• last year
00:00I'm Mark Levin and this is Life, Liberty, and Levin Saturday.
00:03Thanks for being here.
00:04We have two great guests, Newt Gingrich and Joey Piscitelli.
00:08Who's Joey Piscitelli?
00:10Very important.
00:11Stick with me.
00:12But before we get to our guests, democracy, voting.
00:18You know who likes the word democracy the most?
00:21Dictators, fascists, Marxists, autocrats, and apparently the Democrats who don't really
00:28like to practice democracy.
00:31You know they have voting in places like Russia and Iran, Venezuela and Turkey, North Korea,
00:37Syria, Cuba, Uzbekistan, Zimbabwe, Somalia, and a hundred other dictatorships, brutal
00:44regimes, genocidal regimes.
00:48They claim to be democracies that have the vote.
00:53The vote, when you go in and you vote, or you mail in your vote, that's not enough.
01:01Anybody can vote in any place on the face of the earth.
01:06Dictators use voting as a cover for dictatorships.
01:11But voting is crucial, isn't it?
01:14In this country, we vote for a representative government.
01:19We vote for a constitutional republic.
01:22When we vote, we want to be informed.
01:25We want to have knowledge.
01:27Who are we voting for?
01:28Who are we voting against?
01:29The president's extremely powerful.
01:33We've had wars to protect our constitutional republic, our representative republic, our
01:39right to vote.
01:41We had a civil war to end slavery.
01:45In order to allow people to vote, we adopted the 13th, 14th, and 15th amendments.
01:51We've had civil rights battles for a hundred years, more than one, in the streets, in the
01:59courts, in the halls of Congress.
02:02We have fought for the right to vote, for everybody to have the right to vote.
02:06But the vote for what?
02:08What separates us and the way we vote and our voters from voters in Russia and Venezuela
02:14and Turkey?
02:16Information, knowledge.
02:19You're not supposed to just go to the polls.
02:21Oh, Democrat, Republican, oh, woman, man, oh, white, oh, black.
02:28It's not identity politics, it's substance.
02:31You're voting for the most powerful representative in the nation.
02:35In fact, you're voting for the most powerful representative on the face of the earth.
02:42Ladies and gentlemen, Kamala Harris and her party are running the dictator's election.
02:49This is a facade.
02:51What kind of nonsense is this?
02:54They pull it with Biden, now they intend to pull it with Kamala Harris?
02:57No, I don't think so.
03:00She's making a mockery of democracy.
03:02She's making a mockery of voting.
03:05Kamala Harris, your selection as the Democrat Party nominee occurred well before last week.
03:12And that so-called convention, it looked to me more like a Roman circus.
03:16You're running a campaign akin to a dictatorship, a monarchy.
03:21There's nothing democratic about it.
03:24You're the first presidential nominee who's never received a single vote from any real
03:29citizen to run for president.
03:32You blew out the nominee who did receive the votes, 15 million of them.
03:36We've never seen anything like this.
03:39And you talk about democracy.
03:41You usurped the primary process, and now you seek to circumvent the general election process.
03:47America, she's hiding from us.
03:51She's concealing her views from us.
03:53They're so radical.
03:54They're so repugnant.
03:56They're so immoral.
03:57She knows if you figure out what her policies are, or the 72% of the American people who
04:02aren't clear what she stands for, that you will defeat her in a landslide.
04:07Kamala Harris, you have a greater obligation than any candidate who's ever run for president
04:11to reveal yourself, to be questioned, to be scrutinized.
04:14That's right.
04:15To be vetted by we, the people.
04:17That's our right.
04:19That's your obligation.
04:20You want to be president of the United States, then earn it.
04:23Earn it.
04:26Tell us what you believe.
04:27Tell us where you're going to take this country.
04:31Don't hide it.
04:33Everybody's telling you.
04:34All the radicals in your party.
04:36All the grifters.
04:38All the pollsters.
04:40Wait till after the election.
