El Señor De La Querencia Cap 24

  • last month


00:00I'm sorry.
00:01How dare you do something like this?
00:03This is not fair.
00:04Leonor, calm down so I can explain.
00:06I asked you for an explanation.
00:08You married this woman's daughter.
00:10Ignacio, let me talk to your mother.
00:12Cousin, please.
00:13Let me.
00:14How dare you?
00:15I let her come into my house and look at how she pays me.
00:18Seducing my son.
00:19I love her.
00:20Ignacio, things are getting worse, please.
00:22What is this I'm hearing?
00:24It's true.
00:25It's better to tell the truth.
00:27How long has this been going on?
00:29Since they arrived at the orphanage.
00:31You're leaving my house now.
00:33Cousin, please.
00:34Did you hear me?
00:35How dare you do something like this?
00:37Imagine, poor Lucrecia, when she finds out about all this.
00:41She knows everything.
00:45Ignacio's marriage to my daughter is a screen, Leonor.
00:48It's a...
00:49That's not true.
00:50It's a screen.
00:51It's a screen.
00:52It's a screen.
00:53It's a screen.
00:54It's a screen.
00:55It's a screen.
00:56That's not true.
00:57It's true.
00:58Absolutely nothing has happened between them.
01:00Why not?
01:01What happens is that Lucrecia...
01:03What happens is that my daughter has weird tastes.
01:05She's eccentric.
01:06She likes...
01:07Oh, Mercedes, please.
01:08I don't understand you.
01:09What you're trying to say, Mercedes...
01:11What I'm trying to say is that my daughter is going through a phase
01:14where men are not attractive to her.
01:20Lucrecia likes women.
01:27Knock, knock, knock.
01:32Excuse me.
01:35What a surprise.
01:37I need to talk to you.
01:40About what?
01:42I was thinking about the offer you made me.
01:45About having a child with Mr. Ignacio.
01:49And yes.
01:51I accept.
01:53But I warn you one thing.
01:55This is going to be very, very expensive.
02:01Lucrecia likes women.
02:05We don't know.
02:06I hope science can help her someday.
02:09Cousin, I did everything I could.
02:10But no, it doesn't get better.
02:11I don't know what to do.
02:12Ignacio, get out of the room.
02:14I need to talk to Mercedes.
02:15I'd like to be here.
02:16Get out!
02:17I told you.
02:28Why did you marry your daughter to my son?
02:30If you knew nothing was going to happen between them.
02:35Because in Santiago.
02:37Many people already knew about Lucrecia's taste.
02:40And I thought that getting married was going to get better.
02:42What about my son?
02:44I thought Leonor was going to be rehabilitated.
02:46But I'm starting to believe that this is going to be forever.
02:50That's the truth.
02:52How do you feel about him?
02:56You taught me that you don't choose who you fall in love with.
03:00That you don't control your heart, cousin.
03:05Are you in love with Ignacio?
03:10No, but I had never felt so alive.
03:12That's the truth.
03:14Oh, my God.
03:16This has to end.
03:18Lucrecia's relationship with Ignacio...
03:20It's not a relationship with me.
03:22It's unacceptable.
03:25I know.
03:27I know.
03:28I can't handle a situation like this. Can you imagine?
03:31Have you thought about what would happen if José Luis found out about this?
03:34It would be painful.
03:38Regarding Lucrecia.
03:41Take care of her.
03:43Do something. Explain to her how things are.
03:47Tell her what she has to do.
03:49She has to be the mother of Ignacio's children.
04:02Are you doing this just for the money?
04:06No, look.
04:08I also like the idea of throwing your mom a party.
04:13Can't you see?
04:14We are soulmates.
04:17Don't be silly, miss.
04:19I'm as clear as water as I like men.
04:21Well, that's a detail.
04:22No, not for me.
04:24Now, what we have to do
04:27is make our plan work.
04:31The first thing I'm going to do
04:33is make Ignacio believe that I have feelings for him.
04:48Don't you have anything to do?
04:51I'm sorry, Miss Leontina.
