• 4 months ago
Zehra es una inteligente chica de 13 años, con grandes planes para el futuro. Su vida cambia por completo cuando su hermano se enamora de una de las chicas de la familia Kirman, por lo cual, es forzada a casarse con un joven millonario que no conoce para que su hermano no muera. Luego del matrimonio, Zehra se traslada a vivir a una lujosa mansión junto a su esposo y la familia de él. Solo dos personas se encuentran dispuestas a ayudarla a volver a la escuela: Azad Kirman, su cuñado, y Melek Soyger, su maestra de la escuela con la cual establece un profundo vinculo. La joven sufrirá emocionalmente al convertirse en una esposa joven más diversos acontecimientos que ocurrirán que la involucraran tanto a ella y su pasado, como a la familia Kirman.

Título original Küçük Gelin
Idioma original Turquía Turco
Año(s) de emisión 2013 - 2015
Temporadas 3
Episodios 262 (internacional)

Çağla Şimşek como Zehra Kara Kirman / Zehra Soyger Kirman / Zehra Saruhan Soyger / Fatiha SaruhanSoyger
Orhan Şimşek como Azad Kirman
Gözde Mukavelat como Melek Soyger Kirman
Ufuk Şen como Devran Kirman
Sema Aybars como Nujin Kirman
Gökhan Şahin como Ali Kirman

#drama #seriesturcas #esposajoven


00:00Ey aşk sana geldim, al yine büyüt beni
00:08Dinli masallarla dizlerinde uyut beni
00:16Ey aşk vurur musun, kor gibi durur musun
00:24Ben daha küçüğüm desem duyar mısın bana feryatımı duyar mısın
00:34Ben daha küçüğüm desem duyar mısın bana feryatımı duyar mısın
01:22Ey aşk sana geldim, al yine büyüt beni
01:30Ben daha küçüğüm desem duyar mısın bana feryatımı duyar mısın
01:50Melek, hija, ¿qué te ocurrió?
02:04Estoy bien madre, estoy bien ¿de acuerdo?
02:09Zehra, ¿estás bien querida?
02:13Estoy bien maestra, no quiero que se preocupe por mi
02:18Vamos a llevarte a un hospital para que te vean
02:21Luego nos iremos a casa para que descanses
02:24No papá, voy a esperar a Azad
02:27Estoy bien, tranquilo
02:30Hija, tú me volverás loco
02:43Puedo ver un momento a Kazan, me gustaría decirle algo
02:46Ahora está con el señor Azad
02:48Kazan debe estar contándole todo a Azad sobre los negocios
02:52Azad es de mi familia, déjeme ir con ellos
02:56Bueno, ahora firme su declaración
02:59Así es, gracias
03:05Oye, no me hagas preguntarlo mil veces, ¿necesitas algo?
03:08No Azad
03:09¿Qué es lo que pasó primo?
03:15¿Qué hace usted aquí?
03:17Kazan, he salvado a Melek, debemos agradecerle a Debran
03:22Gracias a él, Melek está bien
03:27Señor Azad, debe ir a firmar su declaración
03:30De acuerdo, enseguida voy
03:34Kazan, recuerda, no estás solo, ¿me entiendes?
03:50Mírame, si llegas a abrir la boca y decir algo sobre mí, nunca más volverás a ver a tu madre
03:57Como estás aquí no puedo tocarte, pero sí a tu madre
04:02Ya lo tienes bien claro
04:15Vamos Melek, ya terminamos aquí, quién sabe cuándo saldrá Azad
04:20Papá, te dije que no vengas, voy a esperar a Azad, de aquí me iré a la casa de los padres de Zuna
04:25Ah, que bien, que bien, todo esto comenzó por culpa de Zuna, ya fue suficiente, vienes conmigo
04:33No iré a ninguna parte, voy a esperar a Azad para ir a la casa de Zuna
04:39Melek, ve con tu padre, acabas de salir de un problema, por el amor de Dios, mira cómo está tu cara, vete a casa y duerme
04:50Zerah ya me explicó toda la situación, iré a hablar con el padre de Zuna, no te preocupes
04:56Vamos Melek, no seas obstinada, Azad irá
05:02Bueno, no sé
05:04Maestra tiene razón, vaya a descansar, nosotros aclararemos todo, en serio
05:23De acuerdo, pero me contarán cómo salió todo, ¿sí?
05:46Buenos días Maestro
05:47Buenos días Ensid, siéntate si quieres
05:53Gracias, las ventas no van muy bien, ¿verdad?
