• last year
00:00:00So, last week, if you weren't here, we talked about Jesus being the Son of God.
00:00:06Well, this week, we're going to talk about Jesus according to the Talmud, the Talmud.
00:00:14So, what's the Talmud?
00:00:16Well, it's not the Torah.
00:00:18The Torah is the first five books, what they call the Book of Moses, the Mosaic Law,
00:00:24which is Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy, or Levitical Law.
00:00:29And most Christians will tell you that, well, the Jews, I'm going to use the word Jews,
00:00:35because that's what most people say, or Israel, that they don't believe in the New Testament,
00:00:41but they do believe in the first books of Moses.
00:00:44They believe in the Old Testament.
00:00:46They have the Old Testament. They go by the Old Testament.
00:00:48They don't go by the New Testament.
00:00:50Well, I'm just going to show you, and you probably already know part of this, that that's not true.
00:00:54What they do go by is what's called the Talmud, or it's also known as the Babylonian Talmud.
00:01:00Well, Babylonian, nothing ever good has come from Babylon.
00:01:05In fact, we know that that is where God destroyed the city.
00:01:09We know that the city, in the end times, God's going to refer to it as Babylon,
00:01:15whether it's the United States or whatever in Revelation 18.
00:01:21So we know that nothing comes from Babylon that is good.
00:01:24We know it's mostly mythical, mystery, type of magical type stuff that's of the devil.
00:01:33But let me just tell you what Wikipedia says about the Talmud.
00:01:37It says, after the Hebrew Bible, the central text of Judaism,
00:01:43where they say that the Hebrew Bible is part of the central text, but then the Talmud is the next,
00:01:49and the primary source of Jewish religious law and Jewish theology.
00:01:56So what is it saying?
00:01:57The Talmud and the Hebrew Bible, whatever that is, probably the Bible that we have,
00:02:02but twisted in a little couple ways, I'm going to show you that,
00:02:05that it is the source of all the religious law and the theology.
00:02:11Everything they believe is based off of this Talmud,
00:02:14which is over 33 volumes, sometimes 32, sometimes 33,
00:02:19volumes of just stuff that people put in there.
00:02:24It is the centerpiece.
00:02:26So if you think about a centerpiece, if you're sitting at a table at a dinner table
00:02:29and you have like that over there is a centerpiece, it's in the center that everybody can see,
00:02:33of Jewish cultural life and foundational to all Jewish thought and aspirations,
00:02:41serving also as the guide for the daily life of the Jew.
00:02:46So what does that mean?
00:02:47Do they believe in the Bible?
00:02:48No, they believe in the Talmud.
00:02:49That's what they understand.
00:02:51So let me just show you a couple of things.
00:02:53Go to 1 Timothy 1.
00:02:561 Timothy 1.
00:03:01So what would we call this that we're talking about?
00:03:03Well, it sounds like a bunch of hoopla, a bunch of fables or whatever.
00:03:09Well, that's what the Bible calls it.
00:03:11And isn't it interesting that the two books, 1 Timothy, 2 Timothy, or three books, Titus,
00:03:20the books that are designed for pastors, bishops, whatever you want to call them,
00:03:28they hammer this constantly.
00:03:30Look at 1 Timothy 1.1.
00:03:33This is Paul, who guess what?
00:03:35He was a Jew.
00:03:36He was of the nation of Israel.
00:03:40But guess what?
00:03:41He's telling Timothy, Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ, by the commandment of God, our
00:03:46Savior and Lord Jesus Christ, which is our hope, and to Timothy, my own son in the faith.
00:03:52Now, Paul didn't have any children, but he's saying he's his son in the faith because he
00:03:56got him saved.
00:03:57Grace, mercy, and peace from God, our Father, and Jesus Christ, our Lord.
00:04:01And I besought thee to abide still at Ephesus, when I went unto Macedonia, that thou mightest
00:04:08charge some that they teach no other doctrine, neither give heed to fables and endless genealogies,
00:04:18which minister questions rather than godly edifying, which in faith so do.
00:04:26Now the end of the commandment is charity out of a pure heart and out of a good conscience
00:04:31and a faith unfamed.
00:04:32What is unfamed?
00:04:33That means not faked, not fake faith, for which some having swerved have turned aside
00:04:41unto vain jangling.
00:04:42What is vain jangling?
00:04:44Well, you think about somebody just jangling their keys in their pocket or change.
00:04:49It's useless.
00:04:50What does it do?
00:04:51It just takes up time.
00:04:52It doesn't mean stuff for people to be seen of.
00:04:55Jangling is just, it has no purpose.
00:04:57There's no reason.
00:04:58Desiring to be teachers of law, understanding neither what they say nor whereof they affirm,
00:05:04but we know that law is good if a man use it lawfully.
00:05:08So what is the Bible saying?
00:05:09That there's people out there that are just teaching stuff and they don't have a clue.
00:05:15It's like the thing, it's like the idea of repenting of your sins.
00:05:19You nail somebody down to it and you say, hey, do you really think that you got to be
00:05:23good to get to heaven?
00:05:24Oh no, no, it's all through faith.
00:05:26Well, you just said you have to repent of your sins, so you got to stop sinning.
00:05:30No, nobody can stop sinning.
00:05:32They don't know what they're saying.
00:05:33They're just repeating garbage from other people.
00:05:36And this idea that the God's chosen people are Jews and they can go over there and they
00:05:41can blaspheme Jesus.
00:05:42They can spit on his name.
00:05:43They can do all this stuff and they're still going to go to heaven one day.
00:05:46It's just a bunch of hogwash and people who preach that and teach that, they don't know
00:05:50what they're talking about.
00:05:51They just don't understand the Bible.
00:05:53They're just repeating stuff.
00:05:54Go to 2 Timothy 4, 2 Timothy chapter 4, a couple pages over to the right.
00:06:05Look at 2 Timothy 4 verse 1.
00:06:08I charge you.
00:06:09Paul said, I'm trying to command you therefore before God and the Lord Jesus Christ.
00:06:15Notice that Paul, he always brings in the Trinity.
00:06:18It's not just God, the Father, it's the Lord Jesus Christ who shall judge the quick and
00:06:22the dead that is appearing in his kingdom.
00:06:24Preach the word in the instant in season out of season.
00:06:28Reprove, rebuke, exhort with all long suffering and doctrine.
00:06:32So what does that mean?
00:06:33Reprove and say, hey, you're wrong.
00:06:35What you're doing is wrong.
00:06:37The Bible says that.
00:06:38Rebuke is to tell somebody strongly you're doing wrong and this is the reason why.
00:06:45Exhort is to encourage somebody with all long suffering and doctrine for the time will come
00:06:51where they will not endure sound doctrine, but after their own lusts or desires, shall
00:06:56they heap to themselves, teachers have an itch in the ears and they shall turn away
00:07:02their ear from the truth and shall be turned unto fables.
00:07:06What is fables?
00:07:07It's just goofy stories that have no truth in them.
00:07:11Go to Titus one, probably on the next page over verse 13.
00:07:17Titus one verse 13.
00:07:19This, uh, this witness is true.
00:07:22Wherefore, rebuke them sharply.
00:07:24Again, he's telling them, tell them you are wrong.
00:07:28Here's the reason why that they may be sound in faith, not giving heed.
00:07:33Now it says to what Jewish fables and commandments of men that turn from the truth.
00:07:41Uh, turn to Titus three, one page over Titus three verse, uh, eight Titus three, eight.
00:07:53This is a faithful saying in these things.
00:07:55I will that they'll affirm constantly that they would have believed in God might be careful
00:08:03to maintain good works that these are good and profitable to men, but avoid foolish questions
00:08:09and genealogies and contentions and strivings about law for they are in pro unprofitable
00:08:16and vain.
00:08:17A main, a man that is a heretic after the first and second admonition reject, knowing
00:08:22that he is such subverted and sinneth being condemned of himself.
00:08:27So what does this say?
00:08:28This say, when you show somebody something in the Bible, you show them once you show
00:08:32them twice and they said, well, I just don't believe that.
00:08:35You're a heretic.
00:08:36What is a heretic?
00:08:38Means that we shouldn't have to keep beating our heads against the fence and this is what
00:08:41it says.
00:08:42This is what it says.
00:08:43This is what it says.
00:08:44And what's interesting to me is that how can you tell these people that preach about the
00:08:48Jews being God's chosen people?
00:08:50How can you tell that genealogy, genealogy and the Bible tells us several times, avoid
00:08:59So the three things I want you to understand.
00:09:03Number one, Judaism is a religion, not a race.
00:09:08Judaism is a religion, not a race.
00:09:11So go to Esther 8.
00:09:14Esther 8.
00:09:16Now we have inside of us something called DNA and I'm not going to try to pronounce
00:09:22It's dino something.
00:09:23You can look it up yourself, but that's the short word for it.
00:09:25And what it means is basically the blueprint or the building blocks of our body.
00:09:31And what does that mean?
00:09:32It means that there's a blueprint that says, Hey, I have blue eyes.
00:09:36Hey, I have brown eye, brown hair, or you have blue eyes or you're short or you're,
00:09:42you're, you're tall or, or, or whatever it is.
00:09:45You got big feet, you got smelly feet, whatever it is.
00:09:48That's what determines that is your DNA.
