The Architect

  • last month
When a couple sets out to build their dream house, they enlist the services of an uncompromising modernist architect, who proceeds to build HIS dream house instead of theirs.

Jonathan Parker
Catherine Di Napoli, Jonathan Parker
Parker Posey, James Frain, John Carroll Lynch

00:02:30If they do, we're looking for an hourly close above 6898,
00:02:32and for the TSX, we're looking for an hourly close on Friday above 15,000.
00:02:46It's 7.20, the border stop this morning is Central Bronx,
00:02:48which is gonna be trading above the top of the panic zone.
00:02:51We've got a new early warning signal up there.
00:03:00The next mathematical target is 3760, we've been collecting my data back out up to December 1st.
00:03:17Talk number two this morning is Twitter, and that Twitter got you caught on Tuesday.
00:03:20We've got the TSX selling on Wednesday.
00:03:30A colonial?
00:03:53Yeah, I always liked colonials.
00:03:55I know, I just didn't think you were serious.
00:03:57It's the perfect combination. Old world charm, modern convenience.
00:04:00Wait, where are we? 18th century New England?
00:04:03No, I don't want to live in some fairytale replica of a bygone era, it's ridiculous.
00:04:07It doesn't really matter what the style is anyway.
00:04:09The important thing is a practical floor plan and a good location.
00:04:12I'm on a farce commute, I go to the schools.
00:04:14Oh, the schools are important.
00:04:15Yeah, I increase property price.
00:04:20What a transformation.
00:04:22I can't tell the old from the new.
00:04:23There isn't the old left, we just kept the facade, everything else is new.
00:04:27Wow, that's a million dollar view.
00:04:29That's closer to 1.3.
00:04:31Now there's a water view in every room.
00:04:34Remember how awful the place was when we bought it?
00:04:36With that chartreuse shag rug and the sprayed on cottage cheese ceiling?
00:04:40We thought the ceilings were only 8 feet.
00:04:42Believe it or not, they were 11 feet.
00:04:44We only found out when we poked through to put in those skylights.
00:04:47You remember how it was laid out like a train, just all long and narrow?
00:04:50We completely opened all of this up.
00:04:52We ran a huge steel beam the entire length of the house for support.
00:04:56It cost us 20 grand.
00:04:58It was so worth it.
00:04:59Our architect had a lot of creative ideas.
00:05:01It's a brand new house.
00:05:02It's completely different.
00:05:03I don't even recognize the place.
00:05:05That's because when we opened it all up, we had to relocate the staircase.
00:05:08Which completely changed the layout upstairs.
00:05:12Yeah, it would have been cheaper to build new.
00:05:14You're kidding.
00:05:15Well, there are a lot of hidden conditions.
00:05:17I mean, you don't know until you open up the walls.
00:05:19It was not cheaper to build new.
00:05:21Ivan did a lot of the work himself.
00:05:24You did?
00:05:26You programmed the audio and lighting systems throughout the whole house.
00:05:29That can be tricky.
00:05:30Yeah, I hope you wore a hard hat for that.
00:05:34Remember the kitchen?
00:05:35It was totally original condition.
00:05:37Hadn't been updated at all.
00:05:39Formica counters, electric stove, avocado green fridge, linoleum.
00:05:44It was sweet.
00:05:45Sweet, yeah, but not really suited to our lifestyle.
00:05:48We gutted it completely.
00:05:49Oh, I've gotten so many compliments on your plates, Drew.
00:05:52Oh, that's so nice.
00:05:54Drew, you made those?
00:05:56Oh my God, those are beautiful.
00:05:57I had no idea how creative you were.
00:05:59She has a really great eye for color, doesn't she?
00:06:01Right, I keep telling her we can grow the business.
00:06:03You know, the right marketing.
00:06:04You could be moving thousands of units.
00:06:06Moving units, it's so funny.
00:06:08Would you make a set for us?
00:06:09Seriously, we'd commission you.
00:06:11Oh, you signed it.
00:06:12I was going to ask you to sign it.
00:06:13I have no doubt these are going to be worth some money down the line.
00:06:17Drew Davis?
00:06:18I use my maiden name for artistic pursuits.
00:06:22So, I heard you guys found a house.
00:06:24Yeah, we made an offer.
00:06:26There's been some back and forth.
00:06:27It's practically a tear down.
00:06:29Oh, that we're going to Lovingly Restore.
00:06:31It's our dream house.
00:06:32Don't say dream house.
00:06:34If we invest ourselves emotionally, it will be harder to walk away.
00:06:37I don't want to walk away.
00:06:38Well, you don't want them to know that.
00:06:39It gives them the upper hand.
00:06:41If you find something good, you have to move fast.
00:06:43We have to balance the need for a quick decision
00:06:45with the need for the right decision.
00:06:47For the right decision.
00:06:48Sometimes you have to take a chance.
00:06:50You go on a gut instant.
00:06:52Drew, we need to settle down,
00:06:55overcome our emotions,
00:06:57and make a sensible home purchase decision.
00:06:59You know, a house is like a marriage, right?
00:07:02You can't just jump in.
00:07:03And you can't just jump out if you want to unload it.
00:07:05You're stuck with that decision for a very long time.
00:07:14It is like a marriage.
00:07:15It is like a marriage.
00:07:16You do go by intuition.
00:07:18It's not something you can analyze.
00:07:20Intuition is a feeling.
00:07:21You don't base big decisions on feelings.
00:07:24You said it was like a marriage.
00:07:25Yeah, marriage is the biggest decision of all.
00:07:28You don't base that on just mere feelings.
00:07:39Have you seen our warming drawer?
00:07:45I like the way they did that recessed rectangle in the ceiling
00:07:48when it was lit up.
00:07:49Oh, that just killed me.
00:07:50Here they have a classic mid-century modern,
00:07:52and they remove all the original fixtures
00:07:54and replace them with recessed cans.
00:07:57I like recessed cans.
00:07:58They work, they're bright, you can see.
00:08:01You can see too much.
00:08:16I'm ovulating.
00:08:21I'm ovulating.
00:08:24Right now?
00:08:25How can you possibly tell?
00:08:26I mean, you just can.
00:08:27You know my body.
00:08:29I don't want to go into details, but, you know.
00:09:02I paddled 11 miles today.
00:09:05Totally exhausted.
00:09:07Why do you always have to go so far?
00:09:09It's not that far.
00:09:11I mean, I'll do 16 or 17 next time.
00:09:22You can't expect me to turn on like a faucet, you know?
00:09:31At least try to seduce me a little.
00:09:34Seduce me a little?
00:10:05Aren't you a little underdressed?
00:10:08It's Saturday.
00:10:09You look like a little boy.
00:10:11What do I have to impress?
00:10:12The broker works for us.
00:10:13What about me?
00:10:14Honey, we're married.
00:10:16Hello, Drew.
00:10:17Hello, Colin.
00:10:18It's good to see you again.
00:10:19Your contractor's already here.
00:10:21It looks worse than last week.
00:10:23He just needs a little TLC.
00:10:25He's got good bones.
00:10:27It's great to find something that hasn't been ruined
00:10:29by a spec developer.
00:10:31It's cosmetic.
00:10:32That's why it's such a good deal.
00:10:34This location and the water view,
00:10:36it's got endless possibilities.
00:10:38You just need a little imagination.
00:10:47You need to replace all the windows.
00:10:49But you don't need to use wood.
00:10:50Vinyl's cheaper.
00:10:51Vinyl is weird.
00:10:53Well, I recommend composite.
00:10:55It's not vinyl and it's not wood.
00:10:57But it looks like wood and it lasts forever.
00:10:59If it's not vinyl and it's not wood,
00:11:02then what is it?
00:11:08Overall, what do you think?
00:11:11Oh, seems pretty sturdy.
00:11:13I mean, there could be hidden conditions
00:11:15that have to pull off some of the siding.
00:11:18But, uh, let's see.
