Silent Hill: Homecoming-People Are Losing Their Minds

  • last month
Everyone is crazy. Also checkout and and and and and
00:00I talked to this lady, I got to get that key.
00:05Is this what you wanted?
00:07All right.
00:08You got your memories.
00:10I got the key.
00:11Now I'm supposed to go to the painting room.
00:20Wait, wait, wait.
00:25Is this it?
00:27Oh my God.
00:29Wow, I went everywhere but here.
00:37I couldn't remember your name.
00:39Don't you dare push me.
00:41Please help me.
00:42You better help me, punk.
00:44Don't push me.
00:55You better help me, punk.
00:57Don't let me fall.
00:59That would have knocked the wind out of you so bad.
01:00Josh is up there.
01:30If I was stay-point already.
01:43All right.
01:44No one attacked me.
01:45I'm doing something.
01:46All right.
01:49Ooh, what is that?
01:52very good what the hell is this oh a normal door a it doesn't look normal
02:22what is this way oh of course can I break this no move a tiny bit geez these
02:40controls look at Resident Evil like out here
02:54right that's gun that's knife pipe axe
03:10is there a key in oh my god
03:25no that scared the piss out of me I guess I'm back in Silent Hill bullshit
03:37dimension shut up a bitch
03:46dude he looks like an abusive dad mayor Bartlett me my mayor mayor Bartlett I
04:00need to talk to you yeah well make an appointment in my office
04:10what the hell's happened to Shepherds Glen you're the mayor these people are
04:15your responsibility now you listen to me you little asshole I did everything I
04:20could to protect those people but you can't stop what's already been started
04:24what the hell else do you want from me
04:30what about your son don't you want to protect him he's cut my boy I didn't do
04:37much right with him but I did buy him some nice things remember Joey remember
04:45that nice present I got you I don't know which buttons I'm looking for my
04:52brother Joshua and I know we used to be friends with your son have you seen
04:55either of them Joey Joey doesn't want to play with you why do you want to know
05:02about him because I thought he and Joshua might be together do you know
05:08where they are maybe you can take me to them I'm not going anywhere with you you
05:12freak right can't you take a hit and get the hell away from me I just want to
05:18stay here and sleep in the garden oh Joey loves his little garden
05:36what the hell is this belongs to your son doesn't it where is he
05:44Joey yes Joey he and my brother were friends I need to find him
05:57you shouldn't have come back Alex times are bad people don't trust me anymore I
06:06can't protect them protect them from what what did you do
06:14something has come taking everyone away
06:20you can't stop them
06:26who's taking them what are you talking about
06:31where's my brother
07:31that guy got after Oh No
08:29I went to dodge I suck no dude
08:52the dodging
09:08this game is horrible
09:34no not him strawberry
09:40all right fuck it
09:53okay I gotta chop his limbs off oh my asshole
10:04all right I'm getting my butt kicked so bad
10:11no no no no no
10:23dude get fucking shit
10:29I I hate the controls that was a sick jump off
10:50no dude
10:59these fucking dodging suck all right fuck the guy
11:13I'm gonna fucking rip my fucking dick off
11:28fucking hate this combat
11:39I got hit his asshole after that
11:44oh you fucking prick
11:57to the butthole
12:03wait what
12:13I don't know if this is what I'm supposed to do but it does the ant the
12:29sound effect
12:43oh no no no dude are you fucking kidding me guy
13:13all right this game is trash
13:36yep that's the the way I fucking wanted to dodge dude
14:13so I literally had hit X on its head it didn't tell me a dang thing
15:34the load times are insane on this game
16:24I'm in jail
16:27anybody here
16:38interesting I got my weapons they took everything even my flashlight
16:57wait what the hell was that sound I need some tools bro wait well do I man I
17:13wasted so many potions on that freaking ass
17:27what is that where the are all right all right can I anything in the toilet
17:36this game dude this game
17:57what the hell deputy Wheeler well well back in the world of living how did I
18:09get here I put you here haven't quite made up my mind about you yet
18:13Wheeler come on you know me let me out you won't be going anywhere
18:18till I get some answers start talking I don't know last thing I remember I was
18:26in a greenhouse with Mayor Bartlett Sam Bartlett that lunatic where is he I got
18:34a couple of questions I'd like to ask him about what's been going on around
18:37here well you're not gonna be able to ask him anything he's dead dead see it
18:47and you better start telling me what you up to Alex I want to know right now I'm
18:52just trying to find my brother okay I thought the mayor might know something
18:56his son is missing too a lot of people are missing but that doesn't give you
19:00the right to kill a man I didn't kill anybody then what happened to Mayor
19:05Bartlett it was some kind of creature but worse than the others it came to
19:12life out of the goddamn tree that's what killed him and that's the truth I swear
19:17so you've seen the creatures too we should get moving I'm not sure it's safe
19:23here anymore wow I can't just trust that fast
19:27dude you yeah let me out maybe give me my axe gotta do a little warm-up run
19:37he's gonna get got so fast my big strong night please don't don't take this man
19:46from me please no looks clear stay close I'm gonna check it out first bro
20:05let me oh no we're not going that way
20:15who a save point my hero
20:34hold up I gotta think listen I think I know someone that can help us out
20:38okay the doctor is tied up in all the same shit as the mayor Doc Fitch yeah
20:44they all know a hell of a lot more than they're letting on and I'm sick of being
20:48in the dark hey who are you talking about no time for that now Alex just
20:52trust me we need to get to the doctor before something happens to him too all
20:58right stand back
21:03come on the exit is this way
21:18oh my god fuck my shit in my pants is this it
21:48oh dude there's no I'm on my way to the sheriff station something's after me
21:58now head to the parking lot behind the station we'll meet you there
22:02clear a path in the lobby and break down the barricade I'll cover you okay all
22:07right ready wait take four rounds that's all you got your dirty fuck boy
22:37all right there's gotta be ammo right ammo sit and watch some TV this is
23:02bullshit dude that does not make me happy
23:14where you want to fuck you want to fuck on me come here bug thing I'm a jig
23:34Oh fucking hurt that hurts oh no I can't stun lock you like the nurses
23:48I'm dead I'm just gonna I was just gonna let him kill me oh my god okay
24:14well now I know they're not those guys
24:18you ugly bitch oh fuck you guys I'm out of here
24:42nope nope
25:01why am I framed so bad why are my frames like this this game
25:25where'd you go oh yeah where's Jesus Christ I'm so f'ed in the butt is this
25:41ammo oh my god yes how do I reload I don't know how okay
26:05all right I guess I just got a run
26:48can I drive out of here
27:18get out of my face
27:44he's got lady legs
28:44why did they take so fucking long Jesus Christ
29:44we're loading forever those guys are so strong I hate them
31:36we're gonna find her okay this is all connected when we find Josh we're gonna find her too
31:57oh sewer rats no save point you son of a guns I'm so boned save point no bitch I already
32:19got this going
32:47I see a 4 on the door what does that stand for I hope she has a weapon man what the
33:33Jesus is he still in let's go
33:43oh you got nails bro oh my god Ellie you fucking idiot Ellie bro you fucking just
34:04stand back there what are you doing got the piss be out of me for what fuck you Ellie
34:30you're a bad friend
34:41dude how's it going I've been I've been good actually how is there no save point oh a save
35:07point oh that's cool dude yeah life's pretty much the same over here that's that's fucking
35:22awesome man are you kidding it's not catching this whole time well it doesn't matter the
35:30stream is this is it anyways oh my god I haven't streamed in like Jesus a month so there's gonna
35:43be a lot of bumps I gotta iron out
