A Good Romantic Movie HD ( Comedy, Romance ).

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A Good Romantic Movie HD ( Comedy, Romance ).
00:00:00Are you ready for the lunchtime launch?
00:00:03Oh, yes.
00:00:04I just hope the partners like it.
00:00:06Of course they will, Kendall.
00:00:08It really looks fantastic.
00:00:09Very avant-garde.
00:00:10Oh, thank you, Maggie.
00:00:11It's the first time seeing the final reveal, so...
00:00:12Oh, look out!
00:00:13I am so sorry.
00:00:14Are you all right?
00:00:16That was close, but I'm totally fine.
00:00:18Very quick moves there.
00:00:19I'm impressed.
00:00:20Do strangers often almost take you out on the sidewalk with sailboat planks?
00:00:32You know, stranger things have happened in this city.
00:00:35What's the occasion?
00:00:36It's a restaurant launch.
00:00:38Another one.
00:00:39I don't know if Seattle really needs another fancy place to eat.
00:00:43You know, some people enjoy fine dining.
00:00:47I only eat what I can catch.
00:00:49The owner's about to make a speech.
00:00:52We're so happy to welcome all of you to the opening of our new restaurant, Glow.
00:00:59It's one of the best designs I think this city has ever seen, and that's all thanks
00:01:02to the hard work of Seacoast Architects.
00:01:05Oh, thank you.
00:01:07Enough with the speeches.
00:01:08Let's have some fun and eat.
00:01:13Come on.
00:01:15All the partners love it.
00:01:16Are you going to come in and celebrate?
00:01:18You know what?
00:01:19I would love to, but I can't.
00:01:20I'm still working on that proposal for my meeting tomorrow morning for Edward Kent.
00:01:24Wow, Glow.
00:01:25That is one of the most prestigious restaurants in town.
00:01:28They just won another James Beard award.
00:01:30Ugh, I know.
00:01:31I've never designed a restaurant this upscale before.
00:01:34You always come up with a dynamite plan.
00:01:36What can I do to help?
00:01:38You know what?
00:01:40You stay here.
00:01:41Have a good time.
00:01:42I am going to put the finishing touches on that proposal, but I'll see you at the office
00:01:45tomorrow to debrief.
00:01:47You're the best.
00:01:48Good luck.
00:01:58No, not 20.
00:02:00Come on, please.
00:02:04So sorry about this.
00:02:05Busy morning, but it always is when you own a restaurant.
00:02:08Even busier when you own three.
00:02:10Soon to be four, which is where you come in.
00:02:12I had a hard time with the previous architect, so I need someone who can envision exactly the design I want.
00:02:19Where do you get your inspiration from?
00:02:21I draw upon a lot of classic art, a lot of contemporary, too.
00:02:24Jean-Michel Basquiat, Edward Hopper, even Warhol from time to time.
00:02:28I'm impressed by your art knowledge.
00:02:31I used to love studying the greats growing up.
00:02:34I wanted to paint just like them.
00:02:35Well, you and your phone come with rave reviews.
00:02:38Voted best of Seattle in City Design Magazine.
00:02:41I am proud of my winning team.
00:02:43And as the owner of Seacoast Architects, you're the one to go to.
00:02:46Now, I want to make a big splash with this design.
00:02:49Something modern, yet still welcoming, so customers feel...
00:02:53At home.
00:02:55Now, we're opening in two months, so you're going to have to move quickly.
00:02:58Well, I was thinking.
00:03:00Sleek, modern walls with patterns of old-world French design.
00:03:04For the front of the restaurant, we would do something glass-like, cascading ice.
00:03:08Very bold.
00:03:09Sounds fantastic.
00:03:11How soon can we get a mock-up? In a week?
00:03:23I love visiting you in the city, sis.
00:03:25You love me or all the free food that I get you?
00:03:29Well, I'm glad one of us gets to enjoy these perks.
00:03:32I know I said I love owning my own business, but I feel like I am married to my job.
00:03:37Well, I wouldn't marry this filet. It's so delicious.
00:03:41I wish I could cook like this.
00:03:43Hey, you are one of the best chefs I know.
00:03:46Maybe they're looking for a new sous-chef here.
00:03:48No, you know what? Billy, I think you should dream bigger.
00:03:52Like owning your own restaurant.
00:03:54Would you come have a sit-down meal more often if I had my own restaurant?
00:03:57I would be your biggest customer.
00:04:00Hey, I need that.
00:04:01Enough work. I have a new recipe for the Mystic Bay Big Catch Festival.
00:04:04You mean for the, uh...
00:04:05Chowder Showdown.
00:04:09I can't wait for you to try it.
00:04:10I can't believe that the festival is next Sunday.
00:04:12It might be Dad's last before he retires.
00:04:14I think you mean if Dad retires.
00:04:18He really is this time, Ken. He's selling the boat.
00:04:23What? He's selling Sweet Serenity?
00:04:27He's selling Sweet Serenity?
00:04:32I can't believe it.
00:04:33I can't either.
00:04:35But I overheard him talking to Ron on the phone about a sale and I think it's for real this time.
00:04:40I just don't know if Ron is the right buyer. I worry about him making the wrong decision.
00:04:44Well, you know Dad. I doubt we can talk him out of it once he's made up his mind.
00:04:48You can talk him in or out of anything.
00:04:52I need that.
00:04:54It's my new client, Edward. The owner of this restaurant.
00:04:59He is relentless. He's passionate, but relentless.
00:05:03And you know what? He wants my proposal in one week.
00:05:06One week is very fast.
00:05:08But I also need him as a client, so...
00:05:11Why don't you come home early?
00:05:13Spend the week in your favorite town for some inspiration.
00:05:16You are your own boss, you know.
00:05:18Well, you are right.
00:05:19I do come up with my best ideas when I'm home.
00:05:22Okay, let's see.
00:05:23I could brainstorm on Tuesday.
00:05:26I could mock up some more drawings on Wednesday.
00:05:29I could send over my final proposal to Edward on Thursday.
00:05:32And then I could be there for festival prep on Friday.
00:05:35Okay, you know what?
00:05:37It's a plan.
00:05:41I miss you.
00:05:43I need you.
00:05:45How did all the time slip away?
00:05:49The sea is calming underneath the sky
00:05:53Shining rays that wash away all the grey
00:05:57And I sail with the wind
00:06:06That guides me round the bend
00:06:13I'm home again
00:06:18Oh oh oh
00:06:20Oh oh oh
00:06:24Oh oh oh
00:06:27Oh oh oh
00:06:30Oh oh oh
00:06:45Maggie, hi.
00:06:46Hi, I just sent the drawings you left on your desk to Edward.
00:06:49Thank you so much.
00:06:51I don't know what to do about those interiors.
00:06:53I don't know if I need to do something bolder, flashier.
00:06:57I think it looks very modern.
00:06:59I am going to work on it this week and I will get back to you.
00:07:02Okay, bye.
00:07:06Dad, hi.
00:07:07Oh, hey, Kendall.
00:07:09Come on up.
00:07:10Let's get your sea legs back on you.
00:07:13Well, well, well, look at you.
00:07:17How are you, sweetheart?
00:07:20I missed you, Dad.
00:07:22Well, you know what?
00:07:24I missed you more.
00:07:25Come on, tell me everything.
00:07:27All your new clients, friends, adventures.
00:07:30Oh, well, there's not much to tell.
00:07:33Designing, lots of restaurants, same thing, different storefronts.
00:07:37I do actually have a new client that I'm trying to close.
00:07:40The owner is very particular.
00:07:42It's going to be a challenge.
00:07:44Well, good thing you'll be spending some time on the sweet surrender due this week.
00:07:48It's nice to see the boat again.
00:07:53I can't believe you're finally selling her, Dad.
00:07:55Well, I can't wait forever for the perfect offer.
00:07:58I'm going to run and take it off my hands.
00:08:03Well, I'm glad I'll get to say goodbye this week.
00:08:05So, Dad, why aren't you at sea?
00:08:08Ran out of bait.
00:08:10I'll tell you what.
00:08:11Why don't you go down to Benny's?
00:08:13Pick me up enough bait for tomorrow's catch.
00:08:15Gee, I just got here.
00:08:16You're already putting me to work.
00:08:18Come on.
00:08:19It's good to see you, Dad.
00:08:21You too.
00:08:36You too.
00:08:42Kendall, you're home!
00:08:45Oh, how are you?
00:08:47Oh, busier than ever.
00:08:49Got a whole stack of marina permits to go through.
00:08:51Wish I could get out on the water myself.
00:08:53Your dad get out fishing today?
00:08:55Oh, no.
