Bindi the Jungle Girl - Not Many Left (2007)

  • 2 weeks ago


00:00This cute little red panda is one of the most endangered animals in the world, so gentle
00:09and so vulnerable.
00:10The beautiful orangutans of Southeast Asia could be completely gone in under 10 years.
00:19Manatees, I love them, but they're endangered in the USA where there's not many left.
00:27So big and powerful and so much like us, but because of us Africa's gorillas are critically
00:35And there's more trouble in the ocean too, with the great white shark, it's now an endangered
00:42This is one of the rarest lizards in the world, and on this adventure, we're going to take
00:49you to the brink of extinction.
00:57Welcome to my tree house.
00:58I live up in the trees and I love to play.
00:59Come in.
01:00Welcome to my tree house.
01:01I live up in the trees of the jungle.
01:28Lots of animals come and go here, but some animals live with me here.
01:33Like Peru, the iguana.
01:35Hey Peru.
01:36And over here, little occa.
01:39Occa, jump.
01:41Good boy.
01:43Good boy.
01:44And over here is my favourite koala, Jaffa.
01:49Hey Jaffa.
01:51And my black headed python.
01:54Here's my favourite snake in the whole entire world.
01:58And tick the kookaburra.
02:00Hey tick.
02:02And Freddo.
02:04And over there is where my brother lives.
02:09And let's go upstairs to see my bedroom.
02:12Come on.
02:13This is my bedroom.
02:15It's where I live.
02:17This is my desk and my computer.
02:19This is also where I do my school.
02:23And these are my toys.
02:25And over here, good girl, is Diamond.
02:27She's my puppy.
02:28She's about 10 weeks old.
02:30And up here is Corny the corn snake.
02:34Come here.
02:35We sleep together.
02:37She's a common North American snake.
02:40But on this adventure, we're looking at animals around the world where there are not many left.
02:46Like the giant pandas of China.
02:50If you want to see gorgeous, lovable pandas, Hong Kong is one of the best places.
02:55They have to be one of my favourite animals.
02:58And my dad visited the Hong Kong Ocean Park for a health check on their big male named An-An.
03:06There's not many pandas left.
03:09No more than 2,000 or 3,000 throughout the world.
03:12It may be even as low as 1,600.
03:17The sound of ringing means a special treat for An-An.
03:20He knows exactly what to do every time he hears the bell.
03:24He goes straight into the check-up area and puts his arm through a gap ready for his medical.
03:32He does it to earn tasty snacks of his favourite food to keep him happy while they check pulse and blood pressure.
03:41They're worried that An-An has a toothache.
03:43So they've called Dr. Peter, one of the world's top veterinary dentists.
03:49The photos help keep a complete record of the treatment.
03:54Just like me, my dad loves pandas.
03:57And he's hoping An-An will be okay.
04:01Come on, come on, come on.
04:06There's one lower incisor that looks like it's infected.
04:10It's a minor issue, but the canines look alright.
04:13Good news, no fillings needed. That's a relief.
04:19Say hello to my pet rat, Candy.
04:22Rats are everywhere. They're one of the most common animals in the world.
04:28My dad met an animal recently that was very, very rare, the red panda.
04:33My dad went to a zoo in south-east England to see these great little animals.
04:40Port Lim wants to start a breeding program for red pandas because there are not many left in the mountain forests of Asia.
04:48This is amazing. She's come out to meet my dad even though red pandas would rather be asleep during the day.
04:56Very peaceful, aren't you?
05:04Crikey, what a gentle animal.
05:12Crikey, did you know that the loneliest animal in the world is Lonesome George?
05:18He's a giant Galapagos tortoise from Abington Island, and he's the only one of his kind in the world.
05:26Koalas have really strong arms for climbing trees, just like the orangutan,
05:31and orangutans live in Sumatra, where there's not many left.
05:36The jungles of this Indonesian island are one of the orangutan's last strongholds.
