• last year
00:02:08You know me auntie
00:02:37Estela hola Bobby vaya
00:02:43Best fabulous
00:02:50Yeah, it's Toya key be nice to have it I jack I see it Jackie
00:02:56It's a senior day
00:03:00Espero no haber llegado muy tarde o temprano por que despreocupate
00:03:06Oye, so we say senior tenerte de regreso en clas y dime te gusto mi guion si me gustó
00:03:15Es el primero de todos lo leer esta noche
00:03:19Me voy adelante hasta pronto Jackie
00:03:26Regresar es aquí hoy tengo una audición muy importante
00:03:32Los labios están cerrados ni una palabra no quiero mala suerte pondré mi cadena de la buena suerte
00:03:39Ya me voy bebe hasta pronto
00:03:42Sí, por supuesto
00:04:32Bobby D. Hola Jack
00:04:36Supuse que había sido a clase esta noche
00:04:39este mi guion
00:04:42Probablemente no lo hiciste que traes espera te importa si tomo un vaso o por supuesto sirvete
00:04:52Yo bebo esta cosa como si estuviera pasada de moda
00:04:55en fin en que película pachino dijo eso
00:04:59estaba hablando de java
00:05:01y de café
00:05:03Que le sucedió al sujeto todavía está en el negocio la cosas de nuevo es que no lo he vuelto a ver desde el padrino
00:05:10Bueno si hizo unas películas después del padrino
00:05:14eres el guionista peor informado que he conocido
00:05:18He estado trabajando para ganarme la vida
00:05:21debes darme algo de libertad no lo sé tal vez estoy equivocado
00:05:26pero yo hice el amor anoche y tú no pudiste satisfacerte
00:05:30supongo que tampoco lo hiciste tú ella es fabulosa verdad no escribe algo que valga la pena
00:05:36Que importa bien sabes algo estás muerto jack me atrapaste pero
00:05:42vine para hablar de tu guion antes de la clase de esta noche
00:05:46que apareces aquí sólo están los aseadores en la calle supongo que vas a hablarme sobre mi guion así es
00:05:52pero antes de decir algo se lo llevarás a steven worthy
00:05:57esta no sería la perfecta
00:05:59Dukes maquina bobby blue day baja del cielo para entregarle tu guion nada menos que a steven worthy
00:06:06y por qué no es decir si es muy bueno
00:06:10Lo es verdad como sabes que lo conozco lo mencionaste en cada maldita clase amigo
00:06:15Les contaré del momento en que intercambiaba historias en el patty sweet lunch con este de acuerdo aunque me parece absolutamente
00:06:22Genial me encantan tus historias de hollywood conocías a toros surfeabas con charles chaplin
00:06:28Yo, no conocía chaplin el fue un poco anterior a mi tiempo si pero surfeabas con este venguard el no surfeaba
00:06:35él fue quien me dijo que dejara de beber entiendo y lo hiciste no
00:06:39no hasta dos años después pero el punto es que puedo llegar hasta él
00:06:44me agradas
00:06:46terminé tu libro como mejorar un guion perfecto me encantó y que aprendiste
00:06:51todo está aquí en el guion porque lo dices
00:06:56Tu guion no pude dejar de leerlo genial y plasmaste totalmente la idea del viaje del héroe
00:07:02joseph campbell te lo debe todo a ti él lo dijo primero pero yo lo dije mejor
00:07:07está bien entonces piensas que hijack es el primer guion perfecto
00:07:11que es el mejor y que se lo llevarás a tu amigo steven para que lo dirija
00:07:16bueno podría ser mejor
00:07:21Como podría ser mejor podría ser mejor si mejor en que
00:07:27Mucho mejor
00:07:29Vamos lo siento lo siento amigo
00:07:32vamos ya que al menos seamos profesionales por qué yo uno estoy en el negocio y tú ya no perteneces
00:07:42En serio
00:07:52Quieres un poco más de soda
00:07:55No porque no me dejas un momento para recuperar mi sen de acuerdo
00:08:02Sabes no soy sólo un desaliñado escritor de hollywood soy un expatriado
00:08:08yo huí de la basura
00:08:13La cafeína te trata bien
00:08:17Bueno como dijo el poeta el licor es más rápido
00:08:27Sabe profesor pensé que la razón por la que tocó a mi puerta esta mañana fue porque
00:08:32Pensó que mi guión estaba tan bueno que tenía que decírmelo no
00:08:38es un fracaso
00:08:40un bodrio
00:08:41un completo
00:08:42desastre es el peor guión que se ha visto en la faa en años el hecho de que es lo mejor que pudiste hacer
00:08:47tras una sesión de diez semanas
00:08:50me decepciona y que sugieres que lo arroje a la basura
00:08:55creo que yo me aferraría él es decir enfrentemos lo del guión no funciona como está escrito pero
00:09:01tiene algo tiene algo si tiene una chispa una pequeña chispa pero es diminuta y apenas pude verla y la viste si la vi
00:09:11Necesita trabajo
00:09:14Si es cierto
00:09:16sólo me engaño a mí mismo pensando que podría escribir un guión genial
00:09:20No lo piensas que al pachino no ha hecho una película desde el padrino
00:09:25como voy a conseguir un nuevo reescritor o un co escritor bueno siempre puedes escribir un comercial no no lo creo
00:09:36Se me ocurre algo
00:09:38de qué se trata sabes que esta noche es la última clase las clases terminarán no tengo mucho tiempo libre pero pienso que si crees
00:09:45que te gustaría trabajar conmigo en tu guión
00:09:48Podemos hacerlo
00:09:50o señor de yo nunca le pediría a un profesional como usted que trabajar en mi apestoso guión no no no aquí tengo mis
00:09:56notas no es un pedazo de porquería
00:09:59pensé que si lo era bueno mira he reescrito peores guiones
00:10:03número dos practiqué el juego de hollywood y en este momento
00:10:07no lo hago
00:10:11Usted es genial señor de gracias y bien quien más lo ha visto
00:10:17que cosa tu guión
00:10:20Nadie bueno yo lo vi
00:10:23en fin así es pero como propiedad literaria un guión tiene valor es como un terreno que contiene oro
00:10:32viste la película llamada el tesoro de la sierra madre
00:10:37Claro que no en fin
00:10:40quien más lo vio
00:10:41hablas del filme hablo del guión
00:10:44Nadie amigo está seguro mil por ciento
00:10:48estela lo vio le pareció que estaba grandioso creo que por eso lo hizo conmigo anoche pero tú ya la conoces
00:10:55si no puedo esperar para escuchar sus opiniones cuando regrese de su audición
