00:00All right, so we're finishing up Hebrews when Hebrews 13
00:05Hebrews chapter 13
00:08The Bible reads in verse 1 let brotherly love continue
00:12Be not forgetful to entertain strangers for thereby some have entertained angels unaware
00:19so the Bible tells us that we should be
00:24Considering that the person that we entertain
00:27Might be a stranger and I've got two examples for that if you keep it there and go to go to Genesis 18
00:38Now I don't know if this is still true, I don't know I don't know if there's angels walking around
00:45But I'm going to show you two situations
00:51People that look like human beings with their angels
00:56The first is in Genesis 18 1
01:00And we see in a verse 18 1 and the Lord so you see the capital L capital O capital R capital D
01:08That's the Lord Jehovah
01:10Well, it's not God the Father because Abraham would not be alive
01:15It's not Holy Spirit because we can't see the Spirit. So who is it? It's the Lord Jesus Christ
01:21Appeared unto him
01:22Talk about Abraham in the plains of Mamre and he sat in the tent door in the heat of the day
01:28And he lifted his eyes and look and lo three men stood by him
01:33when he saw them he ran to meet them from the tent door and bowed himself toward the ground and
01:39Said my lord
01:41So now it's a little o little r little d
01:46So this is boss
01:48He's considering the Lord to be his boss. Why because he does not know who he is
01:53He looks like there's just like men passing through and you got to understand you got to take a context
02:00People just didn't live next to other people, you know
02:05Field his farm whatever may be miles and miles from another person. So having a lot of
02:13Guests to come up just probably didn't happen a whole lot. So when he did see somebody, you know, he greeted him
02:20Now I have found favor in thy sight pass not away. I pray thee from thy servant. Let a little water. I pray you
02:28Be fetched and wash your feet and rest yourselves under trees
02:31So it was common when somebody would come up, you know, they didn't have a lot of shoes by then
02:36You would wash their feet
02:37Give them water to continue on the journey
02:40Give them a little rest so they can continue on the journey
02:44And I'll fetch a morsel of bread and comfort ye your hearts after that ye shall pass on
02:51For thereon are ye come to your servant and they said so do as thou has said and Abraham hastened
02:59Into the tent unto Sarah and said make ready quickly
03:02Three measures of fine meal kneaded and makes cakes upon the hearth and Abraham ran into the herd and fetched a calf
03:12Tender and good and gave it unto a young man and he hasted to dress him
03:16He took butter and milk and the calf which he had dressed and set before them
03:22And he stood by them under the tree and they did eat. So what we see here is that Abraham?
03:28Took steak butter and milk and that's what he fed Jesus
03:33If you will get Revelation 19
03:36So what we see here is that Abraham did not know who it was. He did not know that these were angels
03:44So but he still entertained them
03:48Nevertheless, so look at Revelation 19 verse 10
03:55This is one of the angels showing John the Apostle John
04:00About the end times about the visions that he's going to see look at verse 10
04:05So after he shows him about the marriage supper of the Lamb
04:08He says and I fell at his feet to worship him and he said unto me see thou do it not
04:14I'm thy fellow servant and of thy brethren that have the testimony of Jesus
04:21Worship God for the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy
04:25So he's telling him. Hey, I'm a prophet just like you don't be worshiping me. I'm not God. I'm not Jesus
04:32I'm not the Holy Spirit and he's telling him not to worship him. So he's obviously
04:38some type of angel or some type of a
04:43Prophet from earlier days and time and he's coming to show John go back to Hebrew
04:51So again, I don't know I can't honestly say that
04:55The person you see at Walmart may be an angel is I don't know, you know
05:00I don't know. There's some things in the Bible that were for back then
05:05Like, you know
05:07I was driving down the road in
05:09Tallahassee the other day and there's somebody running for some kind of office and what was on the side of the car Apostle Jones
05:16Well, there's no such thing as a possible you'd had to be over 2,000 years old because the definition of an apostle is
05:23Anybody who saw Jesus in his resurrected state Paul's the last one
05:28But that was for back then. So when the Bible says that, you know, God gave us apostles he did for back then
05:36So again, I do not know. I'm not gonna say that but the Bible still that's what the Bible tells us
05:41Is that we should be careful
05:43Not to forget to entertain strangers because it may be angels verse 3
05:49Remember then that that are in bonds as bound with them and then which suffered adversity as being yourself
05:56Also in the body. So just to recap the whole book of Hebrews
06:01Takes everything in the Old Testament
06:03the diverse washings the all the things that they did the
06:09Feast days and it puts it together with Jesus
06:12Well verse chapter 13 kind of wraps it up and puts a nice bow on it. And that's what we see
06:19So he's saying remember the people who are in prison
06:21That uh, you know that there's obviously people in prison because they're believers in Christ
06:26We see that throughout the book of Acts and he's saying remember those people
06:31Verse 4
06:32Marriage is honorable in all and the bed undefiled
06:37But the whore mongers and adulterers will judge
06:41So what is a whore monger? Well, it's pretty simple to figure that out. It is a male
06:48Who mongers or hang around a whore? What is a whore where the Bible defines that too?
