Kiss At Pine Lake (2012)

  • 2 days ago
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00:00:00No shadows of you, I shine like a chandelier, I'm singing like no one hears and it feels
00:00:30With your voice in my ear, my heart is strong and sober, the walls are high but I climb
00:00:38cause I need to.
00:00:41Then all at once, you're so far away, with this the sun confuses her shine.
00:00:53It's just a cloud, but it'll never be forgotten.
00:01:02Bye, Andy.
00:01:04And remember, poison oak has three leaves and white berries.
00:01:08Got it.
00:01:09See you next summer.
00:01:10Tommy, he lives in the middle of the city.
00:01:12Like they don't have parks?
00:01:16Hey, Zoey, don't look now.
00:01:19Is that Tammy?
00:01:24Bye, guys.
00:01:29Erica, my folks are going to be here any second.
00:01:31I have to say goodbye.
00:01:33Oh, true love.
00:01:45Yeah, yeah, I'll take care of this stuff.
00:01:47Just go.
00:01:48Thanks, man.
00:01:49When I'm rich, I'm making you my sidekick.
00:01:51I'm riding.
00:02:12You wish, babe.
00:02:34It's been such a great summer, Luke.
00:02:36I can't believe it's already over.
00:02:38Yeah, I'm really glad we got to know each other.
00:02:40I mean, we knew each other before, but...
00:02:42Like every summer since we were eight.
00:02:44I mean, this was different.
00:02:47I know.
00:02:51Here's my address and my phone number.
00:02:54You know, in case.
00:02:56I'll call you and write sometimes.
00:02:59And send me your address?
00:03:00I will, definitely, because this really has been the best summer of my life.
00:03:04Mine too.
00:03:05Mine too.
00:03:10My folks are probably looking for me.
00:03:14I should go.
00:03:19Zoe, where are you?
00:03:22That's my dad.
00:03:23I gotta go.
00:03:27Wait, Zoe?
00:03:29I'll see you next summer.
00:03:31I'll see you next summer.
00:03:34Zoe, where are you?
00:03:54I'd like to thank you all for coming out today.
00:03:57When the president of Zeppo Enterprises heard that the city needed help finishing its park and playground,
00:04:04he decided to do something about it.
00:04:09I'm sorry he couldn't be here today.
00:04:15But I'm sure he would be pleased to see you all here six months later with a brand new recreational area.
00:04:32I can't take it anymore.
00:04:33What are you talking about?
00:04:34Tommy, you were great.
00:04:35Didn't you see me?
00:04:36I got all choked up.
00:04:37That's not funny.
00:04:38You know, I'm allergic to public speaking.
00:04:40And this whole president of the company philanthropic mystery man thing?
00:04:44It's more fun to watch.
00:04:45Besides, you're my sidekick, remember?
00:04:49That was our deal.
00:04:50I'm not your sidekick.
00:04:51I'm your business manager.
00:04:52Which is not even the point.
00:04:53From now on, make your own speeches.
00:04:57Phoenix Park or fundraiser or whatever.
00:04:59It's all on me.
00:05:00Not like that's going to happen anytime soon.
00:05:06Tommy, come on.
00:05:08Look, you're the smartest guy I know when it comes to making business investments.
00:05:11With your help.
00:05:12And I like that you don't go out and buy fancy cars and houses and do all that other rich guy stuff.
00:05:17You actually do something good with your money.
00:05:19You're doing it again.
00:05:20Look at me.
00:05:21Look at me.
00:05:22I'm getting all misty-eyed.
00:05:23Luke, everybody has a limit, including you.
00:05:25And I just think that maybe you should throttle back on all these causes for a while and see how they pan out.
00:05:30Throttle back?
00:05:33Maybe we should continue this at the office.
00:05:35Yeah, definitely.
00:05:36Except I got to get a jump on traffic.
00:05:37I'm heading to camp.
00:05:38Talent show tonight.
00:05:39You see?
00:05:40That right there?
00:05:41That's what I'm talking about.
00:05:42You should have discussed it with me first before you bought the camp at Pine Lake.
00:05:45Uncle Charlie wanted to keep it in the family.
00:05:46What else could I do?
00:05:47Well, now he's got a condo in Sun City.
00:05:49And you're left paying the bill.
00:05:51Pine Lake is my home.
00:05:52I practically grew up there.
00:05:54I love that place.
00:05:55I love that place, too.
00:05:57Hey, you should come with me.
00:06:00Yeah, the talent show, huh?
00:06:01We could do our old routine.
00:06:02Bum, bum, bum.
00:06:06Okay, all right.
00:06:07I'll see you Monday.
00:06:08All right.
00:06:09No, seriously.
00:06:10Luke, I'm not done talking about this.
00:06:11I love you, Mom.
00:06:12Shut up.
00:06:13Catch it.
00:06:14Catch it.
00:06:16Catch it.
00:06:17I can't.
00:06:24Bum, bum, bum.
00:06:25Bum, bum, bum.
00:06:26Bum, bum, bum.
00:06:27Bum, bum, bum.
00:06:36As we discussed.
00:06:48Well, I don't like it.
00:06:50I don't like it one bit.
00:06:53You can't live in the past.
00:06:55You have to move on.
00:06:57I don't think you have a choice.
00:06:59You have to move on.
00:07:01I don't think you have a choice.
00:07:29Now, come here.
00:07:43You are amazing.
00:07:51You know how long I've been working on trying to get these Cozy Brothers to some other place?
00:07:54Months. I bring you on the job and bang, just like that.
00:07:57Bingo. Done deal, right?
00:07:59And for a lot less money. Hello.
00:08:02You know, you keep this up.
00:08:04I'm going to have to offer you an executive position here at Sherman Letters.
00:08:08Wow, thank you.
00:08:09But first, you know what? You and I are going to celebrate.
00:08:11I'm going to take you to dinner.
00:08:12On me, wherever you want to go.
00:08:17That sounds nice.
00:08:19Come on, you and I got to get past this corporate thing we have going on here right now.
00:08:22You know, we got to get to know each other as people.
00:08:24Loosen up, go out, relax.
00:08:26Sounds fun.
00:08:27Okay, well if it sounds fun, what do you say?
00:08:31I think...
00:08:36How about we invite the whole office, and we should make it a team thing,
00:08:42and we should thank all of these people for pitching in.
00:08:45Because it's never just about one person, it's about the whole team.
00:08:50You were the one that taught me that.
00:08:52Right, I did.
00:08:53So, I'm going to go, and I'm going to find out if they're available for tonight.
00:08:57And, I mean, try not to worry, because we will find some time together
00:09:01to get out of the office and loosen up a little, okay?
00:09:06I'm on it.
00:09:10This is great, Zoe. This is what you've been waiting for, an executive position.
00:09:14I know, and it's going to give me so much security.
00:09:16This job let me pay off my student loan.
00:09:19And do you remember that credit card bill that I had?
00:09:22It's gone, but if I'm able to close this deal,
00:09:25then I can start putting aside money, because you never know what's going to happen, right?
00:09:34It's my dad.
00:09:35How is he?
00:09:37I don't know. He's back in town, and he's now delivering packages or something.
00:09:43I thought he was selling vitamins or something. He had a website?
00:09:47Didn't work out. No big surprise.
00:09:52Yes, of course we want to be sure everything is up to code.
00:09:57No, sorry, that's not possible. The new owner prefers to remain anonymous.
00:10:03No, I'm sure he wasn't aware of that.
00:10:07Sorry, how long?
00:10:10Yes, I agree.
00:10:12The camp's previous owner should have told him there were so many issues before he purchased it.
00:10:42Thank you!
00:11:13We're coming!
00:11:33There he is!
00:11:35Hey, George!
00:11:36We just heard the news!
00:11:39It's so good to see you!
00:11:40Come here, you!
00:11:41We couldn't believe it. You're really taking over for your Uncle Charlie?
00:11:44Yeah, it looks that way.
00:11:45Isn't that just about the best news?
00:11:47We couldn't be happier.
00:11:49Yeah, yeah, I'm pretty excited myself.
00:11:55Jill! Jill!
00:11:57Can you hold?
00:11:58Jill! This has to go out today.
00:12:01You can still catch him.
00:12:07Excuse me!
00:12:09Excuse me, sir!
