El Señor De La Querencia Cap 23

  • last month


00:00Yes, Mom.
00:02Forgive me for lying.
00:07Why didn't you tell me before?
00:10Because I was afraid.
00:13When Jose Miguel comes and kills,
00:16no one asks him a question.
00:19I'm afraid.
00:22I'm afraid of being alone.
00:25I'm afraid of being alone.
00:27He does and kills and no one asks him a question.
00:31Besides, Mom, I didn't want anything bad to happen to my son
00:35or to my dad.
00:39You know I didn't want to be left with my arms crossed.
00:42Mom, I...
00:45Jose would fix all the bullet-point problems.
00:49Why didn't you trust me?
00:53I'm your mother.
00:57Forgive me, Mom.
01:01Forgive me.
01:05Forgive me.
01:16Tell me.
01:17How do I get this question out of my head?
01:28You forget.
01:31Over time, you forget everything.
01:33Mom, it's not just the question the boss asked me.
01:37That man, the one who died,
01:40he didn't do anything to me.
01:42He didn't do anything to me.
01:43I don't care, Violeta. I don't care.
01:45I don't care, Violeta.
01:50That man had asked the same question in the Santiné Fund.
01:53So forget that question, okay?
01:57We're going to have to keep quiet, Violeta.
02:01We don't have to say this to anyone.
02:04Not even your dad.
02:06You hear me?
02:07Mom, I'm going to live.
02:09No, no, no, no. Listen to me.
02:10I committed a very big sin, Mom.
02:12No, listen to me, Violeta. Listen to me.
02:14You have to be strong.
02:16You hear me?
02:18You have to be strong.
02:21Let's get out of here, Mom.
02:23Please, let's go.
02:25We can't, Violeta. Listen to me. We can't.
02:29The boss won't let them go.
02:33But I promise you something.
02:36I swear, Violeta,
02:38that man is going to pay.
02:42I swear. One by one.
02:44He's going to pay.
02:46He's going to pay.
02:53He's going to pay.
03:00He probably stayed with me when I went to offer help.
03:06I believe you.
03:08What if I was there to support Violeta, Mom?
03:11Because what I saw was horrible.
03:13They used my name?
03:15Buenaventura killed her in front of everyone.
03:18And I can't get that image out of my head, Mom.
03:21Don't worry.
03:22We have to help Violeta.
03:24We can't leave her alone.
03:26She needs us.
03:28We're going to support her.
03:30Doesn't it bother you that she was at Manuel's house?
03:36He did it to help Violeta, didn't he?
03:40Yes, to accompany her.
03:42Poor thing. I should have seen her.
03:45That's why I was there.
03:47I understand.
03:50But don't do it again, okay?
03:52Promise me.
03:55I promise.
04:09You're doing all this to bother me.
04:11What are you talking about? She's a prostitute.
04:13She was a prostitute.
04:14And even if she kept doing it, I don't care.
04:16I'm going to talk to Ignacio.
04:17Well, go talk to Ignacio.
04:19And I'm going to talk to José Luis and tell him the whole truth.
04:22He won't stand it if I do something like this.
04:24She got jealous.
04:26Yes, jealous.
04:28Ignacio is a coward.
04:29He's going to do anything to please his father.
04:35You're scaring me, Lucrecia.
04:37Scaring you? Me?
04:39But how?
04:41If you learned everything I am.
05:24What's wrong?
05:26I think I bit something.
05:29In my boot.
05:30In your boot?
05:33It hurts.
05:37It's a fucking fetus!
05:39A demon's fetus!
05:40He's dead. He's dead.
05:42What happened?
05:43A scorpion bit him.
05:45Get out of here, Leontina. We're not going to do anything.
05:47Oh, my God. How does it feel?
05:49How can you ask me that stupid question?
05:51You know how I get when I get bitten by these demon's fetuses.
05:54Let's see.
05:55Let's see.
05:57I'm going to get help, okay?
06:00Oh, no.
06:01Oh, no.
06:02Do something.
06:04Do something.
06:11I left him there.
06:14Exhausted, like a dog.
06:18I can't even imagine what could happen now.
06:21If they report you.
06:24They'll come looking for you.
06:26Let them come.
06:28Let them come. I'll be waiting for them.
06:32Aren't you happy that I killed him, Maria?
