyalty.
00:34:52And as he lay dying,
00:34:54and as he lay dying,
00:34:57he mustered all the strength left in his frail body
00:35:03to make you something.
00:35:06And he asked me to deliver it.
00:35:10What be that?
00:35:25It's done, Father!
00:35:28You pissed on old Hamish just like you wanted!
00:35:33What be that?
00:35:38It's done, Father!
00:35:41You pissed on old Hamish just like you wanted!
00:36:03Dad, Grandpa whizzed his pants again.
00:36:06Let's get out of here.
00:36:08What about him?
00:36:09I don't think he wants us here anymore.
00:36:11But he's covered in...
00:36:12Hey, watch out!
00:36:17We are so sorry.
00:36:18We did not know he was going to do that.
00:36:21I have to give Grandpa a bath now.
00:36:24Whoever you are, you ruined my night.
00:36:26Is Daddy okay?
00:36:28I saw what you did.
00:36:29It's not our fault!
00:36:30We didn't know he...
00:36:40Are you okay?
00:36:42It's okay.
00:36:43I'm fine. It just stings a little.
00:37:00Is he still there?
00:37:05Hey, Toad?
00:37:18Where are we going?
00:37:20Away from here.
00:37:21Are we going to walk to Everett?
00:37:24Then how will we get there?
00:37:25God will provide.
00:37:26Do you think he doesn't want us to have sex tonight?
00:37:29Are you sure?
00:37:30Very sure.
00:37:32He wouldn't do that to us.
00:37:34But we're stranded.
00:37:39No, we're not.
00:37:42We're at our honeymoon suite.
00:37:47I don't know why all this has happened to us tonight,
00:37:49but this isn't what we waited for.
00:37:52So it's time to go.
00:37:53This isn't what we waited for.
00:37:55So it's time to stop waiting.
00:38:00In the woods?
00:38:02Like Adam and Eve in the garden.
00:38:06We'll find our way back later.
00:38:07Maybe all this craziness is God's way of telling us
00:38:10it's okay to do something crazy.
00:38:15I didn't want it like this.
00:38:17I didn't either.
00:38:18But I also didn't want to bring Liam to that house.
00:38:20And I didn't want to get locked out of ours.
00:38:22And I don't want to go to Afghanistan.
00:38:24God doesn't always give us everything we want.
00:38:27But you know what he has given us?
00:38:33Our honeymoon suite.
00:38:40Won't we be cold?
00:38:41Oh, no.
00:38:53It's nothing.
00:39:21Did you hear that?
00:39:22It's nothing.
00:39:23It's nothing.
00:39:26But it's coming closer.
00:39:28Do you think it's an animal?
00:39:30I don't think we should worry about it.
00:39:32But it's coming this way.
00:39:43What are you doing?
00:39:44What do you think, man?
00:39:46Here in the woods?
00:39:47We didn't really have much of a choice.
00:39:49Where's the car?
00:39:50It was gone when I came out.
00:39:51Liam must have taken it.
00:39:52Okay, well, we're going to stay the night here.
00:39:54So if you could just move along.
00:39:55You're ditching me?
00:39:57You're the one that ran away.
00:39:58Is that a gun?
00:39:59A BB gun.
00:40:01He will hear you.
00:40:03I outran him, but he's probably not far.
00:40:05Look, there's plenty of woods here.
00:40:07So if you could just go find your own hiding spot.
00:40:10I cannot believe you're abandoning me.
00:40:13My car got stolen.
00:40:14Well, my wedding night was stolen.
00:40:20He's calling us.
00:40:21We better hurry.
00:40:22The kid will hear it, too.
00:40:23You go ahead and we're going to find another way back.
00:40:27Hold on.
00:40:28Can we talk about this?
00:40:29We've waited long enough.
00:40:31But in another hour, we could be in a nice hotel.
00:40:33We don't need a hotel.
00:40:34We've got our honeymoon suite.
00:40:36What if that kid comes back?
00:40:37Or an animal?
00:40:38What if something else happens with Toad?
