• last year
00:00Hello America, I'm Mark Levin, and this is Life, Liberty, and Levin Sunday.
00:04Thank you for being here.
00:05We have two great guests, Pete Hegseth and Brent Bozell, later in the program.
00:10I always tell you I'm very blessed to be in this position, to have this platform, but
00:14even more, I'm blessed to have you as an audience.
00:17You're patriotic, you're smart, you're attentive, and you want to learn.
00:22And you want to know, because you want to help save this country, and I'm with you 100%.
00:28In last evening's program, I talked a bit about democracy.
00:30Well, we're going to call this Democracy Part 2, and we're going to dig even deeper.
00:36So I'm glad you're with us.
00:37Have you ever heard of this group called Freedom House?
00:39They're sort of left of center, but it's a pretty good organization that keeps track
00:44of fascism, Marxism, authoritarianism, that is, regimes that are repressive and oppressive.
00:51And they put out this report in 2017, their latest report, talking about what's happening
00:58throughout the world, and they're very concerned about it.
01:01And the report focuses mainly on communist China and fascistic Russia, but addresses
01:05other countries as well.
01:08And so their concern is that we're seeing democracies more and more that are turning
01:14into authoritarian regimes.
01:16Now, let's talk about this.
01:19This is important.
01:22I want to relate this to the United States.
01:24As I go through this, you think about this, too, and what's happening in your country,
01:29our country.
01:31They talk about repression in the modern authoritarian state and the strategy of the modern authoritarians
01:39within democracies.
01:40Repression, they say, is more subtle and calibrated, exploitation, looking for opportunities to
01:48advance the cause of authoritarianism in a relatively free society, crippling your
01:53political opposition without annihilating it, so you at least create the impression
01:59that you still have an opposition, but you cripple it, so it's not an effective opposition.
02:04The capturing of societal institutions, academia, entertainment, so forth and so on, dominate
02:13all branches of government, so you still have these branches of government, so you can still
02:17refer to separation of powers and branches of government and so forth and so on, but
02:21control them.
02:22Sound familiar?
02:24Electoral systems that give the illusion of democracy, but the elections are fundamentally
02:30unfair and you create a crude majoritarianism.
02:35Who's been warning us about that?
02:36I think his name is Donald Trump.
02:39Dominate the media, because the media and the party need to be essentially the same.
02:47Oligarchical control of the media, we have that today.
02:51Use high production, use entertaining content, but still the government slash party, or what
03:00I'll call the state and the monopoly party, control the media.
03:07Control of the security forces, control of the key elements of the economy, rewriting
03:12the history of the country to serve the purposes of the party, the purposes of the agenda,
03:21because the party is more important than the country.
03:24The party is the causal that you use to destroy or conquer the party.
03:31Allow through institutional checks and balances in the name of democracy and political mandates.
03:38We're doing it for the people.
03:40We were elected.
03:42Define all repressive acts as democratic in order to legalize repression.
03:49Maintain control over the electoral process, behind the scenes, false diversity and inclusion.
03:58Maintain control of the political process, the electoral process, but talk about the
04:03diverse population, how many people are voting.
04:07It's a fantastic democracy when it's not.
04:09Create the illusion of competitive elections while squelching it in reality.
04:15You need a government party.
04:18We have a government party.
04:19It's called the Democrat Party.
04:21That's why it keeps building the bureaucracy.
04:24That's why the bureaucracy is in full legislative mode when the Democrats control it.
04:29They use regulation, they use executive orders, they use the executive branch to bypass Congress.
04:36That's why they'll shut down the government before they'll cut one penny for the massive
04:41administrative state, because the government, the Democrat Party, the administrative state
04:48and the media are effectively one.
04:52It exists to the government media.
04:54We have a government media.
04:55We have a party media.
04:57Look at all the Democrats who populate all the media platforms.
05:01Look at all the corporations that are Democrat supporting corporations that own the media
05:07There's simply no question about it.
