• last year
00:00So in Hebrews 10, for the law having a shadow of good things.
00:11This keeps coming up about a shadow and just, you know, a shadow is not the true person.
00:18So a person casts a shadow, it's something to show what's coming.
00:24So if you're walking down the street, your shadow may be in front of you.
00:28That's what it's talking about is the things that they did in the Old Testament were the
00:33shadow of the good things to come.
00:35What is that?
00:36It's talking about Jesus Christ.
00:38And not the very image of the things can never with those sacrifices which they offered year
00:45by year continually make the comers there unto perfect.
00:50So what he's saying is not the fact that they came every year to sacrifice an animal to
00:58make themselves perfect.
00:59Now we're not talking about sinless, we're talking about their sins being washed away.
01:04Look at verse 2, for then will they have not ceased to be offered, because that the worshippers
01:13once purged should have no more conscience of sin, but in those sacrifices there is a
01:19remembrance again made of sins every year.
01:22So what the Bible is saying here is when they came every year, it's not that they came every
01:27year and they didn't have any remembrance of the sin, because they did.
01:33Because every year what they had to do, they had to go back and do it every year at a certain
01:39So what it's saying is if this had worked, eventually they wouldn't have had to keep
01:46doing it.
01:48That's what it's trying to say.
01:49Keep your finger there and go to Psalms 40.
01:54Well, you go to Psalms 40, because the next part is where this is coming from.
02:03Stay in Hebrews 10, but keep your finger in Psalms 40, we're going to go right over there.
02:07But in those sacrifices there is a remembrance again made of sins every year.
02:12So he's saying those sacrifices, when they did it, they remembered them every year.
02:19It is not possible, not possible that a blood of bull and of goat should take away sins.
02:28So at no point ever was God thinking, alright, you go out there and you grab your goat, you
02:36grab your bull, you grab your whatever animal, and you sacrifice a lamb.
02:40At no time is he saying, hey, this is good enough to cover their sins.
02:44At no time was it ever decided that.
02:48But we're going to see in the future, guess what?
02:51The Antichrist, he's going to give the Jews their building back and they're going to sacrifice
02:57animals again.
03:00But the Bible makes it clear, it was never, ever the idea.
03:04God never said, hey, we're going to have you sacrificing animals.
03:07What God's thinking when he tells them that is his son Jesus Christ.
03:11That's what he's thinking.
03:14Therefore, when he cometh unto the world, he says, sacrifice an offering thou wouldst
03:21not, but a body, I'm not talking about a body of a goat and a body of a bull or a lamb,
03:27I'm talking about the body of Christ, Jesus Christ himself, hast thou prepared me in burnt
03:32offerings and sacrifices, for sin thou hast no pleasure.
03:37Then said I, lo, I come in the volume of the book, it is written of me to do thy will,
03:42O God.
03:43Let's look at Psalm 40.
03:44I wrote it in my notes at the wrong spot.
03:51This is being quoted, I told you, Hebrews is quoting Psalms a lot.
03:58Look at Psalm 40 verse 6, we just saw this, sacrifice an offering thou didst not desire,
04:11mine ears hast thou opened, burnt offering, and sin hast thou not required.
04:20Then said I, lo, I come in the volume of the book, it is written of me, I delight to do
04:25thy will, O my God, yea, thy law is within my heart.
04:31Go back to Hebrews 10, he takes away the first, he said, lo, I will come to do thy will, God.
04:39He takes away the first that he may establish the second.
04:43Again, we're talking about the first covenant that he may establish the second.
04:51So I heard somebody at one point in time talk about Jesus being a plan B. He was never the
04:59plan B. He was always the plan A. It's not like God said, all right, you Jews, you Hebrews,
05:05y'all screwed up, you messed up, now I'm going to have to send my son down here to
05:09fix things.
05:10No, that's what it's saying.
