• 4 months ago
00:01:18The gynecologist content, I'm so come over the capital. I'm in a primo piano strimo per ogni servizio stampa
00:01:27Sure, I'm fine. I'm gonna fight you. I'm gonna have a benissimo cozy. Thank you
00:01:48See thank
00:01:50It's all it
00:02:00In a non-possessive, I'm gonna finish the insert of the announcement
00:03:18Don't let me recommend a pocket a vision it is done. Come on Laura. Look I'll show it in a cassette. I didn't
00:03:26I'm a big archivist
00:04:40Abbiamo visto ballare
00:04:45Say I don't even think that in tanto non venite di là con noi
00:04:53So the coglioni
00:05:03Can't shoot the music
00:05:17The honest or preso con le mani dentro la marmellata
00:05:21Qui tutti i barattoli sono aperti alla pesca alla fragola alla ciliegia
00:05:40Abbiamo portato due amichetti certo avete fatto bene abbinate pure quello che volete grazie
00:05:48Il piacere
00:06:04Scusa ma questo è un locale per scambisti se volete vi porto a fare un giro
00:06:21Tu sai come si fanno i soldi non c'è dubbio
00:06:24Ma io non voglio diventare come tua moglie
00:06:26Perché che rimanca dava non ho bisogno di un manager
00:06:30Io non voglio che ci sia uno che mi dice che cosa devo non devo fare con quale magari devo anche scopare
00:06:37Io faccio questo lavoro perché mi fa perché non voglia in questo vestire tutti hanno bisogno di qualcuno
00:06:45Io e te insieme
00:06:47Possiamo andare molto lontano
00:06:49Ma io non voglio arrivare da nessuna parte io lo faccio come mi va quando mi va quando ne ho voglia
00:06:59Che cosa preferisci bella alle donne amore
00:07:56I valori sono direttamente alterati sei fatti anche questi esami insomma tanto per sicurezza
00:08:09E tuo padre è sempre sarai io
00:08:12Quelli della cooperazione l'hanno spostato a mostar adesso si occupa di un progetto per I bambini da un
00:08:18Ecco in un grande uomo è sempre stato il migliore fin dai tempi dell'università
00:08:23E papà tu sei ancora innamorata di lui no e dov'è in bosnia d'occuparsi dei strani e ti lascia qua da sola con questa casa che
00:08:30cade a pezzi
00:08:33Certo catellani dice che è un grande uomo è un grande uomo
00:08:37Per gli uomini contano solo due cose la dimensione dei loro ideali e quella del loro uccello
00:08:47Ho perso l'unghiato l'ha appiccicato da qualche parte
00:08:54O del latte con cioccolato
00:09:47Nonna dice che prega sempre per te in serio nina quanto pensi di andare avanti
00:10:07Senta non è che gli stiamo già visto qualche parte direi che mi sembra la faccia conosciuta forse in una cassetta io face film porno
00:10:18Si è vero non è solo per I soldi
00:10:24Mi piace e non è neanche tanto una questione di sesso non mi piace anche quello ma un'altra cosa
00:10:34E che io so che quando gli uomini mi guardano hanno paura di me
00:10:40Ma mi desiderano
00:10:43Sono io che li possiedo
00:10:45È una questione di potere ma tu hai idea di che cosa sto parlando mamma
00:11:15Dovete smettere di scopare qui stiamo lavorando
00:11:19Ma devo proprio farlo con questo camice da infermiera
00:11:23Perché c'è qualcosa che ti dà fastidio
00:11:26Ragazzi anale calamaro
00:12:18Non scherzare stiamo parlando d'affari
00:12:21Degli euro di un cristiano
00:12:23Voglio l'immagine di nina in esclusiva per I prossimi cinque che c'entro io scusa
00:12:29mica sono la sua gente
00:12:31Perché invece non mi dai un bell'aiuto in redazione che mi serve
00:12:35Sto chiari che
00:12:46Così brava
00:12:49Come si dice core in inglese
00:12:52Non è che gli stanno dite le stronzate
00:12:55Guarda che ti manca il fuoco
00:12:57Ce l'ho a mezza le gambe il fuoco
00:13:00Però beh questa fa tutto doppia anale e doppia pulsi
00:13:03Comunque a me non interessa nei dettagli
00:13:07No no no nessuna esclusiva
00:13:11Intanto che devi cominciare a dare l'aiuto a lei in redazione
00:13:13Hai fatto?
00:13:27Cristiano ma che cosa è?
00:13:29Tu credi di essere la padrona del mondo?
00:13:33Credi che basti questa?
00:13:37Cercavo solo di aiutarti
00:13:39Ti ringrazio
00:13:41Ma preferisco cavarmela da sola
00:13:45Nina questo è il mio lavoro
00:13:47Farà schifo ma è il mio lavoro
00:13:49Lo faccio da cinque anni e cerco anche di farlo bene
00:14:11Non viene letto?
