A young single mother reluctantly tips the attention of a widespread manhunt toward her longtime boyfriend HD ( Crime, Drama, )

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A young single mother reluctantly tips the attention of a widespread manhunt toward her longtime boyfriend HD ( Crime, Drama, )
00:00:40Why did you bring me to a college bar?
00:00:42I feel invisible here.
00:00:44Because it's about time you get over that loser you are.
00:00:47No guy is going to want to go with a single mom
00:00:49who works as a secretary.
00:00:51Tonight, you are not a single mom.
00:00:54You are single.
00:00:55You're not a secretary.
00:00:57You have a secretary.
00:00:59And how can you be invisible
00:01:01when that guy's been staring at you all night?
00:01:05That's a beautiful ring.
00:01:10I didn't come to catch up, Ted.
00:01:13This is my last quarter.
00:01:16Better make it a good one.
00:01:22I haven't seen you in forever.
00:01:24I'm sorry.
00:01:26I'm sorry.
00:01:28I'm sorry.
00:01:30I'm sorry.
00:01:32I'm sorry.
00:01:34I'm sorry.
00:01:36I'm sorry.
00:01:38I'm sorry.
00:01:40I'm sorry.
00:01:43I haven't seen you here before.
00:01:45It's my first time out since I moved to Seattle.
00:01:48Do you remember the night we met?
00:01:55I fell in love with you the moment I saw you.
00:02:13When do you say we get out of here?
00:02:15Well, I don't even know your name.
00:02:29Thanks again for driving me home.
00:02:31Of course. It was really fun.
00:02:34This is where I live.
00:02:43I guess I better kick on.
00:02:48Sorry. It's late, and I have school tomorrow.
00:02:52Ted, this is Rachel, my, uh, my sitter.
00:02:56You can pay me later.
00:03:03I understand if you want to go.
00:03:07I wouldn't want to do that.
00:03:16I'm in.
00:03:26Are you sure you don't want to run?
00:03:57I'm really tired.
00:04:00Do you want to rest?
00:04:05Come on. Let's rest.
00:04:57Here you go.
00:05:02Good morning.
00:05:05You look so pretty sleeping.
00:05:08Just, I didn't want to wake you.
00:05:15Want to tell Mom about breakfast?
00:05:18We're making omelets, found some bacon.
00:05:21Do you like pancakes?
00:05:45From January to July of 1974,
00:05:48the King County area was engulfed in a wave of fear
00:05:51as young women were being attacked and murdered with alarming regularity.
00:05:55Georgeanne Hawkins was last seen Monday evening shortly after midnight.
00:05:59She had been visiting at the Bader house
00:06:01and was returning to her house just a half block away down this alley.
00:06:06King County police have started their investigation
00:06:09after Jan Asad and Denise Naslin vanished from Lake Sammamish State Park.
00:06:13At least seven people at the crowded beach
00:06:15saw a smooth-talking man with his arm in a cast
00:06:18asking several women to help him load a boat onto a Volkswagen.
00:06:22A composite picture was released to the news media.
00:06:25An intensive search was mounted and police have been flooded with phone calls
00:06:28from citizens who report seeing the suspect.
00:06:31King County Sheriff's Department.
00:06:33Take a breath. Describe him for me, okay?
00:06:36What kind of car did he drive?
00:07:13Hi, officer. I think I must be lost.
00:07:17You ran two stop signs, son.
00:07:19I know. I couldn't make your car.
00:07:22The headlights were in my eyes, and to be honest, I got a little bit spooked.
00:07:26You got a license?
00:07:27Yes, absolutely.
00:07:34So what's a kid from Seattle doing in Granger, Utah, this time of the morning?
00:07:38No, no, I live in Salt Lake now.
00:07:41I'm a law student over at the University of Utah.
00:07:45My girlfriend lives in Seattle.
00:07:48I'm actually going to propose to her as soon as I graduate.
00:07:52I'm trying to save for that ring, so if you could find it in your heart to let me off without a ticket,
00:07:55I would really appreciate it.
00:08:19Stay here.
00:08:26Oh, what the... What's that for?
00:08:29How many stop signs did you run?
00:08:41Have you ever been to the town of Murray?
00:08:46You don't actually believe this garbage, do you?
00:08:48It's in all the papers, Ted.
00:08:50Number six, step forward.
00:08:52If you don't stop screaming, I'm going to kill you.
00:08:55Number seven, step forward.
00:08:58If you don't stop screaming, I'm going to kill you.
00:09:03Now, miss, do you recognize any of these suspects?
00:09:09Number seven?
00:09:11Please rise.
00:09:13You're hereby charged with aggravated kidnapping and attempted criminal assault.
00:09:18I got your bail reduced.
00:09:20You'll be in Seattle with Liz tomorrow.
00:09:23I didn't tell you because I didn't want you to freak out.
00:09:27Come here.
00:09:35I know it's hard being apart, but we only have four semesters between us
00:09:39and our place in the sound with a dog and a car.
00:09:44Just like we always dreamed.
00:09:48Monkey! Hey, what's up?
00:09:50Good to see you.
00:09:52Oh, man, this sack of potatoes is getting pretty dang heavy.
00:09:58I'm getting dizzy.
00:10:00Come here. Give me a hug.
00:10:02Good to see you. I missed you.
00:10:05Can we get ice cream later?
00:10:07That is such a good idea, and I wish I could, but I can't.
00:10:11I'm sorry. I have to pull an all-nighter tonight at the law library.
00:10:16Yeah, I got to make sure I'm the most prepared attorney in the courtroom once my trial starts.
00:10:21Why did she pick you out of the lineup?
00:10:25My lawyer found out that the police showed her my picture beforehand.
00:10:35Of course I looked familiar.
00:10:38That's not even the worst part, Liz.
00:10:41What happened in Utah wasn't just dumb luck.
00:10:47The police already had my name.
00:10:49Someone gave it to them.
00:10:54Someone gave your name to the authorities in Utah?
00:10:59Do you have any idea who'd do that to you?
00:11:04Look, do you see that car out there?
00:11:08It's been following me since I got back.
00:11:12Either I'm going crazy, or I'm being set up.
00:11:18Done. It's a thresher shark.
00:11:21They have a tail as long as their whole body.
00:11:23A tail as long as their whole body? That's crazy.
00:11:26How the heck did you get so smart?
00:11:28I get it from my mom.
00:11:30You do, don't you?
00:11:38Everything's gonna be okay.
00:12:58Excuse me, sir. Could you come with me, please?
00:13:01Is there something wrong?
00:13:03Just come with me, please. And bring your coat.
00:13:15You know this is ridiculous, right?
00:13:17I'm closing soon anyway, so...
00:13:19You know this is ridiculous, right?
00:13:21I'm closing soon anyway, so...
00:13:23You know this is ridiculous, right?
00:13:25I'm closing soon anyway, so...
00:13:27I'm closing soon anyway, so...
00:13:29It's just better for everybody.
00:13:31Oh, really? You're closing?
00:13:33Closing in 45 minutes.
00:13:42Hey! Hey!
00:13:44Who are you? Hey, stop!
00:13:46Hey! I know you're following me!
00:13:48What are you doing? Who sent you?
00:13:58What are you doing?
00:14:00I'm reading, prepping for the trial.
00:14:02With a flashlight under the sheets?
00:14:04Yeah, I didn't want to wake you up.
00:14:10You okay?
00:14:14I think we should get married.
00:14:32Why is this happening right now?
00:14:34A couple of college girls disappeared last year
00:14:36around the University of Washington.
00:14:38And two more girls vanished in broad daylight
00:14:42in a crowded state park near Seattle.
00:14:45You remember that?
00:14:47Lake Samantha?
00:14:49Yeah. Witnesses say some guy was asking girls
00:14:51to, uh, help him put a sailboat on top of a car
00:14:54and police put out a sketch.
00:14:56I had the same car as the suspect, a VW Bug,
00:14:58and my friends teased me about the resemblance to the sketch.
00:15:01But, jeez, nobody was serious.
00:15:03Tony must have been.
00:15:05Because your name landed on a suspect list in Seattle.
00:15:09When Utah police got wind of that,
00:15:11they started looking at you with a lot more interest
00:15:13because something similar is happening to girls right here.
00:15:16I was kicking him and screaming.
00:15:20He held a small black gun to my head and said,
00:15:23if you don't stop screaming, I'm going to kill you.
00:15:27I'll blow your brains out.
00:15:29Then I fell backwards out of his car and ran as fast as I could.
