Pats' HC, Jerod Mayo, joins for "Mayo Mondays"!

  • 2 weeks ago
Pats' HC, Jerod Mayo, joins for "Mayo Mondays"!
Why did Mayo and the Pats go with Brissett over Maye? Was it a true QB competition?
00:00Gerard Mayo, Mayo Monday brought to you by Northeast Men's Health, the experts in treating
00:06the sexual health issues of men with five New England offices or at
00:12by Land Rover of Norwood and Coach Mayo brought to you by Hellman's Real Mayonnaise.
00:19You can purchase Hellman's at your local Walmart or grocery store to add extra deliciousness
00:24and creamy flavor to your game day dishes all football season long.
00:29And here he is, Coach Mayo.
00:31Hey coach, how are you?
00:33I'm doing well, but I'm sure Courtney and Chris have a smile on their face the entire
00:38day after that game last night.
00:40Nothing can bring me down.
00:44I mean, the argument has been this morning from the naysayers that the FSU team was not
00:50a great team, but that's a big win for BC last night.
00:52It's a huge win.
00:53I mean, people are always going to say things like that.
00:57It's a huge win for the program and you know, I'm excited for the coaching staff, most excited
01:02for the players.
01:03You know, they put a lot of work in and came out and performed, so that was great.
01:08Before we get into it, I wanted to ask you, do you want to pick your walk up song?
01:11If you will, if you want to call it that, like you can pick whatever song we use when
01:14we intro you.
01:17Let me think about it.
01:18Let me think about it and I'll get it to you next week.
01:20That's like a Craig Breslow answer.
01:22I asked Craig Breslow his three favorite bands.
01:24He couldn't name one for a month.
01:26All right, we'll give you till the end.
01:31Think about it.
01:32There's a lot of songs out there.
01:34It depends.
01:35It depends how Sunday goes.
01:37I'll call you after the game.
01:38Give you a song.
01:39Also, Ty Law is in here for his segment.
01:43So Ty, say hi.
01:45What's going on, man?
01:46What's up, Ty?
01:47What's up, brother?
01:48How you doing?
01:55I got some great questions for you.
01:56We've got some from his POV.
01:57Ty got on them cool.
01:58Those the Deon shades?
02:00Those the Deon sunglasses?
02:01Get that microphone out of here.
02:03Now we're going to ...
02:06How is he ...
02:07These are law dogs.
02:08He's a law dog.
02:09Law dog shades.
02:10Are you inside with sunglasses on, Ty?
02:12He always.
02:13Inside on with shades on, a bucket hat doing what I do.
02:16We about to have some ...
02:18A bucket hat with shades on.
02:20We about to have some mimosas too.
02:21I think everyone in the organization, uh, even, even the older players, they've all
02:34tried it.
02:38The man is not opposed to a free plug here or there.
02:41I don't know if you know that or no, I know, I'm sure he just probably dropped the letter
02:45off right in front of you.
02:46Like here's commercial stuff.
02:47Go ahead and read it.
02:48Let's get it out the way.
02:49All right.
02:50Well, uh, let's get into it because I think Wiggy at times this past week was confused
02:57and I know you like to clear confusion up.
03:01So it was hard with Wiggy, but I love him like a brother shoot fire away, fire away.
03:07So the one, the one thing, sorry, hold on.
03:10The one thing I would say is as long as the people in the building aren't confused, I'm
03:15I'm okay.
03:16I try to be as transparent with you guys, as I said in the past, uh, and give you information,
03:21the most information that I feel comfortable with.
03:25So far away.
03:26And we appreciate that.
03:27And there are some that think maybe you're super strategic and sneaky and that some of
03:30the things that you say are all a part of your strategy.
03:33And I like that as well, but you were on the show, not, not much more than a week ago saying
03:39that you felt like Drake may had out, I'm paraphrasing, but had outperformed Jacoby
03:45in camp.
03:46And then it turns out that you end up, uh, deciding, uh, collaboratively or you made
03:51the decision or we made the decision that it's going to be Jacoby Brissett week one.
03:56What, what kind of turned your, changed your mind there?
04:01You know, I should have given more context to the comment at the time.
04:04Um, look, Drake had more playing time in the preseason than Jacoby and that was intentional.
04:08So as we talk about the developmental plan, like we know what it is internally, but that
04:12was definitely intentional.
04:13We know what Jacoby can do.