00:12:10Sir! Sir!
00:12:15Hey, kiddo.
00:12:17What do you think?
00:12:19It's not too bad, huh?
00:12:20I didn't know.
00:12:22It's your new job.
00:12:25For about six months.
00:12:27I just started this route, though.
00:12:28Which is probably why we've never run into each other before.
00:12:32Yeah, of course.
00:12:35So, this is where you work, huh?
00:12:37It's nice.
00:12:39Maybe next time you can let me see your office.
00:12:41Yeah, maybe.
00:12:45Yeah, listen, I better get going.
00:12:47They keep me on a pretty tight schedule.
00:12:49Yeah, um, this is really important.
00:12:52So you'll make sure it gets out, right, Dad?
00:12:56Nothing to worry about.
00:12:57Yeah, I've heard that one before.
00:13:03I'm sorry.
00:13:04No, don't be.
00:13:07I deserve that.
00:13:13Frankly, are we there?
00:13:26You take care, Dad.
00:13:46Oh, look at that sign.
00:13:50That needs a little work.
00:13:53Always be sure your life vest is secure and never go on the water without a friend.
00:13:57All right?
00:13:58All right?
00:13:59Okay, everybody buddy up and then line up with your counselor.
00:14:01Have some fun, huh?
00:14:05Hey, you missed the town show.
00:14:06They did our old routine.
00:14:07How was it?
00:14:08Eh, we were funnier.
00:14:09That's good.
00:14:10Let's talk.
00:14:11All right.
00:14:13Did you even bother to look at this place as a business investment?
00:14:17No, I didn't want it as an investment.
00:14:19Oh, that's good, because it hasn't made money in years.
00:14:21Charlie told me.
00:14:22And you took it anyway?
00:14:23Oh, what was I supposed to do, let some stranger take it over?
00:14:26Yes, that's exactly what you're supposed to do.
00:14:28Charlie's the only family I ever had.
00:14:30I spent my whole life here.
00:14:31Luke, this is business.
00:14:32No, no.
00:14:33These are my memories.
00:14:36How do you put a price on that?
00:14:38I don't know.
00:14:39Look, I got a call from the state safety inspector's office.
00:14:41They sent a guy out here last week.
00:14:42Oh, I didn't know about this.
00:14:43Yeah, no one does.
00:14:44That's how it works.
00:14:45They just show up.
00:14:48Okay, so these are the original cabins
00:14:50that were built when the camp first opened 50 years ago.
00:14:54Not bad.
00:14:55They leak.
00:14:56They're drafty.
00:14:57And they're home to all sorts of little furry critters.
00:15:00It's just part of the adventure.
00:15:03Oh, okay.
00:15:04Come here.
00:15:05So the lounge is also original.
00:15:09The roof was replaced 20 years ago,
00:15:12which led to another set of problems.
00:15:16Just like when we were kids.
00:15:18Don't you think it's a little strange the roof is leaking?
00:15:21Not really.
00:15:23It's not raining.
00:15:26Hurry up.
00:15:27The train's leaving.
00:15:28There's more.
00:15:31So all the track lighting needs to be replaced.
00:15:38So, and I guess the fridge as well.
00:15:45Why do you think your Uncle Charlie
00:15:47let the rest of the staff go?
00:15:49The attendance at the camp was so far down
00:15:51that he couldn't afford to pay anybody.
00:15:53George and Connie are doing fine.
00:15:55They're trying, yeah.
00:15:57They can't keep up.
00:15:58Well, the kids are having fun.
00:16:00That's what matters.
00:16:01You know, we'll get some beds,
00:16:02hire a few people to fix this place up.
00:16:04Luke, I told you.
00:16:05All these causes.
00:16:06You're stretching yourself way too thin right now, man.
00:16:08With all this money you've got tied up in green energy.
00:16:10No, we talked about that.
00:16:11The wind farms make sense.
00:16:13Yes, they make sense.
00:16:15But until they start generating cash flow,
00:16:17you can't afford to take anything else on right now.
00:16:20Figure something out.
00:16:24Even if you come up with the money,
00:16:26which is a big if,
00:16:28it's not that simple.
00:16:29Not anymore.
00:16:30What are you talking about?
00:16:32The guy the state safety inspector sent up here last week,
00:16:34he saw the same problems I just showed you
00:16:36and apparently a whole lot more.
00:16:39Now, if they think things are bad enough,
00:16:41they could shut this camp down.
00:16:43Shut it down.
00:16:45It's gonna take a few weeks to work itself through the system
00:16:48before they officially let us know.
00:16:50I'm sorry.
00:16:54So what do you think?
00:16:57I should probably just cut my leg off.
00:17:00I should probably just cut my losses and quit.
00:17:06I was leaning that way, yeah.
00:17:09Makes sense.
00:17:12It does.
00:17:14I mean, you were right about this.
00:17:16You were absolutely right, Tommy.
00:17:20I should just walk away.
00:17:25Bye, Luke.
00:17:28I've known you my whole life.
00:17:30Okay, I knew you weren't gonna quit.
00:17:32I just thought you should know what you're getting yourself into.
00:17:36Thanks, buddy.
00:17:37Don't mention it.
00:17:41A few weeks, huh?
00:17:44That's plenty of time to fix this place up.
00:17:48Come on, don't die on me now.
00:17:49Come on, come on.
00:17:51Come on.
00:17:54Okay, well, then you'll excuse me
00:17:55while I head back to the office
00:17:56to figure out a way to pay for this.
00:17:58You know, maybe one of these days
00:17:59you should consider a different kind of client.
00:18:01Make your life a lot simpler.
00:18:03A lot less interesting.
00:18:05I'll see ya.
00:18:07You're a great sidekick.
00:18:08Business manager.
00:18:21That's not good.
00:18:23Now, if you pull this off, McDowell,
00:18:24the promotion, the raise,
00:18:25the whole shooting match, it's yours.
00:18:27And I'll wrap it up in a nice big red satin ribbon for you as well.
00:18:30Pull what off?
00:18:32What do you have to do to pull it off?
00:18:34That is the million dollar question.
00:18:36Well, if you must know,
00:18:37there is a gorgeous piece of property in northern Oregon.
00:18:40That's exactly right.
00:18:42It is quiet, pristine, has great lake views.
00:18:45I believe it'll make a fantastic luxury resort
00:18:47for puffy, pasty people who like to pretend
00:18:49that they're actually getting exercise.
00:18:52I'll get the owner on the phone.
00:18:54Not so fast.
00:18:55A little more details.
00:18:56Continue to write.
00:18:57The owner of this property
00:18:58has held onto it for like the last 30 years.
00:19:00And I also have good authority
00:19:01that it's been hemorrhaging money for a dog year.
00:19:03Well, he should be eager to sell.
00:19:05That's our problem.
00:19:06He already has.
00:19:07He sold it.
00:19:09To who?
00:19:10To, uh, I don't know,
00:19:11something called Zeppo Enterprises.
00:19:13I've never heard of them.
00:19:14Yeah, me neither.
00:19:16It says here it's privately held.
00:19:17No boards, no directors.
00:19:18I'm phoning around town
00:19:19and I can't even find the name of the CEO.
00:19:21I'll see what I can find out.
00:19:23All right, good on that.
00:19:24Make it quick.
00:19:25Um, keep it under the radar, okay?
00:19:26Just you and I will know.
00:19:28I don't want any geriatric boomers
00:19:29getting all nostalgic on me.
00:19:31Nostalgic about what?
00:19:33Well, about what?
00:19:34It's some sort of summer camp.
00:19:36It's been there forever.
00:19:37Camp Pine Lake?
00:19:39Camp Pine Lake.
00:19:41Could you imagine that?
00:19:42Digging a beautiful piece of real estate like that
00:19:44and using it for hyperactive kids?
00:19:49I'll get right on that.
00:19:50All right, keep me informed.
00:19:56Oh, no.
00:19:57You're good.
00:19:58You're serious.
00:20:00You'd really tear it down?
00:20:02That camp's been there forever.
00:20:04Well, it wasn't exactly a four-star
00:20:06how we stayed there.
00:20:08Can you imagine what it looks like now?
00:20:11I liked it.
00:20:12I know.
00:20:13We had so much fun, didn't we?
