War Thunder - Future Tech Tree analysis series 1 year on!

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In this episode I take a quick look at how much of the planned tech trees released by Gaijin have been added into War Thunder, which nations have received the most new aircraft and tanks and which vehicles I think will be prioritised for release in future.

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#warthunder #techtree #1year #analysis #toreno #futureevents #2015
00:00Hello everybody, Torano here, and welcome back to another episode of War Thunder.
00:04As you can see in the background, or you can see in the picture,
00:07this is the British planned tech tree, or planned vehicles for the British tech tree.
00:13These were released by Gaijin about a year ago, and I did a little mini-series on them,
00:18the Future Tech Tree Analysis series,
00:20where basically I looked at the vehicles that were planned to be released, the ones in orange,
00:25and I discussed information about them, which ones I thought would be prioritised for the nations,
00:32and just generally gave information about them.
00:36That was about a year ago, and I've decided to go back over these Future Tech Trees
00:41so that we can see which vehicles have actually been added,
00:44which nations have got the most out of the tech trees,
00:47which ones have got the most vehicles over the last year,
00:50and where I think the priority should be for the next year,
00:53or where I think Gaijin will be adding vehicles mostly in the next year.
00:57So we're actually going to start off with the American tank tech tree.
01:00I didn't look at tanks last year, but this part of the episode should be pretty quick.
01:05I've actually highlighted them in white, or I've put the pictures in paint and inverted the colour,
01:11and they represent the vehicles that have been added,
01:13and as you can see on the American tech tree, basically all of them have been added.
01:18The M4A3E8 I'm a little unsure on, because we've got an M4A3 in-game,
01:24and I'm pretty sure it's sometimes known as the E8.
01:28I know in World of Tanks it's known as the E8,
01:31so I'm not sure if... I think that's been added into the game, but they haven't called it that,
01:34so I've sort of put a question mark there in case I'm wrong about it.
01:38So America's basically got all of the tanks it was promised, except for possibly one,
01:42and again, that's possibly where I'm mistaken.
01:45If we go to the German tech tree, it's a similar story.
01:48They've basically got all of the vehicles they were promised, except for three of them,
01:53the StuG III C, StuG III G, and the StuG IV.
01:57Now the III C is basically a StuG A, but with a different gunner viewport,
02:02because basically it was a bit of a shot trap, so that was redesigned, that flaw was removed,
02:07so not really much of a difference between the A and the C.
02:10The G seems to be what we've got in the game already, but without side skirts, so a little less armoured,
02:16and the StuG IV is basically a StuG III, but on a Panzer IV chassis rather than a Panzer III.
02:22So Germany's got basically all the vehicles it was promised, except for a few minor variants,
02:27that wouldn't really affect the game that much.
02:30And of course they've got vehicles they weren't promised, the Maus and the Leopard, for example.
02:34And if we move over to the Russian tech tree, a similar story.
02:38Basically all the vehicles they were promised, plus a few extra ones, and a few that they haven't received yet.
02:45The Su-76, which is basically what we've got in game already, but with a worse engine.
02:50The T-40, which is a bit like the M2A2, it's an amphibious tank armed only with a machine gun.
02:56The BT-7A, which is basically a BT-7 with a 76mm howitzer, possibly replaced by the T-26-4,
03:05which was released in one of the patches not long ago.
03:08And the BT-7M, which is basically a BT-7 with better engines and three machine guns,
03:14including one where the commander is, so for anti-aircraft work.
03:19So, you know, a tiny bit more firepower against aircraft and better engines.
03:25Now, once I went through the tech tree, so I actually added which vehicles have been added into the game,
03:30into an Excel spreadsheet. Red is the Russians, the grey is the Germans, and the blue is the Americans.
03:37This is from patch 1.41 onwards. You can see the number of vehicles that have been added.
03:4278 in .41, 17 in .43, 39 in .45, 9 in .47, .49 had 18, and 9 in .51.
03:54And I've also added up which ones were regular, which ones were premium, and which nation received the most vehicles.
04:00And also the total. 170, which is actually more than all the aircraft added in the last year.
04:06But you can see here, the country that's got the most vehicles in general is Russia, 63.
04:12But you can see that the country that's got the most vehicles that you don't have to pay for, you know, regular vehicles, non-premium, is Germany.
04:21While Russia got the most premium, 17 compared to Germany's 12, while Germany got 49 regular compared to Russia's 46.
04:29America's come third, but again, they came in like two patches later, so it's not really surprising they got a lot less, well, a few less than the Germans and Russians.
