The Alpha Incident (1978)

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00:01:00This doesn't make any sense.
00:01:02That's what I just told you.
00:01:04Increase the magnification to a thousand and watch it.
00:01:07Could it be real?
00:01:09Could it be reacting to the dye compound?
00:01:11No chance. Objected.
00:01:13Let me see a different one. Same magnification.
00:01:16The report we got doesn't mention this.
00:01:19I've never seen anything like this before.
00:01:21Well, that's a reasonable remark.
00:01:24Cut the crap, Jim.
00:01:27Who got final clearance on this stage of the project?
00:01:31You, me, and Fielding.
00:01:34Does he know?
00:01:36Where is he?
00:01:38He's getting the animals ready.
00:02:08I wish I knew what the hell this was.
00:02:11Come on, ease up, will you, Frank?
00:02:13Splashdown was only yesterday afternoon.
00:02:16First team finished this report, what, three hours ago?
00:02:19They flew it here as fast as they could.
00:02:21Well, it's all in the final report.
00:02:23Here, can you help me here?
00:02:25I'm sorry, Jim. I'm just a little edgy.
00:02:28It's a long flight, and frankly, I wasn't prepared for it.
00:02:32I'm sorry.
00:02:34How much more of this substance do we have?
00:02:37Well, there was more, but after the first report was in,
00:02:40orders were issued to ship most of it to Colorado for underground storage.
00:02:44Near Denver? Are they nuts?
00:02:47Look, we can't control what they do with it.
00:02:50We can only suggest.
00:02:52Orders come from the top.
00:02:58I'm sorry, Jim.
00:03:00It's time.
00:03:04How did they package it?
00:03:06All necessary precautions were taken.
00:03:08Neutralized emulsion, colloidal suspension.
00:03:12I just hope the altitude doesn't throw the suspension into a crystallized state.
00:03:16No, it's not going by plane.
00:03:19How's it going, by pony express?
00:03:21It's going by rail, unmarked.
00:03:24It's obvious to consider in this, too, you know.
00:03:27What's that?
00:03:28You've been following the news reports on our wonder child?
00:03:31There's been nothing in the media after the preliminary Viking probe.
00:03:35Lid's so tight on this, fielders are rancid suffocate.
00:03:38Well, that's the reason for the Denver move, I'm sure.
00:03:41First team already figured out some of the basic properties of this stuff.
00:03:44I don't like the implication of the Denver move.
00:03:47It smells of biological warfare.
00:03:51All personnel, bio-research now has level 5 fright warning.
00:03:56Yeah, I don't like it either.
00:03:58Let's face it.
00:03:59We're not here to make policy, even if we'd like to.
00:04:02It's on Earth now.
00:04:03We've got no choice but to deal with it.
00:04:07Sure as hell not going to send it back to Mars.
00:04:14Who went with it?
00:04:15Ted Sorensen.
00:04:17He was part of the first team.
00:04:20One man?
00:04:21See, they don't want to let anybody get the idea that there's anything important on board that train.
00:04:25Nobody even knows we brought the stuff back.
00:04:27Oh, I see.
00:04:29For reasons of national security, they're sending it to Colorado by way of Alaska.
00:04:33That's close.
00:04:35They decided to use the northern freight rails as much as possible.
00:05:48Hey, it's still there, Mr. Sorensen.
00:05:50Yeah, it is.
00:05:51That's good.
00:05:52I sure wouldn't want nothing to happen to it.
00:05:56Wouldn't look good for the railroad to lose none of its cargo.
00:06:00No, it wouldn't.
00:06:02No, it wouldn't look good at all.
00:06:07I can see the headlines right now.
00:06:10Low-flying pigeon swoops down and shits all over the railroad cargo.
00:06:17That wouldn't look good at all, Hank.
00:06:19You're absolutely right.
00:06:20Wouldn't look good at all.
00:06:24You see, Mr. Sorensen.
00:06:26Now, maybe it ain't none of my business, but I tell you, I worked for this railroad for 17 years, and I ain't never seen nothing like this before.
00:06:35Like what, Hank?
00:06:36Hey, you know.
00:06:39Mr. Sorensen, now I ain't got no sure way of knowing that you ain't a real conductor, but I'm telling you, sir, I'm pretty sure you ain't.
00:06:50You see, sir, I just seen too many conductors in my day, and a real conductor don't go around checking the cargo all the time like you do.
00:06:58No, sir.
00:06:59See, a real conductor, he knows the cargo ain't going nowhere except where a train's going.
00:07:06Well, uh, they asked for a periodic check on this cargo back here.
00:07:10That's why the cars last.
00:07:11It's an important shipment.
00:07:12Mr. Sorensen, what's in that car anyway?
00:07:15Now, I don't want you to go telling me it's a baby you're feeding three times a day.
00:07:21They wouldn't ship a baby that way anyhow, if you don't know what I mean.
00:07:25That's right.
00:07:27I know what it is.
00:07:29It's money.
00:07:30They ship in the car a load of money to be burned.
00:07:34They do that sometimes.
00:07:36Yeah, that's what they're doing.
00:07:38That's right, Hank.
00:07:39It's money.
00:07:40That's exactly what it is.
00:07:41And I'll tell you something else, Hank.
00:07:43This perpetual motion is getting to me.
00:07:44I'm going to get some sleep.
00:07:45I'm tired.
00:07:48Yes, sir.
00:07:50I told you you wasn't no real conductor, and you just proved it.
00:07:54Proved what?
00:07:55You'd never hear no real conductor use no words like that.
00:07:59Words like what?
00:08:01What, is there some special railroad lingo for tired?
00:08:05I'm talking about that word, perfectile motion.
00:08:09Thanks, I'll remember that.
00:08:11Mr. Thornton, be careful you don't roll over on that loaded gun you're carrying.
00:08:21Well, I seen it.
00:08:23Yeah, you see, sir, that's how come I started figuring you wasn't a real conductor.
00:08:28A real conductor ain't allowed to carry no loaded weapon.
00:08:32That's right, Hank.
00:08:33Don't worry, I'm not going to shoot you unless you don't shut up.
00:08:37Well, I'll tell you one thing.
00:08:38There better not be no explosives or nothing like that.
00:08:42There's a law against having explosives in the car if you don't mark them danger.
00:08:46You got to do that so the employee knows what it is.
00:08:49That's right, Hank.
00:08:50It's not explosives either.
00:08:54Dang it, I'm sorry, Mr. Thornton.
