• last year


00:00I finally captured Mr. Gyur.
00:03Please continue.
00:07I understand. We're leaving.
00:09No violence.
00:10Stop it, Mr. Tachibana!
00:12Ms. Miyako, please!
00:13Please leave us alone.
00:14Ten people have already died.
00:15We can't send more victims.
00:17That's right.
00:18Maybe Mr. Tachibana is right.
00:19Mr. Gomiji!
00:20Because we can leave now.
00:22Yes, we can finally go to a new planet.
00:24But this is the wrong way.
00:25Is that so?
00:26Isn't it just that the position has been reversed?
00:28Mr. Gyur tried to kill us many times.
00:31But he didn't kill us.
00:34Didn't Mr. Gyur say?
00:36If you don't have hope, you can't take us to M87.
00:39Create hope.
00:40Stop being so violent.
00:42Let's create hope honestly.
00:44Then tell me how to do it.
00:46So that everyone can understand.
00:48That's impossible for me alone.
00:52What Mr. Gyur is saying is not that everyone has hope.
00:55I think everyone here has hope.
00:58Am I wrong?
00:59You are right.
01:01We need hope.
01:03What is everyone's hope?
01:05It's not a riddle.
01:07I don't understand.
01:08That's right.
01:09You can't just say create hope.
01:11That's why we all talk about it.
01:14Don't move!
01:15It's ridiculous.
01:16We have lost everything.
01:19Where is the hope?
01:22The earth has been destroyed.
01:24Many people have died.
01:27We have lost everything that we have built.
01:32That's right.
01:33We are being deceived.
01:36We were told to fly when we were 10.
01:38But we were forced to fly when we were 10.
01:40Are we enjoying ourselves?
01:42Or are we not willing to fly?
01:44I don't think so.
01:46We were able to fly when Mr. Imura was here.
01:48You can't say we were able to fly.
01:50We came back without taking a single step.
01:52Stop it.
01:53We don't know what hope is.
01:56We can't discuss this.
01:58If you don't want to die,
02:00why don't you fly right now?
02:05Even if we can't see anything,
02:06we still have hope, right?
02:09The future is dark.
02:11We can't see anything.
02:12That's why we have hope.
02:15Because the future is dark,
02:17we still have hope.
02:21For example,
02:23if we were able to live on Earth again,
02:27wouldn't we have a little hope?
02:30That's not possible.
02:31I don't think I understand that.
02:33That's right.
02:3510 years later, 20 years later,
02:37we might be able to live on Earth again.
02:39Oh, that's right.
02:41The Space Fleet, Yamato.
02:43Just like how Yamato went to Iskandar
02:45and got the device to regenerate the Earth,
02:47there might be hope for the Earth on Gil's planet.
02:51I know that story too.
02:52You don't know if you're alive or not.
02:56What's important is now.
02:58I know that even after 10 years,
03:00the situation won't change.
03:03no matter what you say,
03:05I will create hope.
03:07Hope that will convince Gil.
03:10That's why,
03:11please let Gil go.
03:23I got it!
03:24I got it!
03:37Gil, are you okay?
03:39It's not a big deal.
03:41It's just a scratch.
03:45This is Earth.
03:52That's right.
03:53You're talking too much.
03:55But I can't touch it.
03:59Oh, you're right.
04:00Anyway, it's blood.
04:01Someone, get some cloth.
04:02Gil, hang in there.
04:04Are you okay, Gil?
04:06What's this?
04:07What's this?
04:08What's this?
04:09It's a countermeasure against terrorism.
04:11Countermeasure against terrorism?
04:13The Space Fleet won't move.
04:16It won't fly?
04:17That's right.
04:18That's right.
04:20That's right.
04:23Oh, no!
04:24It sounds like it's broken.
04:26Oh, no!
04:28What have you done?
04:29What are you doing?
04:31It's your fault!
04:37Gil, I'm sorry!
04:39I'm so sorry!
04:40It won't move.
04:43Oh, no!
04:44Oh, no!
04:50Oh, no!
05:02I wonder if Gil will be okay.
05:04Gil doesn't want to fly.
05:07He always says that.
05:08He can't fly when I say let's fly.
05:10This time, I rang the alarm and turned off the engine.
05:13If this happens, let's have a match.
05:16I want to go to a new safe planet right now.
05:21I understand.
05:23Let's keep an eye on him.
05:25If he gets better, we can leave right away.
05:28Let's keep dancing!
05:33Let's keep threatening him.
05:37Nice idea!
05:41Yes, sir!
05:42Yes, sir!
05:46Look at the control box next to the bathroom.
05:53What's the control box?
05:55It's a reset password with a real IC chip in it.
06:02So, if I look for a real IC chip, I can fly?
06:07I'll go, too!
06:09I heard you!
06:10Mr. Ogaki!
06:11You can still fly!
06:13What are you doing?
06:14Don't get in my way.
06:16Please stop. I'm in the middle of a treatment.
06:18What if it's a real IC chip?
