Little Einsteins S02E03 The Glass Slipper Ball

  • le mois dernier


00:30We're going on a trip in our favorite rocket ship
00:35Zooming through the sky, Little Einsteins
00:39Climb aboard, get ready to explore
00:42There's so much to find, Little Einsteins
00:45Come on, let's go!
00:47Little Einsteins
00:49We need you!
00:51Little Einsteins
00:55Get ready, let's go!
00:57The Glass Slipper Ball
01:00Art, Fish
01:02Painted by Andy Warhol
01:07And music...
01:18The Blue Danube Waltz
01:21Written by Johann Strauss
01:27The Blue Danube Waltz
01:58Go, June!
02:00Bravo, bravo!
02:03Hey, June, I see someone else who likes your dancing
02:11Who do you think it is?
02:16Yes, it's Rocket!
02:18Rocket loves your dancing, June
02:20Yeah, he's your biggest fan
02:24Rocket, I never knew you liked dancing
02:28Do you know how to dance?
02:32Oh, Rocket never learned how to dance
02:36Maybe someday I could teach you how
02:39Would you like that, Rocket?
02:48Rocket would love to learn how to dance
02:52Hey, I hear music
02:55I wonder where it's coming from
03:04It's coming from that palace
03:07That's the Schönbrunn Palace in Vienna, Austria
03:14Look, they're getting ready for a party inside the palace
03:20Une fête de danse!
03:23Oh, c'est le Glass Slipper!
03:26Ça doit être le Glass Slipper Ball
03:30Oh, le Glass Slipper Ball
03:35Le Glass Slipper ne se met qu'au pied d'un bon danseur
03:44June, Rocket pense que tu devrais essayer le Glass Slipper
03:52Oui, June, tu es un bon danseur
03:55Je savais que ça se met au pied d'un bon danseur
03:59Tu penses que le Glass Slipper se met au pied d'un bon danseur?
04:05Je vais essayer
04:08Ouais, June!
04:11Oh, oh!
04:13Le clock at the palace says it's eleven o'clock
04:17But the Glass Slipper Ball starts at twelve o'clock
04:21That's so soon!
04:23And we can't be late
04:27Rocket can get you there, June
04:29He can do anything
04:31And we'll help you, too
04:33Right, team?
04:34Right, absolutely
04:36Will you help me get to the ball?
04:39So I can try on the Glass Slipper?
04:48We've got a mission
04:50We're going to help June try on the Glass Slipper
04:54Let the mission begin!
05:05Buckle your seatbelts
05:08Seatbelts buckled!
05:10Prepare for blast-off!
05:12We need to give Rocket a lot of power
05:15Put your hands on your lap and pat with us
05:18Pat, pat, pat, pat, pat, pat, pat, pat
05:23Pat, pat, pat, pat, pat, pat, pat
05:25Now raise your arms as high as you can
05:28And say, blast-off!
05:34Hold on tight, because here we go!
05:50Hurry, Rocket!
05:52We've got to get to the ball
05:54So June can try on the Glass Slipper
05:56We can't be late
06:04Get June to the dance
06:07June to the dance
06:09She must get her chance
06:11Must get her chance
06:13To try on at last
06:15Try on at last
06:17The Slipper of Glass
06:19Slipper of Glass
06:22Thank you, Annie
06:24I like that song
06:26Hey, Leo, we'd better be careful
06:28There are some big snowy mountains up ahead
06:34Those are the Austrian Alps
06:37Wow! Cool!
06:41Rocket, put out your skis!
06:46How is Rocket going to get down the mountain
06:49With all these flags in the way?
06:53I have a plan
06:55Rocket, remember how I said
06:57That I'd teach you how to dance?
07:00Well, now's your chance
07:02I'm going to teach you how to dance
07:04Down this mountain
07:07Quincy, can you play music for us
07:09On your French horn?
07:11You've got it!
