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هذه السيدة شرحت قانون الجذب بطريقة مثالية - اجذب أي شيء تريده الآن
00:00Some of the things I'm going to talk about today might initially sound impossible, but
00:05I would ask you to suspend your disbelief and remember in the words of the author Paulo
00:10Coelho, people never learn by being told, they have to find out for themselves.
00:21But whilst life throws many events our way, some positive, some challenging, we have within
00:27ourselves the power and possibility to create an environment that enhances the probability
00:33of these fortunate events that make our lives a little more plain sailing and a lot more
00:39I would like you to consider that we live in a vibrational universe.
00:44You are a vibrational being whose cells and organs all pulsate at a particular frequency.
00:51Our brain pulsates with electromagnetic energy affected by our emotions, our health and our
00:58general state of well-being.
01:01Our body contracts and pulses at various rates including your heartbeat, your stomach contracting
01:09and the very act of breathing.
01:12Together they make up you, a composite of frequencies and so we each vibrate to our
01:18own personal tune.
01:20Disease, depression, negative behaviour patterns, these are all symptoms of our body and mind
01:27being out of tune, quite literally.
01:31Not only do our bodies vibrate on a cellular level, these vibrations do not end with the
01:36skin but instead continue out into space on a vibratory continuum, being connected by
01:44an energy field or a matrix of waves.
01:48Nikola Tesla said, if you want to find the secret of the universe, you need to think
01:52in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.
01:57If an energetic force is struck at the same resonant frequency as another object in a
02:03vicinity, the vibrations will cause the second object to begin vibrating.
02:10In terms of how you experience the world, the energy and vibration you give off is met
02:15and reflected back.
02:18We can feel this on an emotional level when we say that somebody is on our wavelength
02:24or we feel in tune with a personal situation.
02:28Why is this important?
02:29Well, if your internal vibration is one of anxiety, depression, anger, the life experience
02:37you have may very well provide you with people and situations that reflect this back at you,
02:44thereby reinforcing the feeling and so creating a circuitous negative experience of life.
02:50Therefore, if we can raise and enhance our internal vibration, we can create a situation
02:59that reflects back a more positive experience of life.
03:03So how do we create that shift?
03:06What is clear from modern research, sound can at the very least affect matter.
03:14In the 18th century, Ernest Chaladny put sand onto a glass plate and vibrated it with
03:21a violin, a violin bow.
03:25The sand was pulled into creative and beautiful symmetric patterns.
03:32This work has been continued with the invention of the cymascope by John Reed, who uses water
03:38as a surface membrane in which to imprint sound and create a digital representation
03:44of sound and vibration.
03:56Through the study of microcymatics and sonocytology, we are now able to hear the difference between
04:03a healthy and unhealthy cell.
04:06According to Gardner Snook of Manchester University, the difference between a healthy cell and
04:11a cancerous cell is like two very large orchestras all playing their instruments at the same
04:17time, but in the cancerous orchestra, the tuba is horribly out of tune.
04:23You can hear the difference between the healthy pulsations of a yeast cell and the high pitch
04:29frequency of one that is stressed.
04:32Notice the distortions as represented on the cymascope of the one that is stressed.
04:52Through the latest experiments using microcymatics, it has been suggested that through the principle
05:00of entrainment, whereby a more powerful frequency causes a weaker frequency to synchronise with
05:07it, we can excite the membrane of a cell into coherent geometrical patterns.
05:16Therefore, if we direct harmonious sound towards our bodies, we are able to bring our cells
05:25into their own optimum frequency.
05:28Not only do we vibrate on a cellular level, our consciousness, our thoughts and emotions
05:34all have their own energetic imprint.
05:38Masaru Emoto in his book, The Secret Life of Water, exposed water to harmonious sounds,
05:46healing thoughts and prayer, as well as dissonant music and negative thoughts.
05:53He then froze the water and took photographs of the water crystals.
06:00The water that had been exposed to the harmonious sound and healing thoughts and prayer created
06:05beautiful and geometric water crystals and those that didn't were misshapen or not present
06:11at all.
06:12Many scientists and philosophers have pondered where does consciousness and our thoughts
06:17arise from.
06:19Recent research has discovered that it is through our bodily responses to it, is in
06:25quantum vibrations found in microtubules within brain neurons.
06:31Therefore, as we have already found out, if by putting harmonious thoughts into our brains,
06:40we can turn our perceptions and our thoughts from chaos to beauty.
06:47A steady rhythm can be created that allows the mind to latch onto it, slow down and relax.
06:56The left and right hemispheres of the brain begin to resonate to a steady rhythm, bringing
07:01together the more linear left side with a more emotional and creative right.
07:07The subconscious and unconscious minds become aligned, unresolved issues are released and
07:14you become more vibrationally coherent and increasingly powerful.
07:19When we say that somebody is charismatic, what we are feeling is their personal vibration.
07:27When this happens, life starts to flow and those serendipitous moments increase.
07:34Einstein quoted as saying, we cannot solve problems using the same kind of thinking we
07:40had when we created them.
07:43By creating a more coherent and harmonizing on our bodies and our thoughts, we can change
07:51our thoughts and so change the way we perceive the world.
07:56We start to see the world through a truthful lens, being curious of the opportunities presented
08:02to us.
08:03We respond creatively to situations, taking action that perhaps others might not and perhaps
08:08we have not done in the past.
08:11It's at this moment, those serendipitous moments that seem so random and elusive start to become
08:17more frequent and expected because not only are we tuned into a more enjoyable radio station,
08:25we become less passive and more active at steering our course, whereby we can live a
08:31life more expansive and increasingly joy filled.
