The Wiggles Wigglehouse Segment: Spooked Wiggles (1998)

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Season 1 (1997-1998)


00:00And that was the Creepy, Spooky, and Scary Show.
00:06If you're brave enough to stay tuned, prepare to be frightened out of your wits by the Late Night Monster Show.
00:12But if not, good night, and pleasant dreams.
00:27Well, that's enough of that.
00:29That was scary.
00:33It's really dark in here.
00:35Let's turn on the light.
00:40Can we please have the lights on?
00:50Who goes there?
00:52It's us, Dor. Dorothy the Dinosaur and Captain Feathersword the Friendly Pirate.
00:58The Captain has brought me over to say a special hello to the Wiggles.
01:02Likely story.
01:05Anyway, you're too late.
01:08The lights are out in Wiggle House, and I'm very tired.
01:14I've been opening and closing all day, you know.
01:19But, Dor, I...
01:21Who goes there?
01:24Oh, it's me, Dor, Captain Feathersword the Friendly Pirate.
01:28Likely story.
01:31I'm afraid I need my sleep.
01:34If you want to get into the house, you'll have to go around the back.
01:41Good night.
01:45I think I can see the Wiggles.
01:47Let's go around the back and give them a nice surprise.
01:55You go.
01:56No, you go.
01:58No, you go.
02:00Anthony, you're the closest to the light switch.
02:02Oh, but...
02:19That's right, I am a monster.
02:22This is silly.
02:26Well, there's no way through down that side, Dorothy, me young dinosaur friend.
02:30We should try this way, I think.
02:37What was that?
02:38What was what?
02:45Oh, it's nothing. You're all being silly.
02:47Now, let's turn on the light.
02:53Come on, we can all do it together.
03:04There, that's better, isn't it?
03:10Is there really a monster outside?
03:13Will Wiggles discover Captain Feathersword and Dorothy the Dinosaur outside?
03:17Are they too spooked to know the difference?
03:20It's only us. You should have seen your face, Anthony, you sure were frightened.
03:25No, I wasn't, but I'm sure there was a monster outside.
03:29Anthony, it's just me, Geoff.
03:32Come on, Anthony, you know the televisions only make believe.
03:35There's nothing to be scared of.
03:37Now, where did you think you saw this monster?
03:39Over there, at the window.
03:43See, there's nothing there.
03:50Wiggles, Wiggles.
03:52What is it, Murray?
03:54I think I saw a monster.
03:56No, two monsters.
03:59Stop this, there's no such thing as monsters.
04:02What was that?
04:03What was what?
04:05See, I told you I saw something. I told you I saw something.
04:08I think we should turn the light off and hide.
04:18It's the monster. I think there's two of them.
04:23Quick, let's make a break for it. It's our only chance.
04:26I don't think so.
04:28I don't think so.
04:30I don't think so.
04:32I don't think so.
04:34I don't think so.
04:36Quick, let's make a break for it. It's our only hope, I think.
04:39All right, get ready. One, two, three, go.
04:47Help, the monster's got me.
04:50Me too.
04:54Be careful, there's monsters out there somewhere.
04:57Oh, R. Anthony, there are no monsters.
04:59That was just Dorothy the dinosaur that bumped into you.
05:02What about the monsters outside? I saw them.
05:05Oh, no, that was just little old Dorothy and myself.
05:08We went to the front door, but he wouldn't let us in,
05:10so we walked around the back.
05:12So it was just you, Captain Feathersword,
05:14and Dorothy the dinosaur all along?
05:16Just us.
05:17See, I told you there were no monsters.
05:20Well, why were you running then?
05:22Well, I... I just wanted to make sure.
05:25Anyway, it doesn't matter now.
05:27Let's have a nice cold drink of milk.
05:30Oh, where am I?
05:33Oh, the monster. I wonder if it's gone.
05:37It sounds safe enough.
05:43The monster! Wiggles! The monster's back!
05:49Hello? Anyone home?