00:15:32As best you recall, Carol,
00:15:35is the man who approached you present in court today?
00:15:39Mm-hmm. Yes.
00:15:42Can you point to where he's seated?
00:15:51Let the record state the identification of the defendant.
00:16:00No more questions, John.
00:16:02Hi, Mr. Ranch.
00:16:04Had the police shown you a picture of my client
00:16:07prior to your identification of him at the October 2nd lineup?
00:16:12You did, in fact, pick his picture out of a pile,
00:16:14but when asked specifically why you chose his picture,
00:16:18you stated, it looks something like him,
00:16:21but I really couldn't say for sure.
00:16:24Is that correct?
00:16:28The only remotely corroborative evidence you provided
00:16:31was a make of a vehicle.
00:16:33It's a Volkswagen, one of the most popular cars in America.
00:16:36Yet his Volkswagen looks nothing like your description.
00:16:39How do you square that?
00:16:41They told me it was supposed to be...
00:16:44I'm sorry, I couldn't hear you.
00:16:48They told me it was supposed to be the car.
00:16:51Who did?
00:16:53Who told you that, Mr. Ranch?
00:17:00We all sympathize with your pain.
00:17:03It is horrible what you went through.
00:17:05But the fact of the matter is,
00:17:07you identified my client
00:17:09because law enforcement wanted you to, didn't you?
00:17:15No. No further questions, Your Honor.
00:17:25I know the trial seems to be going well,
00:17:27but are you sure you want to do this right now?
00:17:29Just because we don't have the house yet
00:17:31doesn't mean we can't look for the dog, yeah?
00:17:33Mm-hmm. Okay.
00:17:38Hi, stranger.
00:17:40Oh, my God. Hi. Wow.
00:17:43What are you doing here?
00:17:45Do you live in Utah now?
00:17:47No, I'm just visiting some friends at work here.
00:17:52Hi. I'm Liz.
00:17:55Yes, this is my girlfriend.
00:17:58We just got engaged, so...
00:18:01Caroline and I used to work together
00:18:03at the Department of Emergency Services in Olympia years ago.
00:18:07Oh, that's nice.
00:18:09I heard.
00:18:11Everything's going to be okay, you know?
00:18:13We're all behind you, 100%.
00:18:15Whoever this woman is who's accusing you,
00:18:18I'm sure she's just gotten you mixed up
00:18:20with another handsome stranger.
00:18:24Well, I'm going to take this handsome stranger,
00:18:26and, uh, yeah, it was nice to meet you, Caroline.
00:18:28It's good to see you.
00:18:32What's her story?
00:18:35Eh, we're just old friends.
00:18:38Haven't seen her in a long time.
00:18:45Oh, check this guy out.
00:18:48He looks like he'd be a good roommate.
00:18:53Come here.
00:18:59Promise you'll never leave me, Liz.
00:19:03Because I honestly don't know what I'd do without you.
00:19:07I would never.
00:19:17Know about that dog?
00:19:22He's so sweet.
00:19:24Look at him.
00:19:33Bark, bark, bark.
00:19:47We're going to get a dog one day, don't worry.
00:19:50What will it be like?
00:19:52You're so weird.
00:19:54You fell in love with a weirdo.
00:19:56I did, I fell in love with a weirdo.
00:19:58That makes you weird, just by association.
00:20:00Don't you have anything more lively to listen to?
00:20:02I don't want to listen to this.
00:20:04You don't like classical?
00:20:14You give me what you promised me!
00:20:28Defendant, please rise.
00:20:31By the power vested in me as both judge and jury,
00:20:35I hereby find the defendant guilty of aggravated kidnapping
00:20:39beyond a reasonable doubt.
00:20:42You will be remanded to the Utah State Prison
00:20:44to await sentencing.
00:20:46This court is adjourned.
00:20:52Everything's going to be all right.
00:20:53Listen, everything's going to be fine, all right?
00:20:55I'm sorry.
00:20:56Just don't give up on me, all right?
00:20:57I won't give up.
00:20:58I'm going to fix this.
00:20:59I'm sorry.
00:21:05I'm sorry.
00:21:36Unlock this.
00:21:54Is it scary?
00:21:58No, no, it's not scary.
00:22:00It's, uh...
00:22:01Let's just say that men convicted of crimes against women
00:22:03have a short shelf life in America.
00:22:05Um, listen, Liz,
00:22:07this whole thing is going to be overturned, okay?
00:22:10I've already filed an appeal,
00:22:11and I've been working on it day and night.
00:22:13I'm going to be out of here as soon as I...
00:22:16Everything is going to be okay.
00:22:18I want to come see you.
00:22:26I was really hoping you'd say that.
00:22:40University Medical Division.
00:22:43Please hold.
00:22:46Liz, you have a call on line two.
00:22:50University Medical Division, this is Liz.
00:22:52Hi, Liz.
00:22:53This is Detective Mike Fisher.
00:22:55You have a moment?
00:22:57About what?
00:22:59I think you know what it's about.
00:23:17What, for joining you here?
00:23:26What you doing?
00:23:28Indexing 700 pages of testimony.
00:23:33Sounds fun.
00:23:35Not when it's about you.
00:23:37What's your game?
00:23:39I'm kind of busy.
00:23:41They told me he was cleared.
00:23:43Who did?
00:23:44Seattle authorities.
00:23:46Well, I don't work for King County.
00:23:47I work for Big King County.
00:23:49Where is that?
00:23:53You ever been to Colorado, Ted?
00:23:55Mister, I'm a full-time law student.
00:23:57I barely have time to set foot off campus.
00:24:01Is that a no?
00:24:05Let me get back to plotting my escape here.
00:24:14You were?
00:24:16I'm sorry?
00:24:18You were a full-time law student.
00:24:20For the record, my game is homicide.
00:24:26Catch you later.
00:24:28I'm sorry.
00:24:29We could really use your help, Liz.
00:24:30There's nothing I can help you with.
00:24:34And please don't call me here anymore.
00:24:49John, hey.
00:24:51Give me some good news.
00:24:52The pilgrim?
00:24:53I thought I told you not to talk to anyone.
00:24:56I didn't.
00:24:57You didn't tell a homicide detective
00:24:59that you've never been to Colorado?
00:25:01He had your gas lips.
00:25:03He knew you were gonna lie.
00:25:04He was baiting you.
00:25:05He's extraditing you for murder.
00:25:07But I didn't lie.
00:25:08Oh, you've never been to Colorado?
00:25:10Yes, I've been to Colorado.
00:25:11I've been to Colorado tons of times.
00:25:13I'm an avid skier.
00:25:14I was just with Liz in Colorado.
00:25:16This is outrageous.
00:25:17Since when is it a crime to go to Colorado?
00:25:19Since homicide detectives in surrounding states
00:25:22started looking for commonalities in their open cases
00:25:25and found ways to make you fit.
00:25:27You have to stop this.
00:25:29They are railroading me.
00:25:31I'm not licensed in Colorado.
00:25:33There are some good attorneys
00:25:34that I can give you the names of,
00:25:36but they're awfully expensive.
00:25:37John, please.
00:25:38Otherwise, I could provide you with a public defender.
00:25:40No, no, John, John, John, please.
00:25:41Good luck to you.
00:25:42No, John, hey!
00:25:43No, please, John!
00:25:44John, John, John!
00:26:15Bad day?
00:26:18Ted's been sent to Colorado.
00:26:24I thought he was being held in Utah.
00:26:29It's about another missing girl, isn't it?
00:26:33It's a mistake, Jo.
00:26:37The news said King County is looking at him
00:26:39in connection to the two girls
00:26:41that disappeared from Lake Sammamish that one summer.
00:26:44You remember that sketch that we saw?
00:26:46It looked just like him.
00:26:49That sketch looked like everybody.
00:26:52Well, his name is on the suspect list.
00:26:54There were over 30,000 names at one point.
00:26:56Every brown-haired guy with a Volkswagen bug.
00:27:00It's a mistake.
00:27:02The police said he was cleared.
00:27:03How do you even know that?
00:27:06And why is he in jail?
00:27:08And how did his name get on that suspect list?
00:27:11I think you should leave.
00:27:15I think you should leave.
00:27:43Guess where I am.
00:27:46I'm sitting in an office at the Aspen Courthouse.
00:27:49Can you hear my chains jangling?
00:27:51No, I can't.
00:27:53Know why?
00:27:54Because I'm not wearing any.