00:09:51Well, there's something that people think that you can change your DNA and you just
00:09:55can't do that.
00:09:56You can't change who you are.
00:09:58If you're a male, you got male hormones inside of you.
00:10:02You can't change that.
00:10:03I don't care if you cut off your stones, whatever you do.
00:10:06You can't change the fact that you're a male.
00:10:08You can try to chop off your Adam's apple.
00:10:10You can try to do whatever, but your DNA still says you're a male and it's been proven.
00:10:15People try to take these drugs that try to do that, but it just still keeps coming out
00:10:20because that's who you are.
00:10:22What one thing you can't change is how you look.
00:10:26So, if that's the case, let me prove to you that Judaism is a religion and not a race.
00:10:31Look at Esther 8, verse 15.
00:10:35Now, for homework, you can read the whole book of Esther.
00:10:38I like the book of Esther.
00:10:40It's a good story.
00:10:42Well, you have this guy Mordecai.
00:10:44He does a lot of good things and they try to hang him, but he does, the king remembers
00:10:50what he did and he does great things for the king, so he doesn't hang him.
00:10:54He's the guy who actually builds the gallows.
00:10:59His whole family's hung on the same gallows.
00:11:02Look at verse 15.
00:11:03Mordecai, this is the guy that's a Jew, went out from the presence of the king in royal
00:11:10apparel of blue and white and with a great crown of gold and with a garment of fine linen
00:11:15and purple in the city of Shushan, rejoiced and was glad.
00:11:18The Jews had light and gladness and joy and honor in every province and in every city
00:11:24whosoever the king's commandment and his decree came, the Jews had joy and gladness,
00:11:30a feast and a good day.
00:11:32Look at this next part.
00:11:33And many of the people of the land became Jews.
00:11:37I just told you, you can't change your DNA.
00:11:39So, did they go in there and try to change who they were?
00:11:43If Judaism is a religion, if a Jew is a religion, I mean a race, how can you change your appearance?
00:11:51How can you change who you are?
00:11:53You can't.
00:11:54It's a race.
00:11:55For the fear of the Jews fell upon them.
00:11:57So, this is after the splitting of Israel and Judah, after Solomon, it was split.
00:12:04I've told you that before.
00:12:05I'm not going to keep belaboring that fact.
00:12:07The next point I want you to understand, go to Exodus 19.
00:12:12Notice all this stuff.
00:12:13It's in the Old Testament.
00:12:14If they believe the Old Testament, there shouldn't be a problem for them.
00:12:17There shouldn't.
00:12:19Exodus 19.
00:12:20This is about as Old Testament as you can get.
00:12:22It's the second book in the Bible.
00:12:27Exodus 19.
00:12:30This is what John Hagee and all these other goofballs, they don't preach this because
00:12:35they don't want you to understand this, but look at Exodus 19 verse 1.
00:12:39In the third month when the children of Israel were gone forth out of the land of Egypt,
00:12:43the same day came into the wilderness of Sinai.
00:12:46So, this is right before Moses is going up into the Mount Sinai to get what?
00:12:51The Ten Commandments from God himself.
00:12:53And they were departed from Rephidim and were come to the desert Sinai and had pitched in the wilderness.
00:13:00And there Israel encamped before the Mount.
00:13:04And Moses went up unto God, and the Lord called unto him out of the mountain, saying,
00:13:08Thus shalt thou say to the house of Jacob, and tell the children of Israel,
00:13:12Ye have seen what I did unto the Egyptians, and how I bear you on eagles' wings, and brought you unto myself.
00:13:18Now therefore, if, underline that word, if, ye will obey my voice indeed, and keep my covenant,
00:13:28then ye shall be a peculiar treasure unto me above all people, for all the earth is mine,
00:13:35and ye shall be unto me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation.
00:13:38These are the words which thou shalt speak unto the children of Israel.
00:13:42Well, do they do that? Well, let's go to 1 John.
00:13:45What is the covenant that they need to keep?
00:13:50See, it's funny when you talk to people and they'll say,
00:13:52Well, you know, what do you have to do to be saved?
00:13:55And they'll say, Well, you've got to keep the Ten Commandments.
00:13:58Wrong answer. Nobody can do that.
00:14:01We know that the rich young ruler, he tried to do that.
00:14:03And Jesus said, No, that's not good enough.
00:14:05If you want to repent of your sins, you've got to repent of every single one of them.
00:14:08Well, there is a commandment that we do have to keep.
00:14:12Look at 1 John 3, 22.
00:14:15What commandment is that?
00:14:17If you want to go to heaven, what is the commandment that is the most important to keep to go to heaven?
00:14:24Look at verse 22.
00:14:261 John 3, 22.
00:14:28Whatever we ask, we receive of Him because we keep His commandments.
00:14:32So when we pray to God and we ask for these things, we just talked about prayer requests,
00:14:36and we have those prayer requests and we pray to God and we say,
00:14:39God, help these people who are sick, help this, help us, whatever.
00:14:42The only way He hears us is what?
00:14:45Because we keep His commandments.
00:14:47Well, what is the commandment?
00:14:48And do those things that are pleasing in His sight.
00:14:50We saw in the book of Hebrews that it's impossible to please God without what?
00:14:55And this is His commandment, that we should believe on the name of His Son, Jesus Christ,
00:15:00and love one another as He gave us commandment.
00:15:04So what is the command we've got to keep?
00:15:06Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ.
00:15:08And then what?
00:15:10We can have our prayers heard.
00:15:12We can go to heaven.
00:15:13And He that keepeth His commandments dwelleth in Him, and He in Him.
00:15:17And hereby we know that we abided in Him by the Spirit which He hath given us.
00:15:22So that's the only commandment we have to keep.
00:15:24That's the only covenant that we have to keep.
00:15:27And guess what?
00:15:28In verse 5 in Exodus 19, they didn't do that.
00:15:32They didn't do that.
00:15:34Number three is the Old Testament is not their Bible.
00:15:37It's the Talmud.
00:15:39Go to John 5.
00:15:42Out of Jesus' own mouth.
00:15:44I mean, weren't we supposed to follow Jesus?
00:15:46Aren't we supposed to listen to Jesus?
00:15:48Right of His own mouth in John 5, verse 42.
00:15:55He tells them after this long story of telling them about the Scriptures,
00:16:01and we don't have time to go into that.
00:16:03Look at verse 42.
00:16:05But I know you.
00:16:07He's talking to the Jews.
00:16:08But I know you that ye have not the love of God in you.
00:16:16I am come in my Father's name.
00:16:18Ye receive me not.
00:16:20If another shall come in his own name, like the Antichrist is going to come,
00:16:25guess what?
00:16:27Him you will receive.
00:16:28You hear these people saying, oh no, the Jews don't believe on Jesus,
00:16:31but one day God's going to make them.
00:16:34Somebody please show me the Scripture for that.
00:16:36It must be in the Talmud or something.
00:16:38I don't know.
00:16:39But God doesn't make anybody believe, but they will believe in the Antichrist.
00:16:44That's what Jesus is saying.
00:16:46How can you believe which receive honor of one of another
00:16:50if ye seek not the honor that cometh from God only?
00:16:53He's saying, how can you not believe when you see me doing these things?
00:16:58Do not think that I will accuse you to my Father.
00:17:02There's one that accuses you, even Moses, in whom you trust.
00:17:06See, they talk about Moses.
00:17:08They'll talk about the law of Moses, and this is in the law,
00:17:11and you can read the whole book of John, and they keep bringing up Moses.
00:17:15Well, look what Jesus says.
00:17:17For had ye believed Moses, ye would have believed me, for he wrote of me.
00:17:24We saw that.
00:17:25I preach a sermon about Jesus in Genesis, Jesus in the book of Exodus,
00:17:30He's in those five books all scattered throughout.
00:17:33But if you believe not his writings, how shall ye believe in my words?
00:17:39They don't, because they don't believe.
00:17:43And I wish Christians would quit saying that,
00:17:46that they believe the five books of Moses, because they don't.
00:17:50Let me give you ten points that the Talmud teaches
00:17:53about our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
00:17:56Number one, go to Isaiah 7.
00:17:59And I'm going to give you what the Talmud says,
00:18:03and I'm going to give you my two experiences with two so-called Jews
00:18:07that I ran across in my life.
00:18:10Number one is Jesus was born of adultery.
00:18:14Jesus was born of adultery.
00:18:17It means that he was what? A bastard child.
00:18:19We talked about that on Wednesday night.
00:18:26But look at Isaiah 7.
00:18:30I'll get there myself.
00:18:33Isaiah chapter 7.
00:18:35This is one of the greatest verses that tells us who Jesus is going to be
00:18:41and how he's going to come.
00:18:43And it's a prophecy that was fulfilled.
00:18:46Look at Isaiah 7 verse 14.
00:18:49Therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign.
00:18:53Behold, a virgin shall conceive and bear a son
00:18:59and shall call his name Immanuel.
00:19:02What does the word Immanuel mean?
00:19:04God is with us.
00:19:06God is in the flesh.
00:19:07God is on this earth.
00:19:09Butter and honey shall eat,
00:19:11that he may know to refuse the evil and choose the good.
00:19:14For before the child shall know to refuse the evil and choose the good,
00:19:19the land of the Abhor shall be forsaken of both her kings.
00:19:23That happened.