00:11:21It's so peaceful.
00:11:23And quiet.
00:11:25Country living close to the city.
00:11:27There's history here, too.
00:11:29This house was rented one summer by Courtney Love.
00:11:32Okay, so roughly, ballpark,
00:11:34what's it gonna take to clean this up?
00:11:36Top of my head, um...
00:11:38$200 a square foot, depending on finishes.
00:11:42I'll take that.
00:11:43I'll take that.
00:11:44I'll take that.
00:11:45I'll take that.
00:11:46I'll take that.
00:11:47$200 a square foot, depending on finishes.
00:11:51200 a foot, 2,500 square feet?
00:11:55That's $500,000.
00:11:59You can finance the home improvements
00:12:01along with the purchase price.
00:13:09Your new home.
00:13:12Oh, wow.
00:14:17Oh, my God.
00:14:39It's all right.
00:14:41It's their tree, so it's okay.
00:15:02So you just closed yesterday?
00:15:07Boy, are you screwed.
00:15:11I'm just kidding.
00:15:12You're totally covered.
00:15:15Tear it down.
00:15:16It's a no-brainer.
00:15:18It'd be cheaper to build new.
00:15:20Where do we begin?
00:15:22There's an architect named Ray Jenkins
00:15:24does a lot of work in the area.
00:15:26I built a house of his down on Fulton Road.
00:15:53Is this a house?
00:16:08I'm Putnam Hatch, and I find it ironic
00:16:10that I'm known less for the Hatch Foundation
00:16:12than I am for the Hatch House,
00:16:14my private residence designed by the firm of Sullivan and Moss.
00:16:17Now, the Hatch Foundation
00:16:19is actually a global philanthropic organization.
00:16:44Hi, I'm looking for the architect, Leo Sullivan.
00:16:51I saw a house that he designed at 299 Fulton Road.
00:16:56I designed that house.
00:16:58Are you Leo Sullivan?
00:17:00Sullivan is dead.
00:17:03Oh, um, who am I speaking to?
00:17:06Miles Moss.
00:17:28It's so exciting to meet you.
00:17:31I just love the house on Fulton Road.
00:17:34Thank you.
00:17:36Here it is.
00:17:38We call it the Hatch House.
00:17:41You're here all alone?
00:17:43The firm's transitioning.
00:17:45I apologize if I sounded cryptic on the phone.
00:17:47Mr. Sullivan died unexpectedly three months ago
00:17:50and, uh, left a lot of creditors.
00:17:53He was your partner?
00:17:54Leo's role was more on the business side.
00:17:57As it turns out, my confidence in him was misplaced.
00:18:01I am so glad that you like the Hatch House.
00:18:04I had a wonderful client, Putnam Hatch.
00:18:07Any time I've ever done anything good,
00:18:10it's because I've had a wonderful client.
00:18:12What makes a wonderful client?
00:18:15Someone who inspires me.
00:18:19Can I?
00:18:22As an architect, I have the job of transforming hopes and dreams
00:18:26into wood, glass, steel, and concrete.
00:18:30But dreams aren't there.
00:18:32There's very little I can do.
00:18:35There will never be a great architect without a great client.
00:18:42I can tell by your style you're a creative person.
00:18:45You appreciate the process.
00:18:47Yeah, I do.
00:18:49It's very satisfying when a client gets as excited as I do.
00:18:54Do all architects start by drawing?
00:18:56Many prefer the computer.
00:18:57I'm old school.
00:18:59With a pen and paper, I'm free.
00:19:01I could redesign the entire city of Paris in half an hour.
00:19:05You mentioned your father was an architect.
00:19:08Called himself an old-fashioned modernist.
00:19:11The modernists had this absurd idea
00:19:13that you could heal the world through architecture.
00:19:17Of course, that's impossible.
00:19:19Nobody expects architects to have grand visions anymore.
00:19:24What a shame.
00:20:44I just love the way you combine vintage and contemporary.
00:20:49Miles, I'd like you to meet my husband, Collin Stone.
00:20:52Miles, Miles.
00:20:54That's quite the house, that $2.99 Fulton.
00:20:56We call it the Hatch House.
00:20:58It's named after the client.
00:21:00That's traditionally how it works.
00:21:01Whatever you build here would be called the Stone House.
00:21:05Well, Mr. Hatch must be a wealthy man.
00:21:08People assume that interesting architecture is expensive,
00:21:12but it's not necessarily so.
00:21:14There are a lot of new and innovative materials out there.
00:21:18So how would you describe your style?
00:21:20What were your influences?
00:21:21Influence is a difficult subject for me.
00:21:24I try to avoid it.
00:21:26It would be a nightmare if I started to think about it.
00:21:28Just tie my hands.
00:21:30None of us invented the house.
00:21:32That happened thousands of years ago.
00:21:35Remarkable property.
00:21:38Yeah, I must admit, as much as I love the old house,
00:21:41I feel we have a tremendous opportunity.
00:21:44Oh, I agree.
00:21:45Tremendous opportunity.
00:21:46Let's say we wanted a 3,000 square foot house,
00:21:48four bedrooms, three baths, and ballpark.
00:21:51What's that going to set us back?
00:21:53Well, it's a bit like saying you want to marry a woman
00:21:55who's 5'6 and 125 pounds.
00:21:58Many women would fit the criteria,
00:22:00but you wouldn't love them.
00:22:02And what's more important is designing a house
00:22:05that suits your needs.
00:22:08And our budget.
00:22:10Well, yes, that's one of your needs,
00:22:12but beyond budget, you have other needs,
00:22:14your hopes, your dreams.
00:22:17I need to learn those things.
00:22:19My process begins with a period of intense communication.
00:22:22I need to find out who you are deep down.
00:22:25What are your eating habits, your bathing habits,
00:22:28your sleeping habits, and privacy needs?
00:22:31The more open you are, the more input I have to work with.
00:22:37Important consideration will the family grow
00:22:40and change over time.
00:22:42On the practical side, you know, we can't just think about
00:22:45what it feels to Colin and Drew,
00:22:47we've got to think about the resale value.
00:22:49Most people don't stay in a house more than 7 years.
00:22:52What? That's crazy.
00:22:54It's true. Look it up.
00:22:56Again, the assumption is that innovative architecture
00:22:59must not only be expensive,
00:23:01but in practical, I find the opposite is true.
00:23:10He's hot.
00:23:12I like it.
00:23:19I like it.
00:23:50I'm tired, honey.
00:23:52I rode 34 miles today.
00:23:54I just kind of want to relax, you know?
00:23:57We have to have sex to make a baby.
00:24:00Wow. Can you add a little more pressure to the situation?
00:24:07I got a full plate at work.
00:24:09We just made a huge investment in this house.
00:24:11Now we have to build a whole new one.
00:24:13He makes me uncomfortable.
00:24:15He's too much of an artist.
00:24:17What if we don't like what he comes up with?
00:24:19He's an amazing, like, creative person.
00:24:21He has fresh ideas that we would never think of.
00:24:24Why can't you be more supportive of his creativity?
00:24:26Because it's all ego and vanity.
00:24:28That's why. And I'm telling you,
00:24:30that's going to show up in added cost.
00:24:32He just, he thinks differently.
00:24:38I don't know.
00:24:41I wish I could get inside his head for just a day.
00:24:45I like the chemistry between us.
00:24:47Chemistry? Drew, we've got to think practically here.
00:24:50What if we want to sell in a few years?
00:24:52You do not want to be upside down on a mortgage.
00:24:54Why are you talking about selling?
00:24:56We haven't even built it yet. Why?
00:24:58I don't like the idea of separate interviews.
00:25:00What if we contradict each other?
00:25:02If I wanted to talk to somebody about my feelings,
00:25:04I'd hire a therapist, not an architect.
00:25:06Maybe you should.
00:25:07Hey, you know who's an architect?
00:25:09Elizabeth's brother-in-law. We should call him.