07:24Now let's show Rocket
07:26How to dance side to side down the mountain
07:28Like this
07:30Side to side, side to side
07:32Come on!
07:33Sway to the music with me
07:35Move your body from side to side
07:37Side to side, side to side
07:39Side to side
07:51Rocket is starting to sway with us
07:53Keep swaying
07:55Side to side, side to side
08:00Side to side, side to side
08:02Side to side, side to side
08:04Side to side, side to side
08:06Side to side, side to side
08:08Way to go, Rocket!
08:10You're learning how to dance
08:22That snowball is headed straight for Rocket
08:25And it's getting bigger
08:27What are we going to do?
08:29Rocket, you're going to have to dance faster down the mountain
08:34And I'll play my French horn faster
08:44Help Rocket sway faster to the music
08:47Sway with me
08:49Side to side, side to side
08:51Side to side, side to side
08:53Rocket is dancing faster
08:55But the snowball keeps getting closer
08:58Sway even faster
09:08We got away!
09:12Thank you for helping Rocket dance down the mountain
09:15You did wonderfully
09:21That sounds like the clock at the glass slipper ball
09:26And it's getting closer to twelve
09:31Rocket, we have to hurry so I can try on the glass slipper
09:34I can't be late
09:38Go, Rocket, go!
09:47Get June to the dance
09:49June to the dance
09:51She must get her chance
09:53She must get her chance
09:55Must get her chance
09:57To try on at last
09:59Try on at last
10:01The slipper of glass
10:03Slipper of glass
10:25Rocket doesn't know which way to go next
10:28But how will we get to the glass slipper ball?
10:35That fish from the Danube River is talking to Rocket
10:43That little fish knows how to get to the glass slipper ball
10:48He's going to show Rocket the way
11:04That fish is a good little swimmer
11:07Too good
11:08He's getting too far away for us to follow
11:12Don't worry, Rocket
11:14I can help you catch up with that fish
11:16How, June?
11:17By dancing through the water
11:20Do you want me to teach you a new dance?
11:24Let's show Rocket how to swim down, up, up, through the water
11:29Pat your hands down on your lap
11:31And then lift your hands up, up, like this
11:35Down, up, up, down, up, up, down, up, up
11:38Think it with me
11:42Keep dancing
11:46Rocket is starting to swim like a fish, too
11:49Down, up, up, down, up, up
11:55All right!
11:56Now Rocket can follow the fish to the ball
12:03Look, look, look!
12:05More fish want to swim with Rocket
12:08Let's help Rocket swim with even more fish
12:11Pat, down, up, up, down, up, up, down, up, up, down, up, up
12:19Now all the fish want to swim with Rocket
12:22It's a fish parade
12:24You have to pat down really low
12:27And reach up, up, extra high
12:31Pat, down, up, up, down, up, up, down, up, up
12:45That was great!
12:47We followed the little fish through the Danube River
12:52Look, look, look!
12:53Rocket is thanking the little fish
13:00Rocket, you were wonderful dancing through the water
13:06And you were great, too, June
13:09And you were great, too, June
13:11Yeah, it was cool how you made up that dance
13:14The glass slipper just has to fit on your foot
13:18I hope so
13:19Look, it's the glass slipper ball
13:22We're almost there
13:23But the clock is almost at twelve
13:26And I can't be late
13:29We're going to have to fly Rocket as fast as he can go
13:33Super fast!
13:34Will you help me fly Rocket super fast?
13:39Great! Super fast!
13:41Super fast!
13:47To get to super fast, we have to start at Adagio
13:52Pat the beat on your lap slowly
14:00Now pat the beat on your tummy a little faster
14:10Now pat the beat on your shoulders even faster
14:20Now reach your arms to the sky and shake your whole body
14:26We did it!
14:27We're flying super fast!
14:39And look, there it is, the Schönbrunn Palace
14:46Come on!
14:54Oh no, the door closed
15:00We can't get inside
15:03But I have to get inside so I can try on the glass slipper
15:07Qu'est-ce que je dois faire?