00:27:56I convinced the judge to make me co-counsel,
00:27:58so I have all the benefits of, like, a regular lawyer.
00:28:01I get to use the library as much as I want.
00:28:03I get a big desk.
00:28:05They give me a typewriter and uncensored use of the phone.
00:28:08So I called you to see how you're doing.
00:28:10All the other prisoners just think
00:28:12that I'm some bigwig or something.
00:28:14Can we talk later?
00:28:16I have a headache, and I have to work.
00:28:18Yeah, but hold on one sec. Liz.
00:28:20Liz, Liz, Liz.
00:28:29University Medical Division. This is Liz.
00:28:31Hey, I wanted to tell you about this book.
00:28:33Have you ever heard of Papillon?
00:28:35What book?
00:28:36Yeah, it's about this guy
00:28:37who's wrongfully convicted of a terrible, terrible crime,
00:28:40and he gets sentenced to life, but he didn't do it, and, uh...
00:28:43Goodbye, Ted.
00:28:45Wait, Liz!
00:28:50Please, please, please, just don't hang up.
00:28:52He obsesses over the day that he'll be free again
00:28:54and spends years hatching escapes,
00:28:56getting caught, punished, beaten, betrayed,
00:28:59but he never loses hope.
00:29:01And that's my wish for us, Liz,
00:29:04that we never lose hope.
00:29:06Does he make it out?
00:29:08Well, I'm not gonna give away the ending.
00:29:11Call me tonight.
00:29:13Okay, I'll call you tonight.
00:29:15Hey, buddy.
00:29:17Off the ledge.
00:29:24The state of Colorado seeks to prosecute the defendant
00:29:27for the murder of Karen Campbell.
00:29:29Disappeared from a welded hallway
00:29:31at the Wildwood Inn in Aspen.
00:29:33A month later, her nude body was found
00:29:35in a snowbank several miles away.
00:29:37Will the defendant please rise?
00:29:42As a pretrial, we're not here to consider
00:29:45the credibility of the evidence.
00:29:47Only its existence.
00:29:49And after careful consideration,
00:29:52this court rules in favor of the defendant
00:29:56standing trial for the murder of Karen Campbell.
00:30:01Your Honor, the state also seeks a hearing
00:30:04to consider the death penalty,
00:30:06should the trial come to that phase.
00:30:08We'll determine that at a later date.
00:30:10For now, the defendant shall be held without bail.
00:30:13This court is adjourned.
00:30:16The death penalty?
00:30:18It's just a formality.
00:30:21Their case is circumstantial at best.
00:30:25It's a slam dunk.
00:30:27That's funny.
00:30:29My last lawyer said the same thing.
00:30:33And waiting by the door
00:30:38Ooh, what a lucky man
00:30:42He was
00:30:47Ooh, what a lucky man
00:30:51He was
00:30:56Have you bought your plane ticket yet?
00:30:58I can't do another trial.
00:31:00You have to come.
00:31:02Liz, you have to come.
00:31:04Liz, promise me that you'll come.
00:31:17Ooh, what a lucky man
00:31:21He was
00:31:26Ooh, what a lucky man
00:31:30He was
00:31:48Ted, you're a law student
00:31:50standing trial for murder here in Colorado.
00:31:53You've also been convicted in Utah
00:31:55of attempted kidnapping,
00:31:57yet you adamantly maintain your innocence.
00:32:00Does this make you angry?
00:32:02Uh, sure, sure.
00:32:04I get angry and indignant.
00:32:09So you're not guilty?
00:32:11I mean, does that include the time
00:32:13that I stole a comic book when I was 5 years old?
00:32:17I'm not guilty.
00:32:19I am comfortable with my blanket statement
00:32:22that I am innocent.
00:32:24Do you think the police have done a bad job
00:32:26because you're an innocent guy here sitting in prison?
00:32:29As long as the police keep their heads in the sand about me,
00:32:33that people are going to continue showing up
00:32:36dead or missing from the canyons in Colorado
00:32:40to the Salt Lake Valley.
00:32:42Um, and young women are going to continue
00:32:46to be threatened by that person or persons.
00:32:52Do you ever think about getting out?
00:32:56Legally, sure.
00:33:01Does the defense have anything further to add
00:33:04in this pretrial sentencing consideration?
00:33:07Your Honor, the defense requests
00:33:09that the court exclude the death penalty
00:33:12on the grounds that seeking it
00:33:14is often arbitrary and capricious.
00:33:16The court will consider your arguments, Mr. Dumas.
00:33:20Let's take a 15-minute recess
00:33:22before concluding with the prosecution's final arguments.
00:33:25Come on. Let's get some air.
00:33:30Oh, you know what?
00:33:32I need to make a phone call. I need to call Liz.
00:33:36Excuse me, deputy.
00:33:38He needs to use the phone in the library.
00:33:41Make it short.
00:33:44Be right back.
00:34:06I'm good. How are you?
00:34:10So, you came all the way from Ohio
00:34:14just for this little trial?
00:34:16Listen, I really just called to tell you how much I miss you.
00:34:20Well, this is just a regular day for me.
00:34:23Well, just the other day, I was walking down Main Street.
00:34:25I heard the screaming from this record store.
00:34:27There's this kid with a record running right at him.
00:34:29So I unholstered my service weapon,
00:34:31making like I was about to discharge.
00:34:33Oh, that means shoot.
00:34:35Let's do this.
00:34:37Give me a ticket for an aeroplane
00:34:41Ain't got time to take a fast train
00:34:44Lonely days are gone, I'm a-going home
00:34:48My baby just wrote me a letter
00:34:51I don't care how much money I gotta spend
00:34:55I don't care how much money I gotta spend
00:34:58Got to get back to my baby
00:35:01Lonely days are gone, I'm a-going home
00:35:05My baby just wrote me a letter
00:35:09She wrote me a letter
00:35:11Said she couldn't live without me
00:35:15Just give me one minute.
00:35:17Listen, mister, can't you see
00:35:19I got to get back to my baby once more
00:35:22Anyway, yeah, give me a ticket for an aeroplane
00:35:26Oh, shit.
00:35:27Ain't got time to take a fast train
00:35:30Lonely days are gone, I'm a-going home
00:35:34My baby just wrote me a letter
00:35:44He went that way.
00:35:45The subject has been spotted on the northeast of the court.
00:35:52Oh, shit.
00:36:17Mr. Dumas, where the hell is your client?
00:36:20I have no idea, Your Honor.
00:36:22They don't teach you this in law school.
00:36:25Let the record reflect that the defendant has escaped custody
00:36:28and a bench warrant has been issued for his arrest.
00:36:31I guess we're adjourned.
00:36:33The drama started when a man walking along Aspen's main street
00:36:50saw someone jump out of those windows in Aspen's courthouse.
00:36:53He walked downstairs in the courthouse
00:36:55and asked the sheriff's secretary if it was normal
00:36:57for somebody to be leaping out of those windows.
00:37:01Liz, this is crazy. He will never come here.
00:37:04I mean, the cops are probably on the round-the-clock stakeout.
00:37:10I need a drink.
00:37:11You already had one.
00:37:12Since when is it a crime to take the edge off every once in a while?
00:37:15Since your little girl started asking why her mommy is so sad.
00:37:19And it's not just once in a while.
00:37:21So don't self-peddle this and make me out to be the bad guy.
00:37:24You do this every day. You read those letters from Ted.
00:37:27You drink. You cry.
00:37:29I take care of myself.
00:37:30I'm a good mother.
00:37:31You are a great mother, but you are in denial.
00:37:37What is it about this guy?
00:37:48When I feel his love, I feel like I'm on top of the world.
00:37:54And when I don't, I feel like I'm nothing.
00:38:00What if the only thing he's guilty of is running a stop sign?
00:38:05He's been convicted of attempted abduction in Utah.
00:38:09Accused of murder in Colorado.
00:38:11His name is being tossed around in connection to other murders in other states.
00:38:18You know this didn't start with a stop sign.
00:38:23Ted Bundy has been recaptured after spending nearly six days of freedom
00:38:27in the mountains near Aspen.
00:38:29This morning, he was returned to court
00:38:31and arraigned on numerous additional charges relating to his escape.
00:38:42See your hands.
00:38:52Thanks, guys.
00:38:53Thanks, guys.
00:38:56Oh, my gosh.
00:39:04So, what do you think?
00:39:10Outside? Fresh air?
00:39:18Merry Christmas.
00:39:20I'm sorry. I didn't get you anything.
00:39:23No, you brought me the only thing I wanted in the entire world.