00:20:16But the thing is, things change
00:20:18and you have to just move on.
00:20:20You just can't live in the past, right?
00:20:22I still think it's kind of sad.
00:20:25I mean, if it wasn't for that summer there,
00:20:26you and I never would have met.
00:20:28I know.
00:20:29I remember.
00:20:30Very, very sweet.
00:20:32I wonder what happened to him.
00:20:35Oh, please.
00:20:36Don't even try.
00:20:38Mr. Wonderful.
00:20:39The smile, the eyes,
00:20:42and the long walks alone by the lake.
00:20:44What was his name?
00:20:45Luke Garvey.
00:20:47You are so busted.
00:20:48Shut up.
00:20:49I'm not busted because I never said that I didn't remember.
00:20:52Oh, it's too bad you didn't stay in touch.
00:20:54We tried, and then it just, like,
00:20:56became this complicated thing, so...
00:21:05How's that?
00:21:13No, I think that's worse.
00:21:15Come and have a look.
00:21:19It's still leaking in here.
00:21:20Oh, did you try this?
00:21:22Whoa, whoa.
00:21:23Shut it off.
00:21:24So the bits are coming in higher than I expected.
00:21:26I mean, I can try and talk them down,
00:21:27but we can't afford all these repairs at once.
00:21:29No, I'm way ahead of you.
00:21:30I'm taking care of some of them myself.
00:21:33Don't say it like that.
00:21:34I learned a few things from Uncle Charlie over the years.
00:21:37Look, I might as well tell you,
00:21:38I took a closer look at the enrollment
00:21:40for the summer second session.
00:21:42Ah, the good news.
00:21:44Let's put it this way.
00:21:45The first session lasts through the 4th of July.
00:21:48Now, if enrollment doesn't pick up substantially by then,
00:21:50there won't be a second session.
00:21:52Hey, come on.
00:21:53Once we get this place up to code,
00:21:54they'll be lining up around the block.
00:21:56Let me get this here, okay?
00:21:58I'll talk to you later.
00:21:59Don't worry so much.
00:22:00Yeah, later.
00:22:05Hi, is this Ebo Enterprises?
00:22:07Yes, who's calling?
00:22:08Can you please put me through to your CEO's office?
00:22:10Well, technically, he doesn't have an office,
00:22:12and even if he did, he doesn't talk to people.
00:22:14I understand.
00:22:15He must be very busy,
00:22:16but can you please give me his name?
00:22:18He prefers to remain anonymous.
00:22:20I don't understand.
00:22:22Welcome to the club.
00:22:24Listen, it's been a real slice of heaven talking to you.
00:22:26You don't even want to know what this is about.
00:22:28Not especially.
00:22:29It's no way to run a business.
00:22:31Look, I'm not trying to be difficult here.
00:22:34It's just the way he wants it.
00:22:36Besides, he's not even here.
00:22:37Where is he?
00:22:38You wouldn't believe me if I told you.
00:22:40Why don't you try me?
00:22:42Summer camp.
00:22:46Okay, thank you.
00:23:02Yeah, just push everything back by a couple days.
00:23:05No, it's too late for that.
00:23:06If I'm not wrapped up by then,
00:23:08I am way off my game, okay?
00:23:10I know you can handle it.
00:23:12I just want to know how this Zepo dude
00:23:14stays in business this long.
00:23:15Yeah, and your dad called again.
00:23:17Well, when did he call?
00:23:18Last night.
00:23:19Well, if my dad calls again,
00:23:21just tell him I'm out of town or something.
00:23:26Zoe, are you there?
00:23:27Hey, Jill.
00:23:28I can't hear you.
00:23:30Jill, are you there?
00:23:31Can you hear me?
00:23:33I have no cell phone service.
00:23:36Jill? Jill?
00:23:43Hey, Luke.
00:23:45It's still dripping.
00:23:46Same spot?
00:23:47Yeah, worse than ever.
00:23:48But hey, all that hammering
00:23:50scared off the squirrels living in the rafters.
00:23:52Thanks, Connie.
00:23:56I need your help, okay?
00:23:58Come down.
00:23:59Here you go.
00:24:06Keep it.
00:24:27Zoe, come on.
00:24:28Let's get going.
00:24:32Hi, buddy.
00:24:35Come on, let's go.
00:24:40Where's Mom?
00:25:06Can I help you?
00:25:08Oh, hey.
00:25:09I'm looking for someone.
00:25:11I pretty much know everyone here.
00:25:12Who are you looking for?
00:25:13I don't know.
00:25:15That might make it a little more difficult.
00:25:17I'm looking for the owner of the camp.
00:25:20My name is Zoe McDowell.
00:25:37Long time.
00:25:41How are you?
00:25:42I'm good.
00:25:43How are you, Zoe?
00:25:45I'm good.
00:25:46I'm good.
00:25:48I've got a case, and I'm coming to get you.
00:25:53How have you been?
00:25:56And, uh...
00:25:58And you?
00:26:00Oh, yeah, you know, just a little internal bleeding.
00:26:05I can't wait to meet again.
00:26:07George, you okay?
00:26:09You all right?
00:26:10You remember her.
00:26:12Wow, it's good to see you.
00:26:14Welcome back, hon.
00:26:16Are you okay?
00:26:18How's your leg?
00:26:20It's good.
00:26:21Oh, there's the other part.
00:26:23Wait here, Tom.
00:26:24All right.
00:26:26One, two, three.
00:26:27Yeah, great.
00:26:29Here you go, Lou.
00:26:30I brought you a popsicle.
00:26:32Thanks, Connie.
00:26:38The amazing medicinal powers of Connie's popsicles.
00:26:41Guaranteed to take the sting out of cuts, burns, scrapes, and the occasional fall.
00:26:47What are you doing here?
00:26:49I never left.
00:26:51You're kidding.
00:26:53No, I mean, I went to school and I've got a job and a career and all that boring grown-up stuff.
00:27:01But I still came back every summer to help out Charlie.
00:27:04I thought that your uncle sold the camp.
00:27:07How'd you hear about that?
00:27:09Oh, um...
00:27:11I must have read it somewhere or something.
00:27:13I don't know.
00:27:15Um, but actually, that's why I'm here.
00:27:18To meet the new owner of the camp.
00:27:22Long drive just to meet this guy.
00:27:24Yeah, I tried getting in touch with him through his office and I couldn't.
00:27:27Apparently, he's some kind of a mystery man.
00:27:31Do you know him?
00:27:32Kind of.
00:27:35I have a business proposition for him, so maybe you could introduce me, perhaps?
00:27:43Seriously, I mean, what kind of a name is Seppo Enterprises?
00:27:47He was always my favorite brother. Never got the credit he deserved.
00:27:56Not easy being the straight man.
00:27:58You own Camp Pine Lake?
00:28:00Lock, stock, and sinking canoes.
00:28:09That's crazy.
00:28:13Camp Pine Lake
00:28:28Like old times, huh?
00:28:30Uh, yeah.
00:28:34You're in the boonies now.
00:28:36No reception, you might as well throw it in the lake.
00:28:40So what's the proposition?
00:28:42Oh, okay.
00:28:44Obviously this camp is very old.
00:28:48Fifty years is summer.
00:28:50Right. It's gonna take a lot of work.
00:28:52We've got Kessler, yes we do!
00:28:54We've got Kessler, how about you?
00:28:57We've got Kessler, yes we do!
00:28:59We've got Kessler, how about you?
00:29:02We've got Kessler, yes we do!
00:29:04We've got Kessler, how about you?
00:29:07We've got Kessler, yes we do!
00:29:09We've got Kessler, how about you?
00:29:11We've got Kessler, yes we do!
00:29:13We've got Kessler, how about you?
00:29:15We've got Kessler, yes we do!
00:29:17We've got Kessler, how about you?
00:29:20It's like you said, Peter. The camp's in really rough condition.
00:29:24Can this new owner get this place back in shape?
00:29:26I don't really think that it matters to him.
00:29:29What do you mean it doesn't matter to him? I'm not following you.
00:29:32I think that he likes things the way they are.
00:29:35What are you talking about? This guy's losing tons of money and he actually likes it?
00:29:38This is going to be easy. We're going to soap on this guy, McDowell.
00:29:41Um, Peter.
00:29:44There's something that I have to tell you.
