Accepting the Light-CHARLES LAWSON BIBLE SERMON-AUG 21 2024

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Jesus' Own Words Have Given Provocation for Some to be Offended: by His Lack of Formal Education, His Paucity, His Coming from Galilee.... For These Causes, Some Would Reject Him. Light Accepted and Light Rejected is How We Are Accountable to God.

00:00Well, I'll tell you what let's do if you turn the book of Matthew chapter 13 with me tonight, please
00:08Matthew chapter 13 and verse number 55
00:20Scripture says is not this the carpenters son
00:23Is not his mother called Mary and his brethren James and Joseph's and Simon and Judas
00:33And his sisters are they not all with us? Whence then hath this man all these things?
00:41And they were offended in him
00:44but Jesus said unto them a prophet is not without honor save in his own country and in his own house and
00:51He did not many mighty works there because of their unbelief
00:56Father bless your word now in thy name. Amen
01:01Now the context of that
01:03In verse number 53 it came to pass
01:05That when Jesus had finished these parables he departed thence and when he was come into his own country taught them in their synagogue
01:13in so much that they were astonished and
01:18Whence hath this man this wisdom and these mighty works?
01:25We didn't train him
01:27We didn't graduate him from our colleges
01:30He's not part of our religious system
01:33There's no way in the world. He could be qualified
01:37So they were offended in him
01:39right, right
01:42you have to understand I
01:44Fully believe in training as much education as you can get get it. Believe me
01:50But the truth of the matter is a lot of places. It's a matter of control
01:55and if God calls God provides and
01:58God prepares and then God qualifies
02:02He does. Yes, he does
02:04Yes, he does
02:06But the Lord Jesus Christ didn't fit in from the beginning because he wasn't part of the system
02:11But was he taught in the word? Of course he was. Who taught him?
02:18The Bible says in the book of Isaiah day after day
02:20He would awaken the power of the Holy Spirit of God would open the scripture to him by the time he was 12 years of age
02:26He could confound the doctors of the law if you remember when they went back
02:30They found him in the temple and the and the doctors of the law were sitting around
02:35Listening very carefully to what this young man had to say and of course he knew what to say
02:42Time and again, he would quote the scriptures. He said search the scriptures
02:48Quote the scriptures scriptures, of course Genesis through Malachi
02:52He never one time quoted the Apocrypha
02:54He never time he never one time quoted a pagan
02:59He quoted the scripture
03:01Time and again now the Apostle Paul
03:04Quoted a pagan and the Apostle Paul could refer to different things, but the Lord Jesus Christ only the word and
03:11Note carefully. He never appealed one time to the oral law
03:17which was the basis of the Mishnah, which is the foundation for the Talmud and
03:22the Gemara and the
03:24Midrash and Holoca and all the rest of it. Not one time did he ever appeal to the oral laws matter of fact
03:31He rebuked them and he told them he said you have made the Word of God of none effect by your traditions
03:38referring to the oral law
03:40And I've told you before and say again tonight
03:43There's a branch of Judaism that's called Chirite Jews and the Chirite Jew accepts only the Pentateuch
03:50Genesis Exodus Leviticus Numbers and Deuteronomy as
03:53inspired they reject the
03:56Navim and the Kethuvim the law and rather the prophets and the writings
04:02They reject it as canonical scripture only the five books of Moses
04:07Chirite Jew and same with the Samaritans and their Samaritan Pentateuch. That's as far as it goes
04:13There's a lot out there today that say the Jews
04:16constructed their own Old Testament to create their own identity and this gets into liberalism and they say that
04:23Daniel never really
04:25existed and that
04:27Israel was nothing but a backwoods country
04:29tribal people and that they created all of this and by doing it they created their prophets and their writings and the Psalms and the
04:37Proverbs and Isaiah and Jeremiah and all the rest of it. So you have to make a decision tonight. Do you believe the Bible? I
04:44believe all
04:4666 books of it, right? Yes, sir. 39 Old Testament
04:5027 new the book of Matthew chapter number 8 in verse number 20. It says this Matthew 8 20
05:00Jesus saith unto him
05:02The foxes have holes and the birds of the air have nest but the Son of Man hath not where to lay his head
05:09He never owned any property and the very robe that he wore they took and cast lots for it
05:17When he was on the cross the Lord Jesus Christ was not rich with monetary with money of men
05:23But he was rich beyond measure
05:26Believe me
05:27He said lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven where it can't be touched and moth and so forth cannot take it from you
05:35prosperity gospel is appealing and
05:38Most of the people that I've ever known since I've been in the church have prospered. God has prospered me. He has blessed me and