05:09This massive administrative state serves the purposes of the Democrat Party.
05:13It is permanent.
05:15It is freedom killing.
05:16It is a leviathan.
05:18It is a ubiquitous force with immense police powers.
05:23The government is to be a neutral entity when you have a democracy, but not in authoritarianism.
05:31Increasing authoritarian state.
05:34It tolerates the plurality of parties as long as it is the dominant party.
05:42As long as the government functions for the one party.
05:48The government and the party are indissoluble.
05:53They collude to do things like restrict free speech, to rewrite our language, pronouns,
06:00what's a woman, to impose beliefs and thought processes, CRT, DEI, ESG, you name it.
06:11Rewrite the language, change the meaning of words, impose new belief systems, thought
06:18control constantly, day in and day out in the government run schools, in their media,
06:25in their culture, shame people who don't go along, dismiss them, accuse them of being
06:32things that they're not.
06:35We call this propaganda brainwashing.
06:38But ultimately, fundamentally, the goal is to re-engineer society and the individual
06:45to acquiesce to the demands of the party and the state.
06:49You see this all around you, America.
06:51But they didn't write this Freedom House for America.
06:53They were talking about Russia and China and other regimes.
06:56I'm talking about America.
06:59Big government, more spending, more bureaucrats, IRS agents, rule by regulation, rule by executive
07:07order, not the representatives of the people.
07:11More audits, more investigations, more penalties, more fines, price controls, wage controls,
07:19government run health care, eliminate the private sector, nationalized drug companies
07:23by snatching their patents, a wealth tax which is an ownership tax on private property, confiscatory
07:32increases on taxes for successful people, demonize them as rich, crippling taxes on
07:39American industry, call them corporate taxes, government control of education, government
07:46control of the upbringing of your children.
07:48In Minnesota, throughout this country, parental rights are under attack.
07:55Control what your children read in public schools and elsewhere.
07:59And when you object and say, take that filth off the shelf, you're accused of book burning
08:03and book banning.
08:05The destruction of the nuclear family, all kinds of sex acts and sexual perversion and
08:11reassignment and all the rest is an attack on the nuclear family and the social bonds.
08:20Reshape the family.
08:22Reshape the population.
08:24All this reengineering and rejiggering is intended to empower the government and the
08:31The government and the Democrat party.
08:36Mass amnesty.
08:37They've already told us what that means, to reshape the electorate.
08:41Mass voter registration, eliminate voter ID, early voting, late voting, voter harvesting,
08:46drop boxes.
08:48That's not democracy, that's mobocracy.
08:50And again, that's not democracy, that's mobocracy.
08:54It's happening right now.
08:56A propaganda war against the founding, 1619 replaces 1776.
09:02The war on the Constitution, the war on the Bill of Rights, the First Amendment, the Second,
09:06the Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Eighth, Ninth, and Tenth, the Fourteenth Amendment, separation
09:11of powers.
09:13Eliminate the electoral college to empower the Democrat party in the big cities.
09:17Pack the court with leftists, and if you can't pack it, change the court.
09:21Eliminate the filibuster so you don't slow down this juggernaut of Democrat party big
09:27government legislation that you can never reverse.
09:31Destroy them.
09:33But then claim you're defending them.
09:34Oh, excuse us, we're defending democracy.
09:36We're defending law.
09:38We're defending the Constitution.
09:40Which brings us directly to the Democrat party convention last week.
09:45What was it?
09:46What was that convention?
09:47It was a farce.
09:48It was a farce of a democratic process.
09:51Glitzy, highly produced, star-studded, the media was slobbering all over, media analysis,
09:58wall-to-wall coverage, music, all the rest, dancing, was an abomination of authoritarianism
10:04on full display.
10:06That's what it was.
10:07It was a Potemkin convention, a fake, fraudulent convention celebrating the successful palace
10:15coup by Kamala Harris, the vice president, against Joe Biden, the president.