05:43This group, known as a troop, lives in the wild,
05:47and all they want from us is to stop cutting down their jungles and let them survive in peace.
05:54And even though my dad means no harm to them at all, they're not sure whether he's a threat or not.
06:01You can see that? That's a posture. That's a get away from me.
06:06And then the leader of the troop sends a very strong warning to my dad.
06:15I guess that's orangutan for get out of my jungle.
06:20Have a look at him. Have a look at this.
06:24Look at the size of his arms.
06:29He doesn't like me.
06:31That dark shape up there is a nest.
06:34Orangutans actually weave a platform of leaves high in the trees.
06:39How good is that? Just like my treehouse.
06:43And that's my dad for you. He just has to climb up, check it out for himself, and give us a closer look.
06:51And here's how he gets them to open the window so we can see who's awake.
07:00What? What was that?
07:02They're so inquisitive. Sounded like a backpack hitting the ground.
07:06Time is running out for the orangutan because the rainforests where they live are being torn down.
07:12Marjorie from New York City asked me what are the most endangered cat species?
07:22Both cheetahs and tigers are highly endangered and need our help.
07:27When people see the cheetahs at Australia Zoo, they understand how important it is that everyone supports the work that we do to save them in their African homeland.
07:39Dad's making sure our tigers have a treat too.
07:42There are only a few thousand left in the wild and they all could be gone by the time I'm old enough to drive.
07:50How sad is that?
07:56Tonka is a baby common wombat. He's only 12 months old.
08:01Wombats are the bulldozers of the bush.
08:04They have strong claws for digging and a backwards facing pouch.
08:09Come on Tonka, you're very heavy.
08:11There you go.
08:13They live underground in burrows and eat grasses, plants and roots.
08:18Their cousins, the northern hairy-nosed wombat, are disappearing fast and there's not many left, only 130.
08:26In the far south of Australia, I found wombat heaven on the island of Tasmania.
08:33Normally it is hard to see one in the wild, but this is great country for common wombats with low grasses and nice soft soil for digging.
08:42But how can they move so fast on those little stumpy legs?
08:47That is so beautiful. Where else can you see a wombat living in the wild?
08:54It's just amazing to see those things. There's so many beautiful things in nature.
09:00The secret to survival is just leaving their habitat alone.
09:08African rhinos have been hunted almost to extinction, but my dad found a few under a shady tree.
09:16This is really dangerous, but my dad understands the rhino and he's ready to move fast if he has to.
09:25I'll know where I am and we'll be just fine.
09:29You can see how all three of them have got their ears propped right towards me.
09:33And it looks like two females and a male.
09:38That snorting, that's a sign of defence, you know, she doesn't want me getting any closer.
09:46If these rhinos can be nearly two ton in weight and can run quicker than I can on this riverbed, I'll hold my ground right here.
09:54Huge great horn. There's no way known I could get this close to black rhino.
09:59The whites are really non-aggressive.
10:02These are alright.
10:05Muscular, super muscular.
10:08They can't reproduce quick enough to keep up with the rate that poachers are taking them in.
10:14Whoa, that was a scary one.
10:18And my dad's now off to Singapore to see a really successful orangutan breeding program.
10:24At Singapore Zoo, everyone loves our Meng.
10:28She's a grandmother many times over, in a program that could help save one of the world's most lovable creatures.
10:42When you get them together like this, you can see every face is individual.
10:47He is so mischievous.
10:51Now here's something else they share with people.
10:54They're ticklish.
10:56And in the same place as we are.
11:06They love being touched.
11:09And they laugh and roll around just like us.
11:16Meet my friend Wendy.
11:18She's a Loma Python, one of the most endangered snakes in Australia.
11:23She is totally harmless to me, but she can actually eat venomous snakes.
11:29She has a hundred small sharp teeth.
11:32But look at her cute little face with those gorgeous eyebrows.
