Reading Bully B E A N S Written By Julia Cook Illustrated By Tammie Lyon Book

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I'm Reading a book Called Bully B.E.A.N.S Written By Julia Cook And Illustrated By Tammie Lyon

Description: Bully B.E.A.N.S Teaches Children How to Speak Up When It Comes to Bullying
Bullying continues to be an ongoing problem for children everywhere. Children from every race, culture, and socioeconomic group are susceptible to bullies. Most children are unprepared for how to handle it when bullying happens to them or someone they know. Bully B.E.A.N.S. helps children identify bullying, and offers clear and impactful action strategies for both targets and bystanders.

Maxine liked to pick on kids... especially Winston. Winston is the smartest kid in our whole school. Maxine made him do all of her homework and give her all of his lunch money. Maxine liked to make Winston cry... then she'd call him a crybaby.

"If you don't do exactly what I tell you to, I'll knock you into next week!"

Nobody liked the way Maxine treated Winston, but we were too afraid to do anything about it.

Written by bestselling author Julia Cook, Bully BEANS reminds children of the power of their voice and how to use it effectively when standing up against bullying.

Bullies Everywhere Are Now Stopped!
{C} 2019 National Center For Youth Issus, Chattanooga, TN All Right Reserved.
Written By: Julia Cook
Illustrations By: Tammie Lyon
Published By National Center for Youth Issues Softcover
Printed in The U.S.A February 2024