10:21That's what it was.
10:23Wasn't Obama, wasn't Pelosi, it was Harris.
10:28She overthrew the president.
10:32She did it.
10:33They create the pretense of a democratic primary that had all the markings of a fascist disenfranchisement
10:40of millions of voters.
10:42They toppled the party's democratically elected nominee for a buffoonish, incompetent, inexperienced,
10:51extremist idiolot who would never and could never receive the presidential nomination
10:56through a legitimate process.
10:59Not one damn vote.
11:00That's the way dictatorships, Marxist regimes, military juntas, monarchies, Islamist states,
11:07that's the way they operate.
11:08This is a first for the United States of America.
11:10It's happening right in front of your eyes.
11:13The media have been covering it.
11:14They've been covering it like a pillow, suffocating it, so you can't really understand what's
11:21taking place.
11:22But we're told by the party and its media, the Democrat Party and its media, that it
11:27was historic, that it was joyful, that it was exciting, that it was spectacular.
11:34The first black woman nominee for president ever.
11:38Of course, the vice president had already been selected by the party apparatchiks in
11:43something called a virtual nomination.
11:45We've never seen anything like this.
11:48Many days before last week's convention.
11:51And without a single vote from any citizen, without any challengers, without any debate,
11:59That's a coup.
12:03She was selected.
12:06She led the coup.
12:08She organized it.
12:10She was selected.
12:13And the convention was nothing more than this Potemkin village.
12:16It was a fake.
12:18It wasn't a political convention.
12:22A complete fabrication.
12:25A propaganda operation with the full support of the government slash Democrat Party media.
12:33And then is now, no serious interview for this candidate.
12:36No serious press events, even with their party press.
12:40No access.
12:42In over a month.
12:44Just in-kind media, hundreds of millions in contributions from the phony press.
12:51The Democrat Party oligarchs donating billions of dollars to create a fiction, to create
12:56an image of our great new historic leader with paid TV ads.
13:02Party surrogates spread out from Capitol Hill, from different organizations, from within
13:07the media, telling us what to think.
13:11What Kamala Harris really believes.
13:13Oh, she's not flip-flopping.
13:16Massive propaganda brainwashing operation.
13:20Like in authoritarian regimes.
13:21Oh, she'll eventually deign us and honor us with an interview, maybe a couple debates.
13:27Oh yes, she'll show a little ankle here and there.
13:31But nothing that might reveal her grand plans, her past record, her incoherence, her babblings,
13:38her anger.
13:39Remember that?
13:40Curses out staff all the time, uses the F word.
13:43But now she smiles and laughs and she's joyful.
13:47A complete fiction, a recreated image.
13:52That's all it is.
13:53They're not going to give us anything that might pierce this fictional veil, carefully
13:57created by the party and its media, to protect her from us.
14:01We the people.
14:02You see, we're the unwashed.
14:04We're the pleads.
14:05We just got to go along with it.
14:07Just go vote and vote for her.
14:10This is democracy, according to the Democrat Party and its media.
14:15This is what they seek to defend in their election.
14:18We're defending democracy, they say.
14:21The real danger to democracy, they tell us over and over again, is the other party, the
14:25Republican Party, not Donald Trump.
14:28Remember, he's Hitler.
14:30He wants to be a dictator.
14:32Just remember, he hates the Constitution.
14:36Just remember, January 6th, that is the party, the Republican Party that actually held primaries,
14:43the party that honored the results of the primaries, the decision of the voters, the
14:48party that had a real convention and a real nominating process, the party that nominated
14:53for president a real candidate who actually campaigned throughout the country, who was
14:58ubiquitous, who did interviews, press events with friend and foe alike, who doesn't conceal
15:03his views, his policies, and his plans.
15:07A candidate who campaigns everywhere and anywhere, who speaks for 60 to 90 minutes.
15:14Oh, he talks too long, they say, who's demanding more debates, not less.