00:40:41Nick, please.
00:40:43We're so close.
00:40:46Okay, let's go.
00:40:57We thought you left us.
00:40:59You clearly did not listen to the follow my lead part.
00:41:05Shut up!
00:41:28Victory is ours!
00:41:39Was that for real?
00:41:40Did you really carry around a bucket of dead rat's piss for a year?
00:41:44That is oddly impressive.
00:41:58We made it.
00:42:01Aren't you glad we didn't stay in the woods?
00:42:04Yeah, you were right.
00:42:05I'll remember that.
00:42:15I'm heading in.
00:42:22Good night.
00:42:26It's been real.
00:42:27Next time you need help delivering a bucket, call somebody else.
00:42:32No loyalty.
00:42:39Listen, why don't I go get your wallet from Daddy?
00:42:42You don't want me to come?
00:42:44That's not what I meant.
00:42:45Okay, then I'll come.
00:42:46You don't have to do that.
00:42:48Well, it's buried down in my bag. It'll take you a while to find.
00:42:52You know what?
00:42:53I'll just go get the wedding gift money. It'll be with the other presents.
00:42:57Is your dad okay?
00:42:58He's fine.
00:42:59Why would you say that?
00:43:01He just seemed pretty tense today.
00:43:03I don't know him very well, but...
00:43:05You know, it seemed like something was wrong.
00:43:07Nothing's wrong.
00:43:09I'll explain what happened, and he will understand.
00:43:11Don't tell him about Liam.
00:43:13It might stress him out.
00:43:16Nick, we have nothing to hide from my father.
00:43:37I'm surprised you're still awake after such a long day.
00:43:40A lot on my mind.
00:43:42Thinking about all the wonderful qualities of your new son-in-law?
00:43:45Yes, I imagine that would keep you up a long time.
00:43:48Good night.
00:43:49I'm not turning in yet.
00:43:51I'm just going out for a snack for Nora and I.
00:43:53We like to eat between rounds, you know, keep the energy up.
00:43:56Good luck with that.
00:43:57Luck has nothing to do with it.
00:44:00It's all by the grace of God.
00:44:04I know you do not like my grandson.
00:44:08Why is that?
00:44:10I wouldn't say I don't like him.
00:44:12The fact is I already know him.
00:44:14Then you should get to know him.
00:44:15I've tried. He's always busy.
00:44:17Well, serving our country is a lot of work.
00:44:21He seems to love the army so much that he's leaving her to be with them.
00:44:25Duty calls? What do you expect him to do?
00:44:27How about wait till he gets back?
00:44:29He didn't have to rush.
00:44:32There's only one reason why he'd want to marry her before he goes.
00:44:35It's a bit late to be worrying about that, don't you think?
00:44:38Did you know he didn't ask for my blessing before he proposed?
00:44:41He just charged right in.
00:44:44Knowing what I know of you, I might have done the same thing.
00:45:00Yes, have a delivery to room 613, please.
00:45:07Gosh, why is this car so heavy?
00:45:10Ah! Never mind. Stupid idea.
00:45:29Baby girl?
00:45:34Baby girl? Is that you?
00:45:40Baby girl?
00:45:46Baby girl?
00:46:04Baby girl?
00:46:26Lord God, I'm so worried about my baby girl.
00:46:29I'm even hearing her voice.
00:46:31Please keep her safe.
00:46:35Keep her safe from him, Lord.
00:46:38Who is this man, Lord, who I've given my daughter?
00:46:41What are his intentions?
00:46:43Did I give my innocent sheep to a wolf?
00:46:48What's going to happen, Lord Jesus?
00:46:51What are they doing right now, Lord God?
00:46:53I'm afraid to even think about it, Lord.
00:46:56Protect my baby girl tonight.
00:46:58Especially if they...
00:47:02Baby girl?
00:47:03Daddy, don't freak out.
00:47:05What did he do to you?
00:47:07Oh, thank God.
00:47:08We got locked out, so we came into town. We just need money. I'll see you later.