00:19:25But years ago I had this guy.
00:19:29He fought in the Israeli army.
00:19:32He served in Israel.
00:19:34I don't know what he did.
00:19:35He probably killed a bunch of Christians.
00:19:36I don't know.
00:19:37But what he did do was we had a discussion one night.
00:19:42And I taught him.
00:19:43He said, well, we don't believe in the New Testament,
00:19:45just like most people tell you.
00:19:46He said, we believe in the Old Testament.
00:19:48And I taught him.
00:19:49I said, well, go to Isaiah 7.
00:19:51It's in the Old Testament.
00:19:52It's like in the middle of the Old Testament.
00:19:54And I said, go to Isaiah 14.
00:19:56And he did.
00:19:57He went in his Jewish Bible, whatever that is.
00:19:59I guess it's a changed Bible.
00:20:01Because if you don't remember,
00:20:03before the 1900s they had the scroll,
00:20:07the Dead Sea Scrolls, right?
00:20:09And supposedly there's this older version of Isaiah
00:20:12that's hidden away in the Dead Sea Scrolls.
00:20:15And that there's two different Isaiah books of Isaiah
00:20:18and other things have been changed.
00:20:20Well, that might have been what it was.
00:20:22I don't know.
00:20:23I ain't studied enough about it.
00:20:24But I will tell you what he told me.
00:20:26I said, look, the Bible says,
00:20:28therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign.
00:20:30Behold, a virgin shall conceive.
00:20:33Well, he said, his Bible said a young girl.
00:20:38A young girl.
00:20:40It isn't interesting that NIV changes the word virgin.
00:20:45Now, is there a difference in a virgin and a young girl?
00:20:48Is every young girl a virgin?
00:20:50I'm sorry to say, but that's not true anymore.
00:20:53Most of the time when I grew up,
00:20:55that was more the case than it wasn't,
00:20:57that a young girl was a virgin.
00:20:59But now when young girls are 13, 12 years old
00:21:03and they're not virgins anymore
00:21:04and they have that physical relationship,
00:21:06still committing fornication,
00:21:08guess what?
00:21:09They're not a virgin anymore.
00:21:11So this is talking about the birth of Christ
00:21:14as first being an adulterer,
00:21:17being of adultery
00:21:18because they do not believe in the virgin birth.
00:21:20Just like I told you,
00:21:21that guy, he did not believe that.
00:21:23And I've had people mock it.
00:21:25People would say, you know,
00:21:27I believe in God.
00:21:28I had this one guy.
00:21:29He was a good friend of my dad's.
00:21:31And my dad would have discussions with him
00:21:33when we were sitting in the boat fishing
00:21:35about God.
00:21:36And what he told me,
00:21:38finally after my dad passed away,
00:21:40I just decided to go to this guy
00:21:41and ask him,
00:21:42Hey, you 100% sure if you die today,
00:21:43you'd go to heaven?
00:21:44And he said,
00:21:45Let me put it to you this way.
00:21:46He said,
00:21:47I pray to God every day
00:21:48and thank him for the days that you give me.
00:21:50Now, that's great.
00:21:53You know, that's great.
00:21:54Hey, I do that too.
00:21:56God, thank you for giving me another day.
00:21:57Thank you for giving me another day of life.
00:21:59And he said,
00:22:00I tell him that every time I get out of the bed
00:22:02and when I wake up the next morning,
00:22:04I tell him that every day.
00:22:07What do you believe?
00:22:09He said,
00:22:10Well, I believe in God,
00:22:11but you know,
00:22:12this deal about Jesus being born of a virgin,
00:22:14that's just stupid.
00:22:18Well, what do you believe about him dying on the cross?
00:22:20Well, if he was never born,
00:22:22how could he be dying on the cross?
00:22:25So he's clearly dying and going to hell
00:22:27because what do you have to believe?
00:22:29You have to believe who God says he is.
00:22:31He was born of a virgin.
00:22:33We talked about it last week
00:22:34that one of the reasons that God,
00:22:36that Jesus is called the son of God,
00:22:38the reason he's the only begotten son
00:22:41is the only reason because he came from a virgin.
00:22:48go to Matthew 1 real quick.
00:22:51Matthew 1.
00:22:52Again, they don't believe in the New Testament,
00:22:54but you know what?
00:22:55They don't believe the Old Testament either.
00:22:59Go to Matthew 1, verse 21.
00:23:02Matthew 1, 21.
00:23:26So again,
00:23:27it's the same thing in Isaiah 7
00:23:29that we see there.
00:23:31The point number two that the Talmud teaches
00:23:33is that Jesus was born a bastard
00:23:36from a Roman guard named Pantera.
00:23:41And you say, Pantera?
00:23:42Where's that in the Bible?
00:23:43It's nowhere.
00:23:45There's nowhere in the Bible that the word Pantera,
00:23:48but did you know that there's like
00:23:49some kind of weirdo rock band from the 80s
00:23:52and they call themselves Pantera.
00:23:54So where does Pantera come from?
00:23:56I don't know.
00:23:57But the fact that this group calls themselves Pantera
00:24:01just tells you what a wicked rock group they are.
00:24:06Go to Luke 1.
00:24:11Luke 1.
00:24:13Again, Luke 1, verse 31.
00:24:28And behold, thou shalt conceive in thy womb,
00:24:30and shalt bring forth a son,
00:24:32and shalt call his name Jesus.
00:24:34This is the angel telling Mary this.
00:24:36He shall be great,
00:24:37and he shall be called the Son of the Highest,
00:24:39and the Lord God shall give him
00:24:41the throne of his father David.
00:24:43He shall reign over the house of Jacob forever,
00:24:46and his kingdom there shall be no end.
00:24:48Then said Mary unto the angel,
00:24:50How shall this be, seeing I know not a man?
00:24:52And the angel answered and said unto her,
00:24:54The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee,
00:24:57and the power of the high shall overshadow thee.
00:25:00Therefore also that holy thing which shall be born of thee
00:25:04shall be called the Son of God.
00:25:07That's the other reason Jesus is called the Son of God
00:25:10is because that holy thing put inside of Mary
00:25:13is not from the Son of a man,
00:25:15but of the Son of God.
00:25:18So why do they say He's a bastard?
00:25:20Go to Deuteronomy 23.
00:25:23They just want to do everything they can to curse Jesus.
00:25:26Why? Because the devil hates Jesus.
00:25:29That's why you tell Judaism is of the devil.
00:25:33We talked about this a little bit Wednesday.
00:25:35Look at Deuteronomy 23, verse 1.
00:25:37He that is wounded in the stones
00:25:39and the privy member cut off
00:25:41shall not enter into the congregation of the Lord.
00:25:43You can figure that out.
00:25:44The stones, privy member, that's on a male's private parts.
00:25:47A bastard shall not enter into the congregation of the Lord.
00:25:51Even to his tenth generation
00:25:53shall he not enter into the congregation of the Lord.
00:25:56So a bastard is a child that is born not of married people.
00:26:01And that's what it's saying,
00:26:02that they cannot enter into the congregation of the Lord.
00:26:05Well, they're trying to curse Jesus.
00:26:07Jesus was born from the Roman guard of an adultery,
00:26:10and He's a bastard's son.
00:26:12They constantly refer to Him as the son of Pantera.
00:26:15And they want to curse Him.
00:26:17Make sure you understand that.
00:26:19Anytime they can curse Jesus, they will.
00:26:21Number 3, that Jesus learned black magic in Egypt.
00:26:24Go to Matthew 2.
00:26:26He learned black magic.
00:26:28What is black magic?
00:26:29Well, it doesn't take a genius to figure it out.
00:26:31It's magic from the devil.
00:26:33It's sorcery and all these other things.
00:26:36Again, trying to curse the name of Jesus.
00:26:41These are God's chosen people, remember?
00:26:45Look at Matthew 2 verse 12.
00:26:48Now, there's always a little bit of truth in every lie, is there not?
00:26:52Now, did Jesus go to Egypt?
00:26:54Yes, He did.
00:26:55He did go to Egypt.
00:26:58Look at verse 12 in Matthew 2.
00:27:00And being warned of God in a dream
00:27:02that they should not return to Herod,
00:27:05they departed into their own country another way.
00:27:08So, they're going another way.
00:27:10And when they were departed,
00:27:11behold, the angel of the Lord appears to Joseph.
00:27:13So, the angel comes to Joseph,
00:27:16which is Jesus' stepfather,
00:27:18in a dream saying,
00:27:19Arise and take the young child and his mother,
00:27:22talking about Jesus and Mary,
00:27:24and flee in Egypt.
00:27:25And be thou there until I bring thee word,
00:27:29for Herod will seek the young child and destroy him.
00:27:31So, we understand that in Revelation 12,
00:27:34we see where the devil is trying to devour the child.
00:27:38That's what we see here.
00:27:39That Satan is trying to kill Jesus
00:27:42because he knows that there's a baby there,
00:27:45two years or under.
00:27:46So, what does Herod do?
00:27:47He kills all the males, two years and under.
00:27:52And then, what do we see?
00:27:55He arose and took the young child and his mother,
00:27:57and there was death there,
00:27:58fulfilled, spoken of the Lord by the prophet,
00:28:01saying, Out of Egypt have I called my son.