05:56No, los clientes no están viniendo hace algunos días
05:59Mamut, yo sé por lo que estás pasando y te entiendo, mira, no he venido a que me pagues la deuda
06:09No te preocupes, yo puedo esperarte unos días más, ¿qué te parece?
06:14Gracias Ensid
06:16No me agradezcas, somos viejos amigos, te dejo trabajar
06:20Ensid, déjame ir contigo, por lo menos déjame ayudarte
06:25No te preocupes mi amigo
06:27Arriba esos ámimos, hasta pronto
06:47Qué vergüenza Mamut, no pensé que tu hija pudiera ser así, es una vergüenza
06:53¿Qué es lo que estás diciendo señor?
06:55¿Qué estoy diciendo? Estoy diciendo que tu hija nos ha deshonrado
06:59Señor Kadim, sé lo que hizo mi hija, lo sé
07:02Parece que no lo sabe todo, enséñale a tu hija a ser una buena mujer y no ir tras hombres casados
07:11Tu hija está en boca de todos y ya saben quién es, es una vergüenza
07:34Azat, vámonos a casa
07:36Tengo que ir a otro lugar, te llevo al hospital
07:39No, gracias, yo estoy bien
07:42¿Tú a dónde irás?
07:45Solamente voy a intentar solucionar el tema de Ali
07:49Como quieres
07:51¿Qué hacías con ese tipo llamado Bajo?
07:55¿Quieres explicaciones?
07:57Te debo preguntar cómo llegaste a ese sitio
08:02Llegué por no hacer lo que ellos querían
08:05¿Lo que querían?
08:07Estuvieron amenazándome, ellos van a transportar droga
08:11Y querían poner la droga en las alfombras porque nadie sospecharía de nosotros
08:16Estoy tratando de lidiar con ellos, ya lo voy a solucionar
08:20¿Cera? Supongo que esto que estamos hablando no se lo dirás a nadie, ¿no?
08:25Tienes razón, Cera, lo que has escuchado aquí no debe saberlo nadie
08:29¿De acuerdo, linda?
08:30De acuerdo
08:38Espere un momento, va a tirar la puerta
08:41¿Quién es?
08:45¿Mahmoud, qué pasa?
08:47¿Me preguntas qué pasa?
08:48Nuestra reputación está por los suelos, no puedo mirar a nadie a la cara
08:52Mahmoud, espere, por el amor de Allah
08:57¿Qué hará? Por favor, dígamelo
08:59¿Que no puedo, Kadriye? No puedo mirar a nadie por la vergüenza
09:02¿Cómo podemos vivir con esta deshonra?
09:05Nuestra hija no ha pecado, no tenemos por qué
09:08Agachar la cabeza ante nadie, los pecadores son ellos que están difamándola
09:12Retírate, Kadriye, sal de aquí
09:42Dios mío, espero que no le haya sucedido nada malo a Zuna
09:46Zara, no pasará nada, ahora vamos a hablar con su familia, tranquila
09:50No le pasará nada, no te preocupes, vamos
09:53Roguemos a Dios
09:56¿Qué harás, Mahmoud? Déjame hablar con ella
10:00No lo hagas, por favor, es nuestra hija
10:03Es suficiente, no quiero una hija así
10:06No, no lo hagas, ¿qué estás haciendo?
10:09No lo hagas, por favor, ¿qué estás haciendo, Mahmoud?
10:14¡Abre la puerta! ¡Abre la puerta! ¡Te digo que no estés tan inocente!
10:21¡No! ¡Papá, no lo hagas, te lo ruego!
10:24¡He dicho que te arrodilles!
10:31¡Padre, te juro que yo no hice nada para manchar tu honra! ¡Te juro que no lo hice!
10:42¡No hice nada! ¡No lo hagas, Mahmoud! ¡No puedo vivir sin mi hija!
10:46¡Abre la puerta, Mahmoud! ¡Por favor, abre la puerta, por favor!
10:52¡Van a matar a mi hija! ¡Azad, ayuda a mi hija! ¡Va a dispararle!
10:56¡Señor Mahmoud! ¡Soy Azad! ¡Abre la puerta! ¡Ella es inocente!
11:01¡Por favor! ¡Señor Mahmoud, ella no hizo nada malo! ¡No haga nada!
11:08¡Soy la esposa de Ali! ¡Ellos no hicieron nada malo!
11:13¡Está equivocado! ¡Por favor, no le haga daño a Azuna!