00:47:11Wait! Where is he?
00:47:14He sent you in here alone to sneak in and steal money?
00:47:17It's our money, Daddy.
00:47:19Then why the sneaking?
00:47:21I didn't want to disturb you.
00:47:23You better stay here while I get this straightened out.
00:47:25There's nothing to straighten out.
00:47:26Daddy, I have to get back to Nick.
00:47:27Well, I'm going with you.
00:47:28You don't have to do that.
00:47:29I have to make sure you're okay.
00:47:30I am okay.
00:47:31There's no harm in checking.
00:47:36Think of the pipes.
00:47:38You have the long, firm quality of the pipe,
00:47:42and the small, opening quality of the pipe.
00:47:47You put the two together, and...
00:47:50You see?
00:47:51Once again, I know what to do.
00:48:01Leg positions.
00:48:03Liam, you don't have to wait with me. You can go wherever you're going.
00:48:08No one should be alone on their wedding night.
00:48:25Come on, lad.
00:48:27Mary won't know where I am.
00:48:28We'll come back.
00:48:29No, I have to stay.
00:48:33Good man.
00:48:34Remember the pipes.
00:48:42See? He's right here.
00:48:50He's abandoned you.
00:48:52You're disgraceful.
00:48:54Hey, how dare you talk that way to my daughter?
00:48:57Calm down, Daddy.
00:48:59My baby girl is not disgraceful.
00:49:01She is a precious, beautiful flower.
00:49:03Well, she didn't do anything directly.
00:49:06But she was with the guy who did.
00:49:08And that's enough.
00:49:09What did he do?
00:49:12You guys already got us back. This has gone far enough.
00:49:14No, it hasn't.
00:49:15My grandpa told me what you did.
00:49:17How you held him down.
00:49:18And even though he fought mightily,
00:49:20his strength was no match for your unfair advantage in numbers.
00:49:23Okay, that's not true.
00:49:25Look, we were just as surprised as you guys...
00:49:27No excuse.
00:49:28We're here to even the score.
00:49:30Liam already left.
00:49:31Then there's more for you.
00:49:37This one's very popular with the ladies.
00:49:43I'll take it.
00:49:44I want to smell real good for my wife on our wedding night.
00:49:53Daddy, I'm going to have to borrow some of your clothes, okay?
00:49:56What happened?
00:49:57What did you do?
00:49:59It was a misunderstanding, Daddy.
00:50:01Everything's fine.
00:50:02That kid out there didn't think everything was fine.
00:50:04Did you get in a fight?
00:50:05Nick needs to take a shower, Dad.
00:50:06No, we need to talk about this.
00:50:08What kind of man gets in a fight on his wedding night?
00:50:10I'll explain everything.
00:50:12Go ahead.
00:50:17Don't use my shaving kit.
00:50:19What did he do?
00:50:20Nothing, Daddy.
00:50:21We gave someone a ride and he pulled a prank on them.
00:50:23That boy said he was violent.
00:50:25You're wrong, Daddy.
00:50:26None of that happened.
00:50:27I was there.
00:50:28Are you lying to protect him?
00:50:31Don't you dare lie to me.
00:50:32This is serious business.
00:50:33Daddy, please don't do this.
00:50:35It's already been a hard night.
00:50:36You said he was a nice Christian man.
00:50:38This is not the behavior of a nice Christian man.
00:50:40He's a good man, Daddy.
00:50:41You'll see.
00:50:42Or you'll see.
00:50:43That he's not the man you think he is.
00:50:45That he rushed you into marriage just so he could have his way with you.
00:50:47I don't want to talk about that anymore, Daddy.
00:50:49I've told you a million times.
00:50:50Why else would he rush the wedding?
00:50:52What's going to happen when he gets back?
00:50:53I read an article on the internet about a man who went to Afghanistan, came back, and forgot he was married.
00:50:57I'll write him letters so he won't forget.
00:50:59He won't be reading letters.
00:51:00He'll be shooting guns and getting in fights.
00:51:02Look what happened tonight.
