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00:00:00["Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy"]
00:00:24["Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy"]
00:00:32Where was that sea?
00:00:36["Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy"]
00:00:52["Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy"]
00:01:17I was always waiting for someone.
00:01:38What are you doing?
00:01:40Stop it!
00:01:43Please, stop it!
00:01:47["Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy"]
00:01:58I'm sorry for your loss.
00:02:06Don't go!
00:02:18If you leave, I'll go with you.
00:02:22I don't want to see your face ever again.
00:02:47["Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy"]
00:03:17["Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy"]
00:03:22Good morning, kid.
00:03:24Good morning.
00:03:26Mitsuhiko, don't you ever want to get up at the same time as everyone else and sit at the table?
00:03:32I do, but...
00:03:35Did you finish your work?
00:03:38Yes, thanks to you.
00:03:40I see.
00:03:42That's good, isn't it, Mom?
00:03:44What's that?
00:03:46I'm going to make you eat a lot of fresh fish.
00:03:52Fresh fish?
00:03:54That's great, isn't it?
00:03:56My father's friend, Mr. Toyo Sahashi,
00:04:00is going to open a store in Saga to commemorate the national flag.
00:04:04Mr. Toyo Sahashi?
00:04:05My father used to make grilled fish as a hobby when he lived in Okurashio.
00:04:10He was a teacher at the time.
00:04:12I see.
00:04:14He's now a teacher of the Human National Flag, representing Arita Station.
00:04:18The Human National Flag?
00:04:20That's amazing.
00:04:21I'm so jealous.
00:04:23I can't believe I can see Mr. Sahashi's work.
00:04:26But that means you're going to Saga with your mother, right?
00:04:31I'm counting on you, Mitsuhiko.
00:04:33Yes, brother.
00:04:35With pleasure.
00:04:36But Mitsuhiko,
00:04:38don't get yourself involved in a strange case again
00:04:41and cause trouble for Mr. Toyo.
00:04:45Yes, ma'am.
00:04:46If the police chief or the police chief's brother does something like a detective,
00:04:51Mr. Toyo will be embarrassed.
00:04:54Yes, of course.
00:04:56I won't do that.
00:04:58Kazuko, if you need anything, please make a note.
00:05:04But isn't it hard to carry?
00:05:07That's why Mitsuhiko is going, isn't it?
00:05:14Good luck, brother.
00:05:17Thank you.
00:05:18You're the only one who says that.
00:05:20By the way, I want a mug of Arita Station.
00:05:25I knew it.
00:05:29Saga, Kyushu, Japan
00:05:34Saga, Kyushu, Japan
00:05:37Saga, Kyushu, Japan
00:05:40Karatsu-yaki, Imari-yaki, and Arita-yaki.
00:05:46Saga's Tojiki has a rich and long history.
00:05:52When a beautiful love, hidden in the beautiful Tojiki,
00:05:58is unsealed for a long time,
00:06:03it will be like the reincarnation of Hiren,
00:06:08the legendary princess of Sayohime,
00:06:12which remains in the Karatsu region.
00:08:02Ms. Asami, thank you for coming all the way here.
00:08:07Thank you for inviting me.
00:08:12It's been a long time. I'm Hitoshi.
00:08:15Oh, Mr. Hitoshi.
00:08:17You've become so handsome.
00:08:20Thank you.
00:08:21Are you his son?
00:08:23Yes. I brought him here to carry his luggage.
00:08:28Nice to meet you. My name is Mitsuhiko.
00:08:30You look just like your late father.
00:08:35I heard you were working for the police.
00:08:40No, I was working for my older brother.
00:08:43I used to work as a freeloader,
00:08:45and now I'm living in my brother's house.
00:08:48Mitsuhiko, you're always like this.
00:08:52I'm so embarrassed.
00:08:56Your brother inherited your father's generosity.
00:09:02Did your father have generosity?
00:09:05You can't just point that out.
00:09:10Please take a look.
00:09:12I'll take a look.
00:09:30It's overwhelming.
00:09:34What do you think, Mitsuhiko?
00:09:36Yes, it has a great aura.
00:09:40Aura? That's a good word.
00:10:01What a handsome man.
00:10:05My name is Hisako.
00:10:07I'm dressed like that today,
00:10:10but I'm actually quite good at pottery.
00:10:14Is that so?
00:10:17Are you his daughter?
00:10:20No, I'm not.
00:10:22But I've raised him at home since he was a child.
00:10:27Of course.
00:10:28Is that so?
00:10:36Hisako, this is Asami's wife and son, Mitsuhiko.
00:10:46I'm Hisako Narusawa.
00:10:48I'm Asami.
00:10:49I'm Mitsuhiko.
00:10:52Mr. Sahashi, congratulations.
00:10:56Thank you very much.
00:10:58If you had told me, I would have picked you up at the station.
00:11:01Mr. Kusama gave me a ride.
00:11:05By the way, Hisako.
00:11:08You've become more and more beautiful.
00:11:11Next time, bring me your work.
00:11:14I'll sell it to you as a beautiful potter.
00:11:22But Mr. Sahashi,
00:11:24I'm envious that you're always so beautiful.
00:11:28You're still the same.
00:11:33Mr. Sahashi, your work is good, but it's a pity.
00:11:37Mr. Kusama, would you show me around?
00:11:40Yes, I'll show you around.
00:11:45There are so many people here.
00:11:48Thank you for your hard work.
00:11:51Is Mr. Kageyama a famous person?
00:11:55He's a university professor in Kyoto.
00:11:58He's a famous art critic in Japan.
00:12:01That's why he's so popular.
00:12:10Here you are.
00:12:11I'll serve you the most delicious matcha.
00:12:14The most delicious matcha?
00:12:22Mr. Kusama
00:12:29Mr. Otaku.
00:12:31It's the first time we've met.
00:12:33I'm Asami, a local writer from Tokyo.
00:12:36You're a local writer?
00:12:39I have an announcement to make.
00:12:41What is it?
00:12:43He's a potter by the name of Kusaba Kanjyu.
00:12:46In two years, he'll be known as Karatsugi Kusamari.
00:12:50That's too much, sir.
00:12:52It's not too much.
00:12:54If I tell you to sell it, will you sell it?
00:12:56Can I make a declaration?
00:12:57A declaration?
00:12:59By the way, I heard you fell in love with Fusako.
00:13:05It's better to stop seeing her.
00:13:08She's Mr. Sahashi's daughter.
00:13:11She's your lover.
00:13:15Mr. Kanayama.
00:13:17There's no need to hide it.
00:13:19Everyone knows her.
00:13:22In the old days, she married a poor man.
00:13:26As expected of the first wife of Aritayaki.
00:13:28If everyone thought she was Mr. Sahashi,
00:13:30it wouldn't have been so bad.
00:13:32There was a scandal between them.
00:13:45I'm sorry.
00:14:16Good morning.
00:14:17Good morning.
00:14:18What's wrong?
00:14:19I can't get in touch with Mr. Kageyama.
00:14:22I knocked, but he didn't answer.
00:14:31Mr. Kageyama, are you a doctor?
00:14:34Wait a minute.
00:14:45Mr. Kageyama.
00:14:58Mr. Kageyama.
00:15:00Please contact the police.
00:15:11What is it?
00:15:14I think it's an ointment.
00:15:17It's an ointment.
00:15:19Do you use it for burns?
00:15:21But the ointment I know doesn't have yellow sand like this.
00:15:27Mr. Kusama, what do you think of this?
00:15:29I haven't seen much of it.
00:15:33I see.
00:15:43Thank you.
00:16:14Thank you.
00:16:23What is this yellow sand?
00:16:25I don't know.
00:16:27What is the estimated time of death?
00:16:31It's about 12 hours after death.
00:16:35So it's about 10 o'clock last night.
00:16:39That's right.
00:16:43Who are you?
00:16:44Mr. Kageyama, there is a note next to the phone.
00:16:52What is written on the top of the note?
00:16:55Isn't there a mark on it?
00:16:57A mark?
00:17:03Yes, there is a mark.
00:17:06Mr. Kageyama, that's it.
00:17:09Princess Sayohime.
00:17:12Princess Sayohime?
00:17:14Is this Princess Sayohime?
00:17:17She is a princess of Hiren in Saga.
00:17:20Princess of Hiren?
00:17:22Princess Sayohime.
00:17:24Do you know Princess Sayohime?
00:17:26Of course.
00:17:27A person who lives in Saga doesn't know Princess Sayohime.
00:17:31Is that so?
00:17:33But how did you know there was such a note here?
00:17:38The ballpoint pen was dropped and the note on the top was torn.
00:17:43Someone wrote something and tore it.
