L'ete de Mathieu (1998) Full Movie

  • 2 days ago
00:00:00This video is a derivative work of the Touhou Project.
00:00:04Any similarity to real people, living or dead, is purely coincidental.
00:00:30This video is a derivative work of the Touhou Project.
00:00:34Any similarity to real people, living or dead, is purely coincidental.
00:01:01Mathieu, come to the table!
00:01:04I'm coming!
00:01:06Mathieu, hurry up!
00:01:13I'll wait for you in three hours, ok?
00:01:15See you later.
00:01:16See you later.
00:01:18Goodbye, Aurélie!
00:01:19Goodbye, Marie!
00:01:20Are you coming, Mathieu?
00:01:24Did I wash your hands?
00:01:25They're not dirty.
00:01:26We wash them after the langoustines.
00:01:28Anyway, I'll never get out of it.
00:01:30It's the pot of iron against the pot of earth.
00:01:32No, it would be enough to modernize the shop a bit, that's all.
00:01:35Well, there's work to be done.
00:01:37We didn't give you our opinion.
00:01:39But, Marteau, did you see his display case?
00:01:41It's not a funeral home, it's a supermarket.
00:01:43Exhibitions of coffins with American gadgets.
00:01:46It's art!
00:01:47Yes, but what do you want? That's what's working now.
00:01:50And we have to say that Marteau attracted the client.
00:01:53Maybe you should change your facade a bit too, no?
00:01:56Well, there are others who would like to change their facade.
00:01:58The real problem is that people are going straight to the cliff, the bluff.
00:02:01No, there's no room for two pompous companies in a small town.
00:02:04Well, we'll need more dead people, an epidemic.
00:02:06Do you realize what you're saying?
00:02:08Yes, dad, stop working.
00:02:10Right, dad?
00:02:11You could even do group rates.
00:02:12Two funerals for the price of one, for example.
00:02:14Well, shut up a bit, Mathieu.
00:02:15It often happens that there's no room for two, right?
00:02:19Listen, it's very simple, I don't have the profile for it, that's all.
00:02:22I'm a traditional company.
00:02:24Yes, but Bernard has to live with his time.
00:02:27Look at the Americans.
00:02:29With music in the circles.
00:02:31Doing business on the back of the dead would hurt my stomach.
00:02:34Well, what?
00:02:38Anyway, once we're underground, it's over.
00:02:41That's not true.
00:02:42My mother is not underground, she's somewhere in the sky.
00:02:45Right, dad?
00:02:47Of course, Mathieu.
00:02:50Well, we'll all meet again one day.
00:02:54When I saw my father die, I realized there was nothing left.
00:02:58So, for you, we're nothing more than pieces of meat wandering in the universe.
00:03:02That's not bad, is it?
00:03:04And when you look at me, you don't see anything else but a piece of meat?
00:03:08And you, when you look at me, what do you see?
00:03:11A pintade.
00:03:14So, where were you?
00:03:16At Mathieu's.
00:03:18Making useful relationships?
00:03:19Vacation lovers.
00:03:20Then we don't see each other anymore and we forget.
00:03:23He's my friend, we won't forget.
00:03:25And first of all, it doesn't concern you.
00:03:27Why are you following me?
00:03:29I have something to tell you.
00:03:30My mother bought a G-Test.
00:03:32And what is it?
00:03:33Poor asshole, you don't know.
00:03:34When you're a woman, you pee to know if you're pregnant.
00:03:37Ah, that's gross.
00:03:38Because your mother is pregnant?
00:03:40I'm not sure.
00:03:41Because if that were the case, your father would be pissed off.
00:03:43The bitch!
00:03:44So she doesn't take the pill anymore?
00:03:46Respect my mother.
00:03:47If she doesn't take it anymore, it's because your father wants to get her pregnant, that's all.
00:03:49Stop your bullshit.
00:03:50My father doesn't want another kid.
00:03:51She wants to force him to marry her.
00:03:53That's not right.
00:03:54Anyway, I don't want a little brother, is that clear?
00:03:56Me neither.
00:03:57So what do we do?
00:03:58You tell your father to wear the hood.
00:03:59If he doesn't want to, he won't.
00:04:00He doesn't like that.
00:04:01How do you know?
00:04:03I heard him say it.
00:04:05You have to watch out if your mother takes the pill.
00:04:08You just have to tell them that we can't stand you and me.
00:04:10They don't give a shit.
00:04:12You're right.
00:04:13Old people only think about themselves.
00:04:15No, not my mother.
00:04:16My mother thinks about me all the time.
00:04:18Your mother is no longer here.
00:04:20And your father will never be my father.
00:04:21And you will never be my brother.
00:04:22I'd rather die.
00:04:28Well, are you really sure about the GTS?
00:04:32Here's the notice.
00:04:39Always with those assholes from Paris.
00:04:41They don't give a shit about you.
00:04:42Are you their servant or what?
00:04:43And Marie, as soon as you have your back turned, she'll forget you.
00:04:47La bave du crapaud n'atteint pas la blanche colombe.
00:04:54Marie! Marie!
00:05:12I'm sorry.
00:05:16Elle a moitié fondue.
00:05:23Qu'est-ce que t'as?
00:05:25Tu le dis à personne, hein?
00:05:27Catherine, la mère de Romain, elle prend plus la pilule.
00:05:31Elle essaie de se faire mettre enceinte par mon père pour se marier avec, quoi.
00:05:35Et alors?
00:05:36Tu comprends rien ou tu t'en fous de ce qui m'arrive?
00:05:38C'est ce mari.
00:05:39Elle vient vivre à la maison avec son fils.
00:05:41Un taré!
00:05:45Si vous arrêtez pas, je m'en vais!
00:05:46Ben alors, va-t'en!
00:05:52Mais t'en vas pas, Philippe. Sans toi, on s'emmerde.
00:06:01Faut toujours que tu provoques, hein?
00:06:12Tu sais, la copine de ton père,
00:06:14si elle a décidé pour la pilule,
00:06:16y'a pas grand chose à faire.
00:06:18Allez, ça s'arrangera.
00:06:27Moi, les gros nichons, j'aime pas.
00:06:30Mais la copine de ton père, elle est enceinte, oui ou non?
00:06:32Ben, presque.
00:06:34Attends, on est quand même pas enceinte à moitié.
00:06:36Comment tu veux que je sache, moi, si elle est enceinte ou pas?
00:06:38Tout ce que je veux, c'est rester tranquille avec mon père.
00:06:40Mais qu'est-ce que tu vas faire?
00:06:42Écoute, si elle est enceinte, je me barre de la maison.
00:06:44Mais non, Mathieu, y'a un autre moyen.
00:06:46Tu laisses faire et puis nos prochaines vacances,
00:06:48on kidnappe le petit frère et le frangin.
00:06:51Ouais, mais qu'est-ce qu'on en ferait?
00:06:53Ça pourrait nous faire un peu de blé.
00:06:55Tu veux dire une rançon?
00:06:57Ben ouais, mais mon père paierait et on se retrouverait à la case départ.
00:06:59Bon alors, le grand jeu, on s'en débarrasse une bonne fois pour toutes.
00:07:01Tu veux dire la zigouillée?
00:07:03Julien, tu me fous la trouille!
00:07:05Ouais, de toute façon, ce serait dégueulasse.
00:07:07Non, non, je veux pas.
00:07:08Une fois qu'il sera là, ce sera mon frangin.
00:07:10Faut savoir ce que tu veux, sinon tu feras jamais rien dans la vie.
00:07:12Oh, les mecs!
00:07:14Oh là là!
00:07:18Ils n'ont plus d'avoir pris la pilule.
00:07:20Hé, j'ai trouvé!
00:07:22La pilule?
00:07:23Ben quoi, la pilule?
00:07:24Tu lui fais prendre soin qu'elle le sache.
00:07:26Voilà, faut écraser la pilule dans sa bouffe.
00:07:28Une par jour.
00:07:30Si elle est pas enceinte, y'aura pas d'enfant.
00:07:32Et si y'a pas d'enfant, tout est réglé.
00:07:33Elle est géniale, ma sœur.
00:07:35Mais comment j'en aurais, moi, des pilules?
00:07:37T'en fais pas, on les piquera à nos mères.
00:07:40Elle préfère un stérilet.
00:07:42Non, ma mère elle couche pas, elle est divorcée.
00:07:45Ouais, elle est vraiment super ton idée, Dorothée.
00:07:48Ça c'est une super idée.
00:07:50Elle est géniale, ma sœur, vous trouvez pas.
00:07:52Mais, si elle est déjà enceinte?
00:07:54Oh, non!
00:07:56En plus, il a raison.
00:07:58Alors là, c'est mal, hein?
00:08:00Ouais, ben espérons qu'elle est pas enceinte, sinon c'est foutu.
00:08:02Et si on allait se baigner, tiens?
00:08:04Bonne idée, ouais!
00:08:05Moi, je bouge pas.
00:08:23J'ai jamais emmené personne ici.
00:08:25Même mon père, il sait pas que je viens.
00:08:29Regarde, c'est le bateau de ma mère.
00:08:34On l'a retrouvée à des kilomètres.
00:08:36Six mois plus tard.
00:08:53C'est ta mère?
00:09:21Écoute-moi bien.
00:09:23Romain, il sera jamais mon frère.
00:09:25Je préfère mourir.
