• last year
A special military unit is sent to protect a democratically elected president from a fanatical military dictator.
00:03:54One minute 38
00:03:59Getting old Harris we can do better. What's your excuse? No excuses. We're slow mental energy is weak
00:04:07Nice, what the hell are you doing?
00:04:10Controlling my brainwaves you'd be better off if you had brainwaves
00:04:16What about you flyboy you got anything to say well sir, I thought we did pretty good pretty good just isn't good enough kid
00:04:30A football game, that's just three things that can happen to a forward pass and two of them are bad
00:04:36And our business is just one thing that can happen when you're pretty good
00:04:44You won't live long enough to find out what it is
00:04:55Various of the West threaten us
00:05:01American president sends a six-fleet into our waters
00:05:11Because of the other people will not be stopped
00:05:17Army of 10 million
00:05:28In the White House
00:05:32We will bomb their buildings we will kill them
00:05:46We're gonna nail that bastard now I
00:05:53Don't care how just do it
00:06:53Saw him Alec
00:07:04But he's not in the palace
00:07:05No, he's in the tent this way
00:07:18We have made great progress in eliminating our enemies, but the SAR
00:07:25Eludes us
00:07:27Sorry, I'll bite us up
00:07:35Sally I'm sorry to give you ending
00:07:39My friend you are not well
00:07:42My doctor agrees with you, but I had to deliver these documents personally you've done very well
00:07:48Leave them and go home to your bed
00:07:52We must tread very carefully you must not store up the people
00:07:57Did sir southern provinces are infiltrated with Kassar sympathizers and they have the ear of the foreign press
00:08:06Truly, we cannot afford to antagonize our allies in Asia
00:08:12Perhaps you could make it appear that
00:08:16Kassar is betrayed by his own men
00:08:19Salim I
00:08:22Know what is really wrong with you
00:08:28You work too hard I'll arrange a vacation. Thank you, sir
00:08:48We must wait for the right time then
00:08:53We strike
00:08:56When Kassar is eliminated
00:09:00Then the fate of the Arab peoples will be in my hand
00:09:30Won't bother
00:10:11Doing this force tell them to let me through
00:11:21Was plotting against me no more
00:11:25Amish Kassar must die. Yes
00:11:32Intercept code retroactive access file number Oscar one seven four niner slash Delta
00:11:38Kassar talks of peace while sending spies to kill me
00:11:42He has failed
00:11:46Now he must pay I will send my death squads I will eliminate the traitor
00:12:05We get Kassar into this now we have to protect him my men are standing by in Europe
00:12:12very well
00:12:14Get them into position. I'll leave tonight
00:13:10Mean that martial arts stuff sure makes it happen. Don't you damn straight?
00:13:20One karate chop and all the bad guys drop
00:13:56Maniac you see me on a good day. Come on. Knock it off. I need you alive. Yeah, I love you too boss
00:14:03What's Colby got? Hey
00:14:05Now I know something's about to jump off you bet your ass you guys ready to pick some serious, but
00:14:13I'm ready. I use when these suckers in so long. I nearly forgot how look for all your equipment
00:14:21Sense of humor. I like that fly boy. Yeah. Okay, you clowns cut the crap
00:14:28Keeping out of trouble till now, but we're looking for some
00:14:32Harris you and these three screw-ups that I've wasted my time on I've got what you might call
00:14:38Special assignment sounds downright official to me. No
00:14:43Officially nothing's going down. This conversation isn't even taking place. You got it
00:14:48Sounds like somebody's about to graduate to a higher astral plane speak English. Well, yeah
00:14:53You mean somebody's gonna buy it, right? You better. Hope not
00:14:58Your job is to keep that somebody alive
00:15:02Somebody with a list of enemies as long as your arm
00:15:05Somebody that needs the kind of protection that only we can provide
00:15:10You're up to that hot shots
00:15:16Problem I hope so
00:15:30I must accept their protection. I have no choice. Does he really believe you try to assassinate doesn't matter
00:15:37Now they can start up the people against me and justify my murder he will not kill you Kassar. I don't think so
00:15:43I wouldn't give him that satisfaction
00:15:46Is he Gamal? I?