00:17:47I see.
00:17:49But I don't know if this is a clue to the case.
00:17:55Is that so?
00:17:56Then, did you find the note that says Princess Sayohime somewhere in this room?
00:18:05Then, there is a high possibility that the culprit took it from this room.
00:18:09The culprit?
00:18:11The culprit may have thought that the word Princess Sayohime should not be seen by the police or other people.
00:18:18No, no, no.
00:18:20There are people who can make a detective like you work.
00:18:24It's a big deal.
00:18:25No, no.
00:18:26I'm not a detective.
00:18:28My name is Asami of Lupolita.
00:18:32Why are the people of the media involved?
00:18:34It's not good.
00:18:35Well, Asami is the son of Mr. Sahashi's close friend.
00:18:42Mr. Sahashi?
00:18:45Did you hate Mr. Kageyama after all?
00:18:50Why do you think the value of artworks is decided?
00:18:55What do you mean?
00:18:57Originally, it should be decided by the artistic quality of the work,
00:19:02but sometimes the evaluation suddenly rises or falls depending on the words of someone special.
00:19:09Someone special.
00:19:12In other words, it's a famous art critic like Mr. Kageyama.
00:19:19To be honest, when Mr. Kageyama works hard,
00:19:23I sometimes see what makes me want to twist my neck.
00:19:27Is that the purpose of the exhibition?
00:19:30I don't know.
00:19:48I'm sorry to have kept you waiting.
00:19:51No, it's a big deal.
00:19:56Mr. Hisako will show me around Karatsu and Arita.
00:20:00Thank you.
00:20:02But I'm going to go around the store by myself.
00:20:08Can I ask you to take care of this girl?
00:20:11She's been my friend for a long time, and I'm sure she'll notice.
00:20:16No, that's...
00:20:20All right. I'll do that.
00:20:23Thank you.
00:20:26Mitsuhiko, don't bother her too much.
00:20:34Oh, right.
00:20:36Can you tell me about Sayo-hime?
00:20:40Sayo-hime is a legendary princess from Saga prefecture.
00:20:44She's like a symbol of desolation.
00:20:47A symbol of desolation?
00:20:53The ship is sailing,
00:20:55and I can't help but look at it.
00:20:58I miss you,
00:21:01Sayo-hime of Matsura.
00:21:05It's also sung in Man'yoshu.
00:21:08What does it mean?
00:21:10I've left you.
00:21:13I've been waiting for the one I love.
00:21:19Who were you waiting for?
00:21:22A friend named Sadehiko.
00:21:27It's about the 6th century.
00:21:30When a soldier from the Korean Peninsula
00:21:35settled in Karatsu,
00:21:39Sayo-hime fell in love with Sadehiko,
00:21:42the commander of the soldiers.
00:21:45She was the daughter of a local noble family.
00:21:51On the day of departure,
00:21:53when the ship carrying Sadehiko and others left the port,
00:21:58Sayo-hime desperately waved her finger
00:22:02and said goodbye.
00:22:07A fin?
00:22:10It's a thin cloth she was wearing at the time.
00:22:14It's like a shawl now.
00:22:19Sayo-hime kept crying for 7 days and nights.
00:22:25She was so sad.
00:22:33Did you throw yourself into the sea?
00:22:38There's a legend that I became a rock.
00:22:41A rock?
00:22:44Which do you prefer, Asami?
00:22:47A rock or the sea?
00:22:50That's the ultimate choice.
00:22:55I'd rather be a rock.
00:22:58I don't want to be thrown into the sea.
00:23:03I know.
00:23:06But when I become a rock,
00:23:10I can't wait any longer.
00:23:14It's easier to jump into the sea.
00:23:18Did you have someone like that?
00:23:24I see.
00:23:26I envy you.
00:23:29What is he doing now?
00:23:33He's just standing there.
00:23:41He's cool.
00:23:43Not at all.
00:23:46I'm sorry.
00:23:48I didn't mean to make fun of you.
00:23:51I didn't mean to make fun of you.
00:23:53Not at all.
00:24:02It's amazing.
00:24:04You can get coffee in any cup you like.
00:24:09Which one should I get?
00:24:12Excuse me.
00:24:13I'm Yasuda from Karasujo.
00:24:17What are you guys doing here?
00:24:23You don't have a pen and paper, do you?
00:24:29Mr. Keiichi.
00:24:31I have a question.
00:24:33What is it?
00:24:35I was wondering if you heard from Kanji Kusama.
00:24:38Kanji Kusama?
00:24:40The one from the pass?
00:24:43Mr. Kageyama, I heard you worked with Mr. Kusama.
00:24:47Is that right?
00:24:50I was wondering if I could get some information from him.
00:24:55Not yet.
00:24:57Then you should go into more detail.
00:25:01I'll do that.
00:25:03Please come with us.
00:25:16It's different to drink coffee in a cup like this.
00:25:19I'm so happy to hear that.
00:25:26By the way, Mr. Kageyama.
00:25:29You said you would become a big shot if you worked with Mr. Kusama for two more years.
00:25:36If we sell, everyone will sell.
00:25:38Can I say that?
00:25:39Mr. Kusama?
00:25:41Am I wrong?
00:25:43As far as I know, Mr. Kusama is a simple craftsman.
00:25:49Is that so?
00:25:51But you said you would become a big shot.
00:25:57There are many things in the world of adults.
00:26:11Mr. Kageyama.
00:26:13Did you hear from Mr. Kusama?
00:26:15He's missing.
00:26:22I think he has something to do with this case.
00:26:27Why do you think so?
00:26:31Good night.
00:26:33I don't understand him.
00:27:03It's wonderful.
00:27:05I want everything.
00:27:11Oh, Misako.
00:27:12Thank you for taking care of Mitsuhiko yesterday.
00:27:16Did I bother you again?
00:27:21I had a lot of fun.
00:27:23Oh, did you have fun?
00:27:26That's great, Mitsuhiko.
00:27:32If you don't mind, I'd like to show you to the kiln.
00:27:36Mr. Saha is waiting for you.
00:27:39Is that so?
00:27:40Then I'll come in.
00:27:45It's a fine kiln.
00:27:49A kiln?
00:27:51Where is it?
00:27:52Mitsuhiko, what are you misunderstanding?
00:27:56A kiln is a place where you can make baked goods.
00:28:03Oh, is that so?
00:28:16Mr. Asagi, did I bother you again?
00:28:22No, I didn't.
00:28:24Is that so?
00:28:26He was also a very hostile person.
00:28:29Oh, was he?
00:28:34He's the kind of person who does that kind of job.
00:28:39Well, it couldn't be that everyone respected Mr. Kageyama.
00:28:46Please come in.
00:29:08That's an ointment, isn't it?
00:29:11If I use this ointment, won't the draft I drew disappear?
00:29:14If you bake this in the kiln, the ointment will become transparent like a glass film and the dead body will float up beautifully.
00:29:25And the final finish is the top coat.
00:29:40I'd like to ask you a very basic question.
00:29:44What is it?
00:29:47It's called a pottery.
00:29:50What's the difference between pottery and jiki?
00:29:55Oh, no, Mitsuhiko.
00:29:57You didn't even know that?
00:30:01Jiki is made of crushed stone.
00:30:04Pottery is made of soil.
00:30:08Oh, stone and soil.
00:30:12Thank you very much.
00:30:13Thanks to you, the mystery of many years has been solved.
00:30:17I lost my confidence as a parent.
00:30:22I'm sorry.
00:30:25No, it's okay.
00:30:27As long as you enjoy baking, it doesn't matter whether it's jiki or pottery.
00:30:31That's right.
00:30:43It's wonderful.
00:30:48Even I feel like I'm in a hurry.
00:30:52Do you have an aura?
00:30:54Oh, yes.
00:30:56The more I look at it, the more I feel it.
00:30:58That's good.
00:31:00I'm sorry I kept talking about pottery.
00:31:03No, it's fun.
00:31:08Sir, what would you like for lunch?
00:31:12Oh, lunch?
00:31:15Mitsuhiko, your eyes change color when you eat.
00:31:21Don't embarrass me anymore.
00:31:24I'm sorry.
00:31:26When I went to Saga, my acquaintance told me to eat squid in Yobuko.
00:31:32Squid in Yobuko?
00:31:43Well, let's do that.
00:31:47I'm sorry.
00:31:50I was selfish.
00:31:56Don't give up. Good health insurance.
00:32:00The importance of medical insurance.
00:32:02Everyone who has experienced illness knows it better than anyone else.
00:32:08I have a high blood pressure and I'm still in the hospital.
00:32:11It's too late for insurance, isn't it?
00:32:14I had an intracranial surgery two years ago.