00:09:27Je le jure sur la tête de ma mère.
00:09:29Mathieu, mon chéri, je pourrais pas passer de prendre à l'école.
00:09:32Ton goûter est prêt.
00:09:35C'est le dernier message que ma mère m'a laissé.
00:09:38Je l'ai jamais revu.
00:09:40J'ai pris la cassette du répondeur et je l'écoute.
00:09:43Il y a des moments où j'ai l'impression qu'elle m'entend,
00:09:45mais c'est pas comme si elle était là.
00:09:48C'est l'heure passée.
00:09:52Mathieu, mon chéri, je pourrais pas passer de prendre à l'école.
00:09:55Ton goûter est prêt.
00:09:57Qu'est-ce qu'il prend?
00:09:59Là, tu sens la présence de ta mère?
00:10:01Je crois pas, non. Il faut que je sois seule.
00:10:22L'écriture automatique. Tu connais?
00:10:25Non. C'est quoi, ce truc?
00:10:27Pour entrer en communication avec les morts.
00:10:29Mais t'es folle!
00:10:31Remets la bande.
00:10:34Mais avec tes cadres, tu vas me faire effacer le message.
00:10:40Mathieu, mon chéri, je pourrais pas passer de prendre à l'école.
00:10:43Bon, et après?
00:10:44Essaie de lui parler.
00:10:45Je peux pas, pas devant toi.
00:10:47Dis-lui simplement de se servir de moi pour écrire.
00:10:49D'écrire à toi.
00:10:51Elle est morte. Comment tu veux qu'elle écrive?
00:10:53Oh, est-ce que t'es chiant?
00:10:55Viens près de moi.
00:10:56Mets ta main sur ma tête.
00:11:00Ça c'est le nouveau, elle doit se marrer.
00:11:12Arrête, elle est pas là. Je le sais.
00:11:14Faut que je sois seule pour que ça marche.
00:11:29C'est quoi ce truc?
00:11:50Est-ce que t'es tendu?
00:12:22Bah, ta lampe ne marche plus.
00:12:24Si, si, si.
00:12:25Mais les bougies c'est plus... romantique.
00:12:37T'as passé une bonne journée?
00:12:39Tu t'es baignée?
00:12:41Ouais, pas mal.
00:12:47Qu'est-ce qu'il y a avec Romain?
00:12:49Pourquoi vous vous entendez pas?
00:12:51C'est lui! Il peut pas me blairer parce que t'as enterré son père.
00:12:54Mais il était mort.
00:12:56Ça n'empêche pas.
00:12:57Tu sais, c'est un con ce mec.
00:12:58Il arrête pas de se foutre de ta gueule.
00:13:00Il t'appelle le croc mort.
00:13:04Et Catherine, elle veut prendre la place de maman.
00:13:09Personne ne prendra jamais la place de ta mère.
00:13:13Et puis elle est pas comme ça, Catherine.
00:13:15Elle est gentille avec toi, non?
00:13:17Ça n'a rien à voir.
00:13:22Tu sais, Mathieu...
00:13:26Je me sens seul quelques fois.
00:13:28T'as moi.
00:13:35Ça n'a rien à voir.
00:13:37Je sais, je sais.
00:13:41Non, tu sais pas.
00:13:43Catherine aura un peu la joie de vivre.
00:13:46Et puis c'est normal de pas vivre seul, non?
00:13:50C'est pas la même chose.
00:13:55Ta mère, je l'oublierai jamais.
00:13:58Je l'aime toujours.
00:14:00Mais tu peux faire Catherine ou maman.
00:14:04Ça n'a rien à voir, mon chéri.
00:14:07Et si Catherine voulait faire un enfant avec toi?
00:14:11Où est-ce que t'as été chercher ça?
00:14:13C'est Romain.
00:14:14Quoi, Romain?
00:14:15Non, rien, rien.
00:14:16Ce que je veux dire c'est que c'est mon pire ennemi.
00:14:18Et tu peux pas m'obliger à le supporter tous les jours, d'accord?
00:14:24Vous nous rendez pas la vie facile, nous tous les deux.
00:14:27Et vous? Vous y pensez peut-être?
00:14:29Bien sûr que oui.
00:14:31On dirait pas.
00:14:44T'endors pas trop tard.
00:14:46T'endors pas trop tard.
00:14:48T'inquiète pas. Bonne nuit, papa.
00:14:54Il se plait à la montagne, ton copain Antoine?
00:14:59T'as l'air triste ou néant, ce maman, mon bébé?
00:15:02Je suis pas un bébé.
00:15:03Et si tu veux savoir, je suis débordée de problèmes.
00:15:06Allons, t'es en vacances, t'as des copains, la vie est belle.
00:15:09Et puis les soucis ça passe.
00:15:11Tu verras en grandissant.
00:15:13Faut que ça aille doux.
00:15:19Et puis c'est pas vrai qu'en grandissant on voit que dalle.
00:15:22Regarde papa, il a que des emmerdes.
00:15:24Oui, c'est la vie mon grand, c'est la vie.
00:15:26Mais il y a aussi les bons côtés.
00:15:28Regarde, on est pas bien ensemble?
00:15:30T'as pas peur d'être virée?
00:15:32Si Catherine vient s'installer ici?
00:15:34C'est ton père qui en emploie, pas elle.
00:15:36Et puis ça fait longtemps que je travaille chez vous, on renvoie pas les gens comme ça.
00:15:39Elle t'aime pas parce que tu lui rappelles le temps de maman.
00:15:41Tu te fais des idées.
00:15:42C'est normal, ton père est jeune, il veut se remarier.
00:15:45Mais pourquoi toi tu couches pas avec lui?
00:15:47Ça arrangerait tout.
00:15:49Allez, va chercher le pote, tu me mens tard.
00:15:52Je peux garder la monnaie?
00:15:53Oui, oui.
00:15:54Hé Romain, Romain!
00:15:57J'ai trouvé un truc, la pilule.
00:15:59Tu vas la donner à ta mère sans qu'elle le sache.
00:16:01Tu lui colles tous les matins dans son jeu de fruits.
00:16:03Mais comment on les aura les pilules?
00:16:05Mes copains vont en piquer à leur mère, on en aura un stock.
00:16:07Et combien il faudrait lui en mettre?
00:16:09Les filles disent une, mais moi je pense que deux ou trois ce serait plus sûr.
00:16:16De toute façon on en aura bientôt plus besoin de tes pilules.
00:16:18Parce que ton père il va être à la rue.
00:16:20Marteau va vous écraser comme des merdes.
00:16:22Et bah ta mère, elle a qu'à se marier avec Marteau.
00:16:25Fous con.
00:16:26Tu sais même pas que Marteau il trafique avec les morts.
00:16:28Il revend.
00:16:30Il revend quoi?
00:16:31C'est technique, tu peux pas savoir.
00:16:33Mais bientôt ce sera officiel.
00:16:40Tiens Mathieu.
00:16:42T'en as enterré combien ce matin?
00:16:44Y'a pas un thermo tous les jours.
00:16:46Bonjour madame.
00:16:47Marie est dans sa chambre.
00:16:59Qu'est-ce que t'as te marier comme ça?
00:17:01C'est pas grave.
00:17:02C'est pas grave.
00:17:03C'est pas grave.
00:17:04C'est pas grave.
00:17:05C'est pas grave.
00:17:06C'est pas grave.
00:17:07Qu'est-ce que t'as te marier comme ça?
00:17:09Bah c'est parce que je suis content.
00:17:12C'est moi qui te fais marier?
00:17:13Non mais t'as vu un peu comment t'es fringuée?
00:17:15Qu'est-ce que je vois encore qui te plaît pas?
00:17:16Ton t-shirt est dégueulasse.
00:17:20Y'en a qui s'en foutent de mon t-shirt hein.
00:17:22Dorothée elle est pas tout le temps là à regarder si c'est nickel ou pas.
00:17:24Elle te regarde même pas elle voit qu'elle.
00:17:26Fous tu parles.
00:17:27Ce qu'elle veut c'est qu'on la regarde elle.
00:17:29Pauvre débile.
00:17:32Mais t'es jalouse ou quoi?
00:17:37Je te plais avec ces tubes?
00:17:39Tu me plais tout le temps.
00:17:40Tu m'aimes toujours?
00:17:42Bah oui.
00:17:43Je pourrais jamais vivre sans toi.
00:17:46Moi aussi.
00:17:47Y'aura jamais un autre homme dans ma vie.
00:17:49Moi non plus.
00:17:51Même à Paris, j'arrête pas de regarder tes photos.
00:17:54Idem pour moi.
00:18:00Tiens, j'ai piqué les pilules à ma mère.
00:18:02Ah t'es génial.
00:18:03Dis, si un mec en prenait, qu'est-ce que ça lui fera à ton avis?
00:18:06Si j'en donnais à mon père pour voir.
00:18:12Ouais, c'est vrai que ça fait crade.
00:18:14Pas crade, t'es ancien.
00:18:15C'est une vieille affaire pour la famille depuis 100 générations.
00:18:18T'as vu les bouquets?
00:18:19Regarde, je te regarde.
00:18:20De toute façon, pour les morts, la façade, ça change rien.
00:18:23Ouais mais bon, c'est pas les morts qui viennent prendre la commande.
00:18:26Petite entreprise.
00:18:27C'est trop cafard de vous.