00:15:12Qualche cosa che potrebbe associarsi a patologie di vario genere
00:15:15Hai detto anche un tumore prima?
00:15:18Anche un tumore si
00:15:23Abbiamo bisogno di una biopsia per confermarlo
00:15:25Piccolo taglio
00:15:28Ti tolgono la ghiandola così abbiamo la certezza assoluta della situazione
00:15:32Non devine che ricoverarti
00:15:36Ti prenotiamo
00:15:39Ti prenoto io d'accordo?
00:15:54E che cazzo ci muoviamo?
00:15:56Ma son dodici ore filate
00:15:58Non me ne frega un cazzo
00:16:00Stiamo qui anche venticinque ore filate a girare
00:16:08Com'era Max?
00:16:09Tu stai zitta e pensa solo scopare
00:16:11E cerca di non sfondarmi lei perché mi serve il suo culo fino a stasera
00:16:15Max ti devo parlare
00:16:18Che cosa c'è?
00:16:21Io devo stare ferma per una settimana
00:16:23Una settimana?
00:16:25Ma se noi mercoledì dobbiamo girare
00:16:28Io non posso
00:16:29Non posso?
00:16:31Non esiste non posso in questo fottutissimo lavoro di merda
00:16:35Guarda che ti faccio pagare la penale
00:16:37Max ma che penale?
00:16:39Se lavoriamo tutto in nero
00:16:41Lo sai qual è il tuo problema?
00:16:43E' che tu pensi troppo per una che deve solo farsi fottere
00:16:48Porca puttana! Continuate!
00:16:50Andate avanti!
00:16:51E tu spazzo con sta cazzo di camera!
00:16:53Andate a fa un culo andate!
00:17:29No, no comunque sia io non mi faccio operare
00:17:32Io non mi faccio tagliare punto e basta
00:17:34E fa un culo il cancro
00:17:35Tu hai un linfoma
00:17:36Non si opera
00:17:38Si cura con radia, con chemioterapia
00:17:40E si guarisce?
00:17:41Sui grandi numeri i risultati sono stati incoraggiati
00:17:45Sui grandi numeri?
00:18:31Ah no, Giorgia, sei tu
00:18:34Non c'è Cristiana?
00:18:37No, no ci sono io al parco
00:18:39Non c'è né lei né Martina
00:18:42Va bene
00:18:43Va bene, non importa, grazie
00:19:14Senti, mi dispiace per l'altro giorno però...
00:19:17Che c'è Nina?
00:19:19Sei strana
00:19:21Forse è meglio che io vada a vivere da sola per un po'
00:19:28E che cosa è successo?
00:19:30Hai trovato qualcun altro?
00:19:31No, non è questo
00:19:32Ciao Nina
00:19:36Vai fuori dai coglioni
00:19:39Fammi un favore
00:19:41Visto che vuoi stare da sola
00:19:43Vai a casa, fai le valigie e sparisci
00:19:45Cristiana non è così
00:19:46E usci pure tutto il tempo che vuoi
00:19:48Tanto stanotte io non dormo a casa
00:20:02Mamma vengo a dormire da te questa notte
00:20:04Ti devo parlare di una cosa
00:20:07Sì, ciao
00:20:31Puoi stare qui quanto vuoi
00:20:36Mi preferisco andare da Ericolo
00:20:37Non c'è in Spagna la casa è libera
00:20:40E voglio tenere Cristiana fuori da questa storia
00:20:42Ha talmente tanti problemi col bambino
00:20:45E poi me la voglio cavare da sola
00:20:49Non puoi fare sempre tutto di testa tua
00:21:01Non puoi fare sempre tutto di testa tua
00:21:19Mi fai bella come nel tuo ultimo film
00:21:22Nessuno mi ha mai fatto bella come te
00:21:30Mi fai bella come te
00:22:18Signorina scusi
00:22:20Fa molto male
00:22:23Dopo viene da vomitare
00:22:26No ma non a tutti
00:22:29Comunque è la seconda volta che la faccio
00:22:32Mi scusi
00:22:36Ma diamoci del tuo
00:22:37Mi chiamo Nina
00:22:39No meglio
00:22:42Permacora presente
00:22:43E io
00:22:44Dai tocca a te
00:22:46Sì qua
00:22:47Giù la giacca
00:22:49Prima volta?
00:22:51C'è sempre una prima volta
00:22:54No ma stai tranquillo
00:22:56Bel tatuaggio
00:22:58E lo puoi avere col lavoro che fai?
00:23:00Ma certo se mi dà la polizia
00:23:01No ecco
00:23:03Torno dopo
00:23:04Eh sì
00:23:07Gli agnosi?
00:23:09Di uno
00:23:10Però mi danno il 70% di guarigione
00:23:14Bel culo
00:24:26Sono sei anni che mi sono offerto volontario
00:24:28E sono un vicino urbano di Anzi
00:24:31E lei di che cosa si occupa in Italia?