05:12He take away the first to establish the second, and no time did it take God for surprise,
05:20Jesus was always the plan.
05:23Now it may seem that way in our human mind, but that's not what it is talking about.
05:28It's talking about Jesus was the second.
05:32The first covenant, the first testament, was replaced by the second.
05:40People don't like to hear that, but that's what it is, and it's not any kind of nation.
05:44It's not Africa or Russia or the United States.
05:47The second is any believer, all the way back from Genesis to the end in Revelation 22,
05:56this is the second that is replaced the first.
06:02Verse 10, by the witch will we are sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus
06:14Christ once for all.
06:15So again, we're talking about the body, we see in verse 5 it talks about, but a body.
06:20Now we get a little bit more evidence, it's talking about the body of Christ, it's not
06:23talking about a body of a goat, body of anything, once.
06:29Now they keep, this chapter and the last chapter keeps hammering the fact that the priest had
06:35to go every year, he had to go into the temple every year, but what is keep hammering is
06:43that Jesus Christ did it once, for all, for all mankind, even for the people who hate
06:50Jesus, he did it for all.
06:54Verse 11, and every priest a standeth daily ministering and offering oftentimes the same
07:02sacrifices which can never take away sins, underlined in your Bible, which can never
07:09take away sins.
07:11You got Aaron, you got all these priests, they're standing in there doing all these
07:15sacrifices because God told them to do it, but it was never meant to take away sins at
07:23no point in time.
07:26But this man, what man, Jesus Christ, after he had offered one sacrifice for sins, forever
07:32sat down at the right hand of God.
07:36So even though these priests every year did this offering for themselves to cleanse themselves
07:44and then for all the people and then took the blood and sprinkled it on the book and
07:47the people, that was never going to take away their sins.
07:53But this man, Jesus Christ, when he offered one sacrifice for sins forever, now he's seated
07:59at the right hand of God.
08:01From henceforth, expecting to his enemies be made his footstool.
08:10For by one offering he hath perfected forever them that are sanctified, whereof the Holy
08:16Ghost also is a witness to us.
08:19For after that he had said before, this is the covenant that I will make with them after
08:25those days, saith the Lord, I will put my laws in their hearts and in their minds will
08:30I write them, and their sins and iniquities will I remember no more.
08:34For where remission of these is, there is no more offering for sin.
08:39So first I want you to keep your finger there and I want you to go to Psalm 110.
08:43Psalm 110, again we see the book of Psalms being quoted from the book of Hebrews.
09:01Psalm 110, it's quite a short chapter, look at verse 1, the Lord said unto my Lord, now
09:07I want you to look at the spelling of Lord, it's capital L, capital R, capital D, which
09:14means Jehovah, right?
09:16We talked about that, it's the name Jehovah, it's God Almighty, it's the Lord Jesus Christ
09:20said unto my Lord, capital L, little o, little r, little d.
09:27Now I don't know about your Bible, but I have to look at the d to tell if it's capitalized
09:30because the o, I mean I have to look at the r and the d because the o is so big in the
09:36capital L.
09:37So what is he saying?
09:39The Lord said unto my boss.
09:43So who are we talking about?
09:44God the Father is talking to Jesus Christ.
09:48Sit thou at my right hand, we just saw what Jesus said at the right hand of the Father.
09:53Now he's not talking to David, you know a lot of people like to apply Psalms to David
10:00and some of it is from David, but David's the one that wrote it, but a lot of it's about
10:05Jesus Christ like Psalm 66.
10:10The Lord shall send the rod of thy strength out of Zion, rule thou in the midst of thine
10:18Thy people shall be willing in the day of thy power and the beauties of the morning
10:23thou hast to do with thy youth.
10:25The Lord has sworn and he will not repent, means that he will not change his mind, it
10:31has nothing to do with sin, he shall not change his mind.
10:34Thou art a priest forever after the order of Matthew's day.