04:54I don't feel very well.
04:57You're here to work.
05:00I can't stand seeing your victim face.
05:03I have good reasons to feel how I feel, you know?
05:06Shut up, you insolent girl.
05:10You girls are all equals.
05:15If what happened to you happened to you
05:18it was out of shame.
05:20For tempting men like your aunt.
05:24That's why it happened to you.
05:27Repeat what she said.
05:29The Chinese mother came to defend her.
05:33I'm not going to stand
05:35you talking like that about my girl.
05:38If you are a bitter woman,
05:39don't be rude to us, do you hear me?
05:41How dare you talk to me like that?
05:42You dirty Chinese.
05:44I don't want it.
05:45I don't want you to get close to my girl again.
05:47Do you hear me?
05:49You're going to see this, Jose Luis.
05:51Go tell the boss.
05:53Why is she still alive?
06:04Mommy, let's get out of here.
06:06Let's get out of here.
06:07Let's go where I can see you.
06:12Calm down.
06:14Calm down.
06:18I imagine that Leonor already spoke to you.
06:22Yes, Leonor spoke to me.
06:23She told me that you wanted Ignacio
06:25to manage Lucrecia's money.
06:28Exactly. And it is what it is.
06:30I don't find any reason
06:31for that not to be happening now.
06:33Well, it's important that you know
06:34that all that money right now
06:36is invested in properties
06:37and that it's out of the bank.
06:38Yes, yes, I'm aware.
06:39I didn't doubt it.
06:41But what I don't understand
06:42and I don't believe
06:44is that her husband
06:45had all that money
06:46just in investments.
06:49Her husband was immensely rich.
06:50I guess there's money everywhere.
06:53That's right.
06:57So there's nothing else to talk about, Mercedes.
06:59So I'm going to ask for
07:00a remittance of money tomorrow.
07:01Don't worry.
07:05There's something else
07:06I want to talk to you about.
07:09I need you to advise your daughter.
07:13How so?
07:14What you heard.
07:17I don't think Lucrecia
07:18is a good wife.
07:20She's not.
07:21Don't look at me like that.
07:22Or at least it doesn't seem like it.
07:23Lucrecia is a girl who
07:26is liberal
07:27and I don't like that.
07:30I'm going to talk to her.
07:31Don't worry.
07:34Understand that
07:35behind a happy husband
07:39there is a wife
07:40who is giving herself
07:44Do you understand me?
07:46If you don't understand me,
07:47I won't say a word, Mercedes.
07:53How curious,
07:54now that I look at you.
07:56You've been here
07:57for a while.
07:58I haven't asked you
07:59how your stay here has been yet.
08:07And you don't need a man.
08:13No, I don't need a man.
08:22Let's not fool ourselves.
08:25We're both adults.
08:27And we need both men and women.
08:33I don't agree with you.
08:35Not at all.
08:37Excuse me.
08:41Excuse me.
08:54I want to clean my body.
09:01Sometimes I feel like
09:05I'll never be able to
09:08get rid of this dirt.
09:23I didn't want the boss to touch me, God.
09:28I never wanted the boss to touch me.
09:34I don't want to feel like a sinner anymore.
09:39Please help me.
09:42Our Father,
09:44who art in heaven,
09:46hallowed be your name.
09:49Your kingdom come,
09:52your will be done,
09:53on earth as it is in heaven.
09:56I want you to know
09:57that the explanations you gave me about your marriage
09:59disillusion me a lot.
10:01I know.
10:03And about you,
10:06I hope you know how to behave.
10:08And that no one finds out about your tastes.
10:11If it were up to me,
10:12I'd tell everyone.
10:14Be discreet.
10:17As for me, I'm not going to tell Jose Luis anything.
10:20Because I'm going to trust you
10:21that you'll know how to handle this situation.
10:23Yes, yes, Mom.
10:24Anyway, I'm going to do it this way.
10:26Don't worry.
10:27I want to say something else.
10:29Tell me, please.
10:30To Lucrecia.
10:35Give my son a chance.
10:38Try to become a good wife,
10:40like all of us.