00:29:48I went to Camp Pine Lake for seven years.
00:29:53Hmm. That's interesting. I never took you for the outdoorsy type there, McDowell.
00:29:57I'm not. I'm not and I'm never going to be.
00:30:00And it was a really long time ago and it was really silly.
00:30:04Oh, don't worry about it. I completely understand.
00:30:05Look, your parents probably made you go as a kid. It happens.
00:30:08That's probably why you didn't tell me. It's fine.
00:30:10Right. And the other thing is, the Zeppo guy? The new owner?
00:30:16Um, I know him. Well, I knew him. And because we went to camp together.
00:30:22So what's next? You going to tell me it was when you were old boyfriends?
00:30:25Uh, yeah. Kind of.
00:30:27Hey. Never cease to amaze me, McDowell.
00:30:31You're always a step ahead.
00:30:33I don't get it.
00:30:34No, look, this is perfect. It's fantastic.
00:30:36What you should do is you go down there, he walks you down memory lane,
00:30:39you reboot your friendship and you use that angle to get the price down.
00:30:43No, no, no. Listen. You stay down there, McDowell, okay?
00:30:45And you close this deal. You work this guy and you close this deal. Do you understand?
00:30:51Do you understand?
00:30:54McDowell, do you understand me?
00:30:58I understand.
00:31:01Oh, by the way.
00:31:03You're a peach.
00:31:10Oh, man.
00:31:19Okay, breakfast is hot. It's ready. So come and get it.
00:31:30Come on. Hurry up.
00:31:47Morning, hon.
00:31:48Oh, hey, Connie. I'm looking for Luke.
00:31:51Yeah, yeah. He's just down getting the canoes out. He'll be right back.
00:31:55You look real nice this morning.
00:31:58Oh, thank you.
00:32:00It's a little bit fancy, the camp.
00:32:03It's all I have here.
00:32:04I might have something for you in the lost and found.
00:32:07Really? The lost and found?
00:32:09I keep everything neat and clean just in case.
00:32:11Want to take a look?
00:32:13Come on. It might be fun.
00:32:15I've got something for everybody back here. Not just campers, you know.
00:32:21Hey, Dallas. Let's see that out.
00:32:23Come here, Garvey.
00:32:24Nice. Nice. Here, think fast.
00:32:26See you later.
00:32:27That's a good look for you.
00:32:28Oh, thanks. I thought it would be a little more practical.
00:32:30Definitely. Way more practical.
00:32:32Hey, come on. I want to show you your old room.
00:32:33Okay. Okay. Coming.
00:32:44It's my old cabin.
00:32:46I know. I know.
00:32:48Hey, I want to show you something.
00:32:52Look at that.
00:32:53This is my old bunk.
00:32:55I know. You remember doing that?
00:32:56I do. I remember the day so well.
00:33:00Are you hungry?
00:33:01Uh, a little.
00:33:02Do we dare see what Connie's making?
00:33:04Um, maybe.
00:33:10Come on.
00:33:11All right.
00:33:15Okay, no offense, but this place is falling apart.
00:33:18And in order to fix it, it's going to take a lot of time and a lot of money. Right?
00:33:24And you've put so much into the camp
00:33:26that I think it's time that you started getting something back for yourself.
00:33:32I get a lot back.
00:33:33Yeah, but you're shouldering a lot of weight by yourself,
00:33:36and I think that there are a lot of people out there who want to help you.
00:33:40That's why you came back?
00:33:42To help out?
00:33:43Yeah. You know.
00:33:48Your timing is amazing.
00:33:51Hey, Jenny.
00:33:52How are the lessons going?
00:33:54Pretty good.
00:33:55Jenny, this is my friend Zoe.
00:33:57She's an old friend of mine.
00:33:59When Zoe went to camp here, she was the best rider.
00:34:02You were?
00:34:04Well, that was a very long time ago.
00:34:06She used to give lessons, too.
00:34:08I'll bet you she could show you a few tricks.
00:34:10Oh, Luke.
00:34:12I... I don't think that that's gonna...
00:34:15No, you're right. You're going to be way too busy.
00:34:18I'll tell you what, though.
00:34:19Zoe's going to be hanging around for a while.
00:34:21She's what you call an investor.
00:34:23What does that mean?
00:34:25It means she's going to put money in to help fix up the camp.
00:34:28Um, Luke...
00:34:29But as soon as she gets settled in,
00:34:31you two can come out here, and she'll have you riding in no time.
00:34:40Um, yes, really.
00:34:45He's a great guy.
00:34:47He's here.
00:34:49Okay, great. Uh, have him come in.
00:34:52You can go in now.
00:34:58Peter Shorman!
00:35:00Thanks for taking the time.
00:35:01Yeah, not a problem.
00:35:02Uh, please, have a seat.
00:35:03Sure, thanks.
00:35:12So, uh, what can I do for you, Mr. Shorman?
00:35:15I gotta tell you, Tommy, I love it when people ask me that.
00:35:21I was thinking, those friends of yours,
00:35:24you know, it might be a good idea for them to see the camp for themselves.
00:35:29Those, uh, pictures you've been taking,
00:35:31they probably won't do this place justice.
00:35:37I don't think Camp Pine Lake is all that photogenic in its current state.
00:35:42Luke, suppose they won't invest in the camp.
00:35:46Would you consider selling it if the price was right?
00:35:49I couldn't do that.
00:35:51Why not?
00:35:53If I sell it, they can do anything they want with it.
00:35:56That's why I wanted it, to keep it here, the way it's always been.
00:36:00Yeah, but things change, Luke. You can't live in the past.
00:36:03Why not?
00:36:04Because you have to move on.
00:36:07And then what?
00:36:08And then...
00:36:11And then you...
00:36:16I'm not saying we should spend the rest of our lives
00:36:18swapping stories about the good old days.
00:36:21But why shouldn't we hold on to the past?
00:36:24At least the parts that matter to us, the parts we love.
00:36:27Because you have to come back to reality.
00:36:30Because it's all about the right here, right now.
00:36:33Sometimes I'd trade all the right-nows in the world
00:36:36for one more day in that part of the past that I love.
00:36:43Come on. I'll show you something.
00:36:53Look familiar?
00:36:57I've seen you before.
00:36:59I've seen you before.
00:37:00Look familiar?
00:37:03You still come here?
00:37:07I think.
00:37:09What do you think about?
00:37:11A lot of things.
00:37:16Why all of a sudden you stopped answering my letters?
00:37:22I tried calling, your phone was disconnected.
00:37:25You never came back.
00:37:27It was a really long time ago.
00:37:29I never heard from you again.
00:37:30I was worried something happened.
00:37:34We were kids.
00:37:36It wasn't real.
00:37:38It was to me.
00:37:42I have to go.
00:37:43No, wait, Zoe.
00:37:49Why'd you disappear on me? I mean, what happened?
00:37:52I grew up.
00:37:54I didn't really have a choice.
00:37:56I... I don't understand.
00:37:58No, you don't understand.
00:38:01Because you never left this camp.
00:38:03You know, none of this matters.
00:38:07Well, of course it matters.
00:38:08No, you know what matters?
00:38:11Is when you come home and you find out that everything's changed.
00:38:16And everything you believe in has been taken away.
00:38:20And nobody really gives a damn how you feel about it.
00:38:23Nobody gives a damn how you feel about it.
00:38:33Zoe, I...
00:38:34No, face it, Luke.
00:38:36We don't even know each other.
00:38:54Morning, McDowell.
00:38:55So listen, did you dig up some dirt on this guy so we can hang him to his bootstraps?
00:38:59Things are a lot worse than we thought.
00:39:02That's what I like to hear.
00:39:03So you got any pictures or anything for us to work with?
00:39:05Yep, I got everything that we need.
00:39:08You okay there, McDowell?
00:39:10Uh-huh. I'm fine.
00:39:12You know, this is a big deal for the both of us. You know that, right?
00:39:14You close this deal and, uh...
00:39:16You're in the bigs.
00:39:18Well, there is no internet service here.
00:39:21There's no cell phone service, so I can't send these pictures.
00:39:24So I gotta bring them back with me tonight.
00:39:26No. No, no, no. No, absolutely not.
00:39:28What? Why?
00:39:29No, no. You stay up there, McDowell, okay?