10:38We talked about that a couple of weeks ago when we were talking about the order of Matthew's
10:42The Lord at the right hand shall strike through kings in the day of his wrath.
10:48He shall judge among the heathen.
10:50He shall fill the places with the dead bodies.
10:52He shall wound the heads over many countries.
10:55He shall drink of the brook and the wade, therefore shall he lift up the heart.
11:00I mean lift up the head, I'm sorry.
11:04So when is this going to happen?
11:06Well when I think about, now go to Isaiah 66, when I think about Jesus using the earth
11:16as his footstool, what does that mean?
11:19Well when people think they're so great and you know you got Calvinists, they think that
11:25they deserve to be saved.
11:27Think about this, the Lord destroyed this whole earth, every breathing living animal
11:34except eight people in about 40-50 days.
11:40It rained, it was probably quicker than that, but that's how long it rained was for 40 days
11:46and 40 nights.
11:49So when you take that into context and people think they're so great and they're so good,
11:55the Lord is using the earth as his footstool.
11:58So if you think about sitting there in front of the TV, sitting in a chair with your foot
12:03propped up on an ottoman or a footstool, that's what the Lord's doing to the earth.
12:09That's the idea.
12:11But he's going to, he's just kind of sitting back waiting.
12:15That's what I mean, you know, he's just kind of sitting back waiting.
12:18But eventually when the world is turned over to him, when he rules and reigns, he's going
12:24to rule and reign with the rod of iron and break things into pieces.
12:31That's what it's talking about in verse 5, 6, and 7, that he's going to strike through
12:35kings in a day of his wrath.
12:37This is the day that we're talking about is the day of Gog and Magog.
12:41Again, I've got this guy, he talks about Gog and Magog, he's talking about all the people
12:47gathering up against God's chosen people over there and I just have to turn it off sometimes.
12:53I like the information he's talking about because he's giving good information, but
12:57I just want to put it in the comments, hey man, if you've never read the book of Galatians,
13:02shut your mouth because you're confusing people because if you don't have the son, you don't
13:06have the father and the Jews don't have that.
13:09But the Gog and Magog is a thousand years away, okay, and that's what it's talking about
13:15is that God is going to allow these countries, and nobody knows who's Gog and Magog, let's
13:21say it's Turkey, some people say it's Israel, some people say it's Russia, this, and I'm
13:27thinking where are you getting this from?
13:30Do a Bible search and find the word Russia.
13:33Do a Bible search and do the word Gog and Magog, you'll find it three places.
13:37You'll find it in Genesis, where he's giving you a lineage of who Gog and Magog are because
13:43they're people, and then you'll find it in Ezekiel 38, which is the foreshadowing, Ezekiel's
13:50talking about what's going to happen in Revelation 20.
13:54That's the only time you see it.
13:55I mean, you'd think it was in there 150 times, but this is what it's talking about is when
14:01God is going to allow everybody think they can beat the Lord, and he's going to gather
14:06them up, just like he is at the Battle of Armageddon, they're going to think they can
14:10beat the Lord, and they're going to try to go up against him, but he's going to beat
14:16them down with a rod of iron.
14:18Where are we at, in Isaiah 66, you know anything about the book of Isaiah, there's 66 chapters,
14:29well some people say it's like a mini version of the Bible.
14:33So if we're in Isaiah 66, guess what, it's like Revelation, right?
14:38And if you look at it, there are, when you start in Isaiah 1, you'll see where it's talking
14:42about creation and things like that.
14:44So there are some similarities, I'm not saying it's work book for book, but when you get
14:50through the first couple chapters in Isaiah, they do kind of coincide with the way the
14:57Bible was written.
14:59And then obviously in Revelation, it kind of does.
15:02Look at Isaiah 66, one, thus said the Lord, the heaven is my throne.
15:08So he's sitting in heaven, we know that, and the earth is my footstool.