00:18:29Moi je veux traiter ma chambre.
00:18:30Ouais, génial avec du rock.
00:18:32Mais vous y connaissez que dalle.
00:18:42Tiens, ça te fera du bien.
00:18:46Oh la la, t'as l'air crevé toi.
00:18:48Écoute Catherine, dis pas ça ici.
00:18:55Qu'est-ce qu'il se passe?
00:18:58Il se passe que Marteau est en train de me bouffer toute ma clientèle.
00:19:01Voilà ce qu'il se passe.
00:19:03Je peux pas ligner mes prix sur lui.
00:19:04En plus, la banque vient de m'appeler pour me refuser le prêt pour la rénovation du magasin.
00:19:08Si ça continue, dans 15 jours, j'ai mis la clé sous la porte.
00:19:11Je vois vraiment pas comment je peux m'en sortir.
00:19:13Et si on partait vivre à Strasbourg?
00:19:17Je peux ouvrir un cabinet là-bas.
00:19:19Mais pour moi, tu crois que ça se fait comme ça?
00:19:21Et puis ça risquerait de perturber Mathieu encore plus, non?
00:19:23Il est déjà suffisamment stressé comme ça avec notre histoire.
00:19:26Mais t'inquiète pas.
00:19:28Il finira bien par m'adopter, non?
00:19:31Oui, toi peut-être Catherine.
00:19:33Mais il s'entendra jamais avec ton fils, tu le sais très bien.
00:19:35Mais si, tu verras.
00:19:36Et puis je suis sûre que si on les punit ensemble, deux ou trois fois ils deviendront copains.
00:19:40J'ai déjà vu ça à l'école.
00:19:57Ça c'est de la baraque.
00:19:59Ça donnerait presque envie de mourir.
00:20:01Ça fait multinational.
00:20:05Je sais même pas ce que c'est le multinational.
00:20:07De toute façon là, ton père il va faire faillite, il fait pas le poids.
00:20:11Sale enfoiré.
00:20:12T'as vu, ils font même le promo.
00:20:14Hé les mecs, c'est le moment d'en profiter.
00:20:161000 balles la vache, ils s'emmerdent pas.
00:20:27Oh putain, il est beau.
00:20:31Qui c'est ?
00:20:33Le fils Marteau.
00:20:34Le roi de la frime.
00:20:36Bon, on y va ?
00:20:37Oh, il est mignon celui-là.
00:20:39Oui, ben, on lève les épreuves et on verra ce qu'il reste à voir.
00:20:42C'est la tête.
00:20:43Elle demande que ça, hein Dorothée ?
00:20:45Si tu veux, en attendant, je suis là.
00:20:48De toute façon, ce mec il est plus craquant que vous tous, alors.
00:20:51N'importe quoi.
00:20:52C'est moi.
00:20:53C'est moi.
00:20:54C'est moi.
00:20:55C'est moi.
00:20:56C'est moi.
00:20:57C'est moi.
00:20:58C'est moi.
00:20:59C'est moi.
00:21:00Viens !
00:21:09Tiens la pilule.
00:21:10Mais y'a des marigliés différentes ça fait rien.
00:21:12Mais non ça fait rien.
00:21:13Il vaut mieux les faire prendre plusieurs par jour, je crois que c'est plus sûr.
00:21:15Mais elles pourront crever...
00:21:16Mais non !
00:21:17Et ben si elles crévent avant ça avec le problème !
00:21:19Très juste, j'y avait pas pensé.
00:21:20Non mais déconnez pas ! C'est vrai qu'elles peuvent en crever !
00:21:23Oh, est-ce que tu peux être influençable.
00:21:25Well, what if we went for a walk in the cemeteries?
00:21:28You have nothing better to offer.
00:21:31Mathieu is going to show us around.
00:21:33Right, Mathieu?
00:21:37There are a lot of spirits in the cemeteries.
00:21:39That's right. I never set foot there. It brings bad luck.
00:21:42I know things to communicate with the dead.
00:21:45Besides, if we know how to be seen, they protect us.
00:21:48It would be great if a dead man protects us.
00:21:50But the dead don't live after death.
00:21:52That's not true. They transform.
00:21:53Some become a flower, others...
00:21:55The other one? I don't think there's anything after death.
00:21:58Looks like we're reincarnated in the last thing we saw before we died.
00:22:01Wait, so if it's a fly, it becomes a fly.
00:22:05Watch out! You almost walked into it!
00:22:07What if it's a dog's paw?
00:22:09Then you're really in deep shit!
00:22:12Oh, shit!
00:22:15He walked into it!
00:22:24Hey, tell me.
00:22:26Are you sure salt and garlic protect evil spirits?
00:22:29By the left shoulder, David.
00:22:31Oh, they must have a hard time seeing us.
00:22:34It looks like there are a lot of vampires here.
00:22:37We shouldn't have come. I don't like that.
00:22:40Are your spirits in trouble?
00:22:43It's in the old tombs that the protective spirits are the strongest.
00:22:48It's the ancients. They know everything.
00:22:51And the desserts? Are they punished?
00:22:54I'm glad I think of everything.
00:23:04Hey, Mathieu. Is your mother here?
00:23:07No, her mother drowned. We haven't found her body.
00:23:11Drowned? Without food?
00:23:13No, she's dead.
00:23:15She's dead?
00:23:17No, she's dead.
00:23:18We haven't found her body.
00:23:20Drowned? Without food?
00:23:22Yeah, shut up.
00:23:24How did it happen?
00:23:26She was making a boat and a storm broke out.
00:23:29How do you know the protective spirits?
00:23:31The protective spirit can be there, near you, and you don't even know it.
00:23:35It's like sympathy. You can't explain it.
00:23:38She's taking our heads.
00:23:40That's going to bring you bad luck.
00:23:42You too, but you're not out of the woods, are you?
00:23:49Philippe, someone's pointing a finger at you.
00:23:52Shit, look at Philippe!
00:23:54What's wrong? What's wrong with me?
00:23:56You've become old.
00:23:58That's crazy! Did you see that?
00:24:00Wait, you're at least 60, full of wrinkles.
00:24:02White hair.
00:24:03No, stop your bullshit.
00:24:06Don't touch your face, Philippe. It's horrible.
00:24:09So, how do you feel, Pepe?
00:24:11I'm suffocating. I want to die.
00:24:14No, you're not old. You're still walking.
00:24:17He's going to bury us!
00:24:19It's the night of the living dead.
00:24:21No, it's the false healer.
00:24:25Protect me, Mathieu.
00:24:27You, the dead, you know.
00:24:39You don't think you could change those curtains?
00:24:42I don't think so.
00:24:43You don't think you could change those curtains?
00:24:46Yes, but in that case, I'd have to repaint them.
00:24:49Yes, why not?
00:24:50It would change your circles and your marble tiles.
00:24:53You don't have to live in the dark because you do this job, Bernard.
00:24:57And you should see a little more people. It would do you good.
00:25:00You're right.
00:25:14Are you okay, Mathieu?
00:25:22Are you from the beach?
00:25:24No, I'm from the cemetery.
00:25:28What did you do there?
00:25:30We fed the dead.
00:25:33I'm going to make myself an orange juice.
00:25:35Don't move, don't move. I'm going.
00:25:43I'm going.
00:26:08I'm sure you'll love Strasbourg.
00:26:11My parents want to meet you now.
00:26:12Thank you, Mathieu, you're an angel.
00:26:16You have black on your cheek. Come, I'll take it off.
00:26:18I'll take it off.
00:26:41Don't you finish your orange juice? It's not good.
00:26:44But it's my darling, it's perfect.
00:26:48I love you.
00:27:04So, Mathieu, do we need a little hug?
00:27:14It's my mother's piano, nobody touches it.
00:27:17Sorry, old man.
00:27:18Let's make some baskets.
00:27:26You see, they don't get along so badly.
00:27:35Do you have them?
00:27:37I'm going to put three of them in his orange juice.
00:27:40Tomorrow morning, you give him three and every day the same thing, okay?
00:27:43Great. I have my friends waiting for me. We don't need you.
00:27:45I don't give a damn.
00:27:47Do you know how to make pills?
00:27:49There's no writing here.
00:27:56I like coming here, it's my thing.
00:27:59On weekends, it's the date of lovers, so I avoid it.
00:28:01You know, the fuckers...
00:28:03Damn, you have a way of expressing yourself.
00:28:06You see, I go up there to talk to my mother.
00:28:09I send her messages. It's my tree.
00:28:11If you want, I can lend it to you.
00:28:13No, you see, I'm no longer connected.
00:28:16In fact, it's a magic tree.
00:28:18Sometimes, when I'm at the top, everything becomes weird.
00:28:21My head turns, as if I were dizzy.
00:28:23Nothing makes sense anymore.
00:28:25Yeah, that's my thing. It makes me feel the same way.
00:28:35Do you know why we give names to things?
00:28:38You should recognize it, idiot.
00:28:40There's another thing.
00:28:42Things, when you repeat their name several times,
00:28:44it doesn't mean anything anymore.
00:28:45Like this?
00:28:47Boat, boat, boat...
00:28:49Storm, storm, storm, storm...
00:28:55How are you going to do tonight?
00:28:57Easy. After dinner, my mother takes her sleeping pills
00:29:00and my father plays the guitar.
00:29:15I'm going to bed.
00:29:45Don't worry, my little rose.