00:24:34Pacefino Polo
00:24:56Io vado avanti eh
00:24:57Qualsiasi cosa servisse
00:25:04Catellani mi ha detto tutto
00:25:06Ti sta curando bene
00:25:07Per adesso non c'è altro da fare
00:25:10Forse potresti smettere di lavorare per un po'
00:25:12Lo sai che i soldi non sono un problema
00:25:14Ma i soldi sono un problema
00:25:17E lo sono da quando te ne sei andato
00:25:21Ma non è un problema
00:25:22Da quando te ne sei andato
00:25:25E poi a me fare filmi sei...
00:25:27Hai sempre fatto quello che hai voluto
00:25:30Anche tu
00:25:46È da molto che non vedi la mamma?
00:25:48Non mi ricordo
00:25:49Sei mesi
00:25:50Come sta?
00:25:52Sta bene
00:25:54Lei si preoccupa dei suoi fiori
00:25:57E tu? Hai meno saggia di casa?
00:26:00C'è l'asilo
00:26:01Ho un lavoro da fare
00:26:09E poi ho finito per appartenere a questo posto qui
00:26:12Perché non ne ho più uno mio
00:26:46Mi fai fare un tiro?
00:26:49Comunque, guarda, hai provato scientificamente
00:26:51Scientifically, grass has a therapeutic effect.
00:26:53Ask any doctor.
00:26:54Are you sick?
00:26:55What does it matter?
00:26:56Do you think staying in oncology all day won't make you sick?
00:27:02What happened?
00:27:03Do you know the last chemo we did?
00:27:07A varied game.
00:27:21Nina, I'm sorry, but how can you joke about something like that?
00:27:24I'm scared.
00:27:26Why me?
00:27:28I have a worse diagnosis than yours.
00:27:30You're right.
00:27:31What are you doing?
00:27:32Are you laughing at me?
00:27:37Does anything change if I cry all day?
00:27:39I'm scared, Dad.
00:27:52I'm scared.
00:28:03You know, before they threw him down here,
00:28:06there was a bridge, centuries old,
00:28:08that connected the two parts of the city.
00:28:10And the boys from Mostar would race
00:28:12to get into the Neretva from the highest point.
00:28:16Emir was the best of them all.
00:28:21Then came the war,
00:28:22and like all his peers, Emir fought.
00:28:25But don't ask him about this.
00:28:27Don't ask anyone here.
00:28:30When they rebuilt the bridge,
00:28:32Emir, a sleepless alba, got up,
00:28:34reached it,
00:28:35climbed up the shoulder,
00:28:36and stayed there, unbalanced,
00:28:38looking at the river below.
00:28:43Since that day, he hasn't thrown himself down again.
00:28:47You know what they say about these parts, Nina?
00:28:49Fear eats the soul.
00:29:05Mom's coming home.
00:29:08Everything will be better, you know.
00:29:12Mom's coming home.
00:29:15Everything will be better, you know.
00:29:19Everything will work out just fine.
00:29:22You've got stuff to do.
00:29:25I see people dying every day.
00:29:27People who didn't think about it before.
00:29:29I believe you.
00:29:30They thought about the mute.
00:29:31They thought about taking the kids to piano lessons.
00:29:33Then when they get sick,
00:29:35they become kids.
00:29:36But how?
00:29:37No one told me you could die.
00:29:39Come on.
00:29:41What the fuck are you wearing?
00:29:43It's elegant.
00:29:45Everything will be better, you know.
00:29:49Nina, do you like music?
00:29:51No, because I play and sing in a group.
00:29:54It's a bit of a special genre.
00:29:56We use chains.
00:29:57Yes, also, I don't know,
00:29:58pieces of bicycles.
00:30:00And we almost always perform
00:30:02in abandoned factories.
00:30:03The other day, for example,
00:30:04in Corsia, I was playing two keys.
00:30:06Stop it.
00:30:08Anyway, I listen to Grignani, okay?
00:30:10I can see that.
00:30:24What do you do for a living, Nina?
00:30:26I work in a factory.
00:30:29What do you mean?
00:30:31Well, you work in a sexy shop, right?
00:30:34No, I'm an actress.
00:30:36I'm an actress.
00:30:47Let's go to the sea.
00:31:01Let's go.
00:31:03Let's go.
00:31:30Let's go.
00:31:32I have the car open.
00:31:34Where are you going?
00:31:36Dario, have you eaten?
00:31:38It's cold.
00:32:02Let's go.
00:32:08It's true.
00:32:10It's all that I have to offer you.
00:32:15Do you know what I like about you?
00:32:19You make me laugh.
00:32:23You make me laugh.
00:32:27Like this?
00:32:29I like to see you smile.
00:32:32Like this?
00:33:11Hi, Nina.
00:33:23I talked to your mother this morning.
00:33:26I've been looking for you all day.
00:33:28Listen to me. I don't want anything.
00:33:30I know I've been looking for you.