04:14Uh, he's played a lot of ball in this league.
04:16We see him every day in practice and we know what he's done in the NFL as well.
04:20So, but we have full confidence.
04:22I have full confidence in, in Jacoby leading our team, uh, into the season and, and, you
04:27know, the players feel the same way, you know, those guys selected him as a captain.
04:31So that should say a lot as well.
04:32Um, I just, you know, that this is the way we're going to go.
04:36And like I always say, as the head coach of the team, like I'm trying to make the best
04:39decisions for the organization, not only here in the present, but also in the future.
04:43So any disappointment on the part of Drake May?
04:46I mean, it seems like he was told that there was a true quarterback competition and may
04:52have felt like he outplayed Jacoby, but doesn't get the start at how, how does he feel about it?
04:59Well, I'm not sure he feels the way you just said.
05:02Um, what I would say is, you know, he's going to continue to prepare as if he's the starter.
05:08And it was a true competition.
05:09I think you just have to take it all in.
05:11And when I said, you know, at the end of the preseason, and I want to be very explicit
05:15about this at the end of the preseason, he was playing at a very high level.
05:19Now, when we were thinking about who we're going to have, you know, start for our team,
05:23you know, we had to put, you know, a lot of thought into it.
05:26And I would also say it goes all the way back to the spring when we first started talking
05:30about competition and competing, you know, I'm not, you would, you would have to ask
05:33Drake how he feels or how he felt about the conversation, but I thought it went well.
05:38Gerard, one of the things that you always talk about is the collaborative effort of
05:43coming together with everybody when it's about making decisions.
05:47I get that.
05:48But there comes a point in time when you guys are going to disagree on personnel, who should
05:53be starting, those type of things.
05:56I guess my biggest question where I want to know kind of like that final decision making
06:03when it comes to starting and depth shot is, is that your decision?
06:09Because I, I, my opinion is just from an outsider is I feel like maybe that might be something
06:15that Elliot Wolf might have more say so in, which I don't agree with.
06:21But where, who has final say when it comes to depth shot decisions and who should be
06:26starting at positions when we talk about like the quarterback, if you guys are on a different
06:32Look, you know, as a head coach, I have the final say with all of that stuff.
06:37I do value the opinions of others and, and, you know, Elliot's opinion is definitely valued.
06:43But as a head coach, you know, I have the final say.
06:45Like saying with the quarterback, like from the time we signed Jacoby and drafted Drake,
06:49we've had a plan on how to best develop Drake and we're going to stick to that no matter
06:53what happens, no matter, you know, what's being said on the outside, like we're going
06:57to stick to the plan and it, you know, it may not be the most popular plan, but it's
07:01the plan that I think is best for, for the team.
07:04And, and that plan, like who developed that plan?
07:07Was that an Elliot Wolf plan because he had the experience with Jordan Love?
07:12Is that a Alex Van Pelt plan is like who developed, whose, whose plan was it?
07:19So from the, you know, from, you know, let me take you through the process.
07:22It's me meeting with, you know, AVP and McAdoo and those guys on the offensive side of the
07:29No, we came to the final conclusion.
07:30And once again, like as the head coach, I have to put the final stamp, like, this is
07:34what we're going to do.
07:35And I'm willing to suffer any type of consequences, you know, but I'm thinking about the organization
07:41as a whole.
07:42Gerard, I know that you've said before you made your decision, you guys named Jacoby
07:46the starter, that who you pick for say week one, maybe the best for the team that week,
07:52but that may not be the best come week five, or is that still the plan?
07:57Is that still how you feel that maybe every week you could be making a different decision?
08:03Every single week, these guys have one opportunity and look, we talk about practice being the
08:07most important thing, but you know, playing on Sunday, every single week, these guys have
08:12one opportunity to go out there and perform at a high level.
08:15And so every single week is a competition, no matter what position we're talking about.
08:19And I do still feel that way to answer your question that, you know, if you're not playing
08:23well, if you're not giving our team the best chance to win games, no matter the position,
08:28then we have to look at different options.
08:30And I think that's healthy stress.
08:32I think that's healthy competition.
08:34And you know, I think the guys need to understand that it's the same way we look at the practice
08:39You know, you look at the practice squad and people have different philosophies around
08:42For me and Elliott, you know, and the rest of the organization, we look at that as a
08:46developmental type of unit, like guys that can step right in if, you know, we feel like
08:52we're not getting enough out of our players on the field on Sundays.