11:18¡Señor Mahmoud, vamos a hablar de lo que pasó! ¡Después de eso, hará lo que usted quiera!
11:23¡Señor, usted es un buen hombre! ¡Deme cinco minutos! ¡Se lo prometo!
11:30¡Venga, abre la puerta!
11:34¡Por favor, señor! ¡Vamos, abra, por favor!
11:40¡Abre la puerta, le digo! ¡Ábrala!
11:48¡Señor Mahmoud! ¡Alto! ¡Detente, Azad!
11:52Señor, no debe hacerlo. Su hija nunca deshonró a su familia.
11:58Solo... se enamoraron.
12:03Su hija fue muy valiente, como...
12:07para amar profundamente a alguien que está en silla de ruedas.
12:14mi hermano Ali se comunicó con su hija por carta.
12:18Desde que se casó, no se hablan.
12:20Entonces, ¿le va a disparar a su hija solo por haber escrito cartas?
12:25No lo entiendo.
12:28Señor, sé que hará lo correcto.
12:32Ahora voy a irme. Solo usted decide qué va a hacer.
12:38Sé que va a tomar una buena decisión, pero...
12:42sé que va a tomar una buena decisión.
13:24¡Hijita mía! ¡Por Allah! ¿Estás bien?
13:32¿Señor está bien?
13:41¿Estás bien?
13:49Dime, Debran. ¿Qué es esa herida?
13:52No es nada importante, Abuela Nujin. Créame, olvídelo.
13:57Por favor, no me mientas. ¿Quién te hizo esto?
14:00¿Quién se ha atrevido a meterse con la familia Kirman?
14:04Vamos, dímelo, Debran.
14:07Debran, al menos déjame curarte la herida.
14:10Dios no lo quiera. Quizás puedas tener una infección.
14:13Ya dije que no es nada. ¿Qué sucede contigo? ¿Qué pasa?
14:17Sigues tan obstinado como cuando eras niño.
14:25¿Debran? ¿Dónde está Zehra? ¿Está con Azat?
14:29Sí, tía. Tranquila. El otro equipo de inspectores está bien.
14:32No te preocupes. Así es.
14:35Zehra está junto a Azat ahora.
14:37Si no les importa, yo me voy a descansar.
14:42¿Algo sucede?
14:43Sí, ve a descansar.
14:51¿Te duele mucho, hija?
14:58Estoy bien, mamá. No te preocupes.
15:02¿Cómo no preocuparme?
15:05Estaba asustada. Si te hubiera pasado algo...
15:10No estaba asustada por mí, sino por Zehra.
15:17Hay demasiada maldad allá afuera.
15:21¿Cómo pueden apuntarle a un niño con un arma?
15:25Hay cosas que no entendemos. No se pueden entender.
15:30Tu padre nos lo ha dicho.
15:34No podemos interferir con este régimen.
15:38Sí, claro, mamá.
15:41Entiendo totalmente, pero siento que hay algo aquí que me conecta.
15:50Una sensación muy extraña y potente.
15:57Además, Zehra es como mi hija.
16:05Si mi bebé estuviese vivo,
16:11ahora tendría la edad de Zehra.
16:16Su misma edad.
16:18¿Comprendes lo que siento?
16:28Tienes que descansar un poco.
16:35¿Qué pasó?
16:38Va a intentar dormir un poco.
16:41¿Ves lo que sucede?
16:43Te dije desde el principio que la vida de Melek estaría en peligro.
16:47Todavía puede volver a ver a su hija.
16:50¿Qué hacemos, Ame?
16:53No tengo la conciencia tranquila cuando la miro.
16:57¿Qué vas a hacer?
16:59No, Ame.
17:01No tengo la conciencia tranquila cuando la miro.
17:05¿No ves lo que sucedió con Zehra?
17:08Es como si estuviera buscando a alguien para amar.
17:11Si lo supiera...
17:13Si lo supiera, tú y yo perderíamos a nuestra hija.
17:17¿Es eso lo que quieres, Kanan?
17:20Es un gran pecado.
17:23Un pecado enorme.
17:25Ya basta. Déjame a mí.
17:28Debe irse cuando todo haya terminado.
17:31Kanan, escúchame.
17:33Melek no debe enterarse de ninguna manera de la carta que llegó del ministerio.
17:38¿Qué dices? ¿No le diremos que puede volver a la escuela?
17:42Nunca se lo diremos.
17:50Lo que diga la gente está fuera de mis manos.
17:52Nada es más fuerte que el amor a su hija.