00:30:15I'm going to bed.
00:30:46The billiard.
00:31:05Stop, my heart hurts.
00:31:07Smoking, guys, is disgusting.
00:31:16So? We thought you were asleep.
00:31:23What's wrong?
00:31:24Nothing, nothing.
00:31:25So, the pills?
00:31:26I gave them to Romain, it works.
00:31:38You have a great idea.
00:31:39We've never had so much trouble before.
00:31:41Yeah, because you're idiots from the city.
00:31:43I feel good here.
00:31:46Hey, I have an idea.
00:31:48I'm going to do a striptease.
00:31:50With fire, it's going to be great.
00:31:52Yes, music.
00:31:54Marie, will you do the striptease with me?
00:31:58No, I'm cold.
00:32:00Are you afraid of being compared?
00:32:03Calm down.
00:32:08How much will you give me?
00:32:16100 euros.
00:32:17Who says better?
00:32:46Hey, the 100 euros were for all the clothes.
00:32:49And Mathieu didn't give anything.
00:32:53And you?
00:32:54What do you give me?
00:32:58Stop, you're crazy.
00:33:00It's a party, guys.
00:33:02You're really a slut.
00:33:03He doesn't even have the money to buy you one.
00:33:06It's okay, I'll send him another one.
00:33:08And he doesn't have anything, it's his guitar.
00:33:10He doesn't even know how to play it.
00:33:11A whore, that's what you are.
00:33:12Anyway, I don't want to see you anymore.
00:33:13It's over.
00:33:14What's over?
00:33:16There's never been anything.
00:33:28It was just a joke.
00:33:36Here, my little mom.
00:33:37With an orange.
00:33:39Thank you, Mrs.
00:33:45Listen, Rose.
00:33:46I'm telling you...
00:33:48Hello, Mr. Berreau.
00:33:50I forbid you to sleep with my girlfriend's father.
00:33:52What are you talking about?
00:33:53I saw him yesterday.
00:33:54He came out of your room.
00:33:56But my private life doesn't look at you.
00:33:58You're talking.
00:33:59You did it on purpose to choose him.
00:34:00To embarrass me.
00:34:02But I didn't know it was your girlfriend's father.
00:34:04And he chose me.
00:34:05Yeah, but you're not great.
00:34:08Well, neither is he.
00:34:09It's true.
00:34:10Tell me.
00:34:11You won't tell your father anything?
00:34:13Then you have to give me something.
00:34:14Don't take me for an idiot.
00:34:16Hello, ma'am.
00:34:18You'll give me 50 francs every time like yesterday.
00:34:19No, that's not enough.
00:34:20You, too, give me something.
00:34:23I won't tell your father that you ride at night.
00:34:32What are you doing here, Mathieu?
00:34:34I was watching.
00:34:36Do you know her?
00:34:38Little Richaud.
00:34:3915 years old.
00:34:40She was overturned by a truck.
00:34:41A holidayman.
00:34:48You must know, you.
00:34:49The dead.
00:34:50When we put them in the pit.
00:34:51Are we really sure they died for good?
00:34:54That's a question I've already asked myself.
00:34:56You know, sometimes I have nightmares.
00:34:58I dream that we're alive.
00:34:59That I'm dreaming in the box.
00:35:00I hit the lid.
00:35:01But I'm in the dirt.
00:35:02And no one hears me.
00:35:03But I, too, have this kind of dream.
00:35:05Your father, too, had hell.
00:35:06It's like a nightmare.
00:35:07Have you ever heard scratching?
00:35:09I go deaf.
00:35:11Can I come with you one night?
00:35:13No, Mathieu.
00:35:14That's not for you.
00:35:15No, no.
00:35:18Do you think we can trust girls?
00:35:21Yes, of course.
00:35:22Girls, boys, it's the same.
00:35:24You have the good ones, you have the bad ones.
00:35:29And one day,
00:35:30we'll be able to see each other again.
00:35:33And we won't be able to make a grave for Mom?
00:35:38Yes, but what are we going to put in it?
00:35:41Yes, you're right.
00:35:42We'd better leave it in heaven.
00:35:49Go, Mathieu!
00:35:50Go, Mathieu!
00:35:51Go, Mathieu!
00:35:52Go, Mathieu!
00:35:53Go, Mathieu!
00:35:54Go, Mathieu!
00:35:55Go, Mathieu!
00:35:56Go, Mathieu!
00:35:57Go, Mathieu!
00:35:58Go, Mathieu!
00:35:59Go, Mathieu!
00:36:00Go, Mathieu!
00:36:01Go, Mathieu!
00:36:15Last year, a holidaymaker got his head cut
00:36:17by a sea sculptor.
00:36:18That's good for your dad.
00:36:20It makes his business work.
00:36:21No, holidaymakers are repatriated.
00:36:23My dad has a contract with the city hospice,
00:36:25but it's a war, it brings nothing.
00:36:26Who will be buried in this mud?
00:36:28I don't have a sea sculptor.
00:36:30I wouldn't be anyone.
00:36:31But it's great to make the bathers angry.
00:36:34Are you putting it on my back, Mathieu?
00:36:36Do what you want.
00:36:37Spread it out very gently.
00:36:47Where are the circles at your dad's?
00:36:49It's tailor-made, but there are models to choose from.
00:36:51The other day, the doctor's father, Béraud,
00:36:53came to choose his circle himself.
00:36:55They're scoundrels in this family.
00:36:57He was afraid we'd take an ugly one when he died.
00:36:59Will you show us the circles?
00:37:05What are you doing?
00:37:07Are you okay?
00:37:09Totally crazy!
00:37:11Shut up!
00:37:13Are you okay?
00:37:30Do you want some wine?
00:37:33It's crazy what kids can change.
00:37:35Romain never did anything at home.
00:37:37Now, every morning, he brings me my breakfast.
00:37:39With a pressed orange.
00:37:41That's nice.
00:37:42He takes care of his mom.
00:37:46Aren't you hungry? You haven't eaten anything.
00:37:48I don't know what's wrong with me.
00:37:49I'm going to have a liver crisis.
00:37:50I can't swallow anything.
00:37:51Don't force yourself.
00:37:52Except fruit juices.
00:37:53Fruit juices are good.
00:37:54Plus, it's full of vitamins.
00:37:55It's good for the stomach.
00:37:57Yes, but it's been ten days.
00:37:58And I have semi-germs.
00:37:59Germs are the liver.
00:38:00Let's say it's the liver.
00:38:01Bernard, you're not a doctor.
00:38:03Go see Béraud.
00:38:04He's a good doctor.
00:38:05No, no, no.
00:38:06It'll pass by itself.
00:38:07It's weird.
00:38:08I don't eat anything during the day.
00:38:09And in the evening, I have cramps.
00:38:14But no.
00:38:18It won't fix anything.
00:38:19Why do you say that?
00:38:23Yeah, it's the liver.
00:38:26I wouldn't mind having a child from you.
00:38:32Well, thank you.
00:38:33Don't make that face.
00:38:35You wouldn't mind?
00:38:39Tell him.
00:38:41Honestly, no.
00:38:43My situation right now,
00:38:44and the children,
00:38:45they would never accept it.
00:38:46So, it's going to last a long time.
00:38:48But I'm sick of being taken hostage
00:38:49by these two little assholes.
00:38:51Catherine, calm down.
00:38:52What are you doing?
00:38:59Be careful, shit!
00:39:03You know, flowers
00:39:04feel the same as us.
00:39:06They know if we're nice.
00:39:07They like music.
00:39:08I like listening to you
00:39:09because you're really not normal.
00:39:11Have you tried automatic writing
00:39:13to talk to your mother?
00:39:14No, I don't believe it.
00:39:15I see my mother in my dreams.
00:39:16Tell me.
00:39:17I forget.
00:39:18When I wake up, I remember
00:39:19and then I leave.
00:39:20So, how do you know?
00:39:21I know I dreamed about it, that's all.
00:39:23And where is she?
00:39:24With me.
00:39:25Yes, but where is this happening?
00:39:27I don't know.
00:39:28It's in a place I don't know.
00:39:29And is she happy?
00:39:32I think she's here right now.
00:39:34Oh, stop.
00:39:35You're saying that for me?
00:39:36No, I swear.
00:39:37I know she loves you.
00:39:38She told me.
00:39:39So, are we going to hug
00:39:40to make her happy?
00:39:42I love you.
00:40:11Come on, let's go.
00:40:30Did we hurt you?
00:40:32It's because you can't have them.
00:40:33When I want, I can have them.
00:40:35Well, if you want to have them,
00:40:36you can have them.
00:40:37Come on, let's see.
00:40:38Leave me alone.
00:40:42Come on, Mathieu.
00:40:43You're doing very well.
00:41:11We're going to swim.
00:41:13So, Marie,
00:41:14aren't you going to swim?
00:41:22Well, what's wrong with him?
00:41:23Hey, Marie!
00:41:24She's screaming, can't you see?
00:41:43The dog!
00:41:45No, but wait,
00:41:46it's not true.
00:41:48Yes, it's true.
00:41:49So, Mathieu,
00:41:50are you going to let her do it?
00:41:52I don't care,
00:41:53she's free.
00:41:54Well done.
00:41:55Come on,
00:41:56you didn't finish putting on the cream.
00:42:07that's where I saw my friend.
00:42:10that's where I saw my friend.