06:38That bastard took the most beautiful thing my daughter had.
06:42Her innocence.
06:49I wanted them to punish him.
06:52I wanted him to suffer.
06:55But not to kill him.
06:58Well, he won't live to be two years old, Maria.
07:04Whoever is capable of touching my daughter's hair,
07:07I'm capable of killing him.
07:13Even the boss?
07:18Even the boss, Maria.
07:23Even the boss.
07:28They need you at the house.
07:30The boss was bitten by a scorpion.
07:37Don Manuel!
07:38Don Manuel, come here!
07:40Come quickly!
07:41What happened?
07:42Look, another one appeared!
07:45Look, look!
07:50This is the biggest we've found so far.
07:53Congratulations, guys.
07:55Do you know what this means?
07:57Yes, a lot of money!
07:59What's the money for?
08:01It's going to happen on the 1st!
08:03Paradise, women!
08:05I told you, it's for the money.
08:08It's true, Don Manuel, it's to take care of her.
08:11To take care of her.
08:16We've been through a lot of misfortune.
08:21Keep the tools, it's one day.
08:24We're going to celebrate, shit.
08:26Long live Don Manuel!
08:28Long live Don Manuel!
08:35But you stay still.
08:37Look, it's going to be fine, please.
08:39Why are you all here?
08:40All looking.
08:41Get out, there's no show to see.
08:43Now, out.
08:44Can you go out and close the door?
08:47No, can I help you?
08:48I've heard enough, get out of here.
08:50What I don't understand is how the scorpion got to his boat.
08:57Do I have to press the wound, boss?
08:59Yes, so that all the poison that's inside comes out.
09:01If you don't breathe well, it's going to hurt, please.
09:03Now you have to stay still and rest.
09:05Just start swelling a little.
09:07I'm not going to stay here, it's like the old ladies.
09:09These bugs have bitten me all my life.
09:10Slowly, please.
09:15It's already starting to scratch.
09:16There's a scratch on the neck.
09:19Calm down.
09:20No, no, no.
09:21It's going to pass in a couple of days.
09:24Give me more.
09:44I wanted to congratulate you, Buenaventura.
09:50For having killed that abuser.
09:52In your case, I would have done exactly the same.
09:58And you're giving a tremendous example
10:00to all those soulless people who are sowing terror in my land.
10:06Thank you very much, boss.
10:09The only pity I have is that my little girl doesn't...
10:15I don't know if she's going to be able to get over all this, boss.
10:20I imagine she must be suffering a lot.
10:25But I trust in Almighty God.
10:28And I know it's going to happen to her.
10:35I want to talk to you, boss.
10:37Of course.
10:39Buenaventura, please, you can't leave us alone.
10:42Excuse me, boss.
10:49I guess she found out that a peasant paid for you.
10:53Watch your mouth, Luis Emilio.
10:56Watch your mouth.
10:57Besides, I have nothing to do with that man they killed.
11:00And I knew they were cheating.
11:02I had nothing to do with it.
11:06I don't like his behavior, dad.
11:07No, no.
11:09I'm telling you to watch your mouth, Luis Emilio.
11:12He's talking to his fucking father.
11:14Don't think I'm going to forget this easily.
11:16Oh, yeah?
11:17Violeta is very affected.
11:20Forget what happened.
11:23Erase it from your memory.
11:25And you know what you don't have to forget?
11:30Don't forget that that Chinese belongs to me.
11:41I wish I wasn't your son, sir.
11:43What did you say?
11:44I'm listening.
11:46Luis Emilio.
11:49Luis Emilio.
12:09Give me the music.
12:11Thank you very much.
12:13Boys, I would like to take this moment to express my gratitude.
12:19Each of you has been very helpful to me.
12:24Not only at work.
12:27You have shown me loyalty.
12:30You were there and helped me find the bastard who raped my niece.
12:34And although things didn't go as we expected,
12:36you were there to show me loyalty and help, always.
12:40Thank you, boss.
12:42No, there's nothing to thank.
12:45I want you to know that you can count on me too.
12:50I know you're happy because you have a salary for the first time and you can spend your money.
12:54I know, I know.
12:57But this change is much deeper, boys.
13:01In this job, if there is more production, there is more wealth.
13:06But if I win more, you will also win more.
13:13You are not my or anyone else's slaves.
13:16Put that in your head once and for all.