11:36Unfortunately, there's not many left because they are losing habitat fast.
11:46Did you know that 10% of all whales are on the endangered species list?
11:52There's my friend Corny the Corn Snake.
11:57Seisei is an iguana from Fiji.
12:00And where he comes from, there's not many left.
12:03A while ago, he got very sick and Dr. John Albert had to save him.
12:09Thankfully, he's okay now because he's very rare.
12:15Fiji-encrusted iguanas are critically endangered.
12:19So it's a big alert when there's a serious health problem
12:22with one of the last survivors of a vanishing species.
12:27Check out the size of that lump.
12:29It's blocking up his insides and it's got to come out now.
12:33This rare little lizard will die if we don't take it out.
12:38And here at Australia Zoo, we'll do anything to make sure he lives.
12:42When Dr. John's finished, that huge lump is even bigger than it looked on the x-ray.
12:48It would certainly be life-threatening if we hadn't removed it.
12:52Dr. John saves so many animals and he's done a great job
12:56putting our precious Fijian iguana back to good health.
13:00But my dad knows the job's not over yet.
13:03Because reptiles can't control their own body temperature,
13:08he will recover inside a humidor crib designed for human babies.
13:14And in no time at all, our Fijian-encrusted iguana
13:17is back to eating his favourite bugs, plants and hibiscus flowers.
13:22And then he became a proud dad.
13:25Come on. Look at your little yellow nose, just like your dad.
13:29Just like their dad. Look at that. Have a go at that.
13:33Is that glorious or what?
13:36By saving just one lizard, we're helping the species.
13:44You can guarantee to attract a tiger by putting out a saucer of milk.
13:50Here, kitty, kitty.
13:56This is a dugong. It's from Australia.
13:59Now, dugongs are related to manatees and manatees live in North America.
14:05And over here is a skull of a dugong.
14:09And it's a really weird kind of shape.
14:12Manatees can weigh up to 3,000 pounds.
14:16And their biggest problem is people.
14:19You see, people sometimes accidentally hit them with their boat
14:23because they're in the sea and some people actually haunt them,
14:27which is so sad.
14:29My daddy got to swim with manatees in North America,
14:34but there's not many left.
14:36This is a perfect habitat for manatees
14:39in the warm waters of the Gulf of Mexico.
14:42Hey, how's this? It's a manatee.
14:44Just zipping around over here.
14:46They graze on seagrass
14:48and surface for a gulp of air every four minutes or so.
14:52They're really gentle creatures and my dad's keeping up
14:56so they're not fast like a shark.
14:59When a manatee turns that big, strong back,
15:03it can do nearly anything in the wild that can hurt him.
15:06But it doesn't work against their real enemy.
15:09They keep getting hit by humans in boats and barges.
15:15Did you know that some species of sharks,
15:18like these great white, are in a lot of trouble?
15:21Their numbers are down and in some countries they're now protected.
15:27We have to take care of all sharks if we want to save them for the future.
15:32South Africa is a prime spot for great whites
15:35and my dad's going into their territory.
15:42Talk about teeth. Have a go at the size of them.
15:49The great white is now protected in many parts of the world,
15:53but they're still under huge pressure
15:56and they're in danger of being wiped out.
16:00My dad's getting some incredible shots,
16:02but don't lean out too far, Dad.
16:05The big threats are fishing for souvenirs,
16:08their jaws and teeth, and then there's finning.
16:11Finning is just terrible.
16:14Sharks have their fins and tails cut off to make soup
16:17and the rest of them is thrown away.
16:22For another endangered shark,
16:24we're off to a secret location on the Australian east coast.
16:29The Australian grey nurse is nearly as big as the great white shark,
16:33but they are so different.
16:37They're one of the most harmless fish in the sea,
16:40but they've been hunted to the brink of extinction.
16:44These Australian grey nurse sharks are now protected by conservation laws.
16:49Let's hope it'll be enough to save them,
16:52because there aren't many left.