06:54It's any woman that spreads her legs for some man
06:59Without being married go to Leviticus 20
07:04You may not like that you may be upset about that get on your hands and knees and tell God to change it good luck
07:16Look at Leviticus 20 verse 10
07:23Defines what adultery is
07:26Because the next thing we'll talk about is that look at verse 10 and chapter 20 and the man that commit adultery with another
07:33man's wife
07:35Even he that committed adultery with his neighbor's wife
07:38The adulterer and the adulterer shall surely be put to death. So the Bible is pretty clear
07:45that the punishment
07:47Is death for adultery, what is adultery is when
07:52either a man or a woman cheat on their spouse with another person after they're married or
08:00It's when a man or a woman decide to divorce their spouse at the same time again
08:07Not trying to beat up on anybody who's been divorced
08:09But there are young people here some that have been married one time and there's some that's not been married
08:16So that's for them to decide the person that they marry
08:20They better make doggone sure that they stay married or there's a punishment from God
08:26That's what the point is not to beat up on people that have been
08:31Divorced it's not a point go to Revelation 2
08:36Revelation chapter 2
08:40I mean
08:42People make mistakes
08:46People who have made those mistakes, it'd be the first ones to tell you
08:50If they could do it over again, they would do something different
08:54Revelation 20 verse Revelation 2 chapter 2 verse 20
09:00Chapter 2 verse 20
09:03Notwithstanding I have a few things against thee. This is the church at Thyatira because thou sufferest that woman Jezebel
09:10Which calls herself a prophetess to teach and to seduce
09:14My servants to commit fornication that eat things sacrifice and idols
09:19So two things we see here
09:20One that Jesus Christ is pretty mad at this church because they're allowing a woman to teach in the church
09:29You may say well what's wrong with that? Well, it's pretty bad because Jesus saying is bad
09:34He says not that there should be a man and you may say well that's sexist
09:39That's God live with it
09:41And I gave her space to repent of her fornication means he just tried to give her a chance to change it and she repented not
09:49But what I will cast her out in a bed and commit thee and them that commit adultery with her
09:55into great
09:58Except they repent of their deeds
10:00and I will kill her children with death and all the churches shall know that I am he which searches the reins and hearts and
10:08I will give unto every one of you according to your words
10:12So the punishment that God has found
10:15For Jezebel and the people that commit adultery with her is death. That's what he says. That's how he feels about it
10:24Go back to
10:27Hebrews 13, but marriage is honorable at all
10:32There's nothing unhonorable about marriage a man and a woman decide to get married. That's honorable. That's what God has decided
10:40Is the best thing?
10:42First five let your conversation be without covetousness
10:47Conversation here just means lifestyle
10:50Has nothing to do with you speaking anything. It doesn't mean hey, don't be talking about that boat
10:55You want that you can't afford know what it's talking about is your lifestyle
10:59There's people that live their life every day and they're working to get something
11:06It's that new phone
11:08It's that iPhone 14 isn't that what I got to have the iPhone 15 because they just got into 16 17 18
11:16It never stops
11:18And I look there's nothing wrong with wanting stuff in your life
11:23When you are driven by working and doing something to get something else
11:28And that's your only goal
11:30The only reason you work is to to decide if you want that new car a new boat or new gun
11:36Whatever it may be when you drive when that drives you
11:41Then you have a problem
11:43So the next part says be content with such sayings as you have for he has said I will never leave thee nor forsake thee
11:51That's an interesting that every time covetousness is brought up in the Bible
11:57Usually it has to do right with marriage to go when you're not
12:01Satisfied with the woman you have or the husband you have then you are going to go commit adultery and go find somebody else
12:09But if you're satisfied, you're content with the things you have to content with the house
12:14You have you content with the car you have you content with the dog you have or whatever?