15:12So just like you're sitting in your lazy boy with your feet kicked up, the Lord's sitting
15:16in heaven with his feet kicked up, and he's using this earth right here.
15:20Where is the house that you build unto me, and where is the place of my rest?
15:25So he's telling them, hey you think it's so great that you're building me a house, I don't
15:30need a house.
15:31You know, that's pretty much what he told David, I don't really need a house.
15:34You know, why do you think I need a house, he was doing it out of respect for the Lord,
15:39he didn't really need a house.
15:41Now I go to Jeremiah 31, one book over from Isaiah, because this is where this is quoted,
15:52this comes out of Jeremiah 31, Jeremiah 31, 31, again this is talking about making the
16:08This is talking about the foreshadowing of the covenant.
16:11Behold the days come, sayeth the Lord that I will make a new covenant with the house
16:20of Israel and with the house of Judah.
16:25So you got to remember that at Solomon's time, right after his reign, you got the nation
16:30of Israel, the northern nation, the nation of Judah, the southern nation, and he's saying
16:35look, I'm not casting them away, you got to understand the nation of Israel, the northern
16:40nation was more wicked than the nation of Judah, but these, God is still telling them
16:46in Jeremiah, I'm going to make a new covenant.
16:49What does it talk, look at verse 32, not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers,
16:55not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers.
17:01Who's that, Abraham?
17:04So that covenant, when people say, well they deserve that land over there, not according
17:08to the covenant that I made with their fathers in the day that I took them by the hand to
17:13bring them out of the land of Egypt, which my covenant they break.
17:18Folks, this is an important verse, you won't hear many preachers talk about this, why is
17:25he saying the covenant is no good, because they broke it, they broke the covenant, although
17:31I was a husband unto them, said the Lord, but this shall be the covenant that I will
17:36make with the house of Israel after those days, said the Lord.
17:40He's saying after these days, what's the covenant, Jesus Christ, this is the covenant he's talking
17:45about, I will put my law in their inward parts and write it in their hearts and will be their
17:51God and they shall be my people.
17:54Now what is he talking about, is he saying he's automatically going to do that, no, because
17:59if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in thine heart that God
18:04raised him from the dead, if you shall believe that the death, burial and resurrection is
18:08your way to heaven, guess what, he's going to put his law in your inward parts.
18:14When you hear the Bible, you're going to say that's God's law, he's going to write it in
18:18your hearts and you will be his God, he will be your God and you will be his people.
18:27Not them Christ-rejecting morons over there that are killing babies and women, that's
18:32not who he's talking about.
18:35That's what he's talking about is the moment that somebody confesses with their mouth,
18:38if the house of Israel did that, if Benjamin Netanyahu did that, he would have the inward
18:45parts, he would write in his heart and he would have the God of the Bible, the Lord
18:50Jesus Christ, and he would be their people, but he's not going to do that.
18:54And they shall teach no more, every man his neighbor.
18:56So when you read the Bible, you'll see that that's what they did.
19:02Family members, when they'd raise their kids, they'd say, here's the Lord, you've got to
19:06believe in the Lord, but you don't have to do that anymore, why?
19:10Because you've got the Holy Spirit, that's what he's talking about.
19:14We should teach our kids who the Lord is and we should get them saved, but what he's saying
19:18is the moment that you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus, not everybody has to keep
19:23telling their neighbor, hey, the Lord is this, the Lord is that, because if they believe
19:28in the Lord Jesus Christ, nobody has to show them.
19:31I'm making that clear.
19:33Know the Lord for they shall all know me from the least of them to the greatest of them,
19:38said the Lord, I will forgive their iniquity and I will remember their sin no more.
19:43So people will take this verse sometimes and they'll twist it and turn it and they'll say,
19:48God's going to allow the nation of Israel to get saved again, bull hockey.
19:56He's going to make them get saved.
19:57I've heard them say, when Jesus comes in the clouds, everybody's going to see his scars
20:03in his hands and these Jews are going to automatically believe on Christ.