10:41Even if it's just to maintain appearances.
10:44That's exactly what we've done.
10:52Keep doing it, then.
10:56Excuse me.
11:08It's okay.
11:17He's here.
11:21Come on!
11:22Come and see the stone!
11:24Come and see the gold stone I found!
11:35Did you miss me?
11:38Don't worry, I'm leaving.
11:42Where do you think you're going?
11:44Let me go.
11:45If I let you go, you'll go home and tell everyone what you saw.
11:48But of course I'm going.
11:50Now I understand why you didn't want to give us back this land.
11:53And why do I have to give back what belongs to me?
11:55It's not just because it's always been ours, period.
12:02You know what we're going to do, young man?
12:04You're going home and you're going to tell your father what you saw.
12:08And I'm sure your dad has a very good explanation
12:11for why his grandfather left me without a home.
12:19Take care, son.
12:28Mom, calm down.
12:30I'm not going to start a scandal.
12:32José Luis won't find out anything.
12:35The only way I can calm down
12:37is if you behave like a good wife, Lucrecia.
12:39Well, I'm going to do it as part of a deal.
12:42Oh, I'm glad.
12:43But I'm not going to pretend all my life.
12:45Nothing is forever, my love.
12:48In exchange for my good behavior, I would like to ask you a favor.
12:51You tell me.
12:52Get away from Ignacio.
12:55Get away?
12:58Because I'm making an effort.
13:00So I think the right thing to do is for you to do it too.
13:06I think it's the right thing to do.
13:09If that's the price I have to pay so that a scandal doesn't break out,
13:13I'll get away from Ignacio.
13:15I'm glad to hear you talk like that.
13:19A hug to continue the deal?
13:22A hug.
13:31Let's see.
13:33Let's see if they shut up.
13:36There's nothing this guy can do to hurt us, so don't worry.
13:39My son is going to tell him everything, boss.
13:41If that bastard knows us all.
13:43Well, hey, hey, hey.
13:44Go and tell him.
13:45It's time for that bastard to find out what we're doing.
13:47What's the problem?
13:48Oh, but Mr. José Luis has a gun, boss.
13:50And we only have shovels and pickaxes.
13:53Sit down for now.
13:54What are we going to do with a shovel?
13:56How are we going to win with a shovel?
13:59Hey, hey.
14:03I know you're worried.
14:07But I'm going to personally take care of your safety and your family's.
14:12Look at me.
14:15I need you to trust me.
14:18José Luis Echañique's reign is over.
14:22Is that clear?
14:23Yes, boss.
14:24I can't hear you, is that clear?
14:25Yes, boss.
14:28Yes, boss.
14:35What did he tell me?
14:36That he found gold, dad.
14:50I knew it.
14:51I knew that guy was hiding something from me.
14:54Now we have more reasons to recover our land, do you realize that?
14:57No, but it's not going to be easy, dad.
14:58Of course it's not going to be easy.
15:00But we have to think of something.
15:02Something has to happen.
15:07I'm not going to let that man get rich.
15:11At the expense of me, at the expense of my family.
15:15Why did Grandpa give you that land?
15:17Manuel told me there was a very powerful reason.
15:19What reason, Baben?
15:21What reason, Baben?
15:23No one gets my head out of my head.
15:25That they tricked my father to take the land from him.
15:28Get it into your head too.
15:31Or do you think my father was crazy?
15:34We have to get used to the idea that this man is going to be our neighbor, dad.
15:37What are you talking about?
15:38And not just that.
15:39It is very likely that he will become rich and in a short time.
15:45I'm not going to allow it.
15:49We're not going to allow it.
15:53Give me your hand.
15:56I know.
15:58That lately things have happened between us.
16:01Things that have left us.
16:05But I need your help.
16:09More than ever.
16:12Because we are not going to allow, as a family,
16:15that they take away what belongs to us, shit.
16:19And we are not going to sit idly by.
16:23What do you think?
16:27Manuel Pradena.
16:31He has to disappear.
16:41My God, my God, my God.