00:11:00si ella no me dijo a dónde iba pero estaba inmersa en ello y alguien más
00:11:05nadie gracias a ti dejaste algo en la copiadora de la escuela ninguna copiadora reclamará el oscar al mejor guión que si alguien más
00:11:13jinetes de escritorio con salario mínimo lo que intento decir es que registré el guión en la ciudad
00:11:21Bien pensado
00:11:23pensé en todo señor powell
00:11:25entonces si ves televisión para descansar o pasar el rato sabes yo te he visto en las calles de manhattan
00:11:32y me llamaste para mí mismo aquí está esa
00:11:37brújula humana averiada
00:11:39Eres el escritor me bueno sabes que él habla mucho en la clase dice que escribirá el gran guión estadounidense bien aquí estamos
00:11:49muy bien ahora que la espera ha terminado
00:11:52lo arruiné pero la buena noticia es la caballería está aquí y me ayudará a reescribirlo absolutamente gratis
00:12:00El 50%
00:12:03El 50%
00:12:06De tu guión
00:12:08derechos de todos los derechos esto no era un favor los favores te matan más rápido que las balas lo dijo pachino
00:12:17No recuerdo esa frase en el padrino bien 50% en un crédito compartido
00:12:25Quieres más soda estoy bien con la mitad y el crédito
00:12:30Yo si tomaré un poco
00:12:42Sabes que pienso no
00:12:50Creo que es muy extraño que hayas dicho que mi guión es un pedazo de porquería
00:12:56Entonces porque lo quieres tanto profesor
00:13:00Bien en hollywood lo
00:13:02Llamamos negociación
00:13:06Ya veo
00:13:08Sé que este es el mejor guión que has leído
00:13:11y que harías cualquier cosa para tenerlo y si no acepto
00:13:15esa idea tuya de compartirlo entonces vas a arruinar totalmente mi guión y no se lo llevarás a steven worthy
00:13:32Es el mejor guión que he leído
00:13:39Está bien
00:13:43No podemos dejar que worthy espere
00:13:46No no aborti
00:13:53O en caso de fuerza mayor como el fin del mundo las apuestas quedan cerradas
00:14:03Recuerdas a tom cruise en cuestión de honor el hombre no podía pensar sin su bate
00:14:12Oye porque tienes que usar todas esas palabras
00:14:15Desagravio por mandato judicial que no podemos sentarnos aquí solo hacer garabatos estoy redactando un contrato
00:14:24Ya deja de fastidiar mi amigo yo escribí el guión
00:14:31Yo hice el como es que dices trabajo pesado
00:14:35Steven es tan inteligente como tú
00:14:38Definitivamente tiene que serlo es decir
00:14:41Oops, lo siento jefe
00:14:44Sabes tal vez no sabías esto pero la noche que la familia manson cometió los asesinatos en las colinas de hollywood llevaba una lista
00:14:51No alcanzaron a llegar tan lejos pero la casa de stephen era la tercera en esa lista genial genial
00:14:58No sé cómo eso podría ser genial pero eso te muestra que incluso en estos días que pasa
00:15:05Tienes algún problema no no no lo siento
00:15:13Bate de baseball
00:15:16Tom Cruise en cuestión de honor desde cuando sabes algo sobre cine
00:15:21En serio piensas que un guión como hijack fue escrito por un ignorante
00:15:25Que finge no saber nada el máximo escritor si puras patrañas voy a ir a hollywood amigo
00:15:33tú has la venta
00:15:35Por tu 10 por ciento y qué pasó con el 50 por ciento que sucede quieres darte un descanso
00:15:40Pensé que teníamos un trato ya sabes sólo basta llamar a steven tengo su número en mi móvil me gusta cómo hablan ustedes
00:15:48Me refiero a que todo lo minimizan está bien sólo somos clichés de hollywood entonces tenemos un trato sí o no
00:15:56sólo el 10 por ciento
00:15:58está bien el 15 no el 10 escucha soy joven y necesito el dinero
00:16:03primera fila el tesoro de la sierra madre sabes algo no más
00:16:07tengo jaqueca
00:16:09Bloqueo de escritor tendré que ir a fumar concluiremos este contrato cuando regrese ahora vengo genial iré contigo
00:16:18Déjame buscar mi abrigo
00:16:19Si se puede apreciar todo manhattan desde ahí en especial el empire state has estado alguna vez no no he ido
00:16:27Tú tienes un año y apenas rasguñas la superficie si yo tampoco he ido jamás podría subir hasta allá me aterran las alturas
00:16:48Entonces conoces a steven worthy
00:16:52Sí así es
00:16:55Eres una maldita leyenda amigo
00:17:00Qué puedo decir
00:17:07Sabes pensé que eras todo un angelino pero nunca has estado aquí
00:17:12Sí es por el choque cultural
00:17:17Supongo que siempre quisiste dar clases
00:17:20Nueva York parecía ser un buen lugar para enseñar clases de escritura
00:17:25Sí para ser honesto contigo no soy el tipo de hombre de la costa este
00:17:32En serio eso es difícil de creer john f kennedy
00:17:35Mi padre lo quería mucho a millie harvey oswald me habría bastado
00:17:40Supongo que podríamos usar eso como tu seudónimo solo hay que cambiar la página del título
00:17:47No está bien
00:17:54Pero dime que se siente ser famoso es decir
00:17:57No me gustaría saberlo
00:18:01Oye tal vez lo aprendamos juntos me sigue gustando este trato de 50 50
00:18:08Muy bien ya leí tu libro vamos dime
00:18:13Cuál es tu secreto
00:18:16Yo no sé
00:18:19Muy bien ya leí tu libro vamos dime cuál es tu secreto
00:18:29Mi secreto
00:18:35Mi secreto si
00:18:38No sabes tal vez consiste en llevar las cosas al extremo
00:18:45Bobby baja de ahí amigo es peligroso
00:18:51Solo baja vamos está bien
00:18:54Vamos amigo baja
00:18:57Dame tu mano
00:19:00Solo comparte esto conmigo
00:19:11Qué te pasa eres un maldito desgraciado
00:19:18Estoy hablando
00:19:33Solo estoy jugando
00:19:39Solo es un juego amigo
00:19:44Solo jugaba
00:20:14Solo jugaba
00:20:56Linda que esperas encontrar
00:21:03No no lo es
00:21:05You have six houses. Palm Beach, Santa Barbara, Papinta, Sri Lanka, anyway.
00:21:23It will only be a simple meeting to say hello.
00:21:26I'll be back in 15 minutes.
00:21:31Just wait in the car. It will be fun.
00:21:38Do you want to meet him?
00:21:40Steven Worthy?
00:21:45Whatever you do, do it casually, okay?
00:21:48Oh, good.
00:21:57Hi, Steven.
00:21:58No, that's not Steven.
00:22:01Hi, I'm Bobby. Bobby Blue Day. I have an appointment with Steven.