00:25:16This was a spec house in Renton.
00:25:19We were supposed to do three others,
00:25:21but the developer went broke and the bank foreclosed.
00:25:25Here's a car wash in Everett.
00:25:32That was a good project.
00:25:34What makes a good project?
00:25:37When you get paid on time.
00:25:40This client wanted a French chateau,
00:25:43so we did an authentic reproduction.
00:25:52Elizabeth sends her regards.
00:26:07Well, we now have both proposals.
00:26:11Guess who's cheaper?
00:26:14Miles Moss.
00:26:21Here's my studio.
00:26:23Here's my studio.
00:26:37Don't look too closely.
00:26:39It's just a hobby I do for fun.
00:26:42What we do for fun is what really matters.
00:26:45Art only has meaning if the process comes
00:26:48from an inner compulsion.
00:26:50I wouldn't call it art.
00:26:54This is my process.
00:26:58Getting to know you and Colin.
00:27:01You're a creative person.
00:27:03You understand the dialogue between client and architect.
00:27:07There's an intimate one.
00:27:10When you talk about building, you're talking about dreams.
00:27:16You must never let yourself be overwhelmed
00:27:18by a rational analysis.
00:27:20When we're talking about a house, a room, a space,
00:27:24it's not something that you think,
00:27:26it's something that you feel.
00:27:29My main concern is separation.
00:27:34I need my own space.
00:27:36Of course.
00:27:38There must be a place for solitude.
00:27:40A couple can't be together if they have no place to be alone.
00:27:43Colin's uncomfortable alone,
00:27:45so the TV stays on to keep him company.
00:27:48Many people avoid solitude.
00:27:50It's frightening to be alone with your thoughts.
00:27:55You may find there are none.
00:28:04Do you intend to have children?
00:28:06We're trying.
00:28:09Our genes may not match.
00:28:12Well, it's an important consideration.
00:28:15The couple needs to have privacy
00:28:17so their children can have a place of their own
00:28:19so they don't drive everyone crazy.
00:28:35Oh, that's beautiful, isn't it?
00:28:40The Nautilus show.
00:28:44A symbol that goes back to the ancient Hindus.
00:28:49The golden ratio.
00:28:54Plato called it the key to the cosmos.
00:28:58From the structure of the human skeleton
00:29:01to the pattern on sunflower seeds,
00:29:03the ratio is there, seemingly
00:29:06a geometrical pattern for life itself.
00:29:27The golden ratio.
00:29:29It's everywhere.
00:29:40Accumulated benefits.
00:29:42Right, right.
00:29:44During the absorption period,
00:29:45the debt is divided into a series of staggered maturities.
00:29:50No problem.
00:29:52Look, if Drew answers questions differently than me,
00:29:54it doesn't mean we disagree.
00:29:56What does it mean?
00:29:57It means we haven't had a chance to talk about it yet.
00:29:59Sometimes she doesn't think a thing through logically.
00:30:02The point is, we know what we want.
00:30:03Of course, you could design it yourself.
00:30:05You'd just need someone to draw up the plans.
00:30:07No, I...
00:30:08It's like someone who has no knowledge of fashion
00:30:10and assumes it would be an amorphous sack.
00:30:13All I'm saying is,
00:30:15we want to make sure we get what we want.
00:30:17Well, that's why we're here, Colon.
00:30:18I'm trying to determine what you want.
00:30:20It's colon.
00:30:22The colon is the large intestine.
00:30:25Forgive my accent.
00:30:27One thing I want for sure is plenty of storage space.
00:30:31Now, is that the first thing that comes to mind?
00:30:33It's an important feature that is easily overlooked.
00:30:36Also, I want a whole house, multi-zone audio system.
00:30:40So I can listen to my music in any room
00:30:43while she listens to her music in another room.
00:30:46When did music become so personalized?
00:30:50It's funny how technology best serves mediocrity.
00:30:56I want a flat-screen TV in the toilet
00:30:58so I can watch the stock reports.
00:31:01All the TVs should be mounted flush.
00:31:03That has to be planned for, right?
00:31:05To make sure that they're recessed into the walls.
00:31:07Shouldn't you write this down?
00:31:09I just want to take a step back.
00:31:11Go a little deeper.
00:31:14What is it that you really want?
00:31:22Some friends put in a voice-activated Butler system
00:31:26that performs all these household tasks.
00:31:28You can call from the freeway, and it starts the sauna.
00:31:31Is that the kind of thing...
00:31:32Hey, Jim.
00:31:34Basic structure is where all the investors
00:31:37owning a sequential-paying mortgage investment conduit
00:31:40receive interest payments.
00:31:42The principal received from the underlying mortgages
00:31:45repays each tranche in a predetermined order.
00:31:50No problem.
00:31:53Our work has become so specialized, hasn't it?
00:31:56People know more and more about less and less.
00:32:01Shouldn't we be more systematic here?
00:32:04You know, make a list of the things we like and don't like
00:32:06about our current house?
00:32:07You want, but we could also use our imaginations
00:32:10and dream of what our new house could be.
00:32:13You must have dreams for your new house.
00:32:15Yes, I do. I dream.
00:32:17I dream that we don't go over budget.
00:32:19You know, I dream that the place is resaleable
00:32:21and I don't lose my shirt.
00:32:23And yet you're asking for a voice-activated Butler system.
00:32:26No, no, no. I researched the Butler system.
00:32:28It's surprisingly affordable.
00:32:30Look, this isn't market science.
00:32:32You know, for one thing, we have this great view of the water.
00:32:35Just put up a wall of glass and frame the view.
00:32:38Nothing spoils a view so much as huge windows
00:32:41that gape at it incessantly.
00:32:43It's better to glimpse it as you pass by.
00:32:47I don't want to glimpse it. I want to see it.
00:32:49It's a big view from a house on a hill.
00:32:53A house should never be on a hill.
00:32:55A house should be on anything.
00:32:57A house should be of the hill.
00:32:59Hill and house living together,
00:33:01each the happier for the other.
00:33:06Look, Miles, here's one of my concerns.
00:33:10You're an artist, and I'm just...
00:33:13I don't know that your vision reflects our needs.
00:33:17Rest assured, I find the client can be a significant design resource
00:33:21and sometimes make wonderful suggestions.
00:33:23Thank you. I mean, don't forget,
00:33:25we're the ones that have to live there.
00:33:27We have to pay for it. We have to be rational.
00:33:29I understand completely.
00:33:31Rationalism is the enemy of art,
00:33:33but is necessary as a basis for architecture.
00:33:36It certainly is.
00:33:37A work of art is revolutionary. A house is conservative.
00:33:40That's right.
00:33:41A house must satisfy a requirement.
00:33:43A work of art does not.
00:33:45I'm glad we're on the same page.
00:33:47A house is designed to provide comfort.
00:33:49A work of art wants to draw people out of their comfort zone.
00:33:53That is why people love houses and hate art.
00:33:56Yes. No, I don't hate art.
00:33:58Only a small part of architecture belongs to the realm of art.
00:34:02The monument and the tomb.
00:34:05Everything else has a function.
00:34:08I believe it is just as important to design a chicken coop
00:34:13as it is to design a cathedral.
00:34:26We're roughly at the height of the second story.
00:34:32A blank canvas.
00:34:34Where do we begin?
00:35:22I've got something for you.
00:35:27I want you to start noticing things,
00:35:29little details that contribute towards how a space makes you feel.
00:35:33Drawing's better than taking photos.
00:35:35It forces you to look more closely at things.
00:35:46Nobody talks about these things.
00:35:48It's like a big secret,
00:35:49and they only let you in on it once you have children.
00:35:52Where's your sweater, Max?
00:35:54Did you leave it in your cubby?
00:35:56What's a cubby?
00:35:57I can't believe you don't know what a cubby is.
00:35:59When did you start sketching?
00:36:02I'm taking notes from my architect.
00:36:05My architect?