00:28:04Then Herod, when he saw that he was mocked of the wise men,
00:28:07was exceedingly wroth and sent forth
00:28:10and slew all the children that were in Bethlehem
00:28:13and all the coasts thereof,
00:28:14two years old and under.
00:28:17So, every baby that was under the age of two,
00:28:20he just killed them,
00:28:22according to the time which ideology acquired of the wise men.
00:28:26Hey, that sounds familiar.
00:28:27Isn't that what Israel's doing now to the Palestinians?
00:28:30They don't care.
00:28:31Then it was fulfilled that it was spoken by the Jeremy, or Jeremiah,
00:28:34the prophet, saying, In Ramah there was a voice heard,
00:28:37lamentation weeping, and great mourning.
00:28:39Rachel was weeping for her children
00:28:41and would not be comforted because they are not.
00:28:44And when Herod was dead,
00:28:45behold, an angel of the Lord appeared
00:28:47and dreamed of Joseph in Egypt,
00:28:49saying, Arise and take the young child and his mother
00:28:53and go into the land of Israel,
00:28:54for there a dead would salt the young child's life.
00:28:57And he arose and took the young child
00:28:59and his mother and came into the land of Israel.
00:29:01But when he heard that Archelaus did reign in Judea,
00:29:05in the room of his father Herod,
00:29:07he was afraid to go thither.
00:29:09Notwithstanding being warned of God and a dream,
00:29:12he turned aside into the parts of Galilee
00:29:14and he came and dwelt in a city called Nazareth,
00:29:18that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the prophets,
00:29:21he shall be called a Nazarene.
00:29:23So, instead of them going back to where they were,
00:29:26they go to Nazareth.
00:29:29In the place of Galilee.
00:29:31So, we see that he did go to Egypt,
00:29:34but he's a little baby.
00:29:36Or not a baby, he's a toddler.
00:29:38He's a small child.
00:29:40He's not learning magic.
00:29:41But again, every lie has a little bit of truth.
00:29:46Number four, Jesus performed black magic to heal people.
00:29:49Go to John 9.
00:29:51John 9.
00:29:53You constantly see in the Talmud,
00:29:55where they're talking about Jesus doing black magic,
00:29:58that's how he's healing people,
00:30:00and he's doing all these things.
00:30:03Look at John 9, verse 13.
00:30:10They brought to the Pharisees him aforetime that was blind.
00:30:14So, this is a blind man, full grown man.
00:30:17And when it was the Sabbath day,
00:30:19when Jesus made the clay, he opened his eyes.
00:30:21So, this is the guy that Jesus takes the clay
00:30:24and puts on his face, on his eyes, and he heals him.
00:30:27Then again, the Pharisees also asked him how he had received his sight.
00:30:30He said unto them,
00:30:32He put clay upon mine eyes, and I washed, and I do see.
00:30:35Therefore said some of the Pharisees,
00:30:37This man is not of God,
00:30:41because he keepeth not the Sabbath day.
00:30:43Others said, How can a man that is a sinner do such miracles?
00:30:47And there was a division among them.
00:30:49So, there's a division between the Pharisees and the Jews,
00:30:52which the Pharisees is just another word for the Jews, Judaism.
00:30:56And they're trying to figure out, you know,
00:30:58Well, if this guy is of God, you know, how can he heal somebody?
00:31:03They said to the blind man again,
00:31:05What sayest thou of him that he hath opened thine eyes?
00:31:09He said, He is a prophet.
00:31:11So, the blind man says, I don't know, but the guy's a prophet.
00:31:14He's a good man.
00:31:15Go down to verse 20.
00:31:16His parents answered them and said,
00:31:18We know that this is our son.
00:31:22So, they go to him and say, How does your son get healed?
00:31:25He said, We know that this is our son,
00:31:29that he was born blind.
00:31:32But what means he now saith, We know not.
00:31:35Or who hath opened his eyes?
00:31:38We know not.
00:31:39He is of age.
00:31:40Ask him.
00:31:41He speaketh for himself.
00:31:43They're saying, Quit asking us.
00:31:44Ask him yourself.
00:31:45And you get it straight out of the horse's mouth.
00:31:47And what does he say?
00:31:49Go down to verse 22.
00:31:52The word spake his parents because they feared the Jews.
00:31:56They feared Judaism.
00:31:57For the Jews had agreed already that if any man did confess that he,
00:32:02talking about Jesus, was the Christ.
00:32:05What does that mean?
00:32:06The Messiah.
00:32:07He should be put out of the synagogue.
00:32:09So, they're scared of being excommunicated.
00:32:11They should have been glad that they were being excommunicated.
00:32:13But they didn't know.
00:32:14Therefore said his parents, He is of age.
00:32:16Ask him.
00:32:17Then again called the man that was blind and said to him,
00:32:20Give God the praise.
00:32:21We know that this man is a sinner.
00:32:24He answered whether he should be a sinner or not.
00:32:27I know not.
00:32:28One thing I know that, whereas I was blind, now I see.
00:32:32That sounds familiar.
00:32:33Doesn't that sound like Amazing Grace?
00:32:35He's saying, Look, I don't know who the guy is.
00:32:37But I tell you this, that guy that you're talking about, I was blind.
00:32:42You've got to understand, this man is a grown man.
00:32:45He's been blind for years.
00:32:47You think about if you had lost your sight for many, many years, maybe 10, 15, 20 years,
00:32:52and then all of a sudden this man said, Hey, put some clay on your eyeballs and go wash them off,
00:32:57and you'll be able to see.
00:32:58You're thinking, Man, what?
00:33:00But you know what?
00:33:01If you couldn't see, you may be ready to take whatever somebody told you.
00:33:06You may be ready, and that's the faith that we see that he was blind,
00:33:10but now he sees, and that's what we see in different songs and hymns.
00:33:16And then Paul talks about it later, about the faith of being able to see with the faith.
00:33:22But let's keep reading.
00:33:23Then said they to him, Why did he to thee?
00:33:26Now he opened he thine eyes.
00:33:29He answered them, I have told you already.
00:33:32You did not hear.
00:33:34He's saying, You're not listening to me, you morons.
00:33:36I'm telling you, the man put clay on my eyes.
00:33:39I was blind, but now I can see.
00:33:42Wherefore would you hear it again?
00:33:44Will you also be his disciples?
00:33:46Then they reviled and said, Thou art his disciple, but we are Moses' disciples.
00:33:51So he's saying, Look, you're his disciple, but we try to do what Moses.
00:33:54Is that true?
00:33:55No, they're not doing what Moses told them.
00:33:57We know that God spake unto Moses.
00:33:59As for this fellow, we know not from whence he is.
00:34:02The man answered and said to them, Why, herein is a marvelous thing that you know not from whence he is.
00:34:08And he said, He opened mine eyes.
00:34:10And what he's saying, the word marvelous, we think, Oh, that's marvelous.
00:34:13But what he's saying is, Why are you trying to figure this thing out?
00:34:16I'm telling you, I was blind, but this man, whoever he is, I don't know who he is.
00:34:20He's allowed me to see.
00:34:22You should understand that.
00:34:24Now we know that God heareth not sinners.
00:34:27But if any man be a worshiper of God and doeth his will, him, he will he hereth.
00:34:35Since the world began, it was not heard that any man opened the eyes of one that was born blind.
00:34:42And there is not.
00:34:43There's no history of anybody healing somebody blind.
00:34:47Now we see different things being done in the Old Testament.
00:34:50We'll see that in a minute.
00:34:51And that's what this man is just a regular guy.
00:34:55And he's telling these Pharisees, Where in the history do we ever see this?
00:34:58This is of God.
00:35:00If this man were not of God, he could do nothing.
00:35:03They answered and said to him, Thou was altogether born in sins, and dost thou not teach us?
00:35:08And they cast him out.
00:35:09So they kick him out.
00:35:11Look at the next verse.
00:35:13He's kicked out of the synagogue or the temple, wherever he's at.
00:35:18And Jesus heard that they had cast him out.
00:35:20So right after he healed his eyes, he goes back to him.
00:35:23That's what he's doing.
00:35:25And when he had found him, he said to him, Dost thou believe on the Son of God?
00:35:31And he answered and said, Who is he?
00:35:33Lord, that I might believe on him.
00:35:36And Jesus said to him, Remember, this is one of the places where Jesus says he's the Son of God.
00:35:40We've talked about this.
00:35:41Thou hast both seen him, and it is he that talketh with thee.
00:35:45Jesus is saying, You're talking to the Son of God.
00:35:47This is the one place in the Bible that Jesus says, I am the Son of God.
00:35:52Other than when he tells Pilate.
00:35:54And what does he say?
00:35:57He said, Lord, I believe.
00:35:59And he worshiped him.
00:36:00So this man had enough faith that he healed him physically, where he can now see.
00:36:05But not only that, he's spiritually healed.
00:36:07He believes on the Lord.
00:36:09And this man is in heaven today.
00:36:11I have no doubt this man is in heaven.
00:36:13He can see.
00:36:14And he could see Jesus.
00:36:15And once he saw Jesus, he believed on Jesus.
00:36:18And he's healed.
00:36:20Let's keep reading.
00:36:21Now go over to the next page, to John 10.
00:36:31Because then they get in a discussion.
00:36:33Jesus talks about himself being the good shepherd, that he's the door.