00:08:56Actually, he's out of bait.
00:08:57I'll take two bags full.
00:08:59Ooh, wish I could help, but the new fisherman in town just bought us out.
00:09:03Of everything?
00:09:04Every last shot.
00:09:06He just left.
00:09:07He's hard not to crack, we're finding.
00:09:10I'll try to crack him.
00:09:14I'll see you Sunday for the best catch.
00:09:16Oh, you betcha.
00:09:17Bring your best game.
00:09:18Oh, it's on.
00:09:25Excuse me.
00:09:32Excuse me.
00:09:36It's you.
00:09:40Glad to see you're not wielding wooden planks this time.
00:09:47I'm Kendall.
00:09:53What are you doing here?
00:09:54This is my hometown.
00:09:56What were you doing in Seattle?
00:09:59I was picking up some yellow cedar for my boat.
00:10:02So, have you lived in Mystic Bay long?
00:10:04A few months.
00:10:05And how are you liking it?
00:10:07It's a fishing town.
00:10:11Obviously, it's a fishing town.
00:10:14It's small.
00:10:16Lots of opportunity to expand my business.
00:10:18Be a big fish in a small bay.
00:10:21Plenty of great fish to catch.
00:10:23And eat.
00:10:25Since you only eat what you catch.
00:10:28Good memory.
00:10:31You are cleaning Benny out of bait for all those fish that you're catching.
00:10:35I heard you got the last of it.
00:10:37Any chance you could spare some?
00:10:38I wish I could, but this isn't even enough for our trip out to sea tomorrow.
00:10:44I can't keep up with the demand.
00:10:46Are you going out too?
00:10:47Oh, no. It's for my dad.
00:10:51You're Lee's daughter?
00:10:53I am.
00:10:54And the thing about Mystic Bay is we always look out for one another.
00:10:58Well, I don't think Lee really wants my help anyway.
00:11:02What do you mean?
00:11:03I gave him an offer on his boat.
00:11:05But he pretty firmly refused.
00:11:09Sorry. I gotta go.
00:11:11Maybe we'll run into each other again sometime.
00:11:16Oh, wait. What if I...
00:11:17The bait.
00:11:29Hey, chef.
00:11:31Look who the tide brought in.
00:11:33Still sous chef.
00:11:34Oh, one day you'll be able to show the world your recipes.
00:11:37How about some fish and chips? It's the same ancient recipe we've been using for 50 years.
00:11:41Well, you know what? That sounds like a good idea.
00:11:43I'll get it myself.
00:11:47Hi, Lee.
00:11:49Oh, hey, Ariel. How are you?
00:11:51I'm fantastic.
00:11:53Who's this sweet girl?
00:11:54Well, her and her dad are new in town.
00:11:58So, what you got there?
00:12:01Seashell necklaces. We're fundraising for our paddling team.
00:12:04Oh, isn't that fantastic? Let me have a look.
00:12:08Oh, yeah.
00:12:09I'll tell you what. I'm gonna take three of these. Can I?
00:12:11These are beautiful.
00:12:13Fit for a mermaid.
00:12:14So, are you gonna be participating in the best catch competition?
00:12:17Yes. I catch a lot of fish.
00:12:20Really, huh?
00:12:21Do you have your own ship?
00:12:23It's my dad's, but I'm the captain.
00:12:25Oh, now I don't know if you're quite ready for that title just yet.
00:12:30This is my daughter, Ariel.
00:12:32You keep popping up everywhere.
00:12:36I heard that you guys are gonna be entering the big catch competition.
00:12:40You know, every year they crown the best Mystic Bay fisherman.
00:12:44Can we, Dad?
00:12:45We'll see, honey. You already have a lot of activities.
00:12:47There's also the Chowder Showdown and a potluck at the end of the festival.
00:12:51Yeah, you could give Billy a run for his title.
00:12:55If we have enough time, maybe.
00:12:58Why don't we go and sell some more necklaces, huh?
00:13:02See you, guys.
00:13:03See ya.
00:13:04Okay, let's dig in.
00:13:06Oh, Billy. Tomorrow, boat. A lot of work to do.
00:13:09I'll be there.
00:13:10Yeah. And if Ron buys the boat for parts, then I can retire.
00:13:15Do a little traveling.
00:13:17Ron only wants to buy the boat for parts.
00:13:20But Sweet Serenity has so much family history. Dad, you can't do that.
00:13:24No, no. It's the best offer I've got. I mean, I've known Ron for 50 years.
00:13:28He's a good guy, offering good money.
00:13:31And I want to retire, so I have to sell the boat sometime, even if it's not the perfect offer.
00:13:37You know?
00:13:38Oh, I forgot to buy one for Laney.
00:13:41I'll be right back.
00:13:44Zack made Dad a very interesting offer.
00:13:46Yeah, but I heard Dad didn't accept it.
00:13:48Well, it's less than what Ron's offering, but Zack wants to keep the boat intact for his business.
00:13:52Yeah, but why would Zack want to keep the boat intact?
00:13:55He's a good businessman, needs another boat to fish with, and he understands the heritage of these boats.
00:13:59But Dad wants it to go to someone he really knows.
00:14:01And something tells me Zack hasn't taken much time to get to know the locals.
00:14:06I think there's more to him than his tough exterior.
00:14:08There's got to be a way to get Dad to take Zack's offer instead of Ron's.
00:14:12The marina just wouldn't be the same without it. It means so much to our family.
00:14:17I know. Maybe if Zack shows more community spirit, Dad would be more interested in his offer.
00:14:22Why don't you talk to him?
00:14:23Oh, he's not exactly the easiest person to chat with.
00:14:26Just come up with one of your plans.
00:14:28I tried. You're the only one who can convince Dad.
00:14:32All right. But I'm only doing this for our sweet serenity.
00:14:36What time does Zack usually leave the marina?
00:14:38By 7 a.m. sharp.
00:14:48You again. Can I help you?
00:14:51Just came by to say hello.
00:14:53Well, I wish I could stay and chat, but we're heading out soon.
00:15:00You use anchor knots?
00:15:02That's the way my family's been doing it for years.
00:15:05Hey, what are you doing?
00:15:06My grandfather taught me this type of knot.
00:15:09Trust me, it'll be much more efficient.
00:15:13I think I know how to run my own ship.
00:15:15I think I know how to run my own ship.
00:15:17I'm sure you do.
00:15:20You don't know everything about tying knots.
00:15:24Hey, when a neighbor offers a helping hand, you gladly accept.
00:15:30Not if the neighbor doesn't know what they're talking about.
00:15:34That's how my father taught me.
00:15:36Zack, you were never going to fit in in Mystic Bay with that attitude.
00:15:39And fitting in is really important here.
00:15:42Well, we won't be in Mystic Bay much longer.
00:15:49Whoa! Wait! We're leaving shore!
00:15:57Looks like you're coming with us today.
00:16:07Well, at least I got the chance to show you some better knots.
00:16:13I've always loved being on my dad's boat.
00:16:16I miss it. It's a great boat.
00:16:18I know it is. I kind of fell in love with it the first time I saw it.
00:16:21Hence the offer.
00:16:27Well, have you tried again?
00:16:30Like I said, he was pretty disinterested.
00:16:35Well, look, maybe I can help.
00:16:40Look, Kendall, I don't want to cause any trouble.
00:16:44I really like Lee and his boat.
00:16:47I'm just having trouble fitting into the community.
00:16:54It's so tight-knit and I spend so much time making sure Ariel's world is perfect
00:16:59that I haven't had time to perfect my own.
00:17:08Well, I...
00:17:12I know my dad can be stubborn.
00:17:18I have a feeling you can be too.
00:17:20I know if we can prove that you are a true member of Mystic Bay
00:17:24I know if we can prove that you are a true member of Mystic Bay
00:17:27that my dad will see you were the perfect buyer for the boat.
00:17:33I have a plan.
00:17:35A plan?
00:17:37First, we have to prove to the community that you see how special Mystic Bay is.
00:17:41And then you have to share with the community.
00:17:44That means fate and more.
00:17:47What's in it for you?
00:17:49That boat means the world to me and my family.
00:17:53I mean, it's been in my family for generations.
00:17:57It really is the anchor to who I am.
00:18:00And I know my dad wants to retire.
00:18:03But I just can't see it sold off for parts.
00:18:07I need you.
00:18:09We need to be a team.
00:18:18Oh, hard to port out here.
00:18:20No, we're heading starboard to the School of Fish two miles out.
00:18:23I think I know these waters better than you.
00:18:28You're used to being the boss, huh?
00:18:30Tell you what.
00:18:32If I'm wrong, I will owe you a coffee.
