Solo at the Supermarket - Season 2 - Kongsuni and Friends- Full Episode- Kids Cartoon
00:00Solo at the Supermarket
00:11Sayo, is this a dream?
00:16No, there's enough food here to feed a hundred Kongsunis!
00:22I love this place, there's so much to choose from!
00:26Kongsuni, you have to stay extra close.
00:30This store is a lot bigger than our regular store.
00:33I'm going to need you right by my side.
00:36But just in case you end up lost, come and meet us at the Dairy Isle, do you understand?
00:45Perfect! Seems like we have nothing to worry about then.
00:49Let's do this, Mom! I won't leave your sight!
00:51Unless for some silly reason you decide you want to close your eyes.
00:56I'll keep them open.
00:58Here we go!
01:00No, wait! What about everything we just talked about?
01:03Oh, right!
01:12Mom, can we have one or two or three of these?
01:16First, we're going to get some things from over there.
01:18We can take a look at the snacks after we're done.
01:23Okay, I'll come back for you guys.
01:32Wowee! There's so much! Can we get some?
01:36Pretty please, with a cherry on top?
01:39If we get it now, it's just going to melt.
01:42I guess I can wait for a bit.
01:49What if Mom is just saying that to me?
01:53There's more important stuff in the world than ice cream.
01:57I guess so, but ice cream is still pretty important.
02:04Oh, honey! It's two for the price of one. Should we get these instead?
02:10You don't think Chloe would notice if we switched brands on her all of a sudden?
02:16What if we quickly grab some?
02:19I bet they won't even know I'm gone!
02:23Are you sure this is a good idea?
02:25Would you like it if I switched your baby wipes on you?
02:28I don't use baby wipes.
02:30Wow! That's the most ice cream I've ever seen in my life!
02:40Yay! I did it!
02:43Where'd it go?
02:44Shopping carts don't just disappear, do they?
02:52So that's where it went.
02:57Yo! We have to catch up to it!
03:04Get back here!
03:09When is it ever going to stop?
03:15Why'd you run away?
03:19Hang on a sec!
03:23Do you know where we are?
03:27I have no idea!
03:29Are we even in the same store?
03:32I don't see Mom, Dad, or Chloe.
03:38There she is!
03:40Found you!
03:42Are you lost?
03:45I'm sorry!
03:50I never should have left her side!
03:53What should I do?
03:55Just relax. Take a breath.
03:57Didn't your mom give you specific instructions in case you got separated from her today?
04:02When we first got inside the store...
04:05Just in case you end up lost, come and meet us at the Dairy Isle.
04:10We've got to figure out where the Dairy Isle is!
04:13And what dairy means.
04:17It's strawberry! My favorite!
04:20Remember the ice cream?
04:22That's what it is!
04:24Dairy means frozen!
04:26You sure about that?
04:28Yep! Just trust me on this one!
04:31Ready to go?
04:33I guess.
04:35You hold up!
04:37You hold up!
04:39What's that sound?
04:42I think that's my stomach.
04:52Hey wait! I smell something yummy nearby!
04:56I'll be back in a jiffy!
05:00Yo! Kotsuri!
05:02There's a whole section in here that's designed like a restaurant!
05:06Close by?
05:08Real close!
05:10Are we just going to stand around? Come on!
05:12Let's go eat!
05:15Mark it! Madness!
05:27Let the feast begin!
05:29Okay. We'll just take one of each.
05:32I'm ready!
05:34Let's go!
05:37Those look super good!
05:43That was great!
05:45Yo! Kotsuri! Keep on moving!
05:55I think I'll have seconds!
05:57Hey wait! Over there! That one!
06:02Who'd want to eat broccoli?
06:04Try some!
06:06Thank you!
06:08Come on! It'll give you enough strength to find your mom and dad!
06:17Not bad!
06:19Damn! I thought it would be horrible!
06:22But it's pretty good!
06:24Time to keep looking!