00:36:37And then after that, look at chapter 10, verse 19.
00:36:42So after he tells them this, there was a division therefore again among the Jews for these sayings.
00:36:48Many of them said, he has a devil and is mad.
00:36:51Again, they're here to curse him.
00:36:53Why are you here him?
00:36:54Others said, these are not the words of him that have the devil.
00:36:57Can a devil open the eyes of a blind man?
00:37:01And the answer is no, he cannot.
00:37:04Let me prove that to you.
00:37:05Go to Exodus 8.
00:37:07Exodus 8.
00:37:09When we read through the book of Exodus, we'll see the miracles that are done throughout,
00:37:15between Moses and Aaron and the Pharaoh, when the children of Jacob.
00:37:23I'm going to use that term so people just don't think they're talking about that wicked nation over there.
00:37:28The nation of Jacob, when the Hebrews over there, that they are in bondage for over 400 years.
00:37:38And if you know, you remember the story, God brings Moses up and Aaron so that they can bring them out.
00:37:45Well, there's a bunch of different miracles that are done throughout the book of Exodus where Moses does miracles.
00:37:51And so did the magicians.
00:37:53Well, there's one miracle that Moses does that they cannot.
00:37:57Let me show that to you in Exodus 8, verse 16.
00:38:02And the Lord said unto Moses, say unto Aaron, stretch out thy rod and smite the dust of the land.
00:38:08So God's telling Moses, hey, you go tell Aaron to take your stick and hit the ground, the dust.
00:38:14We see a lot of dust today because it hasn't rained in a while.
00:38:17But when he does that, you know what it became? Lice.
00:38:22So he takes a stick, he hits the ground, all the dust becomes lice.
00:38:26All over the land, all over the land of Egypt.
00:38:29And they did so for Aaron stretched out his hand with his rod and smote the dust of the earth.
00:38:33And it became lice in the land, in man and in beasts.
00:38:36And the dust of the land became lice throughout all the land of Egypt.
00:38:39And the magicians, so these are the people who did have the power of the devil.
00:38:43And they're doing magic, black magic, like they're trying to claim that Jesus did.
00:38:48And what do they do?
00:38:50They did so with their enchantments to bring forth lice.
00:38:53But they could not.
00:38:56So they were lice upon man.
00:38:59They couldn't do the same thing.
00:39:02Look at verse 19.
00:39:03Then the magician said unto Pharaoh,
00:39:05This is the finger of God.
00:39:08And Pharaoh's heart was hardened.
00:39:10And he hearkened not unto them as the Lord had said.
00:39:12So even these devil magicians, they knew it was of God.
00:39:19But these Pharisees didn't.
00:39:22Go back to John 11.
00:39:30You say, well surely, I mean if you're standing there,
00:39:33and you see a man who's blind and you knew he was blind,
00:39:37and now he can see,
00:39:39surely you can say, well this has got to be of God.
00:39:41This is a miracle.
00:39:43Well they didn't see it that way.
00:39:44They saw it as being devil.
00:39:47Look at John 11 verse 37.
00:39:52This is basically the story.
00:39:54Let me give you, because we don't have time to read the whole thing.
00:39:57This is where Lazarus dies,
00:40:01and Jesus brings him back to life.
00:40:05And what happens is that Lazarus' sisters come to Jesus and say,
00:40:10Hey, he's dying, and Jesus doesn't make it there in time.
00:40:14And they kind of, they don't really blame Jesus,
00:40:17but they're saying, hey, if he got here sooner,
00:40:19he could have brought him back to life.
00:40:21And Jesus basically says, I am the resurrection and life,
00:40:23and he that believeth on me, though he were dead, yet shall he live.
00:40:28And Mary says, hey, I do believe, which is Lazarus' sister.
00:40:33But go down to verse 37.
00:40:38Because the Jews are like, okay, he's dead,
00:40:41Jesus loved him.
00:40:42Because this is a famous verse in verse 35.
00:40:44Jesus wept.
00:40:45It's the shortest verse in the whole Bible.
00:40:48And when they see that, they think that Jesus loves him.
00:40:51And He did love Lazarus.
00:40:53But look at verse 37.
00:40:54Some of them are saying, could not this man which opened the eyes of the blind,
00:40:57didn't we just see that?
00:40:59Could have caused him, this man should not have died.
00:41:02So they're saying, this guy, this same man,
00:41:05who claims he's the Son of God,
00:41:08he brought this man that was blind for years,
00:41:10and he can see, why could he not have done this?
00:41:13Jesus said, therefore, again, groaning in himself,
00:41:16cometh to the grave, it was a cave,
00:41:18and a stone lay upon it.
00:41:20Jesus said, take ye away the stone, Martha the sister of him,
00:41:24that was dead, saying to him, Lord, by this time he's stinking,
00:41:27for he hath been dead four days.
00:41:30So you see, Lazarus, he's dead in the grave for four days.
00:41:34And I'm sure he did stink.
00:41:36But Jesus said, hey, pull the stone back anyway.
00:41:39Jesus said unto her,
00:41:41said I not unto thee that if thou wouldst believe thou shouldst see the glory of God?
00:41:45Then they took away the stone from the place where the dead was laid,
00:41:48and Jesus lifted up his eyes and said,
00:41:50Father, I thank thee, thou hast heard me,
00:41:53and I knew that thou hearest always,
00:41:56but because of the people which stand by,
00:41:59I said it,
00:42:01that they may believe that thou hast sent me.
00:42:05And when he had thus spoken,
00:42:07he cried with a loud voice,
00:42:09Lazarus, come forth.
00:42:12He that was dead came forth,
00:42:14bound hand and foot with grave clothes,
00:42:16and his face was bound about with a napkin.
00:42:21Jesus said unto them,
00:42:22Loose him, and let him go.
00:42:24Then many of the Jews which came to Mary
00:42:26had seen the things which Jesus did,
00:42:29believed on him.
00:42:30So they see that, and they say,
00:42:31man, this is the Son of God, only God can do this.
00:42:34But, verse 46,
00:42:36some of them went their ways to the Pharisees,
00:42:39and they told them what things Jesus had done,
00:42:41then gathered the chief priests and the Pharisees' council,
00:42:45and said, what do we?
00:42:47For this man doeth many miracles.
00:42:49Look at verse 48.
00:42:51If we let him thus alone,
00:42:55all men will believe on him,
00:42:57and the Romans shall come and take away
00:42:59both our place and our nation.
00:43:02That happened anyway.
00:43:04But what are they scared of?
00:43:05They're scared that their leadership
00:43:08in the nation of Israel,
00:43:11or in Judea and Jerusalem,
00:43:15that the Romans are going to take it away.
00:43:17Well, they did it anyway.
00:43:20That's what they're scared of.
00:43:22So what do they do?
00:43:23They say, you see,
00:43:24they're taking up to try to figure out how to kill him.
00:43:30Number five.
00:43:32It claims that Jesus had a sexual relationship
00:43:36with Mary Magdalene.
00:43:38Had a sexual relationship with Mary Magdalene.
00:43:41Go to Luke 8.
00:43:45Because, as you'll see,
00:43:47what they're trying to paint a picture of
00:43:50in the Talmud,
00:43:52that always magic goes along with sexual perversion.
00:43:57And that is true.
00:43:59That you see a lot of these devil worshippers,
00:44:01one of the things they do is molest children
00:44:04and they sacrifice people and animals
00:44:08and drink blood and all this nasty stuff
00:44:10because that's just what they do.
00:44:13And they have orgies and stuff like that.
00:44:18But that's not Jesus.
00:44:20He didn't have any sexual relationship
00:44:22with Mary Magdalene.
00:44:23So who was Mary Magdalene?
00:44:25Well, look at Luke 8 verse 1.
00:44:27We see who Mary Magdalene is.
00:44:29It came to pass afterward that he went through
00:44:31every city and village
00:44:33preaching and showing the glad tidings of the kingdom of God
00:44:36and the twelve were with him.
00:44:38So he's got all the disciples with him.
00:44:41And certain women
00:44:43which have been healed of evil spirits
00:44:45and infirmities.
00:44:47Mary called Magdalene
00:44:49out of whom went seven devils.
00:44:51So Mary Magdalene is a lady that is possessed
00:44:54with seven demons.
00:44:57And Joanna the wife of Chusa,
00:45:00Herod's steward, and Susanna,
00:45:03and many others which ministered unto him
00:45:06of their substance.
00:45:07And when much people were gathered together
00:45:09and were come to him out of every city
00:45:11he spake by a parable.
00:45:14So then we see the parable of the sowers
00:45:16and he's talking in parables.
00:45:18So we see Mary and some other women
00:45:22that were possessed by demons.
00:45:24That's what we see.
00:45:26Go to John 20.
00:45:28Keep your finger there Luke.
00:45:30We're going to come back.
00:45:32We're going to go to Luke 24.
00:45:34Go to John 20.
00:45:38John 20
00:45:40verse 1.
00:45:45So Mary Magdalene, we see she is a
00:45:47woman possessed by demons.
00:45:50But she's a follower of Jesus Christ.
00:45:52Look at verse 1 of chapter 20 in John.
00:45:55The first day of the week, which is what?
00:45:57Sunday, cometh Mary Magdalene
00:46:00early when it was yet dark
00:46:03unto the sepulcher
00:46:05and a seed of the stone taketh away
00:46:07from the sepulcher.