00:18:35If I'm right, you'll owe me.
00:18:41Hard to port!
00:18:43Just so you know, I'm partial to mochas and I'm not a cheap date.
00:18:48Neither am I.
00:18:56Hey, thanks for lending an extra hand on deck today.
00:19:01Even though you weren't invited and you used the wrong knots,
00:19:04we still needed all the help we could get with everything we caught.
00:19:07Okay, first of all, happy to help.
00:19:09But I was right about those knots. And the downriggers.
00:19:11Of course, I know, I know. And about turning the port side.
00:19:14Okay, well, I guess I should tell you that my favorite coffee
00:19:17at the Sears Cafe is the creme brulee latte.
00:19:19You should probably get your wallet out.
00:19:21I'll buy you a latte, but only because I'm an honorable captain.
00:19:24Hey, starfish. How was school today?
00:19:26So fun.
00:19:27Better watch out or I'll give you a big salty hug.
00:19:30Oh, this is Ariel's paddling coach, Mrs. Johnson.
00:19:35Oh, hello. Nice to meet you.
00:19:37Your dad, Lee, helped the paddling team bring their gear the other day.
00:19:40It was very sweet.
00:19:41Oh, that sounds just like him. Very nice to meet you.
00:19:43You too. Bye, Ariel.
00:19:44Nice job. Bye, Zach.
00:19:47So, did you catch anything good?
00:19:49Yes. We actually caught a giant crab.
00:19:58Were there any pirates?
00:20:00None that I saw.
00:20:03Are we having crab for dinner?
00:20:04You bet. And lots of salmon, too.
00:20:07Is Kendall coming for dinner?
00:20:13You know what? I'm sure my brother, Billy, is cooking up something at home.
00:20:17We don't want to keep her from her plans, honey.
00:20:19Although we do have more than enough food to share.
00:20:22I really should be going.
00:20:23No, please come.
00:20:25You did help catch it, after all.
00:20:27Come on, please.
00:20:31Well, in that case, I'd love to.
00:20:37There is just one problem.
00:20:40Where are we going to find a pot big enough for all of this?
00:20:45I have a plan.
00:20:48You seem to have a lot of those.
00:20:58Thank you for this.
00:20:59Having my family over is a great way for you to get to know my dad.
00:21:02I'm happy to host. The more the merrier.
00:21:04Are they on their way?
00:21:05They should be.
00:21:07Hey, everybody.
00:21:08Wow, that's huge.
00:21:09Billy, where's Jeff?
00:21:10He was right behind me. I had to stop at Laney's on the way.
00:21:12I think we may be a couple chairs short. I'm going to go grab something.
00:21:15Oh, I'll help.
00:21:17Don't worry. We've got this.
00:21:19Hey, Ariel.
00:21:20Hey, Billy.
00:21:27These look familiar.
00:21:36These are incredible.
00:21:42Who made these?
00:21:43You're looking at him.
00:21:45A man of many talents.
00:21:54That one's not finished yet.
00:21:57I love this.
00:21:59It's incredible. It's so Mystic Bay.
00:22:02You know, the people in town would love to know you're a woodworker.
00:22:05This is part of your plan to make me a bona fide member of Mystic, huh?
00:22:11I love this bread board.
00:22:13My friend Laney owns the bakery in town. I'm sure she would love to have something like this.
00:22:18Well, then she should have it.
00:22:20I love her bread. I owe her.
00:22:22I'll bring it in next time I go.
00:22:24Zack, that's brilliant.
00:22:26We could take this to her tomorrow as a gift.
00:22:29And prove that you, a member of Mystic, are taking care of another member of Mystic.
00:22:35Plus, she's pretty close with my dad.
00:22:37I bet you'd put in a good word.
00:22:39Now that's a good plan.
00:22:47I've only seen three or four in the last couple of days.
00:22:50Sorry I'm late, guys. Had to stop at Laney's to pick up dessert.
00:22:55How were the waters?
00:22:56A bit rough today, but hard on the old bones.
00:22:59Get more eager to retire every year.
00:23:02We would all love to help you reach that goal, Dad.
00:23:05But for now, we're just happy to have you.
00:23:08Oh, thank you.
00:23:09Dad can't turn down a meal cooked up in big blue.
00:23:12Where did you find such a big crab pot on such short notice?
00:23:14We've had it since we were kids.
00:23:16It's delicious.
00:23:18Well, wait until you try my chowder for the potluck on Sunday.
00:23:21I've been working on a secret recipe.
00:23:24Secret? What's in it?
00:23:27Well, there's definitely salmon and a crumb-fresh base,
00:23:31but the rest I can't even share with you.
00:23:37We'll just have to wait until Sunday to try to figure it out.
00:23:40You know what? I want to try a new recipe with the fish I caught in the bay with Dad.
00:23:44Ariel, that is a great idea.
00:23:46I'll bet it'll be better than Billy's.
00:23:48Oh, hey!
00:23:51Come on. I believe in her.
00:23:54Oh, I believe in you too, Billy.
00:23:56Oh, I...
00:23:58Oh, this crab is good.
00:24:00Sorry. It's work. I've got to take this.
00:24:06Oh, I could do this all the time.
00:24:09Kendall, I've looked at the drafts. There's just not enough edge to this.
00:24:12I want to set new trends, like digital innovation.
00:24:15Swapping out paper menus for touch screen tablets.
00:24:18I can work on that redesign tonight and I'll send it right back to you.
00:24:21I look forward to seeing you in the morning.
00:24:23Of course. Bye.
00:24:28Everything okay?
00:24:30Yeah. Just an important client.
00:24:34Zach, tonight has been wonderful.
00:24:38I just think I have to go home to get some work done.
00:24:44But I'll see you tomorrow for our plan.
00:24:48Now you're the planner.
00:24:50Uh, no. You're the planner. I'm just the captain.
00:24:54Hmm. We will take the bike path to Laney's and I'll show you around town.
00:25:01It's the best way to see Mystic Bay.
00:25:03Looking forward to it.
00:25:47Oh, oh my gosh.
00:25:49Kendall, it's so nice to see you home.
00:25:51Oh, it's so nice to see you.
00:25:53Now, the usual?
00:25:54Yes. No, actually, double the usual.
00:25:58Laney, this is Zach.
00:26:00He and his daughter recently moved to Mystic.
00:26:02Yes, I have heard about you.
00:26:04Nobody knows that much about you, though. Mystery man.
00:26:07Well, not yet at least.
00:26:09Laney, your bread is some of the best I've ever had.
00:26:13And I made this bread board.
00:26:15I think it would have a better home with you than with me.
00:26:19Oh, thank you, Zach. This is beautiful.
00:26:24How's your dad doing?
00:26:25Oh, he's great. I'm sure he'll be by soon.
00:26:28Will you tell him Zach and I say hello?
00:26:30Oh, I will.
00:26:32And I look forward to seeing you both again soon.
00:26:34Oh, just a minute.
00:26:36Take these for the road.
00:26:39You're welcome.
00:26:40Thanks, Laney.
00:26:41Nice to meet you.
00:26:42Nice to meet you.
00:26:47This is...
00:26:49Now you have Laney on your side.
00:26:52One step closer to being a true member of Mystic.
00:26:55And you really think she'll put in a good word with your dad?
00:26:58Oh, yeah.
00:27:00Oh, yeah.
00:27:02I mean, word spreads like wildfire around here.
00:27:07You should try talking to my dad about the boat again.
00:27:09He really appreciated you hosting dinner.
00:27:11I will.
00:27:12When the time is right.
00:27:14Speaking of dinner, Ariel and Billy really hit it off.
00:27:17He even offered to give her some spices for her chowder.
00:27:21Well, you should come over.
00:27:23You could pick up the spices for her.
00:27:31You could pick up the spices for Ariel.
00:27:33And I could show you a thing or two about that chowder recipe.
00:27:36And you could see my dad again.
00:27:40You must really love this boat to be spending so much time with me.
00:27:44It's not just about the boat.
00:27:46It's about my family's legacy.
00:27:49My great-grandfather sailed that boat.
00:27:51My grandfather.
00:27:52Of course, my dad.
00:27:53He and my mom went on all sorts of adventures on Sweet Serenity.
00:27:57And even though I moved to the city, that boat...
00:28:00Like I said, is still the anchor to who I am.
00:28:07And it's one of the only pieces of my mom that I have left.
00:28:11So it's pretty special.
00:28:14I'm so sorry, Kendall.
00:28:17She lives on in this place.
00:28:19And in me.
00:28:22And I'm sure she would agree that you are the perfect buyer for the boat.
00:28:27I'll do what I can.
00:28:30I promise.