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00:00Hi everyone welcome out to a book reading. Today's book that I'm going to
00:12read to y'all and it's called Bully Beans and it's written by Julia Cook
00:26illustrated by Tammy Lyon. Anyway here's what it looks like
00:34here's the front here's the side and here's the back
00:56Me and Maxine was a bully. She made sure all the kids at school knew she was the
01:23boss. She tell us what to do and we do it. She tell us where to go and we go there.
01:42She tell us what to say and we say it. If we didn't do exactly what Maxine told us
01:51to she look at us with her mean eyes. Do what I say or I'll twist you into a
01:58human pretzel. We thought about what it would feel like to be twisted into a
02:05human pretzel and it scared us a lot. So we decided it would be easier to let
02:14Maxine be the boss. Maxine likes to pick on kids especially Winston. Winston is the
02:32smartest kid in our whole school. Maxine made him do all of her homework and give
02:39her all of his lunch money. Maxine likes to make Winston cry then she call him a
02:45crybaby. If you don't do exactly what I tell you to I'll knock you into next
02:54week. Nobody likes the way Maxine treated Winston but we were too afraid to do
03:02anything about it. Maxine didn't have any real friends but she didn't know that. We
03:11pretended to like her so she wouldn't show us her mean eyes. Last week Maxine
03:18asked me to go to her house to play. I didn't want to go but I was too scared
03:24to say no. As soon as we got to Maxine's house her big brother Larry started to
03:43bully her. He told her what to do and she did it. He told her where to go and she
03:50went there. He told her what to say and she said it. Maybe that's why Maxine is
03:59so mean. Larry made Maxine cry and then he called her a crybaby. If you don't do
04:08my homework tonight I'm going to twist you into a human pretzel. I don't ever
04:15have time to do my own homework that's why I made Winston do it for me she told
04:21me later. Now I understand where she got her attitude from from her brother. When
04:40I got home I told my mom all about Maxine. I told her how mean she is to us
04:48and how mean her brother Larry is to her. I fed that hard for Maxine but it
04:56doesn't give her an excuse to be mean to others. Sound like you might need some
05:01bully beans. Bully beans? What are bully beans? Bully beans are magic jelly beans
05:08that help remind kids they have the power to stop bullies. The beans in bully
05:15bean stands for bullies everywhere are now stopped. If you want to stop bullies
05:23you can't just stand by and watch. You need to take away their power. To do that
05:31you have to work together. Never hang out on the playground by yourself. Always
05:38stay with your friends and group. Maxine might be able to bully one of you but
05:46she can't bully all of you at once.
06:01When Maxine pick on Winston where do you and your friends stand? Right next to
06:08Maxine. Why? Because we don't want her to use her mean eyes on us. Next time we'll
06:16tell everyone to stand next to Winston and look Maxine right in the eyes. That
06:21sounds scary. It won't be as long as you eat a bully bean before you do it.
06:28Another way to take away Maxine's power is to stay away from her. Maxine can't
06:35bully you if she can't communicate with you. If she stares at you with her mean
06:41eyes don't look at her. If she tries to come close to your group ignore her and
06:51walk away. What if that doesn't work? Tell everyone in your group to turn and
06:59face Maxine. Have them stand up straight and tall and look right at her. Use your
07:09loud voice and tell her to back off. Say it so loud the entire school can hear
07:17you even the people in the back. That sounds really scary. It won't be as long
07:26as you eat a bully bean before you do it.
07:31Chances are if you say it loud enough a teacher will hear you and come to see if
07:48you need help. Mom why don't teachers stop kids who are
07:53bullying? They do stop it when they see it happen but most bullies are smart and
08:00don't get caught. It's always a good idea to tell a grown-up when you see bullying.
08:06If you don't want to tell them in person leave a note and don't sign your name.
08:12Finally you need to remember that Maxine may be a bully on the outside but on the
08:18inside she's just a kid like you. If she ever decides to stop being a bully maybe
08:26you can give her a chance to become one of your real friends. I couldn't believe
08:33the words I was hearing. Me and Maxine friends? Never!
08:50The next day I passed out bully beans to my friends and told them everything my
08:56mom had said. We all agreed to give bully beans a try. Just before the bell
09:05rang that morning Maxine headed straight for Winston. Give me my homework geek!
09:12Everyone ate a bully bean then we all crowded around Winston. Winston closed
09:18his eyes and swallowed his bean. No! He squeaked back softly. What did you just say to me?
09:35Winston looked right at Maxine's bean eye and all and said no Maxine do your own
09:44homework. Maxine couldn't believe her ears. Her mean eyes got meaner than I
09:53ever seen them before. She was just about to grab Winston by the collar when our
09:59teacher came to the door to get us.
10:11During class that morning Maxine tried glaring at Winston but he wouldn't look
10:17at her. He just sat in his seat smiling eating bully beans. I bet he ate about 20
10:23of them. When recess finally came everyone ate another bully bean and
10:29headed out the door. Winston was the first one outside. Maxine tried to chase
10:36him down. Hey doofus get over here now! Winston popped another bully bean in
10:53his mouth and we all walked away pretending not to hear Maxine. Stop right
10:59now Winston or I'll... We all stopped, turned around, stood up as tall as we
11:06could and stared right into Maxine's mean eyes. Then I let her have it. Back off
11:14Maxine! Stop telling us what to do! We are sick and tired of your mean eyes and
11:21your even meaner awful dress and most of all we are sick and tired of you!
11:28Maxine took a step toward me. Back off and leave us alone! Our recess teacher
11:46heard me yell and came running over. Is everything okay? she asked. I looked Maxine
11:55in the eyes but this time instead of having mean eyes our eyes were scared. Her
12:00face turned white. She was in shock. Everything is fine I said. Maxine looked
12:07up at our teacher and nodded in agreement. Then she turned around slowly
12:12and walked away. When I got home I told my mom what had happened at school. Bully
12:30beans really are magic aren't they? Not exactly they're just regular old jelly
12:35beans but they did help you find the courage to stand up to a bully. After
12:42that day me and Maxine wasn't so mean. She stopped telling us what to do and
12:47where to go and what to say. She stopped looking at us with her mean eyes and she
12:53hasn't threatened any of us since.
