Yuri!!! on Ice S01 E09

  • le mois dernier


00:00Can you hear my heart beat? Tired of feeling never enough
00:07I close my eyes and tell myself that my dreams will come true
00:13There'll be no more darkness when you believe in yourself
00:18You were unstoppable, where your destiny lies
00:23Dancing on the blaze, you set my heart on fire
00:27Don't stop us now, the moment of truth
00:31We were born to make history
00:34We'll make it happen, we'll turn it around
00:37Yes, we were born to make history
00:45Born to make history
00:51Born, born, born to make history
00:54Don't stop us now, the moment of truth
00:57We were born to make history
01:00We'll make it happen, we'll turn it around
01:03Yes, we were born to make history
01:07We were born to make history
01:10Yes, we were born to make history
01:24Can you hear my heart beat? Tired of feeling never enough
01:28I close my eyes and tell myself that my dreams will come true
01:32There'll be no more darkness when you believe in yourself
01:36You were born to make history
01:39We were born to make history
01:42We were born to make history
01:45We were born to make history
01:48We were born to make history
01:51Um, it looks like you didn't have a chance to talk to Coach Yakov this morning
01:55I'm fine, I'm just doing what I've been doing with Victor
01:59Why can't Yakov eat katsudon?
02:02Yuuri, your grandpa is here
02:06Grandpa, I thought you weren't feeling well
02:09Just eat
02:12This is katsuretsu, scrambled eggs and white rice! What is this piroshiki?
02:15It's katsudon piroshiki
02:17Eat it and do your best for today's free
02:22Without Victor, I'm the only one who can win
02:26Everything will be on my side
02:28The last round of the Grand Prix Series, the Russian Tournament
02:31The second group of free men is about to begin
02:34Each of them has their own thoughts
02:36The Grand Prix final will be decided here
02:39The first group is Emil Nekora, 18 years old, 6th place in the short program
02:45The song is from the movie Anastasis
02:48The theme is cyberpunk, humans have stopped
02:51Just like the theme, a four-wheeled human
02:56It's beautiful
03:04Next, a combination of four-wheel
03:07Four-wheel, three-wheel
03:09I can tell you clearly
03:11Even without Mickey's support, I will win the Grand Prix Final
03:16That's why Mickey also won without my support
03:24Next, a combination of four-wheel
03:27Four-wheel, three-wheel
03:35Women are not everything to me
03:37Learn more about the outside world
03:39I don't need women other than Sarah
03:41Because of Sarah, I was able to skate for 1,000 years
03:44I want to be alone
03:47Be strong, Mickey
03:49Even without love, I can skate
03:51My boyfriend will listen to me
03:53The second group is likely to advance to the Grand Prix Final
03:56Do you prefer a bright Czech guy?
04:00Or a Japanese guy who looks like he can dance?
04:04Or an Italian guy who can't dance?
04:07Four-wheel, three-wheel
04:09It's decided
04:10So far, four-wheel, four-wheel
04:12All the jumps are in vain
04:13He's not human
04:15I'm tired
04:20I was going to do a combination
04:22But I couldn't do a second
04:24I did it
04:26Do you want to try again?
04:28Not yet
04:40The score of the Czech Emile Necola is 189.15
04:43The total score is 271.58
04:45He is currently in the top
04:46Sarah, you're not going to say goodbye at the Rinkside today?
04:49The 5th place in the short program is the Italian 22-year-old
04:52Michele Crispino
04:54Will he turn the tables for free?
04:58The song is Serenade for Two
05:02Sarah, are you looking at me somewhere?
05:05Even if you're far away, I can still see you
05:11Welcome back, Sarah
05:15Are you not feeling well, Mickey?
05:29Triple flip
05:30Single loop
05:31Triple, Sarah
05:32Three in a row
05:34What should I do?
05:36My feelings
05:41Triple axel
05:43It's different from practice
05:45It's a very soft slide
05:48He's like a different person
05:50Did something happen?
05:52In Michele's skating
05:54You can feel the love that lost its way
06:00The cute Sarah who has been with me since I was born
06:03My lady
06:06Why would a boy bully Sarah?
06:09It's because Sarah is cute
06:11They're all going crazy
06:13He invited me on a date again
06:15They're going crazy
06:17Don't misunderstand
06:20I'm just an idiot
06:23Sarah, this is the last time I'm going to skate for you
06:30My love will end here
06:34This is my true love
06:39Goodbye, Sarah
06:53Triple flip
06:58He did it! No mistake!
07:08The Italian Michele Crispi's score is
07:13A total of 282.89
07:16His best time was 20 points
07:20His best time was 20 points
07:28It was the coolest program I've ever seen
07:32You were thinking about me, weren't you?
07:35I'm sorry
07:36I said something terrible
07:38But I'm glad!
07:40We should have been apart
07:43The ceremony has started
07:44See you!
07:50Hey, Yakov
07:52We're going to change the jumps
07:54We're going to do 4 jumps in the first half and 2 jumps in the second half
07:57So we're going to do 6 jumps in the second half?
07:59That's right
08:00Are you going to die?