00:28:39Uh, Maggie, have you heard back from Edward?
00:28:43Uh, not yet.
00:28:45Hmm. You know, I sent up some revisions late last night and I haven't heard anything.
00:28:50Don't worry, I'll call the second I hear anything.
00:28:53Um, how's home?
00:28:54Home is great.
00:28:57Better than expected.
00:28:59How so?
00:29:01I don't know. Something's different this time.
00:29:03Maybe it's the fresh sea air.
00:29:07Feels like a new beginning.
00:29:10You sound different.
00:29:13How so?
00:29:16Uh, you know what, Maggie? I actually have to get going, but I will talk to you soon.
00:29:20Okay. Yeah, bye.
00:29:26Who drew this?
00:29:28Kendall. She was quite the artist in high school.
00:29:31It's great.
00:29:32I used to love to draw.
00:29:34What an incredible boat.
00:29:36Incredible indeed.
00:29:38Yeah, that old boat has done me well.
00:29:41But, uh, now it's time for the old sailor to try a new adventure.
00:29:45You know, Kendall proved her sea legs on my boat the other day.
00:29:47Helped me catch everything for dinner.
00:29:49Though I'd expect nothing less from a great fisherman's daughter.
00:29:52And granddaughter. And great-granddaughter.
00:29:54A lot of greats in this family.
00:29:56So I've heard.
00:29:58Billy, out of the kitchen. Out of the kitchen.
00:30:00No fraternizing with the enemy.
00:30:02You are fraternizing with the enemy.
00:30:06I would never interfere with another person's soup recipe.
00:30:09I only promised Ariel I would leave some special spices for her to try.
00:30:13But you know where to find me if you need any expert advice.
00:30:19Bye, Billy.
00:30:20Really, I'll just be right downstairs.
00:30:22Bye, Billy.
00:30:24Oh, I gotta get out of here too.
00:30:27Good to see you, sir.
00:30:28You too.
00:30:31I think I have some ideas to help you with the competition.
00:30:36Uh, first of all, have you ever tried making a traditional salmon chowder recipe before?
00:30:42Won't that be too obvious?
00:30:45I don't think so.
00:30:47Sometimes we want to start with something classic and improve upon it.
00:30:52Old meets new.
00:30:54This is my grandmother's traditional chowder recipe.
00:31:03We start with the butter.
00:31:17Black pepper.
00:31:19Black pepper.
00:31:21Black pepper.
00:31:23Black pepper.
00:31:25Black pepper.
00:31:27Black pepper.
00:31:29Black pepper.
00:31:31Black pepper.
00:31:33Black pepper.
00:31:35Black pepper.
00:31:37Black pepper.
00:31:39Black pepper.
00:31:41Black pepper.
00:31:43Black pepper.
00:31:45What do you think?
00:32:19You know what? I think I finally got this chowder part right. Here, try.
00:32:29That's pretty good.
00:32:32I think it might still need a bit of work.
00:32:37Work, huh?
00:32:38Hey, hey, hey, hey, let me sample some of that.
00:32:45Miss you.
00:32:48Smells good.
00:32:49Here you are.
00:32:50Very nice.
00:32:57You know, Zach, that's not half bad.
00:33:01Thank you, sir.
00:33:02You're welcome.
00:33:04Now, what are we going to do with all this extra chowder?
00:33:08Oh, it's almost time for the fisherman's potluck. Why don't we take some down to them?
00:33:14You know, that is a great idea, Ken.
00:33:16What's the fisherman's potluck?
00:33:17Oh, every afternoon the fishermen bring the extras from their catch down to the end of the dock and they meet the shop owners and everyone shares their goods.
00:33:25Yeah. It's a local tradition. One of the best, I think.
00:33:30Well, then I'm happy to be a part of it.
00:33:32Oh, good.
00:33:33Let's try it.
00:33:44Brace it.
00:33:45Oh, it's on.
00:33:54I won.
00:33:56I want a rematch.
00:33:57Oh, do you?
00:34:01Hey, Kendall. Hey, Zach. Thanks for always remembering us. Come join us for lunch.
00:34:06Oh, I would love to. We actually just ate. Next time.
00:34:11It's so good to see you out on your boat today.
00:34:13I had just enough bait in the shop to save some for myself. Hoping to cook up something nice with my fresh garden herbs tonight. Come by anytime for lunch.
00:34:21Thanks. Will do.
00:34:23See you Sunday.
00:34:24See you Sunday.
00:34:27Oh, and bring your best game.
00:34:29Oh, bring your best game.
00:34:32People are a lot friendlier when you're around.
00:34:34It's just about taking the first step. If you extend a hand in Mystic, they will extend one back.
00:34:42People here really care about each other. That's what I always miss when I'm in the city.
00:34:47So you come back every year for the festival.
00:34:49Really is the best time of year. Seeing everybody come together.
00:34:54I'm looking forward to seeing it for myself.
00:34:56Do you have anything like that in Portland?
00:34:58We have the Harvest Festival in September.
00:35:01I miss going every year, but after Ariel's mom passed, I was so focused on making sure the business could support us that things like the festival just fell out of the plan.
00:35:12Zach, I'm so sorry.
00:35:15It's okay. Thank you.
00:35:21And that's when you moved to Mystic Bay.
00:35:28I love a town full of history, families like yours, boats like your dad's.
00:35:34Plus, it's a lot smaller than Portland, so I figured easier for Ariel to make friends.
00:35:38I want her to have happy memories, like you and I do, of growing up with festivals, having fun.
00:35:45I figured a fresh start would help with that.
00:35:47I understand.
00:35:50When my mom passed a few years ago, I don't know, I love living here.
00:35:56But I needed a change.
00:35:58And that's when you moved to Seattle?
00:36:01I didn't think I could be a real architect unless I moved to the city.
00:36:05I don't think I realized how fast-paced my life had become until now.
00:36:11It takes a lot to build up to what you really want to do.
00:36:14I inherited Miss Casey from my dad a few years ago.
00:36:18But a blizzard damaged it right before he passed it on to me.
00:36:24I remember that blizzard.
00:36:25The boat was completely wrecked. We had to build it back up from scratch.
00:36:29You didn't just buy a new boat?
00:36:31No, there's nothing like these older boats.
00:36:33You can hardly find that type of cedar anymore.
00:36:35Just like Sweet Serenity.
00:36:37I think my dad would really admire that about you.
00:36:41I know you are the perfect buyer.
00:36:43And I think he's coming around.
00:36:46I know. Let's go visit him on Sweet Serenity.
00:36:50I don't think the captain would want me aboard his boat if he doesn't even want me to buy it.
00:36:54No, I'm sure he would welcome you aboard.
00:36:57I think he prefers family only on deck.
00:37:00Zach, if you treat people like family, they will become family.
00:37:05It's just about taking the first step.
00:37:08Come on.
00:37:11Let's go.
00:37:14All right.
00:37:16Embrace you.
00:37:23Hi, Dad.
00:37:24Hey, Leigh.
00:37:25Oh, hey, Ken. Hey, Zach. How are you? Come on board.
00:37:32Oh, so Dad, I was just showing Zach around town,
00:37:36and he was telling me how everything he learned about fishing came from his dad.
00:37:41Kind of like how I learned from you.
00:37:44I bet we could swap some good pointers.
00:37:46Although you're definitely the expert.
00:37:49What hooks are you using to bundle the nets?
00:37:52Oh, well, you see, those are a special order from Benny.
00:37:55You know, he just makes them for me.
00:37:57But because Kendall likes you so much, I can give you a few if you like.
00:38:00That would be great.
00:38:05It's work.
00:38:06I have to take this. I'll be right back.
00:38:08You know, the boys loved your fish chowder, by the way.
00:38:10Some of them, maybe not for a second.
00:38:12Edward. Hi.
00:38:13Kendall, the designs you sent are still too traditional.
00:38:17I thought we were on the same page.
00:38:19I want something bold. Something different.
00:38:23I can make some adjustments to the mock-up and send it right back to you.
00:38:27I'll follow up soon.
00:38:28Looking forward to it.
00:38:30Okay. Bye.
00:38:34I have a new harness I can give you to tie those up.
00:38:36You know, I've been trying to order one for weeks.
00:38:39One day I'll retire and I won't have to worry about all this stuff so much.
00:38:43I'll bring it by tomorrow morning.
00:38:44Oh, great.
00:38:46I'll see you then.
00:38:48Happy to help.
00:38:51Ariel and I are going out later this afternoon to see if we can catch something for the big catch.
00:38:57Do you want to join us?
00:38:59Sounds like a plan.
00:39:02Thank you for your help with the chowder recipe and everything.