00:22:07You have an appointment with Steven?
00:22:09Yes, I do.
00:22:13And you are?
00:22:15Mr. Worthy's personal secretary, Brad Bradley.
00:22:19So, can we come in?
00:22:22I brought an envelope.
00:22:24Yes, I saw it.
00:22:26It's a script.
00:22:28From Steven.
00:22:30Hey, I don't want any trouble.
00:22:32Yeah, me neither.
00:22:34I spoke to him on the phone a few minutes ago.
00:22:38He's not here.
00:22:40No, I spoke to him on the phone.
00:22:43And I was telling him a damn story.
00:22:45And he loved it.
00:22:46He was saying,
00:22:47Oh, Bobby, you never give up. Bring your ass here. We'll have a meeting.
00:22:53There's simply no other way to say it. He's not here now.
00:22:57He had to leave.
00:23:00Okay, I guess he's at the beach.
00:23:04What do you say? Do you want to go to Santa Barbara?
00:23:07Yes, of course.
00:23:11Is that where he is?
00:23:13I have no right to tell you.
00:23:18Okay, Brad. I have his number. No problem, you bastard.
00:23:24Could you do me the favor of helping us a little?
00:23:32I'll do this for you, Bobby.
00:23:34I understand that Steven and you are old friends.
00:23:38Leave me the envelope and I promise I'll make sure you see the treatment as soon as you get home.
00:23:46As you wish.
00:23:49Goodbye, Brad.
00:23:54Have a good trip.
00:23:57See you soon.
00:24:10Hey, Brad.
00:24:12Could you come here?
00:24:15What do you want?
00:24:17What do you say? Let's see what you have.
00:24:19Let's have a little meeting at the entrance to see who's better.
00:24:23If I manage to defeat you, I'll be able to enter the house. What do you think?
00:24:28Aren't you a script writer?
00:24:31Will you give me my script?
00:24:33I'll give it to him.
00:24:37I'd rather give it to him personally.
00:24:43You've been annoying me.
00:24:45I guess it's my turn now.
00:24:54You're good.
00:25:13Are you trying to suffocate me?
00:25:15He'll only sleep a few minutes.
00:25:17I won't hurt him.
00:25:19This damn city.
00:25:21Do you give up?
00:25:23It looks like your boss needs a personal secretary. I won't give up.
00:25:27Brad, please, please don't.
00:25:29Tell him I'll be back in a few minutes.
00:25:52Yes, everything is fine.
00:26:00Is this a joke?
00:26:05It's perfect.
00:26:11I'll see you soon.
00:26:15I love you too.
00:26:16I love you too.
00:26:22Was it Sailor?
00:26:24Did he get the script?
00:26:26What the hell happened outside?
00:26:29I'm sorry about that.
00:26:32Can we...
00:26:34forget about it, please?
00:26:36Excuse me?
00:26:38You tried to kill me!
00:26:41Look, that's why I stopped drinking.
00:26:44I can be a moron.
00:26:46I'm serious.
00:26:48Bobby, I want you to leave.
00:26:50I'm going to finish this contract and then you're out of here.
00:27:17It's the lower pin.
00:27:32You don't know how to use a typewriter?
00:27:36It's stuck.
00:27:37It's stuck.
00:27:46You know what, Jack?
00:27:48Tell me.
00:27:50What's your secret to writing?
00:28:02So what are you going to do with half of your Hollywood pay?
00:28:07I have a better question for you.
00:28:09What makes you think you can throw one of your screenwriters off the roof
00:28:13and make deals with him?
00:28:17Two words, I guess.
00:28:19Stephen Worthy
00:28:21produced one of my movies.
00:28:30It's ready.
00:28:32It'll be ready when you sign it.
00:28:33If I sign this piece of paper,
00:28:35you and I will be partners?
00:28:37And Stephen Worthy will read the script?
00:28:39Oh, of course.
00:28:42You know,
00:28:44you and I
00:28:46aren't that different.
00:28:48I'd do anything to get that script.
00:28:56And he'll read it?
00:28:58Oh, yeah.
00:29:01I can't tell you exactly when he'll read it.
00:29:04You can't?
00:29:06I'm not him.
00:29:08I know, but you say he'll do it because he sends you Christmas cards?
00:29:11I know he'll read it because I wrote it.
00:29:14You didn't write it.
00:29:16You did.
00:29:19Remember, Jack.
00:29:21My name will also be in that title.
00:29:24Hi, Jack.
00:29:26By JFK Reimer and Bobby Blue Day.
00:29:28I'm surprised you don't want your name to go first.
00:29:31Oh, I thought so,
00:29:33but I thought we'd save ourselves some trouble.
00:29:37Wait a minute.
00:29:39Stephen Worthy knows you, not me.
00:29:41I don't get Christmas cards.
00:29:43You do.
00:29:45That's why I think he'll be more receptive
00:29:47if he sees your name first.
00:29:49Maybe he will.
00:29:54Wait a minute.
00:29:56Wait a minute.
00:29:58Do you really believe in this thing?
00:30:00I mean, in class you said
00:30:02that every script needs to be rewritten.
00:30:07Yes, but it doesn't.
00:30:11Can't you make it better?
00:30:13Not this one.
00:30:16Where did you get it?
00:30:18The idea?
00:30:22Yes, the idea.
00:30:23How did a guy like you
00:30:25come up with a script
00:30:27as profound and symphonic as this one?
00:30:33when I saw the first page
00:30:35looking at me,
00:30:37this one said,
00:30:39Hi, Jack.
00:30:43I'm also writing the cover,
00:30:45what about the rest?
00:30:47Like you said in class,
00:30:49never show your hand.
00:30:53Who wrote it, Jack?
00:30:58I wrote it,
00:31:00just like you used to.
00:31:03Let's put this aside.
00:31:05Hi, Jack, for Bobby Blue Day
00:31:07and John F. Kennedy and Raymer.
00:31:11Unless you prefer to write
00:31:13for Bobby Blue Day
00:31:15and Lee Harvey Oswald.
00:31:17Now tell me, who wrote it?
00:31:19I did.
00:31:21I read everything you wrote
00:31:23to me.
00:31:25Who wrote it?
00:31:27Tell me!
00:31:29A guy.
00:31:31What guy?
00:31:33What guy? Where did you find him?
00:31:37On the network.
00:31:40And what happened?
00:31:42Seven days earlier.
00:31:54Euro Grill and Bar Salad.
00:31:59I'm Clive.
00:32:01Nice to meet you, friend.
00:32:06your face has a name.
00:32:08I know my face is fine.
00:32:10I guess that's enough for now.
00:32:12Oh, of course, sir.
00:32:14Are you a producer?
00:32:18Thank you for coming here
00:32:20so quickly, Clive.