00:08:58Just that I ain't never been no good about secrets.
00:09:02Oh, no, no, no, I keep them good.
00:09:05It's when other people's keeping them, I just, well, it gets to me, you know.
00:09:12Hank, I told you, I don't know what's in those boxes back there.
00:09:21How many boxes?
00:09:23Ten. There's ten boxes back there, Hank.
00:09:26Ten boxes.
00:09:35Ten boxes.
00:10:05Ten boxes.
00:10:35Ten boxes.
00:11:05Did Fiedler try it again with the lower organism?
00:11:08Sure did. He even stuck around to watch the whole gruesome process.
00:11:14Not a live one left.
00:11:16How many?
00:11:17Three. Same thing every time.
00:11:21How long?
00:11:24Let's see. From contact time, we clocked it at an average of two minutes, thirty-seven seconds.
00:11:30And the rats? Any sign of anything?
00:11:36You know, the expression's becoming a little overused lately, but none of this makes any sense.
00:11:43We know we're dealing with a disease organism.
00:11:46All the characteristics are there.
00:11:50Some of the qualities of an enzyme and some of a virus.
00:11:54Some of the qualities of an enzyme and some of a virus.
00:11:59Yet the rate of destruction is too fast.
00:12:02Fast. That's an understatement.
00:12:05And we know it's spread by contact contamination.
00:12:08How did those airborne experiments turn out?
00:12:10There wasn't travel in the air, and it's not carried through the bloodstream.
00:12:14That's the part that bothers me.
00:12:16Those rats bother me. Damn, they're wide awake, having a great time.
00:12:20No loss of motor coordination, no disorientation.
00:12:22You know, Jim, we just may have come up with the perfect pesticide.
00:12:27Mother's little helper and God's gift to the farmer.
00:12:31Now who's into the crap?
00:12:52Ten boxes, my Aunt Fanny's pig.
00:13:22Must be some kind of medicine.
00:14:22I didn't mean to break it.
00:14:25I just wanted to see what it was.
00:14:52Morning, Charlie.
00:14:54Morning, Elvin.
00:14:56Never a fancy, can't wait till I get here.
00:14:58Oh, Charlie.
00:15:00There's a train coming in this morning on 925.
00:15:03Split up here, part of it will stay here, waiting for another engine to pick it up.
00:15:07Oh, yeah. Just brewed a fresh pot.
00:15:09There's a train coming in this morning on 925.
00:15:12Split up here, part of it will stay here, waiting for another engine to pick it up.
00:15:16Oh, yeah. Just brewed a fresh pot.
00:15:39Oh, yeah.
00:16:09Oh, yeah.
00:16:35Hey, Hank, thanks for waking me up.
00:16:38Sorry, Mr. Sorensen, I just been forgot, that's all.
00:16:43Look, Hank, we're going to be in Moose Point in 20 minutes.
00:16:46We're supposed to meet another engine, so get us uncoupled as quick as you can, okay?
00:16:50Sure will, Mr. Sorensen, I sure will.
00:16:53Oh, say, Mr. Sorensen, about what's in that boxcar.
00:16:58Oh, Hank.
00:17:00No, no, no, sir, what I was going to tell you is I just ain't going to ask you no more questions about it, just no more talk.
00:17:06What do I owe that pleasure to, Hank?
00:17:09I'll tell you, sir, while you were sleeping there last night, I got to thinking, and, well,
00:17:16I'll tell you, sir, the way I figure it is you already told me too much about them ten boxes,
00:17:23and I wouldn't want to see you get in trouble with the railroad, so I think from now on,
00:17:28maybe you better just make up your mind to be just like me and keep your mouth shut.
00:17:34Oh, say, we're going to run into some good-looking country up here.
00:17:39Oh, yeah, some good-looking people.
00:17:41Used to be some good-looking ladies there, you know, when I was younger.
00:17:44I was quite a youngster then.
00:17:46I remember this one old gal.
00:17:49Dr. Rogers come in yet?
00:17:51Yes, sir, he came in about an hour ago.
00:17:58Mr. Mason, enzyme replacement immediately.
00:18:03Thank you.
00:18:07I want to check on Waltzing Matilda.
00:18:10Last night she and I developed this, well, let's say this fond attachment for one another.
00:18:16If she hadn't said, she'd be fast asleep by now.
00:18:19Right. I wonder if she ever ran those mazes.
00:18:22You know, I always fall for the intellectual type.
00:18:24What the hell happened here?
00:18:33Morning, Charlie.
00:18:37I'm sorry I'm late. I didn't even get a chance to have breakfast.
00:18:41I'm sorry, I'm late.
00:18:43I'm late.
00:18:45I'm late.
00:18:47I'm late.
00:18:49I'm late.
00:18:51I'm late.
00:18:53I'm late.
00:18:55I'm late.
00:18:57I'm late.
00:18:59I'm late.
00:19:01I'm late.
00:19:03How about a donut? The coffee's fresh.
00:19:06Sounds good.
00:19:18You got those reports ready for me, Charlie?
00:19:21Oh, yeah, I got them all ready.
00:19:27Oh, good, not too many this week.
00:19:29Oh, before I forget, Charlie, I'm leaving at noon today.
00:19:32I've already cleared it with the main office.
00:19:34Don't worry, though, I'll get the books in order first.
00:20:13Well, good morning, you two.
00:20:15How's everything this morning?
00:20:19Well, if it isn't the bull brummel of the rail set.
00:20:22I'm just fine, Jack, and how are you? Or need I ask?
00:20:25Ah, Jenny. Sweet Jenny.
00:20:28Why does it be so dull without you around here?
00:20:31No insult intended, Charlie.
00:20:33Sorry, didn't figure that.
00:20:37I can see my wit and charm don't carry much weight with Charlie here.
00:20:42With Charlie?
00:20:44You're trying to tell me something, my pet. I can tell.
00:20:48Okay, look, let's change the subject, Jack.
00:20:50What brings you here so early?
00:20:52I don't usually get to see your bright, shining face until afternoon.
00:20:55I would have missed you today. I'm leaving at noon.
00:20:57Well, you're trying to tell me something else.
00:20:59Sorry I mentioned it.
00:21:01Well, to answer your question, you did want an answer, didn't you?
00:21:07There's a train coming in any minute. It's going to be split up here.
00:21:10They asked me to check the rails, make sure there weren't any hang-ups.
00:21:15Something a little peculiar there.