13:04Today Maxine hung out with our group for the very first time. She was nice to
13:11everyone even Winston. I don't think she will ever become one of my real friends
13:17but at least things are better than they used to be.
13:20Winston told Maxine all about the bully beans. He even gave her a few of them so
13:26she could try them out with her brother. I think I'm going to need more probably
13:41about 20. Being bullied or being a bully. Below are expected tips for children who
13:50are being bullied. Those witnessing bullying and those who may be acting as a bully. I'm
13:57being bullied. I get teased, laughed at, pushed around, intimidated, and talked about in mean
14:06ways. Being bullied makes it hard to feel good about myself. I need to realize I am
14:14worthy of being treated with respect. Pick my battles the first time I am bullied if
14:22it's not a big deal. I should ignore it so the bully doesn't get the reaction they
14:27are hoping for. Tell the bully in a firm voice, please stop bugging me if it happened more
14:35than once. Tell a trusting adult if the bullying continues. If I don't feel comfortable talking
14:42to an adult, I can write them a note explaining the situation. Tell a trusting adult right
14:49away if I am ever threatened. Remember reporting is not tattling. I see someone else being
14:59bullied. I see kids bully other kids and I don't like it at all. I don't have the courage,
15:05strength, or popularity to stop it. So I stand by and say nothing even though I want to.
15:12I need to tell an adult when I see an unsafe situation and remember reporting is never
15:19tattling. Stand next to the target, not the bully.
15:25Surround myself with other bystanders then speak out to offer support for the target.
15:31There is strength in numbers. Demonstrate disapproval of the bully's action and not
15:37join in by laughing, teasing, or spreading rumors about the person being bullied. So
15:44support those being bullied with kind words and action. People being bullied need good
15:51friends to stand by them. Power to the survivors. I might be a bully. I often make others feel
15:59upset, scared, and or ashamed on purpose. I don't want to be a bully. I don't want to
16:08be a bully. I often make others feel upset, scared, and or ashamed on purpose. I do this
16:16because I'm angry or so I can feel better about myself. I need to remember that everyone is
16:23different and that's okay. We all have strengths and weaknesses.
16:28Treat others the way I want it to be treated. Try to see the person through the eyes of the
16:35person I am picking on. Find a safe person to talk to who can help me find a positive way
16:43to express myself and channel my emotions. Recognize that everyone wants to be accepted
16:49and feel like they belong. Avoid putting others down. Every person has unique gifts and abilities.
16:58Realizing that bullying can really hurt people. It can cause a lifetime of anxiety,
17:04depression, and overall sense of worthlessness.
17:09Understand that bullying is against the law and breaking a law has consequences.
17:17And the end.
17:24Bullying is a must for counselors, teachers, and administrators. Only Julia Cook can write a book
17:36that will help students recognize bullying behavior and teach them to meet the bully head
17:43on in a civil manner, all while steering feelings of empathy. This book should be in need of
17:54educators goes to when addressing bullying issues with students. Amy W. Cummings,
18:01EDIS, Director of Student and Family Support, Newton County Schools,
18:10Residential Education, and Community Relations.
18:14Amy W. Cummings, EDIS, Director of Student and Family Support, Newton County Schools,
18:23Resident Accelerated Reader. Bully Beans teaches children how to speak up when it comes to bullying.
18:32Bullying continues to be an ongoing problem for children everywhere, especially online.
18:40Children from every race, culture, and socioconic group are susceptible to bullies.
18:52Most children are unprepared for how to handle it when bullying happens to them or someone they know.
19:01Bully Beans helps children identify bullying and offers clear and impactful action
19:09strategies for both target and bystanders. Maxine likes to pick on kids, especially Winston.
19:19Winston is the smartest kid in our whole school. Maxine made him do all of our homework and give
19:26her all of his lunch money. Maxine likes to make Winston cry, then she called him a cry baby.
19:34If you don't do exactly what I tell you to, I'll knock you into next week. Nobody likes the way
19:42Maxine treated Winston, but we were too afraid to do anything about it. Written by best-selling
19:50author Julia Cook, Bully Beans reminds children of the power of their voice and how to use it
19:57eventually when standing up against bullying. Bullies everywhere are now stopped.
20:04Okay, about the author. Julia Cook, M.S. is a national award-winning children author,
20:13counselor, and parenting expert. She has presented in dozens of schools nationally and internationally.
20:22Regularly speak at education and counseling conferences and has published children books
20:29on a wide range of character and social development topics. The goal behind Cook's
20:36work is to actively involve young people and find memorable stories and teach them to become
20:43lifelong problem solvers. Inspiration for our books comes from working with children and
20:50carefully listening to counselors, parents, and teachers in order to stay on top of needs
20:55in the classroom and at home. Cook has the innate ability to enter the world view of child-true
21:05storybooks, giving children both the what to say and the how to say it.
21:11Kami Lyon, L-Y-O-N, attended the Columbus College of Art and Design where she received her BFA.
21:24She has illustrated numerous books, posters, magazines, CDs, games, clothing, and just about
21:32anything else you can think of. She lives in Cincinnati, Ohio with her husband, Lee,
21:41and loves spending the day in the studio with her dog, Gus. Those are what about the authors
21:49and illustrators are written by Julia Cook and illustrated by Kami L-Y-O-N.
22:03So now you know what they are. Okay anyway that's why everything on the back says anyway
22:11that was the book called Bully Beans. I hope that y'all like it and and I hope this book
22:22helps you out if you are again bullied but I know bullying is not fun and I wish nobody on this
22:31on this earth shouldn't get bullied anyway because it ain't right but I hope you get some good ideas
22:41from all this book and I give this book 10 out of 10 because I think Julia Cook
22:48written it very well and I think the illustrator did a pretty good job on it too and many others
22:55that portrayed in this book. Anyway I love y'all. God bless y'all. Be safe out there.
23:04Have a great day. I love each and everybody around this world. Please give it a thumbs up,
23:11comment down below what y'all think, press the subscribe button,
23:15and I'll see you in the next book reading. Bye everybody!