05:46You live in an affluent society
05:48You live in a nation where if you apply yourself
05:51You more than likely will be able to make a good living if you really do if you apply yourself
05:55There's a lot of potential in America, but the truth of the matter is God didn't save you to make you wealthy
06:03He saved your soul to write your name the Lamb's Book of Life
06:07Book of John chapter number one in verse number 46. He says this
06:12John 1 46
06:26John chapter number one in verse number 46
06:32Nathaniel said unto him
06:34Can there any good thing come out of Nazareth?
06:38Philip saith unto him come and see
06:41So Nazareth had a reputation the Lord Jesus was called a Nazarene
06:46It had a reputation
06:48So I believe intentionally he associated himself with the wrong side of the tracks
06:54He didn't want to be accepted because of what men considered to be valuable
06:58That which is highly esteemed among men's abomination to God
07:02He was accepted because the revelation of the father. He said to them who do men say that I the son of man?
07:07Am that's what's important. Who is he tonight? He's not a rich man Savior or a poor man Savior. He's the Savior
07:15You don't care how much money you got and who you are where you came from
07:21He of course made that decision. Look at John chapter number 7 and verse number 15
07:27John 7 and verse 15
07:33And the Jews marvel saying
07:35How knoweth this man letters having never learned?
07:39You see he did not sit under under Gamaliel or he didn't sit under
07:44Hillel or he didn't sit under some of the greatest teachers and rabbis and sages of the day
07:50He didn't sit under them. He didn't need to
07:54The Bible says of us Christians. This is important tonight folks
07:58The Apostle John says in first John you have no meat need that a man teach you you have an anointing from the father
08:05All right. Now it says in the scripture to commit thou to faithful men who shall be able to teach others
08:09Also, what's that mean?
08:11That means that a newborn babe in Christ needs instruction and direction and you need to help them as they learn the Bible
08:18but you should come to a point in your life as a Christian where you can discern you can discern heresy and
08:25You should be able to discern
08:28When people are twisting the scriptures to their own destruction, you don't need you've got the Holy Spirit and when you hear some new thing
08:37Take it before God
08:39Do some serious praying about it. You'll discover that
08:43Novel things and that's what people are looking for. They're like the picureans and the Stoics over there and in in Greece
08:50they were waiting for some new thing and
08:53They said of the Apostle Paul said who is this babbler as he brings some new doctrine in amongst us. They were waiting
09:00That's what they did all day long. They argued over new things something novel. All right
09:05Well, this is what some Christians do they go from one place to the next looking for something new
09:10Do you know why they do that? It's because what they have isn't base substantial. It's not real. It's not a real foundation
09:17Christ is what we love and he's the one who we go after. He's the one we seek
09:22It's him and it's about him and that's what's all important to us
09:26so when you have someone like Judge Rutherford who comes in the 1800s and says that Christ is a created God or
09:32You have someone who comes along and says well, he's an avatar you hear a lot of that today
09:37you hear and you hear the things that changed like he's an ascended master and
09:41Christ is this great teacher of that great teacher. What they're doing is connecting the Lord Jesus with the New Age movement
09:47They're connecting him with witchcraft. They're connecting him with Hinduism. You remember the Russian that went off into
09:54Not a check or not of it not a check. I think his name was he went off into into into the hidden into India
10:01Back up into the into the monasteries and and supposedly said that he saw some ancient writings where
10:09Jesus 2,000 years ago had come as a boy and he came under the tutelage of one of their
10:14Gurus and taught him all these things where he went back to his people and he could perform miracles
10:21Authority for that he has none and it was followed up and they went up there and they checked in these same places that he'd gone
10:27To ask the people who ran these places and they said no such thing ever existed
10:31We don't have anything here about Jesus of Nazareth. And of course, they don't but that's the problem
10:37Somebody's looking for some new thing all the time some new move of God
10:43Let me tell you something 2,000 years ago
10:46He died on the cross
10:47Ascended to the right hand of the Father and sent the Holy Ghost into this world and we would do well to learn about the Holy
10:54Spirit of God
10:55He said in John chapter number three, you must be born again
11:00now here's what he said about that as
11:03The wind listeth or as it bloweth thou canst not tell from whence it cometh or whither it goeth
11:08So is everyone that is born of the Spirit of God?