00:39:09Of course.
00:39:11So, um, I'll see you later on your boat?
00:39:18Looking forward to it.
00:39:24You really do have the best view here.
00:39:27Always better when I share it with you, honey.
00:39:30So, Dad, I think it's time you consider some of those offers that you have on the boat.
00:39:36I know why you're doing this.
00:39:38I think you're doing it for your own good.
00:39:41I'm not doing it for my own good.
00:39:44I'm doing it for my own good.
00:39:45I think it's time you consider some of those offers that you have on the boat.
00:39:48I know Ron offered you more money, but I think Zack's offer is pretty good, too.
00:39:55He understands Sweet Serenity.
00:39:57He would take such good care of her.
00:40:00I don't know.
00:40:01I really feel like he's the right buyer.
00:40:05Well, Zack, he's a better guy than I thought he was, so let me think about it.
00:40:12Remember when you drew that statue?
00:40:15Oh, yeah.
00:40:17Mom always said I could never stop from creating.
00:40:20She was right.
00:40:22Everywhere we took you.
00:40:24The park, the museum, even into town you couldn't stop drawing.
00:40:29You remind me of her.
00:40:31She was a terrific artist.
00:40:35Dad, do you remember when she had her exhibition?
00:40:38All of Mystic was there.
00:40:40Oh, yeah.
00:40:42No, I remember when we first got married and went over to Europe.
00:40:48In Paris, she dragged me to every art museum.
00:40:50She was in heaven.
00:40:53I almost thought about moving there.
00:40:58I did not know that.
00:41:00How did you convince Mom to come back?
00:41:03Well, actually, it was her who convinced me.
00:41:08You know, I was ready to give up fishing.
00:41:13But she insisted we come back to Mystic Bay.
00:41:16She always did love this town.
00:41:18Just like you.
00:41:20But she knew she didn't have to go anywhere to work here.
00:41:25She could create right here.
00:41:27She was so good at it.
00:41:31You are a wonderful drawer.
00:41:35Great architect.
00:41:37Whatever you put your heart into.
00:41:39And it doesn't matter what you do or where you go.
00:41:43As long as you put your heart into it,
00:41:45you're going to be a success wherever you drop anchor.
00:41:51Thanks, Dad.
00:41:54Come on, let's go.
00:42:07This is your tension.
00:42:08Hi, guys.
00:42:12Ready to catch some big fish?
00:42:13The biggest.
00:42:14Atta girl.
00:42:15Here, let me help you up.
00:42:24Hey, hey, hey.
00:42:25Cut her loose.
00:42:27Get that on you.
00:42:29Put it on, buckle it up.
00:42:37This is fun!
00:42:47So how are you liking Mystic Bay?
00:42:49I'm so excited for the festival.
00:42:51Aw, me too.
00:42:52Well, I have a camera ready to go in case we have a big catch.
00:43:00Seems like Ariel's settling in.
00:43:03We always heard how great Mystic Bay is.
00:43:05How it's a great place to grow up.
00:43:07Especially for fishing families.
00:43:11There's nibbles!
00:43:15Hang on tight.
00:43:16I think you got something.
00:43:17Keep going, keep going.
00:43:18Give it all you got.
00:43:19Good job!
00:43:21Something big!
00:43:22Come on, come on, come on.
00:43:23I'll get the net.
00:43:24Yep, yep, yep.
00:43:28Look at that.
00:43:30Aw, good job, Ariel.
00:43:32Do you think I'll win?
00:43:33Oh, I think you definitely will.
00:43:34Hold it up for a picture.
00:43:36Look at that.
00:43:42Okay, that one's going on the kitchen wall.
00:43:46Good job.
00:43:47High five.
00:43:57Told you I'm not a cheap date.
00:43:59You're worth every penny.
00:44:01And for all the time you spent putting up with me, you deserve it.
00:44:05I'm happy to help.
00:44:07I am glad you kept your word about the coffee, though.
00:44:17So you and my dad seem to be hitting it off.
00:44:21I'm happy I've taken the time to get to know him.
00:44:24Thanks to you.
00:44:26And I'm going to drop by Sweet Serenity tomorrow.
00:44:29I'm going to drop by Sweet Serenity tomorrow to help out.
00:44:32That's great.
00:44:34I think you and my dad have more in common than you realize.
00:44:37I think you're right.
00:44:39You and Ariel have a lot in common, too, you know.
00:44:43She loves you.
00:44:47She's an amazing kid.
00:44:50She did so well on the boat today.
00:44:54You're a great dad.
00:45:00Thank you for inviting me on the boat.
00:45:04I had a lovely time.
00:45:06Of course.
00:45:09To top off the evening.
00:45:14You know, you really sold me on this creme brulee latte.
00:45:21That's mine!
00:45:22Not anymore.
00:45:30You see, you just...
00:45:32Just thread it through like this.
00:45:34Then you can cast it with one swoop.
00:45:36That must save so much time when you've got a big catch.
00:45:39Yeah, well, I don't have to worry about that too much anymore.
00:45:42I know it's time for me to slow down, but...
00:45:45It's just hard to let go of the things you're most familiar with, you know.
00:45:49I understand.
00:45:51I'm glad to hear that.
00:45:53I'm glad to hear that, too.
00:45:54It's just hard to let go of the things you're most familiar with, you know.
00:45:58I understand.
00:46:00It's also hard to change the way you've always done things.
00:46:06You know, I spent my entire career on this boat.
00:46:09It's not just the memories, it's...
00:46:11It's all the experiences I've had.
00:46:13A boat like this becomes part of you after a while, doesn't it?
00:46:17Yeah, yeah. It does.
00:46:21Look, Lee.
00:46:22I think we got off on the wrong foot.
00:46:25If you're open to it, I'd love to discuss my offer again.
00:46:29Buying Sweet Serenity would help my business, sure.
00:46:32But more than that, it...
00:46:35It would help me to build my family legacy while honoring yours.
00:46:40I know how much this boat means to your family.
00:46:46Think about it.
00:46:47Think about it.
00:46:51You know what? Maybe I will.
00:46:54Only because my daughter likes you so much.
00:46:58She's been really helping me with her Make Zack a Member of Mystic plan.
00:47:04She's pretty incredible.
00:47:08Yes, she is.
00:47:10She always has a plan.
00:47:15It's been great getting to talk with you, Lee.
00:47:18You know what?
00:47:20We really love having you and Ariel here in Mystic.
00:47:24We're happy to call this home.
00:47:36I'm so excited for the festival, Dad.
00:47:38You're really getting into the spirit of things.
00:47:41Kendall told me this is how they used to do it when she was a kid, too.
00:47:44Kendall knows a lot about the traditions in Mystic Bay.
00:47:46Hey, Kendall also told me about a whale museum in Seattle.
00:47:50She said we could visit her in the city.
00:47:52That sounds like fun.
00:47:54She's cool, then.
00:47:55Yeah, she's a pretty great starfish, but not as great...
00:48:00As you.
00:48:04I'll bet that was a shock.
00:48:05Those pincers are sharp, aren't they?
00:48:06I know, they are.
00:48:08Well, look who it is.
00:48:09Hi, Dad.
00:48:11These are for you.
00:48:13Oh, so how are the cookies coming along for Sunday?
00:48:15Oh, we have been baking like crazy to make sure we have enough for the booth.
00:48:19Maybe we can sample a few.
00:48:20For quality control, of course.
00:48:22Uh, well, let me see, let me see.
00:48:27All right.
00:48:29Nice and warm.
00:48:30The best kind.
00:48:33And a special one for you.
00:48:37With your favorite sprinkles.
00:48:39With your favorite sprinkles.
00:48:42You are the best.
00:48:44You know what?
00:48:45We have to drop off some more decorations, so we're going to head out.
00:48:48See you Sunday?
00:48:49All right.
00:48:50We'll see you soon.
00:48:51Bye, Dad.
00:48:52See you soon.
00:48:54Bye, Dad.
00:48:56I think they're onto us.
00:48:57I know.
00:49:01Oh, hey!
00:49:02What do you got there?
00:49:03What do you got there?
00:49:06Oh, Kendall, these decorations are beautiful.
00:49:11Hey, Betty.
00:49:13Hey, what can I do for you, Zach?
00:49:15I'm back again about that harbor permit.
00:49:18I still have the same answer I gave you earlier this week.
00:49:21I don't have any room.
00:49:22Everything's already taken.
00:49:23I understand.
00:49:24I just need more space at the marina.
00:49:26We need enough space for all the local fishermen.
00:49:29It's one permit.
00:49:30The marina is simply full.
00:49:34I've been trying to get this extra permit all week.