04:38But, like I said, I generally, I think Germany has sort of come out better in the amount of vehicles added,
04:45because, like I said, you don't have to pay money for regular vehicles, you know, actual money, whereas with premium you will.
04:53So, Russia actually has a lot more premium vehicles in its tech tree, which, you know, you can't actually get access to without paying real money.
05:01Whereas Germany, you can access more of the vehicles, you know, just by playing in the game.
05:06And again, America's only got a few premiums, not that many.
05:09So, again, I'd say, well, Russia's got the most vehicles, but Germany's got the most you can actually access without paying money.
05:16Where do I think they're focused next? Probably on either the really low-tier vehicles, like Tier 1 and 2, or possibly on the 1960s vehicles,
05:26which they've only added three vehicles in, the Leopard 1, M60, and the T-10M.
05:33Although, we've also got to remember Britain's going to be getting tanks in, I think, at the end of this year.
05:38So, there may be a bit of a slowdown as they start to focus on British tanks, but I think that's where they're going to focus with the German, Russian, and American tanks.
05:46The very high-tier 1960s tanks, and the very low-tier tanks.
05:50Now, moving on from tanks, we're going to the aircraft planned tech trees, which is what my videos last year actually dealt with.
05:57And we're starting off with the Soviet Union.
05:59And they weren't actually meant to receive all that many vehicles, only something like 14 or so.
06:05Mainly Yak-11 fighters, one I-16, two attackers, and a few long-range and frontline bombers.
06:12What they actually got was two of the Yak-11 fighters, they got the I-16 Type 5, they got both of the attackers, and one frontline bomber, the R-28.
06:24So they got a few aircraft, but if you go to the Excel spreadsheet, you can see it's a bit deceptive.
06:31It looks like they got the second most amount of vehicles, and what they did overall, just behind Britain.
06:37But if you go to regular fighters, they haven't actually had many.
06:41Out of 19 vehicles, only 8 of them were actually regular.
06:45So, less than half were regular vehicles, and they didn't get any for Patch 1.51.
06:50They got four of their vehicles in Patch 1.43, and since then, just one or two.
06:55The I-16 Type 10, which wasn't on the list, the Arl-2 1941, which I think is the Arl-2-1 on the list.
07:03The 37mm Arl-2, the 1943 Arl-2, which wasn't on the list as well.
07:10So they've just mainly got rehashes of Arl-2s and I-16s.
07:16The R-28 and the Yak-1 and Yak-9 are really the only new aircraft.
07:22The rest are just variants of existing aircraft.
07:26If we go to premium, you can see they've got quite a lot of premiums.
07:30Five premiums. One was a P-47D, a Hurricane Mark IIB, a Yak-3, a Yak-9M, and an LA-7.
07:41And if we go to remodels, they've got more remodels than they have of actual new aircraft, or new premium aircraft.
07:50An LA-5FN, Arl-2, Yak-9, K&T, and then two more Arl-2s.
07:56So Russia hasn't actually done all that well.
07:59Again, tanks kind of skew this result a little bit, but they've just mainly got premium aircraft.
08:05And perhaps that's because their tech tree is the most complete.
08:08Maybe there aren't that many to add.
08:10But then, if you go back to the tech tree, they've got all the long-range bombers.
08:15They've got the MBR-2 flying boat.
08:17They've got the Tu-14.
08:19They've got the Yak-30, Yak-7, Yak-9B.
08:23Maybe they've just shifted priority to tanks for the moment.
08:27But some of these aircraft would be nice to have them.
08:32The Tu-4 shouldn't be hard to add because it's very similar to the B-29.
08:38A few B-29s crashed in Russia, and they copied it.
08:43Not an exact copy, they did fit it for their own purposes.
08:47It's kind of a shame they haven't added some more vehicles for Russia.
08:51It's kind of funny because everyone always complains Russia gets all these vehicles,
08:56but they haven't actually got that many new vehicles in quite a while.
09:00Now moving on from the Soviet Union's tech tree, we're going to the American tech tree.
09:05Now the American tech tree, or planned tech tree, had about 45 vehicles.
09:09Most of these were fighters and attackers, plus a few really low-tier and very high-tier bombers.
09:15And you can see here I've highlighted the ones that have been added.
09:18The ones who have only half-highlighted the box is they've added a vehicle in,
09:23but not the variant they said they would add.
09:25For example, the P-51, they added the P-51A, not the P-51B.