20:07No, they're not.
20:08They're already going to have the mark of the beast, the majority of them, because it's
20:13a religion.
20:14It's not a race of people.
20:18They're not going to just automatically, there's nobody that's ever going to be made to believe
20:22on Christ.
20:23It don't happen, folks.
20:24It's free will.
20:25Go back to Hebrews 10, so that's what this is talking about.
20:30This is where this is coming from and look at verse 17, their sins and iniquities will
20:34I remember no more.
20:35Now, does that mean that you're not going to be punished for those sins?
20:38No, that is not what that means, but you know what?
20:41When you die, God's not going to say, hey, you remember when you've done this?
20:45Hey, you remember when you were drinking alcohol?
20:47You remember when you was doing this?
20:48I remember that.
20:49Let's see a video of that.
20:51That's what it's talking about.
20:52He will not remember them.
20:53It's not going to be to your charge anymore.
20:58Verse 19, just know that the word remit is the same words that we would say.
21:04You got a cell phone.
21:05You got a computer.
21:06Delete, delete.
21:07So Jesus Christ, the moment you believe on him, he deletes your sins.
21:13Again, doesn't mean that you're not going to answer for him.
21:16You're just not going to answer for him in heaven.
21:19Having therefore brethren boldness to enter into the holiest of the blood of Jesus.
21:24So again, we're talking about the holy of holies that the high priest would go in there
21:28one time.
21:29He said, because of Jesus Christ, we had the boldness now that we can enter into there
21:36because we have what?
21:38This meet by new and living way, which he has consecrated for us through the veil.
21:44That is to say his flesh.
21:45I was going to have you turn to the book of Mark, but we read that last week that where
21:52the veil was ripped, they're talking about his flesh.
21:56That's the representation that his flesh was ripped and torn for us.
22:00He said, well, how did that happen?
22:02Well, when I took a cat of nine tails and they whipped him for so many times, it's got
22:08pieces of bone and glass and shards of things in it.
22:11And when it would hit the body and they would pull it out, it would rip his flesh.
22:16And that's what happened.
22:17So Jesus's flesh being ripped is a representation of that veil between the holy of holies and
22:23the regular area to be ripped into having a high priest over the house of God.
22:31Let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled
22:36from an evil conscience and our bodies washed with pure water.
22:41So we see he's using the excuse me, a correlation of what they did in the Old Testament.
22:48They took the blood and they sprinkled it on the people and then they washed it with
22:53That's what he's telling us.
22:54It's not has anything to do with being baptized.
22:57People like to use this verse anytime someone being washed with water about, you know, you
23:03got to be baptized to be saved.
23:05That's not true.
23:06But it's talking about that once they did that, they did have to wash themselves with
23:11Let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering.
23:18For he is faithful that promise.
23:21So what does wavering mean?
23:22I think about somebody being in a boat and waves tossing them around, not being in one
23:29That's what wavering is.
23:30Somebody says, hey, yeah, I remember this lady one time, she said, yeah, I believe in
23:38And she said, I'm just trying to make sure I cover all my bases.
23:42I believe in Jesus.
23:43I've been to a Jehovah's Witness, blah, blah, this, you know, just all these different places.
23:51And I'm thinking, why?
23:52She said, I'm just trying to make sure that I'm covering my bases.
23:56Folks, that's not what it's talking about.
23:57That's wavering.
23:58You know why?
24:00Because he is faithful and he promises that if we believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, one
24:06day he will redeem our body into heaven.
24:12Verse 24.
24:13And let us consider one another to provoke and to love and to good works, not forsaken
24:18assembling of ourselves together as the manner of some is, but exhorting one another and
24:24so much the more as you see the day approaching.
24:27So something I've learned throughout the years and in my own life is that when you come to
24:33church, you are provoking others to come too.