00:39:31You lock this deal down.
00:39:32If anything changes, you call me, okay?
00:40:19What are you doing?
00:40:20Oh, my God. I was so scared.
00:40:24I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
00:40:26You, uh... You missed breakfast.
00:40:28Yes, I did. It's fine.
00:40:30Yeah, it's probably just as well.
00:40:32We had Connie's green stuff. And you know what they say...
00:40:34What do they say?
00:40:35At least it wasn't the blue stuff.
00:40:37Not funny.
00:40:38Not funny at all.
00:40:39I know.
00:40:40Um, so...
00:40:42I wanted to tell you something.
00:40:43What is it?
00:40:44I don't know.
00:40:45Not funny at all.
00:40:46I know.
00:40:47Um, so...
00:40:49I wanted to talk to you about yesterday.
00:40:52You were right.
00:40:55You were right. It was a long time ago. We were kids.
00:40:58I shouldn't have made such a big deal of it.
00:41:00Oh, okay. Yeah.
00:41:02I just... I hope I won't change your mind about helping out around here.
00:41:07Definitely not.
00:41:08Come on. Let's go.
00:41:12Go, baby.
00:41:13I don't see a hike.
00:41:16I don't see more than eight.
00:41:19What was I thinking?
00:41:22Who was I fooling?
00:41:24Who thought they had to do what I was doing?
00:41:29Looking for something I'd already found.
00:41:34Already knew what I'm learning.
00:41:37Look at that.
00:41:38The prodigal son, the prodigal daughter, back over the mountains, back over the water.
00:41:50Long train running, long time coming baby, getting my feet back on solid ground.
00:42:00And all I'm asking is hold me now, when it's a long way up.
00:42:07And last but not least, don't forget to sign up for the 4th of July Decathlon.
00:42:11Sign up sheets are in the mess hall.
00:42:13For those of you who haven't done this before, every year we celebrate the 4th with a big barbecue and competition.
00:42:18It's very fun and don't forget to invite your family and friends.
00:42:22Okay, that's it everybody. Great day.
00:42:24Okay, see you guys inside.
00:42:26Stay away from Connie's beans, guys.
00:42:31I don't remember a time when I was this tired.
00:42:34Ah, but did you have fun?
00:42:36You know, I had a really fantastic time.
00:42:44Oh, wow.
00:42:49That's really beautiful.
00:42:54We have a visitor's cabin, you know. You could stay the night.
00:43:03Good night.
00:43:06Good night.
00:43:10I feel like I've been here before.
00:43:13What do you mean?
00:43:15It feels like I'm always watching you leave.
00:43:19Night. I'll see you tomorrow.
00:43:23Thank Connie for all these clothes.
00:44:06Good night.
00:44:07Good night.
00:44:33I thought you said it would take a few weeks to work through the system.
00:44:36Yeah, well apparently the state safety inspector is a lot more efficient than we thought.
00:44:41This is nuts. A camp could pose a hazard to the kids?
00:44:45Yeah, you know, they've really raised the bar since the last time anyone was out here.
00:44:49Building codes, fire safety, food handling, they've gotten a lot more strict.
00:44:53Footpaths not clearly marked? It's the woods.
00:44:57Hey man, the camp is the same. It's the world that changed, Luke.
00:45:01There's nothing we can do about it.
00:45:04Okay, so what does this mean?
00:45:07It means we either bring the camp up to code, or they shut us down.
00:45:12How long do we have?
00:45:13Fourth of July weekend.
00:45:14That's two weeks. Can we do it?
00:45:18I don't see how.
00:45:26You know, I heard that there was someone sniffing around. They might be interested in buying the camp.
00:45:33I don't know. Some big time developer out of Seattle.
00:45:36Uh, uh, Shorman Leonard. Maybe we should go talk to them.
00:45:40Oh, come on.
00:45:41I'm just saying, if they want to make us an offer, maybe we should hear what they have to say.
00:45:45I don't need to hear what they have to say.
00:45:48Shorman Leonard?
00:45:50Yeah. You heard of him?
00:46:04What's going on?
00:46:06You tell me.
00:46:09Hey. Zoe, right?
00:46:12It's me. It's Tommy. Tommy Atkins.
00:46:15Yeah, yeah. Hi.
00:46:16Tommy, could you give us a few minutes?
00:46:20Yeah, sure.
00:46:23Good to see you.
00:46:30Dropped your phone last night.
00:46:35Where'd you find it?
00:46:36I noticed your screensaver. Shorman Leonard?
00:46:43I was going to tell you.
00:46:44When? After you helped them buy the place? That's what all the pictures were for, right?
00:46:47So they could lowball me on the price?
00:46:49If I had known that you owned this place, I never would have gotten involved with any of this stuff.
00:46:53Tommy says these guys are major developers. I'm thinking...
00:46:56They don't do summer camps.
00:47:00So what's the plan?
00:47:02Tear it down and put up a... a what?
00:47:05A resort.
00:47:15You're right. We don't know each other. Looks like we never did.
00:47:19And you can tell your boss for me, the camp's not for sale.
00:47:23And I'd like you to leave.
00:47:48Come on.
00:48:08Hey. You, uh...
00:48:11You want to talk about it?
00:48:15Are you coming down?
00:48:19Are you ever coming down?
00:48:30I'm going to fix this roof if it's the last thing I do.
00:48:34But this roof was always leaked.
00:48:35And why is that, Tommy?
00:48:37Why does the roof leak when it's not raining?
00:48:40Why are there even pipes on the roof?
00:48:42Why are there even pipes on the roof anyway? It doesn't make any sense.
00:48:46Nothing makes sense anymore.
00:48:52Just go back down before you fall.
00:48:55Yeah, that's a good idea.
00:49:01I'm good.
00:49:10I'm looking for Zoe McDowell.
00:49:12Easy there, scooter. I'm not going to hurt you.
00:49:15What? No, you just... you just startled me.
00:49:18It's part of my charm.
00:49:20So is she here? Zoe McDowell?
00:49:23Um... she was. She left.
00:49:26Well, where did she go?
00:49:29I'm not sure. She... there was a problem.
00:49:32You mean like the problem you and I are going to have if you don't stop staring at me?
00:49:36I'm sorry.
00:49:37I'm sorry.
00:49:39You just look really familiar.
00:49:42Did you go to camp here?
00:49:44I knew it!
00:49:45Erica Taft, right?
00:49:47Erica! It's me!
00:49:49Tommy! Tommy Atkins!
00:49:54Luke's geeky friend!
00:49:56Oh my gosh!
00:49:57I mean, I used to be geeky. I'm not... I'm not geeky anymore.
00:50:00You're a suits you now.
00:50:03It's like a good with numbers look.
00:50:12I like numbers.
00:50:13Hey! Hey! Luke! Luke!
00:50:16Luke! Look who I found!
00:50:18It's Erica! Erica Taft! Remember?
00:50:21Hey! Erica, what are you doing here?
00:50:23I'm looking for Zoe.
00:50:25How's it going?
00:50:27Just really... super.
00:50:32What's going on around here?
00:50:34It's not good.
00:50:48McDowell! Trying to avoid me?
00:50:50Peter! What are you doing here?
00:50:53Well, you know, I got to thinking one day and I said to myself, you know what?
00:50:56What the heck, right? It's my money. Why don't I come over here and see what I'm getting for it?
00:51:00And I also have been doing a little sniffing around myself.
00:51:03I got to tell you, I know something you don't know.
00:51:09Come on, McDowell. Why don't you get in and we'll go for a ride and we'll talk about it.
00:51:12Let's go.
00:51:36Got a tie, McDowell.
00:51:38I certainly know how to pick them. This place is priceless.
00:51:42Yeah. I mean, that's just an expression. Don't take it too literally.
00:51:45But you know what? I like it.
00:51:48Yeah. I mean, of course, a lot of these trees got to go.
00:51:50But a little too woodsy for my taste, if you know what I mean.
00:51:53Zoe? Erica?
00:51:56Hi. What are you doing here?
00:51:58I came to see you.
00:52:01Hi. What are you doing here?
00:52:02I came to see you. Sounded like you need a little moral support.
00:52:08Erica, this is my boss, Mr. Shoreman.
00:52:13This is Tommy Atkins.