00:32:21It's been a pleasure.
00:32:23Really, yes.
00:32:25Did you have any problems on the trip?
00:32:27Well, um...
00:32:29This was a tremendous trip.
00:32:31I made a wrong turn.
00:32:33I ended up in a place called
00:32:35Far Rockaway.
00:32:37Have you been there?
00:32:39It's very beautiful, yes.
00:32:41It reminded me of the eastern part
00:32:43of London.
00:32:45Oh, yes, you're right.
00:32:47When you made the request
00:32:49and mentioned that you were
00:32:51from the British Isles...
00:32:53Oh, my God, no way.
00:32:55I'm from the British Isles.
00:32:57Everything must be very different,
00:32:59especially the business.
00:33:03I have a double in this city.
00:33:05I can't say exactly
00:33:07that I know all the rules.
00:33:09I'm sorry for you.
00:33:13Bless you, sir.
00:33:17can you tell me your name?
00:33:19Yes, my name is Jack Ruby.
00:33:21May I help you?
00:33:37Oh, thank you.
00:33:40Would you like some cream?
00:33:42Oh, no.
00:33:44I like to savor my coffee.
00:33:47Tell me about High Jack.
00:33:50Actually, there's not much to say.
00:33:52I wrote High Jack
00:33:54from the heart.
00:33:56It's not so bad, is it?
00:33:58It's curious.
00:34:01The copy I received by mail
00:34:03didn't seem to come from a laser printer
00:34:05or any other.
00:34:07You were absolutely right.
00:34:09In my first week in Georgia City,
00:34:11someone broke in
00:34:13and stole my laptop.
00:34:15I wrote High Jack
00:34:16in a Remington.
00:34:18Can you believe that?
00:34:20It's incredible.
00:34:22I sent you the only copy that exists.
00:34:25Did you bring it with you?
00:34:30I wanted to keep it.
00:34:33And the reason is
00:34:35because we're interested, Clive.
00:34:37Very interested.
00:34:41Then I can't have it back
00:34:43to take it to the shelf.
00:34:44I'll pay for a copy.
00:34:46It's in good hands
00:34:48in the offices of Manhattan.
00:34:50Oh, how adorable.
00:34:52But you're too young
00:34:54to be a producer.
00:34:56Sorry for the observation, but...
00:34:58I finished college at 20.
00:35:00Of course, of course.
00:35:02I didn't know that.
00:35:04But it's true.
00:35:06You seem to be 15 years old.
00:35:10Maybe I'm the reincarnation
00:35:12of Talberg's little brother.
00:35:14That's it.
00:35:16I like the way you think, Mr. Ruby.
00:35:18You're very creative.
00:35:20That's what this business needs.
00:35:24Oh, my God.
00:35:26It's not true?
00:35:28Do you really think
00:35:30my script has potential?
00:35:32It's not that bad, is it?
00:35:34It's fine.
00:35:36Because I think it's garbage.
00:35:39Has anyone seen it?
00:35:41Yes, maybe.
00:35:42I haven't registered it yet.
00:35:44Well, first you would have had
00:35:46to sign a contract.
00:35:48But I'm talking about this script.
00:35:51I didn't send it to the east of London.
00:35:53This time I'm going home.
00:35:55The girlfriend or a teacher?
00:35:57Oh, no, none of that.
00:35:59I live here in New Jersey.
00:36:01Where you don't know anyone?
00:36:03I felt that desire to share it
00:36:05with someone online.
00:36:07Do you think I'm a bad man?
00:36:09That's me.
00:36:10I'm so grateful.
00:36:12Eternally grateful.
00:36:14Can you give me my script back?
00:36:16You know, I have to make a movie.
00:36:18And what about the record?
00:36:20Yes, what about that?
00:36:22Oh, yes.
00:36:24Everything is in order.
00:36:26An impeccable driving record.
00:36:28I just parked there.
00:36:33The script record.
00:36:35We'll handle it.
00:36:37Oh, great, great.
00:36:38Look, maybe you could tell me something.
00:36:40Apart from registering my script,
00:36:42should I register my copyright?
00:36:45Or talk to the government?
00:36:47Or tell the police?
00:36:50That's a smart question.
00:36:53And the answer is
00:36:55that you can only register
00:36:58copyright with books.
00:37:00If you register a script,
00:37:02you'll be fined.
00:37:04Oh, my God.
00:37:06I'm so glad I didn't do that.
00:37:10Me too.
00:37:13Excuse me.
00:37:15I need to go to the bathroom.
00:38:16Oh, God.
00:38:18God, please.
00:38:20Please, God.
00:38:33You think it was terrible?
00:38:35You don't think I was a bad guy for doing that?
00:38:37You see, I need the job.
00:38:39She was looking for someone
00:38:41to write her a script
00:38:43that talked about a pretty long tunnel
00:38:45without light in one part.
00:38:48It was terrible.
00:38:50I told her I was dead
00:38:52for 15 minutes.
00:38:54And while I was like that,
00:38:56I looked down from the ceiling
00:38:58and they revived me
00:39:00just like the commercial I was looking for.
00:39:03Then she told me
00:39:05that if I had been dead for 15 minutes,
00:39:07I would have been a bloody vegetable.
00:39:11You see,
00:39:13I lied to you just because I wanted the job.
00:39:15Lying is not worth it.
00:39:17I didn't understand it.
00:39:19It was all a lie.
00:39:21And then I told her
00:39:23that sheep die for 15 minutes.
00:39:25It was terrible.
00:39:31you just touched your coffee.
00:39:42Hey, Clive.
00:39:47Can I ask you something?
00:39:50Could you
00:39:52take me to the bus stop?
00:39:57You usually take the bus.
00:39:58I'm not a serial killer.
00:40:17I think the industry...
00:40:23I'm sorry.
00:40:25I think the industry
00:40:26has twisted people
00:40:28who are not kind.
00:40:30They are twisted.
00:40:37Are you okay?
00:40:41I'm sorry.
00:40:56I'm sorry.
00:41:21Oh, God.
00:41:23I can't breathe.
00:41:24I have to...
00:41:26I have to get out.
00:41:33Oh, God.
00:41:35I think...
00:41:37It was something I ate.
00:41:39I have to get out.
00:41:42I have to get out.
00:41:44I'm not okay.
00:41:48You're okay.
00:41:50Calm down.
00:41:58I'm okay.
00:46:50Si lo rompes lo pagas
00:46:59Quedate ahí
00:47:02Gracias, gracias señor
00:47:05Estuve corriendo todo el día en busca de...?
00:47:06Un hombre del camino
00:47:11¿Y porque la prisa?
00:47:14¿Cómo dijo?
00:47:15What did you say?
00:47:16I said, why the hurry?