00:33:33What do you want to show me?
00:33:35Do you want to get better?
00:34:21She's Cristiana.
00:34:25Can we meet?
00:34:27Martino always asks for you.
00:34:30He's my son.
00:34:57Come here.
00:35:21I love you.
00:35:27I love you too.
00:35:57I love you too.
00:36:17Luca won't be happy.
00:36:20Quiet, please. And...
00:36:40Nice, isn't it?
00:36:42Icarus, the man-bird.
00:36:44The phallic symbol par excellence.
00:36:51The great porn movies.
00:36:53It'll be the success of the season.
00:36:55I'm a failure.
00:37:07What are you doing?
00:37:09The axe!
00:37:13I told you to cut it here.
00:37:15I cut it there.
00:37:18What do I do when I'm on top of him?
00:37:20I give him a hand because I'm the best.
00:37:25Oh, what have you done? You look like Giovanna d'Arco.
00:37:35You do Giovanna d'Arco porn, don't you? Have you never thought about it?
00:37:38Let's do the whole series of the Pornosante.
00:37:40You look like a deportee.
00:37:42Luca, if you want, we can try with a wig.
00:37:46Here, put on the wig, it's better.
00:37:49Girls, let's go, the man of the sky is waiting for us.
00:37:57I told you that you need someone to help you.
00:38:02Anyway, I don't like this type of cut.
00:39:19It's good, isn't it?
00:39:34Yes. Can you eat this stuff?
00:39:37Yes, why?
00:39:39I'll break it.
00:39:40No, no, thank you.
00:39:42You know, I've always loved music. In my opinion, it's chemotherapy.
00:40:03Would you like me to cook for you?
00:40:07You're inviting me to your house, aren't you?
00:40:10Tomorrow, at noon.
00:40:40No, no, no, no, no.
00:41:09Do you like it?
00:41:14Did you cook it?
00:41:16Of course.
00:41:17No, I bought it.
00:41:19Here, in the neighborhood, it's easier to find exotic food than a carbonara.
00:41:24Besides, I don't like it either.
00:41:28Oh, I tried it.
00:41:30But you?
00:41:31Do you change with music?
00:41:33No, we all do another job.
00:41:35For example, I teach in a middle school.
00:41:37Well, now I'm sick.
00:41:39I couldn't even afford this house if my father hadn't left it for me.
00:41:42Nice upholstery.
00:41:44I can't stop.
00:41:46In our sector, the disease is not contemplated.
00:41:48How long have you been doing it?
00:41:50Two, three years.
00:41:51It's not profitable.
00:41:53Do you feel disgusted?
00:41:55No, not disgusted. Why?
00:41:57I mean, I don't understand, but...
00:41:59I don't understand how you can work every day and do the same shit every day.
00:42:03What does it matter?
00:42:05For example, I like teaching kids.
00:42:07My mom always tells me a story.
00:42:10She says that when I was little, we used to go to the sea.
00:42:13I used to take a bath.
00:42:15When I came out of the water, all wet,
00:42:18I went under the umbrella.
00:42:21And there I took off my wet suit.
00:42:24And then, all naked, I crossed the beach
00:42:27with all the people who were looking at me.
00:42:30I went to the cabin.
00:42:32And in the cabin I put on my clean suit.
00:42:39Is the story over?
00:42:44Listen, but...
00:42:48Your friend Cristiana...
00:42:50What do you want to know?
00:42:52No, it's not that I want to know...
00:42:54Do you have a girlfriend?
00:42:58No, she left me when she found out I was sick.
00:43:00She said she wouldn't be able to bear it.
00:43:04Bad luck never comes alone.
00:43:09Well, maybe this time it wasn't really bad luck.
00:43:22What is it?
00:43:23What is it?
00:43:24No, nothing.
00:43:25You're scaring me.
00:43:26No, calm down. I'm fine.
00:43:28One more thing.
00:43:31You and Nina...
00:43:33Why are you laughing?
00:43:34Do you want to know if I was still there?
00:43:38Okay, sorry. So, the night at the beach?
00:43:40Flavio, it happened.
00:43:45Are you in love with Nina?
00:43:51Be careful.
00:43:54It's burning.
00:43:56It's burning.
00:43:58It's burning!
00:43:59What system?
00:44:02Fuck it, Dario. Be careful.
00:44:04Be patient, Nina.
00:44:06It's the penultimate session.
00:44:11You didn't do anything today?
00:44:12No, no. I had blood tests.
00:44:16I'll be back soon.
00:44:54She will fix my gun.
00:45:02It will be fun, you know.
00:45:10Then she will teach me to hit the right target.
00:45:18That is the secret.
00:45:24That is the secret.
00:45:32And I'm coming back.
00:45:50I'll do the tests on Tuesday.
00:45:52Don't worry. Everything will be fine.
00:45:55Really? That's much better.
00:45:57Don't say shit. It hurts.