00:52:15Yeah, I know. Mr. Atkins and I have met.
00:52:19How are you, buddy? Good to see you.
00:52:20And you must be Mr. Zeppo or Zeppo Winter Park. Is this the guy?
00:52:24This is Luke Garvey. He owns the camp.
00:52:26Music to my ears. Just the man I wanted to see.
00:52:28Mr. Garvey is wondering, did you have a place we could have a chat?
00:52:44Is this a joke?
00:52:45Come on, Mr. Garvey. Don't be like that.
00:52:47That's actually a pretty good offer for a place like this.
00:52:49It's 30% below market value.
00:52:51Sure, if there was a market value for a run-down summer camp.
00:52:55Especially one you're going to lose anyway.
00:52:57Who says we're going to lose it?
00:52:58Oh, right. I forgot to mention that. What was his name?
00:53:01Oh, I have it on the top of my head. Hold on.
00:53:03The state safety inspector.
00:53:06Yeah, I'm sorry. That's the big news there in McDowell. I forgot to mention.
00:53:09I've got a couple weeks and then he's going to come down and shut you guys down, so...
00:53:19How'd you know about that?
00:53:20It doesn't really matter, Mr. Garvey, how I knew about it.
00:53:22What matters is if you can do anything about it.
00:53:24And, of course, from what I've been hearing,
00:53:27it doesn't look good.
00:53:34The camp's not for sale.
00:53:35Is that supposed to bother me?
00:53:37You know, I don't know if your uncle mentioned this to you, Mr. Garvey, but he was broke.
00:53:41And the only way he kept this place up and running was from getting loans from the bank.
00:53:45Yes, I know all about that.
00:53:46Did you know I actually went to the bank and had a little sit-down with them?
00:53:48A nice little chat.
00:53:50They don't want to have anything to do with this, Mr. Garvey.
00:53:53They don't want to have anything to do with this place.
00:53:55And we're all adults here. I mean, can we blame them?
00:53:57I mean, what are they going to do with a run-down summer camp?
00:53:59Especially one that's been shut down because of safety violations. Am I right, Tom?
00:54:03So, being the nice guy that I am, I said,
00:54:05I'll take it off your hands, pay off all your uncle's loans.
00:54:09The place is now mine.
00:54:11So, yes, I am buying it from you, Mr. Garvey.
00:54:13But, in turn, I'm actually doing you a favor.
00:54:33You know, Tommy, you really should talk to your friend.
00:54:36What I'm doing here is for the best of all of you guys.
00:54:39You're a weasel, and I don't like you.
00:54:45It was good talk.
00:54:48Wait a second. Wait, wait. Wait!
00:54:51I can't believe you went behind my back with that guy.
00:54:53I didn't tell him about the safety inspector.
00:54:55I swear, I don't know how he found out, but he played you.
00:54:58It's the oldest trick in the book.
00:54:59But you've been talking to him. You knew he wanted to buy the camp.
00:55:02I heard his pitch, okay?
00:55:04It happens all the time. It's just business.
00:55:06Not to me.
00:55:07I know that, Luke, okay?
00:55:08But there's more to life than this camp,
00:55:10and one of us has got to keep his feet on the ground.
00:55:12What are you talking about?
00:55:13You are running out of options.
00:55:15I'm your best friend, and I'm trying to help you.
00:55:19Did he offer you something, Tommy?
00:55:21Does he want you to work for him?
00:55:24I hear offers all the time, man.
00:55:26I got one client, and that's you.
00:55:29Maybe you should diversify.
00:55:31You might make more money.
00:55:34Okay, maybe I will, then.
00:55:37I've made some phone calls.
00:55:38Put some of that out to some county commissioners, okay?
00:55:41That said, if the...
00:55:46That was outstanding. Thank you.
00:55:50Anyway, what I was saying is,
00:55:51if everything goes well with the bank,
00:55:53I'm going to get new variants in the building codes,
00:55:55maybe build a couple of extra floors.
00:55:58I'm going to have a meeting with the mayor,
00:56:00and I'm going to have a meeting with the mayor,
00:56:02and I'm going to have a meeting with the mayor,
00:56:04and I'm going to have a meeting with the mayor,
00:56:05and I'm going to have a meeting with the mayor,
00:56:06and I'm going to have a meeting with the mayor,
00:56:07and I'm going to have a meeting with the mayor,
00:56:08and I'm going to build a couple of extra floors, you know?
00:56:10Remember that mountain view that we were talking about by the Jacuzzi?
00:56:13I have a great idea.
00:56:14Let's get people lined up to that Jacuzzi.
00:56:16They're contemplating nature.
00:56:17What do they do?
00:56:18They order another bottle of wine.
00:56:21I think it's brilliant.
00:56:26It's so great.
00:56:28Oh, good.
00:56:29We've got Caspian!
00:56:30Yes, we do!
00:56:31We've got Caspian!
00:56:32How about you?
00:56:33We've got cancer, yes we do!
00:57:03Obviously, I'm leaving in the morning and you seem to have everything under control.
00:57:14What is the deal between you and this Luke Garvey guy?
00:57:17Oh, nothing.
00:57:18I mean, we went to camp together and I don't, I don't know him.
00:57:23Well, it seems to me that he's a little afraid of losing a lot more than just a camp.
00:57:28I don't know him at all.
00:57:30Like, that's it.
00:57:32I don't know him.
00:57:33All right.
00:57:34Well, that's okay because I think I know you pretty darn well.
00:57:38And I think you and I make a pretty darn good team, don't you?
00:57:41Thanks, Peter.
00:57:42And it's safe to say that your future here at Sherman Leonard is a done deal.
00:57:47So, that said, I just hope that our future can be as promising.
00:57:55I wanted to see what you thought about that.
00:58:03I think that the best way to see the future is to remember the past.
00:58:49What are you doing here?
00:59:03I can't stop thinking about you.
00:59:10I didn't come back to camp for all these years because my parents, my parents just messed
00:59:17up the memory of this place.
00:59:21What happened?
00:59:24My dad was alone when he picked me up from camp and I just kept on asking where mom was
00:59:32and he was really quiet and he's never like that and I was scared that something had happened
00:59:40to her and then he tells me that she's, she's, she's left.
00:59:44And he says, well, you know, she was, she tried, but for him there was always one more
00:59:50business deal, one more golden opportunity and I think finally she had it and she had
00:59:55had enough and then she left.
00:59:58She didn't even say goodbye?
01:00:00I guess she thought that it would be easier.
01:00:04I'm sorry.
01:00:08And then my dad, uh, he, he just, he couldn't keep a job and he couldn't pay the bills
01:00:18and they took our house.
01:00:22I don't even know how many times we moved.
01:00:24That's why I couldn't find you.
01:00:29I was scared.
01:00:33Do you know what it's like when everything you believe in is taken away from you?
01:00:40I can't rely on anybody else but myself and I made up my mind that I'm never going to
01:00:45be like my dad and that I'm always going to have a safety net to fall back on, always.
01:00:51And this job with Shorman, it makes you feel safe?
01:01:00I'm so sorry.
01:01:03I should have told you the truth.
01:01:06When I'm, when I'm here with you, I just remember what it's like to trust someone and I've missed
01:01:18this feeling so much.
01:01:22All I wanted was one more chance to be here with you.
01:01:30I'm here.
01:01:36I've been waiting for this for a long time.
01:01:44No pressure.
01:02:00I'm here.
01:02:06I'm here.
01:02:12I'm here.
01:02:18He's just worried about the camp.
01:02:30Yeah, maybe.
01:02:33You know, I kind of had a little crush on you way back when.
01:02:39You don't have to try to cheer me up.
01:02:44I'm serious.
01:02:46I just couldn't show it or anything.
01:02:48That would have been so uncool, given my basic cynical view of life at the time.
01:02:58I remember thinking, wow, he's always there.
01:03:02I mean, in a good way.
01:03:07And how cool it would be to have a friend like that.
01:03:10Someone you can count on no matter what.
01:03:15A friend who doesn't mind acting like the sidekick.
01:03:19Even though anybody can see he's kind of a hero himself.
01:03:23He just doesn't like to show off.
01:03:28Think about it, Tommy.
01:03:30Where would Luke be without you?
01:03:34I promise to only use my powers for good.
01:03:44You're welcome.