12:19It may be then you're not gonna go look for something else. You're not gonna
12:23You're not gonna go to look to see what else you could have
12:28Got a first Corinthians 6
12:33First Corinthians chapter 6 so there's a couple places in the Bible that
12:43it has a list of sins and
12:46And people like to use this list
12:50To talk about Peter if your name's on this list and then you're not gonna you're not going to heaven
12:55But I want you to look at it real carefully
13:00First Corinthians 6 verse 9
13:03Know you not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God now
13:08That's pretty pretty simple, right? But then you look at it and people say well, we're all unrighteousness
13:14We're all unrighteous and that's true
13:17We are unrighteous, but what it's talking about is the old man again talking about the old man
13:24Because your spirit the new man is righteous. He cannot sin
13:29Shall not inherit the kingdom of God be not deceived neither fornicators
13:35Idolaters nor adulterers nor effeminate nor abuses themselves with man
13:40Mankind nor thieves nor covetous nor drunkards nor revilers nor
13:45Extortioners shall inherit the kingdom of God and such for some of you, but you're washed
13:52But you are sanctified, but you are justified in the name of Lord Jesus and by the Spirit our God
14:00So first of all, it does list these sins and I had a guy tell me one time
14:05Yeah, if you've ever committed one of these sins, you're not gonna go to heaven
14:10Okay, and my question is so are you telling me that Noah's not in heaven?
14:16Cuz Noah was a drunkard as soon as he got off the ark. He made him a vineyard. He got drunk
14:21Are you telling me that adulterer? Okay. Well King David, what did he commit? He committed murder and adultery
14:27Are you telling me that he's not in heaven a man after God's own heart?
14:30I mean, come on folks. What it's telling you is that when you get to heaven if you commit fornication
14:36You're not gonna walk into heaven they say hey fornicator cuz that's not you
14:43But what people don't realize is no you're not gonna be known as a fornicator if you've committed adultery
14:48You're not gonna be known as an adulterer
14:50But what gives me problem with this verse is that the Bible has been changed
14:56Because where it says effeminate or abuser themselves of mankind
15:00The NIV the ESV all these other versions they change it to not effeminate but homosexuals
15:08And the picture they're trying to print for you is that hey you used to be a homosexual
15:16But now you're safe wrong
15:21That is wrong
15:23Effeminate is different. You see this girly man that's walking around with his wrists all whacked up or that's a sin
15:30Not the same as being a homosexual
15:33sometimes being effeminate can lead to being a homo, but that's not what it's talking about a
15:40Person who is a homo the Bible makes it clear in Romans 1 has been rejected by God and can never be saved
15:47And my question to people are if God takes your ability away to believe
15:53How can you believe on Jesus because in that how people are saved as they believe on the Lord Jesus Christ with God takes that ability?
15:59Away, how can you do that?