00:42:26I'm at your dad's, are you coming?
00:42:52Is that you, Poussin?
00:43:09What's wrong with you?
00:43:11You can't understand.
00:43:12My son, Marteau,
00:43:13he stole Marie from me.
00:43:14She's with that bastard.
00:43:15I was there
00:43:16putting sun cream on Dorothée,
00:43:17he goes swimming
00:43:18and Marie breaks up with him.
00:43:21it's not a tragedy,
00:43:22you're 11 years old.
00:43:23Come on, help me,
00:43:24pick up your clothes.
00:43:26I'm sorry,
00:43:27I'm sorry,
00:43:28I'm sorry,
00:43:29I'm sorry,
00:43:30I'm sorry,
00:43:31I'm sorry,
00:43:32I'm sorry,
00:43:33I'm sorry,
00:43:34I'm sorry,
00:43:35I'm sorry,
00:43:36I'm sorry,
00:43:38she's not the girl I thought she was.
00:43:40You should say she's not the way you wanted her to be.
00:43:42What do I know,
00:43:43you weren't there.
00:43:44I saw her crying for that idiot.
00:43:46Come on, stop it,
00:43:47we're having fun at your age.
00:43:48Don't make life hard for yourself,
00:43:49it'll come quickly.
00:43:52I'm your father,
00:43:53not a friend of your gang.
00:43:54I'm warning you,
00:43:55if you keep this up,
00:43:56I forbid you to see your friends again.
00:43:57Do you hear me?
00:43:59They have a bad influence on you.
00:44:02She made a fool of me
00:44:03in front of everyone.
00:44:07Focus on what you're doing,
00:44:09I hate you.
00:44:11You make your bed like a rag.
00:44:13So what?
00:44:14Because I undo it when I go to bed.
00:44:17in all this,
00:44:18it's your little pride that's hurt.
00:44:20Stop belittling me!
00:44:22Come on,
00:44:23calm down,
00:44:24it's not a big deal,
00:44:25it's the love of your life.
00:44:26What do you know?
00:44:27You've always been old.
00:44:30I can never say anything.
00:44:38Forget all that.
00:44:40You old people,
00:44:41you never take us seriously.
00:44:42Everything we say,
00:44:43it's never important.
00:44:44Except for me, Marie,
00:44:45I really cared about her.
00:44:46I know.
00:44:47But you'll see,
00:44:48it'll work out.
00:44:49She'll come back.
00:44:50You don't understand anything.
00:44:51I don't want Marie anymore.
00:44:53If Catherine leaves with someone else,
00:44:54would you want her to come back?
00:44:56But it's not the same.
00:44:58You see, you're putting it back.
00:44:59Come on.
00:45:00For lunch,
00:45:01there's a cake shop later,
00:45:02as you like them.
00:45:04Rose made it especially for you.
00:45:05I'm not hungry.
00:45:07And Rose,
00:45:08she stings other people's husbands.
00:45:13what am I getting myself into?
00:45:14Little fly.
00:45:20you're spying on everyone!
00:45:21Mind your own business!
00:45:22It's not my fault if I hear your conversations.
00:45:23It's not because you're unhappy
00:45:24that you're allowed to talk to Rose in that tone.
00:45:26Those are still your friends.
00:45:27I don't want to see them anymore,
00:45:28neither Marie nor the others.
00:45:29Everyone's mad at me,
00:45:30so I want to be alone.
00:45:31And I don't want to eat.
00:45:33Normally, it's not the time.
00:45:35I'll never be hungry again!
00:45:40And why do you have the idea
00:45:41to be alone on this fucking boat?
00:45:44You should have stayed with me
00:45:45because I'm unhappy,
00:45:47that I only do bullshit
00:45:48and that everything goes wrong.
00:45:53And why don't you do anything
00:45:54to stop Catherine from settling here?
00:45:59You could find a way
00:46:00for the screwdriver
00:46:01to break his face on his board.
00:46:03You know very well
00:46:04that I can't fight him.
00:46:06He's older and stronger than me.
00:46:11she can stay with that idiot.
00:46:13Marie, I don't want to hear about it anymore.
00:46:14Do you hear me?
00:46:19Fuck off!
00:46:24My dear,
00:46:26you'll see.
00:46:27We think everything's going wrong
00:46:28and the day after tomorrow
00:46:29things will get better.
00:46:30It's even better than before.
00:46:32I'm too young.
00:46:33No, you're not.
00:46:35Lots of people love you.
00:46:36You're not alone.
00:46:37And Marie will come back.
00:46:40Even with all the stupid things you do,
00:46:41you'll always be lucky.
00:46:44You're young.
00:46:45You have the future ahead of you.
00:46:48What's that?
00:46:53It's one of your friends.
00:46:54Fuck him!
00:46:56It's me, Philippe!
00:46:57Come on, I'm all alone!
00:46:59The others are sending me away.
00:47:00We talked about it.
00:47:07We talked to my friends.
00:47:08Yeah, you already told them.
00:47:09Come on, let's not stay here.
00:47:11We're all with you.
00:47:12And we want you to come back.
00:47:14We even fired Marie from the gang.
00:47:23She's a bitch.
00:47:24We decided on the way.
00:47:26You, you have to behave like a real guy.
00:47:27That's my opinion.
00:47:28Act like she never existed.
00:47:32Dorothée wants you to come back.
00:47:33She asked me to decide.
00:47:35And she's really late, Marie.
00:47:38Yeah, you're right.
00:47:39She's really late.
00:47:54You're playing like a cow, Dorothée!
00:47:55You're playing like a cow, Dorothée!
00:47:58It was better with Marie.
00:48:01Yeah, but...
00:48:02She has better things to do, Marie.
00:48:04With the son of a hammer.
00:48:05Right, Mathieu?
00:48:06Yeah, without Marie, it's not the same.
00:48:07You should bring her back.
00:48:09Yeah, but you're afraid that my sister-in-law will leave with Mathieu.
00:48:11Oh, Julien, it's okay.
00:48:13There's so much less to say about it, don't you think?
00:48:15I thought we agreed.
00:48:16I don't want to see Marie again, okay?
00:48:26Stand up, morons!
00:48:27Shh, don't make any noise.
00:48:28We should have taken a camera.
00:48:29For the souvenir photo.
00:48:31Yeah, it's crazy.
00:48:33Here, it's oak.
00:48:34And over there, there's also cashew.
00:48:36And the capping, in itself...
00:48:38We don't advertise, we're not buyers.
00:48:39And even on order, precious woods.
00:48:41How much does something like that cost?
00:48:43Professional secret.
00:48:45It's because you don't know.
00:48:46I'd say...
00:48:47In the 10,000.
00:48:49Your father makes them?
00:48:50You're crazy.
00:48:51No, no.
00:48:52We make them tailor-made.
00:48:53So these are ready-to-wear?
00:48:54Well, they're scented.
00:48:56You know, things to choose from.
00:48:57You want to try one?
00:48:58It's not my size.
00:49:00Ah, Philippe, there's one just your size!
00:49:02No, let me go, no, no!
00:49:03Let me go!
00:49:04Let me go!
00:49:06I bet you don't even want to go.
00:49:08Me? I'm going!
00:49:11Come on, I'll open it.
00:49:13Be careful, be careful.
00:49:17That's it, Toto.
00:49:25Oh, you farted.
00:49:27Hey, I didn't fart, it's me who's farting.
00:49:29So it's Philippe.
00:49:30Hey, are you OK?
00:49:32He's a nightmare.
00:49:34On time, I told you.
00:49:35For kids, it's white.
00:49:37Yeah, but we have to be good in there.
00:49:39You're really crazy, you can't be good.
00:49:40You're dead, you're nothing.
00:49:42Anyway, you don't stay here,
00:49:43hanging around in the closet.
00:49:44You go in the other one.
00:49:46So what's the point of paying the bill
00:49:47if we don't even stay in there?
00:49:49You might prefer to be thrown in the trash.
00:49:50You know, I have nothing to be proud of.
00:49:52It's better to be incinerated.
00:49:53It's cleaner.
00:49:55What about the soul?
00:49:57You know, the soul, as soon as it smells of rust,
00:49:58it shoots itself.
00:50:00I don't believe in the afterlife.
00:50:01I'm an atheist.
00:50:02What about you?
00:50:03You see, our parents are psychics,
00:50:04so it's OK like that.
00:50:06So you think we're just pieces of meat
00:50:07wandering around in the universe?
00:50:09But that's not true,
00:50:10we have an immortal friend.
00:50:11I want to see her.
00:50:12You're so stupid.
00:50:13Oh, you suck.
00:50:15OK, the visit is over.
00:50:18You know, your father
00:50:19is looking for a piece of furniture.
00:50:26Don't worry.
00:50:27You know, Marteau,
00:50:28we'll take care of it.
00:50:43Take that!
00:50:44Take that, Marteau!
00:50:46Let's go!
00:50:47Let's go!
00:50:48Come on, let's go!
00:50:57Here, Catherine,
00:50:58a fresh orange.
00:50:59You're nice, Mathieu,
00:51:00but I'm not thirsty anymore.
00:51:01I'd like some.
00:51:18Come on, let's go.
00:51:38Kiss me.
00:51:40Not like that.
00:51:48Kiss me.
00:52:14Are you going to let us go,
00:52:18Because of what?