15:21He's the man who's opposed to democracy?
15:25That would be Donald Trump and the Republican Party.
15:28You see, Donald Trump and the Republican Party, they not only defend democracy, they practice
15:36I'll be right back.
15:37Welcome back, America.
15:38We're here with our friend Pete Hagseth, and it's good to have you, Pete, because tomorrow
15:43marks the third year anniversary of one of the greatest debacles in American military
15:49history, and that is the surrender to the Taliban in Afghanistan, the unbelievable murder
15:57of 13 American soldiers and hundreds of people wounded.
16:02We have Americans held hostage there still that they never talk about.
16:06We have allies, friends, interpreters, and others who are there, which this administration
16:11has done nothing.
16:12I understand they're actually giving billions of dollars to the Taliban.
16:15Now Kamala Harris has said that she's the last one Biden spoke to.
16:19She was proud of it.
16:21She was proud of what took place.
16:24Isn't this the problem with somebody who has no experience in foreign policy and national
16:28security and does everything based on ideology?
16:31Yes, she has not only does she have no experience, but she's been learning from the guy who's
16:36been wrong, as Bob Gates said, on every major foreign policy decision for the past 40 years
16:41to include his own administration.
16:44Kamala Harris was right there when Joe Biden made this call.
16:47If she had an inkling of an understanding of how bad this would unfold, she should have
16:52and would have spoken up, but she didn't, which means she's completely complicit with
16:57abandoning our men, with the 13 who were killed while we relied on the Taliban for
17:01our security.
17:02And not just that, Mark, but the chaos that unfolded around the world after that, the
17:06invasion in Ukraine because Vladimir Putin saw a no stop sign.
17:10Same thing in Israel with the attack from Hamas that she's now on both sides of.
17:16She won't explain what she would do in Ukraine either.
17:19She has no worldview.
17:20She's an ideologue who barely likes, who comes from a Marxist background and is ambivalent
17:26about America's role in the world.
17:28So this is the Harris Biden administration at this point.
17:31She would have made the same call Joe did, which means the world sees the same signals
17:35from her.
17:36You know, Pete Higgs says if you're a serious person, a substitute person, and she's almost
17:4160 years old, she's lived a life and you, you actually learn as you go along in life.
17:48You know, you have absolutely no background experience or even common sense when it comes
17:52to national security or military affairs.
17:56Wouldn't you pick as your running mate somebody who does?
17:59Would you pick as your running mate somebody who, when they was called to duty to deploy,
18:05he went AWOL.
18:06I'm tired of people saying, thank you for your service.
18:09Thank you for nothing.
18:10You were in the National Guard, you were paid to be in the National Guard, you volunteered
18:14to be in the National Guard and it was time to act like you were in the National Guard
18:18and step up and deploy with your unit that you commanded.
18:22You went AWOL, you ran scared.
18:25That's what he did.
18:26Would you pick somebody like that as your running mate when you don't know a damn thing
18:30about national security and foreign policy?
18:32Well, of course, of course, if governing is what you believed in, you would.
18:35But if you're an ideologue who's very thin skinned, you pick another ideologue who will
18:40happily be deferential to you just because he's just happy to be there.
18:44They're both communist adjacent at best.
18:48They both have really radical worldviews.
18:50And you're exactly right about Tim Walz.
18:52He's Tim A. Walz.
18:53It's like, it's like training.
18:54It's like playing 24 seasons in the NFL.
18:58And then your team finally makes it to the Super Bowl and you say, nope, I'm good.
19:03I'm out.
19:04I'll watch from the sidelines and, and go, you know, cash in and try to become a congressman
19:07while you do a 20 month tour in Iraq.
19:11This unit saw combat.
19:12He abandoned his men.
19:14His foreign policy experience is a whole lot of nothing.
19:16I don't know.
19:17It's destroying Minnesota, uh, is, is his background.
19:20So this is not just an ideological ticket.