00:39:30Can I open it?
00:39:40I've read it four times.
00:39:43You remember what it's about, don't you?
00:39:46Never lose hope.
00:39:47You haven't.
00:39:49Have you?
00:39:53I know this is hard.
00:39:56But believe me, it's hard for me, too.
00:39:59It's so hard.
00:40:00And running was foolish with me.
00:40:04But you weren't answering my calls.
00:40:10I didn't know what to do.
00:40:11I thought I was gonna lose you.
00:40:14I got scared.
00:40:15Your lawyer called.
00:40:17And he said the Utah appeal was rejected.
00:40:26I'm gonna take this all the way to the Supreme Court.
00:40:28They're not giving you probation.
00:40:30They're giving you 15 years.
00:40:32That's a maximum.
00:40:33That's a maximum, okay?
00:40:34No one gets a max on their first conviction.
00:40:36And you're facing 90 more for running.
00:40:38I have this under control, Liz.
00:40:40I have it figured out.
00:40:42It's all up here.
00:40:43I can't do this anymore, Ted.
00:40:45What are you talking about, Liz?
00:40:47Liz, look at me.
00:40:48Liz, Liz, look at me.
00:40:50Do you not love me anymore?
00:40:55No, I do.
00:40:58I do, and that's the problem.
00:41:02What if I get out?
00:41:03I can get out of here.
00:41:05I know I can.
00:41:06And we can go away.
00:41:07We can go to Canada.
00:41:08We can do whatever we want to do.
00:41:10I promise.
00:41:11We can do whatever we want to do.
00:41:12I promise.
00:41:13It would be free.
00:41:15It would be fun.
00:41:17This is for Molly.
00:41:19No, Liz, please don't go.
00:41:21Come on.
00:42:12Come on.
00:42:31So, what's your resolution?
00:42:35For New Year's?
00:42:38Mine's to lose a couple of belt notches,
00:42:41I always manage to find them later.
00:42:47I don't really have one.
00:42:48Oh, come on.
00:42:50Everybody's got something they want,
00:42:52something they want to get rid of.
00:42:55What if you don't know which one it is?
00:42:59Dear Liz,
00:43:01there are many things I can't live without.
00:43:05You are not one of them.
00:43:08♪ Call for restoration ♪
00:43:13♪ Give up and escape ♪
00:43:16So, you going anywhere for the holidays?
00:43:21No, I think Molly and I will just stay here,
00:43:24do things at home.
00:43:25That's nice.
00:43:27What about you?
00:43:28Any big plans?
00:43:33Just gonna make something up,
00:43:34but planning to sleep.
00:43:37Sleep through the holidays.
00:43:44Hey, this isn't working.
00:43:45What the fuck about?
00:43:46♪ Call for resolution ♪
00:43:47♪ Give up now, let's go ♪
00:43:50♪ Take this all to Barber's ♪
00:43:52♪ Take your money ♪
00:43:55♪ Grab the winner ♪
00:43:56♪ I'm gone ♪
00:43:59♪ I'm on the other side ♪
00:44:02♪ Let's keep on rockin'
00:44:04♪ Yeah, yeah, yeah
00:44:06♪ Yeah, yeah, yeah
00:44:08♪ Yeah, yeah, yeah
00:44:10♪ Yeah, yeah, yeah
00:44:12♪ Yeah, yeah, yeah
00:44:14♪ Yeah, yeah, yeah
00:44:16♪ Yeah, yeah, yeah
00:44:18How's your sandwich?
00:44:20Same as yesterday.
00:44:24Do you want some?
00:44:30I didn't think so.
00:44:36♪ Looking for the answer
00:44:38♪ Looking for the answer
00:44:40♪ Looking for the answer
00:44:42♪ Looking for the answer
00:44:44♪ Looking for the answer
00:44:46♪ Looking for the answer
00:45:06Turn on the TV.
00:45:08Two FBI officials, the 33-year-old Utah law student
00:45:10is on the FBI 10 Most Wanted list.
00:45:12He has successfully eluded both police dogs and roadblocks.
00:45:14roadblocks. One of the first victims he is suspected of killing was Linda Ann Healy,
00:45:19a 21-year-old University of Washington student who disappeared from her Seattle apartment in
00:45:24January of 1974. Evening ma'am, sorry to bother you. I'm Detective Mike Fisher. Talked to you on
00:45:32the phone. Dickin County, Colorado. Mind if I come in? I'm good right here. Okay, well I'm assuming
00:45:42that you know that Ted escaped. Well it's all over the news. I can't stress enough how important
00:45:47it is that you notify me if he contacts you. If you do know something that you're not telling me,
00:45:55you would be guilty of aiding and abetting. You came all the way from Colorado to tell me that?
00:46:01I thought that you should see firsthand just how serious this is.
00:46:05If you help us to get him, you can prevent it from happening again.
00:46:12Whenever you think you know about him, it's all a lie. Ma'am, there are things you don't know.
00:46:19I can't tell you right now that will shock you beyond your worst nightmares.
00:46:24It's only a matter of time before the cards are on the table and when they are,
00:46:28they will wrack you. Is that it? Sooner or later, you're gonna have to confront the truth.
00:46:35For everyone's sake, including yours, hope it's soon. Good night.
00:46:54You're studying to be a lawyer. With all these transfers and stuff,
00:46:57it's taking a little longer than I expected. You know, are you guys in the sorority? I knew it.
00:47:05Fighting co-eds at Florida State University walked a class in groups today while detectives
00:47:16tried to track a man who slipped into a sorority house early yesterday and murdered two women.
00:47:21The killer struck first at the Chi Omega sorority house. Police say he was armed with a heavy oak
00:47:27log. He clubbed and then strangled to death 20-year-old Lisa Levy and 21-year-old Margaret
00:47:33Bowman. At least one of them was raped. Then he brutally beat three more sleeping co-eds and then
00:47:38struck again six blocks away, nearly killing another young woman. The killer came in from
00:47:43the night and then returned to it with an ease that has so far baffled police and left most
00:47:49co-eds here terrified. What kind of a person do you think is at large? Well, I'd rather say
00:47:58we've got a very disturbed, sick individual.
00:48:02Shit, shit, shit, shit.
00:48:33Evening, officer. Sorry, I couldn't make out your headlights and I think I just got a little bit
00:48:38spooked. Can I see your license and registration, please? Absolutely. Yes, of course.
00:48:46Got it right here.
00:48:48Right here.
00:49:00Stop! Stop or I'll shoot!
00:49:04Now, you. Yes. Do you have a 10?
00:49:09Hmm, go fish. Oh, well.
00:49:20Hello. I'm in Florida. I'm in custody. I made a deal with the police. They wouldn't announce my
00:49:29arrest until I could call you first. They didn't know who I was. I finally gave them my name for
00:49:34this phone call. It's gonna be bad when it breaks loose. Real bad. I did not do these things. I'm
00:49:44innocent. You're my lawyer? It's funny, I thought you were one.
00:50:04The game is over, Ted. Your days of walking without the clatter of chains are gone.
00:50:19See, Florida is the buckle of the death belt and it's my job to tighten things up in a major way.
00:50:27It's a bit excessive for stealing a car, don't you think?
00:50:35Oh, that's a thresher shark. They have a tail that is as long as their...
00:50:43I'm the sheriff of this town. See, Washington missed you. Utah gave you away. Colorado lost you.
00:50:52I'm gonna fry you.
00:51:00Hey, what the hell? What the fuck is going on? Stay down. What are you doing?
00:51:14There was an indictment last night in the aftermath of a brutal crime in Tallahassee,
00:51:18Florida, and what was unusual about the indictment was how it was delivered.
00:51:21Yesterday evening, reporters were invited to an event rare in criminal cases. Leon County Sheriff
00:51:27Ken Katsaris conducted a public reading of the indictment of defendant Theodore Bundy
00:51:31in front of the gathered press. Please step out now, Ted. What is it? What do we have here, Ken?
00:51:36What is that? Oh, it's an indictment. Why don't you read that to me? Yes, I think I will.
00:51:42In the name of... You're up for re-election, aren't you? Re-election? In the name of...
00:51:46You said you were gonna get me. And by the authority of the state of...
00:51:49He said he was gonna get me. You are charged with...
00:51:51You got the indictment. That's all you're gonna get.
00:51:53You are charged with two counts of murder in the first degree and three counts of attempted...