13:19We, boys, are friends and we are a working team.
13:27How was it?
13:29What else do you get?
13:41Good evening.
13:43What's going on here, Aunt Carmen?
13:45Don Manuel Pradema and his men who are celebrating I don't know what.
13:48Well, but I wanted to spend time with some of his girls.
13:51Oh, I'm sorry. They're all busy.
13:54How did he tell me?
13:56Hey, I want to ask you a favor.
13:59Don't tell your aunt.
14:01She'll kill me if she finds out I'm attending to Don Manuel.
14:06All these people here, they're all my friends.
14:09All these people are working for Manuel.
14:12That's what it looks like.
14:14What are they celebrating?
14:16I don't ask, I just attend.
14:19And where are they getting the money from? Who pays?
14:22Everything is paid by Don Manuel.
14:24Now I have to keep attending to the people.
14:27I'll spend all my life with you.
14:36Do you want to have a drink with us, Luis Emilio?
14:39No, Manuel. Thank you very much.
14:57Don't move.
15:27Don't move.
15:57Don't move.
15:58Don't move.
15:59Don't move.
16:01Don't move.
16:24This is for my daughter.
16:28Damn scoundrel.
16:47Boss, wake up.
16:49The winery is burning, boss.
16:52The winery, come on.
16:58Good adventure.
17:00You deserve it.
17:07Your brother!
17:09Where did Luis Emilio go? Why isn't he here?
17:11I have no idea, how am I going to know, dad?
17:13How did all this happen?
17:15But who could have done this?
17:17Mom, this whole thing burned down.
17:19Let's see if he wants to keep being disgusting, this bastard.
17:26Maria, are you okay?
17:28Lucrecia, Lucrecia.
17:29I'm going to sleep.
17:31I've never had the vocation of a vampire.
17:33Lucrecia, you have to be with your husband.
17:36Lucrecia, where are you going?
17:38Lucrecia, come here.
17:43I want you to know that I'm going to find
17:46the person responsible for all this.
17:49And I'm going to pay with my life.
17:51With my life, shit!
17:53Long live Ramon!
17:55Let's go.
17:59Father, let me help you.
18:01I can do it myself.
18:25It's obvious that it was Manuel Pradena.
18:27It was him.
18:29Because we don't have any more enemies.
18:31Who else would dare to attack us?
18:33I'm sorry, daddy.
18:35It could have been anyone.
18:37You do have more than one enemy.
18:39Teresita, shut up, I'm not asking for your opinion.
18:41Stop, don't intervene.
18:43This is not the time, please.
18:45Good morning, family.
18:47Luis Emilio, where were you?
18:49Let's see.
18:51Luis Emilio.
18:53What is this?
18:55The winery burned down, just so you know.
18:57We lost a lot of money.
18:59Dad and I are convinced that someone
19:01wants to harm us and did it on purpose.
19:03But how? Who could it have been?
19:05What do you mean?
19:07Manuel Pradena, man!
19:09Unleash him!
19:11Manuel? Impossible.
19:13He was at Aunt Carmen's house all night.
19:15I saw him.
19:19No, Manuel is a snob.
19:21He doesn't like that place.
19:23Then he must have changed his tastes, dad.
19:25He stole a lot of money, I assure you.
19:27A lot?
19:29But how?
19:31I don't understand.
19:33Where does Manuel Pradena get his money from
19:35if he's a snob?
19:37He stole a bank!
19:39Please, don't...
19:41Dad, the important thing is that maybe
19:43Manuel didn't do it.
19:45Turns out he was there all night.
19:47He was still there when I left.
19:53Come back whenever you want, Mr. Manuel.
19:55We'll be waiting for you here with open arms.
19:58Thank you very much for everything, Mrs. Carmen.
20:00You're welcome.
20:02What I'm going to tell you is that
20:04the next time you come, let me know.
20:06That's how I reserve the place for you.
20:08There are people around here
20:10who don't want to see you here.
20:12I know.
20:16I'd like you to
20:18with all due respect
20:20receive this from me
20:22for bothering the boys
20:24and for your kindness.
20:26Thank you very much, Mr. Manuel.
20:28Besides, you're very generous.
20:31Mr. José Luis didn't even give me a tip like this one.
20:34Let's see.
20:36Can I tell you something, son?
20:39Tell me.