00:51:03It wasn't a fight.
00:51:04Then why did they pour tinkle water on him?
00:51:06Daddy, I'm already married.
00:51:08Trying to talk me out of it won't help anymore.
00:51:10Yes, you're married.
00:51:12But remember, if the marriage isn't consummated, then you can have it annulled.
00:51:16Oh, my gosh.
00:51:17And it wouldn't be a sin.
00:51:18It would be like it never happened.
00:51:19Stop, Daddy.
00:51:20Well, if you won't listen to me, then listen to God.
00:51:24You were locked out of the cottage, baby girl.
00:51:26It's a sign.
00:51:30Just give him some time.
00:51:34Let him prove himself.
00:51:36I can't hear you.
00:51:41Go off to the army.
00:51:42We'll see how it goes when he comes back.
00:51:44I still can't hear you.
00:51:47I just don't want you to get hurt, baby girl.
00:52:04Is everything okay?
00:52:06Everything's fine.
00:52:09Well, we should be going.
00:52:11No, no, you don't have to do that.
00:52:12You can stay here.
00:52:14Excuse me?
00:52:15There's two beds.
00:52:18We'll get our own room.
00:52:19But it's so late and you're already here. Just stay here.
00:52:23Thanks anyway, Daddy.
00:52:24I can't let you go outside with those horrible people out there.
00:52:27They left.
00:52:28But what if they come back? What if they have another bucket?
00:52:30Then we'll get a room here.
00:52:32But that's silly. You already have a room here.
00:52:35Daddy, Nick and I are going to step outside and discuss this.
00:52:50We have to hurry. In 30 seconds he's going to come out and see if I'm okay.
00:52:53We can't leave without telling him.
00:52:54I did tell him. I said we're stepping outside.
00:52:56I said nothing about stepping back in.
00:52:58Won't he be mad?
00:52:59I know how to deal with my father.
00:53:02Wait, wait, wait. What about the money?
00:53:22He took her.
00:53:24He took my baby girl.
00:53:39I'm sorry.
00:53:59We need a room.
00:54:16Where's the money?
00:54:17Daddy probably took it out and put it someplace safe.
00:54:25Why are you doing this?
00:54:29It'll work out. God will provide.
00:54:31Well, so far he's provided a whole lot of money.
00:54:33I don't know what to do with it.
00:54:35God will provide.
00:54:36Well, so far he's provided a whole lot of money.
00:54:38I know it doesn't seem like it now, but someday we'll look back on all of this and laugh.
00:54:43It'll be a funny story to tell our kids.
00:54:46Kids? What kids? How are we going to have kids if we don't have sex?
00:54:50The night isn't over yet.
00:54:54We have to go back to your dad.
00:54:56We can't do that.
00:54:58Mary, what is going on with him?
00:55:01While you were in the shower, we had an argument.
00:55:05About what?
00:55:07I don't want to talk about it. Tonight is not about him.
00:55:10I'll deal with him tomorrow.
00:55:12Well, what if I talk to him?
00:55:14Why not?
00:55:15He doesn't know you well enough to listen to you. That's just how he is.
00:55:18Then what do we do?
00:55:20What about your brother?
00:55:21He won't help me.
00:55:22Is there anybody else?
00:55:24My grandparents.
00:55:26They'd let us use the room right by your dad.
00:55:28We can't go there.
00:55:30Mary, what is going on?
00:55:32Let's just find some woods or a barn or something.
00:55:35It'll be an adventure.
00:56:22Should we try the marina?
00:56:25We didn't try this one yet.
00:56:27There's nothing down there but that church.
00:56:53This is where God was leading us.
00:56:58So we can...
00:57:01You know.
00:57:03In church?
00:57:05Sex is a gift from God.
00:57:07Maybe he wanted to remind us.
00:57:12What do you think?
00:57:17Can we pray about it?
00:57:21Let us know what we should do.
00:57:24I think you brought us here for a reason but...
00:57:28If I'm wrong...
00:57:30Show us a sign.