17:56Es cierto.
17:58No me atreví a apretar el gatillo.
18:08Incluso podría dispararme a mí mismo.
18:11Antes que a ella, nunca le toqué un solo pelo a mi hija.
18:19No debe inclinarse ante nadie.
18:23No escuche lo que digan los demás.
18:26Es muy difícil, Azab.
18:28Los rumores están en mi cabeza.
18:32No puedo caminar sin pensar en lo que dicen de nosotros.
18:36Usted no puede imaginar lo que siento.
18:39¿Sabe usted qué es lo que se siente cuando señalan a una niña?
18:49Eres tan buena conmigo.
18:52No fui buena contigo.
18:54Te agradezco demasiado.
18:56Realmente yo no merecía tu ayuda.
18:59Le digo que sí se puede.
19:02Podría mudarse a otra ciudad, si se siente incómodo.
19:06Puede instalar una tienda, un concesionario.
19:10¿No lo cree?
19:17Piense en ella.
19:46Thank you very much.
19:49You forgot your problems to deal with other problems.
19:54You are a very good girl.
19:58You are too good, Azab.
20:02Asuna was offered like me.
20:05But she should not sacrifice her life.
20:08Getting married at such a young age.
20:11I just wanted to help.
20:13You did well.
20:15Let's go.
20:20Good night.
20:22Azat, where have you been?
20:25Zerah and I had an important job, Grandma.
20:29She is always busy with other things, when in this house there is a lot of work to do.
20:33Why are you still standing there?
20:35Go help Fatma.
20:37Aunt, Zerah will not work today.
20:40She is tired.
20:42She needs to rest.
20:44Before you sit down,
20:45go and call your husband to dinner.
20:52Azat, you must be hungry.
20:55Sit with us.
20:57I'll wash my hands and face, mother.
21:09Something happens?
21:11Tell me, Kadim.
21:12Something happens?
21:14Tell me, Kadim.
21:16What do you have?
21:20Dad, are you okay?
21:23Yes, I'm fine.
21:25I'm fine.
21:37What do you want?
21:39They call you to dinner.
21:42I will not eat anything.
21:47We went to Zuna's house with Azat.
21:53Azat managed ...
21:58that the father forgive her.
22:05You're lying.
22:08I know you're lying, I do not believe a word.
22:11I swear I'm not lying.
22:15If you do not believe me, go and ask your brother.
22:19Besides, lying is a sin.
22:22And that's why I do not lie.
22:38The food is not ready yet.
22:42She's a little slow.
22:47Yes it is.
22:51I'm starving.
22:53I've worked hard today because I'm checking the goods.
22:57I was very lucky that our in-laws will hire me a lot.
23:02My dear wife finally arrived.
23:04My God.
23:08Put that there, daughter. Put it there, it serves a lot for me.
23:11Take it, Rasid. I served enough soup for you.
23:14There is enough, so do not worry.
23:17For you there is a lot.
23:21You see?
23:26Thank you, daughter.
23:28It looks delicious.
23:30This soup dish ...
23:32He prepared it for us, made with his beautiful hands.
23:41It is very delicious.
23:43Have a good appetite.
23:49Ali, you came.
23:51Come here, son.
24:02Are you better, Ali?
24:04Don't you think about getting a divorce anymore?
24:09What divorce?
24:12Today the lawyer came to see me.
24:14He told me that Ali asked him ...
24:17to write down the documents of his divorce.
24:21Is he telling the truth?
24:24It's true.
24:26It's true.
24:35What do you say, son?
24:37Say it's just a joke. Come on, say it.
24:40I want to get a divorce, mother.
24:43So there will be no obstacle for Zuna and I to be together.
24:53Get out of my table!
24:56What's wrong with your head?
24:58My head has never been better than now.
25:01Get out of my sight!
25:09Forgive him.
25:11It was not his intention to say that.
25:13It's always the same with Ali.
25:17It was clear that you did not do your mother's job well.
25:21You have not been able to teach him what decency is.
25:25Get out of my sight!
25:55Get out of my sight!
26:04I did not make it.
26:06I could not do it.
26:08Without your father here,
26:10I have not been able to move forward alone.
26:25I remember when I was a child,
26:28we always looked at the stars.
26:32We did it all the time.
26:40I will never forget.
26:47It is something that I will always treasure in my heart.
26:51You have taught me kindness.
26:55You are so beautiful.
26:58A great woman.
27:02You are the best mother in the world.
27:05My dear son.