00:21:18Another engine's coming in at 9.45 to pick up one boxcar in the caboose.
00:21:25Where's it going?
00:21:27I just checked the switch ten miles up the track.
00:21:29Looks like they're forking up into North Dakota.
00:21:32Regular load always goes south.
00:21:34Is that right, Charlie?
00:21:36Hey, you know what it's carrying, Charlie?
00:21:41Well, I'll be back in a little while for some coffee.
00:21:45Business before pleasure.
00:21:49Take your time, Jack.
00:21:51Good to see you, Hank.
00:21:53How you been, Jack?
00:21:55Fine, Hank. How about you?
00:21:57Hey, these nasty sheriffs down there in King County
00:22:00said you ain't been the same since you left town.
00:22:05I'll see you later, Hank.
00:22:21Well, Hank, I haven't seen you in a long time. How've you been?
00:22:25Fine, Miss Janet, just fine.
00:22:28Hey, Charlie, how you doing?
00:22:33Same old Charlie.
00:22:35Just can't teach an old dog new tricks, can you, Charlie?
00:22:40No, I can't.
00:22:42I've got to go.
00:22:44I've got to go.
00:22:46I've got to go.
00:22:47Just can't teach an old dog new tricks, can you, Charlie?
00:22:52Hank, what did you do to your hand?
00:22:55Oh, I cut it on a piece of glass.
00:22:58Charlie, you got a band-aid around here?
00:23:01Yeah, right here.
00:23:03Here, let me fix it for you.
00:23:05That'd be awful nice of you, Miss Janet.
00:23:07I don't think it's too bad.
00:23:11What happened to you?
00:23:13You on solid ground for five minutes and you're hurt already?
00:23:15It ain't much.
00:23:29What happened to you, Hank?
00:23:31He just cut himself on a piece of glass. It's not serious.
00:23:34It ain't nothing, Mr. Sorensen, honest.
00:23:38Mr. Sorensen, I'd like to have you meet these nice people here.
00:23:42This is...
00:23:43I'll be right back.
00:23:47It's his problem.
00:23:49Why are you so concerned about what other people are doing?
00:23:53God, you're as bad as everybody else around here.
00:24:04What's he doing out there?
00:24:06He's opening the boxcar. What does it look like?
00:24:13Thanks, Jan, for that bit of information.
00:24:16That's a razor blade you got there, Charlie.
00:24:39Where's the phone?
00:24:44Operator, let me have Area Code 417, Operator 5, please.
00:24:51Thank you.
00:24:53Operator, Gamma Code 37984.
00:24:58Alpha 795.
00:25:02Red Code 59.
00:25:05Alpha 795.
00:25:08Alpha 795.
00:25:10Red Code 59.
00:25:13Location, 3085.
00:25:18Time Code, 734.
00:25:32How many people are there?
00:25:35Do they have contact?
00:25:41Well, you know what to do.
00:25:43We'll seal off the area.
00:25:46No, don't expect the engine. It'll be cancelled.
00:25:50And remember, you've got a gun. Use it if you have to.
00:25:53We've got too much at stake.
00:25:56You answer the phone. We'll make arrangements for incoming calls only.
00:26:00Okay, thank you.
00:26:07Whose Oldsmobile is that outside?
00:26:12May I have the key to it, please?
00:26:14What do you want his key for?
00:26:16May I have the key, please?
00:26:18Hey, hang on to that key, Charlie.
00:26:20Look, I don't know who you are, but I do know this.
00:26:23No stranger comes in here,
00:26:25makes a call that sounds like a direct dial to Mars,
00:26:28then asks for and expects to get Charlie's car key.
00:26:31What's going on?
00:26:33All right, we'll do it your way.
00:26:35My name's Ted Sorenson. I'm a biochemist.
00:26:37We've got a problem here.
00:26:38May I have your key, please?
00:26:40Hang on to that damn key, Charlie,
00:26:42until this guy starts making some sense.
00:26:44What's a biochemist doing in Moose Point?
00:26:48Tiller. Jack Tiller.
00:26:50All right, Mr. Tiller, we've got a problem.
00:26:52You're damn straight we do. I want some answers.
00:26:56He's got a gun.
00:27:00Is that so?
00:27:02That's so. I know how to use it.
00:27:04I'd rather not.
00:27:09I'd like that key now.
00:27:27All right, now maybe you'll tell us what's happened.
00:27:30Fair enough.
00:27:32Gonna have to know anyway.
00:27:34Cargo in that boxcar out there.
00:27:36Wait a minute.
00:27:38I know what's in that boxcar out there.
00:27:40They're just a bunch of
00:27:42little bottles of medicine.
00:27:44Ain't nobody gonna die
00:27:46just because I broke two or three
00:27:48little tiny bottles.
00:27:53Are they, Mr. Sorenson?
00:27:55I hope not, Hank.
00:27:57What kind of medicine is this?
00:27:59It's a shipment of a
00:28:01relatively unknown,
00:28:03potentially dangerous substance.
00:28:05I don't understand.
00:28:06Well, unfortunately,
00:28:08there's not much to understand at this moment.
00:28:10Except that we've all
00:28:14let's call it,
00:28:24That means that
00:28:26we're all sick.
00:28:28Nobody can come near us
00:28:30or else they're gonna get it too.
00:28:32Don't it?
00:28:34That's a good enough explanation.
00:28:36Let's say that
00:28:38precautions have to be taken
00:28:40because of the nature of the substance.
00:28:42How long do we have to stay here?
00:28:44I don't know that yet.
00:28:46It sounds like a lot of double talk to me.
00:28:48I got work to do.
00:28:50I'm getting out of here.
00:28:52Jack, take it easy.
00:28:54What the lady says makes a lot of sense.
00:28:56There's no need to go into
00:28:58a state of panic over this.
00:29:00Let's just stay calm
00:29:02and take this one step at a time.
00:29:04First of all, it's important
00:29:06who bandaged Hank's hand.
00:29:08I did.
00:29:12What does it do?
00:29:14Just stay calm.
00:29:16Stay calm?
00:29:18What do you mean stay calm?
00:29:20You come in here,
00:29:22scare us half to death
00:29:24and then tell us to stay calm.
00:29:26What are we supposed to do, forget it?
00:29:28It's not gonna do any good to get nervous.
00:29:30What's your name?
00:29:34Jennifer Moore.
00:29:36Relax, we're all in this together.
00:29:38Yes, I work here.