00:15:48Consider myself an open-minded man
00:15:58Morning dad
00:16:00The police just called they want you to cancel your speech
00:16:08Safer to say nothing
00:16:10But do you expect they don't want to risk any trouble. You didn't marry a man who shrinks from risk. I know
00:16:18But take care of yourself. You're gonna give that speech daddy. You know, I do what I set out to do
00:16:25So the chief of police to see you the police this is never good news the fun is over
00:16:46Chief Rodriguez, dr. Kazan, so what are the plans?
00:16:51Our first priority is your own security the speech is the first priority
00:16:57Possibly you could postpone it for a few days. I'm afraid I cannot you could try a small auditorium on some other Island
00:17:05out of the question
00:17:06You had better believe him, sir
00:17:09Chief Rodriguez, are you or are you not going to permit me to speak? I
00:17:14Can't stop you
00:17:16You're most reasonable you see things my way
00:17:21Come on Diaz, I've got to get to the airport
00:17:24You know
00:17:26This was a very quiet island till you showed up. I'm happy to have put some excitement in your life
00:17:38He seemed sure there will be trouble maybe he's right we can't stop now
00:18:37Man back to the earth. How are you doing? How was your flight?
00:19:17Watch it
00:19:20Watch it
00:19:55Minutes you're here five minutes and already someone's dead new record
00:20:42Got a place just like this back home
00:20:44You're dreaming again Sutherland and there's chills and thrills up on this hill and we're down by law. It just don't get cute
00:20:50That's enough man. I had my fill and that's for real
00:20:54Your bodyguards
00:20:56You come highly recommended. May I introduce my son and
00:21:02My wife Roxanna, ma'am. It's a pleasure pleasure is mine
00:21:53Anyway, it's good to see you again. You're looking good
00:21:56How's my uncle he will not rest until the traitor is brought to judgment
00:22:01Naturally, that's why you are here. Not I alone
00:22:09I see
00:22:11The enemies of our evolution a thorn in our side, so we must act quickly
00:22:17How will you do it?
00:22:19Cassar will begin his speech on earth and finish it in hell
00:22:23Have you thought about the police you forget I am an expert in such matters
00:22:28Everything has been taken care of
00:22:31Even this
00:22:35Take a good look at them
00:22:37American protection
00:22:39They arrived here this afternoon
00:22:43A pity I had intended to kill only one man
00:23:03All right, let's rock and roll
00:25:05My friends
00:25:07My fellow exiles and my fellow fighters in the cause of freedom
00:25:15There is a disease in our country a disease caused not by nature
00:25:20But by men and only through the actions of men. Can it be removed?
00:25:28This disease is known as
00:25:33It is my people's destiny to be free as it is the destiny of all peoples everywhere
00:25:50Those of us who enjoy freedom must find the courage to speak out
00:25:55On behalf of those who do not the innocent men women and children
00:25:59Sacrificed every day. We must speak out for them
00:26:05Victims to a cause which will not die
00:26:11Of the human spirit
00:26:24Our people despise the tyrant who appointed himself dictator
00:26:30We were victorious
00:26:33And what was the tyrants response
00:26:36to impose a state of emergency
00:26:39Declare martial law and to crush our movement by threatening us with death. That is the madman
00:27:24Don't hurt me
00:28:23Stay you cover
00:28:26Help is coming
00:28:40Watch out
00:29:45Don't want to get mugged
00:29:52I'm gonna regret this but you are a free man. I was trying to like it in here
00:29:57By the way, how's bizarre multiple wounds? He's at the hospital
00:30:01He'll be a nice target
00:30:26Guys see any dangerous nurses
00:31:08Guess visiting hours are over
00:31:11Hey boss
00:31:13Suppose you're here to relieve me. Why you've got the cushy job. It's too cushy. I want to see some real action. Yeah
00:31:20Keep your eyes open and you'll see plenty
00:31:23See you later aviator
00:31:49It's too early to say
00:32:05It's gonna be all right Disney it's going to be fine
00:32:13You're fine
00:32:29This is the man I told you about come in Amish a
00:32:37Thousand apologies next time I will not fail I understand
00:32:44My uncle understands
00:32:46Have you spoken to him? Naturally and he has instructed me to reward you for your efforts
00:32:53Our leader is merciful
00:33:07As our leader says
00:33:10Success is only assured
00:33:12The reward of failure is death
00:34:12Hold it. I am dr. Penelope. I'm gonna have to see some ID
00:34:28You do
00:34:42Get ready just a room with the guard
00:36:07Czar is okay
00:36:09This one isn't a fair trade-off
00:36:28How do you feel we owe you our deepest gratitude
00:36:34Just doing our job. Thank you for doing it
00:36:40Forget it
00:36:52You had better rest
00:36:57If I die you won't I respect your powers of prophecy
00:37:02The radar you have in there somewhere is almost infallible
00:37:07I know but just in case it goes wrong and something happens
00:37:13Promise you will carry on the struggle
00:37:17I could not do otherwise
00:37:40Nick this is an emergency. I've got to clear him
00:37:45Ballot here
00:37:51It's guys ethnic type
00:37:53He's a white boy
00:37:55You sure he's not Arab. He's paler than you but not as ugly
00:38:01I guess he was he'd be coming in for plastic surgery, right?
