The Wiggles Wigglehouse Segment: Foodman (1998)

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Season 1 (1997-1998)


00:00One for him, and one for Chad.
00:05Murray, could you please hurry? I'm very hungry.
00:08Greg, there's no hurry. Anthony isn't here yet.
00:11That's the whole point. When Anthony is around, we never get enough to eat because he eats so much.
00:16This is a good chance for us to have a meal without Anthony eating all our food.
00:20What's Anthony doing?
00:22He's watching his favourite superhero television show.
00:26We'll call him after I've finished serving dinner. Now, who was it?
00:30Yes, Police Commissioner. The city is back to normal and pleased.
00:35There's no need to thank me. I'm just doing my superhero job.
00:40It's an honour for me to work for the good people of this fine city.
00:44To make it a safe and happy place for all.
00:47Farewell, citizens. I must be on my way.
00:51There are more good deeds to be done.
00:54Gee, a superhero. Do you think I look like a superhero?
00:59Maybe Apple Boy or Fruit Salad Man.
01:04I love food.
01:06That's it. I'm Food Man.
01:10And seven for you, and seven for him.
01:15Hello, citizens.
01:18Citizens? What's that all about?
01:22Anthony's acting really strangely.
01:25Now, where was I?
01:27I've lost count. I'm going to have to start again.
01:31This is taking all night, Murray. Could we please speed it up?
01:34Peas. Good choice, Citizen Murray.
01:39Anthony, what's going on here?
01:42Citizen Greg, I'm just making sure the food you eat is good for you.
01:49Why? Because.
01:57I'm Food Man.
02:00Food Man?
02:03That's right. Food Man.
02:05Able to eat tall sandwiches with a single bite.
02:08Faster to the table than a speeding train.
02:11I'm Food Man, the hungry hero.
02:20Will Food Man save the day?
02:23Do the Wiggles need saving?
02:26If not, can he save himself?
02:33I must test this. You never can be too sure.
02:36Hey, Anthony, that's my...
02:38Bread? Just as I suspected.
02:41Fine texture. Elegant presentation.
02:44OK, serve it up.
02:46Hi, Jeff. Hi, Murray. Hi, Greg.
02:48Hi, Dorothy. Hi, Anthony.
02:50Just one minute, young dinosaur.
02:52What have you got there?
02:54It's a special cake. Yummy for my tummy, Anthony.
02:57Yummy for my tummy.
02:59That may be so, but you don't intend to eat the whole thing, do you?
03:02Well, I...
03:04Just one slice, that's all, especially now.
03:07It's getting late. Oh, Anthony.
03:09I'm sorry, Dorothy, but one slice will do you.
03:12And that's all. Here we go.
03:14One slice, a little slice.
03:16Off you go, little dinosaur.
03:18All right, if you say so.
03:21Eight for me.
03:23And nine.
03:26Forget it, Murray. I'm not hungry any more.
03:29But the food's gone cold.
03:31Let me check it for you.
03:36Correct, Greg. The food is cold.
03:40I suggest reheating.
03:42Oh, now look what's happened. I'll have to start again.
03:45Oh, I can't stand this. I'm off to my room.
03:48But, Greg? Greg?
03:52Being a superhero is tough work.
03:54It makes me hungry, too.
03:57I'll be doing Dorothy a favour.
03:59If I eat this, then she won't be tempted.
04:06Mmm. Very good.
04:10Mmm. Very good.
04:27What a fantastic place.
04:29Yippee! I must be dreaming.
04:32I am, but who cares?
04:34All this yummy food.
04:39And what do you think you're doing?
04:42Ma, who? Who are you?
04:44Hey! You're me!
04:46Ha! I don't think so.
04:48Food men eat sensibly. Look at you.
04:50You'll get a tummy ache from all that rich cake.
04:53Mmm. I think you're right.
04:55My tummy aches.
04:59Oh, my tummy hurts.
05:02Anthony! Anthony! Wake up!
05:04You were having a bad dream, Anthony.
05:06It was a terrible dream, Murray.
05:08It made my tummy hurt.
05:10I don't think it was the dream that upset your stomach.
05:13Oh, I only ate it so Dorothy wouldn't be tempted to eat too much.
05:17You ate the whole thing.
05:19I don't think you're much of a superhero, Anthony.
05:21Maybe you're right, but I've learnt my lesson.
05:24It's not too good to eat too much of...
05:26What kind of cake was that?
05:28Rose petal cream cake.
05:30Rose petal cream cake.
05:32Do you mean that cake was made of roses?
05:35My favourite food.