00:57:48Let's pray.
00:58:48I haven't seen any signs yet.
00:59:21I think we know what we have to do then.
00:59:48Are you ready?
01:00:19Lord Jesus.
01:00:21What do I do?
01:00:23I've looked everywhere.
01:00:26I can't find her.
01:00:28Is that your dad?
01:00:30Lead me to her, Lord God.
01:00:33Please show me the way.
01:00:35Let's go.
01:00:36He's gonna see us.
01:00:37No, he can't.
01:00:38I've checked every hotel.
01:00:40They're not there.
01:00:42But they have to be somewhere, Lord God.
01:00:46Where has he taken her?
01:00:48What has he done to her?
01:00:50Protect her, Lord God.
01:00:52Save her from him.
01:00:54Who knows, Lord Jesus, what wicked intentions he has.
01:00:57What is he talking about?
01:00:59But, Lord.
01:01:00I know you are mighty.
01:01:03Mighty even over the lustful desires of men.
01:01:07So, Lord.
01:01:09I ask that you stretch out your powerful arm and thwart him.
01:01:13May this night pass with no union between them.
01:01:16Confound his plans.
01:01:18Darken his path.
01:01:20Smite his loins.
01:01:22Make his labor unfruitful.
01:01:24Raise up a wall of protection around my sweet baby girl.
01:01:27Send your guardian angels to her aid, Lord God.
01:01:29I beg of you.
01:01:31Hear me, O Lord.
01:01:33Hear my prayer.
01:01:35O Lord.
01:01:37Hear my prayer.
01:01:39Give my dear grandson the joy and fulfillment
01:01:41he so rightfully deserves.
01:01:43Bless him, O Lord.
01:01:45Bless him abundantly.
01:01:49Lord, we know you do not hear the prayer of sinners.
01:01:52You hear the prayer of those who find favor in your eyes.
01:01:55And you do not favor those who seek your favor selfishly.
01:01:59Your favor, Lord God, rests on those who care for the needs of others more than their own.
01:02:02And those who are wise enough to discern what those needs actually are.
01:02:07Lord God, may you strike down those who do not act according to your will.
01:02:09Yes, God, that would be great.
01:02:11May your anger burn against them.
01:02:17Both of you, stop praying.
01:02:20Where is she?
01:02:22What have you done?
01:02:24Calm down.
01:02:26She's right here.
01:02:28Come on.
01:02:29Come on.
01:02:38Don't look at me, Daddy.
01:02:43I will guard the door.
01:02:45No one will come in until you come out.
01:02:48You have my word.
01:02:50Well, we should get started.
01:03:10We need to talk.
01:03:13I'm sorry.
01:03:15I'm sorry.
01:03:17I'm sorry.
01:03:19We finally have a hotel room to ourselves, and you want to talk?
01:03:22Don't you think we should?
01:03:27Look, Mary, I know what this is hard, but we have to talk about this.
01:03:30About what?
01:03:32Your dad! What is wrong with him?
01:03:36Then why would he say all that?
01:03:38It's just going to take him a while to adjust.
01:03:40No, it's not just that.
01:03:42What does he have against me?
01:03:44You married his daughter.
01:03:46Okay, then why didn't he say anything before? Why now?
01:03:47I don't always know why he does what he does, okay?
01:03:50But I do know I don't like the way you're talking about him.
01:03:52Mary, this is nothing against you.
01:03:54Yes, it is. He's my father.
01:03:56You say something about him, then you say something about me.
01:03:58Well, he's saying things about me, and I'm your husband.
01:04:00He doesn't mean it.
01:04:02In time, you'll realize you're not going to hurt me.
01:04:04Why would he think I would hurt you?
01:04:06He's just worried, that's all.
01:04:08He doesn't actually believe it'll happen.
01:04:10Well, it sure sounds like he believes it.
01:04:12Asking God to thwart me?
01:04:14Seems to be working, by the way.
01:04:15I don't have time. I'm leaving tomorrow,
01:04:17and then you're going to be alone with him.