00:46:08She runneth and cometh to Simon Peter
00:46:11and to the other disciples whom Jesus loved.
00:46:13Talking about John the prophet,
00:46:16the disciple who wrote the book of John.
00:46:18And saith unto them,
00:46:19They have taken away the Lord
00:46:20out of the sepulcher
00:46:21and we know not
00:46:23where they have laid him.
00:46:25Peter therefore went forth
00:46:27and that other disciple
00:46:29came to the sepulcher.
00:46:30Talking about John.
00:46:32So they ran both together
00:46:33and the other disciple
00:46:35did outrun Peter
00:46:36and came first to the sepulcher.
00:46:37So I think it's funny that
00:46:39in the Bible you see
00:46:40it is the word of God.
00:46:41It is true.
00:46:42But what you see here
00:46:44is something funny that John says.
00:46:46Apparently him and Peter
00:46:47had a discussion about
00:46:48who's the faster runner.
00:46:49And John, they must have
00:46:51had a discussion about it.
00:46:52And John's telling him,
00:46:53Hey, I outran Peter
00:46:55to the sepulcher.
00:46:57And he stooping down
00:46:58and looking in
00:46:59saw the linen clothes lying.
00:47:00He went, he not in.
00:47:02Then cometh Simon Peter
00:47:03following him
00:47:04and went to the sepulcher
00:47:05and see the linen clothes lie
00:47:06and the napkin that was about his head
00:47:08not lying in the linen clothes
00:47:10but wrapped together
00:47:11in a place by itself.
00:47:12Then went in also other disciples
00:47:14and came to the sepulcher
00:47:15and saw and believed.
00:47:16For they not for as yet
00:47:18they knew not the scripture
00:47:20that he must rise again
00:47:22from the dead.
00:47:23The disciples went away again
00:47:25and to their own home.
00:47:27So keep your finger there
00:47:29and go to Luke 24.
00:47:30We're going to come right back here.
00:47:32So what we see
00:47:33is where they're
00:47:34they're all running to there.
00:47:36Mary Magdalene
00:47:37is a very first person there.
00:47:39And what does she do?
00:47:40She gets there
00:47:41and she sees a stone
00:47:43roll back
00:47:44because they put the stone there
00:47:45because you know
00:47:46the Jews were scared
00:47:47that the disciples
00:47:48were going to take him.
00:47:51So what do we see in Luke 24
00:47:53verse 1.
00:47:56Now upon the first day of the week
00:47:58that's again Sunday
00:47:59very early in the morning
00:48:01they came into the sepulcher
00:48:02bringing the spices
00:48:04which they had prepared
00:48:05and certain others with them
00:48:07and they found the stone
00:48:08rolled away from the sepulcher
00:48:10they entered in
00:48:11and found not the body
00:48:12of the Lord Jesus.
00:48:13They came to pass
00:48:14they were much perplexed
00:48:15there about
00:48:16behold two men stood by them
00:48:18in shining garments
00:48:19which are who?
00:48:21And they were
00:48:22as they were afraid
00:48:23they bowed down their faces
00:48:25to the earth
00:48:26and said to them
00:48:27why seek ye the living
00:48:28among the dead?
00:48:29He is not here
00:48:31but he is risen.
00:48:32Remember how he spake unto you
00:48:34that he was not yet
00:48:35when he was yet in Galilee
00:48:37saying the son of man
00:48:39must be delivered
00:48:40into the hands of sinful men
00:48:42and be crucified
00:48:43and the third day
00:48:44he rise again
00:48:45and they remembered his words
00:48:47and returned from the sepulcher
00:48:49and told all these things
00:48:51unto the leaven
00:48:52and all the rest.
00:48:53Now look at verse 10
00:48:54and it was Mary Magdalene
00:48:56and Joanna
00:48:58and Mary the mother of James
00:49:00and the other women
00:49:01that were with them
00:49:02which told these things
00:49:04unto the apostles
00:49:05and the words seemed to them
00:49:07as idle tales
00:49:09and they believed them not.
00:49:10Then arose Peter
00:49:11and ran into the sepulcher
00:49:12and then we see
00:49:13when we go back
00:49:14to the book of John
00:49:15so what do we see?
00:49:16Mary Magdalene
00:49:18and these other women
00:49:19these were the same women
00:49:21in Luke 8
00:49:23that were possessed by demons.
00:49:25These are the first people
00:49:27that see
00:49:28and they're telling the disciples
00:49:29hey don't you remember
00:49:31when Jesus told us
00:49:32he was going to rise again
00:49:33and we didn't believe him
00:49:34because it just sounded crazy?
00:49:35Well this is what's going on.
00:49:37They're the ones
00:49:38that are reminding him.
00:49:39Go back to John 20.
00:49:42But Mary stood without
00:49:44at the sepulcher
00:49:45so after that
00:49:46she goes back
00:49:47she tries to tell them
00:49:48what's going on
00:49:49and she goes back
00:49:50to the sepulcher
00:49:52She's the only one there
00:49:53and as she wept
00:49:54she stood
00:49:55stooping down
00:49:56looked into the sepulcher
00:49:57see two angels in white
00:49:58sitting at the head
00:49:59and one at the feet
00:50:00where the body of Jesus
00:50:01had lain
00:50:02and said unto her
00:50:04why weepest thou?
00:50:05She said unto him
00:50:06because they have
00:50:07taken away my Lord
00:50:08and I know
00:50:09not where
00:50:10they have laid him
00:50:11and when she had
00:50:12thus said
00:50:13she turned herself
00:50:15and saw Jesus
00:50:17and knew not
00:50:18it was Jesus.
00:50:19Jesus said unto her
00:50:21why weepest thou?
00:50:22Who seekest thou?
00:50:23She's supposed
00:50:24him to be the gardener
00:50:25so she thinks
00:50:26he's the gardener
00:50:27that he's just like
00:50:28pulling weeds
00:50:29or something
00:50:30at the cemetery.
00:50:31Said unto him
00:50:33if thou have borne him
00:50:35tell me where
00:50:36thou hast laid him
00:50:37and I will take him away.
00:50:38So if he's taking him somewhere
00:50:39just tell me where he is
00:50:40so I can go take him.
00:50:41Jesus said unto her
00:50:43so when he mentions her name
00:50:45she turned herself
00:50:46and said unto him
00:50:49which is to say
00:50:51Jesus said unto her
00:50:52Touch me not
00:50:53for I am not yet
00:50:54ascended to my Father
00:50:55but I go to my brethren
00:50:56and say unto them
00:50:57I ascend to my Father
00:50:58and your Father
00:50:59and to my God
00:51:00and your God.
00:51:01And Mary Magdalene
00:51:02came and told the disciples
00:51:03that she had seen the Lord
00:51:04and that he had spoken
00:51:05these sayings unto her.
00:51:07So that's what we see
00:51:08is that the first person
00:51:10that sees Jesus Christ
00:51:13in his resurrected state
00:51:16is Mary Magdalene
00:51:18possessed by seven demons.
00:51:20No sexual relationship
00:51:23that's just goofy.
00:51:24Anytime people don't like
00:51:26what you say
00:51:27they try to bring up
00:51:28make up some kind of lies
00:51:30about you
00:51:31that's what you just need
00:51:32to understand.
00:51:33Number six
00:51:34Jesus was killed on the
00:51:35Sabbath Eve
00:51:36because he practiced sorcery
00:51:38and seduced Israel to sorcery.
00:51:40So what they're saying
00:51:41is that Jesus
00:51:42the reason he was killed
00:51:43on the Sabbath Eve
00:51:44which we see that
00:51:45do we not see that
00:51:46Jesus was killed
00:51:47on Thursday evening
00:51:49right before the Passover
00:51:51on Friday
00:51:52and then Saturday's the Sabbath
00:51:54and we made that claim
00:51:56because it's all about the rest
00:51:58we saw that in the book of Hebrews
00:52:00that the rest
00:52:01is that we don't have to do
00:52:02anything for our salvation.
00:52:03Jesus did it all
00:52:04when he died on the cross
00:52:05and he shed his blood
00:52:06for our sins
00:52:07and all we have to do
00:52:08is believe on that
00:52:09to be saved
00:52:10but it had nothing to do
00:52:11with him bringing sorcery.
00:52:13Again that's what
00:52:14they're trying to do
00:52:15they're trying to say
00:52:16that he seduced Israel
00:52:18to sorcery.
00:52:20Because he was telling them
00:52:21to believe on him
00:52:22and they thought that
00:52:23as being sorcery.
00:52:24Number seven
00:52:25Jesus was stoned to death
00:52:27and then he was hung
00:52:28on a tree.
00:52:29So nowhere in the Bible
00:52:31does it ever talk about
00:52:32being stoned to death.
00:52:33In fact
00:52:34that was supposed to be
00:52:35the punishment of what?
00:52:37If somebody was a false prophet
00:52:39or somebody tried to bring
00:52:40somebody away from the Lord
00:52:42what was their punishment?
00:52:43Being stoned to death.
00:52:44We see that Stephen
00:52:45was stoned to death.
00:52:46But why do they want to say
00:52:47that he was stoned to death
00:52:48and then hung on a tree?