00:47:20I had to find a store before they closed.
00:47:22And it looks like you're already here.
00:47:25I'm Joey, the junk man.
00:47:27This is my store and I sell junk.
00:47:32Very well, boy.
00:47:33Let me see if I can solve the situation.
00:47:36You run everywhere like a fast demon, all over the city,
00:47:40trying to find what you're looking for.
00:47:43It's not easy to find what you're looking for.
00:47:47It could be something strange and collectible.
00:47:50Or it could simply not exist.
00:47:53Oh, it does exist.
00:47:55How do you know?
00:47:56I know.
00:47:57Is it nice to find a young person with faith?
00:48:02That depends.
00:48:04Are there typewriters?
00:48:06What kind?
00:48:07Old ones.
00:48:08If I have old typewriters...
00:48:10Hey, are you a writer or are you planning to write something?
00:48:15I already did it, or I plan to do it.
00:48:17Oh, you wrote something and now you need a typewriter.
00:48:21Hey, that's not quite the opposite.
00:48:23I write by hand like professionals do.
00:48:25Oh, of course.
00:48:27I hadn't heard of that.
00:48:29You're a writer and you've written a book.
00:48:32No, I wrote a script.
00:48:34Of course.
00:48:35And now you need a typewriter, but an old one.
00:48:38Any special typewriter?
00:48:40A Remington.
00:48:41A Remington?
00:48:42The old battle horse.
00:48:47It's not just any typewriter, sir.
00:48:50Joey, the man from Chatarra.
00:48:52I already checked.
00:48:53I need a typewriter made between 1933 and 1941.
00:48:58I see.
00:49:00Are you that kind of writer?
00:49:03You're an annoying typewriter.
00:49:05Why the hell do you care so much about the year of manufacture?
00:49:11I read a book about how to improve a perfect script.
00:49:15And in that book it said I had to use that typewriter.
00:49:21Don't you believe me?
00:49:23You can do it better, kid.
00:49:30Mr. J...
00:49:32Since you like me, I'm going to tell you some confidential information.
00:49:38My script is about a guy who kills another guy...
00:49:43to get a script.
00:49:45But he needs to get an old typewriter...
00:49:48so the typography is the same and has his name on it.
00:49:54That's very smart.
00:49:59It's called Hijack.
00:50:01Good title.
00:50:02Yes, but it's a secret.
00:50:05Like who?
00:50:09Where is it?
00:50:12Last time I saw it...
00:50:20Oh, here it is.
00:50:22It's beautiful.
00:50:27It's a Remington.
00:50:29A Remington Rand Vintage.
00:50:32From the Second World War.
00:50:36They call it the Silent Beast.
00:50:39Can I have a sheet?
00:50:48Try it on.
00:50:54Oh, excuse me.
00:51:13I'll buy it.
00:51:15You have to make the client happy.
00:51:18I know someone who's going to sleep like a baby tonight.
00:51:21Come to my office.
00:51:23Hey, wait a minute.
00:51:24We didn't even talk about prices or anything.
00:51:27How much is it?
00:51:29You tell me, Clive.
00:51:33That's not my name.
00:51:35Oh, I'm sorry.
00:51:36I read it in the script.
00:51:38It's just that I see how you know it.
00:51:40He's my co-writer.
00:51:41I'm Lee.
00:51:45He's my co-writer.
00:51:46I'm Lee.
00:51:48Okay, Lee.
00:51:49The Book of the Soul.
00:51:52What the hell is that?
00:51:54Ten dollars.
00:51:58Only ten?
00:51:59I'm supporting art.
00:52:01Besides, it's confidential.
00:52:03I don't do this.
00:52:05Oh, you don't?
00:52:08And don't tell anyone.
00:52:10I'm a collector.
00:52:12I've traveled from Buenos Aires to Prague.
00:52:15And now...
00:52:17I'm enjoying my golden years.
00:52:20How will you do it?
00:52:22In your future.
00:52:24After you publish your book.
00:52:29Thank you very much.
00:52:30I mean it.
00:52:32I'm grateful.
00:52:33I enjoyed negotiating with you.
00:52:35Have a good day, Lee.
00:52:38Have a good week.
00:53:43You look great, friend.
00:53:46Good job.
00:53:50Do you have a dollar?
00:53:52Come on, just one.
00:53:54Get out of here, friend.
00:53:55Good job.
00:53:56Good job.
00:53:57Good job.
00:54:01Give me the briefcase.
00:54:08Give me the briefcase.
00:54:13Oh, don't start crying now.
00:54:15Well, it's not your fault, kid.
00:54:17You just made a wrong turn.
00:54:23Come on, kid.
00:54:24I don't have all night.
00:54:30Are you ready?
00:54:32Just give it to me.
00:54:34That's it.
00:54:35Come on.
00:54:36Come on.
00:54:38That's it.
00:54:39Good job.
00:54:41Good job.
00:54:42Well done, kid.
00:54:46Wait a minute.
00:54:47Is that all?
00:54:48Yes, that's all.
00:54:50My God, what do you have here?
00:54:51A bowling ball?
00:54:53Yes, it's a bowling ball.
00:54:55Have you ever heard of Rocky?
00:54:57I'm his friend, so please give it back to me.
00:55:02I won't.
00:55:03I'm scared.
00:55:04I'm an addict.
00:55:05You have something there that calls me, sir.
00:55:09What are you talking about?
00:55:10I'm just showing you respect.
00:55:13People don't recognize the true gravity of this situation.
00:55:19I've already broken the ice.
00:55:21I'm trying to rob you, idiot.
00:55:23Do you understand?
00:55:25Yes, I understand.
00:55:28Come on, please.
00:55:29Give me back my bowling ball.
00:55:33I'll cut you.
00:55:43What's in that briefcase?
00:55:47A typewriter.
00:55:51What am I going to do with a typewriter?
00:55:54It's worthless to you.
00:55:55Give it back.
00:55:59Come on, man.
00:56:00Are you really going to kill me for a typewriter?
00:56:05Give me that briefcase.
00:56:08What are you talking about?
00:56:10I'm telling you to give me the briefcase.
00:56:15You're robbing me.
00:56:21Did you think you were going to die for this?
00:56:25It would be foolish for a bunch of papers, don't you think?
00:56:30Not as foolish as putting needles in your arm.
00:56:33Oh, thanks for the advice, idiot.
00:56:36But I never use needles.
00:56:38Well, what do we have here?
00:56:44Hi, Jack.
00:56:46That sums it all up, doesn't it?
00:56:50By Clyde Mimsby.
00:56:53Is that you?
00:56:55Did you write this?
00:57:10It's a piece of crap script.
00:57:12I don't even know why I'm taking it.
00:57:14Listen, I'll pay you for the machine.