01:04:19Then what's he going to say about me?
01:04:21Are you saying you don't trust me?
01:04:23I'm saying we shouldn't let this go.
01:04:25We have to talk to him.
01:04:27He won't listen.
01:04:29He has to. We can't have this.
01:04:31Well, what about your brother?
01:04:34Who said anything about my brother?
01:04:36You didn't.
01:04:38He interrupted our wedding night, and you didn't confront him.
01:04:40No, that was just a prank.
01:04:42On our wedding night?
01:04:45Why didn't you say anything?
01:04:47I said something.
01:04:49You complained, but you didn't confront.
01:04:51He's my older brother.
01:04:53He's not going to...
01:04:55He's not going to listen.
01:05:10You're right.
01:05:16We have to talk to them both.
01:05:19We can't change them.
01:05:21But we can't let them know where we stand.
01:05:27This can't wait nine months.
01:05:34Done already?
01:05:37Maybe give it another try.
01:05:44So good.
01:05:52I know you're in there. Open up.
01:06:09What the hell, bro?
01:06:11I don't know.
01:06:32You woke me up to stare at me?
01:06:35That's weird.
01:06:38Look, what you did was not cool.
01:06:39What did I do?
01:06:41Interrupting us at the cottage.
01:06:44That was not cool.
01:06:46A hundred likes on YouTube say otherwise.
01:06:48What do you mean cool?
01:06:50Like what people think is cool.
01:06:52I mean, you can't do that anymore.
01:06:56I know.
01:07:10It's not just...
01:07:12It's not just about that.
01:07:14Okay, well, what's it about?
01:07:18I know you're my older brother.
01:07:20But I'm married now.
01:07:24So I'm not your punching bag anymore.
01:07:28Now that you're married, you think you're better than me.
01:07:32Is that what I'm saying?
01:07:34Yeah, yeah, it is.
01:07:36You've got all this attention.
01:07:37And actually, I'm the only one keeping you in check.
01:07:39Well, I don't want you to do that anymore.
01:07:41I'll do what I want.
01:07:44What are you going to do about it?
01:07:53You know.
01:07:55Well, this is stupid.
01:07:57Get out.
01:07:59No, we're not going.
01:08:01No, I said get out!
01:08:08How can you do this to me?
01:08:10You started this.
01:08:12No, you started this.
01:08:14Because you got married before me.
01:08:16Now everyone says that I'm a loser.
01:08:22Because I don't have it all figured out.
01:08:25Like Mr. Golden Boy.
01:08:29Look, I'm not better than you.
01:08:33Just luckier.
01:08:39So even God likes you better.
01:08:43Are people really saying all that?
01:08:45Or are you just saying that yourself?
01:08:56Your day will come, bro.
01:09:08You need a minute?
01:09:29What will you say?
01:09:31Trust me.
01:09:33But he doesn't trust you.
01:09:35That's the problem.
01:09:37I need you to trust me.
01:09:52We need to talk.
01:09:55I will speak with my daughter.
01:09:58No, sir.
01:09:59You'll not.
01:10:07It's not going to be obvious.
01:10:09I know we haven't had a chance to get to know each other.
01:10:11But I want to reassure you.
01:10:13I'm going to treat Mary well.
01:10:15I hear words.
01:10:17But I see actions.
01:10:19You attack people.
01:10:21You try to steal money and run.
01:10:23That's not true.
01:10:25Things happen tonight.
01:10:27And I can see why you'd be worried.
01:10:29But it's not true.
01:10:31You think I'm wrong?
01:10:33You think the problem is me?
01:10:35Yes, sir.
01:10:37You want to have your way with my daughter?
01:10:39I think there's no need to fight.
01:10:41We're on the same team.
01:10:43Yeah, again, words.
01:10:45What about actions?
01:10:47What have I done to make you so suspicious of me?
01:10:49Let's talk about what you haven't done.
01:10:51You never talk to me.
01:10:53You snuck around and wooed my daughter behind my back.
01:10:55There was never a chance to talk to you.