00:46:00I'm about to have a heart attack.
00:46:05Listen, why don't we go out tonight with your new friends?
00:46:09Don't you know where?
00:46:11Who? The blond guy? No way.
00:46:14You like the blond guy?
00:46:17I don't know.
00:46:22Are you sure it's here?
00:46:24This is the place.
00:46:26Is it a castle?
00:46:27No, come on.
00:46:29Come on. I'm curious.
00:46:31Nina is with you. Let's go.
00:46:33Come on.
00:46:49Sensitivity and the ability to express yourself creatively.
00:46:58You are so cute.
00:47:00He didn't want to go up.
00:47:01No, it's not that.
00:47:02You didn't want to go up.
00:47:03Why didn't you want to go up?
00:47:05No, it's just that maybe you...
00:47:07Are you shy?
00:47:09It's nice here.
00:47:12Now it's my turn.
00:47:14Do you want to see?
00:48:19I'm a champion.
00:48:21I come from the Bronx.
00:48:23Drive and show me your strength.
00:48:31I'll go.
00:48:33I'll go.
00:48:34What are you doing?
00:48:35I'll go.
00:48:36I'll go.
00:48:38Get out the coin and the spade.
00:48:40I'll go.
00:48:41I'll go.
00:48:42I'll go.
00:48:43I'll go.
00:48:44I'll go.
00:48:45I'll go.
00:48:46I'll go.
00:48:47Get out the coin and the spade.
00:48:49I'm done.
00:49:46Don't they come back?
00:49:52It's their story.
00:49:56Aren't you jealous?
00:49:58No, not anymore.
00:50:00And you?
00:50:02What do you mean?
00:50:03You're jealous of me, aren't you?
00:50:05No, no, no.
00:50:07Besides, girls always leave me.
00:50:11Me too.
00:50:12Come on.
00:50:14Come on.
00:50:21A little wet.
00:50:22Do you want a sweater?
00:50:23No, no.
00:50:24Come on, take it.
00:50:26You're welcome.
00:50:37No, wait, Nina.
00:50:40Come here.
00:50:55I don't even know how to kiss a porn actress.
00:50:59I just look at you.
00:51:05I fell in love, Nina.
00:51:09Do you want to sleep with me?
00:51:13Just sleep.
00:51:25Do you mind?
00:51:57Imagine if Max has problems with you.
00:51:59Do you know that you have always been one of his favorites?
00:52:02It's that he got this idea about the otherness,
00:52:05about the double.
00:52:07So why am I not there?
00:52:10You know, he saw the rehearsal you did two years ago.
00:52:12He liked it.
00:52:13You know how it is.
00:52:14No, the truth is that you know I'm sick
00:52:16and so I don't feel well anymore.
00:52:19Is it true?
00:52:23Let's be quiet, please.
00:52:32And you, who the fuck told you to stop?
00:52:34Go on, fucking bitch!
00:52:37And you, what the fuck are you doing with Bea's camera?
00:52:41I don't give a fuck about you all!
00:52:43I'm working for you assholes!
00:52:45You fucking assholes!
00:53:06I'd like to thank you.
00:53:08You can withdraw the receipts on Wednesday.
00:53:38I'd like to thank you.
00:53:39You can withdraw the receipts on Wednesday.
00:54:08You can withdraw the receipts on Wednesday.
00:54:39What a surprise!
00:54:41Fuck off!
00:54:45Fuck off!
00:54:46You always wanted to do it, didn't you?
00:54:48Do it!
00:54:49Fuck off!
00:54:50And hurt me!
00:55:08Fuck off!
00:55:09Fuck off!
00:55:10Fuck off!
00:55:11Fuck off!
00:55:12Fuck off!
00:55:13Fuck off!
00:55:14Fuck off!
00:55:15Fuck off!
00:55:16Fuck off!
00:55:17Fuck off!
00:55:18Fuck off!
00:55:19Fuck off!
00:55:20Fuck off!
00:55:21Fuck off!
00:55:22Fuck off!
00:55:23Fuck off!
00:55:24Fuck off!
00:55:25Fuck off!
00:55:26Fuck off!
00:55:27Fuck off!
00:55:28Fuck off!
00:55:29Fuck off!
00:55:30Fuck off!
00:55:31Fuck off!
00:55:32Fuck off!
00:55:33Fuck off!
00:55:34Fuck off!
00:55:35Fuck off!
00:55:36Fuck off!
00:55:43Flavio, Nina...
00:55:45Flavio, I've received the results,
00:55:46everything's going great
00:55:47all good, good
00:55:51I'll come see you then
00:56:02So, are we having a party?
00:56:09I'm going to get a glass of beer, so we can toast.
00:56:32I'm going to get a glass of beer, so we can toast.
00:56:54I'm going to get a glass of beer, so we can toast.
00:57:22I'm going to get a glass of beer, so we can toast.
00:57:52I'm going to get a glass of beer, so we can toast.
