LazyTown 7x04 Once Upon a Time British (UK)

  • le mois dernier


00:00Et ils ont tous vécu heureusement après.
00:20Peut-être que je vais en lire un autre.
00:24Ah, mon préféré!
00:27Quel beau jour!
00:53J'adore lire!
01:23Ils vont se faire un grand plaisir ensemble.
01:26Allez, allez, allez, allez, aller à LazyTown
01:29C'est le début d'un nouveau jeu
01:32Les choses sont bien l'inverse ici à LazyTown
01:35L'aventure c'est juste un instant, dépêchez-vous!
01:53Qu'est-ce que tu racontes?
01:55Qu'est-ce que tu racontes?
01:57Quelle langue est-ce que tu racontes?
02:04Je savais.
02:07Un jour, il y avait trois petits oiseaux.
02:10Un jour, il y avait trois petits oiseaux.
02:403 petits oiseaux.
02:42Alors, le petit oiseau a couru aussi vite que possible
02:45vers sa maison de frères,
02:47qui était faite de...
02:48de bâtisses.
02:50Une maison faite de bâtisses ?
02:52Ça n'a pas l'air très confortable.
02:54Chut, Stingy, c'est un livre.
02:57Pourquoi tu n'as pas dormi dans une maison de bâtisses ?
03:00Je ne vais pas dormir dans un lit de bâtisses.
03:05Maintenant, monsieurs.
03:07Ah oui, c'est ma partie préférée.
03:10The big bad wolf came to the second house
03:13And he knocked on the door as hard as he could
03:18And the wolf huffed
03:20And he puffed
03:23And the wolf...
03:26Bessie! Help!
03:29Bessie! Help!
03:32Is this part of the story?
03:35Help! Somebody!
03:39Now what?
03:40Oh my goodness!
03:54Wow! She's really moving!
03:56Help! I need help!
04:02Someone's in trouble!
04:33I've got you, Bessie!
04:43Hey! Oh no!
04:44Help! There's a long way down!
04:50Thanks, Max!
04:53I can't hold on much longer!
05:15Bessie, are you all right?
05:17Oh yes, thanks to a very soft landing.
05:20Oh, thanks to that very fluffy pillow.
05:23Thank you, Sportacus. You're welcome.
05:25Bessie, are you OK?
05:27Oh, nothing, I'm fine.
05:29Miss Busybody, what happened?
05:32Oh, I don't know.
05:34I was reading a story to the children here,
05:36and the next thing I know, I am on my back
05:39riding a skateboard through LazyTown.
05:41Oh my!
05:42Yeah, it was really exciting.
05:44Bessie was reading us The Three Little Pigs.
05:49That's one of my favourites.
05:51We were reading a different story every day.
05:54That's true.
05:55Reading is great.
05:57Yes, it is.
05:58Do you like to read, Sportacus?
06:00I read all the time.
06:02Moving is great for your body, but reading is great for your mind.
06:06Well, this story is a bit scary,
06:08but the bad guy always loses in the end, doesn't he?
06:13You're right, Ziggy. The villain always loses.
06:16I thought so.
06:17The villain loses?
06:21That can't be.
06:23And the big bad wolf fell down the chimney?
06:28That's ridiculous!
06:30I am a villain and I always win.
06:34Almost always.
06:36At least once.
06:39But that doesn't matter.
06:42So, the villain loses in every story?
06:45In every good story.
06:47That's good.
06:48Enjoy the story, guys. See you later. Bye.
06:56It's not fair!
06:58The hero gets all the applause.
07:00The hero has all the muscles.
07:05Why can't the villain get something tiny?
07:11Like that big tree!
07:24The wolf fell down the chimney.
07:28And they all lived happily ever after.
07:31That's such a good story.
07:34Can you tell us another story, please?
07:36I will read you all another story tomorrow, kids.
07:41Bye for now.
07:42Bye, Miss Busybody.
07:45I especially enjoyed the part
07:47where the little boy in the bowtie got the pot of gold.
07:51That didn't happen!
07:54You hear your story. I'll hear mine.
07:57Oh, Stingy!