04:43Then you can drop all the weight on the shoulders of the American people you want.
04:47They won't be able to do a damn thing about it.
04:50You need to mix it up.
04:51You need to meet the people.
04:52You need to be clear and precise about what you believe and what you stand.
04:57Who the hell do you think you are to disregard the people?
05:01To deceive the voters?
05:03You're running a campaign like Putin.
05:06You're running a campaign like Un.
05:08You're running a campaign like Xi.
05:11Well, this isn't communist China.
05:14It's not fascistic Russia.
05:16And it's not the inbred country of North Korea.
05:19It's not Iran.
05:20It's not Venezuela.
05:21It's not Cuba.
05:22It's the United States of America.
05:24And you're not running an American campaign.
05:28You want to be president of the United States, then act like it.
05:31Oh, we have two debates.
05:33Who cares?
05:36You already ducked one because it's Fox.
05:38You're afraid of Fox?
05:39You're not going to be able to stare down Xi.
05:43You're not going to be able to stare down Putin.
05:44You're afraid of Fox?
05:49You don't want to earn the presidency.
05:51You want it handed to you.
05:53And so we get into all the race stuff.
05:56We get into all the sex stuff.
05:58We get into all the stuff that doesn't matter.
06:00When people are trying to put food on the table.
06:03When they're trying to pay for the fuel in their car, the school supplies, a roof over
06:08their head.
06:09None of the rest of it matters.
06:13What took place in Chicago at that convention was phony.
06:19It was a Hollywood show.
06:22Did you learn anything about Kamala Harris at that event?
06:24You didn't learn a damn thing, nothing.
06:28Now she's proposing, for those of us in the 28% who know what's taking place, she's proposing
06:36nation-changing, life-changing, society-changing, economics-changing policies.
06:47The most radical policies of any candidate in American history, if she sticks to those
06:58Unless she's trying to persuade people who are paying attention, I'm not that radical.
07:02I'm not really going to do that.
07:04But she won't allow herself to be questioned.
07:06And by the way, she doesn't personally flip-flop, her staff flip-flops for her.
07:12Now if you're going to turn America into some kind of a Marxist-Islamist state, some kind
07:17of a hellhole, then show yourself, reveal yourself.
07:22Be the tough prosecutor.
07:24Be the courageous senator, the tough questioner.
07:28And let us confront you.
07:30Let us question you.
07:32Let us challenge you.
07:33You're running for president of the United States, not for the student council in some
07:36middle school.
07:38This isn't some backwards third-world country where you can get away with this stuff.
07:44We know what the media are.
07:46As I've been calling them, the state-run Pravda Al Jazeera media.
07:51You have them in the tank, like Putin has the media in the tank, like Un has the media
07:56in the tank, like the communists in Venezuela and Cuba have the media in the tank, like
08:03Al Jazeera for Qatar, state-run media.
08:07So the media don't help us.
08:08We don't need media interaction.
08:10We don't need the media to interpret for you what you believe to us, particularly when
08:17you own them.
08:18They're bought and paid for.
08:21We need you to speak the we of the people directly, without media, even without debates.
08:28Donald Trump goes everywhere.
08:30He goes in the black communities in the Bronx.
08:32He goes to Detroit.
08:33He goes to Philadelphia.
08:35He goes to small-town USA.
08:37He goes to the suburbs.
08:39You only go where people will support you, in front of audiences that support you.
08:45The campaign of a dictator.
08:47Why don't you go in the communities and reach out to all Americans?
08:51Do you want to be president of the United States or the president of the blue states?
08:56Who are you?
08:57Kamala Harris.
08:58You're the top prosecutor.
09:00You're the Soros prosecutor.
09:02Open borders, closed borders.
09:06No fracking.
09:07Government-run health care?
09:08No, no, no, no.
09:09Not government-run health care.
09:11Government-run food supplies and pricing?
09:14Oh, I didn't really mean that.
09:15No, not really.
09:17Who are you?
