The runaway elephant

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Thomas & Friends is owned & copyright of HIT Entertainment Limited, Jam Filled Entertainment & Australian Broadcasting Company & I own nothing. No money has or will ever be made from this video.


00:00The engines on the island of Sodor were excited. A new park was being built.
00:12Everyone was working hard to get the job finished on time.
00:16Duncan was feeling impatient.
00:27Get a move on, slow coach, he puffed crossly to Rusty.
00:30You're so slow, I'll finish first, Duncan boasted to Skarloey.
00:38Skarloey was cross.
00:40A little later he met Rusty at the new park station.
00:45Duncan thinks he's fast, Skarloey steamed, but he's just a bossy boiler.
00:53Better safe than fast, Rusty agreed.
00:56Duncan drew into the station. He was all puffed up and pleased with himself.
01:02I finished first, he wheezed proudly.
01:05In that case, said the Fat Controller, I've got another job for you.
01:09You're to collect the elephant on the sidings and take it to the park.
01:14Yes, sir, chuffed Duncan.
01:16This elephant is very important. You must be very careful.
01:29When Duncan saw the elephant, he was surprised.
01:32Why, it's only a statue, he said. This is an easy job.
01:36You must wait for the brake van, said the station master.
01:39This statue is very heavy.
01:41Nonsense, huffed Duncan to his driver.
01:44I've pushed heavier loads on this plenty of times.
01:47Let's go, Duncan, said his driver, but we must be careful.
01:51So they left, but without the brake van.
01:58But Duncan wasn't careful. He was impatient.
02:04We'll show them how fast I am, Duncan whistled.
02:08We'll deliver this statue and I'll still finish first.
02:21Duncan started to speed up.
02:27Soon, Duncan was going as fast as his wheels could go.
02:31Duncan was going as fast as his wheels could carry him.
02:37His driver was starting to worry.
02:42So he tried to brake, but Duncan was out of control.
02:46He was scared. He had never gone this fast.
02:52People waved and cars tooted as Duncan sped by.
02:58Suddenly, a tractor trundled across Duncan's line.
03:02Look out, shouted his driver.
03:10Slow down, whistled Rusty.
03:13I can't, Duncan cried as he shot past.
03:19Elephant Park loomed ahead.
03:23Duncan's driver applied the brakes,
03:28but it was too late.
03:30The statue flew through the air
03:36and landed in the lake.
03:39Luckily, nobody was hurt.
03:46In no time, the Fat Controller arrived.
03:50He was cross.
03:52I told you to be careful. You should have waited for the brake van, he said sternly.
03:57I'm sorry, sir, mumbled Duncan.
04:00He felt very embarrassed.
04:05Duncan was repaired in time for the opening of Elephant Park.
04:09He was very surprised to see the statue still standing in the lake.
04:13Everyone loves the elephant in the lake, said Lady Hat,
04:16even if it was a mistake, added the Fat Controller.
04:21Hooray for Duncan's mistake, cheered the engines.
04:25Duncan blushed and went a deep shade of red.