00:52:26Let's go catch him
00:52:27and beat this guy up!
00:52:28You're mad, he's doing karate.
00:52:29Where did you see that?
00:52:30I know.
00:52:31And we'll knock him out with stones.
00:52:33Where did you see stones?
00:52:34Anyway, I don't need you.
00:52:35It's a story to settle between the guys,
00:52:36so leave me alone.
00:52:37You're talking!
00:52:43But did you hear
00:52:44his name?
00:52:46Don't worry, his whole family will pay.
00:52:48OK, Zorro. What about Marie?
00:52:50You won't do anything to her?
00:52:51Marie is irresponsible.
00:52:54We can go. Come on. Wait a little longer.
00:52:58You're in a hurry, aren't you?
00:53:00I'm not in a hurry. I'm sure I won't send her straight to the hostel.
00:53:12I don't even want to keep your letters. I'll send them back to you.
00:53:15They're in the trash. I don't care.
00:53:16Send them to me right now. I'll burn them.
00:53:19Come on. You're a pain in the ass.
00:53:21He was right.
00:53:23But send me back my letters.
00:53:25There's no time. Come and get them.
00:53:27I don't want to see you anymore.
00:53:29My father will give them to you.
00:53:30Come on. I have to go.
00:53:33Wait. You don't understand. I'm the one who's leaving you. Bye.
00:53:45Take that!
00:53:47Take that!
00:53:50Take that!
00:53:51You dirty hammer!
00:53:55Come on, Zorro!
00:54:05You little shit!
00:54:07You've ruined my showcase!
00:54:09It wasn't me, sir.
00:54:15You're so cute. Look at that bear.
00:54:18Did you see his face?
00:54:22And now, even worse.
00:54:25You're so cute.
00:54:34Rose, life is so stupid.
00:54:37It's true, darling. Life is often stupid.
00:54:40But not always. Not always, not always.
00:54:45Good evening, Mr. Saligny.
00:54:47Good evening, Rose.
00:54:49How are you, my son?
00:54:50Hi, Dad.
00:54:58Tomorrow is Father Berrou's funeral.
00:55:00Mrs. Brouchard can't deliver the flowers.
00:55:01Do you want to come?
00:55:04What time?
00:55:06Around 10 o'clock.
00:55:07All right.
00:55:11Do you know why they take dwarves as deliverymen?
00:55:13Because they pay them half the price.
00:55:16Oh, sorry!
00:55:18Excuse me.
00:55:48Did you see what you did?
00:55:49What's wrong with you?
00:55:51Do you know what you're doing?
00:55:53It's my fault if they stop anywhere in this shit.
00:55:56No one notices the change of places.
00:55:58Everyone's dead here anyway. You're the first one.
00:56:00You're the one who makes me sick.
00:56:02You can't make a decision.
00:56:04There are too many gods at the moment.
00:56:06Slow down, for God's sake, Catherine!
00:56:08I'm telling you, you're the one who's making me sick.
00:56:11Slow down, for God's sake, Catherine!
00:56:15And it's going to be the Equinox.
00:56:18Go see Berrou, he'll give you a sedative.
00:56:38I want to leave.
00:56:42I want to leave your life.
00:57:03There are insects this year.
00:57:05Not more than the other years.
00:57:07What are you saying?
00:57:08A book in pink.
00:57:09A book in pink.
00:57:11Do you know what that is, the Paludism?
00:57:13What's that book about?
00:57:16It's about the rise of the Paludism.
00:57:19What does psychoanalysis have to do with Paludism?
00:57:22The phallus, Balan.
00:57:24You're too young to read that.
00:57:25Explain it to me.
00:57:26So what's the phallus?
00:57:35It's a word we don't use anymore.
00:57:37But it's in the book.
00:57:38So, do you know or don't you know?
00:57:44It's a technical word to describe the penis.
00:57:48Why is it the phallus and not the penis?
00:57:51Because when it's small, it's called a penis,
00:57:56and when it's bigger, it's called a phallus.
00:57:58But it's the same thing.
00:57:59For example, a doctor doesn't say,
00:58:01Sir, show me your penis.
00:58:04For a man, it's the dick.
00:58:06Show me your dick, right?
00:58:07No, he doesn't say, show me your dick.
00:58:09And the medical term is the virgin.
00:58:12So, show me your virgin, right?
00:58:14No, we don't say anything, we understand each other.
00:58:17We just look at each other.
00:58:19Come on, stop it.
00:58:22And Marie, did you reconcile?
00:58:25No, she's not the girl I thought she was.
00:58:28So, all of a sudden, the other woman...
00:58:34And you, Catherine, she left you.
00:58:38I saw you on the Avenue des Pins.
00:58:40She's not well at the moment.
00:58:42You could try to be a little nicer to her.
00:58:45Yeah, right now...
00:58:47Tomorrow, go bring her flowers from the garden.
00:58:50Don't you think she'd rather you bring her flowers?
00:59:08It's my dad who's sending this to her.
00:59:10What's wrong with you?
00:59:12It's her, she's getting on my nerves.
00:59:14Come, let's talk.
00:59:22Hello, Catherine.
00:59:24It's from my dad, from the garden.
00:59:26Thank you, put it there.
00:59:27We're going back to the kitchen.
00:59:29I'm making your fruit juice.
00:59:31Yeah, that's it.
00:59:32She doesn't have the fish, does she?
00:59:34It's your dad.
00:59:36It's your dad. He's always mad, even on the phone.
00:59:39Your dad has no character.
00:59:41And he's always dead, it's a real shame.
00:59:43Your mom is hysterical.
00:59:44Everyone says it. We're going to steal her license.
00:59:47Say that again!
00:59:48Can't you speak a little less loudly, you piece of shit?
00:59:50She didn't speak like that before.
00:59:58It was your bastards who made her sick.
01:00:01We have to stop.
01:00:03What do you think? Did you have the idea?
01:00:05No, it's Dorothée's.
01:00:07It's the last time I'm going to put it in.
01:00:10All the girls we take, it doesn't make them sick.
01:00:13Your mom has always been crazy, that's all.
01:00:15Anyway, with my dad, they're going to break up soon.
01:00:20Your dad has a hard time when he's with girls.
01:00:23He's going to hang on.
01:00:24As much as you want, he has girls.
01:00:29It looks like you got married, too.
01:00:31What, you too?
01:00:32Your father ran away.
01:00:35He ran away, even though he stole your license.
01:00:37Everyone's laughing!
01:00:38It's not over yet!
01:00:46What the hell is this?
01:00:47We didn't do it on purpose.
01:00:49I don't care!
01:00:50You clean this up, and you, Mathieu, go home.
01:00:53Bring your dad his flowers.
01:00:55I'm allergic to worries.
01:01:25Hi, Dorothée.
01:01:26Hi. How are you?
01:01:27I'm fine.
01:01:29I'm running out of pills.
01:01:31I don't want my mom to notice.
01:01:32Well, do as you please.
01:01:34Where are you going?
01:01:35I don't know.
01:01:36Are you taking me home?
01:01:37If you want to, yes. Here, take it.
01:01:39I'll keep it, I think.
01:01:44Is there a attic in your house?
01:01:45No, but I can show you something else.
01:01:47Okay, and you'll show me?
01:01:49If you want to, yes. We'll go through the cemetery, it's shorter.
01:01:52Come on.
01:01:53You know, there are a lot of dead crows that wake up in their graves.
01:02:05If you stick your ear in, you can hear them scratching the lid of their coffins.
01:02:10You're trying to impress me, aren't you?
01:02:12I swear, it's the false healer who told me.
01:02:15He hears them at night.
01:02:17Would you take me to taste a night?
01:02:22Some of them even make noises.
01:02:24Take me.
01:02:27I don't care, I'll go alone.
01:02:29So, where's your attic?
01:02:31The attic is always upstairs.
01:02:33It's different here.
01:02:34You won't go alone to the cemetery.
01:02:36I'll tell everyone that your father is so crazy that he buries people alive.
01:02:44I could do something great with this room.
01:02:47You think it's great the way it is?
01:02:49Yeah, well, at least we can see the spiders.
01:02:53I like spiders, and it's their home.
01:02:56Are you talking about spiders now?
01:02:58Let me see.
01:02:59You won't understand.
01:03:12How do you find me?
01:03:20I'm better than Marie.
01:03:22Not the same.
01:03:24I like her.
01:03:30Will you give her to me?
01:03:32No, I can't.
01:03:33It's my mother's business.
01:03:39What if I give you a kiss?
01:03:42A real kiss on the mouth.
01:03:45Will you give it to me?
01:03:48Will you give it to me?
01:03:52I want it.
01:03:57I shouldn't have brought you here.
01:04:00Oh, yeah.
01:04:01It looks like your sister is dating Mathieu now, right?
01:04:05I don't know, ask her.
01:04:07Hey, Louise, look.
01:04:08It looks like my sister is dating Mathieu.
01:04:10I don't care.
01:04:11What's wrong with your sister?
01:04:11Mathieu, what the hell are we doing in your province?
01:04:14Next year, my parents will go to the Côte d'Azur.
01:04:16We'll sail.
01:04:17You're talking nonsense.
01:04:19Don't you have anything in your head?
01:04:20You really don't have anything in your head.
01:04:22I'm everywhere with a good book.
01:04:25We're not going to wait for the others. Let's go.