11:11All right in plain words
11:13There is no set standard no set method no set channel for the Holy Spirit to come and begin to move upon the heart
11:20of a man or a woman
11:23That's the work of the Holy Spirit
11:25But he said plainly the Holy Ghost is absolutely necessary for you to be born again
11:31Can't happen. Otherwise the Holy Spirit must be there because you're born of the Spirit and
11:38We need to learn about the Holy Spirit then and this is part of what we do is learning
11:44Look at the book of Luke chapter number 2 and verse number 51
11:48Luke chapter 2 verse 51
12:01Scripture says and he went down with them and came to Nazareth and was subject unto them
12:08Now who are the them?
12:10We're looking back at his mother and his stepfather
12:14But his mother kept all these things or sayings in her heart and Jesus increased in wisdom and stature and in favor
12:21With God and man and he was being prepared for his ministry
12:26At the right hand of the Father as the great high priest
12:29The priest is the one who ministers the Holy Spirit the Holy Spirit comes into this world and ministers
12:36Directly from the command and commission of the Father and the Son
12:40Amen, he's here working exactly as the Father and Son
12:45Send him into the world
12:47He said I'll send you the Spirit and so the Lord Jesus at the right hand of the Father Romans chapter number 8
12:53Ministers to you through the Holy Ghost in such a close fashion that the Bible says if you have not the Spirit of Christ
13:01You're none of his the Holy Spirit takes literally the identity of the Lord Jesus Christ
13:08Amen, that's what he does
13:10So it tells us right here that he subjected himself unto his mother's authority as his mother
13:17That wouldn't last but so long
13:19because on the cross at Calvary if you'll remember the Lord Jesus looked at his mother and said woman and
13:25This was not in disrespect
13:27He was setting her right
13:29He was saying to her Mary. You're my mother and I love you, but you must be born again
13:38Yes, I do not believe in the immaculate conception of Mary. That's a Roman Catholic doctrine
13:45I do they what does that mean?
13:47That means that they teach that she was born without sin born without original sin
13:51And not born not being born according to the according to what Adam brought into this world in the book of Romans chapter number 5
13:59That's what that's what they teach you see and by teaching that then she doesn't need to be a Savior
14:05Doesn't need to be saved. She becomes a Savior
14:08It is her voice into the ear of her son
14:12According to the Catholic teaching that gets the ear of the son because the son loves his mother and he'll hear his mother when he won't
14:19Hear anyone else. That's the doctrine. That's the idea the folks. Where's that in the Bible?
14:25there's one God and
14:28How many mediators?
14:30one between God and men
14:33The woman or the man the man Christ Jesus, right? So you got to be careful
14:39Confess your sins you're a royal priesthood and all that, but you do not need someone to absolve you of your sins
14:46That was done at the cross and the blood of Christ as we just sang about a few minutes ago
14:51What can wash away my sin?