00:51:58There you are. I'll plead not guilty right now. Three counts of attempted murder in the first
00:52:03degree and the Chi Omega sorority killings. My chance to talk to the press. This is it.
00:52:07My chance. Well, we have displayed the prisoner now.
00:52:10Yeah, I've been kept in isolation. I've been kept away from the press. I have been buried.
00:52:15You've been talking. It's my turn to talk now. We have a court order. There'll be no press
00:52:19interviews. Yeah, of course. That makes perfect sense because I'm gagged and you're not. You know
00:52:24what? I will be heard. Thank you, Ken. Thank you. Thank you, Ken. Yeah, thanks, Ken.
00:52:30There'll be no questions at this time. No questions. The search for evidence linking
00:52:34Theodore Bundy to the Chi Omega killings continues. Newswatch 10 has learned that
00:52:38analysis of the more than 200 fingerprints found at the crime scene do not match Bundy's.
00:52:44Bundy has been living in this Tallahassee apartment since a few days after he escaped
00:52:47from a Colorado prison on New Year's Eve. The apartment is less than a mile from the
00:52:51Chi Omega sorority house at Florida State. Residents there say that he never unpacked
00:52:56his belongings, that his room was always in disarray, and that he slept only in a sleeping bag.
00:53:17Directory assistance, please.
00:53:33Oh, Dad. What have they done to you? Are you okay? Why are you limping?
00:53:38I'm fine. I'm fine. There's a problem with my leg. I run too fast.
00:53:47Hey, no touching. No, thank you. Relax.
00:53:58I can't believe what they've managed to do. They're using me as a ploy for the sheriff to
00:54:03win points in the next election. I'm being used for political gain. My God, of course.
00:54:08Think about it. He's been spinning his wheels on this sorority case and the biggest fish in
00:54:13America lands right in a little pond. Who do you think he's going to bet it on? I mean,
00:54:17I literally just autographed my own wanted poster. I'm more popular than Disney World.
00:54:29It would probably feel good to have a familiar face around.
00:54:39You might want to move to Florida.
00:54:40Why not? There are worse places to be.
00:54:54It's great to see you.
00:54:57No touching.
00:55:11Hey. Yeah, I brought you some chicken soup. Thank you.
00:55:32I mean, you haven't been at work all week, so I figured you were sick.
00:55:35All right. All right. Feel better.
00:55:48Do you want to come in?
00:55:51Yeah. Well, you'll be home from school soon.
00:55:59Sorry, it's a mess. It's okay. Cleaner than my place.
00:56:05Thank you. Ted, I'm Dan Dowd. I'll be your lead counsel. I've got a great team of public
00:56:20defenders waiting in a private room. We're going to get you the best defense taxes can buy.
00:56:26Should we go meet them so we could discuss this in private?
00:56:30Well, anything you have to say, you can say in front of Caroline.
00:56:34Yeah. Go ahead. Have a seat.
00:56:39Hi, Caroline. Dan Dowd.
00:56:43Is it true? They're putting news cameras in the courtroom?
00:56:47You'll be the first nationally televised trial in history. If you make it to trial, that is.
00:56:53The state's offering a deal, Ted. If you plead guilty to the murder charges,
00:56:57they've agreed to recommend life sentences instead of the death penalty.
00:57:02That's a joke, right?
00:57:05We should really go and discuss this with the rest of the team, Ted.
00:57:08If you think there's a chance in hell I'll plead guilty to these charges,
00:57:12you're out of your fucking mind.
00:57:17Let's discuss this another time, okay?
00:57:19Okay. Great to meet you, Caroline.
00:57:30My own lawyers aren't against me.
00:57:32This is a nightmare. I'm so sorry, Ted.
00:57:39Tell me what I can do to help. You know, maybe I could set the facts straight on the outside
00:57:46and make sure your side of the story is heard.
00:57:50That would help a lot. I'm under a gag order. I can't say anything.
00:57:57You'd be willing to do that for me?
00:58:00Of course. Ted, I'm staying in Florida.
00:58:07I would never ask you to do anything like this. I...
00:58:11No touching.
00:58:13You're not asking. I'm insisting. Ted, you need me.
00:58:19It wasn't an accident I saw you in Utah. I don't have friends in Utah. I was there for you.
00:58:28And I saw you were engaged. Got cold feet.
00:58:33This trial could get ugly.
00:58:37I don't know, but, I mean, you could hear some really awful things.
00:58:41It can't be any worse than what they're already saying on TV.
00:58:45What do they know?
00:58:48Not the truth.
00:58:49Mr. Simpson! Do you have any comments on the trial?
00:58:52Let me say this. This man is a threat to society. He has made a mockery of our justice system.
00:58:59That may have worked on the other side of the Rockies, but as lead prosecutor for the
00:59:02great state of Florida, I have every intention of showing him how we do things in the Sunshine
00:59:06State. Now, this trial will be televised, so you can judge for yourself. That's all I have.
00:59:11Let's go. The state of Florida is going to officially begin testing its case against
00:59:16Theodore Robert Bundy, defendant described by some Miami residents as crazed and warped,
00:59:21by others as cool-headed and engaging. The jury of his peers selected by Mr. Bundy is a diversified
00:59:29lot. Twelve jurors and three alternates were officially selected in the Theodore Bundy
00:59:32murder trial. Inside the courtroom, the trial will be covered by a still photographer and one
00:59:37television camera. Upstairs, there are some 250 reporters and television technicians from around
00:59:43the country. Court will come to order. Please rise for the Honorable Judge Edward D. Coward.
00:59:58Please sit.
00:59:58In regard to the camera, we are conducting the public's business, and we're going to do it in
01:00:09the sunshine. After all, this is Florida. You look nice, partner. Thank you, Your Honor.
01:00:19I'm disguised as an attorney today.
01:00:21Well, then, let's put on a show.
01:00:28You may proceed, Mr. Simpson.
01:00:40Ladies and gentlemen, this case is so much more than a double murder.
01:00:46Don't let his opening statement face you. Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, show no emotion at all.
01:00:50This case is about catching a monster.
01:00:55In the early morning hours of January 15, 1978,
01:00:59a young woman arrived home to the Chi Omega sorority house. She heard a thump upstairs.
01:01:08A man ran down, carrying an oak log, and fled. The young woman went upstairs to investigate,
01:01:15where her sorority sister stumbled out of her bedroom, spitting up blood,
01:01:20because her face had been smashed. Her roommates, too. She was sitting on her bed in a daze.
01:01:30They were the lucky ones.
01:01:33In the room next over, another young woman was lying face down in her own blood.
01:01:38Her neck had been twisted at an inhuman angle. Jaw was broken. She was missing a nipple.
01:01:49Her body had bite marks on it. She'd been raped and strangled, strangled with a pantyhose garotte
01:01:57so tight that her neck was constricted to half its size.
01:02:01This next girl,
01:02:05we're still not sure if she died from strangulation
01:02:08or the blow to her head that left a baseball-sized hole in her skull.
01:02:15We do know that her underwear was torn off with such force, it left burn marks on her thigh.
01:02:23Thank you.
01:02:25Each day, the courtroom is filled with spectators,
01:02:28Each day, the courtroom is filled with spectators drawn by a fascination with the
01:02:32gruesome details of the crimes. What is unusual to see is that many of the onlookers are women,
01:02:37young women. Every night when I go home, I get very scared and shut the door and lock it,
01:02:42but, you know, he's also really dreamy. I'm not afraid of him. He just doesn't seem like the type
01:02:48to kill somebody. I try to imagine myself in his place and imagine what he's feeling,
01:02:54and I wonder whether he did it or not. The young women themselves aren't too sure what
01:02:58it is that attracts them to the trial. I do think this is, in an underlying sense,
01:03:03a sexual attraction. Why do you do it? I don't know. I guess I love him.
01:03:08One woman, Carol Boone, believes Bundy is completely innocent. Some have called her
01:03:12his girlfriend. What if I started by saying how the media is against you? You can't explicitly
01:03:18call the media the villain. We have to be more creative than that. It is obvious that the media
01:03:23has already convicted him before he's had his day in court. Well, it's obvious the media has
01:03:27already convicted Ted before he's had his day in court. To broadcast that, and to broadcast it on
01:03:32a national stage, it's the first step in undercutting the judicial system, because
01:03:36it makes it about getting ratings, not about getting the truth. Please continue, Detective
01:03:44Chapman. When we questioned him about the crimes, he declined to have an attorney present. He asked
01:03:51not to have counsel. That's right. Object. He's lying. You need to trust me. Please continue.