01:04:37It's a stupid idea. We'll all end up in jail.
01:04:39It's a western, guys. We're going to live together.
01:04:43You stay here, just Julie and me.
01:04:44And us.
01:04:46Look if there's no one here.
01:05:02This one is too big, it's not possible.
01:05:04Wait, there's a small one over there.
01:05:12Come on, guys.
01:05:13Come here.
01:05:15Come here.
01:05:18I've got a hole, are we going in?
01:05:30Guys, there are too many cliques.
01:05:31It's okay.
01:05:33What are we going to do with this cow?
01:05:35It's an adventure. We're beast hunters.
01:05:37Come on.
01:05:38Don't step on it.
01:05:42Come on.
01:05:45Don't step on it.
01:05:47She's pissed off too.
01:05:49You've just made a flight with effraction.
01:05:53Hey, you were with us too.
01:05:56Philippe is going to throw us.
01:06:00You have no interest.
01:06:01No, Philippe won't throw us.
01:06:02How do you know?
01:06:03Because he's our friend, Philippe.
01:06:04Thank you, Mathieu.
01:06:05But it's a delirium you're making me do.
01:06:23That's not all, but what are we going to do with this cow?
01:06:26We should ask for a ransom.
01:06:28Julien has the biggest voice.
01:06:30Right, Julien?
01:06:31It's not my idea, it's Mathieu's.
01:06:33If no one wants to ask for it on the phone,
01:06:34there's nothing to write.
01:06:35There's the postman's strike.
01:06:36It's really a three-way here.
01:06:39The peasants don't care, they never pay a ransom.
01:06:40They have insurance.
01:06:42Why didn't you tell us earlier?
01:06:43It was funny.
01:06:44We'll bring this cow back tonight.
01:06:46I'm going to drop it.
01:06:47You can't leave it to die all day.
01:06:49It didn't do anything to us.
01:06:50We're responsible, shit.
01:06:52What are we going to put water in?
01:06:54We're not going to make it drink from the bottle, are we?
01:06:56Don't move, kids!
01:07:00The gendarmes are coming.
01:07:03We found it, sir.
01:07:04It was lost.
01:07:05We'll bring it back to you.
01:07:07We saw you steal it from my uncle last night.
01:07:09Mathieu, you're from the country.
01:07:12You came up with this idea.
01:07:14You, stay here!
01:07:18Sir, it was a joke.
01:07:19We're bringing it back to you.
01:07:22Well, I'm not going to call the gendarmes.
01:07:26They'll have to pay for it anyway.
01:07:29What do you think, Mathieu, of the dead sheep?
01:07:33Go on, bring it back to the farm.
01:07:36And since you love cows so much,
01:07:40you're going to cure my stools.
01:07:41Yes, sir.
01:07:43Wait, it's not fair that we do it all together, is it?
01:07:47You can do whatever you want.
01:07:49But sir, he's the one who trained us.
01:07:54You're so mean.
01:07:55Well, you're going to be clean, then.
01:08:00Come on.
01:08:07It's a cow, Mathieu.
01:08:11It smells like death. It's the cow.
01:08:13No, it's the pig that's dead.
01:08:15Come on, go away.
01:08:16It's the cow that's going to kill us.
01:08:18It's the best restaurant in the countryside.
01:08:20It's the pig that's going to kill us.
01:08:24Come on, Mathieu.
01:08:25Come on.
01:08:26Come on.
01:08:29And it was disgusting on the table.
01:08:32Yes, you're right.
01:08:36Oh, fuck.
01:08:40I'm not your friend.
01:08:42It won't work.
01:08:45Anyway, I won't come back next year.
01:08:47And no one will come back in this rotten place.
01:08:57I'm in pain.
01:09:01It's all your fault,
01:09:02because you messed with the son of a hammer.
01:09:04You're like your father.
01:09:05When he leaves, he messes with everyone.
01:09:07That's not true.
01:09:08In your family, you don't give a shit.
01:09:11You don't give a shit. You heard what I just said.
01:09:13Oh, really? Well, you'll see.
01:09:26Come on.
01:09:42You know, I should have taken the camera.
01:09:44I would have filmed you looking at the woods.
01:09:46I would have given you the cassette tape.
01:09:51Do you think he's going to go to the cops?
01:09:53I'll prove to you that you were with me.
01:09:55I'll save you.
01:09:57I love you.
01:09:59You smell like a whore.
01:10:00You too.
01:10:25You're here.
01:10:26No, calm down.
01:10:27Your son, he's completely crazy.
01:10:30He just broke my showcase.
01:10:32Did you hear? He broke the showcase.
01:10:34You know, it's going to cost you a lot.
01:10:36I'm going to sue you.
01:10:37I'm going to eliminate you. You're going to disappear.
01:10:39You're going to die.
01:10:40You're going to bury yourselves.
01:10:46Mathieu, come here.
01:10:47What's up?
01:10:49Have you gone mad?
01:10:51Everyone saw you throw a stone in the hammer's showcase.
01:10:53He's going to sue you.
01:10:55Are you kidding me?
01:10:56I wasn't with Dorothée. She can testify.
01:10:59When were you with Dorothée?
01:11:01When I threw the stone.
01:11:02See, you admit it.
01:11:03Why did you do that?
01:11:04To get back at your son, right?
01:11:06And I'm going to get back at him.
01:11:08But it wasn't me.
01:11:09If I don't pay you back, he's going to sue you.
01:11:12What about the insurance?
01:11:13It has nothing to do with the insurance.
01:11:14You want to put everyone in trouble.
01:11:16As if I didn't have enough to worry about.
01:11:19Listen to me, Mathieu.
01:11:20If you keep doing this, I'll have you thrown in jail.
01:11:23Mathieu, open up!
01:11:24You want to get rid of me, don't you?
01:11:26To marry this lunatic?
01:11:28I'll tell the court.
01:11:29And it's not me!
01:11:30Swear it.
01:11:31And you're unloyal.
01:11:34Okay, I'll let it slide this time.
01:11:36But you'll pay for some of the damage.
01:11:38Half of your pocket money for six months.
01:11:43Six months? You're pushing it a bit.
01:11:46Six months.
01:11:47I'm not pushing it.
01:11:48I'm not pushing it.
01:11:50I'm not pushing it.
01:11:51I'm not pushing it.
01:11:52I'm not pushing it.
01:11:53Six months!
01:12:10You bastard!
01:12:12You're not embarrassed, are you?
01:12:14If you have to settle accounts with the son of a hammer,
01:12:15you see it directly with him.
01:12:17Not with his father's showcase.
01:12:20He's taller than me, and that's disgusting.
01:12:22Yes, what do you want? Life is unfair.
01:12:24You have to learn to accept it, that's all.
01:12:27The strength of character is sometimes to accept it without saying anything.
01:12:29You know yourself for that.
01:12:35Are you going to bed already?
01:12:36No, I'm not going to bed. I'm going to change.
01:12:38I'm going out. Dinner is ready.
01:12:39Have a good evening.
01:12:41Dorothée says that to accept without saying anything is to deflate.
01:12:44What are you waiting for?
01:12:45Go see the son of a hammer. You stick your fist in his face.
01:12:49Is Dorothée your new girlfriend?
01:12:51I don't know.
01:12:53How are you doing with Catherine?
01:12:56Catherine, are you better?
01:12:58She's going to her parents' for a while to relax a bit.
01:13:02To do the fist.
01:13:05The strength of character.
01:13:08You know, it may be over between us.
01:13:11And it's our fault, Romain and mine?
01:13:14Partly, but it's more complicated than that.
01:13:17Come on, everything will be fine.
01:13:21What you say all the time, nothing will work out.
01:13:36Hey, Rose.
01:13:38And my 50 francs from Mr. Tirolois?
01:13:39You told me every time he came.
01:13:42He's not coming anymore.
01:13:43Did he leave you?
01:13:47Don't worry, Rose. It'll work out.
01:13:49And you, young man, you have the future ahead of you.
01:14:00And this one, do you like it?
01:14:02Yeah, yeah, great, yeah.
01:14:06Will you give it to me?
01:14:08Me? Why?
01:14:09Because I'm your girlfriend, so will you give it to me?
01:14:11No, you're not my real girlfriend.
01:14:14Oh, really?
01:14:16Except when you need me.
01:14:18You're really mean, Mathieu.
01:14:20Did you forget I had to pay for the showcase?
01:14:24Yeah, because you had the son of a hammer.
01:14:27It's really disgusting to tell me that.
01:14:29Well, then, it's a yes.
01:14:32Will you give it to me?
01:14:33I'm telling you I can't.
01:14:43You'll have to pay, kid.
01:14:45Shit, but it's not me.
01:14:47Yes, you were with her, I saw you.
01:14:49But I don't have any money. That's why she broke them.
01:14:52Well, you'll have to pay anyway. I'll call your dad.
01:14:55Wait, wait.
01:14:56I'll give you the change.
01:14:58Thank you, Philippe. And how much does it cost?
01:15:04Thank you, Philippe.
01:15:10You know, I don't know if I'll be able to give you your 150 bucks back.
01:15:13It's okay.
01:15:15My mom is a dentist and she makes a lot of money.
01:15:18And since she left my dad, she gives me everything I want.
01:15:23Oh, yeah?
01:15:25Yeah, to make up for my frustration.
01:15:30Anyway, my dad was annoying me and forced me to go to the gym.