06:20I don't care. It's a real IC chip.
06:22Anyway, let's keep him safe.
06:32This is the control box.
06:34I'm sure it is.
06:37It's an IC chip.
06:39I'm sure it's a real IC chip.
06:42Wait a minute.
06:43You're going to look for just one?
06:45It's less likely to be a treasure.
06:47But if I find a real IC chip, I can fly.
06:52But it's a little hard for two people to find.
06:55I'll ask everyone to help me.
07:00This is a real IC chip.
07:02You're going to look for just one?
07:04I'm sure it's a trick.
07:06Of course it is!
07:07There's a reason to make fun of it.
07:09That's right.
07:10Don't say that.
07:11Please help me.
07:14Let's go.
07:15If I don't sleep, I won't be able to concentrate on my treatment.
07:21It's still early in the morning.
07:24But if the spaceship flies, everyone will be happy.
07:28Let's do our best to find it.
07:31You don't want to?
07:33I'll help you.
07:36I'll help you, too.
07:39Let's do our best.
07:46Please put the IC chip you saw in this box.
07:50My eyes are shining.
07:51It's a long way to go.
08:00Good morning.
08:01Good morning.
08:02What are you doing?
08:04What are you doing?
08:06I'm sorry.
08:07It's okay.
08:09Never mind.
08:13Thank you for helping me.
08:16It's nothing.
08:22Let's switch.
08:26Are you going to quit?
08:29I thought about it.
08:30If Tamakorosagashi's story is true,
08:33this spaceship won't fly if we don't find it.
08:38Do you really want to find Tamakorosagashi?
08:42Mr. Ogaki suspected you the most.
08:45But I want to take you to a safe planet as soon as possible.
08:50See you.
09:03I'll take this.
09:04Mr. Ogaki, will you do it with me?
09:10It's so fast.
09:12My family ran a super ball inspection at a toy factory.
09:17Mr. Ogaki, what other toys did you make?
09:21I made a ball with my muscles.
09:24That's funny.
09:27You should be careful.
09:29If you hit Mr. Ogaki with a laughing or surprised face,
09:33this spaceship won't fly.
09:36If you hold a gun for hours,
09:39your hands will slip and you'll hit him.
09:44Do you want to quit?
09:47If I hit Mr. Ogaki, I can't get it back.
09:57What's that?
10:01Oh, this is the fourth case.
10:04It's a long way to go.
10:06Minase, I heard Gil stopped bleeding.
10:10He's calm now, so I'll help him.
10:12Oh, thank you.
10:16I heard a loud noise in Gil's room.
10:20If I don't go, my boss will doubt me.
10:38I'm in trouble.
10:41What happened?
10:43We promised to help 10,000 people.
10:49Who did you promise to help?
10:52The president.
10:53The president?
10:55Is he the president of the United States?
10:58He's the president of your country.
11:01Is that so?
11:02So the president of the country got on the spaceship and ran away?
11:06That's crazy!
11:07I see.
11:08That's why we couldn't get him even in this emergency situation.
11:12We're all the same.
11:15We all hide our inconveniences.
11:19So what are they doing now?
11:22They're suppressing us.
11:25If we refuse, they'll start a fight.
11:29No way!
11:30Gil saved us!
11:32That's amazing!
11:33Gil, I'm sorry for doubting you.
11:37I'll join the search for Tamakoro.
11:40I want to help end the chaos caused by the incompetent politicians.
11:48Do you believe him?
11:50Don't be stupid.
11:52Mr. Gil!
11:54Mr. Gil, please follow me.
12:01It's never-ending.
12:04We have to do our best.
12:06My back hurts.
12:12Can we really find him?
12:17Are we being fooled?
12:19Don't say that.
12:22Why don't we use your power to find him?
12:28What are you talking about?
12:29Just follow me.
12:33Can I do it alone?
12:35No way!
12:36You'll just slack off.
12:37I can do it alone.
12:40No way!
12:41This is a closed-off area.
12:43You're so noisy.
12:46Ms. Hinashi!
12:47Can you stop?
12:48We're all doing our best.
12:49No way!
12:50We're not doing this to start a fight.
12:54That's why we're not worth saving.
12:56They say we're violent, war-loving, barbaric, and despicable.
12:59That's not true.
13:00I know!
13:06I know!
13:08Do you want to play a game?
13:17Space Jelly Chuchu Mecho Aji!
13:21Actually, there are only three left.
13:24I really liked it.
13:26How about we have a competition to see who can make the best Chuchu Mecho Aji?
13:32The person who can make the most Chuchu Mecho Aji in 10 minutes wins.
13:38Of course, if you find a real RC chip, that person wins.
13:42Sounds fun.
13:43Sounds good.
13:44Let's do this!
13:52You're so stupid.
13:55It's only 10 minutes.
13:56Doing this makes me feel better.
13:58That's our leader.
13:59You're doing a good job.
14:02But when it comes to work...
14:04I wonder what kind of work there is in M87.