14:53Revelation chapter number 1 verse number 5 who hath loosed us from our sins. That's what it says, right?
15:00No, that's what the new Bible say
15:03They changed Lua de la UO
15:05Or the other way around I can I'm can't remember which way it goes but one means wash the other means loose
15:13So what does your Bible say in Revelation 1 5 he hath washed us from our sins in his own blood, right?
15:21Well, does that mean therefore that there needs to be blood?
15:25You got these people teaching that there is no blood in heaven that Christ did not enter with his own blood
15:29The blood is simply a type or record or a figure of the perfect life that he lived. Listen folks
15:36You are not saved by the life of Christ
15:40The way he lived his perfect sinless life
15:43You have liberalism out there that says we just mimic or follow the life of Christ and we'll be okay
15:48If we'll live like Christ, you can't do that. You don't have the capacity to do that. He lived a sinless perfect life
15:55So, how are you saved you mean you're not saved by the life of Christ? No, you're saved by his death burial and resurrection now
16:03the Bible says plainly that you are saved by his life in the sense that at his
16:08order at the right hand of the Father as
16:11the high priest for us
16:13Ministering for us. He saves your daily life. Not your eternal soul and spirit
16:19That's what he's talking about there. That's important
16:22That's a big deal because there's an awful lot of people out there that believe by keeping the Sermon on the Mount and they can't
16:27Do it and by keeping the commandments and they can't do it and by living what they consider to be a sinless perfect life
16:34That one day God will reward them in heaven for having lived a perfect life
16:41But the Apostle Paul says I'm of all the sinners the chief
16:45The Apostle John says in 1st John chapter number one that if you say you have not sinned you call God a liar
16:51And the Lord Jesus said to them that drugged the woman taking an adultery he that is without sin among you
16:57Let him cast the first stone stone time and time again. It makes it plain
17:02There is no one on this earth. That is sinless
17:05There's only one who lived a sinless perfect life and that's the Lord Jesus. And so therefore he is
17:11the only Savior
17:14in John chapter number 5 and verse number 30
17:20Don't misunderstand dedication because there are people out there
17:25That live every day of their life. Is it in an in as an exemplary?
17:31possible way to live as
17:34Sinless as they possibly can but they still fail folks. It can't be done in
17:41John chapter number
17:44John chapter number 5 verse number 30. Here's what it says. I
17:48Can of mine own self do nothing. All right, let's stop for just a moment. What did he tell us?
17:56He told us in John chapter number 15
17:59He says without me you can do what?
18:02Nothing, so he's not asking anything of us that he didn't do himself
18:07He put himself
18:09completely at the disposal of the father and
18:12could only do what he did by the power of the Holy Spirit of God that God gave him without measure and
18:20Every deed that he did every miracle he performed all the perfect life that he lived
18:24He lived it by the power of the Holy Spirit of God
18:27Given to him without measure because he's the only one that has ever had the Holy Ghost without measure
18:33When the Lord gave me the Holy Spirit, he had to do some measuring
18:38I'm only capable of holding so much
18:41It can only fill me so much
18:44But when it came to Christ, oh, no, no
18:46No, and there was the reciprocal moving of the Holy Spirit in his life, too
18:51but anyway, he he said I can do nothing the Apostle Paul said this he says I
18:58Am nothing and that's true. I am nothing
19:03Does that mean my identity comes from as I relate to Christ and who I am our
19:08Identity is one of the biggest things of who we are
19:12You ever watch how people what they do when they had when it has to do with their names
19:16The crowd they run with their genealogy all these other where they went to school all these things have to do with their identity
19:23And the identity changes from generation to generation to generation to generation. It's such a big deal
19:30so here we read and
19:33He we read over here in the book of John John chapter number eight now, let's see no Luke 23
19:42Luke chapter number 23
19:49Luke 23 verse 34
19:56Then said Jesus father
20:00forgive them
20:01For they know not what they do and they parted his raiment and cast lots
20:08All right. Now they knew they were crucifying a man, but they didn't know who he was
20:15You see you remember this think about it for a minute you what the blasphemy of the Holy Spirit is
20:22the blasphemy of the Holy Spirit
20:25It is to reject
20:27The direct light that the Holy Spirit is giving you of who Christ is
20:34Outright reject it and say no to that revelation from God
20:38Because your relationship with God is built entirely upon who the Son of God is
20:45This is the condemnation that light is come into the world and men love darkness rather than light
20:53one of the greatest studies in the Bible is the study of light as you find it in the gospel of John and
20:58In John chapter number one. He says this he is the light that lighteth every man that cometh into the world now
21:05Let's just stop for a moment and think about that. Do you remember what I told you about tulip total depravity?