16:03So the word effeminate or abusers themselves with mankind is not the same thing as a
16:10Homosexual this is a person who has made the decision to because it's not a normal sin
16:18Folks, I'm just here to tell you a man less than after another man is not normal
16:23a woman less than after another woman is not normal a
16:27Man or whatever less than after an animal is not normal. These are just not normal sins
16:34That's what we need to understand go to first Timothy 6
16:53Just know when there's any list of sins or it says that
16:57This person can't inherit the kingdom of God
17:00Just know that the only requirement to inherit the kingdom of God is believing on the Lord Jesus Christ period
17:08The other stuff is the old man also it says I can't remember where it is
17:12But it says that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God
17:15Why because when you die your flesh is gonna be in the ground your bloods gonna be in the ground and it's not gonna inherit
17:22Um, what I have you turn first Timothy 6 verse 5
17:38The boss is perverse perverse disputings of men corrupt minds
17:47Destituted the truth supposing that gain is godliness from such withdrawal that self
17:51so just on my contentment being content that when you try to a
17:56Lot of people think if they have a lot of money or have a lot of stuff that they're godly
18:01But that's not what it's saying
18:03Look at verse 6 but godliness with contentment is great gain
18:06So being godly and being content with what you have is great gain
18:11It's great for us to do that for we brought nothing into this world
18:15Remember, you didn't bring anything in there
18:17You're not leaving out of here with your hearse hooked up to a U-Haul
18:22Everything you got the clothes you got, you know, it's funny. You saw this guy
18:26He was putting money into a man's casket and said I'm he ain't taking it with him
18:31More likely the person that put the casket in the ground may open up the casket and take that money out
18:36Say cool. I get a tip
18:39We brought nothing in this world and is certain we can carry nothing out having food and
18:46Rainment, let us there be there with content. Everybody feel their bellies tonight. There's your food
18:52I don't see anybody sitting around here naked. There's your rain
18:55So if you got food and raiment, that's all that God requires of you
19:01He never promised you to have a house. He never promises you to have a car or anything like that
19:06So make just make sure you understand that
19:09These are luxury and we're talking about blessings and luxuries
19:13That's what that is
19:14But they that will be rich fall in tentation and a snare
19:18And then into many foolish and hurtful lusts which drown men in destruction and perdition
19:24So that man that's chasing the dollar that man that or woman that just decides. Hey, I want money. I want money
19:31I just want to live nice and and and you know without any problems
19:36That's a temptation. That's a snare
19:39Because why because eventually whatever moral compass you have it's going to change
19:45If somebody came to you and said I'm gonna pay you X number dollar for you to say, whatever you'll say, whatever
19:56Was listening today to one of the guys I listen to on YouTube and it was talking about the two football players brothers
20:05That have taken three different cereals and mixed them together
20:12I think it was
20:13Cheerios, I don't know what it was. But anyway and put their pictures on front of the box and
20:20Said hey, this is the best cereal. You should be eating this cereal. Well, there's a lot of kids
20:24They're gonna watch them on the NFL and they're gonna say hey
20:27I'm gonna eat this cereal because it's gonna make me like them
20:30But what I don't realize is you're just causing them to get diabetes
20:34That kid ain't gonna be able to play football cuz he's gonna have
20:37Juvenile diabetes and I guarantee you if you went back you'll find out that that company paid them
20:45Millions of dollars to put their face in front of that picture to do that
20:51For the love of money is a root of all evil
20:54Make sure you understand that folks because the new Bible versions
20:58They say the love of some money is a root of some evil or something like that, but it's all evil
21:05God's correct and I had one guy try to explain to will how is that true with rape?
21:13Because there's no money involved. It has nothing to do with the money being involved is saying the love of money not being content
21:20So if you're there and you commit the rape then you're not content with what you have
21:27You that you're not content with what you have we saw last week that uh
21:31that we had Esau it was described as him of
21:36fornication being the same thing why because
21:39He was trying to get something that he could have later on
21:43He gave it up and that's what the idea is that the love of money is a root of all evil
21:50So if you looked at every sin
21:53It starts with somebody not being satisfied what I got
21:57Maybe they got five toys and they say hey, I want that sixth toy when they're kids
22:01Hey, I want then later on later in life is I got this new phone. I want another phone. You're not satisfied
22:09That's the root of all evil
22:12Why because when people have stuff they'll go and rob a store and take more stuff and whatever it is
22:18They're not satisfied with with with their husband or wife and it will mean adultery. That's what it's talking about
22:25That's what is the King James Bible is right again
22:29These other Bibles are wrong because they just want to make that out. So you it's not clear
22:35Anytime so-called Bible is not clear and there's confusion. It's not of God
22:42Well, some have covered it after they have erred from the faith and pierced themselves
22:48Through with many sorrows
22:50So there's many Christians out there
22:53They love money so much. They want something that they have erred from the faith. They quit going to church
23:00You know heard a guy one time. He says I want to win the lottery. He won something
23:04He got a bat. He went and bought a bass boat
23:07He never went back to church
23:09And you say well if I want all this money in the lottery if I want a million dollars
23:12I'd give half of the church. No you won't
23:15No, you won't
23:17You'll go do something. You go buy a house. You go buy a beach house and you won't come back
23:22That's what the Bible says and I've seen him on like go back to Hebrews
23:31Verse 6 so that we may boldly so if we're content what we have
23:36We may boldly say the Lord is my helper helper and I will not fear what man shall do unto me
23:42So when we're content with what we have and we're not covetous we say hey God's got me everything I need
23:49You know when you when you realize that the money you have the job you have is sufficient for you to live
23:56You say well God gave me that job. The Lord is my helper
24:01Remember them which had the rule over you
24:05Who has spoken unto you the Word of God whose faith followed considering the end of their conversation?
