The Crocodile Hunter Diaries - Raiding Mary’s Crocodile Eggs (1992/2002)

  • 2 weeks ago


00:00My favorite memory of Mary happened way back when I first came to Australia.
00:08Steve decided to show me all about raiding a female crocodile's nest.
00:14Now, of all the crocs he could have picked,
00:16he decided to choose the largest, most ferocious, tenacious mother in the entire zoo.
00:23Mary would fairly fly off that nest defending it.
00:27So Steve would have Mary attack him while I had to sneak in and remove the eggs,
00:33careful not to tip any of them.
00:36Now, while all this was going on, the male crocodile was buying into it as well.
00:41So this had to be one of my most special and scary memories.
00:46Watch this.
00:48Scary. 1992.
00:51Mary in her prime, not even a Tyrannosaurus rex would have tried to get Mary's eggs.
00:58Not a hope.
01:02So defensive, her maternal instinct so strong, she would defend her nest with her life.
01:11And she's one big shield.
01:15Big head, big teeth, big power.
01:20Now that I've got Mary's attention, or maybe not.
01:26Come on, Mary.
01:28Look at young Steve-O back in 1992.
01:36Now I think I've got her attention.
01:38Come on, Mary.
01:42Come on, dinosaur mummy.
01:48She's a funny girl, that Mary.
01:52Listen to her.
01:54Oh gosh, she's a good mum.
02:01Every year, the greatest battle we ever had was trying to get this mum's eggs.
02:11No, I'm a dinosaur and I'm guarding my eggs.
02:15Get away with your silly bucket.
02:18Have a look at that for a head.
02:20What a wild looking sheila.
02:23It's okay, it's okay, sweetheart.
02:25Don't push it, Phil.
02:27Here we go.
02:29Okay, Terry, get them.
02:38Terry has to carefully place each of the eggs in a bucket
02:41so as they don't tip one way or the other or the embryos will drown in the fluid.
02:52She's got them.
02:56You're a good girl.
02:58Out, Terry. Go, mate, go.
02:59Look at that, a bucket full.
03:01She's a dinosaur mum.
03:05Good work, sweetheart.