00:52:50Go to Deuteronomy 21.
00:52:54Deuteronomy chapter 21 verse 22
00:52:59It's a curse.
00:53:01Look at verse 22
00:53:02If a man hath committed a sin
00:53:03worthy of death
00:53:05and that he be put to death
00:53:07and thou hang him on a tree.
00:53:09So he's saying
00:53:10if you hang him on a tree
00:53:11you know we see
00:53:12a bunch of people
00:53:14wicked people like Philistines
00:53:16what do they do?
00:53:17They hung people outside
00:53:20all day and night
00:53:21for people to see.
00:53:23Well that's a curse.
00:53:24So in Deuteronomy 21 verse 22
00:53:27it says if any man
00:53:28committed a sin
00:53:29worthy of death
00:53:30and he be put to death
00:53:32and he be hung on a tree.
00:53:33Verse 23
00:53:34His body shall not remain
00:53:36all night upon the tree
00:53:38but thou shalt in any wise
00:53:40bury him that day
00:53:42for he that is hanged
00:53:43is accursed of God
00:53:45that the land be not defiled
00:53:47which the Lord thy God
00:53:48hath given thee for inheritance.
00:53:50So they're giving a strong warning.
00:53:52If you're hanging somebody
00:53:53from a tree
00:53:54if that's to punish
00:53:55what you're doing
00:53:56for whatever reason
00:53:57take him down that night.
00:54:00So I'm here to tell you
00:54:02if the day that Jesus had died
00:54:06if it wasn't the Sabbath on a Friday
00:54:09which was the Passover
00:54:11if it wasn't the Sabbath on a Saturday
00:54:13they would have left him hanging
00:54:14on that tree to curse him
00:54:16because that's what Jews want to do.
00:54:18They want to curse Jesus.
00:54:20Number eight
00:54:21they falsely accuse his followers
00:54:24disciples and Jesus himself
00:54:27of cannibalism and orgies.
00:54:29Go to John 6.
00:54:30We may not have time to deal with this one.
00:54:32I'm just going to have to read it.
00:54:34I'll have to explain it some other time.
00:54:37But the Catholics and Judaism
00:54:39they both take this way too far.
00:54:42Look at John 6, 51.
00:54:47Jesus says I am the living bread
00:54:48which came down from heaven.
00:54:50So what is he talking about?
00:54:51He's talking about the manna
00:54:52that came down from heaven
00:54:53to feed them.
00:54:54If any man eat of this bread
00:54:56he shall live forever
00:54:57and the bread that I will give
00:54:59is my flesh
00:55:00and I will give the life of the world.
00:55:03The Jews therefore strove against themselves
00:55:05saying how can this man
00:55:07give us his flesh to eat?
00:55:09Then Jesus said to him
00:55:10verily, verily, I say unto you
00:55:12except you eat the flesh of the Son of Man
00:55:14and drink his blood
00:55:16you have no life in you.
00:55:17Whosoever eats of my flesh
00:55:19and drinks of my blood
00:55:20hath eternal life
00:55:21and I will raise him up at the last day
00:55:23for my flesh is meat indeed
00:55:25and my blood is drink indeed
00:55:27he that eateth my flesh
00:55:29and drinketh my blood
00:55:30dwelleth in me
00:55:31and I in him
00:55:32as a living Father has sent me
00:55:34and I live by the Father
00:55:35he that seeth me
00:55:36even he shall live by me
00:55:38this is the bread
00:55:39which came down from heaven
00:55:40not as your fathers did eat manna
00:55:42and are dead
00:55:44he that eateth of this bread
00:55:45shall live forever.
00:55:46So that's what he tells them.
00:55:48So when Jesus is talking spiritual things
00:55:51just like when he told Nicodemus
00:55:53hey that you got to be born of
00:55:55of water and spirit
00:55:57for you to have everlasting life
00:55:59and he's thinking
00:56:00well how can I be born again?
00:56:01How can I go back in my mother's womb?
00:56:03Well that's the physical thing.
00:56:05He's talking about the spiritual
00:56:07that we have to be born again
00:56:10to go to heaven.
00:56:11But what Jesus is telling them here
00:56:13is that you've got to eat and drink
00:56:15of my flesh and my blood.
00:56:17Now is he talking about physically?
00:56:18Is he talking about he's going to cut off a piece of his skin
00:56:20and the disciples are going to eat it?
00:56:23Is he talking about cutting himself
00:56:24and they're going to drink his blood?
00:56:26The Bible clearly tells us
00:56:27that the blood is the life blood
00:56:29of animals and all things
00:56:31and that they're supposed to drain the blood
00:56:33and we're not supposed to drink blood
00:56:34or eat blood
00:56:35or have anything to do with blood
00:56:37because that is what saves us
00:56:39from our sins is Jesus' blood.
00:56:41But the Catholics
00:56:43they take this too far.
00:56:44When they do the communion
00:56:46or the Lord's Supper
00:56:47or whatever they want to call it
00:56:49they actually think that
00:56:50the cracker they're eating
00:56:52is turning into Jesus' flesh
00:56:54and the wine that they're drinking
00:56:56is turning into the blood.
00:56:57Folks, that's not what he's talking about.
00:56:59Again, it's a spiritual aspect.
00:57:01And again, it's not that
00:57:03hey, you've got to take the Lord's Supper
00:57:05every week or every day
00:57:07or every service or whatever
00:57:09you're never going to go to heaven.
00:57:10That's not what he's talking about.
00:57:12It's a spiritual aspect.
00:57:14But I guess because I hear them say this
00:57:16they're saying, oh, the disciples
00:57:18they're in the upper room
00:57:20eating Jesus' blood
00:57:22drinking his blood and eating his flesh.
00:57:24But that's what they think.
00:57:26Number nine, claims that the salt of the earth
00:57:28if you go to Matthew 5
00:57:30are nothing
00:57:32they're nothing.
00:57:34Jesus said we're the salt of the earth, right?
00:57:36They're nothing and compared to the
00:57:38afterbirth of the
00:57:40offspring of a mule.
00:57:42He's saying, they're saying
00:57:44these Pharisees
00:57:46these rabbis
00:57:48or whatever, they tell a story
00:57:50about the salt of the earth.
00:57:52Now where does this come from?
00:57:54The only place this comes from is the Bible
00:57:56folks. But they're saying the followers
00:57:58of Christ, the followers
00:58:00of Jesus, they're the same
00:58:02thing as the offspring
00:58:04of a mule. Now what is that?
00:58:06Well, if you take a donkey
00:58:08or an ass and you mix
00:58:10it with a horse, you know what you come up with?
00:58:12A mule. And people say
00:58:14well, a mule's stubborn, it can't do anything.
00:58:16Well, that's true, but the
00:58:18scientific thing
00:58:20any scientist can tell you that a mule
00:58:22is sterile.
00:58:24It won't do anything.
00:58:26It can't produce, you can't have a baby mule.
00:58:28And that's what he's saying. He's saying
00:58:30hey, the salt of the earth is just
00:58:32like the afterbirth
00:58:34so if you're sterile, you can't bring
00:58:36forth a baby and so there's
00:58:38no afterbirth of a mule.
00:58:40That's what he's saying. Look at Matthew 5.
00:58:44cursing Jesus, cursing his followers,
00:58:46mocking the followers of Jesus,
00:58:48mocking you and me about it.
00:58:50Now you go to Matthew 5 and you look through
00:58:52verse 1 through 12, this is the
00:58:54famous sermon on the mount
00:58:56when he talks about the beatitudes, but right after
00:58:58that, verse 13, what does he say?
00:59:00Ye are the salt of the earth,
00:59:02but if the salt is lost to the savor,
00:59:04wherewith shall it be salted?
00:59:06It is henceforth good for nothing,
00:59:08but to be cast out and to be
00:59:10trodden underfoot of men. You are the light
00:59:12of the world, a city that is set on a
00:59:14hill cannot be hid.
00:59:16So we're supposed to be the salt of the earth?
00:59:18We're supposed to be the light of the world?
00:59:20All these things.
00:59:22And the last point
00:59:24is that
00:59:26they believe that Jesus
00:59:28was stolen, not resurrected.
00:59:30That's why they tell
00:59:32him, hey, he goes to
00:59:34Pilate and says they're going to take
00:59:36his body, they're going to take his body
00:59:38and not only that,
00:59:40we've got to put guards up there
00:59:42and they put guards up there trying to
00:59:44protect it. Well, they fall asleep
00:59:46and he's
00:59:50They also, and this is the most important one
00:59:52to me, is that they believe that
00:59:54because Jesus said he's the son of God
00:59:56that he's burning
00:59:58in hot semen in hell.
01:00:00Folks, that's
01:00:02just disgusting or excrement.
01:00:04One of the two, some
01:00:06rabbis say it's hot semen
01:00:08in hell. Some of them say that he's
01:00:10burning in hot doo-doo in hell.
01:00:12Whatever it is, we know that Jesus
01:00:14did go to hell for three days, but we know
01:00:16that God the Father and the Holy Spirit
01:00:18raised him from the dead. Raised
01:00:20him out of the grave. That's why Mary Magdalene
01:00:22when she went to go touch Jesus,
01:00:24he comes straight out of the pit of hell
01:00:26and he says, don't touch me, I'm not been glorified
01:00:28yet. Because he had to go to heaven
01:00:30to be glorified. He had to take his blood
01:00:32and sprinkle it on the mercy seat
01:00:34on the Ark of the Covenant
01:00:36in heaven. That's what he had to do.