00:29:40I come in on Fridays to do the books.
00:29:43What about you?
00:29:45What about me?
00:29:49I'll get that.
00:29:55No, he's busy right now.
00:29:57Can I take a message for him?
00:30:02All right, fine, I'll tell him.
00:30:04Thank you.
00:30:06That was a notification
00:30:08that the engine coming to pick us up
00:30:10has been rerouted.
00:30:12All right, did you have any contact
00:30:14with Hank today?
00:30:16Yeah, we shook hands when he came in.
00:30:19What about you?
00:30:21What's your name?
00:30:23Charles Weigel.
00:30:25Did you have any contact with Hank today?
00:30:28No, no.
00:30:33Yeah, you did, Charlie.
00:30:36I rumpled up your hair when I come in.
00:30:40I always like to kiddo, Charlie.
00:30:43You know, we go back such a long way.
00:30:47Okay, look, everybody just sit tight.
00:30:49I've gotta make a phone call.
00:30:58Well, operator,
00:31:00we have area code 417.
00:31:02Operator five, please.
00:31:04It's a bunch of shit.
00:31:08this is gamma code 37984,
00:31:11alpha 795...
00:31:32Don't be a fool, Teller.
00:31:33I don't want to use this.
00:31:41You ain't got the guts.
00:32:01Teller, stop!
00:32:05Teller, stop!
00:32:07Stop, Teller!
00:32:28What the hell happened?
00:32:32Is he alive?
00:32:35Give me that name again.
00:32:39What about the others?
00:32:43Give me their names and status.
00:32:49How did that shipment get damaged?
00:32:54We've checked with the lab.
00:32:57Contact is strictly through epidermal tissue.
00:33:01It doesn't transmit through inorganic matter.
00:33:04At least that solves part of our problem.
00:33:06Did you find out who's touched who?
00:33:09What's happened?
00:33:13What about you?
00:33:15I don't know.
00:33:18No, I said I don't know.
00:33:21It's possible,
00:33:23but I'm not sure.
00:33:26We'll have to assume you had contact.
00:33:28Now, look,
00:33:29we're working on a direct line through.
00:33:31No one but you uses the phone.
00:33:33We can't take any chances.
00:33:35We don't know how long it'll be,
00:33:37but we can't release anyone to a hospital
00:33:39until we know the exact extent of damage from this stuff.
00:33:41We don't know what effect it will have on higher organisms.
00:33:44They're working on that.
00:33:46All right.
00:33:54We wait.
00:33:57What was the reading on the hematologist?
00:33:59No perceptible change in white count.
00:34:02Platelet slightly elongated,
00:34:04but all indications are it occurred after death.
00:34:08That's crazy.
00:34:10So is what happened to the rats.
00:34:12What could have caused that kind of brain swelling?
00:34:15Well, no blood rush to the brain,
00:34:18which further convinces me
00:34:20it has nothing to do with the circulatory system.
00:34:30The inner pressure had to be extreme
00:34:33to cause that kind of skull fracture.
00:34:35You realize how impossible that is?
00:34:37I know, Jim.
00:34:39But what you've got to remember
00:34:41is that we're not dealing with something ordinary here.
00:34:43What bothers me is that we shipped that stuff out
00:34:46before we knew anything about it.
00:34:49I'm going to stoke up a fire in the waiting room.
00:34:52Get a chill out of it.
00:34:54I'll be back in a minute.
00:34:56All right.
00:34:57I'm going to the waiting room.
00:34:59Get a chill out of here.
00:35:01Is that all right with you?
00:35:07Look, I've been afraid to ask this, but...
00:35:12I'd feel a lot better if I knew.
00:35:15Now, I understand that we came into contact with something.
00:35:19But is anything supposed to happen?
00:35:22I don't feel any different.
00:35:25It's like I'm sitting here
00:35:27waiting for something to happen to me,
00:35:29only I don't know what it is.
00:35:31I'm starting to imagine all sorts of things.
00:35:35I'm getting peculiar pains,
00:35:37and I keep looking at my hands,
00:35:39waiting for them to turn blue or fall off or something.
00:35:42I mean, nothing's happening.
00:35:44Now, what did you mean when you called that stuff
00:35:46that Hank got into potentially dangerous?
00:35:48There's not much I can tell you right now.
00:35:51Listen, Sorensen.
00:35:53When somebody cuts off my civil rights the way you have,
00:35:55shoots me,
00:35:57keeps me locked up a prisoner here,
00:35:59I don't want to listen to that bullshit.
00:36:01I want to be told what's really going on.
00:36:03Now, I've heard enough of your freak phone calls,
00:36:06your gamma, alpha crap,
00:36:08to know that there's more to this than what you're telling us.
00:36:10Now, I'd like to tell you more,
00:36:12but I just can't say anything
00:36:14except my orders are to keep us here.
00:36:16Orders from who?
00:36:18My superiors.
00:36:20Oh, your superiors. That's fancy.
00:36:22Also doesn't say one whole hell of a lot.
00:36:24How long are we supposed to stay here?
00:36:26A day?
00:36:28Five days? A year?
00:36:30Look, the only time I stay in one spot this long
00:36:33is when I'm in bed with a chick
00:36:35or when I'm just sleeping.
00:36:37Well, I can tell you this.
00:36:39The material in that boxcar out there
00:36:41is a microorganism that we've been experimenting with.
00:36:43There's still a lot of unanswered questions about it.
00:36:46They decided to ship it to a more secure location.
00:36:49We're just going to have to stay here
00:36:51until they determine that it's safe for us to leave.
00:36:54What do you mean, Mr. Sorensen?
00:36:56I mean, what is this stuff?
00:37:00What do you want me to do?
00:37:02Well, that's the problem, Hank.
00:37:04Nobody really knows.
00:37:11Who invented it?
00:37:13Nobody invented it.
00:37:15It's a living organism.
00:37:17You mean like a germ?
00:37:19Sort of a virus, you can call it that.
00:37:21Mr. Sorensen?
00:37:24Just how sick are we going to get?
00:37:27I don't know, Hank.
00:37:29Oh, yes, sir.
00:37:31Yes, sir, I think you do.
00:37:34I think we're going to get awful sick.
00:37:37And I'll tell you something else.
00:37:39I don't think there's no cure for it, neither.
00:37:41Otherwise, they wouldn't quarantine us out here
00:37:43in the middle of nowhere.
00:37:45No, sir. No, sir.