00:36:06Drew has her very own architect.
00:36:08He's so inspiring.
00:36:13It's like I'm seeing things in a completely new way.
00:36:19I love my architect.
00:36:22Does Colin love your architect?
00:36:26Colin is suspicious of creativity.
00:36:32Hey, are we getting together on Wednesday?
00:36:34I have a facial at nine and a laser appointment at four,
00:36:36but other than that I'm pretty open.
00:36:38I'm just doing my nails at one.
00:36:39What about late afternoon?
00:36:40I have 6.30 yoga.
00:36:42No, I do weight training Thursday mornings,
00:36:44but the afternoon is free.
00:36:45I'm getting my hair colored and then I have therapy.
00:36:48What about late afternoon?
00:37:13Any recent changes in your health?
00:37:17Any big life changes, new job,
00:37:20death in the family?
00:37:24We're building a house.
00:37:26Oh, well, that's exciting.
00:37:28It can also be stressful.
00:37:30Drew, everything is within range.
00:37:32Colin, your testosterone is low.
00:37:34Levels tend to drop off after age 35.
00:37:36We want to try to raise it.
00:37:38As with any hormone treatment, there are side effects.
00:37:40The most prevalent is increased sex drive.
00:37:43Do you think you can handle that?
00:37:53Seriously, though, stress can be a factor.
00:37:56You're building a house.
00:37:57Big financial commitment, countless decisions to be made.
00:38:00The pressure can affect fertility.
00:38:02Think about the message that you're sending to your body.
00:38:05From an evolutionary standpoint,
00:38:07your body knows that a period of extreme stress
00:38:09is not an ideal time to get pregnant.
00:38:12What do you suggest we do?
00:38:14Try to ease up on your work schedule.
00:38:16Work is not stressful.
00:38:18This is stressful.
00:38:19She's trying to help.
00:38:20Maybe you could cut back on your 50-mile rides and paddles.
00:38:24Could just be bad timing.
00:38:26Too busy people having intercourse once or twice a week.
00:38:29It's hit or miss.
00:38:30You can predict ovulation by calculating your next period
00:38:33and then counting back 14 days.
00:38:37Well, maybe my app is wrong.
00:38:39It says, uh, day 14 at 19.
00:38:44What, we had all that sex for nothing?
00:38:47You can purchase a test kit that'll give you advanced warning.
00:38:50When the test is positive, have intercourse that night,
00:38:53the next night, the night after that, the night after that.
00:38:57Or forget about ovulatory charts, mucus charts, and scheduled sex
00:39:02and let passion take over.
00:39:06We're not using them.
00:39:08I don't want to use them. I'm sick of them.
00:39:10No, we're not using them.
00:39:12Well, maybe you'll recommend them.
00:39:14No, no, I don't want to use them. I'm sick of them.
00:39:25I don't know what you expect.
00:39:27Why am I watching us eat?
00:39:30I'm observing how you live.
00:39:33Thought I could better design your life.
00:39:35Well, we wouldn't be behaving like this if you weren't here, so...
00:39:39That's the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle.
00:39:42You can't observe something without changing it.
00:39:49What do you think of the plates? Drew made them.
00:39:52He knows that.
00:39:54They're great, aren't they?
00:39:57Of course.
00:40:01I can't help wondering what you'd do with a bigger canvas.
00:40:05Express emotions that can't be contained on plates.
00:40:10Well, people need plates.
00:40:12They have a use. It's not just art.
00:40:14You know, you're providing a service.
00:40:21What matters is that you enjoy the process.
00:40:24I used to enjoy it.
00:40:27Now it's just work.
00:40:29Most artists would be happy there was work.
00:40:32He promotes me to all his colleagues.
00:40:34They provide color samples for me to match.
00:40:37No, they didn't ask you to match.
00:40:39They simply wanted you to coordinate with their tablecloth and napkins.
00:40:42I don't want to be told what colors to use.
00:40:45Drew, they're trying to put together a tabletop.
00:40:49Fuck their tabletop.
00:40:53Fuck their tabletop.
00:41:00Salad to egg soup.
00:41:54You're wearing a hair that's more abandoned.
00:41:57I like it.
00:42:01You pick up on everything, don't you?
00:42:04Everything of interest.
00:42:10You can get that. I don't mind.
00:42:13I've got a voicemail.
00:42:17You see, an architect must be many things.
00:42:20Sculptor, artist, but...
00:42:23before you can build, you have to be able to build.
00:42:27I'm not a sculptor.
00:42:30I'm not a sculptor.
00:42:33I'm not a sculptor.
00:42:36I'm not a sculptor.
00:42:39I'm not a sculptor.
00:42:42I'm not a sculptor.
00:42:45Before you can build, you must have an idea.
00:42:51The Nautilus shell.
00:42:53It's classic, and it's curving. I like all of that.
00:42:58I'm not attracted to right angles and straight lines.
00:43:02They're so hard and flexible and man-made.
00:43:06There are no right angles in nature.
00:43:11I must be so free to make such big gestures.
00:43:15My world is so small.
00:43:18Well, here.
00:43:20I don't need all this.
00:43:22It's a nice big piece. You can really stretch out.
00:43:25I'm a little intimidated by a big blank piece of white paper.
00:43:29Well, then paint it black.
00:43:38A staircase isn't just a way of getting from one floor to another.
00:43:42It's a room in itself.
00:43:45You saw what we did with the hatch house.
00:43:48No, I was never inside.
00:44:03The result of excellent chemistry between architect and plant.
00:44:20What are you doing?
00:44:22Well, Putnam usually has a decent bottle of wine.
00:44:28It's cooler, huh?
00:44:39Time is of the essence.
00:44:41Creating music.
00:45:15The sleeping space.
00:45:18The center of a couple's life together.
00:45:22A place where they talk, sleep, sleep late, make love.
00:45:30The center of my husband's life is the bathroom.
00:45:35He spends a lot of time there.
00:45:37Well, that's understandable.
00:45:41Bathing is pleasurable and therapeutic.
00:45:44It's one of the simplest ways to unwind.
00:45:46The sensual contact with water.
00:45:49It's one of the precious times when we're absolutely alone.
00:45:55And completely naked.
00:45:59He just sits on the toilet.
00:46:09I have trouble sleeping.
00:46:12He insists on keeping the TV on in the bedroom.
00:46:17I have to wait until he falls asleep to turn it off.
00:46:24I need a room of my own.
00:46:29Architecture can't force people to connect.
00:46:33It can only plan the crossing path, remove the barriers,
00:46:38make the meeting places more inviting.
00:46:42You always think of modern as cold.
00:46:44This is cozy.
00:46:45The concept of cozy has always been a problem for modernism.
00:46:50But it's a major concern of mine.
00:46:54Along with comfy.
00:46:58A group of chairs, a sofa, a pile of cushions.
00:47:04To make that work is very subtle.
00:47:08Most meeting places are sterile.
00:47:10People avoid them.
00:47:12Nothing happens there.
00:47:15Others are full of life.
00:47:19They seem to attract people.
00:47:25People feel more alive.
00:47:47This arrangement is particularly special.
00:47:52This arrangement is particularly successful.
00:48:22This arrangement is particularly successful.
00:48:58You must have come home from work early to prep all this.
00:48:59I did.
00:49:00Where were you?
00:49:02Miles showed me the inside of the hatch house.
00:49:04I'd like to have seen that.
00:49:05You should.
00:49:06It's a nice place.
00:49:07It's a nice place.
00:49:08It's a nice place.
00:49:09It's a nice place.
00:49:10It's a nice place.
00:49:11It's a nice place.
00:49:12It's a nice place.
00:49:13It's a nice place.
00:49:14It's a nice place.
00:49:15It's a nice place.
00:49:16It's a nice place.
00:49:17It's a nice place.
00:49:18It's a nice place.
00:49:19It's a nice place.
00:49:20It's a nice place.
00:49:22It's amazing.