01:00:38And he hadn't done that yet. That's why he said
01:00:40I go up to heaven and then I'll
01:00:42come back down to your brethren.
01:00:44So there's three things I want you to
01:00:46understand. Go to 1 Corinthians 12.
01:00:48We'll go through these real quick.
01:00:50Because the reason
01:00:54the biggest thing is, I'm telling you
01:00:56you just got to believe me.
01:00:58When Benjamin
01:01:00Netanyahu, the
01:01:02prime minister, the president of Israel
01:01:04when he came here and he talked to all
01:01:06United States Senate and
01:01:08they got a standing ovation.
01:01:12Because the nation of Israel
01:01:14has all your politicians paid for.
01:01:16That's why.
01:01:18That's why nobody's
01:01:20saying anything about the nation
01:01:22of Israel going and killing
01:01:24babies, sniping five year olds
01:01:26in the head that are Palestinians.
01:01:28And what Christians don't understand
01:01:30is that for
01:01:32years those Jews
01:01:34so called Jews in Israel
01:01:36the nation of Judaism
01:01:38when they are destroying those kids
01:01:40those people, those Palestinians
01:01:42they're your brothers and sisters in Christ.
01:01:44Not all of them were destroyed.
01:01:46And if you were to go and say
01:01:48hey I'm going to go to the holy land
01:01:50and I'm going to go and try to give somebody the gospel
01:01:52they would kill you.
01:01:54There's little children that
01:01:56have been raised up this way
01:01:58and taught this way that Jesus is the devil
01:02:00and Christians are the devil
01:02:02and they're burning in hell and all these
01:02:04things and they'll take stones and
01:02:06rocks and throw them at Christians that come and
01:02:08visit. They'll go and
01:02:10desecrate holy
01:02:12shrines that are not Jews
01:02:14that are, some of them are not even
01:02:16Christians, some of them are like Orthodox
01:02:18or whatever and they'll go and knock
01:02:20the stones down and they'll destroy
01:02:22these places because
01:02:24they hate Jesus that much is the way
01:02:26they're being taught. Look at 1 Corinthians 12
01:02:28verse 1
01:02:32Now concerning spiritual
01:02:34gifts brethren, I would have
01:02:36not you ignorant, you know that
01:02:38ye were Gentiles
01:02:40carried away with these dumb idols
01:02:42even as ye were led. Look at
01:02:44verse 3. Wherefore
01:02:46underline this please
01:02:48highlight it, whatever, wherever I give you to
01:02:50understand that no man
01:02:52no man
01:02:56by the Spirit of God
01:02:58calleth Jesus
01:03:00a curse. Folks I just showed you 10 points
01:03:02of where they're cursing Jesus
01:03:04cursing what he did, cursing his
01:03:06birth, cursing his life
01:03:08cursing him as a child, cursing
01:03:10what he was doing, raising people
01:03:12from the dead, healing people
01:03:14cursing him, cursing him, cursing him
01:03:16and that no
01:03:18man can say that Jesus
01:03:20is Lord but by the Holy Ghost
01:03:22So the first thing
01:03:24is that nobody curses
01:03:26Jesus if they are of God. So if the
01:03:28Jews over there, if they are of God
01:03:30how can they curse Jesus so much?
01:03:32Go to 1 John 4
01:03:361 John 4
01:03:38These are the 3 points you need to understand
01:03:40because people are going to start talking about it
01:03:42well we just got to keep helping them people
01:03:44over there in Israel because you know
01:03:46we just got to help them because
01:03:48if we bless them God's going to bless us
01:03:50Wrong answer
01:03:52Number 2
01:03:54They crucify Jesus because he said
01:03:56he was the Son of God, he was the God in
01:03:58the flesh. Look at 1 John 4
01:04:00and every spirit
01:04:02every spirit, not just some
01:04:04spirit, but every spirit that
01:04:06confesses not that Jesus Christ is coming
01:04:08to flesh is not of God. So any
01:04:10religion, I don't care what it is
01:04:12it may come out, new religion of
01:04:14the hookity boogity's and they don't believe
01:04:16that Jesus is coming to flesh
01:04:18that he's God in the flesh and he came on this earth
01:04:20they're not of God
01:04:22and this
01:04:24is the spirit of Antichrist
01:04:26so ok, well
01:04:28God's making us this connection that any
01:04:30spirit that does not confess that Jesus Christ
01:04:32is coming to flesh is a spirit
01:04:34of Antichrist. So Judaism is
01:04:36what? Antichrist. Muslims is what?
01:04:38Antichrist. All these
01:04:40religions, Jehovah's Witness, Antichrist
01:04:42they are in
01:04:44the place of Jesus Christ
01:04:46so basically if you go back
01:04:48to Corinthians, it says that
01:04:50anybody who does not believe on Jesus
01:04:52they don't believe that Jesus is the son of God
01:04:54they don't believe that Jesus is God
01:04:56they don't have Jesus as God
01:04:58they're of the devil
01:05:00they're worshiping the devil, they think they're
01:05:02praying to God, hey God do this
01:05:04that guy I told you about, he thinks he's praying to God
01:05:06he's praying to the devil, God doesn't hear his
01:05:10and the last point, go to 1 Corinthians
01:05:16this is probably
01:05:18the most important, I want you to underline this too
01:05:20look, we want
01:05:22I want those people in Israel
01:05:24to be saved, but they're not going to
01:05:28they hate Jesus
01:05:30folks, you've got to at least be
01:05:32somewhere neutral to believe on Jesus
01:05:34first, you can't hate his guts
01:05:36you can't throw stones at believers
01:05:38folks, this is the hardest
01:05:40group of people to ever
01:05:42to get saved because they have
01:05:44so much hatred for the Lord
01:05:46Jesus Christ, and they still
01:05:50look at 1 Corinthians 16
01:05:52verse 22
01:05:54underline this too, if any man
01:05:56any man, any man
01:05:58see, you've got to
01:06:00be neutral with Jesus first
01:06:02to believe him, and then after you believe him
01:06:04you've got to love him, right
01:06:06love not the Lord Jesus
01:06:08let him be anathema
01:06:12there's a lot of churches that are called maranatha
01:06:14church, maranatha baptist church
01:06:16whatever, what does maranatha mean?
01:06:18it means, come Lord Jesus
01:06:20we're waiting for the second coming
01:06:22of Jesus, we're waiting for him to come in the
01:06:24clouds, to redeem our soul
01:06:26and our body, but what does anathema
01:06:30be damned to hell
01:06:32so what is the Bible saying?
01:06:34if they don't love the Lord Jesus
01:06:36if they don't want to have anything to do
01:06:38with the Lord Jesus, let them go
01:06:40to hell and come on Jesus
01:06:42that's what it's saying
01:06:44so don't tell me that
01:06:46we're supposed to do this
01:06:48and we're supposed to believe in every
01:06:50religion and we're supposed to respect
01:06:52all religions, well the Bible clearly says
01:06:54you don't want to believe on Jesus
01:06:56be damned, we don't care, go to hell
01:06:58now we want them to go to heaven, but
01:07:00if you just want to hate Jesus so much
01:07:02and curse him, let them
01:07:04cause we ain't going to fight
01:07:06that battle, now when they want to come to Jesus
01:07:08we'll show
01:07:10but don't get all mixed up
01:07:12and wrapped up in the axle
01:07:14about this and say no
01:07:16they're God's chosen people, you know I can
01:07:18show you that they call themselves rabbi
01:07:20Jesus said not to call anybody rabbi but your master
01:07:22himself, but they
01:07:24call themselves rabbi, you know Christians get all
01:07:26excited, hey we got rabbi
01:07:28yaka maka maka coming to
01:07:30save, read the Bible, he don't
01:07:32even know the Bible, he's not
01:07:34saved, he's got a
01:07:36a mask over his face while he's reading
01:07:38he may read the word but he don't have a clue what it says
01:07:40cause he don't have the Holy Spirit
01:07:42so what needs to happen
01:07:44if they repent
01:07:46I'm not talking about repenting of your sins
01:07:48what I'm talking about is they say hey
01:07:50I don't believe in this Judaism
01:07:52I do believe that Jesus Christ
01:07:54was born as a virgin
01:07:56and that he died on the cross
01:07:58for all man's sin and I'm trusting only
01:08:00in his death
01:08:02burial and that he rose three days later
01:08:04physically from the grave
01:08:06like the Bible says and when they believe that
01:08:08they have repented of Judaism
01:08:10means they have turned from their stupid belief
01:08:12that Jesus is a demon or devil
01:08:14or whatever they want to say
01:08:16then that's when salvation
01:08:18happens, that's the repentance that needs to
01:08:20happen, repentance needs to happen when you
01:08:22say I'm not trusting in my works
01:08:24I'm not trusting in the works of something else
01:08:26I'm changing from that
01:08:28to believing that Jesus is the way
01:08:30and that's the only way to be saved
01:08:32that's the repentance that's necessary
01:08:34it's not repenting of your sins, nobody can repent of their sins
01:08:36we're all sinners until the day we die
01:08:38let's bow our heads and have a word of prayer