19:23It's a grossly incompetent ticket who is who all about themselves.
19:26I mean, I'm listening to any guy I know that served with looks at Tim Walz and says, spotlight
19:33That guy loved it in peacetime, but when it took, it took, it was about time to hit the
19:38He said, nah, I'm good.
19:39I'm good.
19:41But you know what, Peter, it's even worse than that.
19:42You have to be some kind of a psycho to keep going around and acting like you actually
19:47did something you didn't do.
19:49When it comes to gun control, I didn't carry rifles like that into combat.
19:53You didn't carry a damn thing into combat.
19:55Or when he walks around with a coin that he has produced indicating that he had combat
20:00or he's on C-SPAN talking about he's in case he must've said it 10,000 times.
20:05This guy is a pathological liar.
20:08He lied about his DUI.
20:10He's lied about being a coach in football.
20:12He goes to communist China 30 times.
20:14Hell, I don't think I've been to McDonald's 30 times.
20:17This guy is bad news.
20:19He's a psycho.
20:20So when you have her, who's an ideologue, who can barely complete sentences, who's hiding
20:25from the American people, us, she's hiding from us.
20:28She doesn't want us to know her, her real views.
20:31She doesn't want to know us to know that she babbles just like Biden does.
20:35They don't want us to know about walls.
20:36They pretend, oh, he's from the Midwest.
20:39Now suddenly they're like heavy white guys from the Middle West who I thought we were
20:43supposed to hate.
20:45And this is the ticket that they offer, right?
20:47Mark, you saw it all on display at the DNC.
20:50You know, the left likes to talk a lot about cultural appropriation.
20:53You know what they're doing right now, Mark?
20:55Political appropriation.
20:56They say freedom everywhere.
20:58Well, what do they mean?
20:59Freedom to abort babies and push smut into schools.
21:02They throw on camo hats with a blaze orange on.
21:05We like to hunt too.
21:06We're outdoors.
21:07Suddenly they love football and coach and they stand with Israel and they believe in
21:11See, America is a center right country.
21:13They want common sense.
21:15They don't want radicalism.
21:17They know they're radicals and so they're hiding it and the media is letting them hide
21:22Uh, walls is the latest example of that.
21:23He's not some everyday Midwest guy.
21:26He let the cities in Minneapolis burn because of an ideal ideology.
21:30We have to expose them to the radicals.
21:32They are because the media of course won't do it.
21:34It's political appropriation.
21:35They want to look like Republicans because this country doesn't want the radicalism they're
21:40Pete Higgs, if we return the border, we have the greatest level of slavery taking place
21:44in this country since the end of the civil war, women sold into slavery, children sold
21:50into slavery.
21:51The vast majority of them, people of color, she may not be the borders are, of course
21:55she was, but she is the vice president of the United States.
21:59She does have power to do something about it.
22:02What exactly has she done?
22:06Welcome back America.
22:07The a non border czar and vice president of the United States was in charge of the border.
22:13Uh, we have more slavery going on in this country as a result of this open border.
22:18We've had since the end of the civil war, 330,000 unaccompanied children.
22:22They don't know where they are.
22:24She claims to care about children.
22:26Um, how do you get a promotion when you have this kind of a record, a disastrous record?
22:33And now you say, Hey, I'm qualified to be president of the United States.
22:36Why have a question that I'm not answering questions?
22:39The hell is this?
22:41Well, you know, Mark, government's full of people who fail up.
22:44Uh, and Kamala Harris is the latest example of that.
22:47And she, again, to the political appropriation line, she stood in front of that convention
22:51and said, I'm the one that wants secure borders.
22:54These are not the droids you're looking for.
22:56I want a border security, a bill.
22:59She knows full well what unfolded on her or her administration.
23:03Her administration's watch.
23:04She was supposed to be in charge of the border.
23:06She wanted it wide open cause that's what the left wanted to do.