08:55Gerrard, have you been surprised at the sort of backlash to your way of doing things?
09:00People seem outraged that there's a change from how you're operating as compared to your
09:05predecessor, but isn't the biggest reason or one of the biggest reasons you're in the
09:08position you currently have because of the changing approach in an attempt to relate
09:13to the players and all of that?
09:15No matter what industry or if we're talking about sports or anything, change is always
09:22You know, we'll be measured by our wins and losses, not only this year, but also years
09:26in the future.
09:27And, you know, change is difficult for fans, change is difficult for coaches, players,
09:32all that stuff.
09:33And once you get through that, you know, that difficult stage, hopefully, you know, we're
09:37able to reap the benefits of that change.
09:40Speaking of wins and losses, this team is basically an underdog every single game this
09:46Is that something you're able to use with these guys?
09:48And how are they reacting with that?
09:51Yeah, you know, I would say inside these walls, like we don't really pay attention to it.
09:56They can hear the chatter.
09:57You know, they hear the chatter that we're not favored to win any games.
10:00That doesn't mean that we're not going to come out here every day and practice hard
10:04and compete each and every week.
10:05We go into every game expecting to win.
10:08That has to be the mentality.
10:10It's up to you guys to put your, you know, the spin or, you know, the casinos to put
10:15the spreads on games.
10:16That's totally separate than how we feel in this room.
10:19And that's why everyone says like any given Sunday, no matter what, you know, who's coaching,
10:23what the roster looks like, any given Sunday, you have that one opportunity to go out there
10:28and perform at a high level.
10:29To answer your question, hold on, I will say, you know, they hear that stuff and it should
10:37make them upset because, you know, whether it's your parents calling you or your friends
10:41calling you, it should make them upset.
10:43And hopefully that fuels good practices that lead to having good games.
10:47What you got, Ty?
10:49Oh, I got a whole lot, but I'm going to let you do your coach speak right now, but we
10:53going to have to, we going to have to get together.
10:55I mean, I like the whole politically correct stuff, so I will be here to articulate from
10:59now on what he's really saying, because, you know, when you talk about other people, it's
11:05very important and all that.
11:07Damn it, stand on business.
11:08The buck stops here.
11:09I'm the head coach, Jerrod Mayo.
11:11Damn it, I got the last say so.
11:13So if he don't want to say it, I'm going to say it, you know what I mean?
11:17Somebody got to come here and shake it up.
11:19Somebody got to come shake it up.
11:20Come on, Jerrod.
11:22I think I was pretty clear.
11:23Look, I am the head coach.
11:24And once again, going back to, you know, the disgruntled fans and people in the media,
11:30like it doesn't matter to me.
11:31I'm going to do what's best for the team.
11:33And yeah, you're exactly right.
11:34The buck does stop with me.
11:37Time now for the Hellman's Mayo question of the week.
11:40You can purchase Hellman's at your local Walmart or grocery store to add deliciousness and
11:44creamy flavor to your game day dishes this football season.
11:49Speaking of doing things a little differently, the captains named yesterday and they will
11:53wear a C on their jersey.
11:56And a texter wants to know what went into that.
12:00I've always thought it was important.
12:01Even, you know, when I was a player, I thought it was important.
12:04Not only internally, but I thought it was important externally.
12:07Like referees need to know who they can go and talk to about certain things on certain plays.
12:12And I would also say the C on your chest, like you earned that.
12:15It's always been an important thing to me.
12:18Gerard, I keep asking the question to Wiggy.
12:20You got a free parking space, whatever.
12:22Free parking space?
12:23Do they get a free parking space?
12:24Yeah, for captains.
12:25You get a parking space, you know, to hand a captain some of that.
12:29You can walk a couple of steps closer, Wiggy.
12:31I didn't too much give a damn.
12:32What about you, Wiggy?
12:34That was in the 90s.
12:36That was in the 90s with the parking space.
12:38We're done with that.
12:39We're done with that.
12:41I don't even park on the front.
12:42I don't park in the front.
12:43I park anywhere.
12:44First come, first serve.
12:45Yeah, that's what I meant.
12:46But you know the captains, they got their little parking space and you go in and you
12:50feel good about yourself.
12:51No, they don't.
12:52No, they don't.
12:53Well, here's another change.
12:54We don't have parking spaces for the captains.