00:37:47They'd put us in a hospital or something, now, wouldn't they?
00:37:49I don't know, Hank.
00:37:50It's all my fault.
00:37:54Everybody's going to die.
00:37:59I'm sorry I died.
00:38:04And then for my meddling, none of this would have happened.
00:38:15Mr. Sorensen?
00:38:17Mr. Sorensen?
00:38:21I just thought of something.
00:38:25I'm the only one we know who's really got it.
00:38:28I mean, I'm the only one we know
00:38:30who's really got the stuff inside his skin.
00:38:32Maybe these other people ain't got it from me yet.
00:38:39I'm the only one they know who's really got it.
00:38:43Maybe none of you got it from me.
00:38:44I'm the only one that we know who's really got it.
00:38:48I'm the only...
00:39:50Hank, stop!
00:40:35Let's get out of here.
00:40:36Let go of me!
00:40:38You won't quit, will you, Teller?
00:40:40What happened to Hank?
00:40:42He'll be back.
00:40:44How do you know? I wouldn't if I got that far.
00:40:47I shot him in the leg. He can't get far.
00:40:49Yeah? Who's going to stop him?
00:40:51The National Guard.
00:40:52The what?
00:40:54You heard me.
00:40:55What is this?
00:40:57A crack shot biochemist, now the National Guard.
00:41:00All this over some virus?
00:41:02Don't kid me.
00:41:05Why don't you level with us, Sorensen?
00:41:07You know more than what you're telling.
00:41:09Don't overreact.
00:41:11Who the hell are you, anyway?
00:41:13I told you, I work for the government.
00:41:15Oh, that's great.
00:41:17The goddamn bastards are at it again.
00:41:20I take a job all the way out here in the backwoods
00:41:23to get away from all that crap.
00:41:24Now I'm surrounded by it again.
00:41:26I don't believe this.
00:41:27Believe it, Teller.
00:41:28Why don't you cooperate for a change?
00:41:30We've got enough problems without you.
00:41:33Come on, let's go inside.
00:41:34I've got to make a call.
00:41:36What about him?
00:41:39Alert Moose Point.
00:41:41That a Hank Willis got away.
00:41:43He's not to get through under any circumstances,
00:41:45no matter what.
00:41:47Shoot to kill if necessary,
00:41:49but leave that body alone.
00:41:51Yes, sir.
00:41:54Now listen.
00:41:56Don't let anyone else get away.
00:41:58The lab hasn't come up with anything yet.
00:42:00We'll call you.
00:42:02Did you get through?
00:42:03Yes, sir.
00:42:04I sent in your order in your exact words.
00:42:08Now get Farrell at bio-research.
00:42:12I better clue him in.
00:42:15He may be able to come up with something fast.
00:43:01What's the matter?
00:43:02I don't know.
00:43:03I don't know.
00:43:04I don't know.
00:43:05I don't know.
00:43:06I don't know.
00:43:07I don't know.
00:43:08I don't know.
00:43:09I don't know.
00:43:10I don't know.
00:43:11I don't know.
00:43:12I don't know.
00:43:13I don't know.
00:43:14I don't know.
00:43:15I don't know.
00:43:16I don't know.
00:43:17I don't know.
00:43:18I don't know.
00:43:19I don't know.
00:43:20I don't know.
00:43:21I don't know.
00:43:22I don't know.
00:43:23I don't know.
00:43:24I don't know.
00:43:25I don't know.
00:43:26I don't know.
00:43:27I don't know.
00:43:28I don't know.
00:43:29I don't know.
00:43:30I don't know.
00:43:31I don't know.
00:43:32I don't know.
00:43:34I don't know.
00:43:35I don't know.
00:43:36I don't know.
00:43:41The wrong people are making decisions.
00:43:44That's the trouble with this system.
00:43:47That stuff should've never left here.
00:43:49But who knew it would be this bad?
00:43:51That's just the point.
00:43:53Nothing should've been done till all the information was in.
00:43:56Frank, I'm sure they didn't anticipate this.
00:43:59Freak happening.
00:44:01With material like this, every possibility has to be anticipated.
00:44:06When I hear things like this, I'm amazed that anybody in the world is alive.
00:44:11We're the only ones that have this stuff.
00:44:14Comforting thought, Jim.
00:44:16Now we have a bigger problem than we had before.
00:44:19Now we've got to come up with a counteragent.
00:44:23We don't even know why it does what it did to those rats.
00:44:27Did you tell them what happened?
00:44:30I told them that the effect on the rats was fatal, that a time factor was involved.
00:44:36I think I managed to be effectively evasive about exactly how long and why.
00:44:42Did you tell them how?
00:44:44I thought we'd wait to break that information when we know exactly what triggers it.
00:45:11No, we don't want any tanks.
00:45:16Are you nuts?
00:45:17For five people?
00:45:21Forget it.
00:46:04So what happened when you left Sloan?
00:46:08We were all salute, but then who remembers?
00:46:11We walked outside in that cold air and it hit us in the face and wham.
00:46:16The next thing I remember is waking up in the back room over at Sally's place.
00:46:20That was the next afternoon.
00:46:22Was Sally mine?
00:46:24Sally, mine?
00:46:28Who knows what Sally was doing all that time.
00:46:33Hey, Jen.
00:46:35What's this Tom Sheffield going to think when you don't show up for your date?
00:46:42I figure I changed my mind what he's supposed to think.
00:46:45Well, I know what I'd think.
00:46:48Well, that's you, Jack.
00:46:49Not everyone has your kind of mind.
00:46:53I already told you I've only been out with him twice.
00:46:57He's a nice, shy type.
00:47:00Quiet, but interesting.
00:47:02Well, he can't be too shy if he asks you out for a weekend rendezvous after only two dates.
00:47:10What is your problem, Jack?
00:47:12Not everyone's the same as you.
00:47:14Wise up, Jenny.
00:47:16When a guy asks a gal out for a whole weekend, he's just got one thing on his mind.
00:47:23I'd like to think some men are different.
00:47:25You'll learn.
00:47:27I believe I already have, and it's not what you think.
00:47:31We'll see.
00:47:36Hey, Charlie.
00:47:38What about you?
00:47:40You're so quiet over there, I have to keep looking at you to remember that you're here.
00:47:45Well, Charlie, my man.
00:47:48You must do something besides keep men as in your cellar.
00:47:52I mean, you're unattached.
00:47:56There's more than one kind of fishing.
00:48:00Well, I suppose that's right.