01:03:58I did do your job. Then he asked we turn off the recorder, and no notes be taken.
01:04:04So this was off the record? He thought so. The state of Florida allows bugs,
01:04:09surreptitious recording devices, but it malfunctioned. That's why that part of the
01:04:13tape cuts out. What part was that, Detective? His confession. Do something.
01:04:20What'd he say in his confession? He said he was a vampire. Objection.
01:04:32Narration on behalf of the witness, Your Honor.
01:04:39Sustained. Your Honor. Your Honor, I also move to have the detective's entire testimony stricken
01:04:47from the record on the basis that the word surreptitious should automatically disqualify
01:04:52anything masquerading as evidence, being that it's synonymous with secret, stealthy, clandestine,
01:05:00sneaky, sly, furtive, concealed, and hidden. Your Honor, is he allowed to keep talking? No true
01:05:05evidence should, could, or would ever be described in such terms. Your Honor, the jury. Objection is
01:05:13sustained. The jury is admonished to disregard the witness's testimony as it pertains to the
01:05:22alleged confession. Your Honor, one other thing while I have your ear. Uh, quit while you're ahead,
01:05:29partner. You notice I didn't say how far ahead. Bless your heart. Okay, thank you. Thank you, Your Honor.
01:05:47When I say I'm jacked, I'm jacked. Defense attorneys have found Theodore Bundy to be a difficult client.
01:05:54The jury is unaware of the squabbles amongst the defense team, and these conflicts have
01:05:58apparently not affected the way the defendant views his chances of acquittal.
01:06:16Who are you calling? Well, it's just
01:06:18lawyers. Oh, Bunny, how do you keep your spirits up? Don't you get down?
01:06:37I never do so. There is no justification for the treatment that I've been receiving.
01:06:43This is a game, and I will not be party to it. I will not stay in this kind of waterloo.
01:06:49There comes a time when I have to say whoa. If you say whoa, I'm gonna have to use spurs.
01:06:56Since I have been in Dade County... Don't shake your finger at me, young man. I have been strip
01:07:00searched after seeing my... Don't shake your finger at me. That's fine, you can shake it at Mr. Doubt.
01:07:06I'm sorry, and you're right. Since I have been in Dade County, I did not have any choice in the
01:07:12selection of my attorney. Sir, I don't know of any case where an individual has received the quality
01:07:18and quantity of counsel you have. It is unheard. You have had more counsel than a duck has quacks.
01:07:26I have never seen anything like it in my 27 years trying cases at the bar. There were a few victories
01:07:34in court today for accused murderer Theodore Bundy. First, a member of the defense team handed out a
01:07:38motion which calls for the removal of all cameras from the courtroom. The motion says media interferes
01:07:43with the defendant's right to a fair trial, but Judge Edward Coward refused and the motion was
01:07:47denied. In another blow, Judge Coward also denied a motion to suppress evidence from a case in Utah where
01:07:53several items were seized... Mom?
01:08:00What is this?
01:08:01Some kind of ambush? No, Bunny, no. Your lawyers have something important they want to discuss.
01:08:06Okay. I thought it'd be best your mom be here, too. Oh, okay. All right. I wouldn't be able to live if I lost you.
01:08:13Did he put you up to this? Ted, when you consider the evidence they have,
01:08:16combined with pre-trial publicity, it's highly likely they can secure convictions. And because
01:08:21of the nature of the offenses, several death sentences. I'm not pleading, okay? A mother cannot
01:08:27Mom, look at me. I am innocent. You know that, right? I did not do these things. Despite what anyone here may have told you, I want the world to know that. I want everyone to know that. We know. We know your mom knows. We all know you're innocent.
01:08:34We're going to fight every day to make sure everyone else does, too. But if they take your life, it'll all be for nothing.
01:08:41Okay. All right. Okay. I'll consider the plea. Abby, can we all disband now, please? Scott. This is really awkward.
01:08:48Jesus Christ.
01:08:58I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry.
01:09:07Jesus Christ.
01:09:09Thank you.
01:09:11Don't be angry, Teddy.
01:09:13We're just trying to help you.
01:09:15What the hell are you thinking?
01:09:17Bringing my mom into this?
01:09:19Don't ever
01:09:21do that again.
01:09:25I was just trying to help.
01:09:27I'm sorry.
01:09:29I love you.
01:09:31I just don't want him to take your life.
01:09:33I don't trust
01:09:35this jury. I'm scared.
01:09:37I'm really scared, Ted.
01:09:47It's the right thing
01:09:49to do, Ted.
01:10:01I understand there is
01:10:03a matter you'd like to present
01:10:05to the court.
01:10:15Your Honor,
01:10:19have I encountered a man
01:10:21so dedicated
01:10:25and brazen
01:10:27in coercing his
01:10:29own client into admitting
01:10:31guilt. It makes me
01:10:33wonder if he has the stamina
01:10:35or basic mental acuity
01:10:37to roll up his sleeves and do the hard work.
01:10:39I will not
01:10:41accept my so-called attorney's
01:10:43advice that I plead
01:10:45guilty to save my own life.
01:10:47I am, in fact, not guilty,
01:10:49and I demand the discharge
01:10:51of my roundly inept counsel,
01:10:53as is my right under Ferretta v. California.
01:10:55Your Honor,
01:10:57I would like to resign as counsel.
01:10:59In other words, I can agree to it.
01:11:01Fuck you, counselors. Muzzle yourselves.
01:11:03I'll consider the motion granted.
01:11:05How's this for motion?
01:11:11From the beginning of the trial,
01:11:13accused murderer Theodore Bundy has demanded
01:11:15that he be allowed to take an active part
01:11:17in his own defense. Now, with only a few days
01:11:19left, the former law student announced
01:11:21he intended to take over as chief counsel.
01:11:23The prosecution is expected
01:11:25to wrap up its case this afternoon
01:11:27with a testimony from its star witness.
01:11:29This is an enlarged photograph
01:11:31of the defendant's teeth.
01:11:33Dr. Richard Suveron, a Miami forensic odontologist,
01:11:35showed the pictures of the teeth
01:11:37of the defendant, Theodore Bundy,
01:11:39and the bite mark found on the body
01:11:41of one of the slain coeds.
01:11:43He showed the court the peculiarities
01:11:45of Bundy's slightly crooked upper front teeth.
01:11:47You can see the double bite,
01:11:49which exhibits the same unique pattern
01:11:51as the defendant's chipped
01:11:53upper right central incisor.
01:11:55Can you offer an opinion,
01:11:57within a reasonable degree of scientific certainty,
01:11:59whether or not those teeth
01:12:01represented in that photograph
01:12:03made the bite marks
01:12:05on the buttocks of Lisa Levy?
01:12:07Yes, sir, I can.
01:12:09The defendant's teeth
01:12:11made those marks.
01:12:13No further questions.
01:12:15I pass the witness. Doctor, you may return
01:12:17to the witness box.
01:12:20Dr. Suveron,
01:12:22is there any way to test
01:12:24whether those teeth
01:12:26will make the same marks over and over?
01:12:30I took models of the defendant's teeth,
01:12:32and I went to the morgue,
01:12:34and I pressed those models
01:12:36into the buttocks area of different individuals,
01:12:38and, yes, they do match.
01:12:40I'm sorry, Dr. Suveron,
01:12:42you did this experiment on cadavers?
01:12:44Well, I couldn't find any live volunteers.
01:12:46I have to question you.
01:12:48I have to question the competency
01:12:50of this expert witness.
01:12:52Your Honor, I question the competency of this entire trial.
01:12:54This is a farce.
01:12:56Dr. Suveron, on that,
01:12:58we could not agree more.
01:13:04I feel duty-bound to remind you
01:13:06in the gallery
01:13:08that you are not on spring break.
01:13:10You are not waiting
01:13:12for the Flipper and Friends show
01:13:14at SeaWorld.
01:13:16This is a capital murder case.
01:13:20The court
01:13:22has already ruled
01:13:24on this witness's expertise,
01:13:28and you are skating on thin ice,
01:13:30and ice does not last long
01:13:32in Florida.
01:13:34Yes, Your Honor.
01:13:42The case of Ted Bundy,
01:13:44suspected of murdering two Florida State co-eds
01:13:46and beating three others a year and a half ago...
01:13:50Would you mind getting that?
01:13:52Uh, yeah, sure.
01:13:58Who is this?
01:14:02Is this Ted?
01:14:04Yes, this is Ted.
01:14:06And I would like to speak to Liz.