27:14Talk to your brother.
27:16Do not be too late and do something crazy.
27:19Okay, mother. I'll talk to him.
27:21My dear son.
27:32Where did you find this?
27:34A boy who helped me gave it to me.
27:38His name is Hasan.
27:40Show me.
27:52Your father had one.
28:05I'm going to look for my mother.
28:07Sit down there and eat.
28:13I'm going to look for my mother.
28:15Sit down there and eat.
28:21Your aunt will go, old man.
28:34Mom, what are you saying?
28:36Son, your father only showed it to me.
28:39The day he asked me to be his wife.
28:43Are you sure?
28:45Of course I'm sure.
28:47Hasan says he has it since he was a child.
28:51This belongs to your father.
28:57Maybe your father is alive.
28:59Maybe he is alive.
29:01And he was the one who gave it to Hasan.
29:06Take me to Hasan immediately.
29:08Wait, wait.
29:13Hasan is under custody.
29:15This time you can not.
29:18We'll go tomorrow.
29:22My God.
29:26After many years you send me this sign of that evil.
29:35I would not make many illusions.
29:39I do not want you to be depressed.
29:45We'll go tomorrow morning.
30:00I love you, mother.
30:04We'll go tomorrow.
30:21Azad is with her.
30:27They talk about mother and son. Do not worry.
30:40Daughter, do you have any news about Zuna?
30:43I talked to Azad.
30:45He arrived with Sera just in time.
30:49It's not our problem.
30:51What are you waiting for us to go?
30:54Dad, you still do not understand.
30:57I have decisions to make.
30:59I'm going to talk to the school very soon.
31:09What happened at the table?
31:11Why were you with that face?
31:13Do not ask, Kadim.
31:15I heard them talk about a rude Azad.
31:18A young Hasan gave something to Azad, a necklace.
31:21Zumrud said it belonged to Semal.
31:25Azad had something on his neck.
31:27And it seemed familiar to me.
31:31But you think ...
31:33What happens if Semal is alive?
31:35What will we do?
31:41We never saw his corpse.
31:43We just knew he died.
31:46We will be in trouble if he is alive.
31:49It could be our end.
31:51It is unlikely that Semal has survived.
31:54Years have passed.
31:56Maybe he waited years to take revenge.
31:58He is planning how to take revenge and is looking for the means to do so.
32:02Kadim, if Semal lives, it would be our end.
32:08What are you doing here?
32:11Were you listening?
32:13No, I ...
32:15What did you hear? Tell me what you heard.
32:18No, I did not hear anything.
32:21I only heard that they were talking about a man named Semal, but ...
32:25What else? Tell me.
32:27What else did you hear?
32:29Nothing more.
32:31I just got here.
32:33Leave her, Behiye.
32:35Sera is an intelligent girl.
32:38If she said something,
32:40she knows what could happen to others.
32:43Isn't that right, Sera?
32:48I won't say anything.
32:51I did not hear anything, Mr. Kadim.
32:58Can I go now?
33:06Let's go.
33:10It is impossible for her to understand even if she has heard.
33:13Do not worry.
33:31What are you doing here?
33:36I do not know, brother.
33:38Grandma Nuyin brought her here to sleep in this room.
33:42I protested,
33:44but she did not listen to me.
33:46She did not listen to me.
33:48She did not listen to me.
33:49I protested,
33:51but she did not listen to me.
33:53I begged her.
33:55This is not a place to sleep.
33:57Will you sleep on the floor?
33:59Let's go, Sera.
34:06Let's go.
34:07Let's go.
34:26How am I going to end up on this small sofa?
34:30Oh my God.
34:32Damn it.
34:34I have fallen into misfortune.
34:35In my own house, damn it.
34:37Do you see?
34:39I can not sleep in my own bed.
34:41It is something inconceivable.
34:43I can not stand it anymore.
34:45It is enough, enough.
34:49What are you doing here?
34:51Keep in mind that I am here.
34:53This is also my home.
34:55Look at me.
34:57I'm sleeping on the sofa.
34:59I am the man of the house, the man.
35:01Do you understand?
35:02After killing a girl who is his own daughter,
35:04you can not call yourself a man.
35:07What do you say?
35:09What do you say?
35:11What do you want?
35:13To drive me crazy?
35:15That the girl is my daughter?
35:17My daughter?
35:19Look at me.
35:21She is not my daughter, nor your daughter.
35:23And you know it.
35:25Let me go.
35:27Do you want me to let you go?