07:59Hey, guys, I've got a great idea.
08:02Why don't we play like we're in the story?
08:06That's a great idea!
08:08I want to be the three pigs.
08:10You can only be one piggy, Stingy.
08:12I'm a piggy!
08:13Me too!
08:14Who can I be, then?
08:16You can be the big bad wolf.
08:18But he's the villain!
08:20I'm not a villain, no way!
08:22Somebody has to be the wolf.
08:24So, they need a big bad wolf, eh?
08:27This is my chance.
08:29I'll be the big bad wolf.
08:31And this time, the wolf is going to win!
08:35It's disguise time.
08:44What? Out of order?
08:59Must I do everything myself?
09:07So, which story shall we act out first, then?
09:10There's so many.
09:12Yeah! Yeah! Come on!
09:16I'll read you a story
09:18And then let's make believe
09:21So, let's all read a story
09:24Millions of stories
09:26Places you've never seen
09:29A beautiful princess
09:31A beast in a cage
09:33Here's the adventure
09:35Just turn that page
09:36I'll read you a story
09:38And let's all make believe
09:41Let's all read a story
09:43Any kind of story
09:45Let's all read a story
09:47Storytime is here
09:49Heroes and villains
09:51A frog becomes a prince
09:53Ooh! I'm a prince! Ha-ha!
09:56Wizards and witches
09:58The magic never ends
10:01A world full of wonder
10:03A king or a clown
10:05A wolf will be popping
10:07And blow the house down
10:08I'll read you a story
10:10Read you a story
10:12Story, story
10:14Let's read a story
10:16Let's all read a story
10:17Any kind of story
10:19Let's all read a story
10:20Storytime is here
10:22Let's all read a story
10:24Any kind of story
10:26Let's all read a story
10:27Storytime is here
10:29Storytime is here!
10:33Come on!
10:36Here comes the wolf.
10:41That was great!
10:42I wish we could visit the three little pigs
10:45and really travel into the story.
10:48Do you know what? That's not a bad idea.
10:50What do you mean?
10:52You'll see. I'll be right back.
10:54Where are you going?
11:16Where are those piggies?
11:18Where are they?
11:19Piggie, piggie, piggie, piggie!
11:28Look at this! What is it?
11:30This is my Storymatic 3000.
11:33I invented it to display all my associated digital video files.
11:41I watch movies on it.
11:43Oh, right!
11:45But if I attach my 3D molecular scanner,
11:48I think we can go into the story!
11:52Wow! Into the story?
11:54Do it, do it, do it, do it!
11:56Please, please do it!
11:58Come on!
12:00Wait, guys. Do you think this is a good idea?
12:05Yes, of course!
12:06Don't worry. It'll be great!
12:10Those kids are going into a storybook?
12:13They're all going to go there?
12:15But how?
12:18All we have to do is put the book in here.
12:21Turn it on.
12:24Oh, great!
12:25Open it to the three little pigs.
12:27That's my favourite story!
12:29Yes! And then...
12:34I'll scan you into the story!
12:36What if we want to come out?
12:38No problem!
12:39Just press this button right here,
12:41and you'll be scanned back out!
12:43Oh, oh, oh!
12:44Are you talking about this button here?
12:47Can I have it, please?
12:48I have the button?
12:50This is so exciting!
12:51I can't believe that we're going to go into a story!
12:55Just remember, whatever you do,
12:57don't change the story!
13:00I promise.
13:06And why?
13:08If you do, you might be stuck in it forever!
13:12That's a long time.
13:19Noisy kids!
13:22Out of way, sit down!
13:25The perfect fairy tale!
13:30OK, getting close!
13:32Alright, OK, ready?
13:35Here we go!
13:39Got it!
13:41I can't believe it!
13:43They're inside the book!
13:45Look at me, I'm a cartoon!
13:47You look different, but you're still just as loud!
13:51He is really loud!
13:58We're in business!
14:00This is so great!
14:02Yeah, look at him go!
14:08You know, I can't believe there are three little pigs!
14:16Oh, look!
14:23Three little piggies, here I come!
14:33What was that?
14:35I don't know!
14:38Let's turn the villain into a hero!