01:14:08You can't call her anymore.
01:14:10You're killing her.
01:14:12Will you please
01:14:14give her a message for me?
01:14:16Can you do that, please?
01:14:18Can you tell her, uh...
01:14:22Can you tell her that I love her?
01:15:00Look at me.
01:15:04Do you...
01:15:06Do you still love her?
01:15:08What are you talking about?
01:15:12Oh, my God. Oh, my God.
01:15:14I'm so stupid.
01:15:16I just uprooted my entire life for you.
01:15:18She's not here!
01:15:20But you love her!
01:15:22I don't! I don't!
01:15:24She abandoned me. She left me.
01:15:26She's gone.
01:15:28What about me?
01:15:30I love you.
01:15:32You're here.
01:15:34You're right here.
01:15:36I almost married that girl.
01:15:40And you know what?
01:15:42You're the one I should have married.
01:15:46Do you mean that?
01:15:50Just imagine it.
01:15:54I'll get out of here.
01:15:56We can get a house
01:15:58on this island
01:16:02with a Mercedes
01:16:04and a dog.
01:16:06And a dog.
01:16:08We can hear him barking.
01:16:10We can hear him.
01:16:14I'm allergic to dogs.
01:16:18But that sounds nice.
01:16:20Oh, Ted.
01:16:24I just wish we didn't have to wait.
01:16:28He says we have to wait.
01:16:30We don't.
01:16:37Ms. Boone,
01:16:39did you visit me
01:16:41while I was being held in Florida
01:16:43in custody in February 1978?
01:16:47Yes, I did.
01:16:49And to the best of your memory,
01:16:51did I have any sort of chip in my front tooth at that time?
01:16:53No. No, you most definitely did not.
01:16:55Your Honor,
01:16:57I think you see what I'm getting at here.
01:16:59I would like to subpoena
01:17:01all newspapers to turn over their negatives of me.
01:17:03If the chip
01:17:05did not occur
01:17:07until March 1978,
01:17:09two months after the Chi Omega crimes,
01:17:11and the state's odontologists say otherwise,
01:17:13then the state's odontologists
01:17:15have obviously taken my teeth
01:17:17and twisted them every which way
01:17:19but loose to fit.
01:17:23you can jump up and down,
01:17:25hang from the chandelier,
01:17:27but the court will not dash out
01:17:29for new evidence at your command.
01:17:31Is there no work ethic
01:17:33left here in Florida?
01:17:35You impress me not, sir.
01:17:37Well, the feeling is mutual, Your Honor.
01:17:39I'm sure it is, bless your heart.
01:17:41And unless there's anything else,
01:17:43Ms. Boone may be excused.
01:17:45No, there is one, just one more thing.
01:17:47Your Honor.
01:17:55Will you marry me?
01:17:58Your Honor.
01:18:05Then I do hereby
01:18:07marry you.
01:18:09Are you shitting me? Objection!
01:18:11Your Honor, public declaration
01:18:13properly phrased in an open courtroom
01:18:15in the presence of court officers constitutes
01:18:17a lawful marriage here in Florida.
01:18:19Indeed it does.
01:18:27Prosecutors dismissed Bundy's
01:18:29marriage proposal as a charade.
01:18:33Was it him who called the other day?
01:18:39I know you unplugged the phones when I fall asleep.
01:18:41What did he say?
01:18:43It doesn't matter.
01:18:45What did he say?
01:18:47He froze.
01:18:49He froze because he knew
01:18:51that I knew what he was.
01:18:53They're gonna send him to the chair, Liz.
01:18:55And that seems like an easier out than this torture
01:18:57you're putting yourself through because you won't let him go.
01:18:59He's killing you
01:19:01because you're letting him.
01:19:03You're just jealous because Ted and I have a bond
01:19:05you and I never could.
01:19:07You're just trying to hurt me.
01:19:09Get out.
01:19:13Get out!
01:19:15You need to let him go.
01:19:17Get out!
01:19:19Get out!
01:19:21Get out!
01:19:23It's okay.
01:19:25I wish I could take it all back.
01:19:27It's okay.
01:19:31Take what back?
01:19:33Why do you act like
01:19:35you're responsible for the things that happen to him?
01:19:45I'm the one who gave his name to the police.
01:19:49He was described as 5'7 to 5'8,
01:19:51neck-length hair, brown to light brown,
01:19:53dark tan,
01:19:55160 pounds,
01:19:57cast on the left arm.
01:19:59Back when those girls disappeared
01:20:01from Lake Sammamish,
01:20:03I saw the sketch.
01:20:05It's a minor resemblance, but it's very, very minor.
01:20:07What kind of car did he drive?
01:20:09It's a 1968 Volkswagen Bug,
01:20:11but it's kind of a light beige.
01:20:13Let me stop you right there.
01:20:15It's the right car, but it's the wrong color.
01:20:17He's not the guy.
01:20:19I can put his name down if it'll help you sleep at night.
01:20:21What is his name?
01:20:27Ted Bundy.
01:20:29I could be the reason that he's there,
01:20:31because everyone's assuming
01:20:33that all these other murders were done by Ted,
01:20:35and all I did was call his name in
01:20:37to Seattle because of a sketch
01:20:39that looked kind of like him.
01:20:41You were the one that told him.
01:20:43You shouldn't be ashamed of that.
01:20:45If you told him that,
01:20:47he deserves it, Liz.
01:20:49Liz, you did the right thing.
01:20:53You just got to let him go.
01:20:57Mr. Simpson,
01:20:59your closing argument?
01:21:09Ladies and gentlemen of the jury,
01:21:11you have been witness
01:21:13to the unspeakable horrors
01:21:15of the defendant's heinous crimes.
01:21:17You have seen
01:21:19ghastly injuries,
01:21:21smashed-in faces,
01:21:23broken jaws.
01:21:27The bite-mark carnage
01:21:29of a predator.
01:21:31Ladies and gentlemen,
01:21:33there are two ways
01:21:35for police to investigate crimes.
01:21:37They can go to a crime scene,
01:21:41search for clues,
01:21:43and follow those clues
01:21:45to a logical conclusion.
01:21:47We have provided forensic expert testimony
01:21:49to corroborate
01:21:51every last bit of evidence.
01:21:53Or they can begin with a suspect,
01:21:57on that suspect,
01:21:59and then somehow make all of the evidence
01:22:01fit only that suspect.
01:22:03You've seen the bottle of hair mist
01:22:05he used to sexually
01:22:07penetrate one of the victims.
01:22:09In a manner so savage, it ruptured
01:22:11her internal organs.
01:22:13It is clearly a charade to
01:22:15cast an innocent man
01:22:17as some sort of monster
01:22:19in a horror film.
01:22:21We have placed the defendant at the scene of the crime.
01:22:23Their own witness testified that the man wore
01:22:25a mask, obscuring half of his face.
01:22:27You've seen the oak log he used
01:22:29to bludgeon these poor victims.
01:22:31The lighting was low.
01:22:33The state of Florida has proved beyond
01:22:35all reasonable doubt
01:22:37that the defendant, Theodore Robert Bundy,
01:22:39is guilty of two murders
01:22:41in the first degree,
01:22:43and three attempted murders.
01:22:45Ladies and gentlemen, I am
01:22:47that innocent
01:22:51Ted, Ted.
01:22:53Is this really just a case of
01:22:55wrong place, wrong time?
01:22:57You know, police, they just want to solve crimes.
01:22:59And sometimes they don't think things all the way through.
01:23:01They are willing to take the convenient alternative.
01:23:03And in this case,
01:23:05the convenient alternative was me.
01:23:07We have a verdict.
01:23:09Oh, my gosh.
01:23:11Seven hours.
01:23:15bless their hearts.
01:23:19you know that future
01:23:21you saw for us?
01:23:23The one with the house and the dog and the car?
01:23:25Yeah, yeah.
01:23:29now there's going to be another part
01:23:31to that future.
01:23:35it's time to go.
01:23:39Yeah, yeah.
01:23:41One, just one moment.
01:23:51Let's go finish this thing.
01:23:53I am in receipt
01:23:55of the jury's verdict.
01:23:59would you deliver this
01:24:01to the clerk for pronouncement?