00:58:20I'm going to get a glass of beer, so we can toast.
00:58:49I'm going to get a glass of beer, so we can toast.
00:58:51I'm going to get a glass of beer, so we can toast.
00:58:52I'm going to get a glass of beer, so we can toast.
00:58:53I'm going to get a glass of beer, so we can toast.
00:58:54I'm going to get a glass of beer, so we can toast.
00:58:55I'm going to get a glass of beer, so we can toast.
00:58:56I'm going to get a glass of beer, so we can toast.
00:58:57I'm going to get a glass of beer, so we can toast.
00:58:58I'm going to get a glass of beer, so we can toast.
00:58:59I'm going to get a glass of beer, so we can toast.
00:59:00I'm going to get a glass of beer, so we can toast.
00:59:01I'm going to get a glass of beer, so we can toast.
00:59:02I'm going to get a glass of beer, so we can toast.
00:59:04I'm going to get a glass of beer, so we can toast.
00:59:05I'm going to get a glass of beer, so we can toast.
00:59:06I'm going to get a glass of beer, so we can toast.
00:59:07I'm going to get a glass of beer, so we can toast.
00:59:08I'm going to get a glass of beer, so we can toast.
00:59:09I'm going to get a glass of beer, so we can toast.
00:59:10I'm going to get a glass of beer, so we can toast.
00:59:11I'm going to get a glass of beer, so we can toast.
00:59:12I'm going to get a glass of beer, so we can toast.
00:59:13I'm going to get a glass of beer, so we can toast.
00:59:14I'm going to get a glass of beer, so we can toast.
00:59:15I'm going to get a glass of beer, so we can toast.
00:59:16I'm going to get a glass of beer, so we can toast.
00:59:18I'm going to get a glass of beer, so we can toast.
00:59:19I'm going to get a glass of beer, so we can toast.
00:59:20I'm going to get a glass of beer, so we can toast.
00:59:21I'm going to get a glass of beer, so we can toast.
00:59:22I'm going to get a glass of beer, so we can toast.
00:59:23I'm going to get a glass of beer, so we can toast.
00:59:24I'm going to get a glass of beer, so we can toast.
00:59:25I'm going to get a glass of beer, so we can toast.
00:59:26I'm going to get a glass of beer, so we can toast.
00:59:27I'm going to get a glass of beer, so we can toast.
00:59:28I'm going to get a glass of beer, so we can toast.
00:59:29I'm going to get a glass of beer, so we can toast.
00:59:30I'm going to get a glass of beer, so we can toast.
00:59:31I'm going to get a glass of beer, so we can toast.
00:59:32I'm going to get a glass of beer, so we can toast.
00:59:33I'm going to get a glass of beer, so we can toast.
00:59:34I'm going to get a glass of beer, so we can toast.
00:59:35I'm going to get a glass of beer, so we can toast.
00:59:36I'm going to get a glass of beer, so we can toast.
00:59:37I'm going to get a glass of beer, so we can toast.
00:59:38I'm going to get a glass of beer, so we can toast.
00:59:39I'm going to get a glass of beer, so we can toast.
00:59:40I'm going to get a glass of beer, so we can toast.
00:59:41I'm going to get a glass of beer, so we can toast.
00:59:42I'm going to get a glass of beer, so we can toast.
00:59:43I'm going to get a glass of beer, so we can toast.
00:59:45I'm going to get a glass of beer, so we can toast.
00:59:46I'm going to get a glass of beer, so we can toast.
00:59:47I'm going to get a glass of beer, so we can toast.
00:59:48I'm going to get a glass of beer, so we can toast.
00:59:49I'm going to get a glass of beer, so we can toast.
00:59:50I'm going to get a glass of beer, so we can toast.
00:59:51I'm going to get a glass of beer, so we can toast.
00:59:52I'm going to get a glass of beer, so we can toast.
00:59:53I'm going to get a glass of beer, so we can toast.
00:59:54I'm going to get a glass of beer, so we can toast.
00:59:55I'm going to get a glass of beer, so we can toast.
00:59:56I'm going to get a glass of beer, so we can toast.
00:59:57I'm going to get a glass of beer, so we can toast.
00:59:59I'm going to get a glass of beer, so we can toast.
01:00:00I'm going to get a glass of beer, so we can toast.
01:00:01I'm going to get a glass of beer, so we can toast.
01:00:02I'm going to get a glass of beer, so we can toast.
01:00:03I'm going to get a glass of beer, so we can toast.
01:00:04I'm going to get a glass of beer, so we can toast.
01:00:05I'm going to get a glass of beer, so we can toast.
01:00:06I'm going to get a glass of beer, so we can toast.
01:00:07I'm going to get a glass of beer, so we can toast.
01:00:08I'm going to get a glass of beer, so we can toast.
01:00:09I'm going to get a glass of beer, so we can toast.
01:00:10I'm going to get a glass of beer, so we can toast.