09:30So I've highlighted the lowest-tier P-51 there.
09:35But, you know, obviously they didn't add the B in, so I'm just half-highlighting it.
09:39And you can see America got sort of equal amounts of vehicles.
09:43It got two bombers, it got two naval fighters, it got one army fighter, two attackers,
09:51and one navy bomber plus torpedo bomber.
09:54So mostly equal, you know, two or one in each of the categories.
10:01However, it does seem a bit odd because, well, the B-29 was already created.
10:06They just didn't release it for a very long time.
10:09They'd basically finished it for quite a bit before they released it,
10:14but they thought it was going to wreck the balance of the game
10:18because there was nothing that could take down the B-29.
10:21But I'm sort of surprised they didn't focus on fighters.
10:24Now, they did add a few vehicles that aren't actually on this list.
10:27For example, the B-57B, which is similar, but it has actual guns on it, like gun pods.
10:32But I'm surprised they didn't focus on fighters.
10:35I mean, they have a little bit for the naval tech tree,
10:38but they seem to have focused mainly on bombers.
10:41The B-29, B-57A and B, and, you know, a few attackers.
10:45There's only really been a few fighters added into the game.
10:49Now, I've done something similar with the Excel spreadsheet, but for the aircraft.
10:55And you can see here, where's the American tech tree?
10:58Like I said, I've got a bomber, a fighter, a fighter, two bombers,
11:03attacker, a fighter, attacker, attacker.
11:06It's just mainly focused on attackers rather than actual fighters,
11:10which is odd because fighters is the thing America really needs,
11:13and it's what they put on their planned tech tree the most.
11:17So where do I think they're going to focus, or where I hope they're going to focus?
11:21Bearing in mind they've now got tanks to look at as well.
11:24Well, I hope they focus on fighters, which is something I'm pretty sure I said last year.
11:30America really needs mid-tier and high-tier fighters.
11:35It's good they've got their bombers finally, but they really, really do need fighters.
11:40Possibly a few attackers, like the A-20s they said they were going to add,
11:45but really it's the fighters they need, especially the P-51s and P-38s.
11:51The P-40 is a massively iconic aircraft, and they've only got one variant,
11:56which was in the game when it was released.
12:00Going back to the Excel spreadsheet, you can actually see overall,
12:04including remodels, premiums, and new aircraft,
12:07America got 17 aircraft, which is quite a lot.
12:11It's the second most or third most amount of aircraft, just behind Britain and Russia.
12:16If we actually look at just regular aircraft, so no premium or remodelling,
12:20it actually got 9, which again is the third most out of all the nations,
12:27except this time second place is Japan.
12:29If we go with just premiums, America's actually tied second with Germany,
12:35and if we go with remodels, America got the most remodels,
12:39which seems odd that they're remodelling aircraft
12:41when they still need to add massive amounts of new aircraft.
12:45Although, to be fair, the F-2A-3-1 and the premium model are very similar,
12:50so it's possible they haven't actually been focusing on remodelling,
12:54it's just they had three very similar aircraft,
12:56so it wasn't much effort to get all of them done at once.
12:59But we move on to the next tech tree, which is Britain.
13:03As you can see here, or we go to the unaltered version,
13:07you can see here they were mostly meant to be getting Royal Navy aircraft,
13:11and quite a lot of bombers and twin-engine fighters.
13:14Very few fighters, only four fighters on this list.
13:17But, like I said, just mainly fleet air-armed naval aircraft,
13:22bombers, especially mid-tier and twin-engine fighters.
13:25Now, what they actually got,
13:27well, they did actually get most of their fleet air-armed aircraft.
13:30Again, there's a few that weren't the same variant as shown on the tech tree.
13:36For example, the Seafire, we've got the Mark 47 rather than the 45,
13:40the Attacker FB is the Mark 1 rather than the 2, as shown on here.
13:44But they got most of their fleet air-armed aircraft.
13:48They got half their fighters, the Venom FB-4 and the Hurricane Mark 4,
13:52and they got a few bombers.
13:55They got the Canberra B Mark 2, and they got the B Mark 6 as well,
14:00which is like the B-57B, it's got gun pods,
14:03and the Lancaster Mark 1, which is basically a Lancaster Mark 3,
14:07but they gave a .50 calibre tail machine gun to the Mark 3
14:12and kept the Mark 1 similar to the version that was already in the game,
14:16but I think with slightly different bomb loads and engines.