24:13So these are the people who have the rule of you this isn't all my politicians, okay, this isn't have say hey remember
24:21Joe Biden tonight before you go to bed. That's not what it's talking about
24:24What it's talking about is the people who had to rule over you your parents your teachers your pastors
24:31Whoever that may have taught you the Bible. That's the Word of God Joe Biden
24:36He didn't teach me the Word of God
24:38And that's what it's saying is that you should remember these people when you when you when you lay your head down and you realize
24:44Who you are now it may be because of one of those people and the boldness to show you you should remember that
24:51and verse 8
24:53If I couldn't find one verse that encompasses the whole Bible, that's it
24:58Jesus Christ the same yesterday today and forever. There's nothing else. I mean, that's the whole Bible
25:04Jesus does not change. God does not change. Jesus is God. He's the same as yesterday
25:10He's the same before Genesis 1 1 he's the same
25:14From Genesis of Revelation and he's the same from wherever all the way to the end of the world
25:20nothing changes
25:21so when you hear people say
25:23Stupid stuff like well the God of the Old Testament. He was a mean God and Jesus. He just kind of accepted all stuff
25:30Stupid they don't understand the Bible. They don't understand who God is
25:34because if you read
25:36Genesis 19, you'll see that it's Jesus Christ raining fire and brimstone down on the homos where in Sodom and Gomorrah
25:44look at verse 9 be not carried about with diverse means
25:49strange doctrines
25:52There's all kind of weird doctrines out there that you know
25:56That people are aliens and aliens are coming on this earth and all this stuff folks if God didn't create it
26:03It ain't out there. Okay, I don't remember in Genesis 1 1 that God created Adam and ET
26:09You know that didn't happen
26:12So I don't believe in that but do what do I believe that there's people out there whacked out on drugs and they see stuff
26:19Yes, do I believe that there may be?
26:22Shapeshifting demons that make themselves look like aliens. Sure. Absolutely
26:29But don't be carried away with this stuff it's not in the Bible it ain't true
26:32First is a good thing that the heart be established with grace not with meats which have not yet profited them
26:39Have been occupied therein we have an altar whereof they have no right to eat what served the tabernacle
26:45For the bodies of those beasts whose blood is brought into the sanctuary by the high priest for sin are burned without the camp
26:55Jesus also that he might sanctify the people with his own blood suffered without the gate
27:03Let us go forth therefore unto him without the camp and his reproach
27:09Go to Exodus 29
27:12So I just want to show that to you in the Bible where when they sacrifice an animal a bullock or whatever
27:18They took the blood they sprinkled the blood then they took the animal and they took it outside of the camp and burned it
27:28When I used to read this I used to think okay, it's for sanitary reasons, you know, maybe they don't want to
27:33Burn the animal in the camp, you know
27:37Mm-hmm, but I think it's got more it's got a lot to do with what Jesus did because of being again bringing it up in
27:44Hebrews why mention this you got to think why would God mention this in the book of Hebrews?
27:49Except that he's making a connection between Jesus Christ's crucifixion and what was done in the Old Testament
27:56He's trying to knock the Jews in the head and say this is
28:00Why all this stuff was done. Look at Exodus 29 verse 10
28:06And now shall cause a bullock which is a bull to be brought before the tabernacle of the congregation and Aaron and his sons
28:14Shall put their hands upon the head of the bullock. So they're putting their hands on him
28:18Now shall kill the bullock before the Lord
28:21LORD capital LORD by the door of the tabernacle of the congregation. So right there at the door of the tabernacle
28:29They're killing this bullock and now shall take of the blood of the bullock and put it on the horns of the altar with our
28:36finger and pour all the blood beside the bottom of the altar and
28:40now shall take all the fat that
28:43Covered the inwards and the call that is above the liver and the two kidneys and the fat that is upon them and burn
28:49Upon them upon the altar
28:51so they're taking the insides of the the the bull and they're burning it inside the altar inside the
29:00Tabernacle and look at verse 14, but the flesh of the bullock and his skin and his dung thou shalt burn
29:06with fire
29:08Without the camp it is a sin offering. So any sin offering they're supposed to take the animal skin the body the bones and
29:16Their dung and burn it outside of the camp when I used to read this again when I used to see about the dung
29:22Okay, well, they don't want to burn the dung inside the tabernacle, but go back to Hebrews 13
29:28Again why God mentioned this to us? I believe it's got to do with why because when Jesus was crucified
29:34Where did he go outside the city?