00:48:03What do you do for fun?
00:48:07Go fishing.
00:48:09Besides that?
00:48:12Not much, I guess.
00:48:17I've got my job here.
00:48:20I can't complain too much.
00:48:23Jesus, Charlie, you're not dead yet.
00:48:26There must be something you do for excitement.
00:48:30Not really.
00:48:33You know, I play cards once in a while.
00:48:38Jeez, it's getting chilly here.
00:48:39It's the spring.
00:48:44Why don't you leave him alone, Jack?
00:48:56Well, Sorensen?
00:48:59You ready yet?
00:49:00Is this how you happen to be such a crack shot?
00:49:04I didn't know I was keeping it from you.
00:49:07What, are you writing a book?
00:49:10Why don't you leave that chapter out?
00:49:13I don't think I'd come up to your expectations anyway.
00:49:16I'd like to hear about it.
00:49:19I don't feel like talking right now.
00:49:24Sounds like you're going to have to.
00:49:28How are you at it?
00:49:29Tell him I'm starving.
00:49:31I want a steak, medium rare, and baked potato.
00:49:36About a couple of hamburgers and an order of fries will do in a pinch.
00:49:40What's the matter with you?
00:49:42He hasn't done anything to you.
00:49:44Why do you keep picking on everybody?
00:49:46I'm just getting damn sick and tired of sitting around here doing nothing.
00:49:50I want to get out of here, relax.
00:49:53Have a drink, something to eat.
00:49:56Is there anything wrong with that?
00:49:58Not really.
00:50:00I'm not enjoying this any more than you are.
00:50:04I wouldn't say that.
00:50:07You just don't give up, do you?
00:50:27From now on, we have to stay awake.
00:50:29Stay awake? For what?
00:50:31Forget it. I forgot I asked that question.
00:50:35Nothing surprises me. That doesn't surprise me.
00:50:39We've got to stay cooped up here in these luxurious accommodations for God only knows how long.
00:50:45No phone calls, starve, piss in the wastebasket.
00:50:48Now stay awake.
00:50:50Sure. Anything you want.
00:50:53While we're at it, maybe we can straighten out the country's foreign policy.
00:50:57Solve the problem of big city crimes or anything else that they'd like us to do.
00:51:01Shut up.
00:51:06We can't fall asleep. If we do, we die.
00:51:23Forget it.
00:51:24I'm not sure I can explain it.
00:51:26God damn it, man. I put up with your evasive bullshit so far, but this is where it ends.
00:51:31Now you either tell us what's happening or I'm going to get on your stinking hotline and find out for myself.
00:51:36The organism that we've come into contact with, it attacks the central nervous system.
00:51:42An unconscious state activates it.
00:51:45It's like I said before.
00:51:48We sleep, we die.
00:51:53I don't understand.
00:51:57What's different about sleep?
00:51:59Respiration is different. Body temperature is lower.
00:52:04There are a lot of things that are different.
00:52:06Where'd they find this shit?
00:52:08It's classified information.
00:52:11You're a real dumb-dumb, you know that?
00:52:14This stuff's going to get you too.
00:52:17They got you into this and you're still going to keep their secrets.
00:52:20Yeah, well, I'm not going to give up as easily as you.
00:52:24We're not dead yet, you know.
00:52:26Might as well be. We can't stay awake forever.
00:52:29The research lab is working 24 hours a day around the clock to come up with a counteragent.
00:52:35You make it sound so easy.
00:52:37We can do it. All we have to have is a plan.
00:52:41It's hopeless.
00:52:43We'll never be able to stay awake long enough.
00:52:46It's not hopeless, Jenny.
00:52:48They could come up with something in an hour.
00:52:51Hot chance of that.
00:52:53They're sending food and...
00:52:55Well, we haven't eaten anything today. That'll keep us awake longer.
00:52:59And they're sending some amphetamines.
00:53:03It's a drug that activates the system. It'll help you stay awake longer.
00:53:06Speed. You can always count on Uncle Sam.
00:53:18How long...
00:53:21can a person stay awake?
00:53:24That depends on the person.
00:53:26Other factors involved.
00:53:28Drugs. Psychological factor.
00:53:31A number of different things.
00:53:33We've got to help each other. We've got to watch each other.
00:53:35Stay awake.
00:53:37Play games.
00:53:39There are magazines in here we can read out loud.
00:53:42Coffee. Lots of coffee.
00:53:45Ah, you sound like a tour director on a cruise.
00:53:49Charlie said he liked to play cards. You got some cards, Charlie?
00:53:52I've got some in my overnight case in the car.
00:53:54Get them.
00:53:59Is that what, uh...
00:54:01Is that what you and, uh...
00:54:03What's-his-name were gonna do over the weekend?
00:54:16What's-his-name was that?
00:54:18It sounded like an animal.
00:54:20No, no. It wasn't any animal.
00:54:23I've been around this country long enough to know that.
00:54:26Jack, you're scaring me.
00:54:28Come on. We've got to get out of here.
00:54:31I'm not scared of you.
00:54:33I'm not scared of you.
00:54:35I'm not scared of you.
00:54:37I'm not scared of you.
00:54:39I'm not scared of you.
00:54:41I'm not scared of you.
00:54:43You're scaring me.
00:54:45Come on. We've got so many other things to worry about.
00:55:08Wanna play some cards, Charlie?
00:55:11Yes, Arnson.
00:55:18That wasn't a wild animal out there.
00:55:21You're not tired now. Let's just...
00:55:24Let's play. Charlie, it's your bet.
00:55:27Oh, sorry.
00:55:45There isn't much coffee left.
00:55:52Here you go.
00:55:54Oh, thank you.
00:55:58I can't take this anymore.
00:56:01Yeah, that's it for me, too.
00:56:04Thanks for the change.
00:56:11Come on.
00:56:41Come on.
00:56:57They're thinking about us.
00:56:59They're thinking about a lot more than just us.
00:57:02I thought the Surgeon General decided these could be hazardous to your health.
00:57:06I guess I figured that what they got us into is even more hazardous.
00:57:10Jack, please, I'm trying not to think about it.
00:57:13All right, all right.
00:57:19No cocoa?
00:57:22What's that?
00:57:36Where's the food?
00:57:38You're looking at it.
00:57:40Oh, no, not this stuff in these plastic tubes.
00:57:44You gotta be kidding.
00:57:46Don't they have things a little bit mixed up?