14:19Now, if we go back to the Excel spreadsheet
14:21and look at how many vehicles Britain actually got,
14:24they actually got the most out of all of the nations of War Thunder,
14:27if you include premiums and remodels.
14:29They got 20, although most of that does seem to have come from Patch 1.49,
14:34where they got the fleet air-arm added into the game.
14:37Patch 1.47, before that, they didn't actually get a single aircraft.
14:41But 20 vehicles puts them in first place, with Russia in second.
14:46If we go to just regular vehicles,
14:49again, they got 15 more than any other nation,
14:52except for, well, Japan got 13.
14:55Basically, they got a lot more vehicles than anybody else in the game.
14:58They also got a decent amount of premiums.
15:01Well, they're tied third for last,
15:04so they got the least out of any other nation except Japan,
15:08but still, three premiums is pretty good.
15:10And if we go to remodels,
15:13well, they didn't actually get that many remodels.
15:15They got two remodels, which are both Hurricanes.
15:18So Britain's actually done very well in the last year.
15:21They got the most vehicles out of any nation,
15:23and it's mostly regular vehicles,
15:26so vehicles you can actually get without having to pay real money.
15:29So Britain has done very well in the last year.
15:32I do hope they'll start focusing on tier 3 bombers,
15:37or mid-tier bombers, and twin-engine fighters.
15:40Britain really does need those sort of aircraft.
15:43At the moment, it just sort of goes to the...
15:46It's just mainly Wellingtons and Lancasters,
15:48and we all know how they perform in-game.
15:51So I do hope they'll start focusing on mid-tier bombers,
15:54plus maybe a few twin-engine fighters and the Hawker Hunter.
15:57That's been promised for a little while now,
15:59and it hasn't been added into the game,
16:01so I hope they add that soon.
16:03Now, going back to the tech tree,
16:05and we've got the German planned tech tree.
16:07And really, they were going to go...
16:09Well, they were planned to get a bit of everything.
16:11A few fighters, a few heavy fighters, twin-engine fighters,
16:14a few bombers, not so many attackers,
16:17but, you know, still a decent amount.
16:19So what did they actually get in the end?
16:21Well, they got sort of a bit of everything, really.
16:24They only got one heavy fighter,
16:26but it was the Halton 229, so very good.
16:28They got a few fighters, single-engine fighters.
16:32They got the low-tier Bf 109.
16:34They got the Bf 109 G14, Focke-Wulf 190.
16:38They got a few... Well, they got quite a few bombers.
16:41The Arado with the guns on it, the C3.
16:46The Focke-Wulf 200, they got the C1
16:48rather than the C3 or C4, as shown on here.
16:51The C1's one of the early variants
16:53with not very good bomb load
16:55or defensive armament,
16:57so sort of not the greatest bomber in the world.
17:01And the Dornier 17A, which is a low-tier bomber.
17:04So they did OK, but if you go to the Excel spreadsheet,
17:08you can sort of see they actually got
17:10the least out of all the nations.
17:12They got 14. Japan got 16.
17:15But again, the R2-Y2's potentially skewed that result.
17:18But still, they got the least aircraft out of any nation,
17:23which is kind of disappointing.
17:25I mean, I know we have to remember they did get tanks,
17:29so that does kind of make up for it a little bit.
17:32But it would have been nice for them to get more planes.
17:36Again, if we break it down into regular remodels and premiums,
17:40if we go to regular, you can see they only got seven.
17:44So only half of their aircraft were actually regular aircraft.
17:47They didn't actually get any regular in patch 1.45.
17:51And they've only been getting two or one in each patch since 0.43, really.
17:56If you go to premium, they haven't actually had that many premiums.
18:00Only four, and three of them were in patch 1.43.
18:03And if we go to remodels, again, only two or three remodels.
18:08One for the Arado 234B2, and two for the Bf 109E1 and E3.
18:13Again, two similar aircraft, so probably wasn't hard
18:16to just get them both done while they were doing one of them.
18:20So it's good they did get some aircraft,
18:24but they got the least out of all the nations.
18:27Again, they did get the most regular tanks.
18:29That kind of makes up for it.
18:31But I hope they will get a few new aircraft.
18:34Where do I think their focus, or where do I hope their focus?
18:38It would be nice for them to focus on some of the higher-tier vehicles.
18:43The Dornier 335, the HE 219.
18:47A higher-tier bomber, the HE 177 or something.
18:51German bombers actually have one of the best bomb loads in the game,
18:54but they have very bad defensive armament.
