Reading Just In Case You Ever Feel Alone By Max Lucado Illustration By Eve Tharlet Book

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Today book reading i'm reading to ya'll it Called Just In Case You Ever Feel Alone By Max Lucado and Illustrations By EVE Tharlett

If You Wake Up And the room is dark
If You look up and the sky is gray
if you get up and can't find your way...

Just In case you feel alone, You're not.
I'm Here. I Will Help. I Will Stay.

Max Lucado's comforting words soothe away loneliness by promising children that their loved ones will always makes time for them-They will squeeze away the sad and welcome back the glad every day

{c} 2024 Max Lucado
Tommy Nelson PO BOX 141000, Nashville, TN 37214
All Right Reserved.
Published in Nashville Tennessee by Tommy Nelson. Tommy Nelson is an imprint of Thomas Nelson is a registered trademark of HarperCollins Christain Publishing, Inc.
Written By Max Lucado
Illustrated By EVE Tharlet
Printed In Italy

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00:00Hi everyone welcome out to a book reading today book that I'm going to
00:11read to you and it's called just in case you ever feel alone and it's by Max
00:22Lucado illustrated by Eve Darlett and here's what it looks like here is the
00:34front it's kind of cute two little bears on a front cover and here's the side and
00:50here's the back God knows everything about you he knew you have happy days
01:03and he knew you'd be sad so he gave us each other and I'm so very glad God put
01:15us together he made us a home I hope you always know that just in case you feel
01:25alone. When you're looking for a friend or if you feel a little blue if you wish
01:43you had a pal but you're worried it's just you on those days you're all alone
01:52or you feeling kind of low count on me to be right there count on me to be
02:02right here you need to know that I won't go. I love everything about you I love
02:21the way you giggle I love the way you run I love to hear your stories I love
02:30to hear you hum I love you more than a sundae on Sunday or a yummy piece of
02:38cherry pie I love you more than a puppy doll lick kitty cat kisses or a kite in
02:47the sky and just in case you ever feel alone I want you to know that I'm right
03:04here if you wake up and the room is dark if you look up and the sky is gray if you
03:14get up and can't find your way just in case you feel alone you're not I'm here
03:22I will help I will stay if you can't get up the hill on your bike if your legs
03:41are too tired to finish the hike you might feel all alone but you're not day
03:49or night I'm by your side you're going to be alright can't spell the big word
04:08can't make the puzzle pieces fit can't button your shirt or tie your shoes I'm
04:18here and I'll stay near when problem feels too big for you
04:28it's your day for a sign do you feel like crying are you tired of trying because nothing
04:45is going right I care I will be there my arms will squeeze you tight if I seem too
05:04busy just tell me I'll make the time to chat no question is too big or small you can count
05:14on me for that and you know what even though I'm by your side sitting right next to you
05:32can you guess what's even better God is right here too he never sleeps or go away so if
05:42you feel alone just remember not a day you're never on your own and that is a true statement
05:54right there because God will always be right beside you whatever you need him he'll be
06:03there day or night and he loves you no matter what he's with you when you're happy and he's
06:20with you when you're not in case you ever feel alone he's here no matter what he knows
06:28what to do he knows what to say in case you ever feel alone he's just a prayer away
06:37when you swing on a swing when you slide down a slide when you tug on a kite when you close
06:57your eyes for the night you can tell God about everything and he will listen he has clothes as
07:17the wind as warm as the sun when you feel alone tell him he's the one who can chase away the
07:27loneliness who can make you feel all better he has all the time to help you he loves you more than ever
07:47so the next time your tears starts to flow I will give you a hug I'll squeeze away the sad and
07:56welcome back to glad cuz that's my favorite job and remember that just in case you ever feel alone
08:17so adorable that their nose are touching and the end
08:47if you wake up and the room is dark if you look up in the sky is gray if you get up and can't find
08:57your way just in case you feel alone you're not I'm here I will help I will stay Matt Lucado
09:09comforting words soothes away loneliness by promising children that their loved ones will
09:17always make time for them they will squeeze away the sad and welcome back to glad every single
09:26day and that is it of just in case you ever feel alone I think this book is so beautiful and I had
09:44a great time reading it I'll give this book 10 out of 10 and I think the bears are so adorable and
09:55the words that was in this book were kinda comforting and I really need it in every single
10:05day of my life so remember I'm here I will help I will stay forever if anyone needs help please
10:19help them because they probably need your help that's why there's a lot of people in this world
10:27like doctors psychiatrists and many others are here to try to help you every single day to to
10:38help try and get you being back from being happy and remember this book will always be here on
10:47Facebook YouTube and Dailymotion if you guys or gals ever wants to go back and hear this story it
10:57will stay there forever I just wanted to let y'all know and if you want to pick this book up you can
11:05get it off of Amazon it's a really good book that I just read just now and I think Matt Lucado did
11:15a good job on this book anyway I love y'all God bless y'all and please give this one a thumbs up
11:27comment down below what y'all think please leave positive comments no negativity because there
11:34might be kids watching and this this whole book series that I'm uploading is for all ages and bye
11:47God bless y'all be safe out there bye and share with your beautiful friends bye