21:12Unconditional election limited atonement
21:14Irresistible grace and predestination. It's the acronym for those five things. All right that defines
21:20Hyper Calvinism
21:22Hyper Calvinism believes that God chose in eternity past to make a creature a
21:29man and one day
21:32Burn him in hell forever and never give him an opportunity to be saved
21:37Because he by his sovereign will and grace
21:42chooses who's going to be saved and who's not now that is the
21:47Predestination and that's the act of a sovereign God according to hyper Calvinism
21:52So what does that do to you that takes your choice away right now come back to John 1?
22:00He's the light that lighteth the elect
22:06See what I mean look what's happening?
22:08He's the light that lighteth every man that cometh into the world
22:14Now here we go. We are messing with Calvin's corpse
22:18You see in plain words
22:22according to hyper Calvinism you don't have the ability to answer or
22:27Respond or any sense like that you don't have that ability
22:32God must
22:35Reach out and choose you and call you in order for you to be saved make no mistake
22:41He certainly does reach out and choose and call
22:47Election is a Bible doctrine
22:49But what about the light that lighteth every man that cometh into the world?
22:55If there's no way that if there's nothing in you to answer, what's that?
22:59So what you do get you 15 commentaries down and they'll run you in 15 different directions
23:06Well coming into the world. He is the light of the world one of them will say it that way
23:10What's they done? What have they done? They've completely changed the meaning of it, right and the grammar won't let them do it
23:16But they're going to do it anyway
23:18Because they want to support their their theology
23:21So you mean to tell me preacher that when I was born I brought into this world
23:27That there was a light that lights every man that cometh into the world
23:32Define that light. I can't define it, but I believe what the Bible says I
23:36Believe that you're accountable for what you do with that light. I
23:40Believe that light is absolutely
23:43Necessary for God to relate to you
23:48The Bible says neither cometh aid of the light why because their deeds were evil, right?
23:54They refused the light the Lord Jesus says I'm the light of the world
23:58As long as I'm in the world, I'm the light of the world
24:01That's what he said and in the book of John he mentioned that day with a great light the great
24:07He was the great light
24:08That lighteth all men the great feast of lights and the Lord Jesus standing in the midst of it the light of the world
24:16The more light you have from God
24:19The more accountable you are and the more light you have from God the more light
24:25He gives you if you accept the light you get
24:30That's the doctrine that's the key
24:34Don't you look at something look at Romans chapter number two
24:38And I'll just do these here along the way
24:44And we'll close with this tonight
24:51Let's look at verse 11 Romans 2 11
24:55There's no respect of persons with God
24:58For as many as have sinned without law ignorant of the law shall also perish without law wages of sin is what?
25:07It doesn't it doesn't excuse that
25:09And as many as have sinned in the law shall be done what?
25:15Judged by the law
25:18For not the hearers of the law are just before God
25:22But the doers of the law shall be justified now watch this verse 14
25:27Now remember where you are?
25:29What happens in the first chapter of the book of Romans?
25:32When they knew God they did what?