01:10:57Yeah, right, because you're so busy with the army.
01:10:59I asked Mary a hundred times,
01:11:01when do I get to talk to this guy?
01:11:03But it's always he's busy.
01:11:05And then you propose without even asking for my blessing.
01:11:07Our engagement was spontaneous,
01:11:09but then I wrote you that letter.
01:11:11Letter? What letter?
01:11:13The letter asking for your blessing.
01:11:15I think I would have remembered a letter like that.
01:11:18I never got any letter from him, sweetie.
01:11:20Don't you let him fool you with his eyes.
01:11:23You were afraid I'd learn about you, weren't you?
01:11:25You knew I'd find out you're not who everyone thinks you are.
01:11:27You're just another sex-crazed boy
01:11:29trying to take advantage of my sweet little girl.
01:11:31Well, you can't hide anymore.
01:11:33The light of truth has exposed you.
01:11:38You're right.
01:11:40I have been hiding something.
01:11:44I am...
01:11:47I'm an idiot.
01:11:49I've been hiding my stupidity.
01:11:53I didn't realize how important it was to talk to you,
01:11:55and I'm sorry.
01:11:59Will you forgive me?
01:12:08Daddy, he's lying.
01:12:10I knew it.
01:12:12He's not the one who's been hiding something.
01:12:15I am.
01:12:17You wanted to see him.
01:12:19I said, he's busy.
01:12:22He wanted to see you,
01:12:24and I said, he's busy.
01:12:28I'm sorry.
01:12:30I'm sorry.
01:12:32I'm sorry.
01:12:34I'm sorry.
01:12:35He's busy.
01:12:38He wrote you a letter,
01:12:40and I ripped it up.
01:12:44Every boy that ever wanted to date me,
01:12:46you scared away.
01:12:48The ones with bad intentions.
01:12:50All of them, Daddy.
01:12:52You scared them all away.
01:12:55When I met Nick,
01:12:57I loved him so much.
01:13:01Maybe I shouldn't have lied,
01:13:02but I couldn't stand the thought of losing him.
01:13:09So, you did think it was important to talk to me?
01:13:13That means you were lying just now.
01:13:15Because that's the kind of man he is.
01:13:18The kind that would do anything to protect me.
01:13:24You see,
01:13:27he's just like you.
01:13:32Why rush the wedding?
01:13:33Why not wait?
01:13:35I didn't want Mary to wonder what would happen when I came back.
01:13:39I wanted her to know that I'm hers forever.
01:13:48I'd like to be alone right now.
01:13:53I'm alright.
01:13:54Please, go.
01:14:21Hey, nobody's gonna scare me away, okay?
01:14:24Not your dad, not anyone.
01:14:26And I'm not going anywhere.
01:14:28Except to Afghanistan.
01:14:30You know what I mean?
01:14:38I'm gonna freshen up.
01:14:42Don't take too long.
01:14:43I'll be alright.
01:15:03I love you.
01:15:04I love you.
01:15:05I love you.
01:15:06I love you.
01:15:07I love you.
01:15:08I love you.
01:15:09I love you.
01:15:10I love you.
01:15:11I love you.
01:15:12I love you.
01:15:13I love you.
01:15:14I love you.
01:15:15I love you.
01:15:16I love you.
01:15:17I love you.
01:15:18I love you.
01:15:19I love you.
01:15:20I love you.
01:15:21I love you.
01:15:22I love you.
01:15:23I love you.
01:15:24I love you.
01:15:25I love you.
01:15:26I love you.
01:15:27I love you.
01:15:28I love you.
01:15:29I love you.
01:15:30I love you.
01:15:31I love you.
01:15:32I love you.
01:15:33I love you.
01:15:34I love you.
01:15:35I love you.
01:15:36I love you.
01:15:37I love you.
01:15:38I love you.
01:15:39I love you.
01:15:40I love you.
01:15:41I love you.
01:15:42I love you.
01:15:43I love you.
01:15:44I love you.
01:15:45I love you.