06:26Sounds good!
06:31We should get some!
06:32Focus! Don't let all the food distract you!
06:37You're right.
06:39I'm not hungry anyway.
06:42Which way do we go?
06:45Sayo? Is it left or is it right?
06:51Hey! I remember now!
06:54I knew it!
06:56Look! That's the dairy section at the other end of the store!
07:00Yo! Kotsuri! How sure are you that dairy and frozen mean the same thing?
07:06Like 110%?
07:14Check out all those dolls!
07:17They're so pretty!
07:19Get back here! Stop!
07:24Oh yeah!
07:26Next stop! Finding mom and dad!
07:27Okay! No more getting distracted!
07:31Ready? Let's go!
07:38Hey! I think we're getting close!
07:41We made it!
07:44This is where they said to meet them if I got lost!
07:47They're probably waiting for us!
07:49Let's hurry!
07:58Hey! I have an idea!
08:00On the count of three, let's turn around and they'll be here!
08:05One, two, three!
08:08Maybe they're hiding behind the shelves so they can jump out and surprise us!
08:13I don't think dairy means frozen!
08:16Hey! I never said that!
08:18Well, maybe once or twice.
08:21I wish I'd just asked mom!
08:24Hey there, kiddo!
08:25Are you okay?
08:27Not really! I got lost!
08:34Attention! Could the parents of Kongsuni come pick her up from the main office?
08:38Don't worry! They'll be here any minute!
08:41Just sit tight!
08:43I repeat, everyone!
08:45Could the parents of Kongsuni please come pick her up from the main office up on the third floor?
08:55It's okay!
08:57Just be patient!
08:59I bet they're on their way right now!
09:05You came for me!
09:08Of course we did!
09:10He must have been confused!
09:13Dairy means milk products!
09:15If you get lost again, stay where you are! I'll come find you!
09:19Okay, mom!
09:20Next time I'll just wait for you!
09:51You get a little distracted, then you are lost!
09:56What do I do?
09:58Wipe your tears! Mommy's here!
10:01There are lots of people around, and you get lost!
10:07Wipe your tears! Mommy's here!
10:11No need to be afraid!
10:15Stay where you are!
10:18Wait for mom!
10:21Right where you are!
10:40No, mom! It actually is your little birthday girl!
10:44Okay, honey! I want to hear all about everything you did this past year!
10:49So do I! Did you have lots of adventures?
10:53How about one that includes Chloe?
10:56Okay! Where should I start?
10:59I know! I have one!
11:04I've got you now!
11:07For real? Mosquitoes drink blood too?
11:12They're like little mini-vampires!
11:15Huh? You think?
11:17Yeah, my brother told me!
11:19So, are you saying if I get bitten, I'm going to transform?
11:24Not that quickly! After three bites, that's when you might start to notice some changes!
11:34Another bite! That's number two!
11:39Sorry, it just flew in here!
11:42Oh no! I'll protect you! You'll be okay!
11:54Sam! Give me the brightest light you've got!
11:57One mega-light coming right up!
12:12It's there! Look!
12:17This one's for Chloe!
12:23What happened here?
12:26Mom, there was a mosquito!
12:29This is all made up! I've been bitten one, two, three, and four times!
12:40All just from today! But look, I'm still not a vampire!
12:44He's A-okay! Getting bit by a mosquito doesn't make you a vampire!
12:49Are you sure?
12:51Yep! I'm positive!
12:54It's fine! It's just a little itchy!
12:56A little? That's not right! I've been itchy all day! Somebody help me!
13:04Thanks for the reminder! I was itchy for weeks after that!
13:09Do you remember anything else, Fun?
13:11Of course I do! How about my dino adventure?
13:15Everyone in a line! Single file, please!
13:20Sam's not here. Guess he's still looking for it.
13:23Wait! What if he got lost?
13:25I hope not!
13:31He must have gone that way! Let's go!
13:34I don't remember the museum being this big.