00:32:17Is it difficult to get insurance from now on?
00:32:20Don't give up. Good health insurance.
00:32:25That's Nanairo Medical Superwide.
00:32:29We have only two questions for those who are fighting illness.
00:32:35Have you had an intracranial surgery or radiation therapy from a doctor in the last three months?
00:32:43Have you had an intracranial surgery or radiation therapy in the last year?
00:32:50Only two questions are required to apply.
00:32:55You don't need a medical certificate or medical examination.
00:32:59You can sign a contract from the age of 20 to 85.
00:33:03Not only can you receive a hospitalization subsidy from your return,
00:33:07but also a surgery subsidy.
00:33:09In addition, in order to receive the latest treatment,
00:33:12you can get up to 20 million yen for advanced medical insurance.
00:33:16Please take a look at the monthly insurance amount.
00:33:19That's right.
00:33:20And it won't change for the rest of your life.
00:33:23If something happens next time,
00:33:26or when I get another disease,
00:33:29I've always been worried about not having insurance.
00:33:33I'm very grateful to be able to get insurance like this.
00:33:37Even if you have a chronic disease or experience any disease,
00:33:41as long as you have two good things,
00:33:43don't give up on good insurance.
00:33:45NANAIRO Medical Superwide
00:33:48For more information, call 0120-7716-11.
00:35:32It's a port town with a wonderful atmosphere.
00:35:37In the old days, it was quite busy as a port that carried coal.
00:35:43Is that so?
00:35:51Excuse me.
00:35:52How would you like to order?
00:35:56It looks delicious.
00:36:05Do you come here often?
00:36:10Actually, it's my first time.
00:36:13This scenery...
00:36:15I feel nostalgic.
00:36:23Ika-no-ichi-ya-boshi looks delicious.
00:36:28It's true.
00:36:30How is it?
00:36:31It has a jaw.
00:36:47It's a live squid.
00:36:49It's still moving.
00:36:51Please eat.
00:36:53Thank you.
00:37:01It's hot.
00:37:03It's delicious.
00:37:06It's really a port town.
00:37:11If you eat this, can I walk slowly later?
00:37:16I'll accompany you.
00:37:19Please go back first.
00:37:23Then I'll do that.
00:37:34Were you born in a port town?
00:37:38I don't know where I was born.
00:37:43You don't know?
00:37:45I was adopted by Mr. Isahashi when I was a child.
00:37:48So I don't know where I was born and where my parents are.
00:37:53So you were born in Yobuko?
00:37:59But Mr. Isahashi never told me about Yobuko.
00:38:10When I was a high school student,
00:38:12I went to Yobuko with my friend.
00:38:15I was told by my teacher that I couldn't go there.
00:38:21I was so scared that I couldn't go there.
00:38:27But sometimes,
00:38:29something like a fragment of my memory comes back to me.
00:38:33I was in a seaside town.
00:38:36I was young.
00:38:39A small boat came from the other side.
00:38:43A man was rowing a boat.
00:38:46A woman?
00:38:49I felt like I was waiting for him.
00:38:53But I don't know who he was
00:38:56or where he was from.
00:38:59I don't know at all.
00:39:07This man is going to catch fish with his skillful hands.
00:39:14Mr. Hiroshi Akiyama, a sushi chef.
00:39:17He is 87 years old.
00:39:19He lives in Yotsuya, Shinjuku for more than 50 years.
00:39:23He is a very energetic chef.
00:39:26He is very energetic.
00:39:28I can't believe he is 87 years old.
00:39:31He is very energetic.
00:39:35He is energetic.
00:39:37He is very energetic now.
00:39:40I'm still energetic.
00:39:42I'm always energetic.
00:39:45Mr. Akiyama has been energetic for many hours.
00:39:49What is the secret of his energy?
00:39:52Yotsuya's persimmon soup.
00:39:55Persimmon and soup are the source of energy.
00:39:58Iron, DHA, and EPA are also absorbed.
00:40:02I drink it every day.
00:40:05I have to be energetic.
00:40:08I will continue to be energetic.
00:40:10Why don't you try it?
00:40:13Yotsuya's persimmon soup.
00:40:16It costs 2,270 yen for a month.
00:40:20To celebrate the 9.7 million subscribers of Yotsuya,
00:40:25we will give you a special price of 2,000 yen.
00:40:29It's free of charge.
00:40:31In addition, we will give you a month's worth of gifts.
00:40:34Of course, you can order only once.
00:40:37However, if you miss this chance,
00:40:40you will lose all the benefits.
00:40:43Please hurry.
00:40:44A special price of 2,000 yen.
00:40:47In addition, we will give you a month's worth of gifts.
00:40:50You can order only once this time.
00:40:54The reception is 0120-828-828-828-828.
00:41:02We will be waiting for you for 30 minutes.
00:41:07Everyone who is worried about weight, belly fat, and constipation.
00:41:11Do you know the Zendamakin that is popular on TV and magazines now?
00:41:16That is the ultra-active Zendamakin Laksankin.
00:41:21Laksankin can prepare the intestinal environment and prevent constipation.
00:41:26In addition, it is good for weight and belly fat.
00:41:31Laksankin delivers the ultra-active Zendamakin Laksankin to the intestines.
00:41:36This is LAKUBI PREMIUM.
00:41:38Laksankin is an excellent Zendamakin.
00:41:42If you are worried about weight and belly fat, you need to take care of it.
00:41:47However, only one in ten people have enough Laksankin in their intestines.
00:41:55LAKUBI PREMIUM has 14 million Laksankin.
00:41:58In addition, it contains HMPA.
00:42:02LAKUBI PREMIUM increases the Zendamakin in the intestines.
00:42:04LAKUBI PREMIUM improves the intestinal environment of constipated people.
00:42:07LAKUBI PREMIUM improves constipation.
00:42:09LAKUBI PREMIUM confirms that the number of constipation has increased.
00:42:14I was happy to see LAKUBI PREMIUM on TV.
00:42:18I was convinced that this was the power of LAKUBI PREMIUM.
00:42:22LAKUBI PREMIUM supports the weight and belly fat of constipated people.
00:42:28If the intestines are not healthy, the bowel movement will be bad.
00:42:32LAKUBI PREMIUM is refreshing.
00:42:34LAKUBI PREMIUM contains Zendamakin and Laksankin.
00:42:39LAKUBI PREMIUM is 3,480 yen including tax.
00:42:42I will guide you on a cheap regular course.
00:42:47The first delivery is a 71% discount of 980 yen.
00:42:52980 yen, free shipping.
00:42:55Moreover, you can continue to make a profit even after the second delivery.
00:42:59Applications are 0120-6345-45, 6345-45.
00:43:12It's a nice brick.
00:43:15This is called Tonbaibei.
00:43:20When the brick used in the kiln of a baked good lives, it becomes flat like this.
00:43:26Is that so?
00:43:28It's a nice recycle.
00:43:34But you are really a young lady.
00:43:39I want to get married as soon as possible if I have a good marriage.
00:43:44Did you get married because of your acquaintance?
00:43:49Your parents are unhappy.
00:43:56Yes, they may be unhappy.
00:44:00But I'm glad that you got married to a good man.
00:44:06I wanted to raise you like your real parents.
00:44:377 hills?
00:44:42It's my first time to come here.
00:44:44There are 7 caves that have been eroded by the waves on the cliff.
00:44:48It seems that they are lined up like a furnace.
00:44:51That's why it's called 7 hills.
00:45:067 hills
00:45:22It's amazing.
00:45:23It's true.
00:45:31What is that?
00:45:37It's a person.
00:45:39A person?
00:45:41No way.
00:45:55Please move.
00:45:57Please check if you have any evidence.
00:46:02Who is he?
00:46:06He is Kanji Kusama.
00:46:08He is a mountaineer.
00:46:13What are you doing here?
00:46:15I found a body and got on the ship by chance.
00:46:17Why did you get on the ship?
00:46:18I'm a tourist.
00:46:22Mr. Asami.
00:46:24Can you come to the office?
00:46:26I want to talk to you slowly.
00:46:29Let's do that.
00:46:32The body was thrown into the sea after being killed.
00:46:38If we find out how long he spent in the sea, including the relationship with the sea,
00:46:43we can find out where he was thrown into the sea.
00:46:47We will wait for the result of the judicial dissertation with the police.
00:46:52Let's go.
00:46:54Wait a minute.
00:46:57Today, we will introduce a set of delicious bowls.
00:47:01First of all, please eat this Oyako-don.
00:47:07The meat is fragrant and tender.
00:47:10The texture of this soft egg is also good.
00:47:14It took a lot of time to grill the chicken on a direct fire to add flavor.