09:18What are you?
09:21People in this country have fought and died for the right to vote.
09:25... and fascist regimes are like we do in the United States of America.
09:31You denigrate us.
09:33You dismiss us.
09:36You blow us off.
09:38You laugh about it.
09:40You're joyful about it.
09:42And you tell us.
09:44Just listen to what everybody says about you.
09:46You've got the dancers.
09:47You've got the singers.
09:48You've got the media.
09:50Why do you support destroying women's sports?
09:52Why do you oppose parental rights in schools?
09:55Why do you oppose parental rights when it comes to gender mutilation?
10:00What is a wealth tax, but a tax on ownership, on our homes, on our businesses, so the government
10:05can come in and steal them from us?
10:08Price controls.
10:09If you control the price of food, you control us.
10:13We can't survive without food.
10:15The government's going to control food.
10:17National government-run health care, how's that going to work?
10:20Open borders, illegals, access immediately to Medicare, Social Security, Medicaid, and
10:26you want them to vote.
10:27Well, what's that going to do to our country?
10:30You believe in nationalizing our drug companies.
10:32You said you want to snatch their patents if they don't lower their prices.
10:36That means nationalizing drug companies.
10:39You want to eliminate the oil industry and gasoline.
10:43Do you know where electricity comes from?
10:45You don't want us to have a choice of what kind of car we can have, what kind of toaster,
10:49what kind of lawnmower, what kind of home we can have.
10:52You want to eliminate the electoral college.
10:54You want to stack the Supreme Court.
10:56You want to eliminate the filibuster.
10:57You have a thoroughly Marxist socialist agenda.
11:01We want to talk to you about it before you destroy our country, turn it inside out and
11:05upside down.
11:07You want to run for president?
11:08This is your agenda?
11:09Then tell the 72% of Americans who don't know you exactly where you stand.
11:15Defend it.
11:16Persuade them.
11:17Explain it.
11:18It's the United States of America.
11:20Why are you hiding?
11:23Now a couple other things about this convention.
11:25Every four years or so the Obamas pop up that tell us what a racist nation we are.
11:30Every few years they pop up, they go on stage, and they trash one Republican or another.
11:36I'm sick and tired of it.
11:37The Obamas live in the lap of luxury, despite all their revolutionary talk, despite their
11:42class warfare.
11:43I have a question directly for Barack and Michelle Obama.
11:47What exactly have you done for the black community?
11:52As president, what did you do, Barack?
11:55Since you've been president, you've become a multi, multi, multimillionaire.
11:58What have you done for the black community that you claim to represent?
12:02How about Michelle?
12:03What have they done?
12:05Donald Trump has done more for the black community than you can ever do.
12:09When Donald Trump was in the private sector as a developer and a builder, he hired black
12:15people as well as Latinos, Asian people, men, women, straight, gay, transitioning.
12:22It didn't matter.
12:24They got good salaries.
12:25They were able to get pensions and medical care.
12:28What the hell have you done?
12:29Donald Trump fought for school choice, like your two daughters went to one of the most
12:33expensive private schools in America, let alone D.C.
12:37Well, Donald Trump thinks that all children should have that opportunity, including poor
12:41kids, including poor black kids.
12:43You opposed it.
12:45You fought it.
12:46Donald Trump, working with Tim Scott, set up almost 9,000, 9,000 opportunity zones,
12:51meaning what?
12:52Zones in which you get tax breaks and other breaks for businesses to invest in poor communities,
12:57minority communities.
12:59What did you do?
13:01Criminal justice reform.
13:03You didn't push criminal justice reform.
13:05Donald Trump got criminal justice reform.
13:07And I could go on and on.
13:10At that convention, they claimed to represent the middle class, blue collar workers.
13:14How so?
13:15Did you see many of them?
13:17I didn't know Oprah was a blue collar worker or legend was a blue collar worker.
13:21I didn't know Pritzker was a blue collar worker.
13:24It was a convention of multibillionaires, oligarchs.