00:49:38Benny, how are the preparations for the festival going?
00:49:41Are you ready for Sunday?
00:49:42Not even close.
00:49:43We've been so busy with all the new boats, we haven't had much time to finalize the festival plans.
00:49:48And we don't know where everything's going to go.
00:49:50I have a plan.
00:49:51Could you pass me some paper and a pencil?
00:49:56There you go.
00:49:59Maybe if I can help you figure out the layout for the festival, you could help Zach with his harbor permit.
00:50:06You know, show him some of our Mystic Bay community spirit.
00:50:09Let's see what you had in mind.
00:50:13First of all, a space needs to be both functional and beautiful.
00:50:18You want people to have access to everything, but you also want them to feel like they're at home.
00:50:25You are going to need to figure out where you want to put the flower booths versus the food booths.
00:50:31And then, of course, you want all of that foot traffic to flow over toward the games.
00:50:36And then you want everything to lead up to the center stage.
00:50:40You want the space to come alive.
00:50:42And then, for the most important part, the big catch, competition, where all of the awards will be taking place.
00:50:51Wow, that was amazing.
00:50:54This is incredible. Thank you, Kendall.
00:50:57Happy to help.
00:50:59I am going to take this over to the festival crew so they can start setting up immediately, right after we get this harbor permit squared away.
00:51:15Thanks, Benny.
00:51:17You're welcome.
00:51:18See you Sunday.
00:51:19See you Sunday.
00:51:23Oh, yes. I've been so busy today, I haven't even thought about eating.
00:51:27Well, I want to thank you for your help with the permit.
00:51:30I know the perfect spot for lunch, but first we've got to catch it.
00:51:35Come on.
00:51:37Of course we do.
00:52:40You know, I've lived in Mystic Bay most of my life and I've never been fishing here.
00:52:45It's a great little spot.
00:52:48Well, yes.
00:52:54Whoa, whoa, whoa. Slow and steady wins the race, you know.
00:53:00Who taught you how to fish?
00:53:02My dad. Everything is handed down through the generations in these fishing towns.
00:53:09It's true.
00:53:10Was your mom a designer, too?
00:53:13She drew beautifully.
00:53:17I learned so much from her, and from the Masters.
00:53:20I learned so much from her, and from the Masters in school.
00:53:24I'd always try to replicate each stroke exactly like theirs.
00:53:29You're a planner and a perfectionist.
00:53:37You know, I forgot how much I love sketching.
00:53:40Especially around here.
00:53:43I always get my best ideas when I'm in town.
00:53:50Except for right now, I have no idea what's going on.
00:53:54Here, let me help you.
00:53:58Slow and steady wins the race.
00:54:08Give that a try.
00:54:18Now, I have a plan for you.
00:54:25Change up your business.
00:54:29Do something that makes you happier.
00:54:32Like what you did today.
00:54:33Well, I love designing for family-run businesses.
00:54:40Designing for the heart.
00:54:43To allow people to flourish.
00:54:46Make them feel at home in their own workspace.
00:54:52I don't know. Maybe someday.
00:54:56How about you? Any big plans for your business?
00:54:59I have been thinking a lot lately about how to go in a new direction.
00:55:03If your dad accepts my offer on his boat,
00:55:06I could have enough fish and stock to do more business from land.
00:55:12And with Ariel growing up so fast.
00:55:18The less I'm out on the water, the more time I can spend with her.
00:55:22That sounds like a great plan.
00:55:24Mystic is really starting to feel like home.
00:55:27What made you change your mind about this place?
00:55:31The people in it.
00:55:34One person, special.
00:55:42Oh, I'm sorry. That's probably work.
00:55:46Uh, shit.
00:55:49I'm sorry.
00:55:50That's probably work.
00:55:52Uh, shit.
00:55:54Here, let me.
00:55:59I'm sorry. I was...
00:56:03No, it's fine. No, no, don't worry. It's okay. It's okay.
00:56:07I was actually just gonna turn the ringer off so we wouldn't be interrupted.
00:56:12I cannot believe I just did that.
00:56:14It's fine. Don't worry about it. We can get another one sent up tomorrow.
00:56:17Oh, well then you're welcome.
00:56:19I suppose.
00:56:21That's comforting.
00:56:23You know what? It's actually gonna be quite nice to have a break from that thing.
00:56:27Why don't we pack it in, huh?
00:56:44You see? Big Blue never fails.
00:56:45I thought we were gonna have to put Big Blue into retirement.
00:56:49Blue would never retire.
00:56:51I, on the other hand, am a little bit closer.
00:56:55If I get the right offer on my boat.
00:56:57Dad, like I said, I think you do have the right offer.
00:57:00From Zack?
00:57:02You could free up your business and sail the Caribbean islands like you planned.
00:57:05Yeah, I know that's always been my dream, but...
00:57:08I don't know, somehow this doesn't seem like such a great idea anymore, you know?
00:57:11Dad, I know that some of your best memories with Mom are on that boat.
00:57:15And I know that you wanted to sail the islands with her.
00:57:18But what if by letting go of the boat, you took on a brand new adventure?
00:57:23Not the one that you had planned.
00:57:26Something exciting and new.
00:57:29You two are right.
00:57:31Zack's not so bad, and Ariel, gosh, she's sweet as can be.
00:57:35And I have seen a whole new side to Zack since you came, Kendall.
00:57:39But you know what?
00:57:41For right now, what makes me happy is being here with you two.
00:57:44It makes me happy to be here with you too, Dad.
00:57:47Well, we love having you here.
00:57:50Don't we?
00:57:52We really do.
00:57:54I'll get it.
00:58:00Hey, buddy.
00:58:02Is Kendall there?
00:58:03Oh, sure.
00:58:05Ken, it's for you.
00:58:07Oh, excuse me.
00:58:14Hey, Kendall. It's Zack.
00:58:17Are you busy tonight?
00:58:20Oh, um, I'm actually just finishing up dinner with Dad and Billy.
00:58:24Well, I was thinking you might want to see the model I'm finishing for Benny.
00:58:30I have extra dessert.
00:58:31I have extra dessert.
00:58:34I'm sold.
00:58:36I will see you soon.
00:58:40Tell your dad I say hello.
00:58:42I will.
00:58:49Hey, want some strawberry shortcake?
00:58:52Billy just made a nice batch.
00:58:54I'm actually going to head over to Zack's and have dessert with him.
00:58:57He says hello.
00:58:59Does he?
00:59:01You must really like this Zack, huh?
00:59:03I do.
00:59:05And soon you will too.
00:59:12You have done a really great job raising Ariel.
00:59:17Look, I know it takes me a while to let new people in.
00:59:22I just feel really protective of her.
00:59:25Thanks to you, though, I see how caring people can be in this town.
00:59:31Well, we'll really see everybody shine at the festival.
00:59:36They're all so happy that you're going to be a part of it.
00:59:41I must have come a long way then.
00:59:45Laney saved a special cookie for Ariel the other day, and Benny waved at me from all the way across the marina.
00:59:51You really have come a long way.
00:59:54You know, Zack, the thing about this town, everybody, it might take a while to let people in.
01:00:03And it is a small town.
01:00:05But they also have a lot of heart to give.
01:00:11Just like you.
01:00:20Dad! Can you tuck me in, please?
01:00:27I'll be right back.
01:00:29No, it's okay. You know what?
01:00:33I should be going. A lot of festival prep to do tomorrow.
01:00:39Hey, Lee. What's up?
01:00:42Well, I got a little surprise for Zack.
01:00:46Hey, Benny. Hey, Lee.
01:00:48Hey, thanks for coming in so early.
01:00:50Of course. Your call sounded urgent.
01:00:52It is.
01:00:54Well, I've decided to sell the Sweet Serenity if your offer still stands.
01:01:01I know that Billy's always been on your side.
01:01:03But Candle has said that you're a wonderful, honorable man who will carry on the legacy of the family book.
01:01:09Now, I know that Ron has offered more money, but I just want to make sure that Sweet Serenity goes to a member of Mystic.
01:01:17This means so much to me, Lee. Of course, my offer still stands. Thank you.
01:01:25I promise, I'll take care of it.
01:01:28I promise, I'll take care of your family book.
01:01:42Are you sure you want to do this?
01:02:03Thanks, Benny.
01:02:05Do any of you know how to get to 12 Shoreline Road?
01:02:08I think I do. It's my house.
01:02:11Oh, I'm Candle's assistant. I've been looking for her.
01:02:14Oh, I'm her father. She's just down at the marina.
01:02:17I'll take you down there if you want, and Zack can come too. We can celebrate the good news.
01:02:21Yeah, yeah. Thank you.