01:15:46I love you.
01:15:47I love you.
01:15:48I love you.
01:15:49I love you.
01:15:50I love you.
01:15:51I love you.
01:15:52I love you.
01:15:53I love you.
01:15:54I love you.
01:15:55I love you.
01:15:56I love you.
01:15:57I love you.
01:15:58I love you.
01:15:59I love you.
01:16:00I love you.
01:16:01I love you.
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01:16:06I love you.
01:16:07I love you.
01:16:08I love you.
01:16:09I love you.
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01:16:12I love you.
01:16:13I love you.
01:16:14I love you.
01:16:15I love you.
01:16:16I love you.
01:16:17I love you.
01:16:18I love you.
01:16:19I love you.
01:16:20I love you.
01:16:21I love you.
01:16:22I love you.
01:16:23I love you.
01:16:24I love you.
01:16:25I love you.
01:16:26I love you.
01:16:27I love you.
01:16:28I love you.
01:16:59I love you.
01:17:00I love you.
01:17:01I love you.
01:17:02I love you.
01:17:03I love you.
01:17:04I love you.
01:17:05I love you.
01:17:06I love you.
01:17:07I love you.
01:17:08I love you.
01:17:09I love you.
01:17:10I love you.
01:17:11I love you.
01:17:12I love you.
01:17:13I love you.
01:17:14I love you.
01:17:15I love you.
01:17:16I love you.
01:17:17I love you.
01:17:18I love you.
01:17:19I love you.
01:17:20I love you.
01:17:21I love you.
01:17:22I love you.
01:17:23I love you.
01:17:24I love you.
01:17:25I love you.
01:17:26I love you.
01:17:27I love you.
01:17:28I love you.
01:17:29I love you.
01:17:30I love you.
01:17:31I love you.
01:17:32I love you.
01:17:33I love you.
01:17:38I spent some time in prayer.
01:17:39Yeah, we know.
01:17:42And I want to say that this marriage has my blessing.
01:17:49Thank you, sir.
01:17:54I'll be in the car.
01:17:56Daddy, I love you.
01:18:02I love you too, Mary.
01:18:13Well, I...
01:18:15Wait. Before you say anything, I have to apologize.
01:18:21For what?
01:18:23You were right.
01:18:26If we had a limo or the woods...
01:18:32Okay, it's not your fault.
01:18:35Mary, it was God's will.
01:18:40You really think so?
01:18:45Why would He do that?
01:18:48I don't know, but I have an idea.
01:18:52Maybe you wanted me to learn that you're the most amazing woman on the planet.
01:18:58That if you can handle last night, you can handle anything.
01:19:03And when I get back, I get to spend the rest of my life with you.
01:19:09Now that's something worth waiting for.
01:19:22Liam, what are you doing here?
01:19:25Well, you did not get the chance to say a proper goodbye last night.
01:19:29So I thought I'd catch you here.
01:19:31Well, you caught us.
01:19:33I happened to see you passing by on the way. I was leaving the church with some others.
01:19:37I take it you did not do what you'd hoped to do?
01:19:42Aye. Sometimes the timing of things is not what we expected.
01:19:46Well, thanks for coming to see us, Liam.
01:19:49Good luck out there.
01:19:50Wait! Before you go, I wanted to thank you for helping me last night.
01:19:55So I made you something.
01:19:57Don't you worry, it doesn't piss.
01:20:00It's pipes.
01:20:05Something to remember me by.
01:20:11I'm sorry.
01:20:13I'm sorry.
01:20:28Well, I have to go.
01:20:39Morning, Nick.
01:20:41Morning, sir.
01:20:42Ready for war?
01:20:47Yes, sir.
01:20:48Well, you're going to have to wait.
01:20:51We're delayed until tomorrow.
01:20:53We have to re-inspect the transport planes.
01:20:56Apparently they're missing some pipes.
01:21:00Permission to leave my post and come back tomorrow, sir.
01:21:03Well, there's still work to do.
01:21:08They can wait.
01:21:12They can wait.
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