24:37And look, I understand people have stuff to do, things happen, but the Bible is telling
24:43us here that you are encouraging one another.
24:48So you know, husband and wife may encourage another one, somebody else, you know, I remember
24:54years ago when I wasn't going to church that much and, you know, my wife would say, hey,
24:59I'm sick.
25:00I'd say, hey, well, I need to stay home and take care of the kids or something.
25:04I ain't taking care of no kids, I just didn't want to go to church that Sunday, okay?
25:09But I'm not saying that she done anything wrong.
25:12I should have said, you know, hey, I'll take the kids to church, whatever.
25:17But that's what it's talking about is sometimes it's a cancerous thing when we say, hey, so
25:23and so's not going to church on Sunday, then I'm not going to go either.
25:29My foot hurts.
25:30You know, it seems like Sunday and Wednesday, sometimes we just have these ailments that
25:34just come up and then right after church, they're gone.
25:37I know I used to have them.
25:40And so much the more, so much the more.
25:43So what day is he talking about?
25:45The day that we need to continue going to church, which is right now.
25:51And then look, the next verse, I don't think it's by any coincidental that the next verse
25:56for if we sin willfully, after that we have received the knowledge of the truth, there
26:01remain is no more sacrifice for sins.
26:04And again, this is not saying that if you go out there and say, well, I know this is
26:08a sin.
26:09I'm going to do it anyway, that God doesn't forgive you.
26:12Don't don't make that stupid mistake.
26:14But what it is saying that God is not going to forgive you as far as going to heaven or
26:21hell, but you're going to get a worse punishment that you can't say, well, I didn't know, because
26:29there is in the Bible, it talks about in the Old Testament, and that's in number 15, verse
26:3329 to 31.
26:34We don't have time to go there.
26:36So it talks about if a man sins unknowingly, that the punishment is going to be less.
26:45And a lot of people have this idea, well, I just won't go to church, won't read the
26:48Bible, and then I won't know what the thing now God's not going to accept that because
26:51you've got the written word and you've got it available, especially people in the United
26:56You're not going to have any leg to stand on to say that.
27:00But a certain fearful looking for of judgment and firing the nation, which shall devour
27:06the adversaries.
27:08He that despised Moses law died without mercy under two or three witnesses.
27:13So what is it saying?
27:15Whenever they broke the law of Moses, which came from God, then they died under two or
27:22three witnesses.
27:23That's what they said they had to do.
27:25If it was a crime that was unto death, rape, murder, something like that, then they had
27:32to have two or three witnesses.
27:33They can't just say, well, one guy saw him do it, that wasn't good enough.
27:38Look at verse 29, of how much sore punishment, suppose ye, shall he be thought worthy who
27:46hath trodden under the foot, the son of God and has counted the blood of the covenant,
27:52wherewith he was sanctified an unholy thing, which means common, and hath done despite
28:00unto the spirit of grace.
28:03So let's break this question down.
28:05He's talking about people willfully sin and that there's no more sacrifice.
28:11Not again, not talking about that if you go out there and commit adultery, that God's
28:15not going to forgive you.
28:16That's not what it's talking about.
28:18What it is saying is if you know it's wrong and you go out there and do it, you're going
28:21to get a worse punishment.
28:22But I want you to think about verse 29, and I've sat there and thought about this for
28:29a couple of weeks when I've read this, and this is going to hit you hard.
28:34The next time that you say, well, I know this is against God's law, I know I shouldn't do
28:40this, but I'm going to do it anyway, it's just like you going and tromping your feet
28:47all over Jesus Christ's blood.
28:50It's kind of like if somebody gave you a gift and said, here's a gift, and you went
28:54out there and stepped on it.
28:57So I want you to think about that the next time, and I'm talking about myself too because
29:01we all do things and we pretty much as the older you get, you know if it's right or wrong.
29:06But I want you to think about that.
29:08It's like you don't respect the blood of Christ and you're stepping all over it.