25:35They glorified him not as God became vain in their imaginations foolish heart was darkened right they were turned into dark
25:42away from the light ignorance
25:45They rejected God. That's exactly what's happened to the good old us of a
25:50It's had the light, but it's turned from it. It's rejected it and now what are they doing? They're stumbling in darkness
25:57All right, this is exactly what he's talking about in Romans, but look at this
26:02verse 14 when the Gentiles
26:04So there's no mistaking this
26:07For when the Gentiles which have not the law
26:10So if you don't have the law you're not judged by the law is that what he just told you of course he did
26:16Which have not the law do by nature the things contained in the law, so there is a natural law written in the heart of a man
26:23These having not the law or what a law unto themselves now look at verse 15
26:30Which show the work of the law written in their hearts
26:34Their conscience also bearing witness and their thoughts to mean while accusing or else excusing one another
26:42Where do you get hyper Calvinism to fit in here?
26:46You don't it won't fit look at verse 16 in the day when God shall judge the secrets of men
26:53By my gospel all right now go to John chapter number 9
27:03Won't give you just enough tonight, so you go home say what's he talking about?
27:10John 9
27:12man born blind
27:14All right in typology who does he represent?
27:18He represents Israel
27:20He's born blind
27:22What happens?
27:23The Lord Jesus Christ takes the curse of the earth remember that makes mud dirt cursed is the ground
27:30Puts it on his eyes. All right. He's born blind the curse is on his eyes. He can't see
27:36He goes down to the pool of Siloam the word Siloam means scent so the water scent from God like the Holy Spirit
27:44He washes the eye the mud comes out the curse is washed away, and what happens?
27:51He sees all right now look at the last few verses of John 9
27:58Verse 39
28:01For judgment I am come into this world that they which see not might see
28:10That they which see might be made blind
28:13Well, he doesn't come to blind the truth. He comes to blind
28:17This religious profession where you say you see and you have don't have Christ you don't see you're blind
28:24But anyway look at verse 40
28:26Some of the Pharisees were with him heard these things and words and said unto him are we blind also?
28:33Now look at verse 41
28:35Jesus said unto them
28:37If ye were blind ye should what?
28:41Now look at this now. Let's stop for a moment is he telling them. They're sinless of course not
28:47He's telling them that you cannot be held accountable
28:50All right for what you don't know
28:53That's what he just said he said
28:56but if you were blind you should have no sin
29:02But now you say we see
29:05Therefore your sin remaineth well. They what have they done. They've rejected the light
29:09That's what's happened to them
29:11That they've rejected it and then over here in John 15. I think it is
29:16You remember these things are written that you might believe
29:20John chapter number 15
29:24Let's see
29:32I'll have to look this I never could remember exactly where this text was it was in 15
29:37Well the comforters come
29:42All right, I can't find it right now, but it supports what I just read to you
29:55Yeah, that's the spirit of truth he's coming to testify
30:00He's coming to testify
30:02That's the spirit of truth he's coming to testify
30:06Anyway, I'll I'll find it when I get home
30:11I'll guarantee it. It'll pop right up. So
30:16It what it does it repeats what I just read to you from John 9
30:27Let's see
30:29There it is
30:31We have somebody with sharp eyes who got that
30:34Good, you got that, right? This is it now. Look at it
30:39If I had not come
30:42And spoken unto them they had what?
30:46They had not had sin see this does he say that they are sinless? No
30:51He's speaking to a specific thing
30:54Now look at verse 22
30:55But now they have no what?
30:58Cloak there's nothing to hide behind
31:02You've heard a clear presentation of the gospel the light shining you say no to christ
31:06You've rejected the light you've turned away from the light. There's nowhere to run
31:10There's nothing to hide behind
31:12You have you have nothing to appeal to
31:15You're guilty
31:17You see how it works. God's no respecter of persons
31:20So what do you do? Well, what the devil does is change the power of the gospel
31:24He'll change it into some feel-good thing
31:26He'll take away the cross and the blood. He'll take away repentance
31:30He'll take away that part of the new birth where we preach the new birth
31:32How many how much preaching do you hear today and there's nothing said about the new birth?