00:57:19I just robbed you, man.
00:57:21And now you want to buy it?
00:57:23I like that.
00:57:25Listen, I'll give you $10.
00:57:27You can buy something and a pair of needles.
00:57:30First of all, I don't like your condescending attitude.
00:57:35And second, I already told you, I don't use needles.
00:57:42How much did you pay for the typewriter?
00:57:47But come on, man, just give me a chance.
00:57:50You already robbed me.
00:57:51Plus the $10.
00:57:53It's all I have.
00:57:55Give me your wallet.
00:57:59Come on, man.
00:58:00Give me your wallet.
00:58:04It's not a negotiation.
00:58:15I'll take them.
00:58:17And I'll take the typewriter.
00:58:20Good job, kid.
00:58:26Come on, man.
00:58:32You took $200.
00:58:33Give it back, please.
00:58:36You know what?
00:58:38Maybe I'll give you back the typewriter...
00:58:41if you give me those shoes.
00:58:44Are you serious?
00:58:46Take them off.
00:58:55I hope I don't run into a cheater like you again.
00:58:58Bobby Blue Day wouldn't be so generous.
00:59:01Who the hell is Bobby Blue Day?
00:59:03He's my brother.
00:59:04You know how you make a living?
00:59:06By hunting for rewards.
00:59:08He's doing a reality show right now.
00:59:13Kid, you're full of crap.
00:59:16I think I'll have to take a look at that script of yours.
00:59:25Heh, heh.
00:59:56Did you really write this?
01:00:09You know what?
01:00:14take your damn script and leave.
01:00:19You want it in writing?
01:00:21Just take it.
01:00:24Just take it.
01:00:31Damn it!
01:00:33Are you okay?
01:00:34I'm bleeding!
01:00:35I'm bleeding and I'm hemophilic!
01:00:39I keep bleeding!
01:00:45Wait, kid!
01:00:46Wait, I need your help!
01:00:48You have to come back!
01:00:49Come back, kid! I need your help!
01:00:52I need your help!
01:00:54Come back!
01:00:55Come back, kid! No!
01:01:01Kid, I need your help!
01:01:22I need your help.
01:01:52I left him behind the wheel.
01:02:07Sleeping like a baby.
01:02:13That was the worst walk.
01:02:17And that's how I got it.
01:02:22Ah, the typewriter to write Remington, with which Hayek wrote.
01:02:33Well, you can imagine.
01:02:39Professor, Saylor will be here soon. Why doesn't he leave and we can solve it tomorrow?
01:02:47No. You're not going to sign it. We'll solve it now.
01:03:04I can't.
01:03:06Why not? What is it about? Isn't it yours? You stole the damn script.
01:03:17I can't. I wrote day and night, but nothing came up.
01:03:24Maybe I didn't write Hayek, but I broke my back to get it. It's mine.
01:03:32No. And you won't tell me that to write a good script I have to take your course?
01:03:39I did. I took his course. And I was caught.
01:03:46Ah, I see. What you did to the writer was the professor's fault.
01:03:53In a way.
01:03:56I should kill you now.
01:04:01Oh, God. You really complicate things. Today I came in through that door and I assumed you had written Hayek.
01:04:09I really should withdraw my credentials as a professor. I don't even know what the hell I was thinking.
01:04:16And you don't either, do you?
01:04:20Is it part of the hero's journey?
01:04:25It's all part of the fact that I'm looking at some serious options here.
01:04:30Hey, hey, professor. Who are you calling?
01:04:32Do you want to relax?
01:04:34Look at the time. When did Saylor say he'd be back here?
01:04:39I don't remember. What about tonight's class?
01:04:44My God. The class is over. Don't you get it?
01:04:49You have the time here.
01:04:51Anyone who has seen you on the street turning your damn sign will say,
01:04:55Hey, that guy is late.
01:04:59It's true. But I don't want to die, Bobby.
01:05:04And I know you don't want to hurt Saylor.
01:05:27God. Just sign it.
01:05:41Sign it.
01:05:50Does anyone want to help me?
01:05:57I brought you some sodas, Mr. Day.
01:06:00Mr. Day.
01:06:02I had a good hearing.
01:06:05We have to buy champagne.
01:06:08What's going on?
01:06:10Oh, good.
01:06:12They called me. I love that.
01:06:14I love it when they call me.
01:06:16Even when I don't have a place to welcome them.
01:06:18That's how it is. Who doesn't have hope?
01:06:20But what happened today, Jack, Bobby, I never saw it coming.
01:06:24Well, I went in, I read it again.
01:06:27But not just for the casting guys.
01:06:29The producers were there too.
01:06:31I look to the sides.
01:06:33And they adore me.
01:06:35What do you want me to say?
01:06:37This whole project, they kept it a secret.
01:06:40And I need to know.
01:06:42They don't even tell you the synopsis.
01:06:44I mean, no one has seen the full script.
01:06:47That's how they do it in Hollywood.
01:06:49Anyway, what's next, Jack?
01:06:51I told you over the phone, Bobby.
01:06:53They'll be surprised.
01:06:54I have the role.
01:06:56One last leap to get where I want.
01:06:58You know.
01:06:59But it's okay.
01:07:00I'll do whatever it takes.
01:07:01And the producer comes up to me and puts his hand on my shoulder
01:07:03and gently says to me,
01:07:05Saylor, I'd like you to talk to the director.
01:07:08And I ask, do you have anything soon?
01:07:10And he gives me the phone.
01:07:13It's always like that.
01:07:14He'll have the director's number in fast forward.
01:07:17He puts the phone in my ear.
01:07:19And a voice tells me,
01:07:21Saylor, this is Stephen Worthy.
01:07:26Oh, my God.
01:07:27He and I talked and talked and we got along.
01:07:30He already knew about Hijack.
01:07:32Without seeing it before, they told him,
01:07:34Stephen, this script you want, the margins, the three pages,
01:07:37It's amazing.
01:07:38But can I ask you something?
01:07:40And he says, are you alone?
01:07:42No, but I can be.
01:07:44So I left him with the phone.
01:07:46And he listened carefully.
01:07:48He asked me some questions.
01:07:50And he said, this is the best argument I've ever heard.
01:07:53And when I finished,
01:07:54He told me to register it and not to tell anyone.
01:07:58Did he seem to make an announcement on his own?
01:08:00Oh, not at all.
01:08:01He just asked me to send it.
01:08:03He gave me this address on Hoity Street.
01:08:06I know.
01:08:08Stay in Benedict County.
01:08:09I know where it is.
01:08:14Oh, that's what I did today.
01:08:18You don't have to do this, Mr. Day.
01:08:21We are only two vagrants without any value.
01:08:24We agree with what you say.
01:08:27Wait, what's going on?