08:01If I don't do that, I won't be able to beat JJ and Yuri
08:09The first round of the quadruple flip
08:12He did it again
08:14But he dropped the order
08:16But he dropped the order
08:17There's no chance of winning the Grand Prix
08:20But we're looking forward to his performance in the quadruple flip
08:24A competition in Russia
08:263rd place in the short program
08:27Yuri Prisetsky, 15 years old
08:29He's got a lot of support
08:31My first gold medal in my senior debut
08:33I'm definitely going to get it here
08:37The song is by the piano contestant Rotancho
08:39Allegro appassionato
08:41The choreography is by the former principal of the Bolshoi Ballet
08:43Lilia Baranovskaya
08:45To make Yuri Prisetsky's debut as a senior
08:47He prepared a difficult song
08:50The quadruple flip
08:53The first jump
08:56Short program
08:57He did it
09:02Spiral grab
09:03Then triple axel
09:06He's too excited
09:09Be beautiful
09:11Beauty is the ultimate rightness
09:13Even if you're strong
09:15If you're not beautiful, there's no meaning
09:26He's like a demon
09:29He looks so calm
09:31It's about time you get tired
09:33Hold on until the end
09:37It's hard
09:39Are you going to do 6 jumps in the end?
09:42Let's go
09:43The second jump
09:45Triple flip
09:50He's going to do 3 quads
09:524 quads
09:55Triple flip
10:01If you want to beat them
10:02You have to be smart
10:05Quadruple flip
10:06He's going to do this
10:09I don't want to lose like that
10:1215-year-old Yuri Prisetsky
10:14He's getting attention
10:16He's at the top
10:21Let's go to the podium again
10:23At the Russian competition
10:26He did it
10:27Quadruple flip
10:28Triple flip
10:29It was a wonderful jump
10:32He's so excited
10:34In the second half
10:43Triple loop
10:44Double toe loop
10:47The last combination jump
10:50This is Yuri
10:52Triple axel
10:53Single loop
10:54Triple salchow
10:55He did all the jumps
10:59It's his senior debut at the Russian competition
11:02He's under a lot of pressure
11:04He's doing his best
11:06He's the best free skater
11:12Yuri Prisetsky
11:20He's over the limit
11:22Is this for real?
11:24The Russian Yuri Prisetsky
11:25Free skate
11:28Personal best
11:29Total score
11:32He's in the first place
11:34He's going to the finals
11:35I'm going to win
11:36My free skate
11:42Short program 2
11:44The Japanese Yuri Katsuki
11:46The song is Yuri on Ice
11:51I don't want people to think that what Victor taught me was useless
11:56I have to win and prove it
11:58If I lose here, it's all over
12:02Quadruple flip
12:03He lost
12:04What is he doing?
12:06He's a single
12:08What is he doing?
12:10He's a single
12:12Oh no
12:13Calm down
12:14Calm down
12:18Where should I recover?
12:22If you think too much, you'll fail
12:25I'm going to be your coach
12:28I'm going to make you win the Grand Prix Final
12:31Why did he know how I felt?
12:34I couldn't say that I was going to win the gold medal until Victor came
12:39But I never said that I was going to lose
12:42He's in the lead
12:44I wanted to win the gold medal in the Grand Prix Final last year
12:48Yuri is not weak
12:50Everyone thinks so
12:53I learned about love and became stronger
12:56I'm going to prove it with the gold medal in the Grand Prix Final
12:59I came this far because Victor believed in me
13:02Triple flip
13:03If I don't make it to the Grand Prix Final...
13:05I've become a double-edged sword
13:07I can't
13:08Don't think about it now
13:09Are you stupid?
13:10You can do it!
13:13Yuri, if you make it to the Grand Prix Final, you'll be fine
13:17I'll be rooting for you
13:19Yuri, let's go
13:21I was about to die in the last 3 times I won the gold medal
13:25I'm stronger than Yuri
13:28Triple flip
13:33Even if Victor is far away, even if he's next to me...
13:36It's still the same
13:38Triple flip
13:40Think about it
13:42There's no one in this program who can slide more attractively than me
13:50Triple flip
13:51Triple flip
13:52Triple flip
13:58Triple flip
13:59Triple flip
14:01I made this program with Victor
14:04I'm the one he loves the most in the world
14:08It's not over yet
14:10It's not over until I win the gold medal with Victor
14:13Yuri Katsuki's love that can only be expressed on ice
14:17Is contained in this step sequence
14:20Triple flip
14:29It went well until the end
14:32It's too bad
14:33I wish I had a Victor
14:49J'ai fait des erreurs, mais en tout cas, j'ai vécu la plus difficile de mon vie.
14:57Eh !
14:58Tu n'as pas réalisé le programme que Vieecha a créé !
15:02Pourquoi tu n'as pas essayé d'apprendre avant ?
15:06Il est pareil que Victor...
15:09La victoire de Yuri est découverte !
15:10172.87, le total est 282.84, elle est en troisième position.
15:16C'est possible qu'il s'agisse du Grand Prix Final, mais on ne sait pas jusqu'à la fin.
15:20Hum, le score est plus élevé que prévu.
