Reading Sunshine And A Cloudy Day Book

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I'm Reading Two book Today and there Called Sunshine By Gail Saunders Smith and A Cloudy Day By Robin Nelson

Sunshine makes the weather that we have on earth, Find out other interesting facts about sunshine inside this book

A Cloudy Day
Uses simple text to introduce facts about clouds, providing photographs of types of clouds, clouds covering the sun, and mountains hidden in clouds.

Copyright {C} 2002 by Lerner Publishing Group Inc

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00:00Hi everyone, welcome out to a book reading. I decided that I'm going to be
00:12reading two books today for you today. Today's book is Sunshine and it's by
00:27Gail Saunders-Smith. Here's what it looks like. Here's the front, here's the side
00:47and here's the back and it says weather, sunshine. Sunshine makes the weather that
01:00we have on earth. Find out other interesting facts about sunshine inside
01:08this book. Okay, let's learn about sunshine shall we?
01:26Sunshine is light from the sun. Sunshine gives the earth light and heat. Sunshine
01:36also makes weather on the earth. Light from the sun travels to the earth and
01:50rays. The rays heat the atmosphere. Atmosphere is the air around the earth.
02:08Sunshine falls on one half of the earth at a time. It is day on one side of the
02:17earth. It is night on the other side. The earth spins. It moves places into and out
02:24of the light. The equator is halfway between the top and the bottom of the
02:40earth. Sunshine is strongest at places near the equator at noon. The sun is
02:48straight up in the sky. Sunshine makes the air very hot at the equator. Sunshine
03:01is weaker at places near the top and the bottom of the earth. The sun does not go
03:09up very high in the sky. Sunshine does not heat the air as much. These places
03:17have ice and snow all year long. Photo Antarctica. Sunshine makes the season on
03:34the earth in June. The top of earth points toward the sun. More sunshine hits
03:41the top half of the earth. It is summer here. Less sunshine hits the bottom half
03:47of the earth. It is winter there. Very cute photo of two kids playing. In December
04:02the top of the earth points away from the sun. Less sunshine hits the top half
04:09of the earth. It is winter here. More sunshine hits the bottom half of the
04:15earth. It is summer there. Another two kids are sledding on a beautiful snow.
04:27Sunshine heats the atmosphere. The rays of the sun heat some places more than
04:34others. This causes pockets of colder air and pockets of warmer air. These air
04:42pockets move and make wind. Sunshine also heats bodies of water on the earth. The
04:58water evaporates. To evaporate means to go into the air. The water in the air
05:04gathers into clouds. The clouds carry water around the earth. Worst to know.
05:21Atmosphere. The air around the earth. Equator. Places on the earth that are
05:28halfway between the top and the bottom of the earth are on the equator.
05:34Evaporate. When something wet goes into the air, when water evaporates, it turns
05:41into vapor. Season. One of the four parts of a year. Spring, summer, autumn, or fall,
05:49and winter. Weak, not strong.
05:55And the end for this book. Okay, and the next book that I'm going to read to y'all
06:25and it's called A Cloudy Day. And it's by Robin Nielsen. And hear what it looks
06:37like. Here's the front. Here's the side. And here's the back. And the back of it
06:57says weather. A cloudy day, a rainy day, a snowy day, a sunny day, and a windy day.
07:06Okay, and let's learn about cloudy. It is a cloudy day. Clouds fill the sky. Some
07:25clouds are thin and hot. Some clouds are flat and low. Some clouds are puffy. Some
07:43clouds touch the ground. And when they meant by some clouds touch the ground, it means fog. It
08:02means fog. Clouds can be white. Clouds can be gray. When it is cloudy, water fills the sky.
08:22Rain and snow fall. When it is cloudy, we see shadows of clouds. Clouds cover the sun.
08:41When it is cloudy, mountains hide. Planes fly over the clouds. When it is cloudy, we look for
09:06pictures in the sky. A cloudy day is fun. And on the other side, it says when it's cloudy, we look
09:21for pictures in the sky. That means kind of like stargazing or should I say cloudgazing. Type of
09:32clouds. Curious clouds are thin, white, clouds that are very high in the sky. Stratus clouds are
09:42flat, gray, clouds that are low in the sky. Stratus clouds sometimes look like layers of clouds.
09:49Cumulus clouds are puffy. Cumulus clouds can be big or small. Cumulus clouds can be white or gray.
10:00Fog is a cloud that forms close to the ground, like I said earlier. A cloudy day is fast. Clouds are made of
10:18very small droplets of water and dust. The color of a cloud tells you how much water is inside. A very dark
10:29cloud holds a lot of water droplets. The darker the cloud, the harder it is going to rain. Thunder clouds can
10:38form as high as 10 to 11 miles above the earth. It will probably rain if cumulus clouds are high in the sky or if
10:48there are many different types of clouds in the sky at the same time. You can create your own cloud on a cold day.
10:58Just breathe into the cold air until you see the cloud. A cumulus cloud can hold about 25 gallons of water, and that's a lot of water.
11:09Glossary. Clouds. Masses of water droplets or ice crystals floating in the air. Flat, smooth, and even. Ground. The
11:30surface of the earth. Puffy. Soft, light, and fluffy. Light stitch. Shadows. Dark shape made by something blocking light.
11:45Index. Cumulus clouds 4-18. Cumulus clouds 6-19-21. Falls 7-17-19. Mountains 11-14-17. Rain 11-20-21. Shadows 12. Snow 11. Stratus clouds 5-18.
12:15And the end.
12:29Thank you all for coming out to this book reading for both books. I thought that these were interesting facts about sunshine and a cloudy day.
12:45I read it yesterday and I thought it was pretty interesting. So I thought maybe I can share it with y'all so y'all know more about the sunshine and a cloudy day.
13:01And I want to thank Robin Nelson and Gail Saunders-Smith for making this book. Anyway, I want to thank them for making this book. They did a good job on them.
13:15On the sunshine one, I probably give it maybe 9 out of 10. And a cloudy day, I might give it 8 out of 10. But they're really interesting books to me.
13:33Anyway, this is what these are. And I hope that y'all both like these books. And if you did, please give it a thumbs up.
13:48Comment down below what y'all think. Press the subscribe button. And please leave positive comments, no negativity please. Bye. I love y'all. And God bless y'all. And be safe out there. Bye.