01:00:11I'm going to get a glass of beer, so we can toast.
01:00:12I'm going to get a glass of beer, so we can toast.
01:00:41I'm going to get a glass of beer, so we can toast.
01:01:08I'm going to get a glass of beer, so we can toast.
01:01:09I'm going to get a glass of beer, so we can toast.
01:01:10I'm going to get a glass of beer, so we can toast.
01:01:11I'm going to get a glass of beer, so we can toast.
01:01:12I'm going to get a glass of beer, so we can toast.
01:01:13I'm going to get a glass of beer, so we can toast.
01:01:14I'm going to get a glass of beer, so we can toast.
01:01:15I'm going to get a glass of beer, so we can toast.
01:01:16I'm going to get a glass of beer, so we can toast.
01:01:17I'm going to get a glass of beer, so we can toast.
01:01:18I'm going to get a glass of beer, so we can toast.
01:01:19I'm going to get a glass of beer, so we can toast.
01:01:20I'm going to get a glass of beer, so we can toast.
01:01:22I'm going to get a glass of beer, so we can toast.
01:01:23I'm going to get a glass of beer, so we can toast.
01:01:24I'm going to get a glass of beer, so we can toast.
01:01:25I'm going to get a glass of beer, so we can toast.
01:01:26I'm going to get a glass of beer, so we can toast.
01:01:27I'm going to get a glass of beer, so we can toast.
01:01:28I'm going to get a glass of beer, so we can toast.
01:01:29I'm going to get a glass of beer, so we can toast.
01:01:30I'm going to get a glass of beer, so we can toast.
01:01:31I'm going to get a glass of beer, so we can toast.
01:01:32I'm going to get a glass of beer, so we can toast.
01:01:33I'm going to get a glass of beer, so we can toast.
01:01:34I'm going to get a glass of beer, so we can toast.
01:02:10Flavioaaa Flavio!!!
01:02:11I have seen a lot of people who rise up.
01:02:19There are plenty who go forward.
01:02:30Oh, I want it, I want it, I want it, I want it, I want it, I want it, I want it, I want
01:03:00it, I
01:04:00I'm sorry.
01:04:01I'm sorry.
01:04:02I'm sorry.
01:04:03I'm sorry.
01:04:04I'm sorry.
01:04:05I'm sorry.
01:04:06I'm sorry.
01:04:07I'm sorry.
01:04:08I'm sorry.
01:04:09I'm sorry.
01:04:10I'm sorry.
01:04:11I'm sorry.
01:04:12I'm sorry.
01:04:13I'm sorry.
01:04:14I'm sorry.
01:04:15I'm sorry.
01:04:16I'm sorry.
01:04:17I'm sorry.
01:04:18I'm sorry.
01:04:19I'm sorry.
01:04:20I'm sorry.
01:04:21I'm sorry.
01:04:22I'm sorry.
01:04:23I'm sorry.
01:04:24I'm sorry.
01:04:25I'm sorry.
01:04:26I'm sorry.
01:04:27I'm sorry.
01:04:28I'm sorry.
01:04:29I'm sorry.
01:04:30I'm sorry.
01:04:31I'm sorry.
01:04:32I'm sorry.
01:04:33I'm sorry.
01:04:34I'm sorry.
01:04:35I'm sorry.
01:04:36I'm sorry.
01:04:37I'm sorry.
01:04:38I'm sorry.
01:04:39I'm sorry.
01:04:40I'm sorry.
01:04:41I'm sorry.
01:04:42I'm sorry.
01:04:43I'm sorry.
01:04:44I'm sorry.
01:04:45I'm sorry.
01:04:46I'm sorry.
01:04:47I'm sorry.
01:04:48I'm sorry.
01:04:49I'm sorry.
01:04:50I'm sorry.
01:04:51I'm sorry.
01:04:52I'm sorry.
01:04:53I'm sorry.
01:04:54I'm sorry.
01:04:55I'm sorry.
01:04:56I'm sorry.
01:04:57I'm sorry.
01:04:58I'm sorry.
01:04:59I'm sorry.
01:05:00I'm sorry.
01:05:01I'm sorry.
01:05:02I'm sorry.
01:05:03I'm sorry.
01:05:04I'm sorry.
01:05:05I'm sorry.
01:05:06I'm sorry.
01:05:07I'm sorry.
01:05:08I'm sorry.
01:05:09I'm sorry.
01:05:10I'm sorry.
01:05:11I'm sorry.
01:05:12I'm sorry.
01:05:13I'm sorry.
01:05:14I'm sorry.
01:05:15I'm sorry.
01:05:16I'm sorry.
01:05:17I'm sorry.
01:05:18I'm sorry.
01:05:19I'm sorry.
01:05:20I'm sorry.
01:05:21I'm sorry.
01:05:22I'm sorry.
01:05:23I'm sorry.
01:05:24I'm sorry.
01:05:25I'm sorry.
01:05:26I'm sorry.