12:55Oh, love it.
12:56Hey, love it because it didn't mean nothing anyway because sometimes you get a free TV
13:00in training camp where you get, you know, when you get captains, you get a free TV.
13:04We ain't have one USB port in.
13:06Also, hold on a second.
13:10That's what I'm saying.
13:11You're talking about the 90s.
13:12You're talking about the 90s, one USB port.
13:15Come on.
13:16Hey, you're always welcome back.
13:17I welcome the alums back all the time.
13:19So you can come here.
13:20You'll see 10 USB ports right here on my desk.
13:23So it's getting to 24.
13:25Also, coach, how would Ty know what you got at training camp?
13:29He was always holding out for more.
13:33No, I never had out of training camp.
13:36I never had out of training camp at all.
13:37I just left.
13:38That's it.
13:41It's different.
13:42It's different.
13:43It's different when you hold out and don't come at all.
13:44Not at all then.
13:45That was the 90s.
13:46Yeah, that was the 90s.
13:47You know what I mean?
13:48Hold on.
13:49Hold on, Ty.
13:50Let me interview Ty.
13:51So right now, would you be a hold in?
13:52Would I be a hold in?
13:54Oh, no.
13:55Man, you got to stand on business.
13:56Damn right.
13:57You know what I mean?
13:58If I was welcome to be held in.
13:59You would.
14:00But if not, I would go home and prop my feet up.
14:02They standing on business out there.
14:03So you got to do what you got to do.
14:04Hey, them top corner's making big money, Ty.
14:05You might have to hold in, man.
14:06Hey, hold in, hold out as long as you get what you need to get.
14:07But I'm just like the whole captain thing.
14:08And I'm glad that you've taken that approach because, a lot of times, I think coaches put
14:09so much on the captains and it ain't like that you can make no decisions.
14:10But, man, I got a bad feeling about this.
14:11I think I'm going to have to be a hold in.
14:12It's working.
14:13But I'm just like the whole captain thing.
14:14I'm glad that you've taken that approach because, a lot of times, I think coaches put so much
14:15have to hold in, man. Hey, hold in, hold out as long as you get
14:18where, you know, get what you need to get but I'm just like
14:21the whole captain thing. I'm glad that you take taking that
14:24approach because a lot of times I think coaches put so much on
14:27the captains and it ain't like that you can make no decisions.
14:31You know what I mean? Anyway, you might you might speak for
14:33the team and things like that but all I seen was that you had
14:36like, you know, a parking space with your name on it. You know
14:39what I mean? Things like that. Like, me personally, I didn't
14:42care. You know what I mean? For being a captain so that mean
14:44you had to stay for the off season program. Damn it, I'm
14:47out. Hey, you you still you still on these parking spaces.
14:50It's been like seven minutes. Speaking of speaking of of the
14:55hold ins or hold outs. Um we got some I I'm assuming it's
14:59it's accurate. Some information on the offers to Brandon Ayuk
15:03from Burt Brear and Sports Illustrated over the weekend
15:06and uh looks like you guys were offering uh second rounder in
15:11twenty-five, third rounder in twenty-six, a player which I
15:15guess was Kendrick Bourne and $32 million. Um are you
15:21surprised? Were you surprised that that was not good enough
15:25when it came to getting that player? That was uh I mean I'm
15:29not gonna get into, you know, what we offered or other teams
15:31offered but that was a very unique experience at least for
15:34me personally. Um look, he ended up back at the same team
15:37and I don't wanna talk about players on other teams. So,
15:40let's go back to parking spaces. Well, just one thing on
15:44that Gerard. I know you wanna talk about players but your
15:46predecessor said on I think ESPN that the millionaire's tax
15:51has played a role in the organization's ability to land
15:55top flight free agents. Would you care to confirm or deny
15:58that that has been an issue? Yeah, I'm not gonna get too far
16:01into, you know, politics or anything like that. Um look, if
16:05you love football, this is the place to be. You know, it's,
16:08you know, right out here in Foxborough. There's not much to
16:10do but get better as a football player and a football team. So,
16:13that's how I kinda look at it. Well, I'll get into real uh
16:16football kinda talk just real quick. One question. How do you,
16:19how is your team preparing uh especially going against
16:22Cincinnati where it looks like, you know, Cincinnati's best
16:25player in Jamar Chase probably is not playing. Do you look at
16:29that as being a huge opportunity for your defense to
16:32really maybe take advantage of some things um to be able to