01:15:34Do you want to be friends?
01:15:36Yeah, great, yeah.
01:15:40Here, it's for you.
01:15:41Thank you very much.
01:16:04I was just passing by.
01:16:06The beach is for everyone.
01:16:07I heard you.
01:16:09The harmonica.
01:16:10How did you know it was me?
01:16:12Just like that.
01:16:15Come on.
01:16:25Is it true that it's over with Dorothée?
01:16:27I didn't really know how it was.
01:16:29I thought so.
01:16:33It was because of her that I always had to go around her.
01:16:37Jérôme, it was to take revenge on me.
01:16:40The son of a hammer.
01:16:42He's only interested in sports.
01:16:43I also think he wanted to bother you because you're the rival's son.
01:16:46The other day, when you saw us on the beach,
01:16:48he was only talking about basketball.
01:16:50I thought you liked it.
01:16:54I'm glad you left Dorothée.
01:16:56We never even kissed.
01:16:57Neither did we. But you shouldn't push. I saw you.
01:17:00The other day, she wanted to annoy you.
01:17:02Like that?
01:17:06Come on, you didn't kiss like that before.
01:17:08Neither did you.
01:17:13Come on.
01:17:17You fucker! You killed my mother!
01:17:19Are you crazy?
01:17:21I found out about the shit you made her take.
01:17:23The son of the pharmacist says it's hormones.
01:17:24Women can go crazy with this drug.
01:17:28My mother got into a car accident.
01:17:31She's in a hospital.
01:17:34What's wrong?
01:17:36If my mother dies,
01:17:38I'll be all alone.
01:17:40It's your fault, you bastard, with your bullshit!
01:17:43She's got a broken neck.
01:17:46But it's because of your pills.
01:17:48You're going to go to jail!
01:17:50If you throw us out, we'll say you gave her the pills.
01:17:57No one said you were driving badly.
01:17:59Just a little nervous.
01:18:05Since we've known each other, we're always at the same point.
01:18:13If I don't take things into my own hands, it can still last ten years.
01:18:22I can't take it anymore, Bernard.
01:18:28I always find a good reason not to get involved.
01:18:33You suffer, you run away.
01:18:36I understand that your wife is depressed.
01:18:40Come on, Catherine.
01:18:42Don't say things like that.
01:18:51Are they going to do tests on you?
01:18:53What tests?
01:18:57Of course, they're always doing tests.
01:19:01I'm not going to do them.
01:19:02I'm not going to do them.
01:19:06put me down and now I want to sleep.
01:19:26I swear your mother never lost her mind.
01:19:29She was reckless to go out at bad times.
01:19:32She loved sailing, big times.
01:19:35It was her only passion.
01:19:36Did she get bored?
01:19:38Yes, sometimes we get bored in the winter.
01:19:40Why did she tell Catherine?
01:19:42Because she's a scoundrel.
01:19:44She doesn't know what she's saying.
01:19:45She's been told she's got hormonal disorders and she's never taken any medication.
01:19:50As if she'd been made to take things without her knowing.
01:19:53And what kind of things?
01:19:55For example, contraceptive pills.
01:19:58What are they?
01:19:59Don't take me for a fool, Mathieu.
01:20:01Come on, get in.
01:20:07What happened? Do you know what it's called?
01:20:11We want to stop a woman from having a child and we put pills in her food.
01:20:14Because we don't care about her, we only think about ourselves.
01:20:16And because we're stupid, we risk killing her.
01:20:19Is that what you're saying?
01:20:20But how would I have done it?
01:20:22With Romain's help.
01:20:23Are you crazy?
01:20:25And anyway, how would we have known it was dangerous?
01:20:27All the mothers of my friends take pills.
01:20:29Catherine didn't want children.
01:20:31And neither did I.
01:20:34It was Romain who told me she wanted a child.
01:20:36She even did the G-test.
01:20:38So what does that prove?
01:20:39She was afraid of getting pregnant.
01:20:42And she can't stand the pill.
01:20:47She could have died?
01:20:50It could have been much worse.
01:20:58I don't want to give birth.
01:21:01I want us to stay together.
01:21:14So, you see it's not that bad.
01:21:16Yeah, but you don't die all the time either.
01:21:20With your idea of a pill, Catherine, you almost killed her!
01:21:23That's what you wanted, right?
01:21:24So, did you get your Saint Mary back?
01:21:28You're going to hurt yourself!
01:21:34Are you all right?
01:21:35No, sir, we don't know them.
01:21:36And they're screwing around.
01:21:38Anyway, you didn't have to tell them that.
01:21:41You keep the secrets for me. I'm here.
01:21:43No, you're not.
01:21:44You're leaving in a week and I know you won't come back.
01:21:46Don't worry. If my parents want to go to Spain,
01:21:49I'll tell them I'm sick and I want to come back here.
01:21:51I'll make their lives impossible.
01:21:58Come on, trust me.
01:22:00Come on.
01:22:05So, what's this surprise?
01:22:12I'm trusting you to find another guy.
01:22:14No, I only like you.
01:22:16If you want, we can make a vow.
01:22:31I found it this winter on the beach.
01:22:33That's our vow.
01:22:35It's great.
01:22:37It suits me.
01:22:41And on the day of the wedding, we'll be engaged.
01:22:46I'm not sure we'll see each other again next year.
01:22:49Business is bad.
01:22:50My father says there's another job.
01:22:52We'll always meet again, you and me.
01:23:01I'd like us both to sleep in my bed,
01:23:03like we were married, just to cuddle.
01:23:05Come on.
01:23:18Later, we'll live together.
01:23:20No one will order us around.
01:23:22We'll travel, we'll do everything we want.
01:23:25It's so far away, later.
01:23:26If we lived next door, it'd be great.
01:23:28When it's too late, people always end up breaking up.
01:23:31Not us.
01:23:32Which one?
01:23:37Your breath tickles me.
01:23:40Is it true you found the ring on the beach?
01:23:43You shouldn't lie, it'd bring bad luck.
01:23:46It was in the street, but the beach was prettier.
01:23:49Later, would you like to get your father's business back?
01:23:52No, I wouldn't.
01:23:53And he's already screwed up his business.
01:23:55I'd like to travel, go to Egypt,
01:23:57discover unknown tombs.
01:23:59I'm thinking of something, but you're not going to lie.
01:24:02You know, my mother has books on Indian wizards.
01:24:05There are tricks to make enchantments.
01:24:08For your father, his job, we can make forces act.
01:24:12You're right.
01:24:21In the trees, there's a terrible force.
01:24:23This force, the wizards call it,
01:24:25this force, the wizards know it.
01:24:27This one is your friend.
01:24:29You'll ask him to fix your iron,
01:24:32to make it disappear with a hammer.
01:24:34I'd rather die with a hammer.
01:24:35I didn't say kill him, just stop the competition,
01:24:38which is elsewhere.
01:24:39Why would we ask him that? He won't understand.
01:24:52Now, you're like brothers.
01:24:54Tree, my brother, tree spirit,
01:24:56I ask you to remove the hammer from my father's opponent.
01:25:00Tree, my brother, tree spirit,
01:25:02I ask you to remove the hammer from my father's opponent.
01:25:05Do you often do that?
01:25:07It's my destiny, I'll be a witness.
01:25:09Later, I'll take over my aunt's office,
01:25:11with the computers and everything.
01:25:14I love you so much.
01:25:15Same for me.
01:25:18He loves you for me.
01:25:19Don't say he loves you, it's horrible.
01:25:21It was to change.
01:25:22You know what?
01:25:23I'll bother my parents to invite you to Spain next year.
01:25:26You said you'd bother them to come back.
01:25:28Yes, but Spain can be nice.
01:25:31You just have to bother your father.
01:25:33With him, it's more like a hug.
01:25:36My girl.
01:25:53Hello, Rose.
01:26:08I can assure you,
01:26:09closed, finished, rented, hammer.
01:26:11He bet on Sbrouf, but it's not working.
01:26:13We say he's moving to Nantes.
01:26:15It'll fix your business, won't it?
01:26:17Are you sure, Rose?
01:26:19Yes, because I'm telling you.
01:26:22Do you know the news?
01:26:24Hammer is leaving Nantes.
01:26:25This time, I'm going to get out of it.
01:26:29That's where we play.
01:26:30You'll play again next year?
01:26:33No, they won't come back.
01:26:35What if Marie's parents invite me to Spain this summer?
01:26:37Mathieu, things can happen in the summer.
01:26:40Did Marie write to you?
01:26:41Maybe I'll help her, it's lost.
01:26:43Call her.
01:26:44Why? I don't want to beg her.
01:26:46She has my number, I'll write to her.
01:26:52What about Catherine?
01:26:54She's fine. She's at her parents' in Strasbourg.
01:26:56She's being followed by a specialist.
01:26:58A draconian treatment.
01:27:00First, stop the pressed oranges.
01:27:04And then, a drug used against sterility.
01:27:07To make her go back to normal.
01:27:09Go back to what?
01:27:11Back to fruit juice.
01:27:13But be careful.
01:27:15If it's a shock treatment, it can go beyond expectations.
01:27:18So, she might have a baby?
01:27:22No, no.
01:27:23Not one.
01:27:33Don't forget you almost poisoned someone.
01:27:36But you can't fix that with pocket money.
01:27:41Don't worry, Dad. I understand.