35:29If I did not listen,
35:30look at me, put it in your little brain.
35:32I already allowed you to treat me badly.
35:34Now you're going to stop treating me badly.
35:36Did you understand?
35:54Hey Azad.
35:56If Nujin finds out that I slept here,
35:58she will be angry.
36:00If someone comes to tell you something,
36:02I will say that I brought you here
36:04so that you sleep well.
36:09Today has been a very exhausting day.
36:11Relax and sleep.
36:18Thank you very much.
36:20It's nothing.
36:22Good night.
36:25Good night.
36:52Good night.
37:05Son, your father only showed it to me
37:08the day he asked me to be his wife.
37:11Are you sure?
37:13Of course I'm sure.
37:15Your father had the same one.
37:17This belongs to your father.
37:20Maybe your father is alive.
37:22Maybe he is alive.
37:28I feel bad about Ali.
37:43My brother asked me to be with you.
37:46Every time I look at you,
37:48I see him badly.
37:56I don't want to get your hopes up, but...
38:02There is something about my father.
38:08About your father?
38:11That's right.
38:48I hope they don't know I slept here.
39:37You shouldn't have so many hopes.
39:40I'm sure some criminal
39:42stole your father's necklace.
39:46It's been a long time.
39:49How long will it last?
39:52I'm ready, son.
39:57Uncle is coming with us.
40:01He already knows.
40:06I haven't slept all night.
40:08I've been waiting for some bad news for years.
40:12We all wait for it.
40:14But we must be prepared.
40:16For any news,
40:18it's not good to get our hopes up.
40:20It's been a long time.
40:24God will have his reasons.
40:26Maybe he hurt me
40:28during all these years
40:30so that now I can face the truth.
40:35Very well, mother.
40:37Let's find out the truth.
40:47Let's go.
41:00Enjoy your meal.
41:02I'm leaving.
41:04So early?
41:06Where are you going at this hour?
41:09I'm going to stop by the Kirman's house.
41:12I'm going to see how Debran is doing.
41:14And I'm going to see Sera.
41:17Now that you're getting out of a problem,
41:20it's best if you don't go.
41:24you can find out what happened to Debran by calling Sam.
41:27Can't you keep them out of your life?
41:33Well, it's your decision.
41:38Wait for me. I have to go too.
41:41I'll stop by, so I can take you.
41:46I mean,
41:48it would be great, dad.
41:55the Ministry of Education will send news today.
41:57If a letter arrives,
41:59could you call me?
42:01I don't want to wait until nightfall.
42:03All right, dear.
42:05I'll call you as soon as I know something.
42:10All right.
42:24It's 30.
42:40What are you doing?
42:42Are you going to rent the store?
42:44If God wants it.
42:46What are you going to do?
42:48If you rent the store,
42:50what are you going to work for?
42:52I've been offered a job.
42:54I won't be missing the bread of every day,
42:57but I have to protect my family.
42:59I can't let them go to a bad place.
43:02Besides, God will enlighten our path.
43:04He will help us.
43:06I don't know what to do.
43:07I'll pay you what I owe.
43:09I think I'm still going to keep my house.
43:11In the meantime,
43:13I'm going to stay in the city.
43:17only if you don't work,
43:19you'll never be able to pay me.
43:23how are you going to do it?
43:25And when do you start your new job?
43:27Now I can't give you a date.
43:29Mr. Assad said he was going to help me.
43:31I'll pay you as soon as I can.
43:33I'll pay you as soon as I can.
43:35I'll pay you as soon as I can.
43:37I'll pay you as soon as I can.
43:39The truth is, I don't think I'll help you.
43:42The rumors against your daughter will follow you wherever you go.
43:46Sooner or later, everything will be known.
43:49At that moment, I'll leave there.
43:51Until when, Mahmoud?
43:53Do you really want to take that dishonor to your deathbed?
43:58I know, come work for my company.
44:02I'll marry your daughter.
44:03That will be enough to clear his honor.
44:06And you will be free of debts.
44:11what do you think?
44:33Do you love me?
44:37Do you love me?
44:41If I were younger,
44:44would you call me?
44:46Would you hear my cry?
44:51If I were younger,
44:54would you call me?
44:56Would you hear my cry?
45:03If I were younger,
45:05would you call me?
45:07Would you hear my cry?
45:09If I were younger,
45:11would you call me?
45:13Would you hear my cry?
45:15If I were younger,
45:17would you call me?
45:19If I were younger,
45:21would you call me?
45:23If I were younger,
45:25would you call me?