01:02:23Have a good day, guys.
01:02:25See you, Benny.
01:02:29I can't believe he actually sold it.
01:02:35He's going to be so upset.
01:02:37What? Maggie!
01:02:39What are you doing here?
01:02:41Hi. I've been trying to reach you since yesterday. Are you okay?
01:02:44I'm fine, of course. Why?
01:02:46You've never not answered your cell phone.
01:02:48Oh, it went for a swim.
01:02:50Oh, God. Well, not good, but I was worried. We'll get you another one.
01:02:53Edward isn't happy with the design. Something about it not being what he was looking for. He wants to talk to you right away.
01:03:00Oh, Maggie, I am so sorry that you had to come all this way just to tell me that.
01:03:04Maybe she can celebrate with us. I've got some great news. I just sold the boat to Zack.
01:03:09You did?
01:03:11Dad, that is great news. Unfortunately, um, we have some bad news.
01:03:21It's the boat.
01:03:25Oh, wow. Yikes.
01:03:28Oh, no, no, no, no, no!
01:03:30Oh, that's pretty bad. What happened?
01:03:32Last night's storm. I guess the wind blew hard enough to knock the boats into each other.
01:03:37You know, the rest of the boats all seem to be okay. Ours just took the worst of the storm.
01:03:41Sweet Serenity's been through a lot of storms, but this is really bad.
01:03:46I've seen worse, Lee. Don't worry.
01:03:48I'm worried.
01:03:50This is terrible.
01:03:51It's okay. We're going to fix the boat.
01:03:53Not the boat. The delivery's for the festival.
01:03:56They mixed everything up and sent the wrong size wood for the stage and the new booze.
01:04:01Even sent different decorations than we ordered.
01:04:04We already got rid of all the old material to make room.
01:04:07I don't know what we're going to do.
01:04:09If we can't get the booze and the main stage up today, we may have to cancel the festival.
01:04:14No, okay. No, no, wait. Wait, wait, wait, wait. We can't give up that easily.
01:04:18It's not the Mystic Bay way.
01:04:21We can fix anything together.
01:04:23Oh, look.
01:04:25Ken, I appreciate your positivity.
01:04:27I don't think it's going to be that easy.
01:04:29How are we going to get this all built by tomorrow?
01:04:31Uh, well, you said that they sent all the wood just in the wrong sizes, right?
01:04:38Oh, I know that face. You're planning something.
01:04:40Hang on.
01:04:41Hang on.
01:04:43Um, okay.
01:04:45Maybe we could use tents and tables for the booths.
01:04:49And we could rebuild the stage up in the park by the trees.
01:04:52That way we'll still have room for the stage, for the potluck, and for the big catch competition.
01:04:57I know a woodworker who could help.
01:05:02Use this to show us.
01:05:07You kept my drawing from the other day.
01:05:09Of course I did.
01:05:12Okay, everybody. Here's what we're going to do.
01:05:15We are going to move the stage over here.
01:05:18And we are going to take all the booths and we're going to move them over here.
01:05:21Benny, can you be in charge of telling everybody about the new setup?
01:05:25You betcha.
01:05:27Great. Dad and Zach, can you guys rebuild the stage up in the corner of the park by the trees?
01:05:32Of course. I'll go back to my house and get some extra lumber.
01:05:35Dad, I will ask Ariel and her paddling team to make signs out of the biggest seashells that they can find.
01:05:41People are going to need to know where to go since we are moving everything.
01:05:45Billy, can you be in charge of coordinating the new decorations?
01:05:49We only have a few hours of daylight.
01:05:51On it, sis.
01:05:53Okay, everybody. This is going to be tough.
01:05:55And I'm not sure that we can make this work, but together I think we can turn this thing around.
01:06:00What do you say?
01:06:02To Mystic?
01:06:03To Mystic!
01:06:05Three, two, one, Mystic!
01:06:09A boat, a festival, and a work crisis.
01:06:14Yeah. I am confident that we can fix the boat and the festival.
01:06:19But when it comes to this design, I am on my own.
01:06:24I just can't figure out the heart of it.
01:06:27That piece to center everything around.
01:06:34You're not on your own.
01:06:38Look, you've helped me so much.
01:06:44I'm here if you need me.
01:06:53But for now, I think you should focus on the festival.
01:07:15I'm really disappointed this isn't going to work, Campbell.
01:07:18Oh sure, Edward, I understand.
01:07:20It's up to you if you want to take one more pass at it.
01:07:23Yes, I will work on the redesign right now and I will send you the final draft today.
01:07:28Oh, Ken, have you seen my tape measure?
01:07:31Top drawer.
01:07:33Top drawer. Great, thank you.
01:07:35Everything okay, Dad?
01:07:37Oh yeah, no, we're just prepping for the festival.
01:07:41But don't worry, you know, everything will be ready in time for the festival.
01:07:45How about you?
01:07:47It's Edward. He doesn't like my mock-up.
01:07:50He says something's missing.
01:07:52He wants a totally new design or he is not going to hire me for this job.
01:07:55You say why?
01:07:57You know, for someone who talks so much, you really didn't explain.
01:08:01I don't know. I'm out of ideas.
01:08:06You know, sometimes I wish I could go back to something simpler.
01:08:12Before I had a big, fancy architecture firm.
01:08:16I don't give up, Ken.
01:08:19You're the best architect I know.
01:08:22I'm sure you can do it.
01:08:23Best architect I know.
01:08:25I'm sure you'll figure something out.
01:08:30See you later.
01:08:39What are you doing here?
01:08:41Shouldn't you be chopping wood?
01:08:43I'll get back to that soon.
01:08:45But like I said, I want to help you.
01:08:47So, I brought this by.
01:08:49It's a hack.
01:08:50I know how much you loved it when we were in my shop.
01:08:53And it reminds me of your beautiful drawing.
01:08:59So, I want you to have it.
01:09:02And I thought maybe it could help with your design.
01:09:06This is it.
01:09:09This is it!
01:09:10What's that?
01:09:11Home. Tradition.
01:09:13This is what's been missing from my mock-up the entire time.
01:09:16Edward keeps saying I need something new and modern.
01:09:19But that's not true.
01:09:21Because there's no foundation.
01:09:22There's nothing to build off of.
01:09:24We need the anchor!
01:09:37Happy I could help.
01:09:39What time is it?
01:09:41You've got to get back to festival prep.
01:09:43I need to work on my design.
01:09:46You got this.
01:09:48You do too.
01:09:53See you soon.
01:10:08Now the winds may change
01:10:10And the tides may rise
01:10:12But I am no soft sweetheart
01:10:14Like the stone I will survive
01:10:17Yeah, I was forged in fire
01:10:19I am not what they desire me to be
01:10:25Cold wind, cold rain
01:10:27Cold struggle, cold pain
01:10:29I am better
01:10:34Your friends and your niece
01:10:36Lay your troubles on me
01:10:38I am better
01:10:42I am better
01:10:45You can't change me
01:10:47Just the time and the tides
01:10:49Are gonna shape me
01:10:51And I am stronger
01:10:53Than any whiskey
01:10:56And it'll take more than one
01:10:58Heaven put a blood in me
01:11:00I am better
01:11:07Hi, Edward.
01:11:08I just emailed you the drawings.
01:11:11At first glance, I like what I see,
01:11:13but I'll take a closer look.
01:11:15Listen, I designed the whole restaurant
01:11:17around a large anchor statue.
01:11:20The foundation is the heart of the restaurant
01:11:22and everything builds up around it.
01:11:25It's called Home at Sea.
01:11:28I'll call you back tomorrow.
01:11:29I'll have it reviewed by then.
01:11:32Hey, Dad.
01:11:33Do you want to go for a walk?
01:11:53Is that Robert?
01:11:54I think so.
01:11:55What was she doing talking to Zach?
01:11:57So what can I do for you?
01:11:59She was talking to Zach.
01:12:01So what kind of parts do you think we can get for it?
01:12:03All kinds.
01:12:04We can get great deals for both starboard and port.
01:12:06Special wood for the deck.
01:12:08It's just that bad sideboard damage
01:12:10that I'll have to get creative with.
01:12:11That'll work.
01:12:12But, man, Sweet Serenity took quite a hit.
01:12:15We'll get something for it, at the very least.
01:12:18Thanks, Ron.
01:12:22Well, I guess my boat is destined to be sold for parts
01:12:25no matter who the owner is.
01:12:27Dad, I can't believe this.
01:12:30I swear, I thought he was coming around.
01:12:33Well, people are who they are.
01:12:36It's not your fault.
01:12:38Yeah, but I trusted him.
01:12:41I told you to trust him.