29:14Verse 30, For we know him that has said, Vengeance belongeth unto me, I will recompense,
29:22said the Lord, and again the Lord shall judge his people.
29:25It is a fearful thing to fall in the hands of the living God.
29:32I want you to go to Romans 12, keep your finger there and go to Romans 12, it's a fearful
29:39thing to fall in the hands of the living God.
29:46And there's these two verses, if you combine these two verses and know that number one,
29:57that it's fearful, that God is going to recompense, the punishment that he gives people is so
30:05much worse than what you could ever do to them.
30:08You know somebody cuts you off in traffic, you ride up beside them giving them a finger,
30:12you know somebody does something wrong to you, that's probably a bad example, but somebody
30:17does something wrong to you, they take money from you or something and you decide to go
30:21to court or whatever, God can handle it so much greater than you ever can.
30:26Look at Romans 12 verse 14, Bless them which persecute you, bless and curse not, now that's
30:35pretty tough.
30:37So anybody who persecutes you, and we'll probably see that pretty soon in life, you're supposed
30:42to bless them and not curse them, you're not supposed to curse that person.
30:47Rejoice with them that do rejoice and weep with them that weep.
30:50So when you have somebody that's, hey guess what, I just got a raise, you know we should
30:56rejoice with that person.
30:57I say, I had a guy, he don't deserve a raise, whoever gave him a raise is an idiot.
31:02No we should rejoice with them and then when they're sad, when somebody loses a loved one
31:05or something, we should weep with them.
31:07Be of the same mind, one toward another, mind not high things, but can condescend to men
31:12of low estate.
31:14Be not wise in your own conceits, recompense to no man evil for evil, provide things honest
31:20in the sight of all men.
31:22Now this verse 17, it resonates in my mind all the time.
31:29So what does that mean?
31:30Well he done it to me, I'm going to do it to him.
31:33Here's your verse that tells you that two evils don't make a right, two wrongs ain't
31:39make a right.
31:40That's what it's saying.
31:41Well he did that to me, so I'm going to do this.
31:45That he deserves that, you know.
31:49If it be possible as much as life in you to live peaceably with all men, dearly beloved
31:53avenge not yourselves.
31:55So right after that he says, don't take it in your own hands, but rather give place in
32:02a wrath.
32:03Because he's saying if you do that, you're going to give place for the devil when you
32:08get mad.
32:09For it is written, vengeance is mine, I will repay saith the Lord.
32:15Therefore, what's that therefore?
32:17If thine enemy hungry, he's trying to explain, if your enemy, the person that's mad at you
32:23and they're your personal enemy, if they're hungry, feed them, if they're thirsty, go
32:31bring them a drink, bring them a glass of water.
32:35For in doing so, what are you doing?
32:38It's like you're taking heaps of coal and putting it on top of their head.
32:41Now I've never had heaps of coal on top of my head, a fire, but I'm adding it, it's bad.
32:48Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good.
32:51What's it saying?
32:53Don't recompense evil with evil.
32:55Don't say, well you did this, I'm going to do this.
32:58Or going a step further and try to beat somebody up with something, well he did this, so I'm
33:05going to do this.
33:06No, what it's saying is that you should do it with good.
33:10Because let's say the person says, I ain't worried about that drink, I don't care if
33:16you offer them something to eat, I don't care about that.
33:18But you know what?
33:19That person may become your friend.
33:23You never know.
33:24They may not.
33:25They may not appreciate it.
33:26We're talking about your personal enemy.
33:28They may be your enemy because everybody else may treat them bad.
33:32You never know.
33:33But the two things I want you to get out of this is one, don't recompense evil to evil.
33:41And when something goes wrong, this is the hard part, then this is mine, says the Lord.
33:46It means that you don't take it into your own hands.
33:50That's the hard part.
33:51But if we can remember that, life would be so much easier.
33:57And that what?