00:38:21What do we have here damn luck I slipped I was on my way to the doctor's office
00:38:27He's gonna change my cast good gas
00:38:32Now I'll have two of them
00:38:46We're gonna have to check that bag Bubba
00:39:09What do you need with these man
00:39:11to cut the cast
00:39:13You know a Japanese sensei can heal a busted leg
00:39:16Just like that. Oh anesthesia nothing
00:39:20Remind me never to go skiing in Tokyo, please. I'm in a hurry. Yeah. Yeah, we get paid by the hour
00:39:37Dr. Newman, yes, come in go down on the front desk when you're ready to leave
00:40:05Was here what's the word a pretty slow day
00:40:09pregnant woman
00:40:11kid with a sprained wrist
00:40:27Careful with that blows straight to hell
00:40:34Doctor tell me about the patient with a broken leg. Yes. It's like that are common the patient gets a cussed on one leg
00:40:40Falls and hold it
00:40:42The guy you already had a cast. Yes. I thought that come on
00:40:47Bad vibes start to sound like Nash
00:41:11Hear you big daddy
00:41:57Like it's a matter like
00:42:33Which floor is your siren
00:42:36Which floor right? What do you mean? You can't hear look you just stay here. All right boss
00:42:41The guy out here says he's lost contact with the cops
00:42:44Let's move
00:45:47It's not my day
00:46:15There's a bomb the elevator shaft working on it
00:46:46Boss get the hell out of here
00:46:51Not a chance, okay flyboy tell me which one to cut blue or yellow
00:47:00Lose my favorite color
00:47:11I owe you what my boy big deal boss
00:47:17Don't get yourself my favorite colors. Yeah
00:47:28How many times will they try
00:47:30They will try until they succeed and since no man can escape his destiny. So I'm told he can postpone it
00:47:38What do you have in mind? They can't hit a target. They can't find
00:47:41Can he be moved?
00:47:43perhaps tomorrow
00:47:51We go now
00:47:53We go now
00:48:03This is Nash, I got a beat on three of course down in the parking lot you copy I just spotted one on the east side, too
00:48:27Can us busy in a bumblebee in a bucket. It's our I know
00:48:31They got a fleet of cars watching the place. I'm so I better call it off the longer Casar stays here the less chance he's got
00:48:39Get the troops. We're going now
00:48:42Come on
00:49:20What's happening a sign of activity here
00:49:29Mean a lot nice
00:49:50An ambulance is living with an American car one to follow, okay
00:50:29American also
00:50:31car to follow
00:51:01Car three follow
00:51:33Another vehicle is living we are gonna follow it
00:53:15Sunday drivers
00:53:41Follow that van
00:54:32Buenos dia
00:54:33Can I help you commissioner?
00:54:36What a surprise
00:54:38Sorry for the inconvenience
00:54:40No need to apologize. I will still get to my destination
00:54:44Sooner than you think don't count on it. The road ahead could be a dead end. Oh, it will be
00:54:51for one of us
00:55:01We have just learned that dr
00:55:03Momar Casar target of several assassination attempts has left Ibiza and is on his way to asylum in the United States
00:55:10The report has not yet been officially confirmed by the State Department
00:55:14But a spokesman said yesterday never believe this is insane
00:55:44What the hell's going on Washington?