16:56Wildlife needs our help,
16:58become a wildlife warrior like Mike Crossman.
17:01We're the guys who answer nature's call.
17:10Defending those who swim, jump, fly and crawl.
17:20We pledge an oath, here's what we say.
17:24Truth, justice and the animal way.
17:28We're gonna save the world without wearing tights.
17:33We'll fight the human wrongs for animal rights.
17:37We're the young kid crusaders, against wildlife invaders.
17:42We're the C-R-O-C-M-E-N.
17:47The enthusiastic fall that nature excites.
17:52We're known across the world as sea Jedi knights.
17:56We're earth liberators, fighting poachers and traitors.
18:01We're the C-R-O-C-M-E-N.
18:08We're the C-R-O-C-M-E-N.
18:12Croc Men.
18:15Apes can climb and swing on vines,
18:18but mostly the gorillas of Africa
18:21spend their time foraging for food on the ground.
18:28Gorilla numbers are down and they need our help before it's too late.
18:35My dad's heading back to the UK
18:38to look at an amazing conservation project.
18:42Male gorillas are incredibly powerful
18:45and they can be aggressive,
18:47especially a big silverback who rules over an extended family.
18:52So my dad needs to keep his distance.
18:55He's just buff.
18:58But the girls, that's another story.
19:01The females can be very loving.
19:04Her name is Emmy and she's got a crush on my dad.
19:09Her name is Emmy and she's got a crush on my dad.
19:13Feeding each other is one way gorillas bond with each other.
19:17And Emmy is making sure my dad actually chews and swallows
19:22the food that she puts in his mouth.
19:25All gone? Good boy.
19:28And sometimes they're so much like us,
19:31gorillas love hugs.
19:33There aren't many places in the world
19:37where someone can go one-on-one with a gorilla like this.
19:40Emmy's loving it and so is my dad.
19:43And just to be sure, is there any food hiding in there?
19:48The play can seem a bit rough
19:51because people, even my dad, aren't as tough as gorillas.
19:55At Port Lim Sister Zoo Howlitz,
19:58there's a breeding program that's putting gorillas back in the wild.
20:03And these young ones will be forming a new family in Africa.
20:07But all they want to do is play games with my dad.
20:11After getting to know him better...
20:13Have a go at this.
20:15These are the gorillas that Damien's got prepped up
20:18ready to go back to Gabon.
20:20Crikey, I feel like I'm their big brother.
20:23The gorillas here live in family groups just like in the wild.
20:27And they've accepted my dad.
20:29Hear the growling?
20:31Dad's doing it too,
20:33because in gorilla speak, that means let's be friends.
20:39How is that?
20:41Have a go at this.
20:43It's the highlight of my life.
20:45The seven little ones in this group
20:47will join a clan of 17 other gorillas
20:50that have already been moved to the Gabon in Central Africa.
20:54You are so bad.
20:59Time to move.
21:01And tranquilizers make them relaxed and sleepy
21:04so they don't get stressed on the flight to Africa.
21:09For the zoo family, it's a sad goodbye.
21:12But this is really a great day for conservation.
21:16The gorillas already released are doing really well.
21:19It's one of the most amazing wildlife programs ever,
21:23making up for some of the horrible things people have done
21:28by hunting them and destroying their homes.
21:30There's a big yawn. Isn't that beautiful?
21:36Soon after they arrived,
21:38we got some photos from their new home in Africa.
21:41These brave little gorillas are a great message to all of us.
21:45And that is we can make a difference if we just try.
21:52If we don't look after their habitat,
21:55we'll lose all our animals,
21:57like my friend Wendy the Wormer Python.
21:59Every day, the numbers of many animals are declining.
22:02Some species may become extinct even in our lifetime.
22:06We all need to do whatever we can to ensure their survival.
22:10I love our wildlife.
22:12Help me keep it forever.
22:14See you next time for more Fun in the Jungle.