13:28Donald Trump, developer, builder, built a skyline.
13:33He worked with plumbers and electricians.
13:35He worked with painters and bricklayers.
13:37He worked with tile layers, drywall installers, all the buildings trades, all of them, all
13:43hardworking men and women, union, nonunion, minority, majority, woman, male, everybody.
13:51And he didn't discriminate.
13:52What have you done, Barack Obama, Michelle Obama, for the hardworking middle class?
13:57You haven't done a damn thing.
13:58Oh, and one other thing, Josh Shapiro, I hear you're Jewish, you're the Democrat governor
14:06of Pennsylvania.
14:07You were overlooked by Kamala Harris and her party.
14:11And you went up and you gave a speech, a disgusting, pathetic speech.
14:18And you accused Donald Trump of using anti-Semitic troops.
14:22Let me tell you something, Josh Shapiro, you're a gutless wonder.
14:27As the Jewish American governor of Pennsylvania, you should have gotten up on that podium and
14:34you should have made a Martin Luther King like speech to your party that you would not
14:41tolerate the growing anti-Semitism in your party.
14:45You should have called out Talib and Omar and AOC and Bernie Sanders by name.
14:51You should have condemned the fact that your candidate for vice president, Tim Walz, embraced
14:58not just any imam, any imam who supports the evisceration of the state of Israel, which
15:04means the extermination of the Israeli Jews.
15:06You didn't say a damn thing about that.
15:09You should have spoken up about your presidential nominee, who you wanted to run with.
15:15How dare she not undertake her function as the president of the Senate to welcome the
15:23prime minister of Israel into the halls of Congress?
15:28She meets secretly with the mayor of Dearborn, who's an Israel hater.
15:32She'll meet with anybody, but she wouldn't meet with him.
15:37Tell me, Josh, what have you done for the Jewish community?
15:40You haven't done a damn thing.
15:42I'm from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
15:45Donald Trump, the man you attacked up there, you asked the Israeli people who their favorite
15:50president is, Donald Trump.
15:52He moved the embassy.
15:54He acknowledged the Golan Heights as sovereign to Israel.
15:59He cut off the PLO that had terrorist warrants on the heads of Jews and Americans.
16:05He cut off UNRWA that was funding Hamas.
16:09He had Iran on its back.
16:11He was starving that government.
16:13They didn't have a missile to fire.
16:15At Israel, Hezbollah was in a box.
16:18The Houthis were in a box.
16:20You asked the Israelis, the Israeli Jews who they support for president of the United States,
16:25and Josh Shapiro, you got up there.
16:29You not only made an ass of yourself, it was contemptible.
16:33That was your moment to be a statesman, and you were not.
16:39You learned nothing from that convention.
16:41The question is going forward.
16:43We have an election, an early election that starts, I believe, the first state is Pennsylvania
16:47on September 16th.
16:50The earliest of the early votes, the keystone state is the key state.
16:57Are we going to allow our country to be turned into some joke, mockery of a democracy?
17:04To allow a Democrat candidate who didn't even get the legitimate nomination of her party
17:09to run for office like no other candidate in American history, to slide into the Oval
17:13Office to conceal her Marxism-Socialism and her Islamism, to change the country after
17:22the election?
17:23Is that what we're going to do?
17:24I sure as hell hope not.
17:27I'll be right back.
17:28Welcome back, America.
17:30We have with us Joey Piscitelli, who I learned about just by reading old news stories.
17:38Joey Piscitelli is a general contractor, but more than that, he's been a leader for
17:4120 years with Survivors Network of those abused by priests.
17:46Joey Piscitelli, I can see the Golden Gate Bridge behind you.
17:51You're a man from the San Francisco area.
17:53You've had experience with Kamala Harris as DA, as Attorney General, as Senator, and so
17:59Tell the American people a little bit about your story and about your experience in trying
18:04to draw the attention of Kamala Harris.