01:03:50Zoe, if it was up to me, I would put everything back the way it was.
01:03:54But I don't think it's up to you.
01:03:59Zoe, if it was up to me, I would put everything back the way it was.
01:04:03So that every summer, it was like our summers together.
01:04:08You know, with the sounds and smells and the way it makes us feel to always remember.
01:04:17What are you thinking about?
01:04:21Tommy tried to warn me.
01:04:24I just didn't listen.
01:04:27The camp may be the same, but the world has changed.
01:04:29Nobody cares about nature walks or tying knots or bonfires.
01:04:35But that's what makes this camp so special.
01:04:39Camp's not about that stuff anymore.
01:04:41They're about, you know, computers or theater or, you know, training to be the next sports superstar.
01:04:48No, you're wrong.
01:04:49People do care.
01:04:51They just need to be reminded.
01:04:54I found this camp again, and I am not going to let you give up on it.
01:05:03A summer to remember.
01:05:05Come on.
01:05:33It's so great to see you guys finally open up like this.
01:05:38Wow, definitely.
01:05:40Are you feeling it?
01:05:42Because I am so feeling it.
01:05:44I am definitely feeling a male bonding vibe going on.
01:05:48I think that we need to leave these two men alone.
01:05:55You guys should take your time.
01:05:57We'll be inside, okay?
01:06:08So, you and, uh, Erica.
01:06:14Yeah, go figure.
01:06:16And you and Zoe?
01:06:18We're good.
01:06:26And maybe we could, uh, double date for prom.
01:06:29We could borrow my old man's car.
01:06:33That's stupid.
01:06:37Look, uh, Tommy, uh,
01:06:43I'm a jerk.
01:06:46No, you're not.
01:06:49You're a little too passionate for your own good sometimes,
01:06:51but you're not a jerk.
01:06:53Yeah, well, either way,
01:06:57I'm sorry.
01:07:01I'm sorry, too.
01:07:04I'm sorry, too.
01:07:14Ha, ha, ha.
01:07:16Shoreman, there's a jerk.
01:07:20For the record, I would never work for that guy.
01:07:22We may both end up working for him when this is over.
01:07:26Come on.
01:07:28We're gonna do it just the way we always have
01:07:30with one big difference.
01:07:32We're gonna invite everyone who's ever gone to camp here.
01:07:34Invite them to what?
01:07:36To this year's Fourth of July
01:07:38barbecue and decathlon game celebration.
01:07:40But the camp's closing, Luke.
01:07:42I don't think anybody feels much like celebrating, sweetie.
01:07:44That's the point.
01:07:46If Camp Pine Lake is closing anyway,
01:07:48let's give everyone the greatest Fourth of July
01:07:50in camp history.
01:07:52Okay, what makes you think they're gonna show up?
01:07:54They're gonna come because camp is the one place
01:07:56and the one time in our lives
01:07:58when we thought that anything was possible.
01:08:01As the world changes, that'll always be the same.
01:08:03That's right, so they're gonna come back.
01:08:05Just one last time.
01:08:07Sounds like we better get busy.
01:08:09That's what I'm talking about.
01:08:11All right.
01:08:13Looking good, Jordan.
01:08:17Jeremy, hi.
01:08:19Your family has been supporting Camp Pine Lake
01:08:21for years now, and we wanted to invite you
01:08:23to a special event in July.
01:08:25Okay, and remember, everybody,
01:08:27we're playing hide-and-go-seek this year.
01:08:37There you go.
01:08:41What was I thinking?
01:08:43Who was I fooling?
01:08:45Who thought they had
01:08:47to do what
01:08:49I was doing?
01:08:51Looking for something
01:08:53I'd already found.
01:08:55Already knew
01:08:57what I'm learning
01:09:00right now
01:09:02The prodigal son
01:09:04The prodigal daughter
01:09:06Back over the mountains
01:09:08Back over
01:09:10the water
01:09:12Long time running
01:09:14Long time coming, baby
01:09:16Getting my feet
01:09:18back on solid ground
01:09:22So, just like Mr. George?
01:09:26You do a lot of hide-and-go-seek in the city?
01:09:28I don't.
01:09:30I, uh, hired help, you know?
01:09:34You might want to move your paint can
01:09:36a little closer to you, so you don't have
01:09:38to run it back and forth.
01:09:42Finding fools here
01:09:44Can reach for the stars
01:09:46They're used for the taking
01:09:48It can't be that hard
01:09:50Look, everything glitters
01:09:52And everything's gold
01:09:54But there's a part
01:09:57of that story
01:09:59I never was told
01:10:01The prodigal son
01:10:03The prodigal daughter
01:10:05They wait
01:10:07for at home
01:10:09Wherever you wander
01:10:11Long train
01:10:15Long time coming, baby
01:10:17Getting my feet
01:10:19back on solid ground
01:10:21And all
01:10:23I'm asking is
01:10:26Can you move it now
01:10:28When it's a long way up
01:10:30It's a long way down
01:10:32And I can't
01:10:36for clean
01:10:38You know I need
01:10:40much more
01:10:42I can't fall
01:10:44in love
01:10:46I lost
01:10:48When I walked
01:10:50out your door
01:11:06Stop tripping!
01:11:10It's a long way up
01:11:12It's a long way down
01:11:21I need you to sign
01:11:23for this, please
01:11:27Is, uh
01:11:29Julia McDowell around today?
01:11:31Actually, she's always away at camp
01:11:35She's working with a client down in Oregon
01:11:37Little place in the mountains by a lake
01:11:41She used to go there when she was a girl
01:11:43Sounds nice
01:11:45Yeah, it is
01:11:48Hey Hey
01:11:50Can you believe how fast word's gotten around? It's only been a few days
01:11:52and the phone hasn't stopped ringing
01:11:54And the website's gonna be up and running tomorrow
01:11:56which is really gonna help Website?
01:11:58Yeah, it's nothing fancy. It was the Senator's idea
01:12:02Yes, from the great state of Wyoming
01:12:04who spent five summers here
01:12:06along with five congressmen, two federal judges
01:12:08one astronaut, a CEO
01:12:12and the guy that invented
01:12:14super glue Wow
01:12:18Wait, wait, stop, stop, stop
01:12:20I got it, I got it, I got it
01:12:22Wait, wait, okay
01:12:26Okay, look, here it is
01:12:28I got the signal
01:12:30Look, it clicks and the invite's out
01:12:32They're out
01:12:40Come on
01:12:43You've reached the voicemail
01:12:45of Zoe McDowell
01:12:47Please leave a message and I will return your call promptly
01:12:57Okay, that's all right
01:13:05Office of Building and Safety
01:13:07Yes, I need to speak to an Andrew Templeton, please
01:13:09One moment, please
01:13:11This is Andrew Templeton, can I help you?
01:13:13Yes, Andrew, this is Peter Shorman calling
01:13:15I was just wondering if I could maybe
01:13:17be able to stop by your office this afternoon
01:13:19It looks like Camp Pine Lake is not taking
01:13:21their safety violations too seriously
01:13:23and my permit seems to be running out of time
01:13:25See ya
01:13:27Hey Lou
01:13:29Come on over here
01:13:31You better come have a look
01:13:33What's going on?
01:13:35The fella said this stuff was just lying around
01:13:37the lumberyard, thought maybe we could use it
01:13:40That's all he said?
01:13:42No, no, he said I've got Camp Spirit
01:13:44How about you?
01:13:54What's new, McDowell?
01:13:58Yeah, I know, I got to thinking
01:14:00Haven't heard from you in a while
01:14:02Got a little lonely, I figured
01:14:04Why not take the drive, come down here
01:14:06and make sure you've still got everything under control
01:14:13You've been busy
01:14:15Well, it's for the
01:14:174th of July
01:14:19Right, that's right, yeah
01:14:21Camp Pine Lake, 4th of July, farewell celebration
01:14:23I saw the website, very nice work by the way
01:14:25Yeah, I especially like the farewell part
01:14:29These people are aware that no matter how much paint they put on these walls
01:14:31it's still coming down, right?
01:14:33Yeah, we're not going to do that
01:14:35I'm sorry, what?
01:14:37Yeah, because Camp Pine Lake belongs here
01:14:39I'm sorry
01:14:41Are you starring in like a
01:14:43after school special?