00:49:24The owners were there?
00:49:25No, um.
00:49:27You should really see it.
00:49:28You should realize he's a genius.
00:49:30And the problem with geniuses is they're a pain in the ass.
00:49:51Mike Conway, Conway Construction.
00:50:13Myles Moss, Architect.
00:50:16Looks like it's clearing up.
00:50:17Yes, this afternoon.
00:50:18The forecast is reliable.
00:50:23So this is...
00:50:27I want you to know that Drew's contribution to the design has been crucial.
00:50:33She has been my muse.
00:50:34Oh, my phone.
00:50:36The parking garage is here.
00:50:59You enter through the main doorway here into a floating stairway space.
00:51:05That's a design idea inspired by Drew.
00:51:09Can you really build this on our budget?
00:51:12I think that's a question for Mike.
00:51:16I have no idea what this is.
00:51:20What's the skin?
00:51:21Titanium, of course.
00:51:24A magnificent metal.
00:51:29Just as Cronus I of the Titans, who ruled over the earth, the heavens, and the sea.
00:51:30Do you know a supplier?
00:51:31Of course.
00:51:32End us up?
00:51:35Let me walk you through the floor plan.
00:51:36There are no straight lines.
00:51:37Straight lines are a symptom of the new illiteracy.
00:51:38It will lead to the downfall of human civilization.
00:51:39People like to think that they are the only ones who are literate.
00:51:40That's not true.
00:51:41They are.
00:51:42They are.
00:51:43They are.
00:51:44They are.
00:51:45They are.
00:51:46They are.
00:51:47They are.
00:51:48They are.
00:51:49They are.
00:51:50They are.
00:51:51They are.
00:51:52They are.
00:51:53They are.
00:51:54They are.
00:51:55They are.
00:51:56That's not true.
00:51:57That's not true at all.
00:51:58People like straight walls, you know, they are practical.
00:51:59You can put furniture up against them.
00:52:01Squares and rectangles make no sense in human terms.
00:52:04They have a negative effect on social interaction.
00:52:08They only express the rigid desires for people who are too preoccupied with systems and their
00:52:12means of production.
00:52:13The entire universe is curved.
00:52:15Einstein proved that.
00:52:16Why don't you let him present his idea before criticizing it.
00:52:21That's all right, Drew.
00:52:22I, I like clients that provide active and aggressive criticism.
00:52:26as long as they have absolute faith in me,
00:52:28I find that the best work happens
00:52:30when everyone has an open mind.
00:52:32Remember, you're paying for my talent and experience.
00:52:35You're wasting money if you don't listen to my ideas.
00:52:38All right, so where are the rooms?
00:52:41The living spaces are here and here.
00:52:43The kitchen space is here.
00:52:44And these are the sleeping spaces.
00:52:47You mean bedrooms.
00:52:49You could call them that.
00:52:51So what's this thing that's lying here?
00:52:53Is this a wall?
00:52:55It's made of quiet stone.
00:52:57It's soundproofing material.
00:52:59It's thin as sheet rock, but twice as sound resistant.
00:53:02It creates complete separation.
00:53:04Complete separation from what?
00:53:06Your side of the house from Drew's side of the house.
00:53:09Oh, I knew it.
00:53:10I knew it.
00:53:11I told you that doing separate interviews was a mistake.
00:53:15Why don't you just build a duplex?
00:53:16We'll live next door to each other.
00:53:17I was just responding to Drew's sound concerns
00:53:20and your music concerns.
00:53:21I think you're making more of this than was intended.
00:53:23All right, my...
00:53:26Ballpark, what are we looking at?
00:53:29I've got 1,000 questions before I could
00:53:31give you a solid number, but I'd have to say at least
00:53:34500 a square foot.
00:53:38That's over a million bucks.
00:53:40Are you out of your mind?
00:53:41Mike, if you have 1,000 questions,
00:53:43wouldn't it be good to get some answers first
00:53:45before making wild guesses?
00:53:48Where are the load-bearing walls?
00:53:50Loads are being transferred here, here, and here.
00:53:55I'm not telling you anything you don't already know,
00:53:58but it would be more efficient to stack them.
00:54:00It would be more efficient,
00:54:02but they wouldn't be happy living there.
00:54:05Now's the time to make changes, folks.
00:54:07It's cheaper to use an eraser on the drafting board
00:54:09than it is a wrecking ball at the site.
00:54:11Can't allow the engineering to dictate the building's form.
00:54:15Structure has to accommodate design.
00:54:18Okay, thank you for your time, Miles.
00:54:20Send me your final bill.
00:54:21I will take care of it.
00:54:25I've got nothing set in stone.
00:54:26Stone would be cheaper.
00:54:27Most people find that what they want
00:54:29is 50% over the original budget.
00:54:32What we want?
00:54:33Yes, what we want.
00:54:36Mike and I need to get together,
00:54:38go through all his questions.
00:54:39There are always less expensive alternatives, if need be.
00:54:42I find it's better to negotiate
00:54:45than pound my fist on the table.
00:54:47This would save you a whole bunch right there.
00:54:52Well, those rooms would be prisons
00:54:54for the people who have to live in them.
00:54:57I'm sure that Miles can come up with creative solutions
00:55:00that lower the cost,
00:55:01yet maintain the integrity of the design.
00:55:04You know what?
00:55:05Give me a chance to get together with Mike.
00:55:06We'll go through his questions
00:55:07and come up with some options.
00:55:09We can do that.
00:55:12All right.
00:55:13All right, Mike, I'll call you tomorrow.
00:55:17Oh, bye.
00:55:19Where's my storage space?
00:55:21Oh, give me the luxuries of life
00:55:23I'll happily do without necessities.
00:55:26That makes no sense.
00:55:28Where's the bathroom?
00:55:29You think I forgot the bathroom?
00:55:30No, your bathroom here.
00:55:32Oh, oh, it's...
00:55:38Yesterday was a big mistake.
00:55:40It's just completely ridiculous.
00:55:42What do you mean completely ridiculous?
00:55:44It won't happen again.
00:55:46I had a weak moment.
00:55:48It's been a long time
00:55:49since I've connected with anyone
00:55:50the way I connect with you.
00:55:52Oh, no, I'm sorry, Miles.
00:55:54I just can't.
00:55:55It's not that I don't think you're an amazing person.
00:55:57I'm not completely attracted to you.
00:55:59I just can't.
00:56:00I'm married.
00:56:01I don't want to hurt Colin.
00:56:02I don't want to hurt you.
00:56:04I want to hurt you guys.
00:56:05You've made me the happiest man alive.
00:56:07No, don't say that.
00:56:08I feel awful.
00:56:10Just guilty.
00:56:11It's deceitful.
00:56:12It's not your fault I set you up.
00:56:13I've been in love with you since we first met.
00:56:17Don't say that.
00:56:19Oh, it's over.
00:56:31You're his muse?
00:56:32You're musing.
00:56:35You think I don't know what's going on?
00:56:37You two have been reading behind my back,
00:56:40conspiring to make this house more expensive
00:56:42and less resellable.
00:56:43Unless you can bring this guy in line,
00:56:45we are going in a whole other direction.
00:56:47Million dollars, he's insane.
00:57:17Drew, what are you doing?
00:57:17You're getting paint all over the floor.
00:57:18It's an art studio.
00:57:19That happens.
00:57:20How can you hear yourself think?
00:57:21I'm not thinking.
00:57:22Don't do that.
00:57:22This is my room.
00:57:23What's gotten into you?
00:57:24Why are you making such a mess?
00:57:25Because I want to.
00:57:26Miles gave me a big sheet of paper.
00:57:27And I'm happy.
00:57:27I'm happy.
00:57:28I'm happy.
00:57:29I'm happy.
00:57:30I'm happy.
00:57:31I'm happy.
00:57:32I'm happy.
00:57:32I'm happy.
00:57:33I'm happy.