18:07Well, I first filed a lawsuit against the church for being molested as a child, and
18:18the priest who had molested me was a priest from San Francisco.
18:24And I went to San Francisco with other victims before Kamala Harris was DA, and we talked
18:33to the district attorney named Terrence Hellinan.
18:36And Terrence Hellinan had accumulated files, lots of files, on sex abusers in the church
18:43that he had subpoenaed and gathered through investigations, and he was going after them
18:48full force.
18:50Kamala Harris beat him in early 2004 as the new district attorney.
18:57So the files were in her care then.
19:00So we immediately started contacting her, asking her if she'd release the names in those
19:06files or release the complaints that were in the files, because there were a number
19:10of people who had filed suit against predators, and we wanted them held accountable.
19:17She ignored us, and we started protesting at her office, and she kept ignoring us.
19:24The press started contacting her and saying, are you going to release these files?
19:29What are you doing about these predators, etc.?
19:31And she ignored them.
19:33This went on for a long time, and my suit was going to court jury trial.
19:42So the priest who had molested me was in San Francisco working as a pastor at a church
19:49and school with access to children.
19:51So I wrote her again and said, I'm actively suing this man for child molestation, and
19:58he's with kids now, and so are a number of other clergy and teachers who have molested
20:05You need to do something about this.
20:06And she kept ignoring it.
20:08So they kept the priest in ministry, and a number of us would protest at her office in
20:17San Francisco.
20:18We passed out flyers, virtually begging her to do something.
20:22She kept ignoring us.
20:24The press contacted her and said, why aren't you releasing these files and these names?
20:29And her answer was that she was protecting the victims.
20:33Well, I'm one of those victims, and she wasn't protecting the victims because the victims'
20:38names are redacted from the files and the claims.
20:43The only names that appear are those that are the predators.
20:47She was shielding them in our eyes, and we couldn't understand why.
20:54One thing, she wasn't prosecuting them, she wasn't investigating them, she wasn't releasing
20:58their names, and she kept shielding them.
21:02And we couldn't understand that.
21:04And the DA who she beat wasn't shielding anybody, from what I understand you're saying.
21:09He was collecting the evidence, he was undertaking an investigation, obviously he was doing that
21:15for the purpose of taking action.
21:17You were able to communicate with him.
21:20I assume your lawyers were able to communicate with him.
21:22So she defeats him, and it completely changes the operation of the DA vis-a-vis these pedophiles
21:29and these predators, correct?
21:33And I met with Terrence Helen and I went in his office.
21:37He showed me boxes and boxes of files.
21:39He says, look at all the files I have on these predators.
21:41He says, I'm going after them at full force, 100 miles an hour, and I'm going to get these
21:46guys and hold them accountable.
21:50And then it went from that to her taking the new position, and then nothing happened
21:56at all, despite constant, you know, asking her to do anything at all.
22:02She did nothing.
22:03You are one of the leaders of this group called Snap Survivors Network of those abused by
22:08priests and doing it for 20 years.
22:10You were horribly molested at the Democrat National Convention.
22:15She told a personal story about a friend of hers who was abused by her father, and that's
22:20one of the reasons she decided to become a prosecutor.
22:23She's running as a top prosecutor who protects kids, who fights pedophiles.
22:28You're a Democrat.
22:29I just want to know your take on that when we come back.
22:34Welcome back, America.
22:36We're here with Joey Piscitelli, and Joey Piscitelli, unfortunately, sadly, was abused
22:43as a young fellow, molested by a predator.
22:48And he went to Kamala Harris for help, and he didn't get any.
22:52Kamala Harris, Joey said at her speech on Thursday night, she said the pivotal moment
23:00for her on deciding whether to become a prosecutor involved her best friend, who she said was
23:06abused by her stepfather.
23:07Now, if that was a pivotal moment, that her best friend was abused by a stepfather, why
23:13wouldn't she then have empathy for you, who was abused by a priest, and others who were
23:19abused, who kept clawing at her door, begging for help?