20:41That gentleman is very stingy.
20:44Thank you very much for everything.
20:46You're welcome.
20:48We've been waiting for you, haven't we, girls?
20:52Why don't you look better?
20:54I love you!
20:56Nolito, Nolito, Nolito.
20:58Get to work, boys.
21:00Thank you very much, Mrs. Carmen.
21:02Excuse me.
21:04Go, go.
21:08Come in.
21:10Excuse me.
21:12Are you going out?
21:15There's something I have to
21:17solve right now.
21:20What was lost in the barn
21:22is very difficult to recover.
21:24It's impossible.
21:26Impossible to recover, Leonor.
21:29Everything burned.
21:31And I had already sold that corn.
21:33Imagine the problem I'm getting into.
21:36I thought maybe
21:38I could talk to my cousin Alberto de Chaurran
21:40and he could give him a hand.
21:42What are you talking about?
21:43I'm never going to ask for help.
21:47I'm a little girl, Leonor.
21:49Little girls never bless.
21:57Take care of yourself.
21:58Take care of yourself.
22:14I told you, I told you.
22:16I told you not to open the doors of your business
22:19to Manuel Pradena.
22:21I told you, didn't I?
22:23And what do you want me to do?
22:25I need the money.
22:26I need to feed my daughter.
22:28Something's wrong with my property.
22:30No, shit.
22:32The deal is over.
22:34What are you going to do?
22:36Boss, boss, please.
22:38The car.
22:40Good adventure, I'll take care of it.
22:42Boss, but ...
22:44You're deaf.
22:46I broke everything.
22:48No, no, good adventure.
23:19Why did he do that?
23:23Boss is crazy, Manuel.
23:26You have to be careful.
23:29Anyone who helps you,
23:31it's going to end badly.
23:33And why did you do it?
23:37I have to do it.
23:39But those women have nothing to do with it, man.
23:41Well, I have to listen.
23:43Do you know what you have to do?
23:45You have to come here once and for all.
23:47I would be happy to share my things with you, man.
23:50No, I want to receive orders from another boss.
23:53And do you want to stay with the one you have?
23:55What do you think?
23:57That one day your boss will thank you for everything you've done for him?
24:01I don't want to end up like Leonel because he betrayed the boss.
24:07What happened?
24:09Did he threaten you?
24:16I don't want to lose my family, Manuel.
24:19I have to take care of them.
24:21Put the same thing.
24:23You have to get out of there.
24:25Because if not, it's going to be too late.
24:42How is it going to be possible, Ignacio?
24:45Are you going to tell me that nothing was saved?
24:47It was saved.
24:49We lost almost everything, Dad.
24:55It was shit.
24:58Manuel, you...
25:02Your leg, Dad. Your leg.
25:07I thought of something that maybe...
25:09Maybe it can help us, Dad.
25:11What thing?
25:14The bank. If you ask the bank for a loan...
25:17We could try to recover the losses in something.
25:20Maybe even keep the pace of production...
25:23We are Echeñique.
25:25We are not going to commit that ordinariness of asking the bank for money.
25:31That's what the family is for.
25:33The family?
25:35Yes. You.
25:37You are going to give me the money I need to pay off the debt.
25:43And everything I lost and then in the next harvest.
25:45You will be part of the profits.
25:47No, no. Listen to me. Where do you want me to get money from, Dad?
25:52What do you mean where, man?
25:57From the fortune.
25:59From your wife.
26:01Why do you think I married Lucrecia Santamaria?
26:09Well, I'm sorry to have to talk about this with you, but as you know...
26:13The fire left us with a lot of losses.
26:15What a tragedy, my God.
26:18Excuse me, but why is this not of interest to us?
26:21Oh, Lucrecia, don't be insensitive.
26:23I'm not being insensitive.
26:25Well, Lucrecia, because I need to ask you for money.
26:27There is an important debt to cover.
26:29Excuse me. Debt, he said?
26:31Yes. All, all, all the wheat that burned was sold.
26:34And they had paid us in advance.
26:37And why do you think I'm going to lend you money?
26:43Well, because it's our money, Lucrecia.
26:46Our money?
26:50Mom, did you hear that? Our money.
26:53No, it's like that. What Ignacio says is fine.
26:57Once you married Ignacio, your money is Ignacio's.