00:57:34I'm happy.
00:57:35I'm happy.
00:57:36I'm happy.
00:57:37I'm happy.
00:57:37I'm happy.
00:57:38I'm happy.
00:57:39I'm happy.
00:57:40I'm happy.
00:57:41I'm happy.
00:57:42I'm happy.
00:57:42I'm happy.
00:57:43Miles gave me a big sheet of paper.
00:57:46And I'm having fun.
00:57:48Is that allowed?
00:57:50Oh, so what?
00:57:51Now he's your muse?
00:57:52Is that it?
00:58:14I designed it in a sequence of natural curves
00:58:17to flow in and out of the landscape.
00:58:20The contractor says it's impractical,
00:58:22as if I'd intended practicality.
00:58:25We don't have to go back to the drawing board.
00:58:27We just have to bring down the cost.
00:58:31Years from now, when you're enjoying a beautiful home,
00:58:34you won't even remember how much it costs.
00:58:36There must be ways we can do it.
00:58:38I don't know.
00:58:39I don't know.
00:58:40I don't know.
00:58:42There must be ways we can save.
00:58:46Sure, sure.
00:58:48Take out the structural glass.
00:58:50Put in a wall.
00:58:52Lose the stone carpet throughout.
00:58:56Replace the titanium with, God forbid, stucco.
00:59:00With a painter or a sculptor,
00:59:02you wouldn't dare suggest alternatives,
00:59:04but an architect has to put up with anything.
00:59:07Imagine trying to find a replacement
00:59:09for the touch and feel of titanium.
00:59:13The fabric of our lives.
00:59:16It's too bad clients today
00:59:18aren't the committed patrons of the past.
00:59:22Now it's all about a return on investment.
00:59:27You really think that's my motivation?
00:59:30It's your work, too.
00:59:32You're advocating cutting your own ideas.
00:59:36You're submitting to arbitrary power,
00:59:38which has always, throughout history,
00:59:41crushed human sensibility and truth.
00:59:46You've been colonized.
00:59:53Every project has its limits.
00:59:57You'll just have to find creative solutions.
01:00:26Fewer windows, less square footage overall,
01:00:29big reduction in structural glass.
01:00:31That's significant.
01:00:33No quiet stone.
01:00:34Well, I'm glad you've been able to cut corners.
01:00:37It looks like you've made a genuine effort.
01:00:39I want my clients to be happy.
01:00:41Mike, any other suggestions?
01:00:43You could replace the titanium with stucco.
01:00:47The Stonehouse will not be stucco.
01:00:49I do like that. The Stonehouse.
01:00:54Well, I'll run this latest revision by the subs
01:00:58and get the final numbers.
01:01:00The cost reductions will be significant, I think,
01:01:02but I have to say it will still be more than your original budget.
01:01:05Well, hopefully subsequent generations will find
01:01:08that the Stonehouse was worth the extra expense.
01:01:16That's a yes.
01:01:22Come on, honey.
01:01:41Thank you.
01:01:46Well, it will be a very quiet house if it's just the two of you.
01:01:51How old are you now, honey? 39, 40?
01:01:54I thought you said you never ask a woman her age.
01:01:56Colin's getting up there, too.
01:01:58You should take some precautions.
01:02:00I've been doing a little research.
01:02:02We know a very good doctor who could help you
01:02:05and has a wonderful facility with an emergency backup system
01:02:08in case there's a power outage.
01:02:10And his practice isn't so big that you'd get lost in the shuffle.
01:02:14You know, if you'd like, I could make an appointment
01:02:17and then you could, you know, go over and feed some sperm
01:02:21and harvest one or two eggs.
01:02:23And, you know, you wouldn't have to worry.
01:02:25You'd have a backup plan, you know, just in case you need it.
01:02:27Mom, is that dinner conversation? Sperm and eggs?
01:02:30I'm sorry, honey, you're right.
01:02:32Can we lose the flower arrangement? I can't see around it.
01:02:35They're beautiful. They're for my brother.
01:02:37I know that, but I can't have a conversation.
01:02:39And you know, sweetheart, when the time is right,
01:02:42I know a wonderful Russian nanny who costs a lot less than you would think.
01:02:46Aren't you getting a little ahead of yourself?
01:02:48I'm just trying to help, okay?
01:02:49I appreciate that.
01:02:50She's going to need her own room. You might as well plan for that.
01:02:53We're not building a separate bedroom for a potential nanny
01:02:56to take care of potential children.
01:02:58Right. The nanny can stay and study.
01:03:03How many bedrooms total?
01:03:05There's sleeping spaces.
01:03:08There's one true bedroom and a space for a daybed.
01:03:15Daybed? What's a daybed?
01:03:18You're spending a lot of money for a house with only one bedroom?
01:03:21You're nuts.
01:03:22Okay, Joseph, it's not your house.
01:03:24Let them make their own mistakes.
01:03:26The architecture is really quite special.
01:03:28He's a genius. He really is.
01:03:31Genius? Genius does not design a million dollar house with one bedroom.
01:03:36I just don't understand why you didn't use Elizabeth's brother-in-law.
01:03:40The space for the daybed could easily be turned into a bedroom.
01:03:44We just add a door and a closet.
01:03:45Why make any decisions without consulting Miles?
01:03:47It's our house, Drew.
01:03:50You close that big hole in the ceiling,
01:03:52you'll probably have room for a couple more bedrooms.
01:03:55We don't have the time.
01:03:56That area is part of the staircase.
01:03:58It's the main design feature.
01:04:01Looks like wasted space to me.
01:04:03Well, you know, you could maybe squeeze in another bathroom here.
01:04:07Oh, and if you push out the kitchen wall there,
01:04:10you know, you could have a little mudroom
01:04:12for when the children come in from playing.
01:04:14Can't they just wipe their little feet off the mat?
01:04:17If we're going to make changes, now's the time to do it.
01:04:22Well, you don't look so good.
01:04:24I'm going to be sick.
01:04:30It's probably the shellfish.
01:04:32We'll all be sick.
01:04:51Tax equity investment equal to present value distributions.
01:04:55Discounted at a minimum unlevered target IRR.
01:05:20Feeling any better?
01:05:21Not really.
01:05:23Sorry I couldn't say goodbye to your parents.
01:05:25Oh, yeah, just, uh, if you're sick, you're sick.
01:05:28Not much you can do about it.
01:05:46What are you reading?
01:05:48Very interesting analysis of whether a partnership flip
01:05:51yields higher returns than a sale leaseback.
01:05:55The conclusion is pretty surprising.
01:06:06I'm pregnant.
01:06:10Are you joking?
01:06:41You get my message?
01:06:43Oh, yes.
01:06:46I can't change the walls without changing the structure and supports.
01:06:49I'd have to revise the plans.
01:06:51The structural engineer would have to revise his plans,
01:06:53and Conway would issue a change order for extra costs.
01:06:56I know, but we need more bedrooms.
01:07:01A house this size should have more bedrooms.
01:07:04It's just common sense.
01:07:05Is common our goal?
01:07:07I don't know why people hire architects and then tell them what to do.
01:07:11Because it's our house.
01:07:13Then the opinion of the client must be disregarded for his own good.
01:07:18We're having a baby.
01:07:26That's great news.
01:07:28Thank you.
01:07:29The space for the daybed could easily be modified
01:07:34to make room for the baby.
01:07:38I'm glad you agree,
01:07:40because if we don't start making some practical compromises,
01:07:42we're going to end up with a white elephant.
01:07:44Oh, really?
01:07:45Would art and architecture magazine put a white elephant on its cover?
01:07:49Art and architecture magazine?
01:07:51A feature writer called me yesterday.
01:07:53The Stone House is a finalist for their October issue.
01:08:01Here you go.
01:08:13Thank you.
01:08:21Mike Stone.
01:08:25What about Brayden?
01:08:28Sounds like a horse.
01:08:31I like Joseph.