16:35come out cuz we all wanna W to be able to come out with
16:38a W. What I what I thought to the coaches and also the
16:42players about is I fully expect uh Chase to be there at the
16:45game and that's how we have to prepare. If he's not there,
16:48we'll treat it as an injury and you know, have a different
16:50game plan but we're we fully expect him to play. I asked
16:53Jelani this on Friday but I'd be interested in your take. Is
16:57it hard to prepare for a guy like Joe Burrow who you haven't
16:59seen in real game action since November and he's been hurt and
17:03I mean, the reports are that he's gained, you know, ten
17:05pounds of muscle and he looks great out there but is that
17:08difficult for you? Uh not really. We know who he is as a
17:12player and we know he's one of the top quarterbacks in the
17:14league whether he gained ten pounds of muscle or not. We
17:17know he'll be healthy there for week one and and that's our
17:20focus. Uh I saw you speak briefly yesterday about
17:25discipline and Javon Baker. Uh how did that discussion go with
17:30with that player? I I know that there was some, you know,
17:33outside noise prior to the draft about uh his, the way he
17:37conducts himself at times as a player. You comfortable with
17:40the way that went? Yeah, you know, we handle it uh
17:43internally and and once again, it's, I mean, what was said on
17:47Instagram Live, it's no representation of our team or
17:51the organization or even Javon and those are things that, you
17:54know, we talked about and we handle it internally and we're
17:57looking to move forward. Can you get him a driver or
18:00something in the future? Well, why don't you give him yours,
18:02right? Maybe we get him a parking spot. Especially at
18:06the airport, right? Yeah, exactly. I know a couple guys
18:12so next time he goes down there, tell him to hit me up.
18:14We'll get him a nice spot. Don't worry about it. Yeah,
18:17gotcha. Um Patrick Mahomes said this week that they, you may
18:22see a play Thursday night designed by Taylor Swift. Um
18:27uh any indication about how she is when it comes to to
18:30scheming things up and uh is that something that you as a
18:33head coach would uh would deploy if you had the
18:35opportunity? If it's a good play, I mean, what is it? The
18:39annexation of Puerto Rico. I gotta, I don't know. I don't
18:44know what the play is. Uh look, those guys do a good job game
18:48playing and we'll see what happens. Maybe get Shyme to
18:50drop a play. He knows ball.
18:55Gerard, it's our last chance before the first actual game. I
18:58just curious what for you would be a successful season
19:01this year? Yeah, successful season is going out there
19:04being competitive each and every game and and getting
19:07better as the year progresses. That's how I look at it. Gerard,
19:11a last one for me. Um as a player, I think, you know, we
19:15all kinda had nerves going into our first game. I was super
19:18nervous with my first game as a player. Um as a head coach,
19:22you're like first actual real live bullets flying game. What
19:27what's maybe the, are you gonna be nervous, anxious, or is
19:29there something, you know, what's the nervous part of this
19:32for you? I mean, look, there's a very thin line between, you
19:37know, anxiousness and excitement and I choose to be
19:40excited and that's how I kinda look at it. I'm excited for the
19:42guys to go out there and play and hopefully they play well.
19:45Alright, coach. You know, as a player, as a as a player
19:48though, you remember as a player, you would have a little
19:50bit of that anxiety if you didn't study enough tape but
19:53after that first hit, it was all good. Let's go. With Drake,
19:56how do you hope that he develops? I I keep asking Wiggy
19:59this question. You know, as as a player, how do you develop
20:02from the sideline? Like, how do you hope to see him develop
20:05while watching the games next to you? Yeah, we we talk about
20:09not only in the game but also in practice is getting those
20:12mental reps and but he'll know what every play is. You know,
20:15he'll make his checks and stuff on the sideline and continue
20:18develop that way and he'll develop through practice.
20:20He'll get, you know, reps still with the first team and also
20:23the show team. So, he'll, well, we're sticking to the
20:26plan. Is he the, in your mind, is he the backup? He is the
20:31backup. Okay. So, Jacoby Brissett gets hurt. God forbid
20:35then he's the guy. He's he's he's the guy you go to. I wanna
20:39be very clear. He's the backup quarterback on our team. Okay.
20:44Alright. Gerard Mayo. Thanks for taking the time and go get
20:48him. Have a great week and we will talk to you on Monday.