31:37Nothing, not a word said about the new birth. It's all about do good do right be good
31:42Be the best you can you know be a good person and we're all doing the same thing
31:46We're going up this up the up the same mountain. You're going this way. I'm going that way
31:50Hey, well, we're okay. Just do the best you can
31:52We're okay just do the best you can
31:55Well the best you can is not good enough not by works of righteousness, which we have done
31:59But according to his mercy saved us
32:02Well the washing of regeneration renewing of the holy spirit of god. No, you'll never be good enough
32:07But what i'm doing is getting into the nuts and bolts
32:10Of what it has to do with conviction and light accepted and light rejected not one word
32:16That's ever said in this bible says that you are sinless. We're accountable. But how are we accountable?
32:21That's what i'm trying to show you tonight. You see the criteria where god holds you accountable
32:27For the light that you receive or reject. Amen
32:31So what does that do to us?
32:34Like brother mcdonnell and me
32:37Any of the preachers in the house
32:39We have a responsibility to do what?
32:42Shine the light
32:44Yes, we do preach christ
32:47and him crucified
32:49And that's my responsibility tonight
32:52And by the grace of god
32:53I will
32:55I'll close with this one luke chapter 15
32:58And verse number two
32:59Here's an awful awful
33:02Charge that they brought against christ. What this is a terrible thing
33:06Luke chapter 15 verse number two. I can't believe he'd do such a thing as this
33:11Luke chapter 15 and verse number two. What a thing man
33:14luke chapter 15
33:16And verse number two
33:19Luke chapter 15
33:21and verse number two
33:23They drew near unto him all the publicans and sinners for to hear him notice how they were drawn to him
33:28verse two
33:30and the pharisees and the scribes murmured
33:34This man
33:35Receiveth sinners and eateth with him my goodness
33:39Isn't that awful?
33:43Aren't you glad
33:44It makes no difference what kind of shape you're in
33:48How sorry and low down you are what a load of sin you've got
33:52He'll sit down and eat with you
33:55Why because he's the friend of sinners
33:57How many how many would confess tonight and say honestly from your heart?
34:01You know preacher before I ever got saved I could feel the hand of god in my life on occasion
34:06I knew he was working with me. He was there with me. He was long suffering with me
34:10In other words, he befriended me
34:12He was a friend to me I got knocked 20 feet into the air on clinton highway
34:19At least 20 feet. I mean I got knocked out of my boots
34:22And I got up and drug my motorcycle back to the side of the road cussing and blaspheming god
34:27But god's hand saved me that day
34:30He was a friend to me
34:32I could have died and gone to hell right then
34:35But he was a friend to me
34:37And you wouldn't believe now. I mean, I know you would
34:40I have thinking spells
34:42I mean just all I do is thank god. Thank you lord. Thank you
34:45And it just starts flooding my soul of the things to thank god for
34:50Amen, and that's one of them. That's one of them
34:53That's one of them
34:55And if you ever come close like that to die and you'll
34:57You know, you'll appreciate it. You'll think about it
35:00I'm sure donald trump
35:02uh when that bullet
35:04Pierced his and there's nobody on this earth
35:07Now i'll tell you right now that it's good enough shot
35:10With a rifle to blow off part of that man's ear
35:15Intentionally he was headed for his head
35:21They know there's no man i've ever known that's that good a shot
35:25You're talking about splitting a hair
35:28god's hand
35:30Saved the man
35:32God's hand saved him
35:34God's hand saved him. Yes. He did no doubt in my mind
35:38Has god ever done that for you
35:41Amen, folks. I can take you to the spot in front of vanslack volkswagen. I can take you to the very spot
35:47I left that motorcycle didn't intend to leave that motorcycle
35:50But I had I went on a roller coaster
35:54Up, I went boy
35:55back down
35:57I came it's amazing. God's a good god. He's been good to me
36:03All right, well i'm done father bless your word lord, thank you for this little time we have together in your holy name. Amen