01:08:34Joseph Stone.
01:08:36Regular Joe.
01:08:39What about Grayson?
01:08:42You're just making stuff up.
01:08:44Well, what about Upton, Hudson, and Grace?
01:08:53Sounds like a law firm.
01:08:54Upton, Hudson, and Grace.
01:08:56What about something simple like Jane?
01:08:59That's pretty, Jane.
01:09:01Plain Jane.
01:09:03An average Jane.
01:09:07Wow, that's fantastic, Miles.
01:09:11Let me ask you, can you paint it?
01:09:13The titanium?
01:09:15Why would you want to do that?
01:09:17I'm saying down the road, you know, for a change of pace.
01:09:21That's insane.
01:09:22It's beautiful.
01:09:24It has a hundred year warranty against corrosion.
01:09:28It's just more silver than I thought it would be.
01:09:32I love it.
01:09:40Yeah, that rolls right off the tongue.
01:09:46Wow, middle school wasn't hard enough.
01:09:52Jeff is not a name for an adult.
01:10:01Do you want her to hate us?
01:10:03Is that what you want?
01:10:04I mean, really, if you want to show the world that you're creative, sweetheart,
01:10:07that doesn't harm innocent bystanders.
01:10:09Is that what you think I'm doing?
01:10:10Kids want to fit in.
01:10:12They don't want to be different.
01:10:14What if the child isn't as conservative and unimaginative as the father?
01:10:20Oh, yeah?
01:10:21Well, what if he is?
01:10:22What if he is?
01:10:23What if he's actually quite capable of dealing sensibly and prudently with practical matters?
01:10:28Have you seen these change orders?
01:10:30These extras added by your genius?
01:10:32The cost keeps spiraling upward just like this fucking staircase.
01:10:36Why do we always do things your way?
01:10:39We don't do things my way, sweetheart.
01:10:41We do them the right way with research and planning.
01:10:45You're playing.
01:10:46There's all this logic.
01:10:47But it always ends up your way.
01:10:50You argue with me until you wear me down and I give in.
01:10:54You know, you see things wrong.
01:10:55That's what it is.
01:10:56Sometimes I wish I could just reach inside your head and flip a switch.
01:11:00You know, just change your perspective.
01:11:02I guess, you know, we bring different things to the table as life partners, right?
01:11:06I'm good at making money.
01:11:08You're good at spending it.
01:11:10I'm good at making calculated, informed decisions that yield positive results.
01:11:13And you're good at making quick, impulsive decisions and never thinking twice.
01:11:23What is it, lunch?
01:11:29Hey, go.
01:11:30Good girl.
01:11:31That's his preschool music teacher at Montessori.
01:11:33Are you going to get him?
01:11:34Go get him.
01:11:35Go get him.
01:11:36Max has a natural sense of rhythm.
01:11:38You should see him in ballet.
01:11:40He used to turn me on when I'd hear him talk about business.
01:11:43He was so confident.
01:11:46And it's not confidence.
01:11:47He's just stubborn.
01:11:49You're out of your mind to think of leaving Colin.
01:11:51How much difference does it make who the guy is anyway?
01:11:54Once you have a baby, the guy becomes so much less important.
01:11:58Do you really think that you want to be on your own right now?
01:12:04How did the relationship work between architect and client?
01:12:07Truly inspired.
01:12:09A wonderful collaboration.
01:12:11Great chemistry between architect and client.
01:12:14Oh, good.
01:12:16I love that.
01:12:18You obviously have no field experience.
01:12:20Your construction drawings are just pretty pictures.
01:12:23You're not even using the latest technology.
01:12:26I'm not even using the latest set.
01:12:28These were refined.
01:12:29You've changed them so many times, I don't even know what I'm building anymore.
01:12:32This is completely unprofessional.
01:12:34Let me tell you, I am not losing money on this job based on your incompetence.
01:12:39My advice to you is learn how to work with real life.
01:12:42Looks like the chemistry between architect and contractor isn't quite as good.
01:12:46Construction is very stressful.
01:12:48And we're using some very unusual materials for a residence.
01:12:52Titanium, for example.
01:12:54The floating staircase is impressive.
01:12:56It was a true collaboration.
01:12:59I was his muse.
01:13:01You were his muse?
01:13:03Don't write that.
01:13:05Society needs a good image of itself.
01:13:07That's the job of the architect.
01:13:09If a client wants a house designed, most architects would design one.
01:13:14But a conscientious architect will ask first why this house is needed.
01:13:18What is its raison d'être?
01:13:21The architect may conclude we don't need this house and walk away.
01:13:26That's why I don't have a lot of clients.
01:13:29There seems to be conflict between you and the contractor.
01:13:34To a man with a hammer, everything looks like a nail.
01:13:44Yet another stack of change orders.
01:13:46I don't pay these by tomorrow.
01:13:47Conway walks off the job.
01:13:49The cost is out of control, Miles.
01:13:51You defy me and build whatever the hell you want.
01:13:54Cost is very simple.
01:13:55It is materials plus labor.
01:13:57You want a $5 million house for $1 million.
01:13:59How's that my fault?
01:14:01You want me to pay for it myself?
01:14:02What are all the extras?
01:14:03Essential details.
01:14:04You said less is more.
01:14:05Less is only more when more is no good.
01:14:09These stairs, I've been thinking about them.
01:14:11They're too dangerous without a handrail.
01:14:13A handrail?
01:14:14Can you imagine how ridiculous that would look?
01:14:17I'm saying it's dangerous.
01:14:18I can't believe the building department would even allow it.
01:14:20They won't.
01:14:21Creativity is stifled by an overzealous concern for safety.
01:14:25We will put in a temporary handrail and remove it after inspection.
01:14:29Isn't that illegal?
01:14:30It's your house, not the city's.
01:14:32Do you see what I mean about all this wasted space?
01:14:35Wasted space?
01:14:37There is a purpose to beauty.
01:14:40You fill this in, we add two rooms.
01:14:42You don't need two more rooms.
01:14:44Don't tell me.
01:14:45How can you be so incredibly arrogant?
01:14:48If I have to choose between honest arrogance and critical humility,
01:14:52I choose honesty.
01:14:54There's no reason to change it.
01:14:56What are you...
01:14:58You think you can prove anything by drawing?
01:15:00I prefer drawing to talking.
01:15:01It's faster and there are no lies.
01:15:03Is this what you want?
01:15:04Bisect this space and create two rectangles?
01:15:06Yes, great.
01:15:07What's wrong with that?
01:15:08For you, who may be nothing, colon, you're a rectangular man.
01:15:11But for Drew, who's fluid and curvaceous,
01:15:14whose spirit is spontaneous and free,
01:15:17she can't live in those rooms.
01:15:19Do not talk about my wife like that.
01:15:20You are crossing a line here.
01:15:22Again, there is a line, a straight line,
01:15:24a line in the sand,
01:15:25a line that can't be crossed.
01:15:27You know what?
01:15:28I'm not paying another dime.
01:15:29That includes your bill.
01:15:30Then I'll file a lien on your property.
01:15:33So I should get a lawyer?
01:15:34Is that where this is headed?
01:15:35There's a will, there's a lawsuit.
01:15:37Ignorance of the law never stopped anyone from practicing it.
01:15:40You wouldn't nickel and dime a surgeon, would you?
01:15:42You respect his knowledge.
01:15:44You understand the need for his services.
01:15:46When I figure the amount of time I spend on a project,
01:15:48it works out at about $15 an hour.
01:15:50I feel like a poor seamstress.
01:15:52Do you want to know the real reason I didn't put a handrail in?
01:15:57It makes it very difficult to catch yourself if you fall.
01:16:31Don't you think you're overreacting?
01:16:32God, your hormones are all over the place.
01:16:34My hormones?
01:16:35Oh, no, it can't possibly be you.
01:16:37I had to fire him.
01:16:38He threatened me physically.
01:16:40Miles Moss?