15:08Regarde, June, le signe dit que tu ne peux pas entrer
15:12A moins que tu portes une veste de balle
15:14Mais je n'ai pas de veste comme ça
15:22Qu'est-ce que Rocket fait?
15:27Il fait quelque chose
15:29June, Rocket t'a fait une veste
15:32Une veste que je peux porter à la fête?
15:35Tu vois?
15:36Rocket, tu es merveilleux!
15:42Mais il n'a pas beaucoup de temps
15:44La balle va commencer
15:47Je sais!
15:48Je peux faire une danse pour aider Rocket à porter la veste plus vite
15:52Viens, aide-moi à enseigner à Rocket la danse
15:55Tu dois tourner ton corps vers la musique
15:58Comme ça
15:59Tourne-toi, tourne-toi, tourne-toi
16:05Tourne-toi, tourne-toi, tourne-toi
16:09Regarde, Rocket fait la danse aussi
16:13Il fait la veste plus vite
16:15Continue à danser
16:17Tourne-toi, tourne-toi, tourne-toi
16:21Allez, il est presque 12 heures
16:24Tournons-nous encore plus vite
16:28Tourne-toi, tourne-toi, tourne-toi
16:35C'est fini!
16:37Merci, Rocket
16:39C'est magnifique!
16:46Comment c'est beau!
16:48Maintenant, je peux entrer dans la balle et essayer la veste à l'écran
16:54Vite, June!
17:01OK, c'est tout
17:03Vas-y, June, essaie
17:08J'espère vraiment que ça va
17:14Est-ce que la veste à l'écran va sur mon pied?
17:19Ça va!
17:24Ouais, June!
17:26C'est bon!
17:28Les gars, regardez!
17:30Il y a un autre prix à la balle
17:32Un grand croûteau
17:36C'est pour un autre grand danseur
17:39Mais c'est gigantesque
17:41Je me demande qui a assez de poids pour porter un croûteau si énorme
17:46Il se situe sur...
17:52Je ne peux pas croire!
17:54Hurray, Rocket!
17:57Tu vois, Rocket?
17:58Tu l'as fait!
17:59Tu es un danseur maintenant!
18:03Allez, équipe!
18:04Allons aider June et Rocket à danser!
18:15Pourquoi oui, Rocket!
18:16J'aimerais danser avec toi
18:18Tu danseras avec moi et Rocket?
18:26Commençons par faire notre danse de côté à côté
18:29Côté à côté, côté à côté
18:31Danse avec nous!
18:55Tourne, tourne, tourne, tourne, tourne
18:57On tourne et on tourne
18:59On tourne et on tourne
19:01La danse que nous aimons
19:03La danse que nous apprenons
19:05Maintenant pour un grand fin de danse!
19:08Allez, Rocket!
19:09Tu fais la danse
19:12Fais la danse
19:14Fais la danse de June et de Rocket
19:21C'était génial!
19:23Merci d'avoir aidé moi à essayer le slip de verre
19:26J'ai passé un moment merveilleux à la balle
19:36Rocket te remercie de t'aider à apprendre à danser
19:42T'es bien le bienvenue, Rocket
19:44J'aime aussi danser avec toi
19:48Mission accomplie!
19:53Maintenant, c'est l'heure du couloir!
19:58Donne une main et écoute pour l'équipe
20:03Ra, ra, ra pour Rocket
20:06Allez, fais la balle
20:08C'est ton tour maintenant
20:10Ecoute une grande main pour toi
20:16Clap, clap, clap, clap, clap
20:19Faisons un grand sourire pour l'artiste du jour
20:23Pour elle, pour elle
20:26La compositeur de la belle musique qu'on joue
20:30Johan Strauss
20:32Johan Strauss
20:35C'était génial!
20:39Et voici la musique du jour
20:53À la prochaine mission!
21:09C'est une banane dans la boîte!
21:12C'est tellement mignon!
21:14C'est tellement mignon!