00:47:19In addition, the white soup stock and eggs taken from bonito and kelp are closed.
00:47:25It's a authentic taste that you can eat at a restaurant.
00:47:30You can eat it right away just by preheating for 3 minutes.
00:47:33It's an easy-to-eat bowl that's perfect for a day when you're tired from housework or work.
00:47:38Next is Mr. Budak's Chinese bowl.
00:47:42Pork, chicken, Chinese cabbage, bamboo shoots, carrots, onions, and shiitake mushrooms.
00:47:47In addition, I used a lot of quail eggs and other ingredients.
00:47:56The umami of meat and vegetables is amazing.
00:48:00The Chinese bowl is also very delicious.
00:48:03Next is the marble bowl.
00:48:09The tofu and meat are very delicious.
00:48:13It has a mild taste.
00:48:16Today, we also serve Hokkaido Obihiro pork bowl.
00:48:21Do you also serve pork bowl?
00:48:24Obihiro Bussan Kyokai is the birthplace of pork bowl.
00:48:28It is finished with a rich sweet sauce.
00:48:31There are 6 kinds of parent-child bowl, 6 kinds of Chinese bowl, and 6 kinds of marble bowl.
00:48:36In addition, Obihiro pork bowl is served in 3 colors.
00:48:39A total of 21 colors are available for 3,980 yen.
00:48:45The price of pork bowl is very reasonable.
00:48:50You can apply by calling 0120-002244.
00:48:57House Lease Back
00:49:00Do you know the service called House Do's House Lease Back that allows you to continue living even if you sell your house?
00:49:09House Lease Back?
00:49:12If you sell your house, you can't live normally, right?
00:49:15Can you live as it is?
00:49:18House Do will buy the house you live in with cash.
00:49:23After that, by paying monthly rent, you can continue living as it is without moving.
00:49:31You can also buy it again.
00:49:34I've never heard of it.
00:49:36Many people have already used it.
00:49:39I see.
00:49:41I decided to use House Lease Back because I wanted to continue living as it is.
00:49:45I had a little debt, but it was okay.
00:49:49I'm glad.
00:49:50It's an old house, so I was worried about it, but it was surprisingly okay.
00:49:59I thought it would be great to be able to buy a house that I'm used to living in again.
00:50:05House Lease Back is used as a living fund for the elderly, a measure to prevent the spread of disease, and a business fund.
00:50:10Please consider it once.
00:50:13Thanks to House Lease Back, it is the 10th anniversary.
00:50:17It is selected from more than 5,000 customers nationwide.
00:50:22Also, customer satisfaction is 97.6%.
00:50:26We are satisfied with many people.
00:50:30If you call us, we will send you a pamphlet that is easy to understand and popular for free.
00:50:37Thanks to House Lease Back, it is the 10th anniversary.
00:50:42If you have any questions about the free pamphlet, please call 0120-350-340.
00:50:54We are waiting for your call.
00:51:03This is the Oshima police station.
00:51:05I heard that there was a suspicious man who became the first suspect in the murder of Satsu.
00:51:10Did you arrest him?
00:51:12I didn't arrest him.
00:51:14Why didn't you do it right away?
00:51:16He's a Tokyo person, so he's checking his body.
00:51:19Do you know where he is?
00:51:21Yes, here.
00:51:28I'm Asami Mitsuhiko, a loop writer.
00:51:31Loop writer?
00:51:33Why did you become the first suspect in the murder of Satsu?
00:51:37It's a coincidence.
00:51:40It's not a drama, so you have to think of a better reason.
00:51:43Excuse me.
00:51:45Who are you?
00:51:50Don't you think it's polite to introduce yourself first when you ask someone a question?
00:51:56Who is he?
00:52:00I'm a detective from the Saga Prefecture, Detective Oshima.
00:52:04Is that so?
00:52:06Is that so?
00:52:07Excuse me, Yasuda.
00:52:10What did you say?
00:52:12Don't talk nonsense.
00:52:13You're very violent.
00:52:16Are you a real detective?
00:52:19This is a matter of ethics.
00:52:21There should be no coercion.
00:52:23I don't know if you're a loop writer, but...
00:52:25Are you underestimating the police?
00:52:27I can't talk to you, so I'll excuse myself.
00:52:31Wait a minute.
00:52:32Yasuda, hurry up and answer the phone.
00:52:34Mr. Asami.
00:52:37Asami Mitsuhiko?
00:52:38That's him.
00:52:40If you hit him, he'll be proud.
00:52:42Ask him what he's good at.
00:52:44Good at?
00:52:46From my experience,
00:52:48a cool-headed man like that is bound to be angry.
00:52:52Hello, I got the phone.
00:52:54I'm Yasuda from the police station.
00:52:56I need your help.
00:52:57I'm looking for Asami Mitsuhiko.
00:53:01Is your brother Asami Mitsuhiko?
00:53:04I'm sorry.
00:53:06Mitsuhiko is my brother.
00:53:09I'm Asami Yoichiro.
00:53:11I'm from the police station.
00:53:12Asami Yoichiro from the police station?
00:53:15Asami Yoichiro...
00:53:18He's a member of the police.
00:53:20What did he say?
00:53:22He said you're Asami from the police station.
00:53:31Asami Yoichiro...
00:53:36I'm Asami from the police station.
00:53:38I'm sorry my brother is bothering you.
00:53:42But he's not the kind of man to bother the police.
00:53:47I see.
00:53:48Please continue.
00:53:50I'm Oshima from the police station.
00:53:53Yasuda from the police station
00:53:55has been very rude to my brother.
00:53:58I'm very sorry.
00:54:00I, Oshima from the police station,
00:54:02am very sorry.
00:54:04Please forgive me.
00:54:07I'm very sorry.
00:54:09I'm very sorry.
00:54:13What did Asami do?
00:54:16He just left.
00:54:18Find him!
00:54:19Find Asami!
00:54:26It's delicious.
00:54:28Yes, it is.
00:54:30You're going home tomorrow, right?
00:54:32I'll see you off.
00:54:34Don't worry so much.
00:54:38You should stay with Mr. Sahashi.
00:54:43I'm sure he'll be shocked to see you gone.
00:54:49Thank you.
00:54:52Don't worry.
00:54:53Mitsuhiko, I'll leave the rest to you.
00:54:58Excuse me.
00:55:05It's hot.
00:55:07Mr. Asami.
00:55:08I'm very sorry for what I did to you.
00:55:16Are you...
00:55:21I'm his mother.
00:55:22His mother?
00:55:24Does that mean...
00:55:25Does that mean...
00:55:26you're the son-in-law of Asami?
00:55:32I'm Oshima from the police station.
00:55:37Oh, you're the police.
00:55:41What is it?
00:55:43As you can see,
00:55:47Mr. Asami was very angry with me.
00:55:52So I, Oshima,
00:55:54came to apologize to you.
00:55:58I'm very sorry.
00:56:01That's enough.
00:56:04Mr. Asami is a bad man.
00:56:07He's the son-in-law of Asami.
00:56:11You should have told me.
00:56:14Right, Yasuda?
00:56:16Mr. Asami is a great detective.
00:56:20He solved many cases.
00:56:23A great detective?
00:56:25I just cooperated with the police.
00:56:31Yasuda, did you hear that?
00:56:33He's a great detective.
00:56:36He's a great detective.
00:56:39I knew it from the beginning.
00:56:41Right, Yasuda?
00:56:42You're a great detective.
00:56:45You're a great detective.
00:56:49I'm embarrassed.
00:56:52Some people become great with power.
00:56:54Some people become bad with power.
00:56:57You're right.
00:56:59But you have a lot of knowledge.
00:57:01I thought it was strange.
00:57:05Are you from here?
00:57:10I was born and raised in Karatsu.
00:57:13That's good.
00:57:14It's a long time ago.
00:57:16Was there a time when a ship from Tekogi
00:57:19was sailing between here and Mukogishi?
00:57:21That's a long time ago.
00:57:25It was when Mukogishi was still active.
00:57:31Yobuko has been a port town for a long time.
00:57:35At night, Ojiro came from Mukogishi.
00:57:40He brought his guests here and took them to Yukaku.
00:57:46When I was a child,
00:57:48I often saw my father playing in Yukaku
00:57:51and being chased by my mother.
00:57:53Is that so?
00:58:40It's a beautiful work.
00:58:43He promised to be famous in two years.
00:58:57It's terrible.
00:59:00What's this?
00:59:05Is there something wrong with this vase?
00:59:10Excuse me.
00:59:18Mr. Hoshino.
00:59:20What do you think of this work?
00:59:30This is good.
00:59:33This color is new.