01:16:42Where are you going?
01:16:43You're eight months pregnant.
01:16:44You are the least practical woman I know.
01:16:47I need to be alone.
01:16:49Why do you never remember the good times?
01:16:51We never...
01:16:52We're having a stressful time,
01:16:54but we have good times, Drew.
01:16:56Last year in Mexico, remember?
01:16:58We walked into the hotel lobby,
01:17:00and the Mary Hutchie band was playing our song?
01:17:03Our song?
01:17:04What song is that?
01:17:06How can you not know we have a song?
01:17:09I feel like we're in two different marriages.
01:17:12What song are you talking about?
01:17:14My Heart Will Go On.
01:17:19From the Titanic movie.
01:17:22This is why we can't be together.
01:17:25Drew, don't do this.
01:17:27Don't do this.
01:17:28Look, a marriage cannot always be exciting and inspiring, you know?
01:17:32You settle in and you get comfortable.
01:17:34That's normal.
01:17:35I'm a good guy.
01:17:36I'm doing everything I'm supposed to do.
01:17:38I'm stable emotionally and financially, more than you know.
01:17:41There's nothing wrong with us.
01:17:43Why do you invent problems where none exist?
01:17:45I'm suffocating.
01:17:47If you find yourself trapped in a box with no air,
01:17:49you don't ask permission.
01:17:50You just cut a hole so you can breathe.
01:17:53I don't understand that.
01:17:54No, you don't.
01:17:56You don't.
01:17:58Drew, don't.
01:17:59Come here, please.
01:18:03Don't do this.
01:18:06We'll finish the house, okay?
01:18:08We'll finish the house your way.
01:18:10But then, please,
01:18:12let's get this nutcase out of our lives.
01:20:36So cute.
01:20:37Our philosophy is that children should love coming
01:20:40and love learning.
01:20:42If they don't jump out of the car and run right in,
01:20:44we want to know about it.
01:20:46Now let me show you the children's cubbies.
01:21:05Putnam Hatch.
01:21:08I was in your house.
01:21:10You were in my house?
01:21:12The Hatch House on Fulton Road.
01:21:15What were you doing in my house?
01:21:17Miles Moss showed me around.
01:21:19Who is Miles Moss?
01:21:21The architect who designed your house.
01:21:24The architect who designed my house was Leo Sullivan.
01:21:27Yeah, that's right.
01:21:28Sullivan and Moss.
01:21:31No, that's not right.
01:21:32That was James Moss, Sullivan's business partner.
01:21:35Look, I don't know who your friend is,
01:21:37and I don't know how he got access to my house,
01:21:39but if either of you comes back, I'm going to have you arrested.
01:22:21Who designed the Hatch House?
01:22:25Why does the Putnam Hatch know you?
01:22:28What are you talking about?
01:22:30I just met him.
01:22:32He doesn't know you.
01:22:35That's not true.
01:22:36Why do you have the keys to his house?
01:22:40Why are you asking me all these questions?
01:22:43I don't know who you are.
01:22:45I don't know what's going on.
01:22:49Did you or did you not design that house?
01:22:55We all worked on it together.
01:22:57Who's we?
01:22:59Sullivan, my father and me.
01:23:08Come on, come sit down. Sit down, sit down.
01:23:20I love Colin.
01:23:30That's great news.
01:23:32We don't need him anymore.
01:23:36The house is almost finished.
01:23:38The bank will make sure it's completed,
01:23:40even if Colin stops paying.
01:23:42I thought you'd be a little more sympathetic
01:23:45and a little less ambitious.
01:23:48I'm sorry, you're right.
01:23:50I'm totally selfish.
01:23:53You're contemplating making a big life change
01:23:56and I'm worrying about finishing the house.
01:24:03It's just that the magazine people
01:24:07are coming to take photos and finish the story.
01:24:11We made the cover of Art in Architecture.
01:24:18You can build a career out of that.
01:24:21You can build a career out of that.
01:24:24I thought you had a career.
01:24:30Could be better.
01:24:42This is your first house, isn't it?
01:24:46We'll make a great team, Trey.
01:24:50Maybe we can live here together.
01:24:53You, me and the baby.
01:25:04Oh no, don't look at that.
01:25:07Don't look at that. It's not...
01:25:20It's a graduate design project of 2002.
01:25:27Drew, I'm sorry. I had to get the house built.
01:25:30It's a good design, Drew. Please.
01:25:33I've had a long time to think about it.
01:25:44You idiot!
01:26:13Oh no!
01:26:23Please, Drew, forgive me.
01:26:26I could never get any of my projects built.
01:26:29I spent countless years
01:26:31designing handicap-accessible bathrooms.
01:26:37Drew, I never met the right client until I met you.
01:26:40You're the one.
01:26:42We had the same inspiration.
01:26:44It's possible. Drew, please.
01:29:10She painted the titanium.
01:29:13That's going to void the warranty.
01:29:19I'm sorry.
01:29:41The color's called Grandma's Refrigerator.
01:29:44It's on the chart I submitted.
01:29:46It's all planned out.
01:29:48I can't make an impulsive decision while climbing the ladder.
01:29:51Hold on. Where's the color chart?
01:29:55I have the chart right here.
01:29:57Dill pickle, dad's salmon, dog's ear, baby's bottom,
01:30:01Grandma's refrigerator.
01:30:03He's not sure about the yellow.
01:30:05He's confused because his Grandma's refrigerator was white.
01:30:08Can you talk to him?
01:30:10Take Imogen.
01:30:12Hey, Frank, hi, it's Colin.
01:30:16Yeah, I know.
01:30:18I know my grandmother's refrigerator was green.
01:30:20It's just the name the paint company gave the color.
01:30:22It doesn't mean anything.
01:30:24No, she started another job.
01:30:26She's booked for the rest of the year.
01:30:28Let me explain something.
01:30:30Drew's an artist. She's not a painting contractor.
01:30:33You don't get to choose the color.
01:30:35It's not repair and maintenance.
01:30:37Well, she's not trying to please everyone.
01:30:39She's trying to move them, you know?
01:30:41Draw them out of their comfort zone,
01:30:43make them think and feel.
01:30:45I'm serious, Frank.
01:30:47It's compelling and surprising.
01:30:49Just sit with it for a while, let Drew do her thing,
01:30:52and I'm sure that you'll be very happy in the end, okay?
01:30:55Okay, bye.
01:30:57Thank you.
01:30:59Here, take that.
01:31:01I've got to take her for a nap.
01:31:05Come here.
01:31:11Grandma's refrigerator.
01:31:15Here we go.
01:31:19Oh, boy.
01:31:21Oh, boy.
01:31:45Oh, boy.
01:31:47Oh, boy.
01:32:15Oh, boy.
01:32:17Oh, boy.
01:32:19Oh, boy.
01:32:21Oh, boy.
01:32:23Oh, boy.
01:32:25Oh, boy.
01:32:27Oh, boy.
01:32:29Oh, boy.
01:32:31Oh, boy.
01:32:33Oh, boy.
01:32:35Oh, boy.
01:32:37Oh, boy.
01:32:39Oh, boy.
01:32:41Oh, boy.
01:32:43Oh, boy.
01:32:45Oh, boy.
01:32:47Oh, boy.
01:32:49Oh, boy.
01:32:51Oh, boy.
01:32:53Oh, boy.
01:32:55Oh, boy.
01:32:57Oh, boy.
01:32:59Oh, boy.
01:33:01Oh, boy.
01:33:03Oh, boy.
01:33:05Oh, boy.
01:33:07Oh, boy.
01:33:09Oh, boy.
01:33:11Oh, boy.
01:33:13Oh, boy.
01:33:15Oh, boy.
01:33:17Oh, boy.
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01:33:21Oh, boy.
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01:36:17Oh, boy.
01:36:19Oh, boy.
01:36:21Oh, boy.
01:36:23Oh, boy.
01:36:25Oh, boy.