13:37I think we're in the real dinosaur era!
13:41Stay away, buddy!
13:43That sounds like...
13:45It's Sam! Let's go, Eve!
13:46Go, Eve!
13:53Back off!
14:00Hang on!
14:05You're not going anywhere!
14:13And don't come back!
14:22Thanks, Mr. T-Rex!
14:26I miss that dinosaur!
14:28Oh, I know one. Remember when you joined the school band?
14:32Unfortunately, yeah.
14:34There are two teams. Instrumental and dance both have plenty of spots.
14:39Does anyone want to be in the instrumental group?
14:42I do! I'm gonna steal the show!
14:44Okay! Kongsuni can be on the instrumental team!
14:47Wait a second! Don't you guys want to be on my team?
14:51I want to! It's just that I really want to dance!
14:54Yeah, we were born to boogie!
14:56Kongsuni, as the drummer, you have to keep the beat!
15:05Think you got it?
15:07Easy peasy!
15:10Could you play the drums for us?
15:12Show us what you got!
15:16It's too loud!
15:20Huh? Oh, what?
15:22Could you play softer?
15:24We can't really hear our castaments.
15:27Oh, my bad.
15:30Well, I guess things got a little better after that.
15:40Here you go!
15:42Let's perform this one all together!
15:51You're the best, Gina!
15:59It was hard at first, but it all worked out in the end.
16:03Kongsuni, would you say you've had a pretty good year?
16:06Uh-huh! Best one yet!
16:07The Magic Spell
16:19Today is a great day for soccer!
16:22The sun is shining and the birds are chirping!
16:25Hey, Ping! You excited?
16:27Ping ping ping ping! Ping ping! Ping ping ping ping!
16:32She's jumping for joy!
16:34Okay, on my signal.
16:37Eyes on the ball. You know the drill.
16:39Don't forget to pass the ball.
16:41It's not about winning, but having fun.
16:45Here we go!
17:07Hey, I want to kick the ball too!
17:14And the goalie has stepped out onto the field. What a kick!
17:20That's not regulation.
17:22The ball! It's mine!
17:29Sam dropped it. Here I come.
17:34Stop it!
17:38Yeah! Kotsuri!
17:54Pass the ball! I'm open!
17:56I can do it by myself.
18:15Number one!
18:18Hey! Why'd you hug the ball?
18:21It was my ball.
18:29No one can stop me now!
18:40Ha! My ball!
18:42Me mine!
18:43You're supposed to share the soccer ball!
18:50I don't want to play soccer with you again!
18:53Okay, fine!
19:02Okay, you two. We're going to do a super fun activity.
19:06Huh? So what is it?
19:11As a teacher, I'll give you fun power. Give me your hands, guys.
19:15Hmm? Sure!
19:18By the power of the almighty gymnasium, scoreboards, and whistles,
19:22I give these hands the Super Duper Mega Strength Teamwork Bond!
19:27Now keep holding hands. Give your new powers time to grow strong.
19:32New powers for what?
19:34Mm-hmm. You will now move as one. This spell will teach you teamwork.
19:39What's going to happen if we let go?
19:42You can't. Hmm. If you do, I'll give you lots of homework!
19:48That's not fun!
19:52Never let go of each other. Got it?
20:00So, class, what animal is this?
20:03An elephant!
20:05Yes, and for today, we'll draw it together.
20:15Whoa! Careful! You made me mess up my elephant!
20:19Look, now he has two tails!
20:23I'm sorry.
20:25It's hard doing anything when we're stuck.
20:32Oh, yum!
20:34What's for lunch?
20:36Hey, why are you guys holding each other's hands?
20:39We have to because of the magic spell in our hands.
20:42Yep! It builds teamwork!
20:48I guess you guys are playing pretend.
20:53Can I go have my lunch now?
20:56Oh, sure!
20:58Let's go right, Sam!
21:00Left is better!
21:03Come on!
21:08They can't agree on anything.