23:24Well, you know, right now, there are more than 500 lawsuits against the Diocese of San
23:32Francisco, as I speak to you, from victims who have been sexually abused, and they're
23:40saying that there are a number of priests who were active during her tenure, and they're
23:48going after them now civilly.
23:51We've collected in SNAP a list of 500 clergy and teachers that were in the diocese that,
24:02in those names, she had access to files and files, boxes and boxes of files, with a lot
24:09of those names in there.
24:12What happened was she didn't prosecute one of them, not even one out of 500.
24:21And not only that, she didn't even investigate any of them.
24:25And you know, you could say, well, you know, the statute of limitations ran on a lot of
24:29these guys, and you can't really prosecute them.
24:32Well, a lot of them were serial offenders and repeat offenders.
24:36If there were names and files of these guys doing things to kids, it didn't end there
24:42with the first claim.
24:44A lot of them repeated it.
24:46So why didn't she investigate them thereafter?
24:49She could have said, well, here's all these names here.
24:51They could have done it again.
24:53And she could have aided people in current lawsuits, because there may have been precedent
24:58before where these guys molested kids, and they were in the names and the files that
25:03she had.
25:04But we wanted her to release the files to help the current people.
25:09And she didn't do that either.
25:11So her record for prosecuting these 500 guys that we have on our list for San Francisco
25:17predators, her record for prosecuting them is zero.
25:20Her record for investigating them is zero.
25:23And her record for helping people in the current lawsuits against these predators is zero.
25:29What is motivating her?
25:31Some powerful forces?
25:32Some contributors?
25:34What is the deal?
25:35Well, at the time during her tenure, the Bishop of San Francisco was Levada, and he was the
25:41most powerful bishop in the United States.
25:44He had a number of people working for him that were predators that had been sued already
25:50or claims had been paid already.
25:53And there were more coming.
25:55I think, I can't prove it, but there's something going on where she didn't want to release
26:01the files.
26:03And she said she's protecting the victims.
26:06And I'm one of them, of a San Francisco priest.
26:09She wasn't protecting us.
26:10We wanted the names of these predators out there.
26:14So she was shielding them.
26:16And I don't know why she was shielding them as much as she was.
26:20Do you want her question about this during the course of the campaign?
26:23She's been using the fact that she was this fantastic prosecutor and she went after pedophiles
26:28and defended children.
26:29And you said, wait a minute.
26:31No, she didn't.
26:32We have our cases here.
26:33You want her questioned about this?
26:35And in the minute we have left, what do you want to say to her?
26:38I would like to say, why didn't you prosecute?
26:41We have a list of over 500 predators in California while she was attorney general.
26:47We have a list of over 1100 predators while she was attorney general.
26:52She didn't prosecute any of them either while she was attorney general either.
26:56I would like to ask her, why didn't you prosecute one of the 1100?
27:01I would love to ask her that question.
27:04And why did you ignore me and the other victims who are claiming that these predators were
27:08in ministry with kids right under your nose in the city?
27:12And you claim to have a black belt in prosecuting child molesters.
27:16You have a black belt in prosecuting child molesters.
27:19Why didn't you prosecute one out of 1100 of them?
27:24I would love to ask her that question to her face.
27:26I'd like to ask her to Joey, but she's in hiding.
27:30She's not revealing herself and she will not submit herself to the American people
27:34to be questioned.
27:35Everything's being choreographed.
27:36First of all, I'm sorry you had to go through this.
27:40Secondly, I thank you for what you're doing with SNAP.
27:44And thirdly, I wish you all the best.
27:45Well, thank you very much.
27:53Welcome back, America.
27:54We're here with our friend Newt Gingrich.
27:55Newt Gingrich, Kamala Harris, was nominated before their convention.
28:02She usurped the primary process, as did the Democrat operatives, and now she seeks to
28:07circumvent the general election by making herself largely unavailable to serious questioners.
28:15You know, they get to vote in dictatorships.