18:58So it would be good to get some sort of near B-17 equivalent.
19:02I mean, it won't be the same.
19:04It won't have as good defensive armament or armour, I doubt,
19:07but the HE 177 would be the nearest equivalent.
19:11It would be good to get maybe one of the low-tier attackers,
19:14like the HS 123.
19:17But yeah, it would be nice for them to get some new aircraft.
19:21Like I said, they didn't do awful in this year,
19:24but they did get the least amount of aircraft,
19:26so it would be nice for them to get a few more.
19:28Now the next tech tree we're looking at is the Japanese tech tree,
19:31which is split into the Japanese Army and the Japanese Navy.
19:35And it seems the Japanese Army was slated to get the most vehicles.
19:39Quite a lot of twin-engine bombers, twin-engine fighters,
19:42a lot of army fighters,
19:45the Ki-32 and Ki-51,
19:48which are sort of like close-attack aircraft.
19:51Japanese Navy, it was going to get a few aircraft.
19:55Mainly... It's not actually many carrier aircraft.
19:59I mean, mainly dive bombers and, you know,
20:02long-range bombers and land-based fighters.
20:05What did they actually get?
20:07Well, they got quite a few army fighters.
20:10They got three army fighters. They got a twin-engine bomber.
20:13The Japanese Navy actually got quite a lot.
20:16They got all the land-based J2M fighters.
20:19They got the R2Y2 high-speed bombers,
20:22which are basically used as high-tier jet fighters.
20:26They got the J7W1.
20:28The J8N1 or possibly the Kitsuka,
20:32they're both similar aircraft,
20:34so I don't know where to... who to credit for that aircraft.
20:38It was on the Japanese naval line-up,
20:41so I credited it to the Japanese.
20:44And if we go to the Excel spreadsheet,
20:46you can see that Japan got...
20:48They got almost the least amount of aircraft.
20:51Again, only Germany got less than them.
20:53But again, the R2Y2s kind of skew it a little bit
20:56because they're all very, very similar aircraft,
20:59only with minor differences in engine, which...
21:02Then again, maybe I'm being a bit unfair
21:05because you could probably say that of a lot of other aircraft.
21:08And they've done quite well patch-wise.
21:10They've never got less than...
21:12Well, they had one premium aircraft in patch 1.47,
21:15but since then they've always had at least two aircraft,
21:18three in patch 1.51 and eight in patch 1.43.
21:22And again, we can break it down
21:24into regular, remodel or premium aircraft.
21:27And you can see 13 regular aircraft out of 16,
21:32so they haven't actually got that many premium or remodels.
21:35They haven't had any remodels.
21:37You can see they've mostly got regular aircraft,
21:40which is quite good.
21:42You don't have to spend actual money on it.
21:44Premium. Again, only a few premiums.
21:46One B-17, a J2M4 and a J2M5.
21:50And the J2M5 they also got a regular version of,
21:54so that's not really unfair.
21:57And the J2M4 isn't even on the release list,
21:59so that's an extra aircraft.
22:01And like I said, remodels.
22:03Haven't had any remodels, which is kind of unfortunate,
22:06but, you know, can't really do much about that.
22:09So Japan's done OK.
22:11I suppose, you know, it's mostly regular aircraft,
22:13even if they haven't actually got that many overall.
22:16Where would I like Gaijin,
22:18or where do I think Gaijin should focus?
22:21It would be nice for them to get some more carrier aircraft.
22:23At the moment they've just focused on land-based aircraft.
22:27It would be good to maybe get a few more low-tier bombers,
22:30or they can't really do much else for high-tier,
22:32so maybe the G4M2 or some different variants of the G4Ms.
22:36It would be nice to get the H8K finally.
22:39Like I said, just carrier aircraft is where they really need to focus,
22:43and maybe a few twin-engine fighters or high-tier army fighters.
22:48But anyway, that's it for today's episode.
22:51It was good to go back and see how War Thunder has changed,
22:54or, you know, how it was planned to be last year,
22:56and how it's actually turned out.
22:58See which nations have benefited the most, got the most vehicles.
23:02Anyway, I hope you enjoyed the episode.
23:04Leave a like if you did.
23:06Subscribe if you like these sorts of videos.
23:08Leave feedback, could always do with more feedback.
23:11Put in the comments which vehicles you think Gaijin should add,
23:14or where you think they should focus their efforts on.
23:17It'd be good to hear your opinions and comments.
23:19But anyway, thanks for watching.
23:21I'll see you next time.