23:09She didn't care one bit about average Americans who are affected now by this crime.
23:13That's why Donald Trump is so smart to go to the border, pull in, uh, angel bombs and
23:18others of, of those who've been killed by illegals humanize this issue.
23:22Americans care about the safety and security of their kids.
23:24Kamala Harris betrayed that she can give one speech, but she can't.
23:28What's she going to do when Donald Trump questions her on that?
23:30What's she going to do when she has an actual interview?
23:32If she ever has one, I don't know if she will.
23:34She can't.
23:35So they will cover for her as long as she can.
23:37But it is, it was her job.
23:39She failed it.
23:40Now she wants the big job and she'll do more of the same if she gets it.
23:43You know, Pete Hicks said she keeps plugging to this so-called bipartisan legislation that
23:47was negotiated in secret.
23:48Not a single Republican in the house supported it.
23:51Three moron Republicans in the Senate supported it.
23:54It would have enshrined for all time Biden's executive orders.
23:58It would have made it impossible for Donald Trump, God willing, who becomes president
24:03to actually secure the border.
24:05It would have enshrined millions of illegal aliens every single year coming into this
24:09country and they say, I will sign that.
24:12Here's my question.
24:14Where are the 330,000 unaccompanied minors?
24:18Forget about legislation, forget about signing.
24:21What about all the slavery that's occurred?
24:23Why don't you go down there?
24:25Why don't you speak out?
24:26Why don't you do something about it, Madam Vice President?
24:29We're supposed to give you a promotion when you're screwed up as vice president of the
24:33United States.
24:34What is this bipartisan legislation nonsense?
24:38Shame on the three Republicans that were foolish enough to sign onto it so they can call it
24:40bipartisan when it's not bipartisan at all.
24:44You're right.
24:45It's sex trafficking.
24:46It's fentanyl.
24:47It's dead Americans.
24:49I have the same.
24:50Why people can't see this drives me nuts.
24:53They choose to ignore.
24:54You know what?
24:55You know the reason why?
24:56They don't because no other networks cover this, Mark.
24:58You cover it.
24:59Bill Belusion covers it.
25:00Griff Jenkins covers it.
25:01We cover it.
25:03Others don't.
25:04Black Americans, you know, they may see the crime and see a little bit of that, but they
25:07don't they'll believe her lies when she says we want to control the board.
25:10No, they don't.
25:11They want it wide open.
25:13If they could have, they would have.
25:15And they didn't.
25:16So Trump's got to keep tying her to the last three and a half years because she's going
25:18to say forward.
25:19How do you look forward when you were the last three years?
25:23You can't let her get away with that bifurcation.
25:25I'll tell you how you're on to something.
25:28Karl Marx says forget about history.
25:31Forget about the past.
25:34It's all corrupt.
25:35Feudalism, capitalism, monarchalism.
25:38Get rid of it.
25:39The world begins today.
25:40It's a clean slate.
25:42You call her a Marxist.
25:44President Trump calls her a Marxist.
25:46I am glad.
25:47Enough of this progressive nonsense.
25:48Enough with the Marxists.
25:50They sound like Marx.
25:51They promote Marx.
25:53They attack the family like Marx.
25:54They attack sovereignty like Marx.
25:56They attack capitalism like Marx.
25:58They attack the Constitution like Marx.
26:00If it walks like a Marx and it quacks like a Marx, it's a Marx.
26:06Pete Hegseth, I want to thank you, my brother.
26:08God bless you for everything you do.
26:09Thank you, Art.
26:11I'm here with our friend Brent Bozell, Media Research Center founder and president.
26:17Brent Bozell, four full days of coverage of this Potemkin Convention.
26:23I didn't learn a damn thing about a damn thing.
26:25We have the media telling us what to think.
26:28The media telling us it's joyful.
26:30The vibes are great.
26:32We have John Carl telling George Stephanopoulos that Kamala Harris reminds her of Ronald Reagan
26:37and Margaret Thatcher.