29:37He went up on on the Rio de la Rosa up on the Mount Galgotha
29:43Up on top of the hill outside of the camp. That's where he was crucified is to show you
29:49That the sin offering is to be taken outside of the camp
29:54And it's what I believe is going on for here we have no continuing city
29:58So we don't have you may live in a certain city. You may live in Tiflis or whatever
30:03But what the Bible is saying is we have no continuing city, but there's one we seek and that's the heavenly Jerusalem in heaven
30:11That's the city we're seeking
30:15Verse 15 by him therefore let us offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually
30:21That is a fruit of our lips given. Thanks to his name. So we should constantly
30:26Wherever we go be thinking whether you're saying it with your mouth or whatever
30:31Praising God for what he's given us because he may take it away
30:37But to do good and to communicate forget not so we shouldn't forget to do good and
30:43And to show people don't forget it. Why because that's what pleases God
30:49When we keep our mouth shut and we don't tell people stuff, you know that that don't please God we should do things to please him
30:57verse 17 again obey them that have the rule of you not Joe Biden not the
31:02Politicians not your governor not we shouldn't we shouldn't we should obey them
31:08But what it's talking about and submit yourself for they watch over your soul. Joe Biden is not watching over my soul
31:14He wished my soul would die
31:16Just like he wishes yours would but what it's talking about is the people that will give an account as they must give an account
31:23That may do it with joy and with grief that is earth as unprofitable for you
31:28So I'm gonna have to give an account of this church
31:32you know what a sad thing it would be for a pastor to stand before Jesus and
31:38Jesus says hey, did you know that you had X number of people in your church that weren't saved?
31:43That came every Sunday why or hey, why did you preach on that? That's not in the Bible
31:49Why did you change it? What you know, whatever it may be
31:52They're gonna have to give an account. I'm going to give double account. I'm going to give account what happens at this church
31:57I'm gonna have to give an account if you're a male
31:59You will have to and you're married you have to give an account for what happens in your family
32:05Why you didn't do this why you let allowed this to happen you will have to give an account
32:11Again not about sin, but I will have to give an account and that tell why this happened why that happened
32:19So we should obey them your parents your teachers your preachers
32:24Whatever it is. You should obey them. They had a rule of you and submit yourself
32:31Why one because it's being obedient to God number two
32:34Why because they will give an account about what happens verse 18 pray for us
32:40For we trust we have a good conscience and all things willing to live honestly
32:44But I beseech you the rather to do this that I may be restored to you the sooner
32:51So our prayer should be that a government just leaves us alone
32:54They don't make us get vaccines and they don't make us do this and later on they say hey you can't preach in the name
33:00Of Jesus or you can't use that Bible. You can't do this. You can't do that. Just leave us alone
33:05That's what we should be praying is that they leave us alone and we can just live
33:09Honestly, we just do our own thing, but they're not gonna do that. I'm just gonna tell you that
33:15Now the God of peace that brought again from the dead
33:19Our Lord Jesus that great shepherd of the sheep to the blood of the everlasting covenant
33:24So again that blood Jesus doesn't have to die again. He did it once it's done with it's an everlasting covenant
33:32Make you perfect and every good work to do his will working in you
33:36That which is well pleasing in his sight through Jesus Christ to whom be glory forever and ever. Amen
33:43So I want to take a minute to show you there's several places in the Bible go to 1st Corinthians 6
33:52That hammers the fact that Jesus Christ was brought from the dead
33:59When you read other Bible versions, they say Jesus said I commit my spirit and I'm not gonna beat this dead horse
34:07But the King James Bible says commend and just like Romans 5 8 said but God commended his love toward us
34:15So the reason I'm bringing this up
34:18because what we need to understand is when Jesus was in the
34:22Garden of Gethsemane and he's praying to God the Father and saying if you can take this cup away, please do
34:28If there's any other way other than me having to go on a cross and I'm going through the shame and and the torment
34:35Can we find another way and God said no
34:39So why is that important?