01:14:45What are you talking about? Tearing things down is what we do
01:14:47It's our job, McDowell
01:14:49Along with making a healthy profit in the process
01:14:51No, that's what you do, that's not what I do
01:14:53anymore, Peter
01:14:55Oh, I told you before
01:14:57the camp's not for sale
01:15:03Oh, hugs, right
01:15:08This guy?
01:15:10This guy loves building things
01:15:12Well, let me make myself very clear here, McDowell
01:15:14If you don't get back over here
01:15:16on this team and help me close this deal
01:15:18you can kiss your career
01:15:20at Sherman Leonard goodbye
01:15:26You know, I had a nice lunch
01:15:28I had a good chat with their friend
01:15:30the state safety inspector
01:15:32Great guy, actually picked up the tab
01:15:35He's coming down personally to shut you down
01:15:37for good
01:15:49That looks great
01:16:01Come on
01:16:15Oh, I'm so happy
01:16:47Come on
01:16:49Team Thunder
01:16:51Come on
01:16:53I'm so happy
01:16:57Come on
01:17:13Come on
01:17:17Come on
01:17:27We need some more patties out here
01:17:37Hey, remember how I told you
01:17:39the attendance at the camp was so low
01:17:41there wouldn't be a second session
01:17:43Rings a bell?
01:17:46These, my friend, are the parents that can't wait
01:17:48to send their kids to Camp Pine Lake
01:17:50for the rest of the summer
01:17:52A lot of names
01:17:54A lot of names, more than enough to fill up the camp
01:17:56Some are even talking about next year
01:17:58You know we might break even
01:18:00What a concept, huh?
01:18:02Here we go
01:18:08Give me some
01:18:12Come on
01:18:17Oh yeah
01:18:23Okay, go
01:18:31Hey, kiddo
01:18:35I heard you're up here
01:18:37Yeah, hi
01:18:39I was hoping if you had a minute
01:18:41maybe we could talk
01:18:47I don't know if it's the best time
01:18:49Yeah, I know
01:18:51Honey, there's a lot of things I should have told you
01:18:53a long time ago
01:18:57I know I haven't been there for you over the years
01:19:01And I'm not trying to make excuses
01:19:03but it was wrong for me to let you down
01:19:05and desert you like she deserted us
01:19:07And for that
01:19:09I am so sorry
01:19:11Dad, I don't know
01:19:15Sweetheart, you're all I've got left
01:19:19Hey, boy
01:19:21I'd give anything to have another chance
01:19:29You know, it was here
01:19:33When you picked me up
01:19:35and everything just started to get so messed up
01:19:37I know
01:19:43So it makes sense that it's here
01:19:49That we start to try
01:19:51to put things back together
01:19:55I love you, baby
01:19:59I love you, Dad
01:20:05God bless us
01:20:13We have the results
01:20:21A dozen eggs, carton of milk, sack of oranges
01:20:23Wait, Zoe, this is your grocery list
01:20:27Alright, I'm kidding
01:20:29Oh, also, you guys, I want to say
01:20:31I know we got a little wet earlier
01:20:33but you guys had fun, right?
01:20:37Alright, alright, alright
01:20:39Here we go
01:20:42We won the tug-o-war
01:20:46the sack race, the salad toss
01:20:48and badminton
01:20:52the bobcats
01:20:54the three-legged race
01:20:56capture the flag, volleyball
01:20:58egg in a spoon
01:21:02You cheated a little
01:21:06And dodgeball
01:21:08So that's five each, it's a tie
01:21:10Hey, congratulations, you guys
01:21:12There's refreshments and snacks
01:21:14in the mess hall
01:21:16and then be back in an hour for the fireworks show
01:21:18Wait, hold on, everybody
01:21:20I want you guys to give
01:21:22a round of applause to a friend of the camp
01:21:26Thank you, thank you
01:21:28I hope you kids had a good day
01:21:30because unfortunately the fun is over
01:21:32Luke, this is Andrew Templeton
01:21:34at the estate safety office
01:21:36This is Luke Garvey
01:21:39Owner of Camp Pine Lake
01:21:41Well, I took a walk around the camp
01:21:43and you've done a lot of work since the last time I was here
01:21:45Yeah, we've had a lot of help
01:21:47People want to keep this camp open
01:21:49But I'm afraid there's still a lot more to do
01:21:51And we're going to get it done
01:21:53We just need a little bit more time
01:21:55Well, that's unfortunately one of the things you don't have
01:21:57Mr. Templeton, if you would, a letter please
01:21:59This pretty much makes it official
01:22:01as of midnight tonight
01:22:05You can't do that, look at all these kids
01:22:08They've got to grow up sometime, don't they?
01:22:10These rugrats might as well learn it now, right?
01:22:12That's it, pal, you're going down
01:22:14No, no, no, listen
01:22:16We can keep the camp open all summer
01:22:18I can show you the names
01:22:20and any safety issues, we're going to take care of them
01:22:22I'm sorry, Charlie, no can do, a little late
01:22:24I'm afraid he's right
01:22:26The office is really strict with compliance
01:22:28I'm sorry, if it was up to me, I'd
01:22:32Bye, Andy
01:22:34See you next summer
01:22:36Andy Templeton?
01:22:38Tommy, it's Andy
01:22:42The rope bridge, Andy
01:22:44He didn't recognize the poison ivy, remember?
01:22:46And he wouldn't go on the rope bridge
01:22:50It took you all summer, dude
01:22:52You guys really remember that?
01:22:54Remember what?
01:22:56You finally made it across and we couldn't get you down
01:22:58You were like a madman
01:23:00I can't believe you really remember that
01:23:02I was terrified of heights before that
01:23:05You should know that I skydive now
01:23:07That's awesome!
01:23:09That's great
01:23:11That was the best summer of my life
01:23:13But thanks to you guys
01:23:15And the camp
01:23:19Oh, wonderful
01:23:21This is fantastic
01:23:23We can't close this place down
01:23:25No, we have to close this place down
01:23:27We've discussed this over and over again
01:23:29There are safety issues everywhere
01:23:31Which we can fix
01:23:34But the kids can't be here while you're doing it
01:23:36That much I do know for sure
01:23:38Right, the campers will be away while we get things up to code
01:23:40How long will it take?
01:23:42It'll take a week
01:23:44I mean, obviously we're gonna need some help
01:23:46Yeah, we can push the summer session back a little bit
01:23:48I can buy you a week if you let me help
01:23:50You got a deal
01:23:52What are you doing?
01:23:54No, no, hold on a second
01:23:56Focus on the task at hand
01:23:58If you don't close this place
01:24:00I'm reporting you and you can kiss your job goodbye
01:24:02You know what I also remember from camp?
01:24:06You know what we used to do to the new guy?
01:24:08What new guy?
01:24:12New guy!
01:24:14New guy!
01:24:16New guy!
01:24:18New guy!
01:24:20New guy!
01:24:22New guy!
01:24:24New guy!
01:24:26New guy!
01:24:28New guy!
01:24:31Yeah! Nice word, man
01:24:33Nice word
01:24:35Nice word
01:24:37I'm looking for assistance
01:24:39Guys, no!
01:24:57There you go
01:25:00It's just a flower
01:25:02You'll never be without
01:25:04A white flower
01:25:06No shadows up here
01:25:08I shine like a chandelier
01:25:10I'm singing like no one hears
01:25:12And it feels good
01:25:14It's just a flower
01:25:16You'll never be without
01:25:18A white flower
01:25:20No shadows up here
01:25:22I shine like a chandelier
01:25:24I'm singing like no one hears
01:25:26And it feels good
01:25:28With your voice
01:25:30In my ear
01:25:32My heart is strong
01:25:34And so the walls
01:25:36I'll hide and I'll climb
01:25:38Cause I need to be
01:25:40In all at once
01:25:52This is gonna be the best summer ever
01:25:59White flower
01:26:01White flower
01:26:03White flower
01:26:05White flower
01:26:07White flower
01:26:09White flower
01:26:11No shadows up here
01:26:13No shadows up here
01:26:23Long train running
01:26:25Long time coming baby
01:26:28To get my feet back on solid ground
01:26:33And all I'm asking is hold me now
01:26:37When it's a long way up
01:26:40It's a long way down