01:08:29Well, if you're interested to know,
01:08:32He didn't write the script.
01:08:34What are you talking about?
01:08:35JFK's Hi-Jack.
01:08:37Are you crazy?
01:08:38It appears on the title page.
01:08:40Why don't you tell her, the star of the class?
01:08:43Where did you get the script?
01:08:55Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey.
01:08:56Boss, I'll give you 50.
01:08:57Stop, stop, calm down, understood?
01:09:01Since Saylor promoted you, you don't need me anymore.
01:09:06Oh, come on.
01:09:07And what do you want me to do? Do you still want me to take him?
01:09:09Of course.
01:09:10Oh, seriously, you don't want him anymore?
01:09:12I signed the contract, it wasn't like that.
01:09:14Hey, even if you wanted to do it, it wouldn't have worked.
01:09:18Because Worthy wouldn't have gotten to where he is, he's not a stupid guy.
01:09:23I don't need you, and you don't need me either.
01:09:26Wait, Bobby, talk to me.
01:09:31I need you.
01:09:33Don't get involved in this.
01:09:34Talk to me, tell me what's going on.
01:09:36What are you doing?
01:09:39What I never should have stopped doing.
01:09:42I never should have allowed you to leave me.
01:09:45Are you crazy?
01:09:46Bobby, don't do this.
01:09:48Listen to her, Mr. Day.
01:09:50You know, I should put you to sleep right now.
01:09:52Bobby, I love you.
01:09:55Jack, shut up!
01:09:57Has Jack told you?
01:09:59Has he told you about the script?
01:10:02Do you remember Jack?
01:10:04In class, Bobby said he would teach us how to do it.
01:10:08If we were writing, then he would write a new script, and Bobby, you did it.
01:10:14It was a beautiful script.
01:10:18It was better than Hijack.
01:10:19You're a damn liar.
01:10:20It was better than Hijack, better than anything else.
01:10:23Hey, it didn't look good.
01:10:25It was a piece of crap.
01:10:28Don't you understand?
01:10:29I threw it into the fire.
01:10:33It wasn't.
01:10:36Mr. Day, I think you need a big glass of soda.
01:10:39Why don't we ask Seldor to go and bring it?
01:11:11Oh, my God.
01:11:15Oh, my God.
01:11:17Jesus Christ.
01:11:23Damn it.
01:11:35I think it's time for you to get out of the car and stop.
01:11:43Pick it up.
01:11:53Oh, my God.
01:12:24Oh, my God.
01:12:37She was only with you because of Hijack.
01:12:41You said it yourself.
01:12:44Listen, Bobby.
01:12:47Maybe you slept with her first.
01:12:51But I loved her.
01:12:56It sounds crazy, but it's true.
01:12:58And she loved me.
01:13:02Maybe she just wanted some backup points.
01:13:07I know what you're thinking.
01:13:10That I don't even have a hint of sincerity.
01:13:15Oh, come on.
01:13:17That's true.
01:13:20And if you cared so much,
01:13:22why did you leave her?
01:13:24I don't know.
01:13:28But if I had known that you two would end up together...
01:13:31And what do you care about that?
01:13:34You don't know anything about me.
01:13:35You don't know where I come from.
01:13:39In my family, failure was not a damn option.
01:13:44The road, everything I went through.
01:13:46What the hell do you know about that?
01:13:49We never had a conference of parents and teachers, right?
01:13:53Do you want to write a script?
01:13:56My parents' is a different story.
01:14:01We are working on our cases in court,
01:14:04claiming madness for our innocence.
01:14:09I was just saying.
01:14:13It was hard.
01:14:15But I'm not looking for pity.
01:14:18Without a doubt, you have your way of dodging the bullet.
01:14:22You are the one who speaks.
01:14:25I don't have the gun.
01:14:31And you know?
01:14:33The girls I've loved rejected me.
01:14:36But not Saylor.
01:14:38She loved me.
01:14:43Because of a script.
01:14:48Do you know what was the first thing I thought when she spoke to Steven?
01:14:54I'm a millionaire.
01:14:59I thought I'd put Saylor's name in the script.
01:15:03Instead of Bobby's.
01:15:05That's what I told myself.
01:15:09Well, keep thinking that way.
01:15:13I'm done.
01:15:14If I were dead,
01:15:16and it was just you and me,
01:15:19you wouldn't do that for her.
01:15:22I mean, you and her.
01:15:27It's just you and me.
01:15:33Go get a towel.
01:16:01You need a blanket.
01:16:07You know, Professor?
01:16:09I think you're seeing this the wrong way.
01:16:13Oh, yeah? Why?
01:16:14What is this about?
01:16:16Well, you have this great opportunity,
01:16:19sitting right here.
01:16:21You know me,
01:16:23and you know we can still be partners.
01:16:40I really don't think that's going to happen.
01:16:45Can we talk?
01:16:49This reminds me of those times
01:16:52when I used to knock on the office doors,
01:16:55and they'd take what was now theirs from me.
01:17:00And they'd tell me they could,
01:17:02they'd do it, they'd act,
01:17:04but they didn't.
01:17:07What if I were on your side?
01:17:11What do you mean?
01:17:14I mean, I'm good.
01:17:17And you know I am.
01:17:19Not good in a conventional sense,
01:17:21not a good person, but...
01:17:23Come on, man, give me credit.
01:17:29You had your credit.
01:17:31And your 50%, but that deal is over.
01:17:37analyze the amazing script I have.
01:17:40In a few weeks, hi-jack.
01:17:41And I could also look for other scripts for you, man.
01:17:45I'm a gold mine.
01:17:47Again with the treasure of Sierra Madre, Jack?
01:17:51There's a lot of money to be made, Bobby Day.
01:17:54And what are you going to gain from this?
01:17:58You think small.
01:18:01Seriously, you think like that.
01:18:03We can't be partners.
01:18:07What about hi-jack?
01:18:09Forget about hi-jack.
01:18:11Will it be with or without us?
01:18:14Don't you get it?
01:18:16That script is contagious.
01:18:18I mean, everyone wants to be part of this, at any cost.
01:18:21It's killing everyone it touches.
01:18:24It's killing everyone it touches.
01:18:26It's killing everyone it touches.
01:18:28It's killing everyone it touches.
01:18:29It's killing everyone it touches.
01:18:31It's killing everyone it touches.
01:18:33We don't have a deal.
01:18:35We have to separate.
01:18:37Go down different paths.
01:18:44I'll go to Canada,
01:18:46and you'll go to Mexico.
01:18:49You'll never get that far.
01:18:52Take a train to the north,
01:18:55and I'll go to the south.
01:18:56But what about the script?
01:18:58What are we going to do with it?
01:19:01It's cursed.
01:19:03Throw it into the fire.