28:18They vote in Russia.
28:20They vote in North Korea.
28:21They vote in Iran.
28:22They vote in Venezuela and so forth.
28:25Voting is one thing.
28:26It's very important.
28:27But in America, we like to vote with information and knowledge.
28:31She's making a mockery of this democratic system, isn't she?
28:34Well, I think the whole Democratic Party is in a very difficult paradox.
28:40They want to run around and talk about protecting democracy while they shove out of office a
28:46president who had won every single delegate or 92, 94 percent of delegates.
28:53Then they pivot and they handpick, I mean, the bosses, the Obamas, the Pelosi's.
28:59They handpick Kamala Harris, no primaries, no votes.
29:05And they basically say to all the delegates, this is your new leader.
29:08And then, of course, the elite media promptly builds her up.
29:12She gets a cover of Time magazine looking like she is a model or a movie star.
29:18And we're supposed to now forget everything we know.
29:22Then they run a convention which assumes that the American people are so stupid that
29:27they can't figure out what are facts and what are fantasies.
29:31And they would like us to believe that she was never in the Biden administration, that
29:36she's brand new, that she's the candidate of change.
29:40You go down the list and it's it's an absurdity.
29:43It is an absurdity.
29:45And the media are an absurdity.
29:46They're like Pravda in Russia.
29:48They're like Al Jazeera in Qatar.
29:51But they don't care.
29:52I mean, they drag Joe Biden across the finish line and then pretended they didn't when they
29:56broomed him out.
29:58Now they got her nominated, pulled her off the shelf and they want to drag her across
30:01the finish line.
30:02You think it's going to work?
30:03Probably not.
30:04I think there are, you know, I mean, first of all, I think it's very hard in a free society
30:10to sustain a lie.
30:13People talk to each other.
30:14I told people all along that I never worried, for example, about the Biden Trump debate,
30:20because two days after the debate, people go to the grocery store.
30:22Well, next week, people are going to go to the grocery store.
30:26They're going to realize that much of what Kamala Harris has said is a lie, that many
30:29of her policy, she has a handful of policy ideas out there, almost all of them bad, almost
30:35all involve higher taxes, destroying the economy.
30:39And of course, reality keeps creeping in.
30:41They lost a million jobs this week because they found that the government agencies had
30:48A million jobs disappeared this week in what they were claiming.
30:53And I think you're going to find again and again that particularly between Waltz, who
30:58is the most radical nominee for a major party in American history, and Kamala, that this
31:05is a ticket so far to the left, so pro big taxes, so pro big government.
31:12I just don't see how they survive.
31:14Well, they're definitely trying to conceal who she is and who they are.
31:18And what they have in store, God forbid, if she wins, is truly the radical change of America,
31:25our economic system, our border system, our defense system, and our allies will go down
31:32with us, won't they?
31:34I mean, the fact is we have a project called the America's New Majority Project.
31:38We do tons and tons of polling.
31:41By 59 to 16, the American people prefer free market capitalism to big government socialism.
31:50And if you look at her speech last Friday in North Carolina, she's clearly for big government
31:57She wants the government to run everything.
31:59And the fact is the average American, by about a four to one margin, believes that that doesn't
32:07It's not about ideality.
32:09They have ideas about forcing all of us into electric cars, which clearly is not working.
32:16People will not go out and voluntarily buy.
32:18You know, it's about 10 percent of the market that wants a car.
32:23I'm all for those who want an electric car, but 90 percent of the country doesn't.
32:27Well, in a free society, you cannot have policies that are imposed upon the American people
32:34or they will rebel.
32:35And their method of rebelling is to vote you out of office.
32:38When we come back, Newt Gingrich, they're changing their wording now from democracy
32:42to freedom.
32:44Is the modern day Democrat Party for individual liberty and freedom?
33:21We're about to do.
34:22We have to buy.
34:48We're about to do.
35:11We have to buy.
35:39We have to buy.