15:23Hum ? Qu'est-ce qu'il y a ?
15:29Victor va bientôt retourner en Russie.
15:3119 ans, Jean-Jacques Leroy est le dernier à participer.
15:34J'ai hâte de le voir.
15:36Vous aussi, n'est-ce pas ?
15:41La chanson s'appelle « Partisan Hope ».
15:44Yuri Katsuki,
15:46quand Victor a choisi toi,
15:48tu n'étais pas le roi.
15:50J'ai bien compris.
15:52Le roi, c'est J.J. !
15:54C'est décidé !
15:56Il y a 4 4x4s.
15:58Si vous réussissez tous les sauts,
16:00vous serez le plus élevé de tous les athlètes.
16:05C'est la combinaison de 4x4s et 3x3s.
16:12L'année dernière,
16:13le Canada a retenu la victoire en Russie.
16:16L'année dernière, le Grand Prix a été le 3e.
16:18Ce saison, Victor Nikiforov est venu.
16:21Un nouveau prince de l'esport est né.
16:25Non, je ne suis pas le prince.
16:27Je suis le roi !
16:31J'ai décidé de faire ce programme
16:33pour les 5x4s de l'Olympique du Monde.
16:36Je ne pensais pas que Victor allait se reposer.
16:41C'est peut-être parce que j'avais peur de perdre.
16:44Pauvre Victor Nikiforov !
16:51Triple Axel.
16:52Papa, Maman, mon amour.
16:55Mon grand Canada.
16:57Et pour tous ceux qui adorent l'esport,
17:01je vous l'offre.
17:02Ce n'est pas assez d'amour !
17:06C'est décidé !
17:09Ce n'est pas juste de faire tous les sauts.
17:12Tous les sauts sont dans l'acte.
17:15Triple Flip.
17:17Single Loop.
17:18Triple Side.
17:19Très bien !
17:20C'est un super saut !
17:21Head Charge !
17:22C'est JJ !
17:25Le dernier saut est un 4x4.
17:27Il n'y a pas de erreur.
17:28C'est parti !
17:294x4, 4x4.
17:31C'est parfait !
17:34JJ est le meilleur de Free.
17:36Deuxième place, Yuri Prisetsky.
17:37Troisième place, Michele Crispino.
17:39Quatrième place, Katsuki Yuri.
17:40Le point de la seconde course, c'est Michele et Katsuki.
17:44Si c'est le point de la seconde course,
17:46je suis le deuxième,
17:48donc je peux aller à la finale du Grand Prix.
17:57Le tournoi en Russie s'est terminé.
17:59Les 6 derniers à aller à la finale du Grand Prix
18:02sont ces trois.
18:04JJ, qui a gagné la première place.
18:07Yurio, le deuxième.
18:09Je suis fatigué.
18:11Tu n'es pas obligé de venir soutenir Free demain, Mickey.
18:15C'est bien de le soutenir !
18:17Il va venir tout de suite, non ?
18:20Yuri !
18:21Félicitations pour la finale du Grand Prix !
18:22Je pensais que tu allais réussir.
18:24Sarah !
18:26Qu'est-ce que tu fais ?
18:29Quoi ?
18:32Mickey !
18:34C'est quoi ça ? Un tournoi ?
18:38JJ !
18:41Pas là !
18:48C'est la fin de mon parcours.
18:52J'ai envie de gagner la médaille.
18:54C'est la dernière chance de la finale du Grand Prix.
18:57Que je gagne la médaille ou pas,
18:59Victor ne sera pas le coach de la finale du Grand Prix.
19:06Tu étais là, Katsudon ?
19:08Je t'ai trouvé.
19:09Yurio !
19:10Qu'est-ce que c'est que ça ?
19:12C'est dégueulasse !
19:13Et c'est quoi ce tournoi ?
19:15Je peux te dire que tu n'es pas là,
19:17c'est juste que tu n'es pas au top.
19:19J'étais en meilleure condition,
19:21j'ai fait tout mon possible,
19:22mais j'ai encore perdu à JJ.
19:24Katsudon n'a pas le droit d'être plus déçu que moi !
19:30Bien joué.
19:31C'est bientôt ton anniversaire, n'est-ce pas ?
19:33Hein ?
19:36Hein ?
19:37Hiroshiki ?
19:39Là ?
19:40Mange !
19:43Il y a du riz dedans,
19:45des oignons et des oeufs...
19:47C'est Katsudon !
19:48Bien sûr !
19:49C'est fait par mon grand-père !
19:51C'est bon, n'est-ce pas ?
19:52C'est Katsudon !
19:55J'ai beaucoup de choses à te dire, Victor.
19:59D'abord, qu'est-ce que tu veux me dire ?
20:22Yuri, en tant que coach,
20:24j'ai pensé à ce que je pourrais faire.
20:28Moi aussi.
20:35J'aimerais que tu m'accompagnes jusqu'à ta retraite.
20:47C'est comme un propos.
20:53J'aimerais que tu m'accompagnes jusqu'à ta retraite.
20:59Si on gagne le médaille d'or ensemble au Grand Prix Final...