01:05:27I'm sorry.
01:05:28I'm sorry.
01:05:29I'm sorry.
01:05:30I'm sorry.
01:05:31I'm sorry.
01:05:32I'm sorry.
01:05:33I'm sorry.
01:05:34I'm sorry.
01:05:35I'm sorry.
01:05:36I'm sorry.
01:05:37I'm sorry.
01:05:38I'm sorry.
01:05:39I'm sorry.
01:05:40I'm sorry.
01:05:41I'm sorry.
01:05:42I'm sorry.
01:05:43I'm sorry.
01:05:44I'm sorry.
01:05:45I'm sorry.
01:05:46I'm sorry.
01:05:47I'm sorry.
01:05:48I'm sorry.
01:05:49I'm sorry.
01:05:50I'm sorry.
01:05:51I'm sorry.
01:05:52I'm sorry.
01:05:53I'm sorry.
01:05:54I'm sorry.
01:05:55I'm sorry.
01:05:56I'm sorry.
01:05:57I'm sorry.
01:05:58I'm sorry.
01:05:59I'm sorry.
01:06:00I'm sorry.
01:06:01I'm sorry.
01:06:02I'm sorry.
01:06:03I'm sorry.
01:06:04I'm sorry.
01:06:05I'm sorry.
01:06:06I'm sorry.
01:06:07I'm sorry.
01:06:08I'm sorry.
01:06:09I'm sorry.
01:06:10I'm sorry.
01:06:11I'm sorry.
01:06:12I'm sorry.
01:06:13I'm sorry.
01:06:14I'm sorry.
01:06:15I'm sorry.
01:06:16I'm sorry.
01:06:17I'm sorry.
01:06:18I'm sorry.
01:06:19I'm sorry.
01:06:20I'm sorry.
01:06:21I'm sorry.
01:06:22I'm sorry.
01:06:23I'm sorry.
01:06:24I'm sorry.
01:06:25I'm sorry.
01:06:26I'm sorry.
01:06:27I'm sorry.
01:06:28I'm sorry.
01:06:29I'm sorry.
01:06:30I'm sorry.
01:06:31I'm sorry.
01:06:32I'm sorry.
01:06:33I'm sorry.
01:06:34I'm sorry.
01:06:35I'm sorry.
01:06:36I'm sorry.
01:06:37I'm sorry.
01:06:38I'm sorry.
01:06:39I'm sorry.
01:06:40I'm sorry.
01:06:41I'm sorry.
01:06:42I'm sorry.
01:06:43I'm sorry.
01:06:44I'm sorry.
01:06:45I'm sorry.
01:06:46I'm sorry.
01:06:47I'm sorry.
01:06:48I'm sorry.
01:06:49I'm sorry.
01:06:50I'm sorry.
01:06:51I'm sorry.
01:06:52I'm sorry.
01:06:53I'm sorry.
01:06:54I'm sorry.
01:06:55I'm sorry.
01:06:56I'm sorry.
01:06:57I'm sorry.
01:06:58I'm sorry.
01:06:59I'm sorry.
01:07:00I'm sorry.
01:07:01I'm sorry.
01:07:02I'm sorry.
01:07:03I'm sorry.
01:07:04I'm sorry.
01:07:05I'm sorry.
01:07:06I'm sorry.
01:07:07I'm sorry.
01:07:08I'm sorry.
01:07:09I'm sorry.
01:07:10I'm sorry.
01:07:11I'm sorry.
01:07:12I'm sorry.
01:07:13I'm sorry.
01:07:14I'm sorry.
01:07:15I'm sorry.
01:07:16I'm sorry.
01:07:17I'm sorry.
01:07:18I'm sorry.
01:07:19I'm sorry.
01:07:20I'm sorry.
01:07:21I'm sorry.
01:07:22I'm sorry.
01:07:23I'm sorry.
01:07:24I'm sorry.
01:07:25I'm sorry.
01:07:26I'm sorry.
01:07:27I'm sorry.
01:07:28I'm sorry.
01:07:29I'm sorry.
01:07:30I'm sorry.
01:07:31I'm sorry.
01:07:32I'm sorry.
01:07:33I'm sorry.
01:07:34I'm sorry.
01:07:35I'm sorry.
01:07:36I'm sorry.
01:07:37I'm sorry.
01:07:38I'm sorry.
01:07:39I'm sorry.
01:07:40I'm sorry.
01:07:41I'm sorry.
01:07:42I'm sorry.
01:07:43I'm sorry.
01:07:44I'm sorry.
01:07:45I'm sorry.
01:07:46I'm sorry.
01:07:47I'm sorry.
01:07:48I'm sorry.
01:07:49I'm sorry.
01:07:50I'm sorry.
01:07:51I'm sorry.
01:07:52Mario asked me if I'd go on holiday with him.
01:07:58Oh yes.
01:07:59I'm going with Martino.
01:08:07And you?
01:08:08When are you having sex?