00:59:35It's not like Karatsu or Arita.
00:59:41There's a new technique in it.
00:59:44A new technique?
00:59:47Mr. Kusama, when did you come up with this technique?
00:59:59According to the autopsy results,
01:00:01your estimated time of death
01:00:04was about 24 hours before the body was found.
01:00:09How long did the body stay in the sea?
01:00:13About 24 hours.
01:00:15So, you were thrown into the sea right after you were killed.
01:00:21So, the crime was committed
01:00:25on the afternoon of Sunday.
01:00:30I asked the local fishermen.
01:00:33According to the autopsy results,
01:00:36the body was washed away
01:00:39in the seven-legged pond
01:00:41about 24 hours after the body was found.
01:00:44So, this area is a crime scene
01:00:47and there's a high possibility that the body was found here.
01:00:51That's right.
01:00:53Did you find any trace of the body here?
01:00:56No, not yet.
01:00:59I haven't found any trace of the body.
01:01:02I see.
01:01:04Excuse me.
01:01:11Mr. Sawashi.
01:01:13What's wrong?
01:01:17Mr. Hisako?
01:01:26I'm sorry to bother you.
01:01:28It's nothing.
01:01:30What do you mean Mr. Hisako isn't here?
01:01:32I haven't heard from him since Mr. Kusama's funeral.
01:01:39Do you have any idea?
01:01:43Any idea?
01:01:45I can't wait for the end of the world.
01:01:52It's easier to jump into the sea.
01:01:55The only thing I can see is the body.
01:02:01Mr. Sawashi.
01:02:03Your ex-girlfriend...
01:02:08Didn't she have a strong feeling for you?
01:02:15Tadao Hiroyama.
01:02:17He left me 10 years ago.
01:02:20Mr. Tadao Hiroyama?
01:02:23Is he your student?
01:02:28Did he have an affair with you?
01:02:35I asked him to marry you.
01:02:39Marry me?
01:02:41But I didn't allow their marriage.
01:02:48That's why Mr. Tadao made a rumor about you.
01:02:53Is he your lover?
01:02:57But Mr. Tadao didn't say anything about it.
01:03:13Mr. Mitsuhiko.
01:03:15There are some things you can't say.
01:03:22Mr. Mitsuhiko, do you think Hisako went to see Tadao?
01:03:28I don't know.
01:03:30But I think it's worth asking.
01:03:34Can you tell me where Mr. Tadao Hiroyama is?
01:03:43Mr. Sawashi.
01:03:52Mr. Sawashi.
01:04:18Mr. Tadao.
01:04:23Mr. Tadao Hiroyama
01:04:28It's been a long time.
01:04:34I'm making a pot right now.
01:04:37I can't meet you.
01:04:44Don't get in my way.
01:04:46I told you I don't want to see your face again.
01:04:52Don't get in my way.
01:05:22This is Mr. Sawashi.
01:05:24My name is Mitsuhiko Asami.
01:05:26Mr. Sawashi?
01:05:28How are you, Mr. Sawashi?
01:05:31I just opened my own shop.
01:05:35I see.
01:05:36What can I do for you?
01:05:39I don't know where Hisako is.
01:05:43I was wondering if she was here.
01:05:46Then take her home right away.
01:05:52Mr. Tadao.
01:05:53What are you talking about?
01:05:54Hey, Mr. Tadao.
01:05:56I got a good sea bream.
01:05:58I'm going to cook it right now.
01:06:00Your father said it looked delicious.
01:06:03I'm not going to let you eat it.
01:06:07Are you a customer?
01:06:09I'm going home.
01:06:11No, Mr. Tadao.
01:06:12Don't say that.
01:06:14I'm sorry.
01:06:15When you start cooking, you'll look ugly.
01:06:20How about this?
01:06:23I'm going to cook it right now.
01:06:24Would you like to eat it with me?
01:06:25I told you, Mr. Tadao.
01:06:27I'm cooking it right now.
01:06:29I see.
01:06:30When you start cooking, you'll look ugly.
01:06:35How about this?
01:06:36Why don't you come to my house and eat?
01:06:39I have a lot of fresh fish.
01:06:41Please do that.
01:06:42I have a shop.
01:06:44If you're a customer,
01:06:46I'd like to invite you to my house.
01:06:49Mr. Tadao.
01:07:03Please come in.
01:07:05Please sit where you like.
01:07:07I'll make tea for you.
01:07:09Have you known Mr. Hiroyama for a long time?
01:07:13I've known him for about 10 years.
01:07:1510 years?
01:07:16Where did you meet him 10 years ago?
01:07:19It was a sudden death.
01:07:22A sudden death?
01:07:24I went to the mountains to get wild vegetables.
01:07:36What's wrong?
01:07:38What's wrong?
01:07:39Wake up.
01:07:40What's wrong?
01:07:42Wake up.
01:07:45Leave me alone.
01:07:47Leave me alone.
01:07:52He couldn't go to the hospital.
01:07:55So he had to work at home.
01:07:58Then one day,
01:08:01he said he wanted to make a kiln.
01:08:05At that time,
01:08:08Mr. Tadao learned for the first time
01:08:11that he was a pottery master.
01:08:13What happened to Mr. Tadao?
01:08:17Did something terrible happen to him
01:08:20that he became like a ghost?
01:08:26I see.
01:08:28Then I won't touch him anymore.
01:08:31I just want Mr. Tadao to be happy with Satoko.
01:08:43Mr. Tadao
01:08:46Mr. Tadao
01:08:49Mr. Tadao
01:08:5210 years.
01:08:56It's a very long time.
01:09:01Of course, there are many kinds of lives.
01:09:06I've been waiting for someone
01:09:09who has already walked another life
01:09:12and become happy.
01:09:15It's stupid.
01:09:20That's not true.
01:09:24Thank you.
01:09:28But why did you go to Mr. Hiroyama suddenly?
01:09:36If you knew the place,
01:09:38you should have had a chance to go there.
01:09:42Why did you go there at this time?
01:09:48Is it because of the pot you saw at Mr. Kusama's funeral?
01:10:00When you saw that pot,
01:10:03it wasn't normal.
01:10:06For Mr. Kusama,
01:10:08it must have been a good pot.
01:10:30Have you been here for a long time?
01:10:33It's been a long time.
01:10:36Do you know a little girl named Hisako Narusawa?
01:10:42Hisako Narusawa?
01:10:45She used to live around Yukaku.
01:10:51What are you doing?
01:10:53You're asking me for a pot that I forgot.
01:10:59I'm sorry.
01:11:01It's okay.
01:11:03Did she propose to you?
01:11:06She doesn't remember the town where she was born,
01:11:10but she says she remembers the town where she was called.
01:11:14she must have been looking for a child of a prostitute.
01:11:18A child of a prostitute?
01:11:20Who would want to know if she was a prostitute
01:11:24or a woman who sold her body?
01:11:28I don't know.
01:11:38I knew it was here.
01:11:40When I was a child,
01:11:43I always waited for someone here.
01:11:47From the other shore,
01:11:50on a small boat,
01:11:53I was so happy when that person came back.
01:12:01I remember now.
01:12:05That was...
01:12:07My mother,
01:12:09on a small boat,
01:12:11went to the other shore.
01:12:16she came back on a boat from the other shore,
01:12:19with a man on board.
01:12:23Then, I'm...
01:12:27a woman of a prostitute?
01:12:38Is that right?
01:12:44You shouldn't be in a place like that!
01:12:48Don't go!
01:12:50Don't cry!
01:13:47Kourai Ninjin Kenkou Shokuhin Shinpino Kenkouryoku
01:13:51is usually 3,024 yen,
01:13:53but if it's a regular course, it's a special price of 2,700 yen!
01:13:58In addition, the total amount is 2,000 yen!
01:14:01In addition, it's a limited edition for the first time!
01:14:05The phone number is 0120-667-4000!
01:14:11Shinpino Shinpino
01:14:13Kenkouryoku, Kenkouryoku, Kenkouryoku
01:14:17In this hot season,
01:14:19let's make the most of the air conditioner!
01:14:22This circulator is a great help!
01:14:27The biggest point of this is the strong wind.
01:14:31It can deliver cool wind far away.
01:14:35Compared to a regular fan,
01:14:38The difference is obvious!
01:14:41It can deliver cool wind to every corner of your room!
01:14:45Put the circulator on the air conditioner.
01:14:48It circulates the air in your room!
01:14:51Until now, there was a difference in temperature even with the air conditioner on,
01:14:54and there was a difference in coolness,
01:14:56but the circulator delivers the air to every corner
01:14:59and evenly lowers the temperature of your room.