00:57:48I mean, we're not exactly part of the space program.
00:57:52It works. Satisfies the nutritional requirement and doesn't fill the body with bulk.
00:58:01What are these things for?
00:58:03Dirty dishes?
00:58:05That's so you don't have to complain about the wastebasket.
00:58:07Oh, well, wonders never cease.
00:58:11Is this part of the space program, too?
00:58:13It's a serious consideration.
00:58:15Once the organism gets into the body, we don't know what it does.
00:58:19We just can't take a chance on contaminating the water table with cesspool seepage.
00:58:23Oh, please don't talk about it.
00:58:25It makes me feel like something's crawling around in my body.
00:58:29Gotta be realistic, Jenny.
00:58:31I mean, we can't leave a problem bigger than we had once we leave this place.
00:58:36That's another thing.
00:58:38Don't even spit outside.
00:58:40Use those plastic bags.
00:58:45Well, speaking of plastic bags...
00:58:51Plastic bags will never look the same again.
00:59:08Yes, everyone's still here.
00:59:10I've just checked in with the lab.
00:59:13Still nothing.
00:59:16Just hang on.
00:59:18Do the best you can.
00:59:20They're working in ships around the clock.
00:59:55Where are you going?
01:00:00Out dancing.
01:00:05I'm going to change my clothes.
01:00:09I'm going to change my clothes. Do you mind?
01:00:15Make it fast. I don't want to have to check on you.
01:00:17She'll love that.
01:00:19She'll love that.
01:00:45I think it's time we took some amphetamines.
01:00:49Take it with coffee. It'll take effect quicker.
01:02:32Hey, Charlie, you've been holding out on us.
01:02:41I forgot that was there.
01:02:43I don't even know if it works.
01:02:58Hey, I don't believe it. There's a world out there.
01:03:03There was something I knew about all this.
01:03:05Don't count on it.
01:03:58Ah, hell, with the National Guard out there and all your phone calls,
01:04:02we're probably famous by now.
01:04:10Not bad, baby.
01:04:13Not bad at all.
01:04:15Tom would have liked that.
01:04:19Here, take this.
01:04:23Thank you.
01:04:33You ain't going to hear anything.
01:04:35Well, I shouldn't be surprised about that.
01:04:38I've been through this before.
01:04:42I told you, baby.
01:04:44I haven't spent all my life back here in these backwoods.
01:04:47I realise that.
01:04:50But when could you have been through anything like this before?
01:04:53I don't mean anything like this, exactly.
01:04:56Christ, who could imagine this?
01:04:58I'm talking about news blackouts.
01:05:01I was in the Navy, down in Guantanamo in 62.
01:05:05But you might be a little young to remember that.
01:05:12Uncle Sam doesn't tell it all, honey.
01:05:15You can bet on that.
01:05:17There's a lot of stuff that went down in Cuba
01:05:19that nobody ever got to hear about.
01:05:22Hey, Charlie.
01:05:24You ever see any action?
01:05:27Which one, number two?
01:05:30Yeah, I bet there was a lot went down in that one too
01:05:33that nobody heard about.
01:05:36Didn't even have decent coverage then.
01:05:39There's a lot of stuff went on that nobody knows about.
01:05:48Christ, let's liven this party up a little bit.
01:05:51Bet we don't have a couple more chicks around here.
01:05:54They'd see you two guys just sitting around twiddling your thumbs.
01:05:57You're taking a lot for granted.
01:05:59You bet your sweet ass I am.
01:06:01Don't count on it.
01:06:03What's the matter, baby?
01:06:05Saving yourself, Tom Sheffield?
01:06:07That's a joke.
01:06:09You don't even know him.
01:06:11I've got more sense than to go out with anyone from around here.
01:06:15I don't need to know him.
01:06:18You don't know me either.
01:06:21No, but I'd like to.
01:06:25I'm not one of your usual broads.
01:06:29I never said you were.
01:06:31As a matter of fact, Jen,
01:06:33that's what I like about you.
01:06:35You've got more class.
01:06:40Thank you.
01:06:46What I need right now is a drink.
01:06:48Every good party needs some booze.
01:06:53Hey, I bet Hank had some stashed out in that caboose of his.
01:06:58That's not a good idea. Stick to the amphetamines.
01:07:02I got an idea.
01:07:04Why don't you let Jack Tiller take care of himself?
01:07:07He's been doing it now for 38 years.
01:07:09Got a real good handle on it.
01:07:32I'll be right back.
01:07:53What'd I tell ya?
01:07:58Anybody want some?
01:08:04Good stuff.
01:08:24Okay, let's get this party started.
01:08:31Look, it was Sorenson's idea.
01:08:35If we keep busy, keep moving around.
01:08:37Don't look at me like I've gone crazy.
01:08:41I'm trying to stay alive.
01:08:49Come on, Jenny, let's dance.
01:08:54You're probably right.
01:09:01Relax, baby. You're stiff as a board.
01:09:11I'm scared, Jack.
01:09:30Come on.
01:09:48Don't, baby.
01:09:52It'll be okay.
01:10:00It'll be okay.
01:10:11How's that EEG print on it?
01:10:13No change in the polarity of the cells.
01:10:18Did you try the CH compound?
01:10:22There was no change in the molecular structure either.
01:10:26There must be something that'll cause a breakdown.
01:10:29There is.
01:10:31A laser experiment.
01:10:33Yeah, but it's a bit too destructive for our purposes, wouldn't you say?
01:10:39Besides, a substance doesn't collect in a single mass like a tumor.
01:10:44It seems to favor the spinal column.
01:10:46Now, if we bombard that with a laser...
01:10:48Forget it. I didn't want to think about it.
01:10:51We've got to find a substance that the human organism can tolerate,
01:10:55something that has direct affinity
01:10:57and the ability to neutralize when the alpha rhythms fade out.
01:11:21Come on.
01:11:28No, Jack.
01:11:42Come on. Why don't you get up and dance?
01:11:45You just can't sit here all night and watch.
01:11:48I'm not much of a dancer.
01:11:51I'll teach you.
01:11:56Maybe later.
01:11:58I think he's waiting for you now.
01:12:05If that's the way you want it.
01:12:27Amy, I really want you.
01:12:36You afraid of what people might say?
01:12:41I'm afraid of getting tired.
01:12:45I promise, you won't get tired.
01:12:50Come on. Let's get out of here.
01:12:55Where can we go?
01:12:58He won't let us go anywhere.