00:55:46It's all in there. We got Casar into this and we got to get him out
00:55:50The only way we can get him out is to blow curse head off. I want that job. No way
00:55:56They'll never authorize that well screw them. I'm sick and tired of sneaking around getting let up my ass
00:56:00That's what you get paid for and you ought to be used to it by now
00:56:04We've got to keep Casar and his family safe
00:56:08Besides wife has gotten all the ideas. She's making a speech to her
00:56:13She's too big a target
00:56:16You got to stop her from making that speech
00:56:22Bad chance
00:56:46The news is good
00:56:50Casar escaped us, but has been severely injured
00:56:57Total incompetent calm down uncle we have time
00:57:02Casar is still on the island
00:57:05They wouldn't risk moving him so soon, but you do not know where he is. We don't need to
00:57:10He will come to us of his own free will
00:57:18Do what you have to do, but do not fail me
00:57:34Our country there are still many who believe that women should not be active in politics
00:57:40That like children we are best seen and not heard
00:57:46But I hope that in the coming revolution
00:57:50Women will cast off their veils and their vows of silence and fight in the front lines to win the
00:57:57Freedom of their husbands and children and friends the freedom of a nation enslaved
00:58:04So long as one single man or woman is denied this separate right to seek happiness
00:58:13To be free
00:59:21You know what Confucius would say about this
00:59:25I'm just I'm just dying to know
00:59:29Yes, sir. I saw him and Roxana. Yes, sir. When this afternoon
00:59:39It's my fault I blew it
00:59:41No excuses. Hey, man, I was bad, too
00:59:44Guess we can't leave you guys alone for a minute, huh? I guess you could come on guys
00:59:48Got work to do
00:59:54Cora says Roxana Hassan will be released alive only if you accept his invitation what invitation?
01:00:03Word has reached me of unrest within our great nation a
01:00:08Ruler must never lose the trust of his peoples
01:00:12Today my people ask for a change
01:00:16Very well
01:00:18My people called for the return of Kesar to his rightful home and I answer
01:00:26Let him come
01:00:28To rule as my equal
01:00:32Kesar you and I will lead our people to new heights
01:00:41I will go kill you before you even get off the plane
01:00:46You're talking suicide
01:00:49You won't live to see Ramadan
01:00:52Nobody's going anywhere sir. Do you remember Aquino? I remember him. I also remember that death
01:00:59Was the end of Marco
01:01:08My son and my wife
01:01:10But at the mercy of a madman, I must go and face him and try to manipulate him if I can
01:01:17Just give me 24 hours to find a better way
01:01:20What better way?
01:01:21Leave it up to me
01:01:24Yes, any attempt to rescue one will result in death of the other
01:01:34Let the side talk to them. I like your impatience. Here's the boy. Hello. Hello
01:01:46Are you all right? Don't do it. Daddy. Don't do it. You do what you set out to do like always
01:01:51All right, Hassan
01:01:55Like father like son
01:01:58rebellious to the end
01:01:59What about the size wife as I told you?
01:02:03She's housed separately
01:02:05Of course, I'll put you in touch with her. But for every day Kasar delays
01:02:10One of his followers will die. Don't do it Cora. I'm sorry my friend
01:02:15But the road ahead is going to be far more dangerous than you had imagined
01:02:20My point
01:02:22Emma's Gamal will die precisely in one minute
01:03:04Stand by
01:03:06Try anything and you are dead this time
01:03:11Roxanna have they harmed you? No, I'm alright
01:03:15What about Hassan it's fine he's a brave boy, yes, I know like you
01:03:22But if anything does happen
01:03:25Promise me you will carry on the struggle. That's enough
01:03:31Roxanna you got a trace
01:03:34Something weird in the background
01:03:36Work faster
01:03:47Was got his own private army protecting his headquarters. They've got infrared detectors all around the perimeter. I see
01:03:55Possibly the 200 meter sheer
01:04:01Then we do it that way
01:04:04Stop your grin and drop your linen
01:04:07Got what funny man, but noise on the tape
01:04:11Had to boost your sucker to the max filter out all the other crap and then I got it
01:04:17What waves man slapping against her? Huh?