34:40Well, it's important because when Jesus died his body was buried in the grave and his soul went to hell for three days
34:49Well, Jesus is gonna be the only person
34:52It's like he's the only begotten son. He's the only person that'll be born of
35:01You know a virgin birth we talked about a couple weeks ago
35:05The other reason is he's the first begotten means that he's the first one to be brought back to life
35:12He's a firstfruits. Well, he's gonna be the only person to ever go to hell
35:17His soul and come out
35:20Well, who does that God the Father and the Holy Spirit, let me show that to you 1st Corinthians 6 14
35:28And God has both raised up the Lord and
35:32Will also raise up us by his own power
35:36So the same way that he rose Jesus out of the grave and out of hell is the same way
35:42He's going to raise our body out at the resurrection
35:46good 1st Corinthians 15
35:50Which is known as a resurrection chapter
35:591st Corinthians 15 13
36:03But if there be no resurrection of the dead then is Christ not risen
36:07And if Christ be not risen then is our preaching vain and your faith is also vain
36:13So what he's saying is it because they were doubting about the resurrection
36:17They're saying look if you don't believe that Jesus was raised from the dead first of all, you know, that's part of salvation
36:24But Paul's trying to hammer a point if he's not risen
36:28then we're we're just preaching for no reason and
36:31Your faith is for no reason because if you don't believe in the death burial resurrection of Jesus Christ, you're not saved
36:38Yay, and we are found false witnesses of God because we have witnessed a testified of God
36:44That he raised up Christ
36:47Whom he raised not up if so be the dead rise not
36:50For the dead rise not then is not Christ raised and if Christ be not raised your faith is in vain
36:56And you're yet in your sin
36:58So the Bible's clear if you don't believe that Jesus was dead and rose again
37:03Like the Jehovah's false witness you're gonna die and go to hell
37:07Then if you don't believe in that then you're in you're still in your sins and you'll have to pay for them in hell
37:15Go to 2nd Corinthians
37:17Verse 4 there's a lot of verses in the Bible about God the Father
37:22Raising up Jesus from the dead verse 2nd Corinthians 4 13
37:29We have the same spirit of faith according as it is written. I believe and therefore I have spoken
37:34We also believe and therefore I speak knowing that he which raised up the Lord Jesus shall raise up us
37:44By Jesus and shall present us with you. So now we see a different thing. We see
37:51Jesus and God the Father
37:54Raising our body out of the tomb
37:59Go to Romans 8 8 this is the last place
38:04So we've seen plenty of verses and there's still more I didn't put them all down
38:09There's about six or seven that talks about God raising
38:13Jesus from the dead
38:15so Romans 8 8
38:20We see so then they that are in the flesh cannot please God so when you're living
38:25Fleshly and you're worried about your stuff and nothing of the Spirit. You're not pleasing God, but
38:32But you're not in the flesh, but in the Spirit
38:35It's so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you
38:39So when you believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, you have the indwelling of the Holy Spirit if he dwells inside of you
38:46Now if any man have not spirit of Christ, he is none of it of his
38:52And the Christ being you the body is dead because of sin
38:57But the Spirit is life because of righteousness
38:59But if that's if the Spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you
39:06He that raised up Christ from the dead shall also
39:09Quicken or make alive your mortal bodies by his Spirit that dwells in you. So now we see not only God the Father
39:17Raising up Jesus we see the Holy Spirit
39:20So we see Jesus and the Holy I mean God the Father and the Holy Spirit
39:25Raising Jesus up. So what do we see the Holy Spirit God the Father and Jesus is going to raise us up out of the grave
39:32when he comes in clouds
39:35Go back to Hebrews 13. Let's wrap this up
39:41And then the closing words because he already said amen I beseech you brethren suffer the word means allow the word of
39:48Exhortation for I've written a letter to you in few words
39:51Know ye that our brother Timothy
39:54Is set at liberty with whom he if he come shortly
39:58I will see you salute all them that have the rule of you and all the saints of Italy
40:04Salute you grace be with you all amen. So hopefully these last weeks
40:11Throughout the 13 chapters you realize when people say oh the Bible, you know in the Old Testament
40:17It's all about building a temple and all this stuff
40:19You just got to keep in your mind all that stuff was done for one purpose and it's Jesus Christ
40:26He's the same today. He's the same yesterday and the same forever. Let's bow our heads and have a little prayer