27:02What are you saying? Mom, what are you saying? Why didn't you tell me?
27:05Sorry, I thought you knew what I was going to tell you.
27:08No, no, I didn't know.
27:14If any of you touch a penny of my fortune,
27:19I'm going to go where José Luis is.
27:21And I'm going to report you.
27:29I'm busy.
27:34What the hell are you doing here?
27:36You have the audacity to tell me face to face if it bothers you that there is where Aunt Carmen is.
27:39I talked to that whore and I told her that if I received it, I would pay the consequences. What's the problem?
27:44Well, that's going to have to change.
27:45It's not going to change.
27:46It's going to change because I'm not going to stop going.
27:48How has life changed you, Calichero de mierda, after you stole the land from me?
27:54You know what? My life has changed.
27:56And if I were you, I would think twice before attacking the people who are kind to me.
28:01That's not going to happen, is it?
28:03It's not going to happen.
28:08Now get out of my house.
28:13I'm going to be your neighbor for a long time.
28:16Oh yeah?
28:19And I'm going to see how you bring all your words, Don José Luis.
28:24Excuse me.
28:39I have to talk to you, Violeta.
28:42Don't bother me anymore, do you want?
28:45I owe you an apology.
28:48In the name of my father.
28:53Your father ruined my life, you know?
28:57I'm sorry.
29:00I'm sorry.
29:02I'm sorry.
29:04I'm sorry.
29:06I'm sorry.
29:09I wouldn't forgive him even if he came to talk to me.
29:14And that's never going to happen.
29:19Things between us don't have to change.
29:24Don't let him be there.
29:27Please stay away from me, Violeta.
29:39You don't fool me, young man.
29:43You're never going to look at a Chinese woman.
29:48Unless another man has already made her a woman.
29:53I have nothing to offer you.
29:56For me, it's still the same, Violeta.
30:04I'm sorry.
30:09But I don't see things the same.
30:13Not after everything that happened.
30:19Go, do you want?
30:21I still have a lot to work on.
30:26Go, please.
30:27Go, please.
30:37Can you repeat it, please?
30:39I don't understand.
30:41How are you going to tell me that he wasn't able to get the money?
30:43The money is in accounts that are abroad, dad.
30:46You can't get it out overnight.
30:48But you have to have something in Chile, man.
30:50The rest of the money is in properties.
30:52It's in investments.
30:54It's the last straw, Ignacio.
30:56You are a tremendous disappointment.
30:59How long are you going to be manipulated by your wife as if she were a puppet?
31:04I'm doing what I can.
31:06You can't get out overnight.
31:08Get out of here.
31:10This is not my fault.
31:12I want you to get out of here, I don't want to see you, I don't want to hear you.
31:14I'm doing what I can.
31:16You're useless.
31:18I have a couple of useless children.
31:30I'm here.
31:32Don't shout.
31:34Ah, Leonor.
31:36I need to talk to you.
31:38Tell me.
31:40I want you to talk to Mercedes.
31:42With Mercedes?
31:44Yes, with her.
31:46I'm going to be very clear.
31:48Ignacio married Lucrecia to increase our fortune.
31:51And apparently, at this moment, she is the one.
31:53And apparently, at this moment, she is not willing to transfer all the goods to Ignacio.
31:59That as a husband, it is up to him to manage.
32:03I guess they have to agree.
32:06It's just that apparently it's not like that, woman.
32:08So far, they have only put obstacles.
32:10So, I don't know.
32:12Mercedes has the duty to transfer all the money to our son on this very phone.
32:16I'm going to talk to her, okay?
32:18Well, thank you very much, Leonor.
32:20Thank you very much.
32:23I hope you can solve this problem.
32:27I don't want to think that Ignacio and Lucrecia's marriage is another of their mistakes.
32:35I need that money, Mercedes. I need it.
32:38You have to convince Lucrecia somehow.
32:40Ignacio, don't worry. You're going to have that money. I promise you.
32:43As soon as possible.
32:45Trust me.
32:47There is another very important thing.
32:48I don't want Lucrecia to go around telling people that she wants to lend ears to those things
32:54that our marriage is a mess, Mercedes.
32:56That's not going to happen. I promise.
32:58You are the only person who can help me.
33:01All I want is for you to be calm.
33:04That you are fine.
33:13What are you doing?
33:18What are you doing?