01:15:02By reducing the temperature difference,
01:15:04you can expect an effective heat dissipation effect!
01:15:06Of course, it can also be used as a fan!
01:15:10It also has a rest mode,
01:15:12so you can use it in your bedroom!
01:15:18this is not just a circulator and a fan!
01:15:22It also has a function to dry clothes,
01:15:24which is great on rainy days!
01:15:26It takes a long time for the clothes to dry,
01:15:29and I can't wait to smell the fresh air!
01:15:32In that case, leave it to us!
01:15:35In the clothes drying mode,
01:15:37it supports the drying of clothes.
01:15:39You can use the fan directly above the clothes.
01:15:42It is a wide fan with a temperature of about 80 degrees to the left and right.
01:15:45It will dry your clothes immediately!
01:15:48If you compare the drying time between natural drying and using a circulator,
01:15:54it usually takes about 5 hours,
01:15:57but it can be completed in 75 minutes!
01:15:59It can be shortened to about 1 in 4!
01:16:03It is also recommended for places where moisture tends to accumulate.
01:16:07It also protects the clothes in the closet.
01:16:10It is also very effective in preventing mold!
01:16:13Please use it to dry your bath or closet!
01:16:18in the Japanese-style room, summer-style room, kitchen,
01:16:21bedroom, bathroom, closet,
01:16:23it is a circulator that is very effective in various places!
01:16:27In addition,
01:16:28this also has a fan function!
01:16:31The circulation of heat in the room,
01:16:33clothes drying,
01:16:35as well as spot heating,
01:16:37it is effective in both summer and winter!
01:16:41with a strong wind,
01:16:42the air in the room is circulated evenly!
01:16:44Summer is cool,
01:16:46winter is warm!
01:16:47You can use it all year round!
01:16:49It is a four-in-one heat and cool!
01:16:52Please look forward to the price!
01:16:55The price is 29,800 yen,
01:16:59and the special price is 9,900 yen!
01:17:04Don't miss this chance!
01:17:07Applications are 0120-002244,
01:17:12up to the Happiness Club!
01:17:18Yobuko has Hisako's mother.
01:17:28I see.
01:17:31That's why you avoided the town of Yobuko
01:17:34so that Hisako wouldn't know about it.
01:17:37She is the daughter of a noble woman.
01:17:40We can't easily accept her.
01:17:48Please forgive me if I was wrong.
01:17:53The reason Hisako was taken away
01:17:55is because you were her real father, isn't it?
01:18:00No, that's not true.
01:18:04Hisako's father
01:18:07was a man who had an affair with his mother.
01:18:11An affair?
01:18:15So Hisako's parents
01:18:17died of an affair?
01:18:20That's right.
01:18:23No matter how old Hisako is,
01:18:27I can't tell you this.
01:18:29I was going to take her to the grave.
01:18:34Is that why you didn't accept her marriage with Tadao Hiroyama?
01:18:39Is it because Hisako is the daughter of a noble woman?
01:18:46Did Hiroyama know about it?
01:18:50When he said he wanted to get married,
01:18:53I told him about it.
01:18:55So that's why
01:18:57Hiroyama married Hisako.
01:19:00Tadao is not that kind of man.
01:19:02Then why didn't you accept
01:19:04Hiroyama and Hisako's marriage?
01:19:11Tadao's father was an artist.
01:19:16He was still unknown.
01:19:19He took care of me when my life was hard.
01:19:24He was a good friend and benefactor.
01:19:29He passed away when I was young.
01:19:36I couldn't repay him for anything.
01:19:40So when Tadao left middle school,
01:19:43I took her in and trained her.
01:19:48She was a very good girl.
01:19:52Even before she left,
01:19:54she was so happy that a new technique was about to be completed.
01:19:59A new technique?
01:20:01She said it was a method to create a special color.
01:20:06She said she would show it to me as soon as it was completed.
01:20:11Before it was completed,
01:20:13Tadao left middle school.
01:20:17She was the best of my students.
01:20:24Then why did you marry Hisako?
01:20:34It's not that simple.
01:20:39What do you mean?
01:20:51You knew.
01:20:53You knew I was a child of a girl named Ojuro.
01:20:58That's why you ran away from me.
01:21:00Is that right?
01:21:04Even if you tell me that,
01:21:06I know it's not a big deal.
01:21:10But I want to know.
01:21:12The reason why you've been suffering for 10 years.
01:21:16I want to know the reason.
01:21:26Let's go home.
01:21:30I won't go home until I hear the answer from Tadao.
01:22:01It hurts.
01:22:17Mr. Hirayama.
01:22:19Who taught you how to make this color?
01:22:25I didn't learn it from anyone.
01:22:27I didn't copy anyone.
01:22:29I made it myself.
01:22:32It took me more than 10 years to make this color.
01:22:3410 years?
01:22:36So it's been 10 years since you came to Arita.
01:22:40That's right.
01:22:42That's how you knew at first sight.
01:22:46What are you talking about?
01:22:48What happened to Sayohime's fin?
01:22:50Sayohime's fin?
01:22:53I named it after the rainbow-like shape and color.
01:23:09Mr. Hirayama.
01:23:12Do you know Kusama Kanji?
01:23:16Kusama Kanji?
01:23:18I saw him in the newspaper.
01:23:20He was killed recently.
01:23:22The vase that became Kusama Kanji's work
01:23:25and the time when he was killed
01:23:27have the same color.
01:23:30It's as if he copied your method
01:23:35or stole it.
01:23:39So you want to say that I killed Kusama Kanji?
01:23:45According to the police,
01:23:48Kusama Kanji was killed in Hatomisaki on Sunday afternoon.
01:23:54He was thrown into the sea.
01:23:57He swam in the sea for 24 hours.
01:24:01Then he was found on a seven-leaf clover
01:24:05in the tide.
01:24:11Where was he on Sunday afternoon?
01:24:16On Sunday afternoon...
01:24:19He was eating with Satoko, his father
01:24:22and three regular customers.
01:24:29How long does it take to get to Hatomisaki by car?
01:24:33It takes three hours to get down the mountain from here.
01:24:40It's impossible to go to Hatomisaki on Sunday afternoon
01:24:45and throw him into the sea.
01:24:47Am I wrong?
01:24:49If there is no mistake in the police investigation,
01:24:52Hirayama-san's alibi will be established.
01:24:55Is that so?
01:24:56Then I'll leave you to it.
01:24:59Shisako, you too.
01:25:01I'm not going home.
01:25:04I'll help Tada-san here.
01:25:07Don't be stupid.
01:25:09I've regretted not going with Tada-san
01:25:13for 10 years.
01:25:16I don't want to feel that way anymore.
01:25:18No, go home.
01:25:20No, I'm not going home.
01:25:23I don't want to wait and become a rock.
01:25:28Or do you want me to jump into the sea?
01:25:32No matter whose child I am,
01:25:34I don't feel inferior, do I?
01:25:39Is it my fault that I'm the daughter of an educated woman?
01:25:43Why do I have to be separated from the one I love?
01:25:53Anna, welcome.
01:26:00I think I should leave.
01:26:03No, you stay here.
01:26:05The two of us will go home.
01:26:26Don't return the spilled water.
01:26:30You can't use it anymore.
01:26:37Taiyo Seimei
01:26:41Hello, it's Mom.
01:26:44What's up?
01:26:45I've decided to apply for a new death insurance.
01:26:50Death insurance?
01:26:52Why so suddenly?
01:26:54I've had it since I was young.
01:26:56When I checked, it was different from what I expected.
01:27:02In fact, about half of the people applying for death insurance
01:27:06are not satisfied with the insurance.
01:27:10I'm worried about the unexpected.
01:27:13Is that what you're thinking about?
01:27:16I want to think about it while I'm still healthy.
01:27:20But Mom, you're 70 years old this year.
01:27:23Is there any insurance you can apply for now?
01:27:27If the insurance company is brave, you can apply for it until you're 75.
01:27:31Depending on the plan, you can apply for it until you're 85.
01:27:36That's Taiyo Seimei's death insurance.
01:27:40But if you start over now, the insurance fee will be high.
01:27:44That's okay.
01:27:47For example, if a 70-year-old woman has been in the insurance company for 10 years,
01:27:52the insurance fee is 2,073 yen per month.
01:27:57With an insurance fee of 2,000 yen,
01:28:00you can get a guarantee of 1 million yen every month.
01:28:05If it's 2,000 yen per month, it's not that much of a burden for you, right?
01:28:10That's right.
01:28:11I feel secure that I'm in the insurance company.
01:28:15I feel secure that I can leave money for you every day.
01:28:22I don't want to burden you with a sudden funeral.