01:13:01How about a Sorensen?
01:13:03Me and Jennygun.
01:13:05Take a little walk.
01:13:07Get some fresh air.
01:13:09I don't think that's too wise.
01:13:11You two have had a little too much exercise already.
01:13:16Stick it.
01:13:33Where are you going?
01:13:35I need some fresh air.
01:14:15I don't know if anybody's ever made it in here before.
01:14:18Well, you'd know that better than I would.
01:14:25I've wanted you a long time.
01:14:42Stop him, Jack.
01:14:44Don't do this.
01:14:50You know there ain't no Tom Sheffield.
01:15:14Come on.
01:15:44Come on.
01:15:46Come on.
01:16:12You think we'll make it?
01:16:14I think we will.
01:16:16The guys working on this project are the top men in the field.
01:16:20If anybody can solve the problem, they can.
01:16:26I sure never expected anything like this to happen in my life.
01:16:30None of us did.
01:16:33Are you feeling all right, Charlie?
01:16:35Oh, sure, sure. I'm fine, fine.
01:16:39Well, excuse me, I...
01:16:41I have to go to the john.
01:16:44All right.
01:17:09You all right?
01:17:14Where's Charlie?
01:17:16He's in the john.
01:17:20Hurry it up, Charlie. There's a line forming out here.
01:17:25Any calls while we were gone?
01:17:33Hey, hurry it up in there, man.
01:17:37If you're gonna be much longer in there, throw out one of those plastic bags, will you?
01:17:47If I wasn't so worried about our environment, I'd have taken care of it outside.
01:18:14Here, drink this.
01:18:20I wish they'd hurry and call.
01:18:22I don't know how much more of this I can take.
01:18:25I'm sure they will soon.
01:18:45Anything more hiding in here that we can fool around with?
01:18:50Not that I know of.
01:19:15Hey, Charlie, you've been holding out on us.
01:19:21Thought you said you didn't do anything for excitement.
01:19:24This looks pretty exciting to me.
01:19:28They're not mine.
01:19:30I don't know how long they've been there.
01:19:34Not too long.
01:19:36This one's only two months old.
01:19:38This one's only two months old.
01:19:43They must belong to Alvin.
01:19:45Come on now, Charlie.
01:19:48You can tell me.
01:19:50Come on, friends.
01:19:52You mean to tell me you never even take a peek?
01:19:58Oh, once in a while, maybe.
01:20:01But they don't belong to me.
01:20:03Why don't you leave him alone, Jack?
01:20:06You make it sound like he's done something wrong.
01:20:08You probably have your walls plastered with them.
01:20:11I don't need to, Donna.
01:20:14Besides, I never said anything wrong with it.
01:20:18Just surprised me, that's all.
01:20:21Hey, Charlie.
01:20:23You see this, babe?
01:20:33Now, come on, Charlie.
01:20:36I bet you got some stories that would fry my ears.
01:20:41Not too many.
01:20:43How about your younger days?
01:20:45I got a few from long ago.
01:20:48Well, let's hear them.
01:20:50I need a little excitement.
01:20:54Oh, don't worry about her. She's busy.
01:20:58There's nothing much, really.
01:21:01I remember in 62, down in Gitmo Bay...
01:21:07...crazy things went on down there.
01:21:12We'd been on board ship about...
01:21:15...about three months, I remember.
01:21:18A bunch of guys on one ship cooped up that long...
01:21:24...and get awful hungry for a lot of things.
01:21:28Especially a piece of ass.
01:21:32I'll keep on thinking about those five people.
01:21:38Their job is to stay awake.
01:21:41God, the shock to the system must be unbearable.
01:21:47I wonder if it does the same thing in its own environment.
01:21:50Don't worry about that. It's here, not there.
01:21:53Look, if we can simulate the Martian environment...
01:21:56...based on the data brought back...
01:21:58...maybe we can figure out what makes this baby tick.
01:22:01If so, maybe we can discover that it's static in its own environment.
01:22:05At least we'll know what it does.
01:22:07Let's give it a try.
01:22:11I hope those people can stay awake.
01:22:14I hate to think what they'll go through if they fall asleep.
01:22:17What about Tom?
01:22:21What about Jack?
01:22:23What about Jack?
01:22:27You know I don't care about Jack.
01:22:31That just happened.
01:22:34I wanted to dance with you.
01:22:38I don't think so.
01:22:41I did.
01:22:43No, I don't mean that.
01:22:48What do you mean?
01:22:50I mean, I just didn't want to dance.
01:22:58What you're saying is you didn't want to dance with me.
01:23:01Jenny, you're working yourself up over nothing.
01:23:04No, I'm not.
01:23:06Hey, you two having a lover's quarrel over there?
01:23:09Not hardly, pal.
01:24:00Hey, Charlie.
01:24:38What's wrong with him?
01:24:40He's dead.
01:24:44Who the hell he is? Look at his head!
01:24:48It's expanding.
01:24:50What in God's name is happening to him?
01:24:54Why didn't they tell me it was gonna be this way?
01:24:58Jesus! God, what's wrong with you?
01:25:03God, stop it!
01:25:06What the hell is that, Sorenson?
01:25:43There never was.
01:25:47There never was a Tom Sheffield.
01:25:51There never was anyone.
01:25:55We weren't in this together.
01:26:01We were alone.
01:26:05I don't want to be alone anymore.
01:26:16I know it's a tough decision, but it'll have to be made.
01:26:20We've got national security to worry about.
01:26:24I can't get hung up on five people.
01:26:27I don't like it either.
01:26:29If there were any hope, I'd agree with you.
01:26:32Just send out the order to notify an extant camp.
01:26:35Use the story we talked about.
01:26:37I'll take care of the rest.
01:26:40No, don't notify the center.
01:26:42Let them go on working.
01:26:44We need a counteragent anyway,
01:26:46now that we know how bad this stuff really is.
01:26:49Call me when it's taken care of.
01:27:31They ought to be calling for me.
01:27:35God damn those bastards!
01:27:40What the hell are they calling for now?
01:28:00The helicopter.
01:28:04Let's go.
01:28:56What's it say?
01:29:00It's the antidote.
01:29:04The timing's a bit off, ain't it?
01:29:35We made it.
01:29:55They retake them all at the same time.
01:29:59What difference would it make?
01:30:05What difference?
01:30:09Oh, God.
01:31:41I haven't...
01:31:43I haven't been infected.
01:31:49I'm alive.