01:24:05Will the defendant
01:24:13We, the jury,
01:24:15in Miami-Dade County, Florida,
01:24:17find the defendant guilty
01:24:19of the murder of Ted
01:24:21We, the jury,
01:24:23in Miami-Dade County, Florida,
01:24:25find the defendant
01:24:27Theodore Robert Bundy
01:24:29on the count of murder
01:24:31in the first degree of Lisa Levy
01:24:33guilty as charged
01:24:35on the count of murder
01:24:37in the first degree of Margaret Bowman
01:24:39guilty as charged
01:24:41on the count of attempted murder
01:24:43in the first degree of Karen Chandler
01:24:45guilty as charged
01:24:47on the count of attempted murder
01:24:49in the first degree of Cheryl Thomas
01:24:51guilty as charged
01:24:53Those may we all.
01:24:59I consider the death penalty
01:25:01to be one of the most
01:25:03primitive, barbaric
01:25:05things one
01:25:07human can impose
01:25:09on another.
01:25:11My Christian upbringing
01:25:13tells me that to take
01:25:15another's life
01:25:17under any circumstance
01:25:19is wrong
01:25:21and I don't believe that
01:25:23the state of Florida is above the laws
01:25:25of God. Thank you,
01:25:29Bless you.
01:25:33I certainly agree it is
01:25:37a tragedy when
01:25:39any life is taken
01:25:41against one's will.
01:25:47It is this court's reason,
01:25:49judgment, that you be adjudicated
01:25:51guilty of murder in the
01:25:53first degree
01:25:55that the killings were
01:25:57indeed atrocious
01:25:59and cruel
01:26:01in that they were extremely
01:26:05shockingly evil
01:26:09and with utter indifference
01:26:11to human life
01:26:13and that you shall be put to death
01:26:15by a current of electricity
01:26:17that shall pass through your body
01:26:19until you are dead.
01:26:21I understand you have a
01:26:23statement you'd like to make and you may do
01:26:25so now.
01:26:27I won't ask for mercy.
01:26:31In fact,
01:26:33I find it
01:26:35absurd to ask
01:26:37for mercy for something that I did not
01:26:41I'm not the one
01:26:43responsible for these
01:26:45horrific acts.
01:26:51Although the verdict
01:26:53found in part
01:26:55that these crimes
01:26:57had been committed,
01:27:01it erred
01:27:03in finding who
01:27:05committed them.
01:27:09a consequence,
01:27:11I do not
01:27:13accept the sentence
01:27:17as it is not a sentence
01:27:19of me.
01:27:21It is
01:27:23a sentence of someone else
01:27:25who is not standing
01:27:27here today.
01:27:29The court is
01:27:31going to sentence the person
01:27:33found guilty of the offense.
01:27:35Your name, sir,
01:27:37was on that verdict.
01:27:39Take care of yourself, young man.
01:27:41I say that to you
01:27:43sincerely. Take care of
01:27:47You're a bright young man.
01:27:49You'd have made a good
01:27:51lawyer. I would have loved to have you practice
01:27:53in front of me, but
01:27:55you went a
01:27:57different way, partner.
01:27:59It has been a tragedy
01:28:01for this court
01:28:03to see the
01:28:05total waste of humanity
01:28:07that we have experienced here.
01:28:11I don't have any animosity
01:28:13toward you. I want you
01:28:15to know that.
01:28:17Take care of yourself.
01:28:57So I know you're new here, but your numbers
01:28:59are incredibly high, and you're doing
01:29:01an outstanding job so far.
01:29:03This is a really wonderful place for women.
01:29:05Liz, I thought you'd like to see this.
01:29:07Thanks, Janet.
01:29:13Would you, uh...
01:29:15Would you give me a moment, please?
01:29:17Of course.
01:29:27Dear Liz,
01:29:29this will be my
01:29:31last letter, and if
01:29:33anyone deserves to hear it as it was,
01:29:35it's you.
01:29:39I admit
01:29:41I am in a little trouble,
01:29:43but it's all gonna work out.
01:29:51Convicted killer Ted Bundy, scheduled to die
01:29:53in Florida's electric chair tomorrow,
01:29:55today won a 24-hour stay.
01:29:57Media crews from around the country are here
01:29:59to document Bundy's every last move,
01:30:01meal, and mood.
01:30:03Authorities report that Bundy has asked to see
01:30:05his psychiatrist, an apparent last-minute
01:30:07attempt to be declared incompetent
01:30:09for execution.
01:30:57That's a beautiful ring.
01:30:59Do you remember
01:31:01the night we met?
01:31:05We started with lies, Ted.
01:31:07My love for you was never
01:31:09a lie.
01:31:11I fell in love with you the moment
01:31:13I saw you.
01:31:15I need to hear the truth from you now.
01:31:17Come on, you know that I'm not
01:31:19capable of these crimes.
01:31:21I would never hurt a woman.
01:31:23Have I ever laid a hand on you?
01:31:25Have I ever raised my voice?
01:31:27I'm the one who gave your name to the police.
01:31:35It was 1974
01:31:37when they put that sketch
01:31:39in the paper of the man at Lake Sammamish
01:31:41who used a fake cast to lure
01:31:43two young women into his
01:31:45Volkswagen boat.
01:31:47Is he ever gonna find out that it was me who called?
01:31:49No, ma'am, he won't find out.
01:31:51Now, what is your name?
01:31:53You used to think that I ruined your life
01:31:55because my call to King County
01:31:57made you the suspect in all these other cases.
01:31:59For years,
01:32:01I've carried this guilt that I'm
01:32:03to blame for everything.
01:32:05Why would you blame yourself?
01:32:07Because I could have
01:32:09helped save some of these girls
01:32:11if only I hadn't trusted you.
01:32:13I can't live like this anymore,
01:32:15Ted. It's not my guilt.
01:32:17It's yours.
01:32:19Did you do
01:32:21these things, Ted?
01:32:25Of course not.
01:32:27There are detectives from seven states
01:32:29out there lined up with arms of
01:32:31open case files expecting confessions.
01:32:33I didn't do anything, Liz.
01:32:35Then why are you going to tell them that you did?
01:32:37That's what you're doing, right?
01:32:39Trading the truth to buy more time?
01:32:41I have to tell them what they want to hear.
01:32:43They will fry me any day now.
01:32:45It's the only way to save them.
01:32:47It's the only way to save my own life.
01:32:49So yes, I'm feeding them information,
01:32:51little bits of bullshit,
01:32:53but none of it is true.
01:32:55This is all going to end.
01:32:57It's only going to end
01:32:59with the truth.
01:33:01Did you
01:33:03do it?
01:33:07Denise Naslund and Janice Ott,
01:33:09the two young women from Lake Sammamish?
01:33:13The young woman from Utah who couldn't even look at you in court?
01:33:17The Colorado women?
01:33:19Oh, Liz.
01:33:21You've always been so insatiable,
01:33:23and it's clear you've come here with an agenda,
01:33:25and I'm sorry.
01:33:27I can't give you what you want.
01:33:29The Chi Omega college girls from Florida?
01:33:31Absolutely not.
01:33:33One of your victims
01:33:35was a child, Ted.
01:33:37Kimberly Leach.
01:33:39She was 12.
01:33:43What's wrong with Molly?
01:33:45I did not do these things, Liz!
01:33:49Did you ever want to do them to me?
01:33:55I wish that we could be alone,
01:33:57and we could really talk.
01:33:59I can't tell you anything right now.
01:34:01Liz, there's people listening.
01:34:03Are you telling me that you're sick, Ted?
01:34:05Back off!
01:34:07I told you the truth,
01:34:09and now you need to do the same for me.
01:34:11You've been suffocating
01:34:13all these years I've had your hands around my neck.
01:34:17Release me!
01:34:21Not you, Liz.
01:34:25Anyone but you.
01:34:41It took me over a decade
01:34:43to look at this photo.
01:34:45What happened
01:34:47to her head?
01:34:55I mean, if she was deposited
01:34:57in the woods,
01:35:01then animals
01:35:03would be
01:35:05in the woods.
01:35:07Then animals
01:35:09could have conceivably
01:35:11done something like that.
01:35:13Animals don't do that.
01:35:21I'm not a bad guy.
01:35:23You need
01:35:25to release me,
01:35:31What happened
01:35:33to her head?
01:37:01Detective Fisher.
01:37:03Let's begin.
01:37:07Let's begin.
01:37:37Let's begin.
01:37:55What are you doing?
01:37:57Reading. Prepping for the trial.
01:38:03Promise you'll never leave me, Liz.
01:38:07I promise.
01:38:15Well, I don't even know your name.
01:38:37Oh, there she is.
01:38:49You all right?
01:38:51I am. I'm proud of you, Mom.
01:39:07I'm proud of you.