14:40This time, the bad guy is finally going to win!
14:45So, what should we do first?
14:47And so the first little pigs built a house made out of straw.
14:51Wow, we've even got a storyteller here!
14:53Me first, me first!
14:54I want to build the first house!
14:56OK, I'll go get some bricks for the brick house.
14:58Yes, and I'll find some sticks for the stick house!
15:01Yeah, sounds good!
15:03And I'll get the...
15:05...straw for the straw house!
15:09Think before you speak, Stingy!
15:11Think before you speak!
15:16There he is, and now to destroy his house!
15:21Little pig, little pig, let me in or I'll...
15:24Hey, Mr Wolf!
15:26You're supposed to wait until I've finished building my house!
15:31I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm just going to wait over there.
15:41When the first little pig had finished building the straw house...
15:45All done!
15:47The big bad wolf came up and knocked on the door.
15:52I'm coming!
15:54Little pig, little pig, let me in or I'll...
15:58Not by the hair on my chinny-chin-chin!
16:03Then I'll huff and I'll puff-puff all your house down!
16:11A wolf with really bad breath.
16:16Yes, this is the most fun I've ever...
16:19Bad breath?
16:26Oh yes, the stick house is ready!
16:32The wolf is coming!
16:36Stingy, remember what Sportacus said.
16:39The wolf can't hurt us, he's the villain!
16:42And the villain always loses!
16:45Oh yes!
16:52Little pig, little pig, let me in!
16:55Not by the hair on my chinny-chin-chin!
16:58Then I'll huff and I'll puff and I'll blow your house down!
17:16I'm so bad!
17:17Excellent! This story's going really well!
17:20Yes, but the wolf is going to lose! I can't wait for the ending!
17:28Hey guys, how'd it go?
17:30Great! But the wolf is really scary!
17:33Oh, he's not scary! Come on, he's going to lose!
17:38And the big bad wolf went to the third house.
17:42He's coming, let's get ready!
17:44Now, according to the story, this is the time when the wolf becomes a loser.
17:49But not this time!
17:54Wait, what's that noise?
17:59Oh no!
18:01What's happening? Someone is changing the story!
18:04Oh no!
18:06There's no bulldozer in this story!
18:11Piggies, we have to get out of that house straight away!
18:13Yes, the scanner! Where's the button?
18:16It's no use, they can't hear us!
18:18Oh no!
18:28Three little pigs, come out of your house, because I'm going to knock it over!
18:38Piggies, get the scanner, press the button, get us out of here!
18:41Yes, hurry!
18:44I think I lost it!
18:48Oh no!
18:49We need the button now!
18:55Someone's in trouble!
18:56This is terrible!
18:58There's nothing we can do!
18:59Oh no!
19:05What's wrong?
19:06I scanned Stephanie, Ziggy and Stingy into the story, and now they can't get out!
19:12The wolf is changing the story!
19:13This is bad!
19:14Scan me into the story!
19:16But then you'll be stuck in the story too!
19:18The villain can't win, I mean, there's always a way!
19:21Come on, scan me in!
19:28Go, Sportacus, go!
19:36This isn't supposed to happen!
19:38I'm stuck!
19:58Oh no, he needs sports candy!
20:05But there aren't any apples around here!
20:07Sportacus is in trouble!
20:09The villain can't win, there is always a way!
20:13We need sports candy!
20:16I'll get it!
20:25Here you go!
20:26OK, I'll scan it!
20:27OK, scan it!
20:34Thanks guys, good work!
20:36Oh, it was nothing!
20:38Sportacus, catch!
20:51Sportacus, the scanner!
20:57Stephanie, catch! Press the button!
21:06We're back!
21:07There's not much time!
21:08He has to get out of there!
21:10Stephanie, push it again!
21:15Are you alright?
21:17Yeah, thanks to you, Sportacus!
21:19No, thanks to you guys!
21:20You gave me the sports candy!
21:23But who was the wolf?
21:27Robbie Rotten!
21:35Did the villain win?
21:38Let me check!
21:40And the big bad wolf...
21:44fell down the chimney!
21:49And they all lived happily ever after!
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