01:04:21You mean she's on a boat
01:04:24Give that man a cigar
01:04:27All right, fly boy time to earn your wings
01:04:53That's chorus place
01:05:01What is your location box for
01:05:11Let's check out that yacht
01:05:19My voice got something
01:05:36What the hell's going on Fox for
01:05:41Mission accomplished
01:05:45Yeah fly boys straight home and make it quick
01:05:55That's a nine millimeter Italian lab rat
01:06:13Was a party
01:06:15We go since we ready. I ain't got a thing to wear
01:06:19You go at dawn
01:06:22Ready or not
01:06:30This is the big game
01:06:46Send me
01:06:51Hey Nash you brain or what meditating
01:06:56May the force be with you. Oh
01:07:00Ballard sometimes you got a serious attitude problem
01:07:07Okay, man 20 minutes suit up, let's go
01:07:19Both of our teams have to strike at the same sack or it's death for both hostages
01:07:26Showtime is in exactly three hours
01:07:36Communications or go sorry
01:07:40Remember now this time it's for real
01:07:47Just the way we like it
01:08:53Regis said sheer cliff. He wasn't kidding. You sure it was 200 meters
01:09:30We're gonna have to go down here ain't no elevator man
01:11:49It's still early one of us better take a closer look by one of us I guess that means you
01:11:58Hey, don't worry I'll be covering your ass
01:13:12Spore I'm guards on deck. Looks like we're gonna have some fun
01:14:03Hey going on over there
01:14:15Sweet dreams
01:15:10Don't like
01:15:16You know, I'm losing karma points for this let's go
01:15:54Would fear you're getting slow Harris
01:18:02Got a target shots. I wouldn't miss for a million bucks
01:18:15It's number four I got them all
01:18:32Are you okay?
01:18:39Can you hear me man, right
01:18:46Fox three to group
01:18:48God, why did okay?
01:18:51Southerners hurt
01:18:53Help is coming
01:19:00And Hassan I think by now you should know you can trust us
01:19:39Can you walk just get the bastard
01:21:07Fun's over creep
01:21:22Run quick the police are outside
01:21:30Don't give me
01:21:48Roger I'm on a scale
01:22:06Keep your eyes open
01:22:19Don't want to harm the child drop your weapon right now
01:22:43It's okay
01:22:54Five seconds too late five seconds too early
01:23:09Hey guys
01:23:12What's up, man
01:23:19Hey, you know just goofing off it looks like what the hell are you doing in this sack anyway?
01:23:28Come on you with a nurse I
01:23:31Bet you did
01:24:10He's finally got to see
01:24:41Now an update on the situation in the Republic of North Africa
01:24:45The recent heavy losses of human life and materials has resulted in massive desertions from the military
01:24:51The very people responsible for putting the dictator in power are turning against him and joining in the people's demand for freedom
01:24:58The dictator his government falling to pieces around him fled to his deserted palace accompanied only by his personal guard a light
01:25:07Military combat unit surrounded the palace to prevent the dictator from leaving as the situation grew ever more dangerous
01:25:14It was agreed that the dictator would be allowed to leave the country. He was escorted to the southern border by the military police
01:25:22The country's airports have been closed since the revolution that has swept the capital
01:25:27The citizens of the Republic of North Africa gathered in the street and in the Capitol Plaza
01:25:32Joyfully celebrating the return of their Democratic president in everyone's heart and on everyone's lips a single word
01:25:44We owe you a debt that can never be repaid
01:25:48Well, we're just doing our job doing your job I know now I have a job to do I must return to my country
01:25:56The revolution is on the government's days
01:26:01Take care
01:26:18We leave in five minutes pull her out of here
01:26:32See you in the next life fly boy
01:26:36You really believe in that stuff don't you it's got to believe in something
01:26:42Believe I've done enough of this thinking
01:26:45Now it's time to do some serious drink. I heard that
01:27:57You know Vince
01:27:59Cuz I was gonna need a new buddy guard
01:28:02Forget it. This job is over
01:28:04Besides I've got something else
01:28:06Yeah, what well Harris you've had a pretty rough time here in the Mediterranean this time I thought I'd send you someplace nice a
01:28:14real garden spot
01:28:17As a matter of fact, that's what they call it
01:28:19the Garden of Allah
01:28:24Right up that's the goddamn desert