26:40Are these guys smoking something?
26:42Did we learn something from this convention?
26:45And I'll give you some numbers which startled me.
26:49We took a survey of Democratic voters leading into the elections to see what they knew about
26:56Kamala Harris.
26:57Mark, the numbers are not to be believed.
27:0071% of Democrats didn't know that she supported reparations to atone for slavery.
27:0886% didn't know that she supports giving death row inmates the right to vote.
27:1473% of Democrats didn't know that she was a co-sponsor of the radical Green New Deal.
27:2181% of Democrats didn't know health insurance is one of the most important issues out there
27:27that she's in favor of eliminating all private health insurance.
27:32You heard me right.
27:3471% of Democrats didn't know that she was in favor of defunding the police.
27:3978% of Democrats didn't know that she set up the fund to bail out protesters during
27:48the 2020 riots.
27:50The border is the number two issue facing Americans.
27:54Democrats, Republicans alike are looking at the border being overrun and they're horrified
27:59by what's happening.
28:01With that in mind, 72% of Democrats didn't know that as Border Czar, she had never once
28:09been to a conflict zone.
28:11And they're actually pretending that she was never the Border Czar.
28:1477% of Democrats didn't know that she supports eliminating ICE.
28:21But here's the big one, Mark, the one that jumped off the page to me.
28:2574% of Democrats do not know that she is in favor of not making it a crime to cross the
28:35border illegally.
28:37In other words, complete open borders.
28:40Anybody can come in and it's not a crime to do that.
28:44So, that was leading into the convention.
28:48I can guarantee you, Mark Levin, leaving the convention, nothing's changed because they
28:53never addressed any one of these issues.
28:56Had they made their case to the American people on all these things, saying, I believe these
29:01things, I believe that death row inmates ought to get the right to vote, I believe we need
29:06to eliminate the police, I believe we need to have open borders, I believe we need to
29:10take away your private health insurance.
29:12Had she made that argument, Donald Trump would be ahead by 30 points right now.
29:17You're 100% right.
29:18So let's dig into this a little bit.
29:20So we have a foreign democracy on the face of the earth.
29:23We're supposed to have the greatest free press on the face of the earth.
29:27And we have a candidate for President of the United States who's the Vice President of
29:31the United States.
29:32The American people do not know.
29:34And by God, if she has her way, her party has her way, and the media have her way, the
29:39American people will never know about her, right, up to and including on election day.
29:44And I see liberals and Democrats on this network and other networks say, but it's working.
29:50What's working?
29:52It's not working for the American people.
29:54What do you see?
29:55Well, it's working because those same Democrats in the media are enabling it for it to happen.
30:01Look, Mark, you know, I would think if I were a political reporter, and the old fashioned
30:08Bob Novak kind of political reporter, today, this election cycle to me would be the most
30:15intriguing election of my lifetime.
30:19In the middle of the campaign, the Democratic nominee, the presumptive nominee, who also
30:25happens to be the President of the United States, is thrown under the bus by the Democratic
30:31political machine.
30:32I mean, what a story to investigate, and yet silence Kamala Harris, who was considered
30:40the whole time she was relatively inept of Vice President, everybody did, suddenly, suddenly,
30:47overnight, literally overnight, the entire Democratic machine declares she's the greatest
30:53thing since sliced bread.
30:55This is a great story for the media just to investigate, and yet, and yet, and yet, they
31:01have been the ones who have put the kibosh.
31:03All this talk about Kamala Harris won't do an interview.
31:06What about reporters doing the story?
31:08This is being lost.
31:10Reporters are deliberately keeping the kibosh on her record.
31:14They don't want the American people to know who she is.
31:17Yeah, and that's what happens in authoritarian regimes, not great constitutional republics.
31:22So what is this?
31:23Is it an authoritarian regime, or is it a great constitutional republic?
31:27We'll explore that when we return.
