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Thee Missing Sam-o saurus - Season 2 - Kongsuni and Friends - Full Episode - Kids Cartoon


00:00The Missing Sam-O-Saurus!
00:06Now, who here knows what kind of dinosaur this is?
00:10That's not a dinosaur, it's a skeleton.
00:13Me! I know!
00:15Okay Sam, go ahead and tell us.
00:18Sure! That's a Brachiosaurus!
00:21It's a herbivore dinosaur, with a long neck to eat leaves on tall trees.
00:26Wow! Sam, you sound like a dinosaur expert!
00:32Yeah! That's cause I am one!
00:35It's true! He knows everything, don't you think?
00:40I guess he's pretty smart.
00:42Class, listen up! What's the name of this one? Anyone know?
00:47I do! I do!
00:49Me too! Now my turn!
00:52Why don't we give Kongsuni a chance? Can you name this dinosaur?
00:58Good luck!
01:00I won't need it!
01:02That dinosaur's a tri...
01:05Tri... It's a...
01:09I don't remember anymore!
01:12That's a Triceratops! I know because it's got three horns on top of its head.
01:19That's what I was gonna say!
01:22You did great! Dinosaur names can be really tricky.
01:26Let's all move on to the next one.
01:31Come on! Why couldn't I remember that?
01:35That one over there is a T-Rex! That's a Triceratops!
01:40And that's a...
01:43Easy! Pachycephalosaurus!
01:46Pachy, what?
01:48It's too hard!
01:53What's his name? There are so many dinosaurs
01:56I'm more and more confused every time I look
01:59I can tell you all about this guy
02:03Tyrannosaurus! They call him a king
02:06His teeth are sharp, his tongue is super strong
02:09He's the best hunter you'll ever meet
02:16What's her name? There are so many dinosaurs
02:19I'm more and more confused every time I look
02:22I can tell you all about him every day and night
02:26Pachycephalosaurus! A powerful forehead
02:29The king of the head, but they like to bang their heads
02:32They like to eat their greens and fruits
02:39What's his name? There are so many dinosaurs
02:42I'm more and more confused every time I look
02:45I know everything about them, I really do
02:49Triceratops! The heavyweight champion
02:52One, two, three, count his horns, you're about to miss
02:55He's a vegetarian, he's Triceratops!
03:00Whoa! Look at that! A Tyrannosaurus rex!
03:04Hi! I'm a Samosaurus!
03:08I don't think he understands you
03:12Hey Sam, the Tyrannosaurus is your favorite, right?
03:16Which one do you like second best?
03:18Ankylosaurus! That's definitely my second favorite
03:22It's got a big club at the end of its tail
03:25What for?
03:27For smashing into stuff, obviously
03:30That sounds pretty cool
03:32I don't know, good question
03:35Sounds like you made that one up
03:37I didn't!
03:38Did it disappear? Is it some kind of invisible dinosaur?
03:42No, of course it's not! It's here somewhere
03:46You sure?
03:47Fine, wait here
03:49I'm going to go and find one no matter what it takes
03:58I'm going to go and find one no matter what it takes
04:02Kongsuni, do you think he'll find it?
04:05Yeah, he's the dinosaur expert
04:08Alright everybody, it's time for lunch
04:11Come on
04:12Let's go eat
04:13Uh, sure
04:14Everyone in a line, single file please
04:19Sam's not here, guess he's still looking for it
04:23Wait, what if he got lost?
04:26I hope not
04:29What's over there?
04:35Hey, wait up!
04:36I think I just saw something crawling around
04:45That's definitely my second favorite
04:48It's got a big blob at the end of its tail
04:53Fine, wait here
04:54I'm going to go and find one no matter what it takes
05:01That's right, Sam must still be looking
05:05I'm guessing he went that way
05:07Huh? Um, what makes you say that?
05:10I'll show you!
05:15Prehistoric panic!
05:19Hey, Sam!
05:21Come back!
05:25Is that...
05:27Sam's dinosaur!
05:29What's it doing over here?
05:34He must have gone that way!
05:36Let's go!
05:54Could you keep it down?
05:56Look! See that?
05:58It's a waterfall!
06:03I don't remember the museum being this big
06:06Yeah, me neither
06:08But this place is so cool!
06:16Whoa, look at that, Eve!
06:18Is that thing some kind of bird?
06:25If it's a bird, where are all of its feathers?
06:28Good point!
06:32Check that thing out!
06:34I want to touch it!
06:36Wait a sec!
06:39I think we're in the real dinosaur era!
06:44No way!
06:46What? What's going on?
06:54That dinosaur looks great!
07:03Here we are!
07:04Right! We're really here!
07:07First field trip ever!
07:09Yep, but we still have to find Sam!
07:12Oh yeah, oopsie
07:14How are we going to do that?
07:17I don't know!
07:18Back off!
07:21Stay away, buddy!
07:24That sounds like...
07:25It's Sam! Let's go, Eve!
07:40Go away!
07:53Sam! Sam!
08:07What are you doing here? Are you okay?
08:10We're okay! We found you!
08:18Don't worry, Eve! We've still got this guy!
08:29It doesn't work!
08:43Hey, guys! Over there! A cave!
08:53Sam! Sam!
09:01Well, that was a close one!
09:04I'm glad we're safe!
09:09You guys saved my butt!
09:11I owe you big time!
09:20So cute!
09:21Hey, little guy!
09:25That's the Ankylosaurus!
09:27He's still a baby, but I told you!