01:28:27You're like a mother.
01:28:30I'm grateful as a child.
01:28:33Taiyo Seimei's death insurance.
01:28:36First, we'll send you the information.
01:28:46But Mom, you were taking blood pressure and diabetes medication, right?
01:28:51Can you really get in?
01:28:52That's right.
01:28:54If you don't apply for a simple notice, you can apply.
01:28:58I'm glad you found it.
01:29:00That's a perfect insurance.
01:29:04Even if you have a chronic illness,
01:29:06I want to leave it to my family at a reasonable insurance amount.
01:29:10Taiyo Seimei's death insurance meets your wishes.
01:29:15First, we'll send you the detailed information.
01:29:18Now, please prepare your memo.
01:29:32Taiyo Seimei.
01:29:37Don't give up on your damaged hair!
01:29:40I don't want to give up!
01:29:42Do you have any hair problems?
01:29:44I don't have volume, but it's a mess.
01:29:46Yakuyo Amino Sun Shampoo Refreshing.
01:29:49More than 94.7% is a natural ingredient.
01:29:53You don't need conditioner.
01:29:55I've already used it.
01:29:57After washing, it's moist like after conditioner and treatment.
01:30:02I'm very satisfied with my hair.
01:30:05I've already used it.
01:30:07You can wash it off easily.
01:30:09It's very moist.
01:30:11150ml for a month.
01:30:13Free shipping.
01:30:15It's 500 yen.
01:30:19You can get 6 bags for 30 minutes.
01:30:236 bags?
01:30:26Yakuyo Amino Sun Shampoo Refreshing.
01:30:40Excuse me.
01:30:47Excuse me.
01:30:55Yakuyo Amino Sun Shampoo Refreshing.
01:31:04Oh, Mr. Asami.
01:31:06Do you have conditioner here?
01:31:08I don't use it anymore.
01:31:10What is it today?
01:31:12It's Sunday.
01:31:14What did you do for lunch?
01:31:16Oh, Sunday.
01:31:18I went to Mr. Tada's place with Mr. Sato
01:31:22and had a hand-rolled sushi.
01:31:25Oh, really?
01:31:26Did you like it?
01:31:36Now, Mr. Tada's innocence has been proven.
01:31:48What an unfair world we live in.
01:31:54We can't decide what kind of parents we want to have.
01:32:01But we're controlled by that.
01:32:07I'm so frustrated.
01:32:09I got carried away earlier.
01:32:13Even if you don't like it,
01:32:16you have to accept it as a fact.
01:32:26Mr. Ojiro's mother abandoned me
01:32:31and married another man.
01:32:36Who did that to you?
01:32:39Mr. Toki.
01:32:41The man who called me this morning.
01:32:44He used to work with my mother.
01:32:51He took good care of me.
01:32:56The man I fell in love with
01:33:00left me when he found out about my mother.
01:33:07He was abandoned by his mother
01:33:12and by the man he loved.
01:33:20Mr. Ojiro.
01:33:27Tadao is not the kind of man
01:33:31who will leave you just because you were born that way.
01:33:37He's the man your mother fell in love with.
01:33:47He's your real father.
01:33:54My father?
01:34:02He was an artist in Karatsu.
01:34:05But his business fell through
01:34:08and he lost his father.
01:34:11His mother left him.
01:34:20She left you
01:34:24because she didn't want you
01:34:28to lose your father.
01:34:32That man was my best friend.
01:34:37Your best friend?
01:34:41Is that why you took me in?
01:34:47And that man
01:34:51had a son.
01:34:53A son?
01:34:56What happened to your son?
01:35:00I raised him.
01:35:08he became a great potter.
01:35:11A potter?
01:35:13Don't tell me...
01:35:18It's a sad fate.
01:35:22Mr. Tadao?
01:35:25Mr. Tadao?
01:35:27They were both children.
01:35:30But as time went by,
01:35:33things like that happened.
01:35:35I should have been more careful.
01:35:38They loved each other so much.
01:35:42It was only natural.
01:35:48Mr. Tadao...
01:35:50is my brother?
01:36:03That's why Tadao left you
01:36:06without saying anything.
01:36:11Your mother and Mr. Hiroyama
01:36:15didn't abandon you.
01:37:19Mr. Asami.
01:37:22Good work.
01:37:24How did it go?
01:37:26Did you find anything
01:37:28about the body?
01:37:30No, not at all.
01:37:33I see.
01:37:35Could it have been thrown somewhere else?
01:37:39I don't know.
01:37:41According to the autopsy,
01:37:43you were standing in the sea
01:37:45for 24 hours right after you were killed.
01:37:48So, if you think about the flow of the tide...
01:37:51In the sea?
01:37:53I see.
01:37:55In the sea?
01:37:57Have you been able to exercise recently?
01:38:00I only go for a walk.
01:38:02I'd like to go to the gym,
01:38:04but I can't.
01:38:06I'm worried because I'm a beginner.
01:38:08There are more than 1,500 gyms in Japan.
01:38:12ChocoZap is the most popular one.
01:38:15Let's find out why!
01:38:20It's huge!
01:38:22There are so many people.
01:38:24ChocoZap has over 1.2 million members.
01:38:2850% of new members
01:38:30go to the gym for the first time.
01:38:33They don't need to change their clothes.
01:38:35They can get a machine
01:38:37and they are kind to beginners.
01:38:39What should I do if I don't understand something?
01:38:42ChocoZap supports those who are anxious.
01:38:46The RISE UP certified advisor will come
01:38:49and solve your anxieties and questions.
01:38:53It's a support that can be started easily.
01:38:57I have muscles in my legs and waist.
01:38:59What should I do?
01:39:01Let's use this leg press.
01:39:04The advisor will give you advice.
01:39:09It was easier than I thought.
01:39:11At first, I thought it would be difficult for a beginner.
01:39:14But I think I can do it.
01:39:16About 80% of new members
01:39:19come to the gym more than once a week.
01:39:22It's easy, convenient, and fun.
01:39:24That's why it's a healthy habit.
01:39:27ChocoZap is not just about exercise.
01:39:31All these services are included.
01:39:34You can use it for 2980 yen per month.
01:39:39If you want to start, now is the chance.
01:39:42The summer special campaign will be held until August 15th.
01:39:46You can get a summer kit now.
01:39:49The admission fee is 0 yen.
01:39:53Search for ChocoZap now.
01:39:57Parents with unmarried children.
01:40:00Do you have such a problem?
01:40:03Won't my child get married?
01:40:08How can I get to know a good person?
01:40:13Can I help you?
01:40:17I want you to be happy.
01:40:20That's all I want.
01:40:22Don't worry about it.
01:40:24Consult with Musuberu, a marriage counseling center.
01:40:28Pronacode will be with you until you get married.
01:40:39When I talk to my child about marriage,
01:40:42he says he doesn't want to get married.
01:40:46Leave it to us.
01:40:49I will support my child to get married.
01:40:58My child has a bad mouth.
01:41:01I'm worried if I can get married.
01:41:04We will introduce you to our 100,000 members.
01:41:09We will advise you on how to choose your hair, clothes, and how to have a date.
01:41:16There are more than 20,000 people who have started marriage counseling at Musuberu.
01:41:21Why don't you start a marriage counseling?
01:41:25We have an announcement for everyone watching this broadcast.
01:41:30Musuberu has 37 stores nationwide.
01:41:33We are holding a free consultation.
01:41:37Please consult with us, Pronacode.
01:41:42Please call 0120-761122 or 761122.
01:41:52Please give us a call now.
01:42:13Are you ready to see everything?
01:42:42You killed Kusama-san, didn't you?
01:42:53My alibi was established, wasn't it?
01:42:56There is a water tank in Murata-san's store that hasn't been used yet.
01:43:03After you killed Kusama-san,
01:43:06didn't you put Kusama-san's body in that water tank?
01:43:11The contents of that water tank are seawater, aren't they?
01:43:15In other words,
01:43:18it's the same as throwing it into the sea.
01:43:24Kusama-san, who stole Sayo-hime's fin,
01:43:28couldn't forgive him.
01:43:35do you know how difficult it is for a togeka to come up with a new method?
01:43:46Tada-san is the only one who has been able to protect the fire of the kiln.
01:43:51It's a method that he finally came up with after risking his life.
01:43:55Do you know what it means to be stolen?
01:43:58That's enough, Shisako.
01:44:03Asami-san is right.
01:44:06I killed Kusama.
01:44:19Is that all right, Satoko-san?
01:44:26I'm the one who killed Kageyama.
01:44:30Satoko, don't say that!
01:44:32I'm not stupid, Tada-san!
01:44:35Shut up!