16:42My mother saw me.
16:43I'm so ashamed, Lucrecia.
16:45Ignacio, no. Everything is lost.
16:48She saw me kissing Mercedes.
16:49How can you tell me something like that?
16:50Listen to me.
16:52Not everything is lost.
16:55Because I'm starting to feel things for you.
16:58Things I've never felt before.
17:01Are you kidding me?
17:04I'm serious.
17:06And I want to prove it to you.
17:18I love you.
17:31It's all I want.
17:34All I thought was to make Manuel Pradena disappear from the face of the earth.
17:42Well, you and I would be very cautious then, dad.
17:45Why do you tell me that?
17:47Because Manuel is not alone.
17:50You have a lot of people with him.
17:52Well, they'll have to pay.
17:54For traitors.
17:57Well, and do you plan to become a murderer then?
18:00That's not the way.
18:01And what is the way then, Luis Emilio?
18:04Tell me.
18:06Be closer to him.
18:08I will never be close to that thief.
18:13Think about it, dad.
18:15Think about it.
18:16Nobody tells you that you have to become his best friend.
18:19Being close is enough.
18:22Being close is enough to be able to end him.
18:36Go clean the office, José Luis.
18:39And why not? You better.
18:42I mean,
18:44to take advantage of being a little closer to Don José Luis.
18:47What are you saying?
18:49You like the boss.
18:51He doesn't fool me.
18:52How can you say such a thing?
18:55I just say what I see.
18:58I'm not going to keep talking to you.
19:00Buenaventura has it as a consolation prize.
19:03But you die for the boss.
19:06Have you gone crazy?
19:08The witch.
19:10We know what people feel.
19:13And I'm not wrong with you.
19:16What you want
19:17is to get Mrs. Leonor out
19:19and keep everything as master and mistress.
19:22But it won't work, I tell you straight.
19:26Go clean the office.
19:28I already told you to go, better.
19:30Or call Maria.
19:31I'm going to take a nap.
19:33How long are you going to blackmail me, Herminia?
19:39Forever, Miss Leontina.
20:10Don José Luis.
20:15I see you have your men to protect you.
20:18Something told us he was coming, by the way, boy.
20:20That's right, boss.
20:21Quiet, silence.
20:23I have a sound of peace.
20:26And why so many shotguns then?
20:30I came to offer you a deal, Manuel.
20:33A deal?
20:36I think we go in and talk in private.
20:45Don't worry, Manuel.
20:47I'm going to leave my gun on the table
20:50so as not to scare him.
20:52Can I sit down?
20:54You can sit down.
20:59So you came to offer me something?
21:05I found out that you found gold in my lands.
21:07In your lands.
21:10You found out?
21:14I've been thinking about it and I think it doesn't make any sense
21:17for you and I to keep fighting.
21:19That's why I came to offer you a partnership.
21:23You want to partner with me?
21:28What do you think?
21:31What would I gain with all that?
21:32Let me explain, man.
21:33I'm listening.
21:37it's obvious that you don't have any experience
21:39in managing money.
21:40I do.
21:44I can get a much better price
21:46for the gold you're extracting.
21:48What did you say?
21:49Are you paying me badly?
21:52I have informants everywhere,
21:55I know everything that happens here in La Querencia,
21:57here in the region.
21:58Even in Santiago.
21:59I have contacts,
22:00contacts in banks.
22:02Tell me what you're going to do with the money.
22:05You're going to keep it under the mattress.
22:09Under a rock.
22:11Or in a piece of furniture.
22:12You see?
22:13I do know what to do with the money.
22:15And thirdly,
22:16I can offer you security.
22:18In the river and on the road.
22:20Lately, Chile has become a very dangerous place.
22:23It's full of thieves
22:24after the closure of the dams.
22:27And why would I want to partner with you
22:29after everything that's happened?
22:32Because it's a good business.
22:36And because I'm giving you my word,
22:39which is the word of a cheñique.
22:42What do you think?
22:43I think it's weird.
22:56Think about it, Manuel.
22:58Think about it.