01:12:43I was someone who brought him into this community.
01:12:47You always see the good in people,
01:12:50just like me.
01:12:53But we were wrong.
01:12:56Yes, I guess we were wrong.
01:13:11Well, it looks amazing.
01:13:13I can't believe they built everything in time.
01:13:15Everyone really came together to make it happen.
01:13:18Just like you planned it.
01:13:20Yeah, I am proud of the design.
01:13:26I'm just so disappointed in Zach and the boat.
01:13:30You still don't know the whole story, Kat.
01:13:32Talk to him.
01:13:35Hey, there's Zach and Ariel.
01:13:37You should go say hi.
01:13:39You know what?
01:13:40I'm going to grab a piece of blueberry pie
01:13:42before it runs out.
01:13:43I'll catch up with you later.
01:13:52I've been looking all over for you.
01:13:54Maggie, I'm getting to enjoy the festival.
01:13:56Not yet.
01:13:57Edward called.
01:13:59We didn't get the account.
01:14:01Technically, no.
01:14:03You got two.
01:14:04Edward loved the new mock-up so much
01:14:06he offered you to not only design his new restaurant
01:14:08but also the sister restaurant opening downtown next year.
01:14:10Isn't that great?
01:14:12I can't...
01:14:14I mean, yeah, of course.
01:14:18It's also going to be a lot of work.
01:14:21You don't sound very excited.
01:14:23No, it's great.
01:14:24It's great.
01:14:25You just need to let it sink in.
01:14:27Hey, guys!
01:14:28They're going to announce the winners
01:14:29of the big catch competition soon.
01:14:31Let's go!
01:14:32Ooh, sounds like fun.
01:14:34It's been so nice getting to visit Mystic.
01:14:36I'm so sad I have to go back.
01:14:40Me too.
01:14:42Hey, Billy!
01:14:49Hey, there you are.
01:14:50Hey, can I talk to you for a minute?
01:14:52I think now is a very good time to talk, Zach.
01:14:57Did I miss something?
01:15:00I really don't have anything to say to you, okay?
01:15:02Enjoy the festival.
01:15:06Hi, folks!
01:15:07It's the moment we've all been waiting for.
01:15:10It's time to announce the winners
01:15:12of our Mystic Bay big catch competition.
01:15:19For our big catch competition
01:15:21we have a surprise sweep from our newcomers
01:15:24with the biggest Pacific salmon I have ever seen.
01:15:28First place goes to...
01:15:30Zach and Ariel!
01:15:32Oh, man!
01:15:47Good job.
01:15:48Nice going.
01:15:50They're going to announce the chowder showdown winner.
01:15:52Now for our chowder showdown.
01:15:56Our first place winner goes to...
01:15:58For the fifth year in a row
01:16:00with this spicy salmon chowder,
01:16:02Billy takes the competition!
01:16:08I can't believe Billy finally had to tell us
01:16:10the secret ingredient.
01:16:13Because apparently the rain ruined
01:16:15the tarragon he was growing.
01:16:17Yeah, Zach had some in his fridge.
01:16:20Zach gave Billy his secret ingredient.
01:16:23Yeah, I know.
01:16:24I was surprised, too.
01:16:26Zach had given him what he needed.
01:16:28Now for our final announcement.
01:16:31The annual crowning of our Best Mystic Bay Fisherman.
01:16:37The award goes to the person
01:16:39who best shows community spirit
01:16:42and represents the courage, kindness,
01:16:44and honor of Mystic Bay.
01:16:47This year's Best Mystic Bay Fisherman goes to...
01:16:53Our Best Mystic Bay Fisherwoman.
01:17:19Ariel brought everyone together
01:17:21with her seashell signs
01:17:23and went boat to boat
01:17:25to make sure everyone knew where to go for the festival.
01:17:27I don't think we'd all have made it here without her.
01:17:32Dad, I'm ready to be captain.
01:17:38Everyone enjoy the potluck
01:17:40and the rest of the festival.
01:17:44That was amazing!
01:17:51We should share it.
01:17:54That is so sweet.
01:17:57You know what?
01:18:00You deserve it.
01:18:03All of it.
01:18:05I have to get home.
01:18:06I have to pack to catch my train back to Seattle.
01:18:08But Ariel,
01:18:10you are such a special little starfish.
01:18:12You're going to do so great here.
01:18:14See you soon.
01:18:24Good job, honey.
01:18:25Oh, Maggie!
01:18:27Oh, do you want to head back to Seattle with me?
01:18:35You know what?
01:18:37I am going to decline that offer from Edward.
01:18:42I know it's an incredible opportunity,
01:18:44but I feel like it's time for me
01:18:46to take my business in a new direction.
01:18:49Try something new.
01:18:51Well, what are you going to do?
01:18:54You know what?
01:18:56For the first time in my life,
01:18:58I don't have a plan.
01:19:01I am going to see where the seas take me.
01:19:07But, Maggie, I have a friend in Seattle
01:19:10who is looking for a junior designer,
01:19:13and I would love to recommend you if you're interested.
01:19:17Do you think I'm ready for that?
01:19:19Yes, I do.
01:19:21Oh, thank you.
01:19:24I'll make the call.
01:19:25I think you have a train to catch.
01:19:27Okay, we'll talk soon.
01:19:29Okay. Bye.
01:19:55So, what are you going to do now?
01:20:00Well, I have to tie up a few loose ends in Seattle.
01:20:05After that, I don't know.
01:20:08But I'm ready for whatever's next.
01:20:14I saw an empty storefront in town.
01:20:18Would you ever want to collaborate?
01:20:23You'd go into business with your little bro?
01:20:26Like I've said a million times,
01:20:28you're the best chef that I know.
01:20:30What do you say?
01:20:32Yeah, of course.
01:20:35I'll make a few calls, see if it's available.
01:20:39Oh, have you seen Dad?
01:20:40I want to say goodbye.
01:20:42Yeah, he's down at the marina.
01:20:48Isn't there someone else you want to say goodbye to?
01:21:07You know, I think that ship has sailed.
01:21:12You know, you don't have to leave now, Ken.
01:21:15I'm going to find Dad.
01:21:19See you soon.
01:21:20See you soon.
01:21:32Dad, what's going on?
01:21:34Well, you were right all along.
01:21:36Now, I know that Zach was talking to Ron,
01:21:39but what he was doing was asking Ron for help in getting materials to fix our boat.
01:21:44Well, his boat now.
01:21:47It's true.
01:21:48Now, I know that you saw the good in him before I did,
01:21:52but you were right all along.
01:21:58The boat's in good hands.
01:22:00I promise you that.
01:22:07Well, I'll give it to you in a moment.
01:22:15I'm glad I caught you before you left.
01:22:17I can't believe you did all this for Mystic.
01:22:19You saved the boat, you helped save the festival.
01:22:22I thought you didn't care.
01:22:24You thought it was all an act.
01:22:26Of course I care.
01:22:28I did what I did because of you.
01:22:33You taught me what being a part of Mystic truly means.
01:22:37Family and community always come first.
01:22:41I can't just focus on my business.
01:22:45You taught me the same thing.
01:22:48I turned down my job with Edward.
01:22:57He wanted me to design a bunch of restaurants in the city.
01:23:01I realize after this week, I can make my designs anywhere.
01:23:07So what are you going to do?
01:23:11Well, I am definitely heading out into uncharted waters.
01:23:18All I know is it's time for me to start designing for my heart again.
01:23:31I didn't see the beauty in this place until you showed it to me.
01:23:36I can't picture it without you in it.
01:23:42I also know a captain who still needs help learning the best knots.
01:23:46Do you now?
01:23:50Well, I guess I could stay on one condition.
01:23:53Oh yeah, what's that?
01:23:55Do you know someone who could help me build my new storefront?
01:23:59I think I can recommend someone.
01:24:24Happy one year anniversary.
01:24:25Happy restaurant opening.
01:24:35Come on in. Hi.
01:24:37Thank you for coming.
01:24:44Okay, everybody ready to eat?
01:24:46Lee, let's grab a table at the back.
01:24:50Dad, you and Laney going to the Caribbean?
01:24:54Yes, our first adventure together.
01:24:57Move yourself.
01:25:02Let's do this.
01:25:04Fresh catch for dinner.
01:25:06That is fantastic. Take it to the kitchen, sailor.
01:25:09Aye, aye, captain.
01:25:15This is wonderful.
01:25:18Just missing one thing.
01:25:38Zack, it's beautiful.
01:25:41There is no one I want to make memories with more than you.
01:25:50Will you marry me?
01:25:52Of course I'll marry you.
01:25:58You are my new girl.