01:44:37I asked Kageyama to take care of Sayo-hime's fin.
01:44:47Who burned this?
01:44:51Tadao Hiroyama.
01:44:57He was a disciple of Toyo Sahashi.
01:44:59This is a method that Hiroyama came up with.
01:45:04I see.
01:45:06Please, can you introduce this work to me?
01:45:11If you introduce it to Kageyama-sensei,
01:45:13Hiroyama's work will be published.
01:45:16Please, please!
01:45:21I was told that I was going to write a famous article about Tada-san.
01:45:25So I took out the yellow sand and the time when Tada-san was burned.
01:45:31Why did you do that?
01:45:33But I couldn't get the article to be published.
01:45:39Then one day,
01:45:41there was an article about Kusama Kanji's new challenge in the Togei magazine.
01:45:47It was written by Kageyama.
01:45:50What do you mean?
01:45:52Isn't this like Kusama Kanji's method of writing about Tada-san's fin?
01:46:03Do you know who this sand is?
01:46:06Hiroyama-san's method is no longer a secret method.
01:46:12That's terrible.
01:46:13Sayo-hime's fin is Tada-san's...
01:46:16Sayo-hime's fin?
01:46:18That's a good name.
01:46:20Did you get that, too?
01:46:39Please stop.
01:46:41That sand...
01:46:43What are you doing?
01:47:14Then one day,
01:47:16Kusama-san contacted Hiroyama-san.
01:47:22Satoko-san asked about Kageyama-san.
01:47:27You had no choice but to meet Kusama-san.
01:47:31To protect Satoko-san.
01:47:33I'm not going to tell the police.
01:47:36Instead, don't use that method.
01:47:42I paid a lot of money to get that method from Kageyama-san.
01:47:47Are you still a pottery artist?
01:47:51I'm finally going to be famous.
01:47:55That's wonderful.
01:47:58It's Kusama Kanji's masterpiece.
01:48:00Don't mess with me.
01:48:02That's the method I've been working on for years.
01:48:05Then why don't you put a woman like you in prison?
01:48:07Which one?
01:48:13It's a deal.
01:48:16I wish you happiness.
01:48:22I won't let you have Sayo-hime's fin!
01:48:26You bastard!
01:48:28What do you think a burnt object is?
01:48:30Is it a tool to make money?
01:48:32Do you want to be famous?
01:48:34Someone like you...
01:48:36Someone like you...
01:48:38Satoko-san! Stop it!
01:48:56What have I done?
01:49:00Leave the rest to me.
01:49:04What about Tada-san?
01:49:06It doesn't matter. I don't know anything.
01:49:08I just want Satoko to be happy.
01:49:13Don't touch her!
01:49:21I'll take care of the rest.
01:49:26I put the body in the tank.
01:49:29Kusama-san was thrown into the sea right after he was killed.
01:49:35That's what the police said.
01:49:38And before dawn,
01:49:40you dropped Kusama-san's body from the water tank
01:49:44from the cliff of Nanatsugama.
01:49:50The body was found at Nanatsugama.
01:49:53The police concluded that Kusama-san was killed 24 hours ago
01:49:58and that he was thrown into the sea at Hatomisaki.
01:50:03If you calculate the flow of the tide,
01:50:06that's what happens.
01:50:09In other words,
01:50:11at around noon on Sunday,
01:50:13the culprit was at Hatomisaki.
01:50:19So you made an alibi for that time.
01:50:24You invited regular customers here
01:50:26and ate with Hiroyama-san and Satoko-san.
01:50:30Of course, when Kusama-san was killed,
01:50:34you and Hiroyama-san couldn't go to Hatomisaki.
01:50:41That's what happened.
01:50:44Asami-san, you're a bad person.
01:50:50I have no choice.
01:50:54That's right.
01:50:56You're right.
01:51:01I'm sorry.
01:51:03I was a fool.
01:51:06Satoko-san, that's not true.
01:51:10What's really bad
01:51:13is people who use money to steal other people's dreams.
01:51:23Sayo-hime's fin
01:51:25was made because you helped me.
01:51:34I was able to complete it because you supported me.
01:51:42completed Sayo-hime's fin
01:51:45and was able to do what I wanted.
01:51:48And I'm happy that I was able to do that
01:51:52with the help of you and me.
01:51:56Thank you, Satoko.
01:52:02Even though I'm like this...
01:52:05Even though I can't do anything...
01:52:08I was able to help you a little.
01:52:13I'm glad.
01:52:16I'm glad.
01:52:48Will you let me go?
01:52:53Of course.
01:52:57Let's go, Satoko.
01:53:08I will protect
01:53:11you until you come back.
01:53:29Wait a minute.
01:53:32Why don't we take a detour?
01:53:36You too, Satoko.
01:53:39Even if you tell me to come back,
01:53:41I can't just leave like this.
01:53:43Don't complain about Asami-san.
01:53:45That's Yasuda-san.
01:53:47I'm Seisou.
01:53:48I'm Yasugeki.
01:54:38Thank you.
01:55:04Thank you.
01:55:08Thank you.
01:55:18Wait a minute.
01:55:21It's not over yet.
01:55:39Thank you.
01:55:51What are you going to make next?
01:55:57I'm going to challenge Oozora.
01:56:08I'm going to challenge Oozora.
01:56:27I'm home.
01:56:28Welcome home, kids.
01:56:30Welcome home.
01:56:31Oh, you didn't go shopping?
01:56:35I was wondering if you could buy some of Mr. Sahai's works.
01:56:38No, no.
01:56:39I can't afford to buy something that expensive.
01:56:42Of course not.
01:56:44Hey, brother.
01:56:45What about my luggage?
01:56:47Your mother's and Mr. Sahai's
01:56:49and Ms. Hisako's
01:56:51are both valuable,
01:56:52so I decided to send them separately.
01:56:54Ms. Hisako?
01:56:55Who is she?
01:56:57That was the most anticipated souvenir.
01:57:01You're not going to send them separately, are you?
01:57:03I'm sorry.
01:57:05It didn't work out again?
01:57:08He's going to be famous.
01:57:12You're going to be famous, too.
01:57:15Don't say that again.
01:57:16So, you were rejected again.
01:57:19You've been saying that again and again.
01:57:23To put it simply, yes.
01:57:25That's pathetic.
01:57:28I know.
01:57:31I'm sorry.
01:57:42Hey, Mr. Nakamura.
01:57:43Have you been doing well lately?
01:57:45You're doing great.
01:57:47Thanks to you, I'm doing great.
01:57:50After I tried the song I introduced to you,
01:57:53I'm doing great.
01:57:58I'm surprised that you're so well-informed.
01:58:01How many times have you done it?
01:58:03It's embarrassing.
01:58:04Six times a week.
01:58:06Almost every day.
01:58:08You're better than me.
01:58:11Don't say that.
01:58:14What did Mr. Nakamura try?
01:58:17A long-selling product that has sold over 10 million copies in a row.
01:58:21The power of Kujikko Zenbamakin.
01:58:24Japan's first.
01:58:26It has been reported that it has the ability to improve your immune system.
01:58:32Only one pill a day.
01:58:35The number of times you do it increases every two weeks.
01:58:38I'm surprised.
01:58:42I'm so happy.
01:58:44I'm cheering in the bathroom.
01:58:46I do it every day.
01:58:48It's the ideal number of times for me.
01:58:53The secret of improving your immune system is the special lactic acid bacteria in yogurt.
01:58:59It's more sticky than regular yogurt.
01:59:05The special lactic acid bacteria will reach your intestines.
01:59:09It will improve your immune system.
01:59:13Try a new week every day.
01:59:17Now is your chance.
01:59:19A month's trial price is 2,550 yen.
01:59:23The special trial price is 1,950 yen.
01:59:27600 yen is a bargain.
01:59:30Applications are 0120-772425 and 772425.
01:59:37Let's go now.
01:59:39Send it.
01:59:45When do you feel pain?
01:59:47When I stand up, I feel pain in my buttocks and thighs.
01:59:51When I grab something, I feel a tingling sensation.
01:59:54It's painful, isn't it?
01:59:56It's a tingling sensation.
01:59:58It's called congurucon-1.
02:00:01It may be a nerve pain.
02:00:04One of the causes is a lack of vitamin B1.
02:00:07Congurucon-1 and vitamin B1 work on the nerves.
02:00:13B6 and B12 are also included in the trial price.
02:00:18The maximum amount?
02:00:20It's paid once a day.
02:00:23I can do it.
02:00:25The normal trial price is 3,080 yen.
02:00:27The special trial price is 1,540 yen.
02:00:39Please contact us before you worry.
02:00:41Please contact us before you worry.