22:59Thank you for your visit, Mr. José Luis.
23:30I'd like to know why we're toasting.
23:33For our future?
23:35Shouldn't we toast for our future children?
23:40You're going to give me a child, right?
23:42Let's try.
23:46I love hearing you talk like that.
24:00I want to know if you like it.
24:04I have a surprise.
24:09The truth is I like it a lot.
24:15Do you like it?
24:17Do you like it?
24:18I love it.
24:20Kiss me.
24:21Are you sure?
24:33Was it good?
24:34Did you like it?
24:37A lot.
24:39No, no, no.
24:40No, no, no.
24:42Let's toast again.
24:44Let's toast again.
24:45I don't know if I should.
24:46I haven't even finished the toast.
24:47Please, please.
24:48Do it for me.
24:49For our children.
24:51This is new to me.
24:53And I want it to be special.
24:56It's going to be whatever you want.
24:57I want you to feel comfortable, Lucrecia.
25:01Excuse me.
25:02Excuse me.
25:12I don't understand why Manuel agreed to talk to the boss.
25:17For the gold, Maria.
25:18For the gold.
25:20Mom, you're not going to do anything?
25:22Why don't you go talk to my uncle Manuel?
25:25I think the boss realized that the best thing he can do is join Manuel.
25:29No, no, no.
25:30I don't believe that story.
25:31The boss is bad.
25:32Yes, well.
25:33If all he cares about now is keeping the land.
25:36It's just that the boss doesn't give a damn about money.
25:40Especially now that he lost the barn with the fire.
25:43He's like crazy trying to do business.
25:47Someone will propose to Manuel.
25:48Manuel will accept.
25:50And we're going to win.
25:54Let's do it, said the fly.
25:56That we are going to win.
25:58Of course.
25:59Everything that belongs to Manuel belongs to you.
26:02Therefore, it also belongs to all of us.
26:04We all win, Maria.
26:06You're so ambitious.
26:09I'm not ambitious, Maria.
26:12I was poor.
26:26It's me.
26:29Excuse me.
26:31How are you?
26:33How are you doing?
26:34Are you feeling well?
26:35Well, yes.
26:36I think it's going a little bit.
26:39The leg of the scorpion.
26:41How was your morning?
26:47I don't know.
26:48Terrible, right?
26:50A little better.
26:51I don't know.
26:52After the barn, everything is terrible, right?
26:54I imagine.
26:55I went to see Manuel.
26:57To Manuel?
27:02I think it's time to join him.
27:07I have to leave all these grids aside.
27:10They're going to be eternal if someone doesn't stop.
27:15Do you think you can make deals with Manuel?
27:18Of course.
27:20Why not?
27:22Because you are the one who has always said that he is a thief.
27:30And he is.
27:33But I've been thinking and I think I have to accept my father's will.
27:41And you know what?
27:43It's a good business.
27:46It's a good business and I think it can benefit us all.
27:52I'm glad to hear you say that.
28:03I'm glad to see you so beautiful.
28:24I wish it, Leonor.
28:44Lucrecia, you are so beautiful.
28:46Do you believe?
28:48You should believe too.
28:51The time has come.
28:53Close your eyes.
28:54The wine went to my head.
28:56I'm going to get dizzy.
28:57Close your eyes.
28:58Nothing's going to happen to you.
29:00I'm going to do whatever you tell me.
29:07No, but what are you doing?
29:08I want to see you.
29:09Ignacio, if you want this to happen, you have to follow all my instructions.
29:15Give me your hands.
29:18Your hands.
29:20Because this is the first time I'm naked in front of a man.
29:23I'm ashamed.
29:24But I'm your husband.
29:25You don't have to be ashamed.
29:26Why do you tie me up?
29:28You're going to like it.
29:29You're going to like it.
29:30It's a technique I learned in Paris.
29:36How modern.
29:40Here I am.
29:42Come on.
29:44I'm coming, I'm coming.
29:45Yes, I'm coming.
29:53Lucrecia, I never thought you'd be able to do something like this.
30:07You smell really good.
30:16Please don't die.