01:19:06I'll drink something.
01:19:26To hell with Canada. I'm going to Hollywood.
01:19:56I'm going to Hollywood.
01:20:26I'm going to Hollywood.
01:20:49Where to, boss?
01:20:53The airport.
01:20:57And where are you flying to?
01:21:02Los Angeles.
01:21:14Seven days later.
01:21:26Hello, Bobby.
01:21:28I'm Sam Duncan.
01:21:30I'm the District Attorney for Los Angeles County.
01:21:33Do you smoke?
01:21:35Maybe later.
01:21:37I'd like to drink something before I start talking.
01:21:40Yes, of course.
01:21:46I'm Sam Duncan.
01:21:48I'm the District Attorney for Los Angeles County.
01:21:51Do you smoke?
01:21:53Maybe later.
01:21:55Bring me a soda and a glass.
01:21:57Yes, sir.
01:22:56Mr. Day.
01:22:58Someone ruined everything, didn't they?
01:23:02I'm obliged to tell you that you have the right to have a lawyer present.
01:23:07No. I assume my own defense.
01:23:11What do you have?
01:23:13From the hit movie.
01:23:18Listen, Bobby.
01:23:19What we have here is the unlawful death of Sailor Stewart
01:23:23because of an involuntary homicide.
01:23:25Or a femicide, so to speak.
01:23:29Bobby, what we have here is the death of John F. Kennedy.
01:23:34A first-degree murder.
01:23:38And finally, in my backyard, so to speak,
01:23:42we have the death of Brad Bradley.
01:23:46A first-degree murder.
01:23:50You seem to be having a difficult week.
01:23:56What if I told you I could get rid of all your problems?
01:24:04And how would you do that?
01:24:07Well, let's just say there are special interests.
01:24:12There is a special interest in this case.
01:24:15And what I have to say
01:24:17is that I will never get out of here.
01:24:20I have the authority to offer you a deal.
01:24:27Without injections.
01:24:29Without spending time in jail.
01:24:31The only punishment will be six months of community work.
01:24:35And what kind of work?
01:24:38Collecting garbage on a highway.
01:24:41Working with disadvantaged teenagers.
01:24:44I don't get along with them.
01:24:45Yes, well, we'll see what we can do.
01:24:49So, if I understand correctly,
01:24:54and you're not playing with my mind,
01:24:56what does that mean for Bobby Blue Day?
01:25:04Your signature on this contract.
01:25:09An extraordinary offer of clemency.
01:25:12In exchange for your participation in his screenplay, Hijack.
01:25:25That's fabulous.
01:25:28How much participation?
01:25:30100% of all rights.
01:25:32I was looking for full rights.
01:25:36That won't happen.
01:25:38That's the deal, Bobby.
01:25:39And what will I get?
01:25:41You'll be able to walk out that door.
01:25:49Have you read Hijack?
01:25:51I'm an FD.
01:25:53A PD?
01:25:56How funny, an FD.
01:25:58Someone in the office will be reading it tonight.
01:26:01Good. When they read the script,
01:26:03it will destroy their damn minds.
01:26:10If you sign this, you're a free man.
01:26:18Bobby, you'll never get a better deal.
01:26:22And this seriously affects the integrity of the DA's office,
01:26:27but there you have it.
01:26:29And I'm leaving?
01:26:31Can we conclude this?
01:26:33Yes, of course, of course.
01:26:35Just one question.
01:26:37What is it?
01:26:39Where is he?
01:26:42Where is who?
01:26:44You know.
01:26:46You're confusing me, Mr. Day.
01:26:49What can't you stop looking?
01:26:51Excuse me?
01:26:54There's no one there.
01:26:56No, Steven wants me to sign this with all my heart.
01:26:59Why doesn't he come here and ask for it himself?
01:27:01Hey, man, it's Blue Day.
01:27:03Steven, what are you saying?
01:27:05They stole a great script, but I'm the obsessed one, right?
01:27:09Let's finish this.
01:27:11As soon as you get out of there
01:27:13and shake my hand, you little happy worm.
01:27:16Who the hell do you think you are?
01:27:18What are you doing here?
01:27:20I know you're back there.
01:27:22I know you're there.
01:27:24I can see you back there.
01:27:26Just a handshake to close the deal.
01:27:28And let's just finish this.
01:27:30I won't sign this.
01:27:32Who the hell do you think you are?
01:27:39Who the hell do you think you are?
01:27:41Who the hell do you think you are?
01:27:43Who the hell do you think you are?
01:27:45Who the hell do you think you are?
01:27:47Who the hell do you think you are?
01:27:49Who the hell do you think you are?
01:27:51Who the hell do you think you are?
01:27:53Who the hell do you think you are?
01:27:55Who the hell do you think you are?
01:27:57Who the hell do you think you are?
01:27:59Who the hell do you think you are?
01:28:01Who the hell do you think you are?
01:28:03Who the hell do you think you are?
01:28:05Who the hell do you think you are?
01:28:07Who the hell do you think you are?
01:28:09Who the hell do you think you are?
01:28:11Who the hell do you think you are?
01:28:13Who the hell do you think you are?
01:28:15Who the hell do you think you are?
01:28:17Who the hell do you think you are?
01:28:19Who the hell do you think you are?
01:28:21Who the hell do you think you are?
01:28:23Who the hell do you think you are?
01:28:25Who the hell do you think you are?
01:28:27Who the hell do you think you are?
01:28:29Who the hell do you think you are?
01:28:31Who the hell do you think you are?
01:28:33Who the hell do you think you are?
01:28:35Who the hell do you think you are?
01:28:37Who the hell do you think you are?
01:28:39Who the hell do you think you are?
01:28:41Who the hell do you think you are?
01:28:43Who the hell do you think you are?
01:28:45Who the hell do you think you are?
01:28:47Who the hell do you think you are?
01:28:49Who the hell do you think you are?
01:28:51Who the hell do you think you are?
01:28:53Who the hell do you think you are?
01:28:55Who the hell do you think you are?
01:28:57Who the hell do you think you are?
01:28:59Who the hell do you think you are?
01:29:01Who the hell do you think you are?
01:29:03Who the hell do you think you are?
01:29:05Who the hell do you think you are?
01:29:07Who the hell do you think you are?
01:29:09Who the hell do you think you are?
01:29:11Who the hell do you think you are?
01:29:13Who the hell do you think you are?
01:29:15Who the hell do you think you are?
01:29:17Who the hell do you think you are?
01:29:19Who the hell do you think you are?
01:29:21Who the hell do you think you are?
01:29:23Who the hell do you think you are?
01:29:25Who the hell do you think you are?
01:29:27Who the hell do you think you are?
01:29:29Who the hell do you think you are?
01:29:31Who the hell do you think you are?