33:58It's going to be a fearful thing for people to fall into the hands of the living God.
34:03Verse 32.
34:04We've got to roll through this.
34:07But call to remembrance the former days in which you were illuminated, you endured a
34:12great fight of afflictions.
34:17So what he's saying is the day that you were illuminated, the day that you were saved and
34:21you understood about salvation, you know, you'd had a bunch of problems, afflictions.
34:26Partly once you were made a gazing stock.
34:30What is a gazing stock?
34:31Well, gazing means looking at, means a spectacle.
34:34People were looking at you and trying to say, hey, why are you doing that?
34:38Reproaching you.
34:39What are they doing?
34:40They're talking about your afflictions, causing tribulation.
34:45Partly once you became companions of them that were so used, for you had compassion
34:51on me and my bonds.
34:52What is he talking about?
34:53The times that Paul was in prison.
34:57He was in chains.
34:58And so joyfully the spoiling of your goods, knowing in yourselves that you have in heaven
35:04a better and enduring substance.
35:05He's saying that you gave him things to help him, money, food, whatever, took it to the
35:15Knowing that you had a better and enduring substance, talking about the rewards in heaven.
35:20Cast not away, therefore, your confidence, which you have a great recompense, a reward,
35:25talking about rewards in heaven, for you have need of patience that after you have done
35:31the will of God, you might receive the promise.
35:35For yet a little while, and he that shall come will come and will not tarry.
35:40Talking about Jesus Christ.
35:43Now the judge shall live by faith, but if any man draw back, my soul shall have no pleasure
35:50in him.
35:51So we're going to talk about that next week.
35:53The whole next chapter is called the faith chapter.
35:57It's nothing but the people in the Old Testament who showed faith.
36:03But if any man draw back, what is he talking about?
36:05I think, I believe this is talking about people who are backslidden, because the next verse
36:12says, he said, my soul shall have no pleasure in it.
36:15So when somebody backslides, you know, we have this tendency sometimes to want to talk
36:21about people.
36:22I've known people in my life, they would be talking, yep, yep, yep, yep, yep, back and
36:28Hey, did you see so-and-so?
36:29They did this, you did so-and-so.
36:31And then when you would call them on it, and you'd say, hey, what are you doing?
36:34Sound like you're gosping.
36:36They'd say, no, I'm telling so-and-so to be praying.
36:39That's not necessary, folks.
36:40All you got to do, you know, there's sometimes you just don't need to tell people, people,
36:46other people's business.
36:47They don't care about that.
36:49But I don't know if you know this, but God's smart enough that if you said, hey, pray for
36:53Fred, you don't have to know what, what you got to pray for Fred.
36:59Did you know that if you say, Lord, I don't know what it is, but somebody told me to pray
37:03for Fred.
37:04God knows.
37:05I mean, he's pretty smart.
37:07He kind of created everything on this earth.
37:10But sometimes I've seen people have an occasion to talk about other people when they fall.
37:19And what he's talking about is when people fall back, we should not have pleasure in
37:26We shouldn't say, uh-huh, yeah, that man up on top of the pedestal, he fell.
37:30Folks, I've seen it.
37:31I've seen people talk about it.
37:33The mighty falls.
37:34How far the mighty fall.
37:36Folks, just understand we're all sinners.
37:39You're a sinner, I'm a sinner, and we're going to fall at some point in time.
37:44But the point is, is that we all should get back up.
37:50But we're not of them who draw back into perdition, but of them that believe to the saving of
37:56the soul.
37:57So he's saying, look, we're not the same people who draw back.
38:00We shouldn't be.
38:02We should be the people who say, hey, I'm not going to fall in that trap.
38:06I'm going to do what the Lord says, and I'm going to do what he tells me to.
38:09Let's bow our heads and have a word of prayer.
38:12Dear Lord, we just thank you for your word.
38:14We thank you for everything you give us.
38:16We thank you for the book.