14:10I'm sleepy.
14:12Mr. Tachibana, you look happy to be able to go to space.
14:15But actually, I like the life here.
14:19I'm surprised.
14:20Do you like this life?
14:22Of course, it's tough.
14:24But when I was on Earth, it was even tougher.
14:28I couldn't get the job I wanted.
14:30And the salary was so cheap.
14:34So now, I want to cherish the little happiness that is close to me.
14:40Young people these days are strangely realistic.
14:44That's called a consummatory.
14:48Rather than working hard for a goal,
14:50enjoy your life with your friends.
14:56Actually, I like the life here, too.
15:01I can help Shushi and take care of Gil.
15:06I can be of help to everyone.
15:08That's great.
15:09When Japanese people get together like that, they comfort each other.
15:14This job is tough for an old man.
15:20Hey, won't you come here?
15:24No, I'm sorry.
15:26I regret it.
15:28I hurt you.
15:30But you helped me.
15:35I appreciate it.
15:39can you help me?
15:44That's convenient, isn't it?
15:48But don't say that.
15:50If you don't want to do it, it's okay.
15:54Mr. Hashizume,
15:56are you also a consummatory type?
15:59I want to find my parents as soon as possible.
16:04Oh, you're a parent and child.
16:08I've been busy with work for two years.
16:11My mother cried when I called her for the first time.
16:16I see.
16:17I want to see my family, too.
16:22I want to see my parents, too.
16:26I've been living a carefree life,
16:30but I learned a lot here.
16:32The reason I was able to live carefree
16:34was because my family supported me.
16:37I want to see my son and grandson,
16:41but my husband is the best.
16:43Oh, that means you're in love.
16:46No, I'm not.
16:48We've been through hard times together.
16:54We promised to see each other.
16:57That's wonderful.
17:00I'm definitely a grandson.
17:03This is cute.
17:06When I see their smiles,
17:08I feel like I can't do stupid politics anymore.
17:14What about you, Mr. Ogaki?
17:16I want to give Tsunagu a lot of experiences.
17:21At first, I felt sorry for him,
17:25but now that I think about it,
17:27all of them are above M87.
17:32Don't you think it's amazing
17:34that the first earth is the star of the universe?
17:38You're right.
17:40I want to wear a wedding dress.
17:45I didn't know there was such a person.
17:47It's been six years.
17:49I always thought I could get married,
17:52but I didn't know it would be like this.
17:59I can see it.
18:01It's okay.
18:03I can see it with my eyes.
18:08Mr. Kinoshita.
18:11Can you help me?
18:15I want to do it with everyone.
18:18Let's do it together.
18:21Let's do it.
18:39Is there anyone you want to meet?
18:43I want to meet my dad.
18:47I said something terrible when I was in middle school.
18:50My dad is not Japanese,
18:52so I'm suffering like this.
18:56Then my dad apologized and said,
18:58I'm sorry.
19:02Since then,
19:04I haven't apologized yet.
19:11I loved my dad.
19:14I see.
19:16It's okay.
19:17I can meet my dad.
19:23It's nice to hear everyone's story.
19:27I didn't introduce myself.
19:32But it's strange.
19:36Everyone is in this situation,
19:39but there is someone I want to meet.
19:41And I think I can meet him.
19:45I found it.
19:47Isn't this it?
19:48There is a mark on it.
19:53Is it true?
19:58Mr. Kinoshita got this space jelly.
20:08Mr. Gil, Mr. Gil.
20:10I found the IC chip.
20:12Mr. Gil.
20:13Wake up, Mr. Gil.
20:15Something is wrong.
20:19My body is cold.
20:22Are you dead?
20:25No, Mr. Gil.
20:27Mr. Gil, wake up.
20:35Stop it.
20:37Stop it.
20:39In this situation,
20:42who drives the spaceship?
20:46You, Tachibana.
20:48You can drive a spaceship, right?
20:49No, I can't.
20:50Wake up, Mr. Gil.
20:52Mr. Gil, wake up.
20:53Stop it.
20:55Don't you want to eat?
21:00Are we going to die here?
21:07When we run out of food,
21:14I'm sorry I couldn't make you bigger.
21:20I'm sorry I couldn't make you happy.
21:25Dad, mom, I miss you.
21:30I decided not to cry until I could see you.
21:39I'm sorry.
21:41It's my fault.
21:43It's the same for everyone.
21:46Who do you want to kill this week?
21:49You always say that.
21:51When Saibara died,
21:54I didn't shed a single tear.
21:58We are the worst.
22:01Everyone was crazy.
22:03It's so horrible.
22:06I don't know if we can create hope.
22:19Even if it's rain,
22:21even if it's snow,
22:25even if it's rain,
22:30I will live.
22:35Mr. Gil's senses are working.
22:38I must have seen it wrong.
22:41No, it definitely worked.
22:51It's a waste to give up from the beginning.
22:54If you're going to do it, try it.
22:57Don't you think that's better?