09:30See? He is real!
09:33You're right!
09:34Sorry, Sam. You're the expert.
09:37It's okay. I'm sorry that I acted like such a know-it-all.
09:45Did the cave just move?
09:47Guys, am I the only one that saw that?
09:49What's that sound?
09:53Aren't rocks supposed to do that?
09:56Is it an earthquake?
09:59It doesn't feel like one.
10:06Gotta get out of here!
10:20That's not a cave!
10:23I'm pretty sure that's a...
10:42I lost the Ankylosaurus!
10:50They're coming!
11:02Keep moving! We'll hold them off!
11:07I can't just leave you here!
11:16What's he doing?
11:18His foot!
11:22We have to help!
11:23No! That's too dangerous!
11:25But still, he's in pain.
11:32It's okay.
11:36I'm just gonna get this out.
11:40Hey guys, help me!
11:42Okay, let's go!
11:55I'm silly!
11:58Great job! All better now!
12:02Oh! Nice!
12:10So, you want to pick favorites, do you, little guy?
12:21So, Sam, you were looking for his mom this whole time?
12:25Yeah, poor little guy.
12:27There was no one else with him.
12:29That's awful. But I'm sure the three of us can find her soon.
12:37Time for some lunch.
12:39I'm hungry, too.
12:41Me, three.
12:43There must be something to eat.
12:46Hey! You see over there?
12:49What? I don't believe it!
12:53It's too high.
13:01Whoa! What's that one's name?
13:04It's Pachycephalosaurus!
13:06So cool!
13:08Yeah! He's the head-butt king! Watch this!
13:18Yeah! He's the head-butt king! Watch this!
13:35Sweet, huh? Eat up, guys!
13:38Thanks, Mr. Dino!
13:43It looks kind of weird, but it's so good!
13:47I'm glad we've got our own personal dino expert to help us find food.
13:51Yeah! If we didn't have Sam, we'd still be hopping under the tree!
13:56Hey! You were the brave one to help that T-Rex!
14:01Well, we're all experts in something.
14:07Okay, we should go.
14:09Mommy-angulosaurus, here we come!
14:18Here we go, ready for the world of dinosaurs!
14:22There are lots of fruit trees, fantastical, magical,
14:25Fruits and sweet la-la-la-la-la, bring us energy!
14:28Giant footprints are scary, we like discoveries!
14:32Walking on our tippy-toes, all the way around,
14:35Look ahead and shoulders back, we are confident!
14:38Nothing's gonna scare me now, when I've got my friends!
14:42It's a Triceratops!
14:45Here we go, ready for the world of dinosaurs!
14:48I love it here, there are lots of wonderful dinosaurs,
14:51La-la-la-la-la, dinosaurs better hold on tight!
14:55Here we go, ready for a Triceratops ride!
14:58Hop left, hop right, what a fun ride!
15:01Baby-angulosaurus has lost his way home,
15:05Let's work together, let's help bring him home!
15:08Is this where his mommy is?
15:10I guess so.
15:14How are we supposed to find her?
15:20Do you see your mommy in there?
15:26Don't worry about it.
15:28We'll find a way.
15:31Don't worry about it.
15:33We'll find a way.
15:40He's eating our fruit!
15:45Gargantuan Family Reunion!
15:58Looks like it was the baby's snack time.
16:03Want one more?
16:12I bet he misses his mommy.
16:14You're right.
16:15We can't give up just yet.
16:21I'm all out of fruit.
16:23Hang on.
16:24I think he wants you to climb on his head.
16:28You want to help us out?
16:36That's more like it!
16:39Let's look for his mom.
16:47It's her!
16:53Awesome job, Dino Rescue Team!
17:00I'm pretty sure that means thanks.
17:03No problem.
17:04We're just happy to help.
17:17Back off!
17:30Hang on!
17:38You're not going anywhere!
17:42And don't come back!
17:50It's him!
17:53All better now!
17:56Thanks, Mr. T-Rex!
17:58See you around!
18:26I'm starting to miss my mom.
18:28Oh, yeah.
18:29We should figure out how to get back.
18:32You're right.
18:41I bet she can show us the way out of here!
18:43Let's go!
18:50I think that's it!
18:52I'll race you!
18:58I'm going to miss you, little guy.
19:01We had so much fun hanging out with you.
19:05Yeah, we sure did.
19:07We have to go.
19:09But we'll never forget all the good times we had.
19:14Thanks, pal.
19:16Don't get lost again.
19:20See you!
19:23Okay, let's do this!
19:37Wake up!
19:41Are we in the museum?
19:44Of course we are!
19:45You fell asleep while we were looking for Sam.
19:49We were just in Dinosaur World!
19:51Weird dream.
19:53Did you find the Ankylosaurus yet?
19:56I tried, but not yet.
19:59Just wait!
20:01They are real!
20:03Yeah, I know!
20:05You do?
20:07We just saw one!
20:08We brought it back to its mama!
20:10They have clubbed tails that swing back and forth like a hammer!
20:15That's right!
20:17I'm sorry, Sam.
20:19It's just...
20:20I was jealous.
20:22It's okay.
20:24How did you become an Ankylosaurus expert all of a sudden?
20:31Since we met one!
20:32Well, where did it go?
20:36You'll never guess.
20:38For real?
20:39Class, lunchtime's over.
20:42Best lunch break ever!
20:46Last one, there's a Trinidon egg!
20:54There you are!
20:57Did you have fun?
